Psalm 145 in Hebrew with English translation

  • Опубліковано 25 гру 2024


  • @MirceaMoldovan-l9e
    @MirceaMoldovan-l9e 2 місяці тому +1

    Binecuvintati sa fie toti cei care cheama numele domnului cu adevarat si va fi cu ei.❤

  • @tamirudejene7374
    @tamirudejene7374 11 місяців тому +3

    This is part of my daily recitation...the way you presented is incredible. ❤❤❤❤

  • @daveedjose
    @daveedjose 14 днів тому +1

    Amen. Thank Adonai.

  • @sobelleify
    @sobelleify Рік тому +2

    I listen to this over and over again. 🕊️💗

  • @paulnike9958
    @paulnike9958 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you Adonai for all

  • @sonjahertzing9663
    @sonjahertzing9663 2 роки тому +6

    This is a precious rendering of 145. I play it at half speed in order to capture every word of beautiful Hebrew and see the pictures. Thank you so, so much! It is my morning greeting to the Lord each day.

  • @transformation2479
    @transformation2479 Рік тому +4

    I wish I could click the like every day as I learn this prayer by heart! So appreciate your providing it.

  • @monicahaynes8834
    @monicahaynes8834 3 роки тому +8

    Thank you for sharing the words of this beautiful Psalm. It is so refreshing, like water on parched soil. It encourages you to stop what you are doing and meditate on the goodness of God; He is truly precious and awesome in all His ways.

  • @sandranewton2359
    @sandranewton2359 2 роки тому +2

    Shalom Professor Pinchas this is so refreshing. Amen

  • @vickya3046
    @vickya3046 2 роки тому +2

    Shalom from Polin 🇵🇱❤️🇮🇱 🙌

  • @AjitPafarut
    @AjitPafarut 4 місяці тому +1

    Lord you are greater for all pray you

  • @christinesoueidan6174
    @christinesoueidan6174 2 роки тому +3

    This is so beautiful . Thank you for sharing, stay blessed

  • @AjitPafarut
    @AjitPafarut 3 місяці тому

    Pray to the lord all nation for generation

  • @christinevanzyl5951
    @christinevanzyl5951 Рік тому +1

    Thank u i really enjoyed praying this with u❤

  • @gilliankeene1071
    @gilliankeene1071 Рік тому +1

    Only God

  • @gretarogers1117
    @gretarogers1117 2 роки тому +1

    utterly beautiful

  • @Lukarikasos
    @Lukarikasos 2 місяці тому

    Kiitos Herra Sebaot

  • @anointedlifestyling
    @anointedlifestyling 3 роки тому +2


  • @MirceaMoldovan-l9e
    @MirceaMoldovan-l9e 2 місяці тому

    Cri care credeti il veti vedea ,nu va inspaimintati.❤

  • @anileetan7234
    @anileetan7234 2 роки тому +2

    Awesome and wonderful ❤

  • @ashleywright853
    @ashleywright853 10 місяців тому +1

    This is so beautiful

  • @MirceaMoldovan-l9e
    @MirceaMoldovan-l9e 3 місяці тому

    Dovediti doar ca sunteti fii cuiva care nu este de aici❤

  • @BiblicalApologetics
    @BiblicalApologetics 3 роки тому +1

    Shalom, I wasn’t sure if you were aware but psalm 145:13b as found in the Dead Sea Scrolls might be worthy to add into this video or create another one.

    • @pshircom
      @pshircom  3 роки тому +4

      Good point, It's possible that the Leningrad Codex is missing a phrase that was out there in some earlier manuscripts. I am merely rendering Psalms for worship, not trying to create a critical edition by adding textual variants, that would get messy and not very worshipful :)

    • @franzpaten77
      @franzpaten77 2 роки тому

      "The LORD is faithful in all His words, And holy in all his works" is mentioned according to a note attributed to the Dead Sea scrolls and Septuagint in several modern English bibles, however, I find it interesting that Psalm 145:13b as recorded in the book of Gad the Seer mentioned in 1 Chronicles 29:29 has added an extra interesting verse on the end of verse 13. The first part reads "Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
      And Your dominion endures throughout all generations".
      The second part (13b) according to Gad's version reads "All your enemies have fallen, O LORD, and all their might has come to naught."
      The fact that there are at least a couple of different endings to verse 13 from Psalm 145 is interesting in itself I find.

  • @itis4peace
    @itis4peace 3 місяці тому

    🤍 thank you

  • @MirceaMoldovan-l9e
    @MirceaMoldovan-l9e 2 місяці тому

    Chiar il vor vedea traind in trup de om.❤

    • @judith-josefinamartin5706
      @judith-josefinamartin5706 Місяць тому

      Niciodata!!!ELOCHIM, HaSHEM,BORE OLAM sunt doar cateva din cele 70 de nume pe care le are CREATORUL ACESTUI UNIVERS CU TOT CEEA CE EXISTA INLAUNTRUL LUI SI IN AFARA,NUMELE LUI ADEVARAT YHVH NU ESTE VOIE SA FIE PRONUNTAT,DECAT DUPA CE EL SE VA ARATA INTREGII OMENIRI CARE PANA ACUM IN MAREA EI MAJORITATE S-A INCHINAT IN FATA IDOLILOR care au diferite forme si azi,dar omenirea in majoritatea ei nu intelege ca,BORE OLAM nu are forma,nu are trup,pt ca atunci ar fi limitat ca noi,oamenii si asta este o BLASFEMIE!!!!EL ESTE UNIC,SINGURUL CARE A CREAT ABSOLUT TOT CE A EXISTAT,EXISTA SI VA EXISTA, MULT DUPA CE OMENIREA VA DISPAREA,EL este UNUL,nimeni nu se poate compara cu EL,sau sa se considere egalul SAU,este insasi VIATA,EL este SINGURUL CARE da viata si o poate lua in orice moment!!!Media in schimb este un om,el este descendentul regelui David si nicidecum "fiul lui Dumnezeu "asa cum il considera crestinii(asta din nou este o BLASFEMIE),el este deja printre noi,nici el nu cunoaste inca faptul ca el este Mesia, pana in momentul cand ELOCHIM va decide ca a venit momentul purificarii noastre,cand toti cei care vor ramane in viata vor vedea CINE ESTE ADEVARATUL DUMNEZEU,evreii,care au fost,sunt si vor ramane mereu poporul ales,cei care vor supravietui si dintre ei,pt ca din nenorocire multi si-au pierdut credinta in EL,dar cei care mereu au crezut si L-au servit doar pe ei,vor fi adunati din cele 4 colturi ale lumii si vor ajunge acasa,in Israel,pamantul nostru sfant!AMEN ve AMEN!!!Din celelalte natiuni vor supravietui doar cei care au crezut doar in UNICUL CREATOR AL LUMII,restul omenirii,va pieri,toti cei care au avut tot felul de credinte false,pt ca cine cunoaste cele 7 Porunci primite de celelalte natiuni in afara de evrei,ar fi trebuit sa stie ca prima porunca este aceea ca DUMNEZEU ESTE UNUL,nu va creati si nu va inchinati in fata niciunui idol creat de mana omului!!!Acesta este adevarul adevarat,cuvinte scrise chiar de ELOCHIM,in TORAH,singura "Biblie"adevarata,care a existat,exista si va exista vreodata AMEN ve AMEN ISHTABACH SHEMO laADDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!