Children's Sermon Object Lesson: Salt and Light Matthew

  • Опубліковано 29 січ 2023
  • What do light and salt have in common? Both can make quite a difference in things, and are very much missed when not present. In addition to that, Jesus used them to describe our Christian lives! We are called to light the world with the hope of Jesus, and to be "salt", making a difference in the lives of others. This message describes how light and salt impact things, and how we can influence others with God's love.
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    Jesus spoke many times about the importance of being salt and light for him. In the book of Matthew, he gives us this wonderful example in chapter 5:13-20.
    In verse 13 he says “You are the salt of the earth…” We know that salt is something that preserves, adds flavor and even heals. As Christians, it’s our job to preserve God’s truth, to add flavor to a bland world with acts of loving kindness, and to heal brokenness with his love.
    Next Jesus talks about being the light of the World. In verse 14 he says “You are the light of the world…” As we follow Jesus, we should want nothing more than people to see Him in us. We can only do that by living a life similar to His. A life that serves others out of love around us and points them back to Jesus so they too can experience his incredible grace, mercy and love.
    Jesus then talks about how letting your light shine isn't something you do for attention or gain but something you do as an act of humility before God. He says in verses 16-18: "In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Children, when you want others to know how great God is don't run around telling people how great you are but rather do great things quietly without expecting anything back in return so that all glory goes directly towards God and not yourself!
    Finally, Jesus ends with perhaps one of his most important commandments: Love your neighbor as yourself (verse 19). Loving those around us doesn't have to be difficult; it's simply doing everyday small acts even though it might cost time or money because by doing so we are reflecting Christ’love for us!
    Children, let us be like salt and light for Jesus today by preserving His truth, adding flavor through kind actions & healing brokenness through His love; let our lights shine before others so that all glory will go towards our Heavenly Father; & let’s love one another just as He first loved us!