#01 Learn Arabic Course for English Speaking Students - Madinah Arabic Book Level 1 - Video #01

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @liba149
    @liba149 8 років тому +465

    Please make loads of duas for this Ustadah subhan'Allaah he has dedicated his time for us to learn in return of deeds, least we can do is to make Dua for him
    May Allaah bless this Ustadah with the highest level of jannah Say Ameen
    May Allaah forgive his sins
    May Allaah put barakah in his life
    May Allaah increase his knowledge
    May Allaah accept his deeds
    May Allaah preserve him
    May Allaah be pleased with him
    May Allaah be with him
    May Allaah protect him
    May Allaah protect his emaan
    May Allaah bless him with
    The fruit of jannah
    Allahuma Ameen

    • @mowakazeem8979
      @mowakazeem8979 8 років тому +2

      emaan faith Ameen

    • @mohammedhoque1318
      @mohammedhoque1318 8 років тому

      emaan faith

    • @anthonydavis1547
      @anthonydavis1547 7 років тому +5

      may Allah give him mercy on the day of judgement and you as well....ameen

    • @khanumsays
      @khanumsays 7 років тому +3

      Ameen Allahumma Ameen. :)

    • @Amial2011
      @Amial2011 7 років тому

      I've been researching into teaching yourself to talk Arabic easily and found a fantastic resource at Mirykal lingo guide (check it out on google)

  • @dralizaekhan6721
    @dralizaekhan6721 5 років тому +123

    I have just started this lecture , brothers and sisters plz give me a little bit of motivation and dua so that I can complete it in shaa Allah. ..

    • @maroofahmedmalik7705
      @maroofahmedmalik7705 5 років тому

      Salam, is the download link for book working for you ?

    • @dralizaekhan6721
      @dralizaekhan6721 5 років тому +1

      @@maroofahmedmalik7705 w.salam brother ,I downloaded the book in pdf and it is working !!!

    • @saikout.ceesay4534
      @saikout.ceesay4534 2 роки тому

      Can you please guide me how to download the book

    • @seemanusrat8689
      @seemanusrat8689 Рік тому +1

      As Salam aliyakum w rahmatullahi w barkathu in sha Allha keep on trying Allha will surely help

    • @sysybaba420
      @sysybaba420 Рік тому +1

      mashaAllah brother I just started this lecture and your explanation is beautiful. Looking forward to the rest of the course InshaAllah

  • @80shabz
    @80shabz 9 років тому +252

    Suddenly, I am feeling an overwhelming desire to become a hafizah.
    For all those mothers out there, I had 3 children all under the age of 6. I would wake up at 5 am and continue until 7 am by which time it would be time to wake the children up for school. I now cannot sleep past 5 am even if I tried. Anyone considering it, dont hesitate.

    • @basayl
      @basayl 6 років тому +5

      80shabz an excellent idea for lazy guts like me

    • @littleseedseducation
      @littleseedseducation 5 років тому +4

      Thanks for the inspiration !

    • @lexicallycorrect
      @lexicallycorrect 4 роки тому +4

      May Allah bless you our sister in faith. Ameen.
      Sister if you could advise me how to start these videos with your advise for the sake of Allah taala that would be much appreciated.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

    • @Jameela01
      @Jameela01 7 місяців тому

      are you hafizah now

  • @gibinibi9229
    @gibinibi9229 2 роки тому +84

    I have watched from the first to the last minute of the 200+ hours of video of the 96 class sessions. Alhamdulillah. I have checked most courses on UA-cam, but Mr. Asif Meherali's teaching remains the gold standard, even after 15 years since the live classes.
    If you have come here to learn Arabic grammar from beginner to in-depth, you have found the best set of instructions. Wish you best in your blessed journey!

    • @Tiazhh
      @Tiazhh 2 роки тому +2

      Jazaķ Allahu khairan for the Endorsement and Encouragement to SUBSCRIBE for All Material. May Allah SWT keep BLESS us ALL.

    • @magethemaskedgamer4510
      @magethemaskedgamer4510 2 роки тому

      @@Tiazhh Asalaamu 'alaikum akhee, do I need to pay for the actual books? If so, where can I get it? I'm not able to purchase right now, but in-shaa-ALLAAH, I would like to get it one day in the future, aameen ya robb.

    • @Molomparty
      @Molomparty Рік тому

      @@magethemaskedgamer4510 assalamualaikum brother. The books are available online. I have downloaded the PDF copy and using it. The PDF copy says it is for personal use only. I have question, too, if the PDF copies are not legal, I am ready to donate the same amount for the books fi-sabilillah.

