I could not be with a person like that, I would leave her, she acts like a kid, and it is incredibly unpolite to you and now is causing problems, and in what work frozen food is better than a homemade food? She is crazy
How old is your wife? She seems like a selfish, spoiled brat! Cook for you and you alone. Make a fuss over how good your food is. Make it so appealing that your daughter wants some. Kiddingly tell your daughter no way. It’s just for adults and big kids. Make a fuss again. She will ask for some eventually. Whatever you do, do not give even a taste to your wife. She’s useless and teaching your child horrible habits and manners. I couldn’t stay with someone like that. It’s abuse!
I could not be with a person like that, I would leave her, she acts like a kid, and it is incredibly unpolite to you and now is causing problems, and in what work frozen food is better than a homemade food? She is crazy
Nta, the wife is teaching her bad habits
How old is your wife? She seems like a selfish, spoiled brat! Cook for you and you alone. Make a fuss over how good your food is. Make it so appealing that your daughter wants some. Kiddingly tell your daughter no way. It’s just for adults and big kids. Make a fuss again. She will ask for some eventually. Whatever you do, do not give even a taste to your wife. She’s useless and teaching your child horrible habits and manners. I couldn’t stay with someone like that. It’s abuse!
Why is the AI software using both the edited word and the new word?
Honestly, out of couple’s counseling only divorce can mitigate this very discrepant way of educating.
1:05 for those who cane from the short
Nta but you were out of line punishing your daughter over a behavior your wife started.
No he’s not when he’s told her to cut it out
Absolutely not he needed to put a stop to almond mom behavior