Funny, everyone in the comments is attacking her for being a scientologist while the comment sections under Tom Cruise interviews are mostly people worshiping him.
I’d be rather inclined to believe Ms. Moss pissed someone off at the Celebrity Center and the freaking Squirrel Hunters are bombing her press junket with Trojan horse anti Scientology comments. Because it’s like every interview I’ve seen with her in the past three days.
Can anyone comment on something other than the fact that she’s a Scientologist? 1) She’s an incredible actress and we should be able to appreciate that 2) She was born into Scientology which means that she’s been brainwashed all of her life and would probably face incredible social repercussions with her family if she left 3) Tom Cruise is a Scientologist and all of the comments on his videos are nearly 100% positive 4) Her doing the Handmaids Tale might even represent that she doesn’t hold the same beliefs as Scientology even though she’s part of it She’s a Scientologist. Let’s let it go now.
Hanna h People love to live in glass houses and throw stones. I think Scientology’s wacky, but I judge actors on their work, not their personal life. All religions are effing stupid as hell. I’d love to hear about some of the silly or creepy things most of these hypocritical commenters have hidden away from our view. It’s just more fun for the mentally feeble to grab a torch, pitchfork or gun than give someone the benefit of the doubt.
@@shellyidwttw8680 Just a shame that the one blemish is the scientology. But to each their own. Doesn't affect me. Any religion is mythological if you ask me.
well she pays for the practices of scientology: Stalking, putting up hate websites for ex members, abuse to those who dare to speak. you can't see her as an individual if she actively participates in and funds the destruction of innocent lives.
@@zb6073 I heard some things about the cult, but not so much since I don't live in the USA and here in my country the cult doesn't exist (at my knowledge) so yeah, you can call me naive or ignorant in this matter. And don't be so harsh on people. If you want to inform, well... do it, I am willing to hear and be wrong and admit it. I will look more into what this cult does now. But regardless, she's a fantastic actress.
So weird she is a scientologist. Some of the punishments in this show matches Scientology punishments, kneeling in a room with solitary confinement, seperation from your kids.
@@rawrbro69 have you seen how Scientology has taken kids away from parents? They even say children are adults and don't need the care they need. I'm just stating facts, no need for me to "calm down". I'm pretty chill.
She was born into it, which makes it difficult (no pun intended) to escape the brainwashing. She's probably so used to it, that she doesn't see otherwise. I keep hoping she'll wake up and eventually leave.
@@MM-dq2pi Yes, that's very well know, but it's not impossible. You should watch Leah Remini's docu-series. There's never been more information about Scientology than there is now. Doesn't mean we have to encourage cults. We need to encourage people to help get people out of them.
@@realhousewifeoftransylvania1.0 You really forced that topic even tho he didn't even open it, and it's up to you to agree or not, but no, religion and cult are two completely different things.
@@realhousewifeoftransylvania1.0 Just cause you don't agree doesn't make me delusional, but I won't argue with you anyways it's clear how easily offended you are so I won't even bother
Right? Her roles are always so serious, and she’s so fun in real life! I wish I got to see this cheerful fun part of her so much more, but she is an amazing actress
Amazing how where it's a good show but kind of pretentious kind of seems like it's dragging too I just watch it cuz of Elizabeth she brings almost all the element to it
Stella K It always seems to me people expect a 30 something woman to look old. Typically, most women don't start to show significant signs of aging until their 40s. At least I'm pretty sure. Not bragging or anything but I'm 42 and look more like 22.
Bullshit comment.. she looks nice now though I too am shocked.. after watching her in invisible man I genuinely thought how she could be casted as lead as she looks less attractive( tbh to me she is ugly but i wont be that extreme) but here she actually looks nice. Guess she needs all the makeup to look pretty sadly! But no natural looks thats for sure!!
Cult member star of Handmaid's Tale.. Most ironic. She also refuses to speak about it. If you're proud of something why wouldn't you want to talk about it... NONE of them do!