    • @alisajidcheema3601
      @alisajidcheema3601 Рік тому

      After this course can you understand Quran and arabic books?

    • @sankyeat
      @sankyeat Рік тому

      If i dont even know the alphabet and have never spoken arabic is this course too advanced? Do i need to know basics first like a b c or no?

  • @mali5o5
    @mali5o5 10 років тому +139

    the best teacher I saw after a long time, may Allah grant him health so he could teach for long time(aameen)

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @mohamedabdirahman2870
    @mohamedabdirahman2870 5 років тому +58

    I am from Somalia, I am non Arabic speaker, but one thing I have in mind is to speak the language of the Qur'an fluently in shaa Allah. May Allah make it easy for me. Ameen.

    • @abdulquadir3611
      @abdulquadir3611 5 років тому +1


    • @Salheeeel6
      @Salheeeel6 Рік тому +4

      brother hows the progress in all these years

    • @Arsal_777
      @Arsal_777 Рік тому +1


    • @saraharshadkhan3172
      @saraharshadkhan3172 9 місяців тому

      Maa'shaa'allah ta'barakAllah ❤

    • @supawithdacream5626
      @supawithdacream5626 5 місяців тому

      It’s easy especially if ur somali you share with Arabic grammar maybe tough but not impossible uf you were immersed in Quran school as s kid you already have an advantage may Allah make ease for everyone

  • @abuamatullah1
    @abuamatullah1 12 років тому +28

    I am an english speaker who is living in Egypt and have tried studying here but find this so much easier to follow being in English. And you can study on your own schedule. This is a blessing from Allah for sure for any one willing to invest the time to learn Arabic.

    • @feroalbayrak514
      @feroalbayrak514 7 місяців тому

      Salamun aleykum did ut help you? Can you now understand arabic?

    • @sandropalmas3174
      @sandropalmas3174 7 місяців тому

      ​@@feroalbayrak514fero... The comment is from 11 years ago!!!! 😮

  • @amnakhokhar1666
    @amnakhokhar1666 10 років тому +72

    Arabic is a language you instantly fall in love with, and you feel like learning more of it just to understand the Words of Allah as you recite the Quran.
    May Allah bless this teacher immensely.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому +1

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @HelpingHandLanguageAcademy
    @HelpingHandLanguageAcademy 5 років тому +31

    We recommend this series for anyone who can already read Arabic and wants to learn the Classical Arabic especially if you are studying it for religious purposes , 👍🏻

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @snipermk0
    @snipermk0 11 років тому +39

    lol mashaAllah, I love this teacher. He keeps telling his students over and over not to worry and that its gonna be ok.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @fazeelsaeed8982
    @fazeelsaeed8982 9 років тому +85

    Brother Asif Meherali, You have proved us all that you do not always need a university degree to do something great. You are insha Allah far more knowledgeable than most of those university degree holders who are teaching Arabic language. Some of the early scientists also did not have university degrees but those followed them studied their concepts and have to attend universities to study the concepts. Maasha Allah you have been gifted my beloved Ustaz Asif Meherali and may Allah bless you in life and hereafter.

    • @anouaressanoussi
      @anouaressanoussi 5 років тому

      In shaa Allah*

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @arandomdude1741
    @arandomdude1741 8 місяців тому +5

    I will be starting this course soon. Just leaving this comment here just in case someone years later asks me about my progress (and I get the notification for it), then I will update on how it went. Maybe it will motivate someone who begins learning at that time InshaAllah.
    I will be using the LQ Toronto website.

    • @ampere37
      @ampere37 7 місяців тому +1

      Soo your progress brother?????

    • @Jameela01
      @Jameela01 6 місяців тому +1

      ur progress??)

    • @goobermcgoober
      @goobermcgoober 3 дні тому

      How did it go? 😊 I just found this and would like to start.

  • @Mkzzz2
    @Mkzzz2 Рік тому +8

    May Allah swt reward the people immensely for making these freely accessible. Was in much need of such course, I'm non Arab and taking steps towards learning the Language of the Quran, in sha Allah will try my best to go through the whole course and try to be fluent in Arabic. May Allah swt make the path towards learning Arabic easy for everyone striving. Ameen.

