I am genuinely concerned about the meta for the last couple of patches. Hunter, Paladin, Warlock are the best decks right now and all of them revolve around one single idea: “Either I roll them in the next three turns or I lose in the long game”. The idea is fine, but the problem is the consistency that they have in actually exploding your face by turn 5
@@athath2010I don’t really take wild as an example. I’m more of a standard player, wild has always been a mystery to me (I think that eldritch horrors and black wizards are more proficient in wild than normal humans)
There is zero late game decks that matter besides warrior so it's not like a new meta would emerge from nerfing these decks just makes bran warrior better again and I quit because of that deck
As someone who enjoyed the ancient 2015 fatigue mage 30 minute games and more recently Odyn warrior, I really hate it when the game is aggro win in 5. Doesn't feel like there's many decisions to be made in so few turns.
My hearthstone shame spiral is making a fun deck to try out. Running into the same hunter and warrior decks for an hour straight. Then I start rage playing plague knight to punish everyone including myself because not even the people playing plague knight like the deck.
0:55 I think there is also an issue of not letting the meta settle. Aggro decks are always the first decks to make an appearance in most Hearthstone Metas. Then as people get used to what is being played, Control Decks start stabilizing things, and then we end on some Midrange meta. However, this is made impossible when you have one of the most patched metas ever. It's almost like it wasn't playtested enough, which makes sense if there were staffing shortages due to layoffs.
It's amazing to see just how bad Hearthstone's power creep gets that it's getting near MTG levels of insanity. In some MTG formats aggro decks can literally win the game on turn 2-3, combo decks are typically a tiny bit slower(by 1 or 2 turns, no more) but in some formats have the insane ability of actually winning on turn 1. Any control deck worth its salt has to have answers ASAP to shut these decks down or else they just roll over and die. Hearthstone has always been slower than MTG by at least 2-3 turns, with less explosive potential(for example turn 1/2 wins was never actually possible, even turn 3 was incredibly rare if not outright impossible). These days we're getting to the point where turn 3/4 victories are very much on the table for many decks, and unlike in MTG your 'control' or disruptive options are severely limited, especially in the early turns. Also the reduced hand sized(yeah, yeah, no lands and all, doesn't make up for it entirely) increases the volatility even more, as a slower deck with a less than ideal start simply has no chance to beat the faster decks whereas if they do get an ideal start the faster deck is basically dead in the water, even if it will take many turns for them to actually lose they simply don't have the tools to mount a comeback.
I will watch the same video twice sometimes. Love the commentary and might just listen while cooking. Other times its a new fun meta deck or another that I might be interested for crafting so I watch for gameplay. Your main and second channels are perfect for both!
12:14 , its a graph rly, the more entertaining you are the less skill you need(why i watch rarran omegalol), and the more skill you have the less entertainment you need, but u always need to be a little entertaining.
In the end, I think it's entertainment. The reason why people with high skill are fun to watch, is because it's entertaining watching someone who has mastered the game play. I think Reynad or Firebat, for example, wouldn't be as fun to watch if they didn't vocalize some of their thoughts to enhance the experience. Granted they are kind of not playing anymore, but the point still stands.
@@TheKilogram1000 There's a theory in sports that states there's two types of fans. Fans of the game, and fans of the sport players/teams themselves. Some people love the drama of the specific teams and players, and enjoy following them no matter what. Others love the sport and will watch to see it at it's highest level of skill. Just two ways of enjoying the game. I'd bet hearthstone viewers are perfectly split based on whether they actually play the game or just watch it.
12:28 I actually have the opposite take, I think in Hearthstone especially, entertainment is more important than gameplay, because the game is very casual oriented and easy to understand what is going on compared to most other competitive games like MtG, LoL, DotA, etc. Even as far back as Reynad days, I had tons of friends who watched Reynad's Hearthstone content without having ever played the game, just because Reynad was such a personality and so fun to watch regardless of what was going on on the screen. The game took more of a Subway Surfers role as filler in my opinion. Even as a fairly competitive person myself, having hit legend already this month, I don't watch Hearthstone content for quality gameplay but more for wacky stuff that I'd get too frustrated to play with myself in ladder, as long as the gameplay isn't so atrocious that it gets frustrating to watch.
The fact they you kept a 9 drop on your mulligan says so much about the current state of the game. Also I don’t think a minimum of 1 cost rule would be they confusing if it was per card, which is what marvel snap does. Even if it was universal I don’t think it would that hard to fit on a card. Actually now that I think about it what if cost reduction was a key word? Seems like it would solve the confusion problem and it’s honestly common enough I feel like it could be.
Thanks for the video, regarding the question I personally watch for the vibes. You are pretty positive about the game and instead of complaining you find challenges and fun formats and that's sick :)
Entertainment value for sure. And these more Rarran videos are a great bridge for game play plus entertainment because you are inherently entertaining with your stream of thought. You're really living in the moment and are very good at articulating your random stream of consciousness!
I don't know who will read this but I need help with hearthstone. I just don't know what to do. In apprentice mode I won, but all these other people with animated portraits and god-tier cards keep killing me and I am just not having fun anymore. I can't pay for good cards, but I want to win at least once or something. I'm probably bad but I don't know how to make a deck or where to start. It's making my hearthstone experience miserable...