Everyone is on their own journey and everyone realizes things in their own time. Leave her alone for being a Scientologist. She was born into it and it’s all she’s known her whole life and her entire family are Scientologists. She would have to give up her whole family if she left because they would disconnect from her for being a suppressive person. It’s much different and easier to see see things objectively when you’re on the outside of them looking in than it is when it’s all you’ve known your whole life and you’re on the inside of it. I was raised in an ultra religious family. Crazyass Pentecostals. And for a time when I was like 11-12, my mother and I lived in a cult. That we actually had to escape from. Real escape like in the middle of the night from a locked camper we were locked up in because they got into their heads that my mom had a demon in her. We had to run down the side of a highway in the middle of the night with only a trash bag of our few clothes and possessions. I’m now agnostic. But it’s hard to shake the shackles we are raised in. It’s hard to turn your back on the only life you’ve ever known since birth, and to believe what others say about their experiences when we have had completely different experiences with the same thing. It takes its toll on your psyche for sure. SO TO ALL YOU LITTLE PRICKS ON HERE-LEAVE HER ALONE AND STOP PASSING JUDGMENT. Have some compassion. Have some humanity. It’s not her fault. It’s all she’s ever know. The exact same things often look and seem different to different people, especially to the ones who are tits deep in it and have been their whole lives. Peace ✌️
She an incredibly talented woman & she seems to be a genuinely lovely human being. So I say this with genuine care & empathy, I truly hope she can make it out of that money hungry cult someday. She doesn’t even seem to like discussing it unless pressured. She’s been in it since childhood so for all we know she’s only staying in for fear of losing her family & friends. Scientology isn’t a religion, it’s a fraudulent, money hungry, Mafia like organization. Even though they’re a relatively small “religion” with only 25k to 40,000 members left that’s still too many people whose lives & families are being controlled, manipulated & destroyed. I hope you can break free like Leah did Elisabeth. You’re worth it. 👍🏻🧡
to be honest, she gives me a bit of a bad/annoying vibe. but in every role I've seen her in she is super believable. no idea what kind of person she is, but she's an amazing actress!
Ok. Totally not a religious person here. No fan of Scientology or any other group faith. But simply calling Scientology a cult does not make attacking Elizabeth Moss for her beliefs OK. It is religious bigotry and it is no more acceptable than attacking someone because they are Catholic or Jewish or Muslim. She is not advocating for hatred or abuse, she is not even advocating for her faith, she is just doing her job and living her life. Disparaging her simply because of her beliefs is wrong.
Because Handmaid's Tale is about how horrible it is to live in a controlling, oppressive, totalitarian religious environment, and she was born into Scientology, which is a cult that uses oppression, and totalitarian rules to control its members. Moss isn't very involved in it, but she hasn't left the "church", either.
Tell that to the people her cult abuses and tortures. Easy to ignore when you're on the outside but the lack of empathy in the cult is destroying lives and she is part of the system.
still confused why someone as talented as Moss is still a Scientologist. One would assume her net worth/talent would allow her to leave the cult and not face any repercussions.
Well, she is second generation, she is there because of her family and i bet they recorded everything about her throughout from childhood to now. So, she can't get out easily, i guess.
She would face enormous repercussions, namely being shunned by all her relatives. Tom Cruise, who's #2 in $cientology is a complete scumbag! I hope Moss and others manage to leave that evil child-abusing cult.
I'm sure Leah Remini will be waiting to help her if/when she decides to leave. It's a shame that people without the power and status she has don't have the same opportunity to escape unharmed...
Listen to the comments. Her religion is really none of our business. If you replace the word " Scientology " with the word " judaism" in your comments, what group of people in history would you sound just like?
@@ECNECNECN I hate Scientology just as much as you do, but it's her choice and making her seem like she's diseased as some of the comments on here seem to do, just makes us look horrible
@@normahebisen1060 well her 'choice' funds the abuse of innocent people trying to leave. It's not the 80s anymore, she can get all the information about the her 'church' from the internet but she choses not to. It's important for people to know about the doings of scientology and call supporters out on it to possibly prevent someone from getting sucked into the cult "because she's a celebrity and seems to only benefit from scientology". She's not even allowed to use the internet and read the comments under this video, so no harm done there. It's about finally being able to call out public members to show solidarity with the ex members being shunned and stalked right at this moment. To support the ones who were desperate and brave enough to break free, fully aware of the consequences. I'm all for choice and free will but not at the expense of others.
The Handmaid's Tale is starting to wear thin for me. Every goddamn episode ends with the same LOOOOONNNNGGGG DRAMATIC OMG STARE from June. And there are always at least three other takes like that in each show. Jesus, give it a rest! When you have to hammer a point home, it's an indication that you think your point needs hammering.