  • @akhiyussuf
    @akhiyussuf Місяць тому +1

    i just started the coarse and wallahi the teacher is heart calming may allah grant him the highest rank of jannah and inshaallah i will give you guys the feedback once am done with the coarse may ALLAH make our journey inshaalah

  • @AG_on_YT
    @AG_on_YT 3 роки тому +10

    Alhamdulillah I just finished the last lecture in book 3.
    I still have lots of vocab to learn but i encourage everyone to be persistent with this course.
    The internet is a crazy place in this day and age subhanAllah the resources are plentiful and practically free, you just need to set some time aside.
    2 hours a day is not too much to ask for most people, its just about prioritizing.
    you may find it difficult at times but i promise once you've studied for a while the act of retaining information from class becomes easier.
    May Allah JA bless us all with the arabic language

    • @arham2498
      @arham2498 3 роки тому

      Brother where i can get these books
      Is there any site where i can download these books? . Pls tell me

    • @sanajabeen6123
      @sanajabeen6123 3 роки тому

      @@arham2498 www.australianislamiclibrary.org/madinah-arabic-books---taught-by-br-asif-meherali-canada.html

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому +1

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

    • @AG_on_YT
      @AG_on_YT 3 роки тому +1

      @@arabicmumtaz May Allah bless your efforts, for me stories are my favourite way to learn

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому +1

      @@AG_on_YT working on story content as well..need your prayers.may Allah make it beneficial for all and accept our efforts in learning this divine language

  • @irfanmindian
    @irfanmindian 7 років тому +76

    Allahu Akbar.... !!! Insha Allah, I am going to finish Book 3 soon (Last lap).... Its been 14 months so far for me... I guess in Another couple of Months, I should be through.... But Just great Journey.... If anyone asks me whats your biggest asset in my life... I would not have a second thought but to say Allah Guiding me to his Book... Through This Great Course !!! May Allah bless every soul involved in this great course.... I am someone, started learning Arabic Alphabets at the age of 30.... Now I am 37.... :D :D :D.... Truly Allah's greatest Mercy to Mankind is Quráan.

    • @muhsinabubakar394
      @muhsinabubakar394 4 роки тому

      May it be easy for you.

    • @raiyaanjp
      @raiyaanjp 3 роки тому

      how can I get materials

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

    • @reachforjannah976
      @reachforjannah976 3 роки тому

      @@raiyaanjp are you still looking for materials?

    • @ihnayem9234
      @ihnayem9234 2 роки тому

      Where to get this book please reply

  • @Noamanos._.Machdes
    @Noamanos._.Machdes 3 роки тому +15

    Dun = Marfu = Nominative Case
    Dan = Mansub = Accusative Case
    Din = Majrur = Genitive Case

  • @ummbilalnisar5015
    @ummbilalnisar5015 4 роки тому +7

    It seems I am back to my childhood and an aged noble teacher is feeding me bit by bit slowly and smoothly so that I may learn properly. I think this man is earning a very huge reward. May Allah give him an abode in jannat firdaus. And he uploaded all his videos free. SubhanAllah how Allah makes his deen easy for people.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

    • @gibinibi9229
      @gibinibi9229 2 роки тому

      The teacher (Asif Meherali) is still living, still teaching

  • @awaazidil891
    @awaazidil891 9 років тому +32

    Ma sha Allah... this teacher is very nice .... respect from me....and he is making lessons more easy to learn....May Allah bless him and all the people who made these lessons easy to learn and easy to reach to us.....Amin

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @palashali7286
    @palashali7286 10 років тому +39

    may Allah bless this respected teacher........

  • @esratasneem1113
    @esratasneem1113 Рік тому +3

    Alhumdullillah, I am very happy I found Ustadh Asif MeherAli. He is a born teacher with super patience, SubhanAllah ❤

  • @hussainbarry8898
    @hussainbarry8898 Рік тому +3

    I will be starting this courses in September and hope to finish it أن شاءالله one day. y'all I need your prayers

  • @irfanmindian
    @irfanmindian 7 років тому +17

    Brother Asi Ali, first video is like, a Phd Scholared father teaching his children LKG.... Masha Allah, Laa Hawala Wa La Kuwwta Illa Billah..... May Allah Bless you Jannatul Firdous Brother Asif and to Dr. Abdur Raheem and to every soul Involved in this great master piece.... (I am saying this, after i saw him doing Magic in Book 3 with Unique features of Arabic.. He teaches as if its Halwa - Puri... Allahu Akabr.)

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @khairilyani8629
    @khairilyani8629 6 років тому +19

    The first time, I thought Arabic was difficult.Although I can read qur'an, It is still hard for me to understand this language, But after i follow your course. It make me easier to understand it. Thanks a lot.god bless you

  • @Justice-Barzackh
    @Justice-Barzackh 3 роки тому +4

    شكرن Brother Meyer Ali
    I am that one student (perhaps) who is here to learn Arabic for the reasons you initially described.
    Make dua that all students persevere and succeed !
    What a cool,calm and considerate teacher !
    May Allah reward him immensely !

