尋找東非肯雅「非洲五霸」在野生動物保護區「馬塞馬拉」走進傳奇和神祕色彩「馬賽村」內羅比長頸鹿公園 Ep2 Maasai Mara/Maasai Village, Kenya, East Africa

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • 野生動物保護區-馬塞馬拉。經過素有「地球傷痕」之稱的【東非大裂谷】地帶。東非大裂谷是世界大陸上最大的斷層帶,從衛星照片上看猶如一道巨大的傷疤,這條長度相當於地球週長1/6的大裂谷,氣勢宏偉,景色壯觀。在此停留並拍照留念(約20分鐘)。馬塞馬拉國家公園是肯亞最大、最受歡迎的國家公園。佔地 1800平方公里,與坦尚尼亞的塞倫蓋提國家公園隔河相望,每年的野生動物大遷徙就在這兩個公園之間進行。在動物大遷徙期間,很難同時看到的非洲五大獸:大象、獅子、豹子、犀牛和水牛經常在這裡出沒,而難以計數的羚羊、長頸鹿、河馬、狒狒和狼則日夜在草原上徘徊。如果幸運,就可以一窺最驚心動魄的馬拉河之渡(角馬等食草類動物搶渡馬拉河屬自然景觀,是否能目睹渡河場景全憑運氣)
    Wildlife sanctuary - Masai Mara. Pass through the East African Great Rift Valley, known as the "Scar of the Earth". The East African Great Rift Valley is the largest fault zone on the world's continent. From the satellite photos, it looks like a huge scar. This rift valley is equivalent to 1/6 of the circumference of the earth. It is magnificent and spectacular. Stop here and take photos (about 20 minutes). Masai Mara National Park is the largest and most popular national park in Kenya. It covers an area of ​​1,800 square kilometers and is across the river from Tanzania's Serengeti National Park. The annual wildlife migration takes place between the two parks. During the animal migration, the five big animals of Africa that are difficult to see at the same time: elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos and buffaloes often appear here, while countless antelopes, giraffes, hippos, baboons and wolves wander on the grassland day and night. If you are lucky, you can see the most thrilling crossing of the Mara River (herbivorous animals such as wildebeests rushing to cross the Mara River is a natural landscape, and whether you can witness the crossing scene depends entirely on luck)
    [Maasai Village] The legendary and mysterious Maasai people have been hunting and herding on this wild beast-infested grassland for hundreds of years, and have basically maintained their almost primitive living habits. They mainly eat beef, mutton, milk and blood products, and live in small and low grass huts with mud walls. The Maasai people who graze on the grassland with spears and canes have become a major landscape of the Maasai Mara, along with the lions and elephants here. Enjoy the singing and dancing performances of the locals.