Epicness right there on that stage. Tuomas and the vast majority of Nightwish fans found their shangri-la when Floor joined the band to rescue their North American tour in October 2012 🙏😊👍
Great reaction. Your description of Floor's impact on her fans is very accurate. She can touch your very soul with a few vocal notes, a glance, a smile; she's hypnotic, and your feel soooo good. She is amazingly talented, but she is also a very special human being. We can't get enough of her and the band. Also, it is soooooo great to have you and Joey back. We have really missed you these past months. Stay safe and happy. Special HELLO from Arizona, USA.
This is one of three great openings from them ("Dark Chest Of Wonders", "Shudder Before The Beautiful" and now "Music" intro followed by "Noise" ). The opening Storyteller is Richard Dawkins (a British evolutionary biologist). Shudder before the Beautiful is referring to the amazement and wonder we (The Travelers) should all feel regarding the natural world. It is all around us including the solar system and universe, which we are all a part of while traveling amongst the stars on this small spec of blue. This was from the Nightwish 2015 record, "Endless Forms Most Beautiful". many of the songs from this record revolve around a theme of wonder and appreciation for the natural world all around us. Nightwish members are very much nature lovers and ponder deeply about the universe, how it works, and our place within its grand workings. I highly recommend 3rd great Opening and the new Lineup (Actually this is the full concert, so you decide): Nightwish - Hellfest 2022 - @ARTE Concert ua-cam.com/video/pYIX1Jyb64E/v-deo.html NWSU 🤘😎🤘.
10+ years of shuddering before the gift to music & Nightwish fulfilled, called Floor. Add to that her glorious years in legendary "After Forever" and "ReVamp".. there you go: good to be alive in Floor-era, vocal Walhalla on earth. Cheers from Amsterdam! 🤘
@@BrendonChase_2015 when i see Charlotte, the first time with her short haircut. I think, oh no.why do you it. But after 20 years Floors Windmills, i see them Dec in Hamburg. With no Windmills. I am two months to late.😞
@@ralfmeyer9086 Dunno if it's any kind of consolation, but rumour has it that Floor's been testing windmill-proof hair extensions. All very scientific, windtunnel testing etc. the usual stuff. Else we can always hop in that time machine to revisit Floor "Longhair" live ;) Cheers man!
@@BrendonChase_2015 How ,we said. Floor doing Floor things. But seeing her today at NPO show, with her hair. I have a little tear in my eyes. But her Performance and Voice. Amazing . Forever Floor and Nightwish 🤘
2 роки тому+10
I love your Nightwish reactions. You do know that Nightwish performed this year (2022) at the Pinkpop festival in The Netherlands. Floor's home country. You can see and hear that Floor is all hyped up for that gig because it's a home gig for her. And after reviewing these live performances from 2013, 2015 and 2018, she still got it in 2022!
Loved your reaction I was at this concert the first time I saw Nightwish and the rollercoaster of emotion they take you through during the concert leaves you completely drained by the end
2:05 Bid farewell to your socks one more time,good sir! 🤣Im with you there,i dont know what i would do if i got to see Floor up close doing her windmills,eyebrow thing and flirtacious interactions .....mama mia!!🤩😍5:08 That good sir,is some Keyboard shreddage! (I have honestly not heard that sound done with a keyboard before,until i heard Tuomas do it) Closest sound i have heard,was when my Commodore 64 had a game loaded in haha.