    @MBOLAJIDE 9 років тому +32

    i am pleased to know this site and be able to read the quran and understand the full meaning of what i am saying when praying.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @abdulkaiumkhan9056
    @abdulkaiumkhan9056 5 років тому +4

    From Bangladesh. Best teacher i have ever seen. How easily he can explain tough thing in simple way!! Completed madina book 1& 2 alhamdulillah. Book 3 is running. May Allah rewards the whole team, ameen.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

    • @LearningYouth
      @LearningYouth Рік тому

      How is your current arabic understanding level?! Can you understand quran while reading and listening?

  • @draddie6685
    @draddie6685 Рік тому +3

    Teachers like him are blessing...i am learning from his video lectures and Arabic seems HALWA PURI😂...May Allah bless him with emaan and good health....His efforts are priceless....

  • @hoodntege5892
    @hoodntege5892 5 років тому +13

    It’s my first day,pray for me..it’s like am understanding quickly

    • @ayaanirshadbhat6567
      @ayaanirshadbhat6567 4 роки тому +1

      subhanallah keep going akhi

    • @mihadmehboob5538
      @mihadmehboob5538 4 роки тому +2

      Full Free E book including all resources.. etc..--->www.lqmississauga.com/resources/madinah-book-resources.
      I got the original book online.---> amzn.to/2xHFH5y
      Facebook group --> facebook.com/groups/madinabooks
      Hope this helps. جزاك الله خير

    • @almasjacob3381
      @almasjacob3381 4 роки тому

      How is it going bro

  • @abdallaomar4673
    @abdallaomar4673 7 років тому +17

    The most clear understandable Arabic course online . Thank to teacher he is the wonderful teacher mashallah. May Allah bless him and grant him jannah. And all the person who made available Allah grant all of them blessings and you pleasure.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому +1

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

      @CPAABDIGUHAD Рік тому

      ​@@arabicmumtazThank you

  • @sadatgattoo7628
    @sadatgattoo7628 10 років тому +17

    may allah bless u...u r the best teacher i have seen and u are teaching the best language of the worlds

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @nothingelse5136
    @nothingelse5136 3 роки тому +1

    Ok guys i am a native arabica speaker and now I learning english so if u are a native english speaker and now you are reading my comment and you wanna learn arabica i will help you to learn arabica and you will help me to learn english .

  • @michyoung77
    @michyoung77 10 років тому +51

    I'm not learning this for qua'ran purposes, as I am a Christian, but this works beautifully as a proper way to Karen Arabic grammar. An excellent resource!!! :)

    • @hpfrantzy5
      @hpfrantzy5 10 років тому +3

      same here! YasuA's name is so beautiful in arabic

    • @FamilyGuySweden
      @FamilyGuySweden 10 років тому +16

      When you become good at reading and understanding, try to read third chapter of the Holy Quran, as you said you are a Christian that chapter speak to Christians actually :)

    • @hpfrantzy5
      @hpfrantzy5 10 років тому

      LinearAlgebra ***** yourselves, read Isaiah 53

    • @FamilyGuySweden
      @FamilyGuySweden 10 років тому

      ***** for what?

    • @hpfrantzy5
      @hpfrantzy5 10 років тому

      LinearAlgebra ***** it is more relevant because JESUS HIMSEL SAID ITS WRITTEN ABOUT HIM. Or maybe read Psalm 22, Jesus' last words on the cross are found in the first verse and verses 16-18 describes what happened to Him. In both of these,
      Or perhaps read Daniel 7:13-14 and ask who is this human being people are worshiping forever? And why does He have an eternal kingdom. Jesus claimed to be that "Son of Man" prophesied in Daniel, and that phrase alone, "Son of Man" caused the people about to kill Him to tear off their clothes. Read Jesus quoting from that chapter after being asked if He was the Son of Allah in Mark 14:62.
      Lastly, for now, read Psalm 2, or read Matthew 22:41-46 and ask why Jesus quoted His ancestor David in Psalm 110:1. Was He David's son, or David's Lord? How is it that King David calls Him Lord?
      41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, 42 “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?”
      “The son of David,” they replied.
      43 He said to them, “How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him ‘Lord’? For he says,
      44 “‘The Lord said to my Lord:
      “Sit at my right hand
      until I put your enemies
      under your feet.”’[e]
      45 If then David calls him ‘Lord,’ how can he be his son?” 46 No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.
      You see, I've actually read Surah Maryam. Not only does it not mention Joseph, the husband of the virgin Mary, but it contradicts the Injeel. The surah provides an argument for a DIFFERENT Jesus whereas the Jesus of the Injeel was alive, speaking to people, forgiving sins, calling Himself the Son of God, the King of the Jews. Matthew and Luke also records His ancestors on both Maryam and Joseph's side. We know because of the thoroughness of the Bible that BOTH Maryam and Joseph descended from King David, making Jesus the heir to David's Throne, and the fulfillment of God's promise to David in 2 Samuel 7:16, an eternal throne like the Man in Daniel 7:13-14.
      Where Surah Maryam tells me that Zechariah, John the Baptists father, was mute for 3 days after Gabriel told him he would have a son, the injeel tells me that Zechariah was mute until John the Baptist was circumcised, 8 days after he was born. Was he mute for 3 days like Surah 19:10 says or 9 months like the injeel says?
      The Quran reveals Jesus 600 years after Jesus walked the earth. And Isaiah 53 reveals Jesus 700 years BEFORE He was born, among many passages in the Hebrew bible written about Jesus. Which one is more likely to be the word of Allah? Prophetic mentions of Jesus or contradictory accounts of the Injeel?