As a new player your best bet is to not worry about winning and instead focus on learning the mechanics. Look up a budget deck and then start converting your bulk cards to dust to craft a more consistant deck. Winning a few ganes earns packs, completing quests gets gold which can be used for more packs, etc. Best bet currently is to try building hunter as its rather cheap and most of the core deck is free
Pain Warlock wouldn't ultimately need a nerf. It would probably be enough to just take Molten Giant from the Core set to push it back. It's right now one of the most unfun matchups to play against.
Dear Rarran, your links to side channels in the description of the main one are swapped. Link under Variety channel leads to vod channel and the same with the link under vod channel
I think one of the things that makes this meta so frustrating is that cards have just gotten so much value added to them that it leaves very little room for counterplay. I think a lot of this comes from the dev team pushing for certain deck ideas they have to be introduced into the game, and then providing so many supporting cards for those deck archetypes that they become an inevitability. Then, they have to go back and nerf around the deck ideas until they’re too niche to be viable. I firmly believe that the solution to this is that specialized tech cards need to make a comeback, and I think that the current secret meta is a great example of why. The current secrets are basically just going to trigger, and there’s not much you can meaningfully do to play around most of them…they almost could just be a regular spell that both players see played. Now think about if they re-introduced a card like Kezan Mystic or Eater of Secrets - objectively bad to include in most decks, but super useful in the matchups where secrets are impactful. Having access to cards like that creates this two-way interaction between players, where the player playing secrets has to consider if they want to try and bait out the tech cards early, while the player with the tech has to decide when is the best place to utilize their tech. One of the few places where tech cards are currently done right in the meta today is weapon removal in the form of Rustrot Viper. It’s not a great card, unless you’re in a matchup where that tech matters, and by virtue of it being tradeable, both players know it’s on the table. It creates a game within the game about how to play around it, for both players. Who else remembers when they printed Skulking Geist? It was a good way to address the problem with Jade Idols, but at the cost of not only giving up one of your deck spaces, but also having to think about the cards in your deck that you would either have to not include when deck building, or be willing to sacrifice during the game. Good tech cards create not only a meaningful way to counter strong mechanics, but also make you really think when building a deck because you need to give something up, and in todays hyper-value meta, there just isn’t enough of that idea.
I think they need to REALLY reign in mana-cheating. The fact you can play multiple 0-cost 4/4 and 8/8 cards in the current Warlock deck is what makes it strong. The aggro hunter deck was similarly busted because of Saddle Up allowing you to get a 1-2 mana discount on a 3-cost beast.
My personal feeling (as someone who enjoys playing highlander warrior) is that Brann and Reno definitely still are problem cards but they don't matter in 90% of cases because so many decks nowadays require you to clear a full board every single turn starting turn 3, the biggest culprit of it being Crusader aura for paladin because if you leave even just a small board, it's going to be harder to clear next turn and you take a shit ton of damage
Entertainment is the most important part I believe, and you do it masterfully. Its important to remember that not even blizzard could make people care about competitive hearthstone, so its probably not you who will make people enjoy the competitive aspect of it. Keep up the great work :D
Rarran: "FoL was not great because of low power level. The first expansion of each year should always start with a bang." Also Rarran:"The meta is too out of control, they should've lowered the power level with the rotation" Pick you poison lil bro...
the first expansion should be good in theme, power and mechanics. Power level isnt the only factor. Voyage is a great example of a good first expansion.
I mean, in fairness, I don't think the problem with FoL was not that the power level was low, but that the set didn't really have any massive win-con type cards. Like, maybe Symphony, Blackrock n' Roll and Necrotic Explosion were some stand outs, but the rest of the cards all felt like support cards rather than main stays. Cards like ETC, Pozzik, Love Everlasting, Jive. All good cards but not really cards that win you the game by themselves. On the other hand, Showdown felt more like a first expansion rather than a third expansion in that way with good win cons and main stay type cards. Really, it felt like the two expansions should've been swapped in terms of both flavour and power level
I haven't played Hearthstone since Boomsday Project. However, my most favorite deck that i ever made was Reno Hunter in wild, so this brings back great memories
I think the issue with Wizbangs workshop is that the theme was "fun spins on hearthstone iconic cards". Well guess what, all the iconic cards were really pushed and strong, that is why they became iconic, since people played them. And thus you need a strong set to support it, since playing an obviously worse version of a classic card is no fun.
The origin of hearthstone was primarily slow, grindy, value oriented gameplay. You had to make decisions on board and whether to greed holding responses for a potential better use in the future. That iteration played well in my opinion; but when Ben Brode left and Jason Chayes came in (and later continued by Eric Dodds) he set a new direction to model after what makes MTG a more exciting game, decks having more decisive and specific win conditions to play towards instead of generic archetype templates tempo/aggro, value grindy, combo. That's the best style... for MTG where you can interact with your opponents by way of blockers choice, instant spells, and counter spells.... but I don't think it plays nicely in the hearthstone format. A large part of why Shudderwock was frustrating to the community was this effect earlier into the games lifecycle. The generic "combo" template I alluded to earlier had generally been decks that had to assemble 5 or so cards in hand, get to a high mana point, and then combo it for a win. That meant that as a tradeoff for an incredibly game winning combo, they would have to eat a lot of dead draws and fight around hand size limitations, so playing for tempo or value weren't feasible. In the Shudderwock list, you had a game winning combo... in one card, everything else could be played in advance whenever you had an opening to do so. You could just tempo out a Grumble, chain gang, mc tech, 3/3 deal 3 heal 3 mosquito thing (I forget the name) and even if those weren't optimal tempo cards for their cost, they weren't dead draws and had some impact on the game state to keep shaman alive and fighting until they 1 card killed you. Hearthstone just has too much card draw, no lands to draw into slowing down that draw further, and no ability to interact with the enemy turn. In the past you might interact with the enemies win condition by not hitting into a handlock and giving them cheaper mountain giants lets say, but every major win condition in the game now sets itself up to some extent when it's ready. Your options against the current iteration of mountain giant warlock leaves you with the decision of afk and don't deal damage until you can do 25+ in a turn, or take a gamble that the pieces aren't there to play against you.