Oh, I so missed you and your reactions! The how - ever - many - stoppings - in - one - NW-song - video was the last nail in my hooked / fan - coffin 😆 And really nice to see you´re okay, and I quess the times are a bit easier now? I really hope so. So: Welcome back! 🖤🤘 (And sorry if I only woke up late, and you´ve been here doing this again already for ages now)
Yours is an Empty Hope followed this song which was the opener for the show. Loved it my friend. Like everything around us the good and the bad the light and the dark. Floor is having so much fun and then she invites us all to join in the celebration. How can you not give her anything she wants? Join her in the show and travel to another realm. Ecstasy! Euphoria! wake ocean born Behold this force Bring the outside in Explore the self to epiphany The very core of life Is soaring higher of truth and light The music of this awe Deep silence between the notes Deafens me with endless love This vagrant island Earth A pilgrim shining bright We are shuddering Before the beautiful Before the plentiful We're the voyagers
i like how you fangirling not only floor but all members, because yooo they all are so incredable and together they doing magic. by the way if you dont have this masterpiece in your list. id like to recommend the Song scaretale. the Version with anette the second vocalist is so freaking good. iam a Fan of Tarja, Floor and Anette. After this song i think we can appreciate Thoumas even more, because He is able to write songs for the current vocalist to fit perfectly. for me scaretale is and ever will be an anette song.
You make my day my friend, missed youre reactions, happy you stay on Nightwish, again youre reactions are extreme nice, only 1 small thing the audio was very low.
Good morning from Greece! How about a really happy song like, 'I want my tears back' (Buenos Aires) or 'Alpenglow' (Wembley)? Anyway whatever you guys pick is going to be amazing. I laughed my ass of with your last comments...."Yes, Goddess, yes we will!" 😂😂😂 So true and funny
Man... as someone who also plays the keyboard I really appreciate you noticing the amount of work that goes into creating sounds. Most keyboards come with a shitload of sounds in them, factory presets, but if you are a decent musician you're pretty much never going to use those as they are, you will tweak even the simplest ones to fit your needs and when it comes to particular sounds you really want to create some that are really yours, that represent you. Signature sounds. I know I spent many hours doing that and I'm aware that lay people have no idea about that. شكرا
🤩👌💥💯 🤘😎 🇫🇮 💙 "Weak Fantasy" live at Tampere 2015 next by them... (cannot remember have you reacted on that one already... And too lazy to go through your videos at the moment 🙈🤘😹)
Tuomas did not find this sound for the duell with Emppu for the studio version. On the album it is quite timid, compared to this wild live sound. Such fun duell.
Nice see you again reacting 👍🏻 There is the FL🌀🌀RICANE! Their latest album Human and Nature is the best, all highlights songs, Tribal the most metal. Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱
Tribal is primal and so fun. Just gravitate to it, nice to have some grunge in the midst of the beauty and complexity of the Human: Nature album. Skeleton dance, everyone!
Great again, love it! Dont know how to tell you this....but Floor has cut her hair! Like short! I don't know what this will mean for future windmills.....
Loved your insight on this one. You said they seemed more free and open to perform. This was the first song from the first album written for and recorded by Floor. Maybe Toumas was actually feeling more free to let the music flow with a singer that he knew could handle it. Especially, after the challenges of the Annette breakup and Floor having to cover everyone else’s songs.
long time no see,by the way,where is your room mate? great song,can go easy next conan barbarian movie :) thanx to great reaction and have wonderful day there. fun fact,sometimes tuomas playing his keyboard eyes closed,when he try to get mood.
Wandering If Floor keeps her "windmill" now. She did cut her hair just yesterday. About synths sound like .. there are other musics with that sound, older ones.
Since you did my top 3 n my 5th favorite why not do my 4th "Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean" 1 Ghost Love Score 2 Storytime 3 Ever Dream 4 Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean 5 7 Days to the Wolves 6 Song of Myself
Another great reaction to another great Nightwish opening song. Floor has just had her haircut so the windmill may now not be so commonplace. She has just performed her latest solo single, Me Without You, live on Dutch radio. Here's a link: ua-cam.com/video/vGdTeyeDMr0/v-deo.html
Hello Mr Arab Man!(and the production team)! Can you fulfil a wish of mine in the next production??? Soundlevels... Please reverse them. Now it's 60% Arab Man, 40% the music video. It would be so nice to get interrupted by a voice that doesn't scare me in my headphones. I love you Arab Man but not to loud. Much love to you and Ukraine 🌻🌻🌻💙💛💙
Habibati! Pretty please reply to this comment with your requests!
