Casting stones to delete ancient pits in house fences use KOMATSU D20P dozer with dump truck unload

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rameshkumar-ib6ii
    @rameshkumar-ib6ii 8 днів тому

    Clever and skilled driver but not giving him space to run the buldozer.Remove the grill it can be fit again.

  • @shreyasshukla3610
    @shreyasshukla3610 Місяць тому +1

    It would Have been better to carry out such small work by manualy.

  • @RistaOktaviaWD
    @RistaOktaviaWD Місяць тому +2

    Kegiatan pengurukan di jalan gang2 wilayang ini, sdh buuuanyak yg ku ikuti dlm tayangan. Pertanyaan sy, kok blm ada yg mbalas dg keterangan. Di kiri kanan jalan Kok nggak ada parit/Drinase nya ya. Jika hujan, Jalur pembuangan air kemana ya. Jangan2 Air cari tempat sendiri ketempat yg lebih rendah.😲🙏✌️👍

  • @samuelnason8585
    @samuelnason8585 Місяць тому +1

    It's sewage being buried, look how deep that truck, it took the whole truck full and the second truck, must be deep, i wonder where all their waste water and sewage is going to go after thats filled in, lol, must stink.

  • @samuelnason8585
    @samuelnason8585 Місяць тому

    They should got a truck in there to suck the water out first. before they filled it in, see the water is just coming up through the rock and continue doing it when it rains or when somebody uses their drains. big problem is going to turn into a bigger problem.

  • @วรพจแสงสว่าง


  • @umbertobiagioni
    @umbertobiagioni Місяць тому

    Come mai non fanno la raccolta diferenziata, invece di sppellire tutto quando coprono con le macerie!!!!

  • @jimfallows7324
    @jimfallows7324 Місяць тому

    Look how he's struggling with that tree dont you people know anything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @garyk1998
    @garyk1998 Місяць тому

    bobcat would have been better

  • @jimfallows7324
    @jimfallows7324 Місяць тому

    To lazy to drain the water out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @AntonioSemionato
    @AntonioSemionato 22 дні тому


  • @DarylBoettcher
    @DarylBoettcher Місяць тому

    THEY just ruined there drinking water source and bath tub.

    • @ric92
      @ric92 Місяць тому