@@israelulloa4017 you mean at noob ranks. try legend rank and you will see Warrior Cleans Mage Warrior Cleans hunter Warrior Cleans any control or other highland deck Warrior is the only deck that can consistenly deal with pally and Warlock is they highroll. Only bad matchups is stuff like insanity lock and no1 is playing it right now Reno warrior is currently highest win rate deck at legend.
@@meanberryy you mean sub legend statistics where everyone missplays the decks? Check legend ranks and then come back to me. Currently 7-2 vs Warlock as warrior at legend EU Top 1000 legend Highland warrior is best deck currently since its the only one that can consitently beat Pally and warlock while easily winning other matchups
It feels like Hearthstone needs another formatt, like MTG has Legacy, Modern and Standard. You basically finish this year with this absurd power level, rotate to the mid power format, and reduces greatly the power level next year for the new standard format.
It would be nice if they actually used rotation to phase out powerful effects... They could spread powerful effects instead of always trying to one-up themselves _(like if they print good late game cards, just print good early game cards in the next expansion instead of making even more insane late game cards)_
To answer your one question, entertainment value. I’ve never played a single game of Hearthstone but I watch these for the person. I started with CynicalBrit and just kept watching person to person as time rolled on.
They definitely need to be more liberal with the "but not less than 1!" italicized text to anything that has a cost reduction mechanic, especially for single card "combos" that rely on things like minions or health totals. Multi-card stuff should honestly be fine because at least there's some level of interactivity with drawing the puzzle pieces, but stuff like turn 4 mountain/molten has been broken since the beginning and the only reason it's kept alive is because the devs want Warlock to be Druid without the ramp period.
For me, if I seek out video game content game play if first and foremost. Entertainment comes second. If I want entertainment I usually play the video game myself or seek different content. But I don't do twitch and just do youtube content because I do prefer focus on information. In terms of the meta game... there has been so many periods of time where games are won and lost in the first few turns. In fact I feel it has been that way more often than not. If I recall the last time the meta was in a "good spot" was during Festival of Legends. Every single class had a top tier deck. But I digress, I guess it is just the way games are won in the early turns. You can clearly see the stats and those stats close the game out quickly. But I would argue, again, Hearthstone is and has almost always been like this but next to no illusion about what is going on.
Played like 20 games last night. Soooo few of them then were really a back and forth. They sometimes felt kinda tradey... Then you realize one person never took damage and the other is dead. 😊
Im doing quite well against all the tier 1 decks with Zarimi Priest, not to mention its fun af to play, played 100 ranked games with it over the last week
Well, my very first game was against handlock and i remember when he plays a montain giant and molten then sunfury. I was WTF just happened and still playing only for build that deck
4:50 Ah yes, the game famous for horrible card text and never knowing for sure what a card will do before you play it is "very intuitive". I think the game has needed a "but not less than 1" clause for a very long time, but the other thing hearthstone is famous for is nerfing around the problem.
I've seen a lot of people talking about the "cards shouldn't cost less than one" rule but I really can't help but disagree with it. Now admittedly yes, the two best decks in the game are abusing the ability to reduce the costs of large minions to 0 but I think it's worth stressing that we're talking about Sea Giant and Molten Giant here. These cards have been in the game for *yeaaaars* and we haven't needed a fundamental gameplay change to keep them in check before. Outside of these specific aggro decks, such a change would disproportionately affect Demon Hunter, Mage and Rogue in the long term. I get being annoyed with the current meta. Aggro aggro aggro all day is a frustrating circumstance, but I really don't think the "no costs below 1" rule is a suitable solution long term.
Everytime Rarran brings up how little he knows about WoW, I think to myself: 1. Buy a subscription to Classic WoW 2. Ask an OG Hearthstone creator who is also known for WoW such as WoWCrendor to show you around - specifically for card easter eggs/legendary creatures in glorious 3D and of course turn this into a video for the WoW nerdies 3. ????? 4. Profit
Its just a disgusting critical mass of consistency. Decks and classes that have weaknesses have been supplemented and those weaknesses negated by power creep. In the form of stats, value or mana cheat. Just so many boring cases of game ends when opponent played 2-3 cards on curve. Just would be interesting if games got to 10 mana.
Pain warlock. Only counter is either mage (hold burn in hand) except you still get rolled if they heal back to 15 with the 6/6 demon. OR you're forced to play flood paladin. Anything else is an instant-loss. Right now when I queue up against warlock I concede instantly and move on
Painlock as far as I'm aware doesn't have good removals so hunter can easily punish them, also dh can get them before the taunt guy. Also mage can win without any burn, board clears like star power and new 2 mana can keep them in check. Painlock is not a problem, easy to punish if you don't play heropoweruntilturn4 decks.