Devil and the deep dark ocean is one of my favorites. You should see that. 😊
@@1neponen I concur!
From their latest Album: Shoemaker.
PS: Do some research on the song beforehand
@@1neponen I agree, Live in Buenos Aires 2018!
It's getting close to Halloween, so how about Scaretale ua-cam.com/video/5EmpS8E7d30/v-deo.html
Another good reaction.
soo starts a song yes
Epicness right there on that stage. Tuomas and the vast majority of Nightwish fans found their shangri-la when Floor joined the band to rescue their North American tour in October 2012 🙏😊👍
This is my favorite song man it helped threw a dark period making me see how pretty this world still can be and im a huge space nerd so 🤣
10th Anniversary, Congrats Floor, congrats Nightwish
For the next 10 years 🤘
Great reaction. Your description of Floor's impact on her fans is very accurate. She can touch your very soul with a few vocal notes, a glance, a smile; she's hypnotic, and your feel soooo good. She is amazingly talented, but she is also a very special human being. We can't get enough of her and the band. Also, it is soooooo great to have you and Joey back. We have really missed you these past months. Stay safe and happy. Special HELLO from Arizona, USA.
This is one of three great openings from them ("Dark Chest Of Wonders", "Shudder Before The Beautiful" and now "Music" intro followed by "Noise" ).
The opening Storyteller is Richard Dawkins (a British evolutionary biologist).
Shudder before the Beautiful is referring to the amazement and wonder we (The Travelers) should all feel regarding the natural world. It is all around us including the solar system and universe, which we are all a part of while traveling amongst the stars on this small spec of blue.
This was from the Nightwish 2015 record, "Endless Forms Most Beautiful". many of the songs from this record revolve around a theme of wonder and appreciation for the natural world all around us. Nightwish members are very much nature lovers and ponder deeply about the universe, how it works, and our place within its grand workings.
I highly recommend 3rd great Opening and the new Lineup (Actually this is the full concert, so you decide): Nightwish - Hellfest 2022 - @ARTE Concert ua-cam.com/video/pYIX1Jyb64E/v-deo.html
NWSU 🤘😎🤘.
Counting down the days until I get to see nightwish live again
10+ years of shuddering before the gift to music & Nightwish fulfilled, called Floor. Add to that her glorious years in legendary "After Forever" and "ReVamp".. there you go: good to be alive in Floor-era, vocal Walhalla on earth. Cheers from Amsterdam! 🤘
Floor cut her hair 😓😓😓
@@ralfmeyer9086 Saw it, bold move. Next level would be for her to go full Charlotte Wessels..
@@BrendonChase_2015 when i see Charlotte, the first time with her short haircut. I think, oh no.why do you it. But after 20 years Floors Windmills, i see them Dec in Hamburg. With no Windmills. I am two months to late.😞
@@ralfmeyer9086 Dunno if it's any kind of consolation, but rumour has it that Floor's been testing windmill-proof hair extensions. All very scientific, windtunnel testing etc. the usual stuff. Else we can always hop in that time machine to revisit Floor "Longhair" live ;) Cheers man!
@@BrendonChase_2015 How ,we said. Floor doing Floor things. But seeing her today at NPO show, with her hair. I have a little tear in my eyes. But her Performance and Voice. Amazing . Forever Floor and Nightwish 🤘
I love your Nightwish reactions. You do know that Nightwish performed this year (2022) at the Pinkpop festival in The Netherlands. Floor's home country. You can see and hear that Floor is all hyped up for that gig because it's a home gig for her. And after reviewing these live performances from 2013, 2015 and 2018, she still got it in 2022!
She also performed a solo set earlier in the day! It/She was incredible, in both performances!
Loved your reaction
I was at this concert the first time I saw Nightwish and the rollercoaster of emotion they take you through during the concert leaves you completely drained by the end
2:05 Bid farewell to your socks one more time,good sir! 🤣Im with you there,i dont know what i would do if i got to see Floor up close doing her windmills,eyebrow thing and flirtacious interactions .....mama mia!!🤩😍5:08 That good sir,is some Keyboard shreddage! (I have honestly not heard that sound done with a keyboard before,until i heard Tuomas do it) Closest sound i have heard,was when my Commodore 64 had a game loaded in haha.