  • @MuhammedAliErbir
    @MuhammedAliErbir 10 років тому +21

    turkish: ingilizce bilen kardeşlere arapça öğrenmek için tavsiye edebileceğim en iyi kaynak, allah vesile olanlardan razı olsun
    eng: the best source to learn arabic for who knows english. I wish Allah satisfied who serve for this lecture videos

    • @aBBB321
      @aBBB321 10 років тому +2

      Amin brother

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @AdmiralShinee
    @AdmiralShinee 6 років тому +61

    Handout Pg 1 - Pg 3 (From the beginning to 41:15)
    Lesson 1 (41:15 to 1:12:42)
    Lesson 2 (1:12:44 to 1:20:15)
    Lesson 3 till Pg 16 Ex. 4 (1:21:16 to the end)
    *Note:* Links to the Madina Arabic book, key, solutions and handouts in the description.
    My comment in no way is a means to skip parts of the video. It's just for people who come *back* to Brother Asif's videos for a better understanding of certain concepts. I hope my comment will help them save time and watch parts that they want a revision in.

    • @hirayounus2479
      @hirayounus2479 5 років тому

      It did. Thank u .I know you mean well.

    • @ilovediys2401
      @ilovediys2401 5 років тому +2

      How can i download handouts? Can you please share link

    • @maroofahmedmalik7705
      @maroofahmedmalik7705 5 років тому

      Salam sister, i have started the course recently but unfortunately i couldnt open the website link or download the book. would you be able to send me the book ?

    • @rumaysa5800
      @rumaysa5800 5 років тому +2

      If you type into the google search bar “abdurrahman madina book 1” you’ll come to a website abdurrahman dot org and you should find that the class notes are available there إن شاء الله

    • @ShafaqAmeer
      @ShafaqAmeer 5 років тому

      just found this video but i cannot access the website given. kindly share the link for books

  • @taiwosegun7053
    @taiwosegun7053 2 роки тому +1

    Alhamdullillah Rabil A'lameen
    May Almighty Allah Grant this man his heart desires in this life and next life.

  • @asadmunizakhan1306
    @asadmunizakhan1306 5 років тому +7

    May Allah give him aajar for this .thanx alot today is my first day with his lesson
    Pray for me that i will complete all his lessons n understand it properly.ammen
    Jst for the love of Allah

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @richardpucci6771
    @richardpucci6771 3 роки тому +1

    love the Arabic language...finally now with these courses and Itaki...I will succeed ....inshalla

  • @abubakaryahuza863
    @abubakaryahuza863 11 років тому +18

    Thank you very much for the lesson
    .May Allah bless you.

    • @SpeakLikeAnEgyptian
      @SpeakLikeAnEgyptian 10 років тому +1

      He is doing a great job :)

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @fadunabdulhakeem1950
    @fadunabdulhakeem1950 3 роки тому +2

    May Allah bless him and grant him the highest place in Jannah. I learned all 3 books from him.