Painlock as far as I'm aware doesn't have good removals so hunter can easily punish them, also dh can get them before the taunt guy. Also mage can win without any burn, board clears like star power and new 2 mana can keep them in check. Painlock is not a problem, easy to punish if you don't play heropoweruntilturn4 decks.
Honestly, the only cards I have problems with in the current meta are Salesman being a 2/2, Painter's Virtue, and Costs (1) Less Zilliax. Overall, there's a lot of variety in what types of decks are playable, everyone can find *something* that they like and do decently with it. If anything, I think it's a little too easy to hard-wall into game winning push turn 6-7 on, but the decks doing it are doing it in pretty different ways, and I feel like to some extent that type of gameplay is part of hearthstone's identity, so I'm mostly ok with it even if it's annoying sometimes. Lifesteal was kind of a mistake though lol.
Been playing aggro Demon Hunter to counter Warlock and Paladin, beats pretty much everything except Bran Warrior because Blizzard desperately needs to remove lifesteal as an option from Zilliax
Yeah the game is way too fast. I feel like optimal I am having Fun Hearthsone is getting to turn 13 or so before you die. If any deck is winning on turn 4 it is a problem.
Funny how rarran complains about pala and hunter turn 3. But then gets rekt by 15:00. I need to win games at turn 3-4 or i lose to that everytime. Fixing standard the way it is now is not an ez task. You need to kill prop like 1/2 of all cards in standard.
The power level of certain cards is crazy For example the gigantify shaman murloc card a 1/1 then 8/8 with a battlecry of another 8/8 total of 16/16 just for 8 mana!
I think problem isnt only pain warlock problem is scam aggro decks like stupid paladins and hunter and pain warlock they basically made all deck scam or aggro no real control and after bran nerf this kids came back
any streamer account gets better luck bro. your opponents will draw worse kbjrctively against a streamers account, go play on an alt account for a while, just smurf a bit on stream and take your bigfest highlights from diamond of the game taking your agency from you.
I love how you are spamming that nonsense everywhere.Rarran literally won all his games except 1 against this deck easily, and he didn't even build his deck to counter, lol. I bet you didn't even watch the video, just spammed your agenda.
I am genuinely concerned about the meta for the last couple of patches. Hunter, Paladin, Warlock are the best decks right now and all of them revolve around one single idea: “Either I roll them in the next three turns or I lose in the long game”. The idea is fine, but the problem is the consistency that they have in actually exploding your face by turn 5
Doesn't Warlock still have a shot of winning the long game because of Tamsin + Mass Production?
@@athath2010I don’t really take wild as an example. I’m more of a standard player, wild has always been a mystery to me (I think that eldritch horrors and black wizards are more proficient in wild than normal humans)
@@_Valderion_Wild is meta is Control, for some ungodly reason, not that im complaining tho
Would you rather fight nothing but bran reno warrior? Cause that's what's gonna happen if these aggro decks get nerfed
There is zero late game decks that matter besides warrior so it's not like a new meta would emerge from nerfing these decks just makes bran warrior better again and I quit because of that deck
I remember when a 4 mana 7/7 was a meme
This is only a few steps removed from modern Yu-Gi-Oh. Clearly it's not as bad as that right now, but it's a concerning trend
At least Yugioh you can counter your opponent with handtrap and broad-breaking cards, some decks here are destined to be defeated by aggro decks.
Rogue feels like that lol
it is. mana is really the only divide at this point. if hearthstone fuctioned without mana all of a sudden it'd basically be yu gi oh
@@l3wdlemon708 rogue is the worst class on the meta what are you smoking lol
The meta in Magic is just like that as well. Apparently, this is a trending problem in card games.
As someone who enjoyed the ancient 2015 fatigue mage 30 minute games and more recently Odyn warrior, I really hate it when the game is aggro win in 5. Doesn't feel like there's many decisions to be made in so few turns.
My hearthstone shame spiral is making a fun deck to try out. Running into the same hunter and warrior decks for an hour straight. Then I start rage playing plague knight to punish everyone including myself because not even the people playing plague knight like the deck.
I de-ranked from d2 to d5 playing plague dk today. Warlock right now is so much worse than Warriorstone 2 weeks ago. End me.
@@SpookySpooxsame, changed to rainbow dk to make the matchups better
I tried all day to make a fun nostalgia wave shaman deck, but running into the same 3 decks over and over again and losing isn't fun.
The game is way way too fast right now. If your deck can't win on turn 4 or 5 it's too slow. There's so much value packed into low-cost cards.
True bro
Still fun though
0:55 I think there is also an issue of not letting the meta settle. Aggro decks are always the first decks to make an appearance in most Hearthstone Metas. Then as people get used to what is being played, Control Decks start stabilizing things, and then we end on some Midrange meta. However, this is made impossible when you have one of the most patched metas ever. It's almost like it wasn't playtested enough, which makes sense if there were staffing shortages due to layoffs.
The biggest mistake was them doing the nerfs to 30 cards before the meta had settled after rotation, now they are constantly trying to fix it
It's amazing to see just how bad Hearthstone's power creep gets that it's getting near MTG levels of insanity. In some MTG formats aggro decks can literally win the game on turn 2-3, combo decks are typically a tiny bit slower(by 1 or 2 turns, no more) but in some formats have the insane ability of actually winning on turn 1. Any control deck worth its salt has to have answers ASAP to shut these decks down or else they just roll over and die. Hearthstone has always been slower than MTG by at least 2-3 turns, with less explosive potential(for example turn 1/2 wins was never actually possible, even turn 3 was incredibly rare if not outright impossible).