So do I, especially as I don't think they've explored this story to its full potential. But they've done alright so far, so I'm hoping for a good finale. (and LESS OF THOSE STARES)
After watching that Leah Remini doc on Scientology that she did, I've been very anti-any projects that people have been in that are also scientologists but...Elizabeth Moss is just an amazing actress. Couldn't get enough of her in Madmen, cannot *WAIT* for handmaid's tale to return, and now this new horror movie!! I think she's a smart cookie and knows what she's doing. I was in a similar situation with my christianity upbringing, and use the good morals and life lessons to apply it into my own beliefs. Got a feeling she's doing something similar, and keeping her secrets close to her chest to not show her hand.
As much as Scientology is silly and quite possibly does illegal things I had no idea she was part of it because she doesnt shove it in your face. I can see people getting upset and angry if she was constantly pushing it in public but she doesnt do that. If anything people should kinda feel sorry for her , they target actors all the time and maybe they sucked her in real good/brainwashed her or dont tell her the full truth. Its not HER fault that it exists. If youre going to get pissed at someone get pissed at the people that actually do the bad stuff/pull the strings.
I was so sad to hear about Moss’s ties with Scientology. I think it’s important to remember that she was born in to this cult and has likely been harshly indoctrinated. Also, celebrities likely get special treatment and do not see the horror within the group. Nonetheless, I don’t think anyone should let her religious ties go. She shouldn’t be shamed or attacked, but I don’t think we should stop holding her accountable or forget about her complacency within a group that hurts many, many vulnerable people. We can love her as an actress while also remembering her involvement with Scientology.
I wonder if Elisabeth is an introvert. You see, I used to struggle with speaking up due to anxiety and ever since I watched Mad Men, I notice Peggy becomes more assertive and brave. Now im starting to feel more like her and little by little, im overcoming fear/anxiety
Everyone keeps talking about her being a scientologist, but i feel like i’m the only one who doesn’t know what scientology is about?? People keep calling it a cult but i have no idea what they do
Elisabeth Moss is soooooooooo frigg'in talented. I'm so such a fan of her work. She acts the heck out of her role on Handmaids. Can t wait for next season ( 4th ) to see what June has in store for us " Handies !!!! " Love from " Seeking Asylum " Canada. # Going to see " Kitchen " asap..looks promising. ❤👍☺
Just started for the first time watching the handmaid's tale & boy this lady is talent on top of talent incredible performance she is giving & am only still on season 1 👍👏🔥
Suddenly, it's ok to be a Scientologist because people like Tom Cruise? What a lousy argument. And people saying it's not her fault and she needs? Then how does it help her to not address it at all?
Listen, i Don't agree with Scientology but she isn't out here killing people or really bothering anyone. I hate people that harp on peoples religion more than if they just stay in there lane and be happy...... pineapple pizza lol
She looks like a pretty and sweet foil papered cupcake 🧁🤣 now I want a cherry cheesecake cupcake. Which are made in foil cupcake papers. Omg they are so good 😂but she’s a phenomenal,very gifted and talented actress. She can convey so much with just an expression. She’s superb.
@@rebeccahopkins9522 that good hmmm? 🤔 I've gotta try them then! I looked them up and gosh, they look delish!! 😍 And I will make sure I find the ones with the foil paper! 😂😁
The straw that broke the camel’s back!! I will watch both these movies Thanks to this actress and this interview. I’ve been looking for some good movies...,
She's great...I absolutely loved her in Mad Men and now Handmaid's tale, which has become one of my favorite shows of all time. She seems so likeable and down to earth....but I have to say, I'm very disappointed to hear about the treatment of the baby on set, and the audience was off put by it as well. Babies and animals can't consent to acting and what it involves...all they know is you're forcing them into an uncomfortable situation, as if they're props. It's really, really wrong.
@@shivashivaable Tiffany Haddish was excommunicated from Elizabeth Moss' religion so I was wondering how is it that she was able to even do this movie with her
Funny, everyone in the comments is attacking her for being a scientologist while the comment sections under Tom Cruise interviews are mostly people worshiping him.
cc22ful Yep.
cc22ful that’s what i thought
Tom has a bigger fandom in general. I'm sure you'll find plenty comments about him being a scientologist too.
I’d be rather inclined to believe Ms. Moss pissed someone off at the Celebrity Center and the freaking Squirrel Hunters are bombing her press junket with Trojan horse anti Scientology comments. Because it’s like every interview I’ve seen with her in the past three days.
