I really wish there was a pre-made layout for blog posts as well. Look forward to more customisation tutorials for this layout pack. Thanks a lot for this one!
Thanks for such a superb tutorial. One thing want to ask, I couldn't find shop page on 'Writer' five page layout at Elegant theme library. Is the shop page removed?
I really wish there was a pre-made layout for blog posts as well. Look forward to more customisation tutorials for this layout pack. Thanks a lot for this one!
Wonderful! We continue to be amazed.
Thank you
Thank you for this excellent demonstration.
Thanks for such a superb tutorial. One thing want to ask, I couldn't find shop page on 'Writer' five page layout at Elegant theme library. Is the shop page removed?
I prefer to just excerpt two or three chapters from my book. Is this possible, or can I only show a preview of the entire book?