These days we're getting to the point where turn 3/4 victories are very much on the table for many decks, and unlike in MTG your 'control' or disruptive options are severely limited, especially in the early turns. Also the reduced hand sized(yeah, yeah, no lands and all, doesn't make up for it entirely) increases the volatility even more, as a slower deck with a less than ideal start simply has no chance to beat the faster decks whereas if they do get an ideal start the faster deck is basically dead in the water, even if it will take many turns for them to actually lose they simply don't have the tools to mount a comeback.
I will watch the same video twice sometimes. Love the commentary and might just listen while cooking. Other times its a new fun meta deck or another that I might be interested for crafting so I watch for gameplay. Your main and second channels are perfect for both!
12:14 , its a graph rly, the more entertaining you are the less skill you need(why i watch rarran omegalol), and the more skill you have the less entertainment you need, but u always need to be a little entertaining.
In the end, I think it's entertainment. The reason why people with high skill are fun to watch, is because it's entertaining watching someone who has mastered the game play. I think Reynad or Firebat, for example, wouldn't be as fun to watch if they didn't vocalize some of their thoughts to enhance the experience. Granted they are kind of not playing anymore, but the point still stands.
@@TheKilogram1000 There's a theory in sports that states there's two types of fans. Fans of the game, and fans of the sport players/teams themselves.
Some people love the drama of the specific teams and players, and enjoy following them no matter what. Others love the sport and will watch to see it at it's highest level of skill. Just two ways of enjoying the game. I'd bet hearthstone viewers are perfectly split based on whether they actually play the game or just watch it.
At least we get to see Mark perform a 90 damage OTK with Pro Gamer in Wild
12:28 I actually have the opposite take, I think in Hearthstone especially, entertainment is more important than gameplay, because the game is very casual oriented and easy to understand what is going on compared to most other competitive games like MtG, LoL, DotA, etc. Even as far back as Reynad days, I had tons of friends who watched Reynad's Hearthstone content without having ever played the game, just because Reynad was such a personality and so fun to watch regardless of what was going on on the screen. The game took more of a Subway Surfers role as filler in my opinion.
Even as a fairly competitive person myself, having hit legend already this month, I don't watch Hearthstone content for quality gameplay but more for wacky stuff that I'd get too frustrated to play with myself in ladder, as long as the gameplay isn't so atrocious that it gets frustrating to watch.
The fact they you kept a 9 drop on your mulligan says so much about the current state of the game. Also I don’t think a minimum of 1 cost rule would be they confusing if it was per card, which is what marvel snap does. Even if it was universal I don’t think it would that hard to fit on a card. Actually now that I think about it what if cost reduction was a key word? Seems like it would solve the confusion problem and it’s honestly common enough I feel like it could be.
Thanks for the video, regarding the question I personally watch for the vibes. You are pretty positive about the game and instead of complaining you find challenges and fun formats and that's sick :)
Entertainment value for sure. And these more Rarran videos are a great bridge for game play plus entertainment because you are inherently entertaining with your stream of thought. You're really living in the moment and are very good at articulating your random stream of consciousness!
I don't know who will read this but I need help with hearthstone. I just don't know what to do. In apprentice mode I won, but all these other people with animated portraits and god-tier cards keep killing me and I am just not having fun anymore. I can't pay for good cards, but I want to win at least once or something. I'm probably bad but I don't know how to make a deck or where to start. It's making my hearthstone experience miserable...
As a new player your best bet is to not worry about winning and instead focus on learning the mechanics. Look up a budget deck and then start converting your bulk cards to dust to craft a more consistant deck. Winning a few ganes earns packs, completing quests gets gold which can be used for more packs, etc.
Best bet currently is to try building hunter as its rather cheap and most of the core deck is free
Pain Warlock wouldn't ultimately need a nerf. It would probably be enough to just take Molten Giant from the Core set to push it back.
It's right now one of the most unfun matchups to play against.
Dear Rarran, your links to side channels in the description of the main one are swapped. Link under Variety channel leads to vod channel and the same with the link under vod channel
really enjoying the recent bunch of 'rarran just playing hs and having fun
Uh, did you watch the video? The man is absolutely miserable
I think one of the things that makes this meta so frustrating is that cards have just gotten so much value added to them that it leaves very little room for counterplay. I think a lot of this comes from the dev team pushing for certain deck ideas they have to be introduced into the game, and then providing so many supporting cards for those deck archetypes that they become an inevitability. Then, they have to go back and nerf around the deck ideas until they’re too niche to be viable.
I firmly believe that the solution to this is that specialized tech cards need to make a comeback, and I think that the current secret meta is a great example of why. The current secrets are basically just going to trigger, and there’s not much you can meaningfully do to play around most of them…they almost could just be a regular spell that both players see played. Now think about if they re-introduced a card like Kezan Mystic or Eater of Secrets - objectively bad to include in most decks, but super useful in the matchups where secrets are impactful. Having access to cards like that creates this two-way interaction between players, where the player playing secrets has to consider if they want to try and bait out the tech cards early, while the player with the tech has to decide when is the best place to utilize their tech.
One of the few places where tech cards are currently done right in the meta today is weapon removal in the form of Rustrot Viper. It’s not a great card, unless you’re in a matchup where that tech matters, and by virtue of it being tradeable, both players know it’s on the table. It creates a game within the game about how to play around it, for both players.
