5. Agnus Dei (Requiem, John Rutter) - 政大校友合唱團

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • 5. Agnus Dei
    From Requiem, by John Rutter
    NCCU Alumni Chorus
    Conductor: Cheng-pu Paul Chang
    Accompanist: Lipatti Chen
    Soprano soloist: Annabel Hsu


  • @jcliao2434
    @jcliao2434  Рік тому

    第五樂章 Agnus Dei 羔羊經 此曲彷彿由光明到陰暗,由天堂回到人間。首段隨著 Agnus Dei 的語韻形 成的旋律,就像人們的憂傷的祈求,半音下降形成了張力,各聲部的堆疊增 加了層次,展現出人們對上帝祈求的渴望。第二段採用約伯記 14 章 1-2 節「我 們生來都軟弱,過著短暫患難的生活」,以英文演唱。 盧特使用最擅長的手 法,旋律貼合著歌詞的語韻,樂句的長短,靈活的用彈性速度,把音樂 完整 的呈現。第三段拉丁文與英文同時出現,祈禱與人間相結合,音樂從弱音開 始,內心與外顯的交錯,不斷糾結,帶著審判的意味,堆疊到最強音,內心 的震撼達到制高點。鋼琴沈重的低音代表著鼓聲,帶領逝者走到安葬之所, 並帶領生者拋開人間的糾纏,進入神的境界。第四段音樂從小調轉到大調, 莊嚴隆重,神俯瞰著祈求憐憫的世人說:「我就是復活,信我的人永遠不死」, 撫慰了生者的心靈。

  • @jcliao2434
    @jcliao2434  Рік тому

    5. AGNUS DEI
    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
    Lamb of God who takest away the sin of the world,
    Dona eis requiem.
    Grant them rest.
    Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery.
    He cometh up, and is cut down like a flower; he fleeth as it were a shadow.
    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
    Lamb of God who takest away the sin of the world,
    Dona eis requiem.
    Grant them rest.
    In the midst of life we are in death:
    of whom may we seek succor?
    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
    Lamb of God who takest away the sin of the world,
    Dona eis requiem sempiternam
    Grant them rest everlasting.
    I am the resurrection and the live,
    saith the Lord; he that believeth in me,
    though he were dead, yet shall he live:
    and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.
    Latin text from Missa pro defunctis;
    English texts from the Burial Service,
    1662 Book of Common Prayer