Currently, the main line of Rail Baltica is being built through the center of Riga. The infrastructure shown in the video has been built to be able to successfully connect and integrate to the new Rail Baltica track in Riga city. As an example, the video shows a pedestrian and bicycle ramp that will join the future Rail Baltica track.
Pāris km aiz Zilupes ir tava laimes zeme - neviens neattur turp doties, bet ja vēl KF pasi paņemsi, tad ļoti ātri tiksi neaizmirstamā ceļojumā uz frontes līniju Ukrainā kur ir liela iespēja palikt bez ekstremitātēm, jo šobrīd mobilizē vēl un vēl!
Wow what a progress! I visited Riga by bus in June and was honestly laughing at the condition of those tram tracks and roads. This is looking great!
It's still far from finish.
Mostly looks great, I don't like the Highway-looking road right by the riverside though
Maybe if you could it explain what this has got to do with Rail Baltica?
Currently, the main line of Rail Baltica is being built through the center of Riga. The infrastructure shown in the video has been built to be able to successfully connect and integrate to the new Rail Baltica track in Riga city. As an example, the video shows a pedestrian and bicycle ramp that will join the future Rail Baltica track.
I think it would be interesting to see some of the 'real' Rail Baltica works
Burvīgi, beidzot pazudīs tas auto ostas rajona pritons.
Padomju laikos pat dzelceļus labāk būvēja. Mes neesam progresējušī bet gan regresējuši.
Par ko tu runa?? Pēkšņi baigi gribās vecos laikus? 😂😂
Pāris km aiz Zilupes ir tava laimes zeme - neviens neattur turp doties, bet ja vēl KF pasi paņemsi, tad ļoti ātri tiksi neaizmirstamā ceļojumā uz frontes līniju Ukrainā kur ir liela iespēja palikt bez ekstremitātēm, jo šobrīd mobilizē vēl un vēl!