Who else remembers when they printed Skulking Geist? It was a good way to address the problem with Jade Idols, but at the cost of not only giving up one of your deck spaces, but also having to think about the cards in your deck that you would either have to not include when deck building, or be willing to sacrifice during the game. Good tech cards create not only a meaningful way to counter strong mechanics, but also make you really think when building a deck because you need to give something up, and in todays hyper-value meta, there just isn’t enough of that idea.
I think they need to REALLY reign in mana-cheating. The fact you can play multiple 0-cost 4/4 and 8/8 cards in the current Warlock deck is what makes it strong. The aggro hunter deck was similarly busted because of Saddle Up allowing you to get a 1-2 mana discount on a 3-cost beast.
Crazy how the only counter to Pain Warlock is just “hope they don’t draw well lmao”
My personal feeling (as someone who enjoys playing highlander warrior) is that Brann and Reno definitely still are problem cards but they don't matter in 90% of cases because so many decks nowadays require you to clear a full board every single turn starting turn 3, the biggest culprit of it being Crusader aura for paladin because if you leave even just a small board, it's going to be harder to clear next turn and you take a shit ton of damage
its almost as if the constant power creep is finally rearing the ugly results
Entertainment is the most important part I believe, and you do it masterfully. Its important to remember that not even blizzard could make people care about competitive hearthstone, so its probably not you who will make people enjoy the competitive aspect of it. Keep up the great work :D
Rarran: "FoL was not great because of low power level. The first expansion of each year should always start with a bang."
Also Rarran:"The meta is too out of control, they should've lowered the power level with the rotation"
Pick you poison lil bro...
the first expansion should be good in theme, power and mechanics. Power level isnt the only factor. Voyage is a great example of a good first expansion.
I dont think first expansion of year should be bang. Very low amout of cards so cant imagine very much stragety and every game would feel same
Start out with a bang meaning that it does something interesting and fun, not keep the power level at roughly the same as it was before rotation
I mean, in fairness, I don't think the problem with FoL was not that the power level was low, but that the set didn't really have any massive win-con type cards. Like, maybe Symphony, Blackrock n' Roll and Necrotic Explosion were some stand outs, but the rest of the cards all felt like support cards rather than main stays. Cards like ETC, Pozzik, Love Everlasting, Jive. All good cards but not really cards that win you the game by themselves. On the other hand, Showdown felt more like a first expansion rather than a third expansion in that way with good win cons and main stay type cards. Really, it felt like the two expansions should've been swapped in terms of both flavour and power level
I haven't played Hearthstone since Boomsday Project. However, my most favorite deck that i ever made was Reno Hunter in wild, so this brings back great memories
I think the issue with Wizbangs workshop is that the theme was "fun spins on hearthstone iconic cards".
Well guess what, all the iconic cards were really pushed and strong, that is why they became iconic, since people played them.
And thus you need a strong set to support it, since playing an obviously worse version of a classic card is no fun.
The origin of hearthstone was primarily slow, grindy, value oriented gameplay. You had to make decisions on board and whether to greed holding responses for a potential better use in the future. That iteration played well in my opinion; but when Ben Brode left and Jason Chayes came in (and later continued by Eric Dodds) he set a new direction to model after what makes MTG a more exciting game, decks having more decisive and specific win conditions to play towards instead of generic archetype templates tempo/aggro, value grindy, combo. That's the best style... for MTG where you can interact with your opponents by way of blockers choice, instant spells, and counter spells.... but I don't think it plays nicely in the hearthstone format.
A large part of why Shudderwock was frustrating to the community was this effect earlier into the games lifecycle. The generic "combo" template I alluded to earlier had generally been decks that had to assemble 5 or so cards in hand, get to a high mana point, and then combo it for a win. That meant that as a tradeoff for an incredibly game winning combo, they would have to eat a lot of dead draws and fight around hand size limitations, so playing for tempo or value weren't feasible. In the Shudderwock list, you had a game winning combo... in one card, everything else could be played in advance whenever you had an opening to do so. You could just tempo out a Grumble, chain gang, mc tech, 3/3 deal 3 heal 3 mosquito thing (I forget the name) and even if those weren't optimal tempo cards for their cost, they weren't dead draws and had some impact on the game state to keep shaman alive and fighting until they 1 card killed you.
Hearthstone just has too much card draw, no lands to draw into slowing down that draw further, and no ability to interact with the enemy turn. In the past you might interact with the enemies win condition by not hitting into a handlock and giving them cheaper mountain giants lets say, but every major win condition in the game now sets itself up to some extent when it's ready. Your options against the current iteration of mountain giant warlock leaves you with the decision of afk and don't deal damage until you can do 25+ in a turn, or take a gamble that the pieces aren't there to play against you.
12:26 To answer the question. Entertainment. Especially conversations and taunting / joking.
Who knew you just cannot design exponentially more powerful cards and reach this point eventually. HS needs a hard reset.
I’ve not played hearthstone in years and tbh it’s now too confusing to play
Whenever you lose, it always feels bad. That's the worst part of hearthstone current meta. That says a lot about power level of cards nowadays.
Change molten giants text to say: This cards cost is equal to your remaining health
That would be silly weak
Molten Giants nerf:
30 mana. Fixes it.
Warlock happened, Warlock is dominating Standard and Wild.
Warrior still better in standard.
