I retired from GM after 30 years in skilled trades in Oct.’99. I put in many 12 hr days 7 day weeks to cover production demands and maintenance requirements. During my last year at Delphi I worked a full year of hours (2080 hours) inside of 6 months in order to retire as a GM employee as Delphi didn’t have a retirement plan, GM was “spinning off” Delphi from the Corporate umbrella, so I had to have a year credited service in order to retire under the GM retirement plan. I was tired by the time my “year” of credited service was complete.
So I will say this as a Stellantis Jeep TNAP employee and how we have been sold out over the years then looking at record sales and profits we as a Union appreciate our New Union leadership and what they are standing for. If we have to we the Union are ready to walk the line and tow the rope. We want what is owed to us!!!
One thing didn’t mention when mentioned Tesla hourly rates. Those employees can receive and participate in stock awards or purchase programs. They retire multimillionaires and have incentive to improve performance.
The ONLY multi millionaires as you put it are the ones with 1000's and 1000's of shares. The line workers get peanuts compared to upper management stock options and make a huge generous $20 an hour on average. Barely above fast food hourly wages. They don't just give line workers at Tesla thousands of shares of stock. Show me one line worker who is now a multimillionaire with the Tesla stock program.
Every worker I could find an article on that became a millionaire because of Telsa stock were VP's, Senior Vp's and typical top tier management. If anyone has any info about a regular line worker becoming filthy rich off of Telsas enormous generosity please post link here.
@@thesimulations8900 the articles mention line employees get between $20,000 and $40,000 in restricted stock options. Tesla stock has gone up 20,000% since going public in 2010. So yes, if you joined Tesla during the 2008 great recession, you probably have a nice pot of gold. Even more if you started buying company stock in 2010.
I just had my shoulder rebuilt from 28 yrs in the transmission plant in Kokomo IN. Stellantis treats employees like trash when your broke down threatened. Intimated. Insulted. I’m glad to finally see some real Union action.
Great discussion, The new UAW is part of a broader labor revolution that is happening in the United States. Workers are increasingly organizing and demanding better wages and working conditions. The new UAW is at the forefront of this labor revolution, and it is playing a major role in shaping the future of work. The UAW is also working to address the issue of income inequality. The union has launched a campaign called "Make America Work" that is calling for higher wages and better benefits for all workers.
A lot of the old guard are extremely resistant to labor progress. You can see the hosts trying to to connect to it but also being staunchly entrenched in a proindustry procorporation perspective not seeing the fact that the industry, corporations and stock market would not pay the workers a single dime if they could get away with it.
It still baffles me how so many of the comments are quick to criticize working people who belong to labor unions for asking for “too much” and defend or fail to even mention the multi-million dollar salaries that CEO’s get to run these companies into the ground get. Until you’ve “walked a mile in another person’s shoes” you know nothing.
A lot of people either drank the corporate kool aid or want the workers to drink it so they can be exploited, used and spat out after they have been bled dry of any productive capacity. All of this would be at pennies on the dollar or less of total corporate revenue if they could get away with it...
@@paddle_shift so you are denying the last 50 years of anti labor and antiworker processes on the part of both the government and the leaders of the private sector? That is whats required to deny the basic sentiment expressed by our current strike heavy labor environment. The only prolabor laws of any real note passed on a national scale have been antidiscriminatory (when we all know that people are fired for being black / gay women / pregnant every day but it is just couched in the language of "failed to complete assigned tasks to an acceptable level" or "right to work state. No reason required or given" hence meaning those antidiscriminatory laws have no teeth or their teeth have been severely blunted by the the words"plausible debiability"). Are you also denying the extreme rise in wealth inequality as the middle class has slowly but surely been eroded while the requirement for a college degree has all but eliminated careers straight out of high school (excluding the trades whose decline is a different conversation) while also saddling generations with debt which inhibits their actual earning potential?