Imbra Kim yeah powerful men get away with things women don’t. That was my point.
Can anyone comment on something other than the fact that she’s a Scientologist?
1) She’s an incredible actress and we should be able to appreciate that
2) She was born into Scientology which means that she’s been brainwashed all of her life and would probably face incredible social repercussions with her family if she left
3) Tom Cruise is a Scientologist and all of the comments on his videos are nearly 100% positive
4) Her doing the Handmaids Tale might even represent that she doesn’t hold the same beliefs as Scientology even though she’s part of it
She’s a Scientologist. Let’s let it go now.
Pretty sure we can comment as we please. I personally don’t need instructions. You must be in the cult.
Hanna h
People love to live in glass houses and throw stones. I think Scientology’s wacky, but I judge actors on their work, not their personal life. All religions are effing stupid as hell. I’d love to hear about some of the silly or creepy things most of these hypocritical commenters have hidden away from our view. It’s just more fun for the mentally feeble to grab a torch, pitchfork or gun than give someone the benefit of the doubt.
@@mgal6234 Don't cults usually follow others? Whose doing the following? lolll
InfDaMarvel Can you rephrase that in intelligible English? What do you mean “cults follow others”? WTF does that even mean?
InfDaMarvel And it’s ‘who’s’ not ‘whose’.
West Wing, Mad Men, Top of the Lake, Handmaid's tale, what a resume she has!
Well said! I absolutely loved top of the lake. She is an incredible actress. And seems like a very humble human being.
@@shellyidwttw8680 Just a shame that the one blemish is the scientology. But to each their own. Doesn't affect me. Any religion is mythological if you ask me.
Renegade of Funk don’t forget picket fencers which was such a quirky, great show.
I love her as Peggy Olson in Mad Men 😍😍😍 Fantastic actress.
I did not recognize her at all from Mad Men.
Mad Men❤️
@@TitoTimTravels that's weird because she has a very recognizable face. She looks the same except for her hair.
Yessss! THATs why she is familiar! great in Mad Men!
Everyone is like Scientology.. and I'm wondering how I never noticed Oprah's voice in Handmaid's Tale
Same lol
Yes, on the car radio
I didn’t realize it was Oprah but I immediately knew the part when she said the radio voice lady
@@casey9658 It was short, but gave enough hope. Teared up a little with Emily in the Canadian hospital. So overwhelmed.
I really don't care if Elisabeth Moss is a scientologist or not, she looks like a good person and she's a fantastic actress.
well she pays for the practices of scientology: Stalking, putting up hate websites for ex members, abuse to those who dare to speak. you can't see her as an individual if she actively participates in and funds the destruction of innocent lives.
You have no idea how dumb you sound admitting your naivety & insensitivity to the suffering of others. Willfully ignorant. Shame on you
Thank you for yourintelligence!
@@zb6073 I heard some things about the cult, but not so much since I don't live in the USA and here in my country the cult doesn't exist (at my knowledge) so yeah, you can call me naive or ignorant in this matter.
And don't be so harsh on people. If you want to inform, well... do it, I am willing to hear and be wrong and admit it.
I will look more into what this cult does now. But regardless, she's a fantastic actress.
@@ECNECNECN I don't know much about the cult, and didn't know they did such terrible things. Do all members do those things?
This woman is a bad ass! Top notch acting chops.. I'm literally addicted to watching her ✌❣➕
So weird she is a scientologist. Some of the punishments in this show matches Scientology punishments, kneeling in a room with solitary confinement, seperation from your kids.
rockpunkster So are you saying that about the rest of the cast? Some are Christian and catholic all religion is a cult calm down
@@rawrbro69 have you seen how Scientology has taken kids away from parents? They even say children are adults and don't need the care they need. I'm just stating facts, no need for me to "calm down". I'm pretty chill.
She was born into it, which makes it difficult (no pun intended) to escape the brainwashing. She's probably so used to it, that she doesn't see otherwise. I keep hoping she'll wake up and eventually leave.
@@rawrbro69 WOW, Thank you I was just about to comment the same thing!! 👍
rockpunkster Yes, I was feeling this too. Kind of her youth continually ‘groomed’ for what is in her 30s a perfect match.