@@CJBeamedYou Statistics says no
Good joke bro@@CJBeamedYou
@@israelulloa4017 you mean at noob ranks. try legend rank and you will see
Warrior Cleans Mage
Warrior Cleans hunter
Warrior Cleans any control or other highland deck
Warrior is the only deck that can consistenly deal with pally and Warlock is they highroll.
Only bad matchups is stuff like insanity lock and no1 is playing it right now
Reno warrior is currently highest win rate deck at legend.
@@meanberryy you mean sub legend statistics where everyone missplays the decks?
Check legend ranks and then come back to me. Currently 7-2 vs Warlock as warrior at legend EU
Top 1000 legend Highland warrior is best deck currently since its the only one that can consitently beat Pally and warlock while easily winning other matchups
It feels like Hearthstone needs another formatt, like MTG has Legacy, Modern and Standard. You basically finish this year with this absurd power level, rotate to the mid power format, and reduces greatly the power level next year for the new standard format.
It would be nice if they actually used rotation to phase out powerful effects...
They could spread powerful effects instead of always trying to one-up themselves
_(like if they print good late game cards, just print good early game cards in the next expansion instead of making even more insane late game cards)_
i quit yu-gi-oh 4 years ago, but thanks to this demon seed i got to experience it again
To answer your one question, entertainment value. I’ve never played a single game of Hearthstone but I watch these for the person. I started with CynicalBrit and just kept watching person to person as time rolled on.
They definitely need to be more liberal with the "but not less than 1!" italicized text to anything that has a cost reduction mechanic, especially for single card "combos" that rely on things like minions or health totals. Multi-card stuff should honestly be fine because at least there's some level of interactivity with drawing the puzzle pieces, but stuff like turn 4 mountain/molten has been broken since the beginning and the only reason it's kept alive is because the devs want Warlock to be Druid without the ramp period.
I like your video.. u dont cut the rank.. u dont cut if you lose.. u record all of game, which is win or lose.. thanks for honestly..
17:10 there's already a mech 3 mana 2/5 with taunt and magnetic and nobody runs it
For me, if I seek out video game content game play if first and foremost. Entertainment comes second. If I want entertainment I usually play the video game myself or seek different content. But I don't do twitch and just do youtube content because I do prefer focus on information.
In terms of the meta game... there has been so many periods of time where games are won and lost in the first few turns. In fact I feel it has been that way more often than not. If I recall the last time the meta was in a "good spot" was during Festival of Legends. Every single class had a top tier deck. But I digress, I guess it is just the way games are won in the early turns. You can clearly see the stats and those stats close the game out quickly. But I would argue, again, Hearthstone is and has almost always been like this but next to no illusion about what is going on.
Gameplay is what I look for I like decks I haven’t seen before
A small nerf I think works for Molten Giants: At the END of your turn, discount the card by health lost.
Agency happened
that doesn't mean what you think it does in this context. this is the lack of agency except for one... in a two player game.
@@porovaara that’s the whole joke. Hearthstone team stated that they want to focus, and I quote, “on agency”. And look what came of it
Stop making your decks so greddy and you'd have a Chace your 9 and 10 mana cards aren't gonna win you the game
@@HDGaminTutorialsThe game is shit if you die on turn 5 and can't even get to turns 9-10
Just play spellmage. Beats the brakes off pally and warlock. Rock paper scissors at it's finest.
Even if you have burn cards in hand, you don’t have the mana to burn 10 health on turn 4 when they’ve dumped 3 8/8s on the board
the ape sound!!! i missed it
Played like 20 games last night. Soooo few of them then were really a back and forth. They sometimes felt kinda tradey... Then you realize one person never took damage and the other is dead. 😊
No way the face in the thumbnail changed🎉🎉
Im doing quite well against all the tier 1 decks with Zarimi Priest, not to mention its fun af to play, played 100 ranked games with it over the last week
Rarran be like: I played two games with this deck and they weren't that bad... Is this the BEST deck of all time?
Couple of videos you've made recently you've been talking about the game being fun and it's been like "yeah, he's not playing Standard a lot, is he?"
Well, my very first game was against handlock and i remember when he plays a montain giant and molten then sunfury. I was WTF just happened and still playing only for build that deck
You should check out the card game "Card City Nights".
"Wake up honey" again ? Even after I told u it's my alarm clock ? You little tease ;)
4:50 Ah yes, the game famous for horrible card text and never knowing for sure what a card will do before you play it is "very intuitive". I think the game has needed a "but not less than 1" clause for a very long time, but the other thing hearthstone is famous for is nerfing around the problem.
I've seen a lot of people talking about the "cards shouldn't cost less than one" rule but I really can't help but disagree with it. Now admittedly yes, the two best decks in the game are abusing the ability to reduce the costs of large minions to 0 but I think it's worth stressing that we're talking about Sea Giant and Molten Giant here. These cards have been in the game for *yeaaaars* and we haven't needed a fundamental gameplay change to keep them in check before. Outside of these specific aggro decks, such a change would disproportionately affect Demon Hunter, Mage and Rogue in the long term. I get being annoyed with the current meta. Aggro aggro aggro all day is a frustrating circumstance, but I really don't think the "no costs below 1" rule is a suitable solution long term.
The counterpoint there is that while the Giants have been around forever Hearthstone's enablers for them have been improving.
I'm sorry. Any game that ends on turn 4, sucks. And this META sucks.