As Kalea says 'folks didn't know he was there' that says heaps that the bosses hardly ever engage with the 'troops on the ground' ! Generals who do that, engage with the men, earn great respect, especially if they keep the troops informed about the battle(s). It really is all about military leadership, but how many CEO's know that ? (Thankyou Lt. Cato)
I'm just adding perspective and passing along facts that can be found on line and in old contract books. My pay per hour as skilled trades in 2006 was at $34 per hour. Adjusted for inflation that would be $52 per hour today. At my current rate of $37 per hour I have taken a 30% pay cut. In 2006 GM CEO Rick Wagoner was paid $2.2M, adjusted for inflation that is $3.4M. Mary Barra makes $29M. 8.5 times more than the amount adjusted for inflation. My hourly pay would be $600 per hour if it was adjusted at the same rate as Barra's.
@johnmcelroy - Excellent interview. You are never afraid to ask the tough questions, make someone answer a tough question, and provide common sense in the interview and getting people to consider a different perspective. In this recent interview I don't think I've ever seen you accomplish the above better. It seemed that questions that would cross my mind, like why does Honda have such a low AWOL rate, etc. , a minute later you would be asking that same question. Thank you and excellent job!
The reason is because Stellantis includes vacation days and PA days( contractual personal days which is 5 a year) as absenteeism which is misleading at best.....
Great guests. Very interesting. Marick was great but I would have liked to hear more from Kalea. But that would mean the moderators would have had to better balance their questions so that some would have been best addressed to Kalea and others to Marick. Instead it seemed like 80+ percent of the questions were apparently best addressed to Marick. So I would call this EPIC MODERATOR FAILURE. And if you couldn't form questions best addressed to Kalea (which surprises me) then you should have found another guest or had Marick by himself. The moderators are clearly very experienced but I hope they do better in the future.
There will be a lot more of this. US wages have gone backwards since the 70s as corporate influence became overly influential. Tesla would not exist nor would it's workers be so far ahead if the US auto sector was healthy.
#Local685 They say I cost $65/hr with my benefits.... I have a deal I'll gladly vote yes to, pay me $65/hr and I'll get my benefits on my own in the free market. I mean c'mon, they get out of raising the cost of labor that way. I'd be tickled because I know I can get comparable health insurance for what would equate to $3.50/hr. ($550/month) I don't see the company ever giving me that deal because I don't think it really costs them that much for my benefits but maybe I'm wrong.
I have been saying this for years. We should call their bluff. But we never do. I might add that there is no reason the companies cannot afford much of what we are asking. There are only a fraction of employees still working for these companies.
Great show as always . Somebody’s mic was echoing back into the call for much of the show. Really wish you guys would spend a moments before the show starts to tune everyone’s audio to create a pleasant experience.
Excellent conversation I appreciate this! If they strike hope they take in to consideration what they loose during it, if not done properly it could take the life of the contract to gain it back???
Lee Iacocca European deal.... brought Chrysler the omni and horizon, the 1.6 motors for both cars. I think Chrysler did fantastic with its European brands after making good use of their engineering
There is only one solution to healthcare cost single payer until everybody pays the same price for everything and that price is negotiated we all get screwed By the way, you get to blame Kaiser shipbuilding for this in World War II when they were not allowed to add wages, added healthcare coverage that’s how companies ended up covering your healthcare and leaves us all tied to our companies. Healthcare needs to be completely portable until it is we all pay too much.
Everyone's entitled to their opinions we're not here to argue about that. one major issue the starting pay is very close to the starting pay of fast food workers . In the past there has always been a 7-2 $10 gap between Auto workers starting pay in the pay of fast food workers . Auto workers have been left behind since inflation hit .
Merick's discussion of health care @41:00 is THE argument for the U.S.A. The citizens of this country pay the highest in the world for health care & have some of the worst results in the developed world. That affects nearly every other cost each citizen deals with. We pay more for drugs than anyone, anywhere for example. Our system stands alone in its poor outcomes. It is far past time that the be addressed. John's idea doesn't solve anything, btw.
@@michaeloreilly657 outside the US Canada has the most expensive and restrictive universal system in the developed world and it is a mess - far lower quality in many respects in the US and severe wait times.
Johns idea solves a lot for the companies and nothung for the workers. They will never pass along the actual reduced cost to the employees. They would pass that cost reduction to the stock holders and screw the workers once more.