When the actress from the Handmaid's Tale is in a real life cult and can't see the irony..... 🤦🏾♀️
Allira agree that’s the one thing I don’t like about her
Under his eye
when someone is raised in a cult, leaving is not so simplistic
@@MM-dq2pi Yes, that's very well know, but it's not impossible. You should watch Leah Remini's docu-series. There's never been more information about Scientology than there is now. Doesn't mean we have to encourage cults. We need to encourage people to help get people out of them.
Who is encouraging cults?
It's easy to sit behind a computer screen and judge.
I have read loads and watched documentaries.
ok,i confess,before handmaids tale,i had never heard of her.but what an incredible actress! i wouldnt even recognise her on amazing .
Me too!
I love her as an actress. She’s incredibly talented. Everything she’s ever been in, she just steals the scene, even when she’s not the “Star”.
I dont agree with the scientology stuff, but she is an extreamly talented actress, very humble, beautiful personality and very beautiful💖
Existentialism she’s not traditionally beautiful. Her beauty comes from within.
@@existentialism8532 That's your opinion
She was born into Scientology. It’s hard to get out of that religion. Most families will disown you if you leave
I didn't know she was in Scientology. Makes me sad to hear that. She's so good in Handmaid's Tale.
Why is it sad? Are you sad for everyone else who's into religion. Which all are cults!
@@realhousewifeoftransylvania1.0 You really forced that topic even tho he didn't even open it, and it's up to you to agree or not, but no, religion and cult are two completely different things.
@@Marv9721-t4l You are delusional and I didn't force anything
@@realhousewifeoftransylvania1.0 Just cause you don't agree doesn't make me delusional, but I won't argue with you anyways it's clear how easily offended you are so I won't even bother
I love her more than I care for her Scientology affiliation. She is too talented to ignore and her projects are always A+.
What's with no one laughing at any of her jokes? Dead crowd.
Ugh who cares about her beliefs. She’s an incredible actress. Handmaids tale is fantastic and she seems super sweet.
It's not just beliefs, scientology engages in slavery so
Lol ok I care about her beliefs. That’s the whole point of handmaids tale
She seems awkwardly adorable and I’m here for it...PRAISE BE!! 😂🙌🏾❤️❤️❤️
Under his eye! lol
She’s a Scientologist you smart ass
@@zb6073 who cares?
It's so weird to see her laughing
Right? Her roles are always so serious, and she’s so fun in real life! I wish I got to see this cheerful fun part of her so much more, but she is an amazing actress
The handmaids tale is getting better and better every season !!! Its rare a series becomes amazing each season! Shes amazing !
This season is trash though....
Amazing how where it's a good show but kind of pretentious kind of seems like it's dragging too I just watch it cuz of Elizabeth she brings almost all the element to it
She’s 37? She looks younger than me and I’m 25 hahaha 😂
lies she looks 52 to me
Slap 1 inch of makeup on yourself and you will look 16.
that's depressing
Stella K It always seems to me people expect a 30 something woman to look old. Typically, most women don't start to show significant signs of aging until their 40s. At least I'm pretty sure. Not bragging or anything but I'm 42 and look more like 22.
Bullshit comment.. she looks nice now though I too am shocked.. after watching her in invisible man I genuinely thought how she could be casted as lead as she looks less attractive( tbh to me she is ugly but i wont be that extreme) but here she actually looks nice.
Guess she needs all the makeup to look pretty sadly! But no natural looks thats for sure!!
"if nobody knows its your birthday, its some kind of sad" - so true!
People really attack women but don't attack the man doing the same thing!
She’s amazing in the handmaids tale ❤️😍
Cult member star of Handmaid's Tale.. Most ironic. She also refuses to speak about it. If you're proud of something why wouldn't you want to talk about it... NONE of them do!
Talented her
EM is a down to earth, cool chick. Hope we see a lot more of her.
Everyone is on their own journey and everyone realizes things in their own time. Leave her alone for being a Scientologist. She was born into it and it’s all she’s known her whole life and her entire family are Scientologists. She would have to give up her whole family if she left because they would disconnect from her for being a suppressive person. It’s much different and easier to see see things objectively when you’re on the outside of them looking in than it is when it’s all you’ve known your whole life and you’re on the inside of it. I was raised in an ultra religious family. Crazyass Pentecostals. And for a time when I was like 11-12, my mother and I lived in a cult. That we actually had to escape from. Real escape like in the middle of the night from a locked camper we were locked up in because they got into their heads that my mom had a demon in her. We had to run down the side of a highway in the middle of the night with only a trash bag of our few clothes and possessions. I’m now agnostic. But it’s hard to shake the shackles we are raised in. It’s hard to turn your back on the only life you’ve ever known since birth, and to believe what others say about their experiences when we have had completely different experiences with the same thing. It takes its toll on your psyche for sure. SO TO ALL YOU LITTLE PRICKS ON HERE-LEAVE HER ALONE AND STOP PASSING JUDGMENT. Have some compassion. Have some humanity. It’s not her fault. It’s all she’s ever know. The exact same things often look and seem different to different people, especially to the ones who are tits deep in it and have been their whole lives. Peace ✌️
No one should be above criticism.
