Well you can do it faster than 80 minutes depends on server merge, no error during rocket trick or daily quest. My best time is in 70 Minutes, but my average time is around 80 minutes. Have a great day :D
I've question, when the daily light comes it looks more brighter more big but when do the dailes after some that light fade to nothing I can't even see that there light is or not, main point is., I ones get the 4 treasure candles and those 4 candles can not even forged one regular candle, so my question is there time period or something that at start u get more wax from candles or plants......................?????¿?¿¿¿¿¿???¿??¿?
Sebenarnya tersedia kapan aja sih, tapi biar waktu ngejar belutnya lebih cepat jadi tiap sebelum offline atau sebelum reset aku set dulu checkpoint/lokasi terakhir di Treasure Reff (tertera di video spesiifk lokasinya.) Ada batas pieces of light juga yang bisa didapat dari blue eel, maksimalnya di angka 500.
Well you can do it faster than 80 minutes depends on server merge, no error during rocket trick or daily quest. My best time is in 70 Minutes, but my average time is around 80 minutes. Have a great day :D
I've question, when the daily light comes it looks more brighter more big but when do the dailes after some that light fade to nothing I can't even see that there light is or not, main point is., I ones get the 4 treasure candles and those 4 candles can not even forged one regular candle, so my question is there time period or something that at start u get more wax from candles or plants......................?????¿?¿¿¿¿¿???¿??¿?
Chevron system?
thank you for sharing this! i will be able to do cr efficiently with this route ~
I'm so glad it was helpful^^
Unfortunately I don have anyone to boost me with a white candle but i should be able to catch up easily
this is awesome i must try it out!!
Good luck :D
thanks kak rizz🤩
sama-sama~~ semoga ntar ada rute yg mungkin lebih cepat dari ini wkwkwkw
Love your Vidio♥️🧸
Thank you!!!✨
Wih keren nih, makasih tutornya. Btw mau nanya, buat ambilin yang Blue Eel itu berapa lama ya?
Normalnya kalau durasi dimulai dari awal waktu ngejar cuma perlu kisaran 9-10 menit.
i only do events and mission map :'( im too lazy
Just do what you can do ✨✨after all, 80 minutes is not a short amount of time either...
mau ikut dungg wkwkwwk,,,
Tiap hari kan hampir selalu CR habis reset, asal tangan gak penuh aja wkwkw
numpang komen :D kalo eel itu adanya kapan aja? apa habis reset aja?
Sebenarnya tersedia kapan aja sih, tapi biar waktu ngejar belutnya lebih cepat jadi tiap sebelum offline atau sebelum reset aku set dulu checkpoint/lokasi terakhir di Treasure Reff (tertera di video spesiifk lokasinya.)
Ada batas pieces of light juga yang bisa didapat dari blue eel, maksimalnya di angka 500.