Does rarran have a PO Box or anything? I would love to send him my chaotic collection
Everytime Rarran brings up how little he knows about WoW, I think to myself:
1. Buy a subscription to Classic WoW
2. Ask an OG Hearthstone creator who is also known for WoW such as WoWCrendor to show you around - specifically for card easter eggs/legendary creatures in glorious 3D and of course turn this into a video for the WoW nerdies
3. ?????
4. Profit
You should do a video comparing hearthstone cards and how they are in world of warcraft, I'd watch that.
These games seem extremely tame. None of the games seemed particularly crazy.
lmao standard seems faster than wild
Its just a disgusting critical mass of consistency. Decks and classes that have weaknesses have been supplemented and those weaknesses negated by power creep. In the form of stats, value or mana cheat. Just so many boring cases of game ends when opponent played 2-3 cards on curve. Just would be interesting if games got to 10 mana.
Got legends in two days with misogynist lock 😂😆
Pain warlock. Only counter is either mage (hold burn in hand) except you still get rolled if they heal back to 15 with the 6/6 demon. OR you're forced to play flood paladin. Anything else is an instant-loss. Right now when I queue up against warlock I concede instantly and move on
Maybe in high legend but I've been warlocks allot with my reno dh deck so idk
Hl warrior farms pain lock, on the other hand insanity farms HL warrior but no body in high ranks play insanity
Painlock as far as I'm aware doesn't have good removals so hunter can easily punish them, also dh can get them before the taunt guy. Also mage can win without any burn, board clears like star power and new 2 mana can keep them in check. Painlock is not a problem, easy to punish if you don't play heropoweruntilturn4 decks.
Painlock as far as I'm aware doesn't have good removals so hunter can easily punish them, also dh can get them before the taunt guy. Also mage can win without any burn, board clears like star power and new 2 mana can keep them in check. Painlock is not a problem, easy to punish if you don't play heropoweruntilturn4 decks.
im just done atm with hs i like slower decks so ive switched to magic
Reno single handedly stops all minion based decks. Deleting reno from the game should be the first step
And people disliked rastakhan rumble for its low power level. You can't have your cake and eat it
Honestly, the only cards I have problems with in the current meta are Salesman being a 2/2, Painter's Virtue, and Costs (1) Less Zilliax.
Overall, there's a lot of variety in what types of decks are playable, everyone can find *something* that they like and do decently with it. If anything, I think it's a little too easy to hard-wall into game winning push turn 6-7 on, but the decks doing it are doing it in pretty different ways, and I feel like to some extent that type of gameplay is part of hearthstone's identity, so I'm mostly ok with it even if it's annoying sometimes.
Lifesteal was kind of a mistake though lol.
like honestly in that warlock game where he set all that up, that was pretty reasonable if he just didnt get Zilliax at the end haha
All i want is for automatons to be good. Too bad we cant have that.
Been playing aggro Demon Hunter to counter Warlock and Paladin, beats pretty much everything except Bran Warrior because Blizzard desperately needs to remove lifesteal as an option from Zilliax
Entertaining + gameplay for me
Well - Zilliax manacheating was the problem in this video...
Rarran this Warlock decks whole idea is to be low HP, maybe stop hitting them down into Molten Giant range it might help
Too many nerfs have driven me away from hearthstone. Most the player base couldn't even handle other card games.
Yeah the game is way too fast. I feel like optimal I am having Fun Hearthsone is getting to turn 13 or so before you die. If any deck is winning on turn 4 it is a problem.
all the giants need nerfing. Rogue spilling stats on board with spell reduced giants.
Funny how rarran complains about pala and hunter turn 3. But then gets rekt by 15:00. I need to win games at turn 3-4 or i lose to that everytime. Fixing standard the way it is now is not an ez task. You need to kill prop like 1/2 of all cards in standard.
Just counter the meta. Played control warlock to Legend, preforms really well against those top decks.
I can't stress how sick I am of this dogshit aggro meta that is more consistent with its gameplan than my immunity system
The power level of certain cards is crazy
For example the gigantify shaman murloc card a 1/1 then 8/8 with a battlecry of another 8/8 total of 16/16 just for 8 mana!
molten giant back to 25 please
Yugioh ✅️
I play secret hunter secret hunter is fun Paladin is whack too OP
Definitely entertainment is what looking for in a hs streamer because hs is just a joke for competitiveness
I think problem isnt only pain warlock problem is scam aggro decks like stupid paladins and hunter and pain warlock they basically made all deck scam or aggro no real control and after bran nerf this kids came back
I mean the meta feels a little better but it seems like there are always the decks on top that kill you on turn 6
Why does rarran yap about his turn like hes playing some tournament just play the cards and yap about some other bullshit
I think thwy should nerf every card that costs 2 or less and abaolutley destroy paladin and hunter. Fuck aggro
This game is literally 85 percent bots. It went down the drain hard over the last few years.
any streamer account gets better luck bro. your opponents will draw worse kbjrctively against a streamers account, go play on an alt account for a while, just smurf a bit on stream and take your bigfest highlights from diamond of the game taking your agency from you.
Actually ten years old
Lich King destroyed the game, this expansion made hs p2w game asf
Atleast with warlock if you clear the board they have trouble, meanwhile flood paladin has like unlimited resources lol
Crazy how the only counter to Pain Warlock is just “hope they don’t draw well lmao”
I love how you are spamming that nonsense everywhere.Rarran literally won all his games except 1 against this deck easily, and he didn't even build his deck to counter, lol.
I bet you didn't even watch the video, just spammed your agenda.