Perhaps the "embarrassing" clip was a hidden message... "I'm a Scientologist, but am I really one?"
I luv her ‼️ I am sad that her life is imitating her art.😢
She has one of the best acting talents i've ever seen. Everytime she's on screen in The Handmaid's Tale, she completely grabs my attention.
She is the best part of Mad Men. She is fantastic, too, in The Handmaid's Tale.
I didn't realize that she was on Picket Fences. It's one of my favorite shows of all time.
Her dress is so cool! She's ready for area 51!
She's antivaxx! Don't listen to her
She’s waiting for Xenu
thank you for being the only comment that’s NOT about scientology.
Handmaids tale is my favorite show!
She is an INCREDIBLE actress and plays absolute badass characters! Peggy and June!
I love her laugh and she was already radiant as a small kid in this bad tv program.
She an incredibly talented woman & she seems to be a genuinely lovely human being. So I say this with genuine care & empathy, I truly hope she can make it out of that money hungry cult someday. She doesn’t even seem to like discussing it unless pressured. She’s been in it since childhood so for all we know she’s only staying in for fear of losing her family & friends. Scientology isn’t a religion, it’s a fraudulent, money hungry, Mafia like organization. Even though they’re a relatively small “religion” with only 25k to 40,000 members left that’s still too many people whose lives & families are being controlled, manipulated & destroyed. I hope you can break free like Leah did Elisabeth. You’re worth it. 👍🏻🧡
Amazing actress, the invisible man is a fantastic thriller, also thanks to her.
to be honest, she gives me a bit of a bad/annoying vibe. but in every role I've seen her in she is super believable. no idea what kind of person she is, but she's an amazing actress!
"Because you made it into an english muffin." Hahaha!
Ok. Totally not a religious person here. No fan of Scientology or any other group faith. But simply calling Scientology a cult does not make attacking Elizabeth Moss for her beliefs OK. It is religious bigotry and it is no more acceptable than attacking someone because they are Catholic or Jewish or Muslim. She is not advocating for hatred or abuse, she is not even advocating for her faith, she is just doing her job and living her life. Disparaging her simply because of her beliefs is wrong.
I adore this woman so much… both as an actor and a person.
Everyone is commenting about Scientology and I'm so confused where in the interview does she talk about Scientology.
She does not. It is just people in one cult trying to insult another cult.
I was wondering myself
Because Handmaid's Tale is about how horrible it is to live in a controlling, oppressive, totalitarian religious environment, and she was born into Scientology, which is a cult that uses oppression, and totalitarian rules to control its members.
Moss isn't very involved in it, but she hasn't left the "church", either.
Humble + funny + kind + beautiful x talented = Elisabeth Moss
God i love her. Best personality ever! ❤🥰
She is SOOO Talented! Recently watched the Handmaidens Tale and was quite impressed. New fan.
Who cares what she is? You don’t have to listen to what she personally says or believes... she’s a great actress nonetheless!
Tell that to the people her cult abuses and tortures. Easy to ignore when you're on the outside but the lack of empathy in the cult is destroying lives and she is part of the system.
"renewed for a fourth season"
She's so talented. 💖
still confused why someone as talented as Moss is still a Scientologist. One would assume her net worth/talent would allow her to leave the cult and not face any repercussions.
Its probably helping her
Well, she is second generation, she is there because of her family and i bet they recorded everything about her throughout from childhood to now. So, she can't get out easily, i guess.
She would face enormous repercussions, namely being shunned by all her relatives. Tom Cruise, who's #2 in $cientology is a complete scumbag! I hope Moss and others manage to leave that evil child-abusing cult.
I'm sure Leah Remini will be waiting to help her if/when she decides to leave. It's a shame that people without the power and status she has don't have the same opportunity to escape unharmed...