Oh, I so missed you and your reactions! The how - ever - many - stoppings - in - one - NW-song - video was the last nail in my hooked / fan - coffin
😆 And really nice to see you´re okay, and I quess the times are a bit easier now? I really hope so. So: Welcome back! 🖤🤘 (And sorry if I only woke up late, and you´ve been here doing this again already for ages now)
I'm going to nightwish at the end of November here in the Netherlands. can't wait. salamat.
You have to tell us all about it!
Yours is an Empty Hope followed this song which was the opener for the show. Loved it my friend. Like everything around us the good and the bad the light and the dark. Floor is having so much fun and then she invites us all to join in the celebration. How can you not give her anything she wants? Join her in the show and travel to another realm. Ecstasy! Euphoria!
wake ocean born
Behold this force
Bring the outside in
Explore the self to epiphany
The very core of life
Is soaring higher of truth and light
The music of this awe
Deep silence between the notes
Deafens me with endless love
This vagrant island Earth
A pilgrim shining bright
We are shuddering
Before the beautiful
Before the plentiful
We're the voyagers
Love your reactions man! Such positive energy, and Nightwish is my all time favourite band as well!
Also I'm a fellow Lebanese fan, cheers 5ayye ❤
The 153cm hobbit known as Emppu is three time Finnish Judo Master and Nordic Bronze Judo...🤷🏼♂️
i like how you fangirling not only floor but all members, because yooo they all are so incredable and together they doing magic. by the way if you dont have this masterpiece in your list. id like to recommend the Song scaretale. the Version with anette the second vocalist is so freaking good. iam a Fan of Tarja, Floor and Anette. After this song i think we can appreciate Thoumas even more, because He is able to write songs for the current vocalist to fit perfectly. for me scaretale is and ever will be an anette song.
Lost you for a bit there, glad you are back my friend, greetings from floor country, holland:)
Thank you!! Greetings from beirut
Man, am I happy to see you again!
Totally, when Floor enters.... something happens. 😍
Again I enjoyed enourmously your vivid Reaction and metaforas you used. Absolutely Great to have you back reacting of Nightwish, Priceless moments!
One hell of a way to open the set...and Song #2....Yours ia an Empty Hope
Another great reaction to live Nightwish performances. Good job.
hear and be happy
That synth bit gives me echos of Moody Blues "Long Distance Voyageur"
This like Dark Chest of Wonders is a fantastic opener. It has a little bit of everything
You make my day my friend, missed youre reactions, happy you stay on Nightwish, again youre reactions are extreme nice, only 1 small thing the audio was very low.
Good morning from Greece! How about a really happy song like, 'I want my tears back' (Buenos Aires) or 'Alpenglow' (Wembley)?
Anyway whatever you guys pick is going to be amazing.
I laughed my ass of with your last comments...."Yes, Goddess, yes we will!" 😂😂😂 So true and funny
Man... as someone who also plays the keyboard I really appreciate you noticing the amount of work that goes into creating sounds. Most keyboards come with a shitload of sounds in them, factory presets, but if you are a decent musician you're pretty much never going to use those as they are, you will tweak even the simplest ones to fit your needs and when it comes to particular sounds you really want to create some that are really yours, that represent you. Signature sounds. I know I spent many hours doing that and I'm aware that lay people have no idea about that. شكرا
Hi, beautiful reaction, because this is the Army of Nightwish and as Goddess Floor says it should be like that, best regards
this goes right into Yours is an Empty Hope
volume was really low
pretty sure that keyboard sound on Stargazers from Tampere 15
It's their opening track, what energy 🙂
🤘😎 🇫🇮 💙
"Weak Fantasy" live at Tampere 2015 next by them...
(cannot remember have you reacted on that one already...
