Masha'Allah these Qasidahs are incredibly spiritual & majestic in their meanings ❤️ Jazzakoum Allah Khair for translating it beautifully for us to read & understand the meanings behind what's being said 🙏🏻 و صلى الله و سلم و بارك على سيدنا و حبيبنا و نبينا محمد وعلى آله و صحبه أجمعين كلما ذكره الذاكرون و كلما غفل عن ذكره الغافلون 🕊️
Masha'Allah these Qasidahs are incredibly spiritual & majestic in their meanings ❤️
Jazzakoum Allah Khair for translating it beautifully for us to read & understand the meanings behind what's being said 🙏🏻
و صلى الله و سلم و بارك على سيدنا و حبيبنا و نبينا محمد وعلى آله و صحبه أجمعين كلما ذكره الذاكرون و كلما غفل عن ذكره الغافلون 🕊️
Yaa Salaam Yaa Salaam, May Allaah bless all involved in getting this most beautiful rendition of this most beautiful Qaseedah!
Marsha Allah so Beautiful