Wonder how that Scientology is going for her.
She's antivaxx as well!
mareir So are you saying that about the rest of the cast? Some are Christian and catholic all religion is a cult calm down
@@rawrbro69 Are the rest of the cast being interviewed in this video? I am perfectly calm, thanks. 🙂
@@rawrbro69 You really have a lot of free time since you seem to go around copying and pasting the same comment over and over and over again.
seems to be going well. she's doing well.
Love her ❤️❤️ beautiful and down to earth, with insane talent to boot
Listen to the comments. Her religion is really none of our business. If you replace the word " Scientology " with the word " judaism" in your comments, what group of people in history would you sound just like?
you cannot compare a religion to a cult. One is voluntary and the other destroys lives (financially AND emotionally)
@@ECNECNECN I hate Scientology just as much as you do, but it's her choice and making her seem like she's diseased as some of the comments on here seem to do, just makes us look horrible
@@normahebisen1060 well her 'choice' funds the abuse of innocent people trying to leave. It's not the 80s anymore, she can get all the information about the her 'church' from the internet but she choses not to. It's important for people to know about the doings of scientology and call supporters out on it to possibly prevent someone from getting sucked into the cult "because she's a celebrity and seems to only benefit from scientology".
She's not even allowed to use the internet and read the comments under this video, so no harm done there. It's about finally being able to call out public members to show solidarity with the ex members being shunned and stalked right at this moment. To support the ones who were desperate and brave enough to break free, fully aware of the consequences.
I'm all for choice and free will but not at the expense of others.
@@ECNECNECN Wow, you are hilarious! All religions are cults! cult + time=religion. Facts.
The Handmaid's Tale is starting to wear thin for me. Every goddamn episode ends with the same LOOOOONNNNGGGG DRAMATIC OMG STARE from June. And there are always at least three other takes like that in each show. Jesus, give it a rest! When you have to hammer a point home, it's an indication that you think your point needs hammering.
So do I, especially as I don't think they've explored this story to its full potential. But they've done alright so far, so I'm hoping for a good finale. (and LESS OF THOSE STARES)
i love her, thmt had been horribly boring this season, i hope they can step up next season
I wish she wasn’t a member of the cult of Scientology ~ Because she is a fabulous actress & just a lovely person 😊🌸
1:07 Old Woman
Relieved to know she into Scientology, for a moment there I thought she was Catholic.
LMFAO best comment on here
Damn....why the hate? We catholics are so loving and caring people and keep women in highest regard( we worship mother Mary)
After watching that Leah Remini doc on Scientology that she did, I've been very anti-any projects that people have been in that are also scientologists but...Elizabeth Moss is just an amazing actress. Couldn't get enough of her in Madmen, cannot *WAIT* for handmaid's tale to return, and now this new horror movie!!
I think she's a smart cookie and knows what she's doing. I was in a similar situation with my christianity upbringing, and use the good morals and life lessons to apply it into my own beliefs. Got a feeling she's doing something similar, and keeping her secrets close to her chest to not show her hand.
As much as Scientology is silly and quite possibly does illegal things I had no idea she was part of it because she doesnt shove it in your face. I can see people getting upset and angry if she was constantly pushing it in public but she doesnt do that. If anything people should kinda feel sorry for her , they target actors all the time and maybe they sucked her in real good/brainwashed her or dont tell her the full truth. Its not HER fault that it exists. If youre going to get pissed at someone get pissed at the people that actually do the bad stuff/pull the strings.
Happy Elizabeth Moss is doing well since Mad Men ended. She was so good in that series.
I was so sad to hear about Moss’s ties with Scientology. I think it’s important to remember that she was born in to this cult and has likely been harshly indoctrinated. Also, celebrities likely get special treatment and do not see the horror within the group. Nonetheless, I don’t think anyone should let her religious ties go. She shouldn’t be shamed or attacked, but I don’t think we should stop holding her accountable or forget about her complacency within a group that hurts many, many vulnerable people. We can love her as an actress while also remembering her involvement with Scientology.
We all know you here, we watch you at HANDMAID'S tale... it is on our public tv SBS here in AUSTRALIA! WE LOVE YOU!!!!
That dress is giving me major "Peggy Sue got married" vibes and I ain't mad about it. 😍
I thought the same thing!