    • @sab35
      @sab35 3 роки тому

      Can you fluently speak and understand Arabic now? How long did it took you to finish all books?
      Sorry if there's any gramatical error, English's not my first language:)

  • @autocarcare2890
    @autocarcare2890 10 років тому +10

    it is really nice effort for learn arabic and the teacher is so kind God bless you sir

  • @hamzahassan7851
    @hamzahassan7851 4 роки тому +2

    Great teacher...May Allah grant him Jannah. Ameen

    • @mihadmehboob5538
      @mihadmehboob5538 4 роки тому

      Full Free E book including all resources.. etc..--->www.lqmississauga.com/resources/madinah-book-resources.
      I got the original book online.---> amzn.to/2xHFH5y
      Facebook group --> facebook.com/groups/madinabooks
      Hope this helps. جزاك الله خير

  • @zareenabegum3325
    @zareenabegum3325 6 років тому +3

    JazakAllah khairan kaseera, brothers n sisters who strived for this hard work for our ummah

  • @4youashraf
    @4youashraf 10 років тому +1

    Assalamualakum all. This videos very use full for studying Madina Books series. Alhamdulliah I am now studying 11 lesson allaha give me his hidaya. Aameen. Mehar ali sab greatest man.

  • @md.abdussattar9657
    @md.abdussattar9657 8 років тому +8

    Excellent. Most beneficial to all Muslims

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @poetryinsky8680
    @poetryinsky8680 4 роки тому +2

    Sir thanks for sharing all your lectures, I am a Bengali speaking Muslim, hopefully I will continue to learn from you

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @asadabbasjafri001
    @asadabbasjafri001 6 років тому +88

    157 people have disliked this video. Brother Asif is doing such a wonderful job and these 157 idiots could not recognize his effort.
    I feel sorry for those 157 who students whoc disliked it. May Allah Taalah give them real eyes where they can see how good and great job this man is doing.

    • @student7259
      @student7259 4 роки тому

      Ungrateful Jahils.

    • @almasjacob3381
      @almasjacob3381 4 роки тому +1


    • @lexicallycorrect
      @lexicallycorrect 4 роки тому +4

      The world is benefiting brother don't worry about them.
      They are fools

    • @acommon5561
      @acommon5561 3 роки тому +5

      They must have misclicked it
      Be positive 👍🏼

    • @namakdarmodi9310
      @namakdarmodi9310 Рік тому +1

      A person needs to be liked, to be disliked, don't worry brother.

  • @smjobair1572
    @smjobair1572 3 місяці тому

    I love the calm and peaceful style of teaching of this teacher mashallah

  • @Rahim0472
    @Rahim0472 9 років тому +7

    Assalamu alaikum,First I'd like to thanks to all team members who participated for providing such a great course,As I'm a born Muslim ,I'm easily understanding , I'm enjoying this course and getting surprise when I come to know the fact, Because I'm familiar with Arabic language(In reading) but I don't know the meanings. This course helping me a lot to understand in Arabic which I daily recite. And my Special Thanks to Asif (Teacher) for teaching very understandably.n I habituated to his songs which he created himself. Defiantly Allah may Reward them to all team Members including the students.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @cutlet9227
    @cutlet9227 Рік тому +2

    alhamdhulillah. first class done

  • @joet371
    @joet371 6 років тому +6

    I have taken a few Arabic Courses and nothing touches this one not only for its resources (Inexpensive books easily purchased online), content (learning nouns then verbs step-by-step) but the teacher........wow !!! This man loves what he does !!!! He makes learning easy !!!

  • @wasifidris
    @wasifidris 4 роки тому +1

    He is the best teacher of Arabic I have...
    May Allah bless you always sir for your efforts

  • @Syedkahmed
    @Syedkahmed 9 років тому +13

    Jazakallah Khair... May Allah reward you for such a beautiful work..

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @dr.mobarakali255
    @dr.mobarakali255 4 роки тому +1

    Jazakum Allahu Khairan. Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammad Wa Ale Muhammad.

  • @shozabnaqvi2673
    @shozabnaqvi2673 3 роки тому +5

    You're such a great Arabic Teacher, loved the song!!

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @richardpucci6771
    @richardpucci6771 3 роки тому +2

    So very thankful for these videos...I'm 68, wish we had computers when I was in high school.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @Adam-ws4wi
    @Adam-ws4wi 7 років тому +7

    salaam im learning this at the moment, so please remember me in your dua's That Allah make it easy for me (and other who are studying) and that the portal of knowledge remains open.

    • @clearlyclearor
      @clearlyclearor 4 роки тому


    • @almasjacob3381
      @almasjacob3381 4 роки тому +1

      Ameen...its been 2 years since your comment...hows it going

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @jas82ahmed
    @jas82ahmed 8 років тому +2

    Masha'Allah lots of dua's for this teacher. May Allah give him reward here and hereafter.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @МикоМико-ф1ы
    @МикоМико-ф1ы 6 років тому +6

    May Allah bless you, ya dear brother Asif!
    Thank you for your teaching
    I say "Alhamdulillah" for finding these lessons!
    جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا جدا يا أخي الكريم!
    As-Salam from Kazakhstan!
    Алла разы болсын!