And too lazy to go through your videos at the moment 🙈🤘😹)
Waalaikumsallam 🙏❤
I'm glad you're back. I missed your reactions.
Tuomas did not find this sound for the duell with Emppu for the studio version. On the album it is quite timid, compared to this wild live sound. Such fun duell.
Some years ago, one wag called this show "Endless thighs most beautiful".
Somebody else. Not me.
That could've been me..😁
Definitely not just you that felt that. Great reaction.
Nice see you again reacting 👍🏻
There is the FL🌀🌀RICANE!
Their latest album Human and Nature is the best, all highlights songs, Tribal the most metal.
Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱
Tribal is primal and so fun. Just gravitate to it, nice to have some grunge in the midst of the beauty and complexity of the Human: Nature album. Skeleton dance, everyone!
I'm so happy that you're back. AND continue to fanboying (is that a word.. 😐) Nightwish 😊
Great again, love it! Dont know how to tell you this....but Floor has cut her hair! Like short! I don't know what this will mean for future windmills.....
Such a great reaction dude!
New subscriber here!
Best wishes from Namibia 🇳🇦
Haven't seen a Nightwish video from you in awhile. Glad you are back and hope you are doing well
She walks out like a " BOSS"
Loved your insight on this one. You said they seemed more free and open to perform. This was the first song from the first album written for and recorded by Floor. Maybe Toumas was actually feeling more free to let the music flow with a singer that he knew could handle it. Especially, after the challenges of the Annette breakup and Floor having to cover everyone else’s songs.
Love your channel, have ya done the human nature album by nightwish ? Or all the works of nature? It’s incredible.
I barely ever hit subscribe but you asked it so nicely :)
I hope you react to their new music 🤝
You are my fav NW fanboi but pls don't tell it to anyone shhhhh Thanks again for the moment
Good one.
long time no see,by the way,where is your room mate? great song,can go easy next conan barbarian movie :) thanx to great reaction and have wonderful day there. fun fact,sometimes tuomas playing his keyboard eyes closed,when he try to get mood.
Wandering If Floor keeps her "windmill" now. She did cut her hair just yesterday.
About synths sound like .. there are other musics with that sound, older ones.
I mean, we dont see her Windmills in the Future.
That surprised me. AFAIK, she's had long hair ever since she started her music career 25 years ago.
Since you did my top 3 n my 5th favorite why not do my 4th "Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean"
1 Ghost Love Score
2 Storytime
3 Ever Dream
4 Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean
5 7 Days to the Wolves
6 Song of Myself
Another great reaction to another great Nightwish opening song. Floor has just had her haircut so the windmill may now not be so commonplace. She has just performed her latest solo single, Me Without You, live on Dutch radio. Here's a link: ua-cam.com/video/vGdTeyeDMr0/v-deo.html
I thought you were going to cry. Let it go :)
About firestart songs... This is great, as Dark Chest..
Compared to Impu, Floor is a giant,she is a little over 6ft. She is 1 of the tallest in the band.
Unless you're a needy cat...I have commitment issues...but I'll still catch your uploads! Please boost your video's audio output.
Great reaction as always dude👍 This time your audio was very dark & way too low? Not usually....🤘😊👍🎶
"The space viking godess" xD xD xD (you're not wrong though)
Comment to help the algorithm
Thank you Paul. You are the best I swear
Habibati : Wintersun-Time next Habibati please.
Who else writes songs like this about...evolution?
In re your first comment: it takes a lot of work to sound spontaneous :).
Hello Mr Arab Man!(and the production team)!
Can you fulfil a wish of mine in the next production???
Soundlevels... Please reverse them. Now it's 60% Arab Man, 40% the music video.
It would be so nice to get interrupted by a voice that doesn't scare me in my headphones. I love you Arab Man but not to loud.
Much love to you and Ukraine
Across Endless Dimensions by Dimash :)
Hellfest 2022
Volume of the song is too low.
Nah, those solos are verbatim from the album ;)
Video volume very low, much lower than your commentary
Sorry about that