I wonder if Elisabeth is an introvert. You see, I used to struggle with speaking up due to anxiety and ever since I watched Mad Men, I notice Peggy becomes more assertive and brave. Now im starting to feel more like her and little by little, im overcoming fear/anxiety
wonderful actress and we have a wombat them , keep up the good work Elisabeth xx
Amazing acting by her in Handmaid's Tale. Her face said everything
I love her. What a phenomenal actress and wonderful person.
Its like hearing someone cry for help just to get out but too far and deep for us to even try..
Season 4 of Handmaids tale YESSS
Love her! One of the most talented actress today!
Her show is appreciated very very much .
Brilliant actress. Especially in The Handmaid's tale. Love June
I love her! I totally relate on the birthday thing I hate when my birthday is a big deal.
Everyone keeps talking about her being a scientologist, but i feel like i’m the only one who doesn’t know what scientology is about?? People keep calling it a cult but i have no idea what they do
3 seasons of "Scientology and the Aftermath" is A&E. Your mind will be blown!
ssalady thanks for the recommendation !
Love this lady, big fan from MadMen
she's in Scientology ... horrible
Elisabeth Moss is soooooooooo frigg'in talented. I'm so such a fan of her work. She acts the heck out of her role on Handmaids. Can t wait for next season ( 4th ) to see what June has in store for us " Handies !!!! " Love from " Seeking Asylum " Canada. # Going to see " Kitchen " asap..looks promising. ❤👍☺
Love how all comments are about her being a scientologist and NO INTERVIEW ever addresses that
Just started for the first time watching the handmaid's tale & boy this lady is talent on top of talent incredible performance she is giving & am only still on season 1 👍👏🔥
She's so talented and she's so fun!! Not too mention very easy on the eyes!!!
Suddenly, it's ok to be a Scientologist because people like Tom Cruise? What a lousy argument. And people saying it's not her fault and she needs? Then how does it help her to not address it at all?
hail Xenu, one trillion year contract
nah, just a billion years so no worries
Praised be
@@Andres-co8in blessed be the fruit
may the lord tom cruise open
I don’t care about her religion I like her as an actress she’s incredibly talented:)
Listen, i Don't agree with Scientology but she isn't out here killing people or really bothering anyone. I hate people that harp on peoples religion more than if they just stay in there lane and be happy...... pineapple pizza lol
Omg I totally relate to Lizzy about feelings of birthdays!
She looks like a pretty and sweet foil papered cupcake 🧁🤣 now I want a cherry cheesecake cupcake. Which are made in foil cupcake papers. Omg they are so good 😂but she’s a phenomenal,very gifted and talented actress. She can convey so much with just an expression. She’s superb.
Sigh* agree with you 100%
She's very warm and bubbly and so adorable!
And I want a cherry cheesecake cupcake too! Thanks! 🙄😁
Romario D'Monte they are sooooo good 🤣
@@rebeccahopkins9522 that good hmmm? 🤔
I've gotta try them then! I looked them up and gosh, they look delish!! 😍
And I will make sure I find the ones with the foil paper! 😂😁
Man she missed a MAJOR joke when Jimmy asked who was going to play invisible man she could’ve said: “i don’t know i didn’t see him”
She's such a talented actress and she's so cute.
what?? She is 37? I thought she's 30
Some people become more attractive the older they get.
This lady was on The West Wing. Do you realize how long ago this was?
The straw that broke the camel’s back!! I will watch both these movies Thanks to this actress and this interview. I’ve been looking for some good movies...,
I love her! She does not look 37. I thought she was going to say 27 or 28.❤️
She was so good in mad men. So talented 😻
Under Xenu's eye.
She's so charismatic!
She's great...I absolutely loved her in Mad Men and now Handmaid's tale, which has become one of my favorite shows of all time. She seems so likeable and down to earth....but I have to say, I'm very disappointed to hear about the treatment of the baby on set, and the audience was off put by it as well. Babies and animals can't consent to acting and what it involves...all they know is you're forcing them into an uncomfortable situation, as if they're props. It's really, really wrong.
I only know her from mad men and liked her a lot
She was in the west wing, and was great in it as well.
Nyx and again with her costar Bradley Whitford.
Last episode of handmaid's tale did really got the grip of its reputation.
How was Elizabeth Moss allowed to communicate with Tiffany Haddish?
ManiacMadness11 why
@@shivashivaable Tiffany Haddish was excommunicated from Elizabeth Moss' religion so I was wondering how is it that she was able to even do this movie with her