Being at ease, relaxed, peaceful Disease, being in a state of chaos and confusion This world is designed to keep people in a star of disease. The violence, the noise, the guns, the slave-drivers, the mental abuse of humans in a state of constant ordering of movement. People's mind have been programmed to be in a state of always expecting something bad around the corner. I found it a good thing to just stop expecting.
A clear concise delivery of GnoIN, which made the transmission comprehensible and thus, great-fully appreciated at this time.
Thank you!
Being at ease, relaxed, peaceful
Disease, being in a state of chaos and confusion
This world is designed to keep people in a star of disease. The violence, the noise, the guns, the slave-drivers, the mental abuse of humans in a state of constant ordering of movement. People's mind have been programmed to be in a state of always expecting something bad around the corner. I found it a good thing to just stop expecting.