Yes, All three are pretty much the same just little differences here and there. For example, GM workers only have to use one week of their vacation time for shut down and Ford has to use two.
The UAW already did that! We took huge cuts during the recession to save these companies from their own poor decisions. It wasn’t union pay and benefits that was killing them, it was bad investments, poor market share and poor quality just to name a few. These companies agreed to give us those concessions back when they were profitable again. Well they’ve been profitable since, the workers haven’t seen squat besides stagnant wages and job loss.
@dieselford9184 No, the UAW did not lose anything. The tax payers bail out the car companies. The auto workers are lucky to still have a job. If you guys think you are worth higher pay, go get a job somewhere else that would pay more.
@@dieselford9184 Working in an auto assembly line is basically an entry level job. Anyone with a few minutes of training can do it. Don't act like it takes specially skill. It ain't no brain surgery.
I think that most of the folks commenting haven't. I myself have not worked in a union either, however I spent 20 years in K-12 public schools (I was not management, I was one of a handful of "specialists" that negotiated their salary/benefits individually with HR & Administration... positions that the unions in place had no interest in representing... the only reason it worked was because there were so few of us... but I was an "in-house" employee). Over time, I grew to respect what the teacher and support staff unions were trying to do, and that was : Get a sustainable contract for their membership. Teacher unions are another huge punching bag (like the UAW), and I really believe a lot of the B.S. is well-placed propaganda from the opposing side, which is then parroted by the public to conceal it's true source (which is nothing new). When I was in said K-12 world, you know whose healthcare package I automatically got? Yup, the same plan as a teacher's union member (the administration got that same plan too... funny how that works, eh?) Another thing *many* people forget : There's a reason why the labor force in the auto industry was unionized to begin with : It was because the management and leadership was literally putting employee's lives in danger and justifying it over maintaining high stock prices for their shareholders. This is why safety is such a huge deal in just about every union that exists in the industrial manufacturing space. So yea, the leadership of the automotive industry have themselves to thank for the labor unions they now negotiate with. I personally think that GM, Ford, and Stellantis are probably $h1tt1ng themselves over what the Teamsters were just able to negotiate with UPS. Private sector unions have been taking in the chin for a while now (regardless of what John thinks), and the UAW is probably in a decent position to accomplish something similar. As anybody that's been in/around a labor union knows : A good pool of talent lives and dies by that "contract". I don't know how many times I heard co-workers say "I've got one more contract in me, then I'm done!" If the "Big Three" expect to stay competitive, then they need their labor force to want the company to succeed just as much as they want those performance bonuses! Also for those don't know but see this comment : There are sourcing requirements for *very large* government and private fleet purchases and *a lot* of government regulation friendly to U.S. Manufacturing that will force GM, Ford, and Stellantis to stay on U.S. soil to make these vehicles. So yea, any threat of pulling up roots and leaving the U.S. over sour grapes of a labor contractor agreement are hollow threats.
@@pdegnan4852 Well thought out answer. I do want these companies to thrive. What makes me think we deserve more is the treatment in these plants. They demand so much of their employees. Working through arthritis, trigger finger, sore bodies so that they can meet these record profits is reasonable for what we are asking for. Even tho I feel they can afford all of the demands I’m also realistic in thinking we won’t get it all at one swing
In France workers work 4 days a week with full health coverage and at least 30 days vacation per year! Peugeot (French Car Maker) is still making benefit that is why it has the power of acquiring other companies! If he big picture is what it is why managers and leaders are paid 10 to 1000 times more?
Short term question: Is there going to be a strike? Long term question" Are Unions adding value for the working class in the 21st Century? General question: How much wealth and productivity is siphoned out due to labor unions? PS. I'm pro working class, yet see unions like the UAW as toxic and at times nefarious.
Union negotiated profit payment largely going to non-union work force (all big three companies paid more profit sharing check to non-union workers than unionized worker). There need to be truth talking to public.