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @abdulqayum5302
    @abdulqayum5302 4 роки тому +1

    This brother is excellent at explaining things. Simple and straight to the point. May Allah SWT reward him for his work for the Ummah. Ameen

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @Yasmine-eo9tf
    @Yasmine-eo9tf 3 роки тому +4

    JazakAllah Khair my teacher! I wish I was your live student to bring you nice gifts every lesson. I will make lots of dua for you! May Allah reward and bless you!

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому +1

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @mdjosimuddin8307
    @mdjosimuddin8307 6 місяців тому +2

    I am watching from Bangladesh

  • @asirintisar7663
    @asirintisar7663 8 років тому +5

    may Allah (swt) bless ustaad and all persons related with this video... with the greatness and mercy in world and hereafter... Jazak Allahu Khayran....

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @siyawashnishat
    @siyawashnishat Місяць тому +1

    May Allah bless you.

  • @yusufbegg5697
    @yusufbegg5697 10 років тому +4

    Jazakallah Khayr. I enjoyed this did arabic at school as a third language but completely forgot it as I have not used it in for over a decade. These videos make learning arabic easy, I like the method of teaching the language. Peace be upon you.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @shareefind
    @shareefind 4 роки тому +1

    This course is perfect and Shaik Asif Meher Ali taught very will.... very beneficial... May Allah reward him lots of hasanaath...

  • @muftiasif
    @muftiasif 11 років тому +4

    good job
    i benefited from this videos and suggested my students to listen these classes which are very useful for them. i have an institute in hyderabad india as institute of arabic studies mehdipatnam hyderabad full time institute for quranic and spoken arabic . since 2005 we trained thousands of student in arabic reading writhing and speaking and understanding quran.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @industrialcopycentre6028
    @industrialcopycentre6028 8 років тому +1

    i pray to ALLAH the almighty that he grants my dear uncle Asif janna firdaws...he really brought tears to my eyes several times because of his kind and sweet way of teaching...

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @salimkibz9967
    @salimkibz9967 10 років тому +7

    The teaching is amazing, Maasha Allah. May Allah grant the teacher diverse knowledge to benefit him and others here and after life, In Shaa Allah

  • @muhammadsyarifsoleman7440
    @muhammadsyarifsoleman7440 2 роки тому

    I am muslim from Indonesia and Alhamdulillah I can speak Arabic language but I need learning how to teach this language in English language thank for the Syekh was explain US this lesson now i wanna learn Arabic with English in order to teach my brother of Islam..

  • @musiciansanjoy
    @musiciansanjoy 3 роки тому +3

    Sir, I know urdu well , so it is becoming easy and interesting to follow your class. Your technique of teaching is really amazing which is helping me a lot .Many many thanks to you.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

    • @mushk5411
      @mushk5411 2 роки тому

      @@arabicmumtaz Salam Sir..where do you teach in Toronto or any where in GTA n how can get the books ....Stay blessed!!

  • @urwaazam956
    @urwaazam956 3 роки тому +1

    I've never seen such a great and passionate teacher. The most understandable course for arabic. I was in search of a teacher like him. best part of lecture: "brothers and sisters don't worry"😇

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому +1

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @courtneyhollis1556
    @courtneyhollis1556 4 роки тому +4

    Such a great teacher! Tangents are welcome to help give a pause to retain new info and remember why we are all learning Arabic. :) Thank you!

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @fakhriaalam5519
    @fakhriaalam5519 4 роки тому +1

    I have started the course now in shaa allah. May Allah make it easy for me Ameen

    • @mihadmehboob5538
      @mihadmehboob5538 4 роки тому

      Full Free E book including all resources.. etc..--->www.lqmississauga.com/resources/madinah-book-resources.
      I got the original book online.---> amzn.to/2xHFH5y
      Facebook group --> facebook.com/groups/madinabooks
      Hope this helps. جزاك الله خير

  • @hbjrockzz
    @hbjrockzz 4 роки тому +4

    I love this man. MashaAllah :D
    So much spirit :')
    May Allah grant him Jannah Aaaaameeeen

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @syedyasinshah5607
    @syedyasinshah5607 3 роки тому +2

    I've understood video 1 to a great extent on account of the enthusiastic support of our respected teacher. May the Allah, bless him, his family and the umma here and in the real life hereafter. Ameen.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @jolie416
    @jolie416 10 років тому +18

    With all my heart May Allah grant you the Firdous .. Ameen! I have always struggled with arabic and this lesson has made things crystal clear. Jazakallahu Khair! :))
    P.S. love your teaching style! .. the song really helped :)

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @shahinahmed2733
    @shahinahmed2733 4 роки тому +1

    I'm really lucky to have sir's lectures personally. He himself is a book my lot blessing. He my idol.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @fatimashaikh6307
    @fatimashaikh6307 8 років тому +5

    Mashallah may Allah bless you million times....jazakallah

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @mohammadpourheydarian5877
    @mohammadpourheydarian5877 2 роки тому

    I know parts of Quran by heart yet video is eye opening for me. No wonder that Prophet Muhammad's miracle is Quran that grammatically is perfect.

  • @mohamedibrahimayisha7428
    @mohamedibrahimayisha7428 8 років тому +9

    Masha Allah. nice and very useful videos. jazakallahu khairan ustaadah... may Allah shower his blessings on you. in shaa Allah ... aameen

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @SKhan-go4ev
    @SKhan-go4ev 3 роки тому +1

    Salute to such a dedicated and humanity serving person. May Allah ease up your both worlds. Aameen.

  • @iqraquran
    @iqraquran 10 років тому +4

    Leraning arabic is fascinating with him

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @traininsane5757
    @traininsane5757 7 місяців тому

    Allahuma barik jazak Allahu khayran very good teacher and you can feel the passion in his teaching and in the arab languedge

  • @adamkamarul
    @adamkamarul 7 років тому +3

    Jazakallah jazhilan bro asif for all the lesson was very helpful.

  • @learningarabicwithenglishu878
    @learningarabicwithenglishu878 4 роки тому +1

    جزاك الله أحسن الجزا فى الدنيا والاخرة

  • @3Rahm
    @3Rahm 12 років тому

    Alhamdulillah,Jazamukullahu khairan for upload which to benefiting others who hungry of knowledge of Islamic educations until the eternity of akhirah.

  • @ashaqbhat1120
    @ashaqbhat1120 8 років тому +4

    as salamu alykum brothers n sisters
    I am immensly thankful to lq Toronto, brother aasif , hameeda bashir and many other for their extraordinary effort in producing n uploading these videos.
    I feel a treasure is unfolding in front of me.
    it is so joyful to learn arabic.
    May Allah bless us all

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @asadabbasjafri001
    @asadabbasjafri001 6 років тому +1

    May Allah Almighty give Brother Asif health and more strength to continue the teachings.SubhanAllah.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @mulkiqali144
    @mulkiqali144 8 років тому +4

    I is started yesterday and is helping me subhanallah jazakallahu qher

    • @zeeshanrasheed1887
      @zeeshanrasheed1887 4 роки тому

      Hows it going now ??

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @dennyy307
    @dennyy307 6 років тому +1

    Jazakallah khair. thanks to the lecturer, uploader, and all party involved in the process

  • @theperfection007
    @theperfection007 10 років тому +3

    This is a ggggggreat video , i love it may Allah bless you for this.
    And may Allah help the people who are learning this and make it easy for them

  • @shahidsarfraz5040
    @shahidsarfraz5040 4 роки тому +1

    Salam,I pray for brother Asif ,he is doing such a great job ,,he is dedicated and takes such a pain and hard ship for guiding us.May Allah grant Him for his deeds.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • @nathalie.el2
    @nathalie.el2 11 років тому +3

    The greatest Lessons I see ever! BarakAllahu feek brother!

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @razikhabazlullah7315
    @razikhabazlullah7315 4 роки тому +2

    Masha Allah. Really a noble job indeed. Just today i browsed this page and i was so much impressed and interested in this lesson that i have decided to give it a try everyday. I wish shaitaan doesnt disturb me in my learning.
    May Allah help me and everyone who wish to complete this course in a successful manner. Aameen.
    May Allah give this teacher a healthy and a happy life for alloting his precious time for the improvement of others. Aameen.

  • @zamzamsheikh6282
    @zamzamsheikh6282 3 роки тому +3

    Hats off!!!...May ALLAH bless u with all the happiness and success!🥺🤲👏

  • @antonyhelsby9374
    @antonyhelsby9374 7 років тому +1

    He has such a warm and fulfilling teaching style.

    • @arabicmumtaz
      @arabicmumtaz 3 роки тому

      I am creating Arabic content for beginners. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  • @dinaagha
    @dinaagha 6 років тому +4

    You are amazing god blesses you

  • @sc9043
    @sc9043 3 роки тому +1

    MashaAllah these lessons are great Allah reward Brother Arif ameen

  • @ummhadi2769
    @ummhadi2769 6 років тому +3

    Assalamu alaikum brother asif mehar ali you did a great job may allah bless you and your family and grant all of us to jannathul firdaus