When you cheapen an industry with cheap labor you get what you pay for. It's unreal to think you will attract and retain quality workers when you won't pay fair wages and most auto workers are working 2 and 3 jobs. Stallantis has the most temp workers out of all of the auto makers. These temp works do not get any profit sharing, dental, vision, and bonuses. With the transition to EV and incorporation of automation they better get everything they can now because their will never be another opportunity. The auto industry is going to lose jobs no matter what.
Incompetent managers are the ones to blame if a bad employee isn't held accountable. Management are the ones that make decisions that make the jobs harder to do efficiently or effectively.
Profit sharing is already tied to hours work. Those who miss get a smaller profit sharing. Those who do the required amount that is reported in the news is 2080 hours. People like myself that work 3000 hours a year almost double their profit sharing.
They are counting PA days( personal days) and vacation days as unscheduled absenteeism, which is misleading at best, and gives an incorrect impression on purpose...plus they are making people work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day for up to 90 days at a time....
@@sillystuff6247Tesla in Toyota workers deserve the same! That is a great example of why there should be more unions because without them the middle class is getting even less than they should!
R.E. the 15:40 question, namely "could the UAW workers be replaced?", paraphrasing. I think yes, absolutely. SPECIALLY at a time when the industry is transitioning to BEV's, and old skills are becoming obsolete. Most current workers will probably be replaced in the next 5 years even if they collectively were to agree to a salary *reduction,* methinks, let alone in a climate of greed and hostility. And if they are NOT replaced, they will lose their jobs anyway, as the company then will file ch.11. Heck, one looks even at promotional videos of the assembly lines of legacy autos and they show overweight workers walking or moving slooowwly, like _"management have all the power, and I'm a nobody, so why should I care?"_ -type mental paradigm (just with a fake smile for the camera). Which is true, as I can attest most management is made up of the types of guys that were school yard bullies when they were kids, and then go for administrative careers just to continue bullying into adulthood, and deeply enjoy making people feel powerless; but I can't imagine how any company can exist with that kind of ethos on the parts of both workers and management. It's no wonder cancer-like organizations like unions spontaneously arise in such sick environments. The most important thing for legacies to learn from Elon is in fact management, or even above that, Philosophy. They think it is all about motors and electronics and software; but all that is secondary. A company where people are smart, enthusiastic AND free, where their ideas are not just recognized verbally but actually get used immediately, and where management does not exist, and where jerks get fired upon discovery, and where honesty abounds ... THAT is a company that everybody and their dogs want to work for; not one where there's a rigid organizational chart, with arrows indicating expected deference, reporting, or whose brown has to be on your nose, which you'd better care to know, or else. Of course they will get unions. Don't blame diabetes; blame your bad eating habits, which led to it. Even as an engineer I found myself in situtations where some stupid management jerk had all the power, and when I complained about it I was shown the organizational chart and told that according to it I had better put up with it or get fired. It is much worse for workers. So, as much as I hate unions, most of the time it is the traditional corporate reign of evil that often causes unionization.
ford made profits in the billions. this is after their spending needed to continue operating. ford can sacrifice 1 billion to help their workers and still be super set.
Ford's margins are crap, around 4.5%. GM about the same. That's less than half the other major auto makers. The union is for the union, not it's members. Fain is there to keep his cushy job and feather his next and those of his allies.
@sailorbob74133 fains job is in the hands of the memebership now. We finally get to vote them out if they dont satisfy the membership. Uaw also has government intervention looming if they dont do well this contract. Ford is very poorly run and without the huge contacts for work trucks they would certainly go out of business. Noone buys our lowest quality garbage but idiots. Noone is gonna want the evs they are crying about making. Ford cant make a good gas powered car with 100 years of experience. So i still stand by give the employees enough to stop needing a second job in cities, and fire the entire board of ford.
Forced 6 days a week 10 hours a day for years and people wonder why you need a break. Uh for your body, for your family, for your sanity. Weak keyboard warriors. Line work would absolutely tear you up.
Teslas scale of production crushes the big 3. They are already 10-15 years behind the last years production metrics from a tesla plant and teslas announced manufacturing plans will put the big 3 20 years behind. I am not a tesla fanboy but they are a modern company with highly moderized production methods.
The problem as I see it is the workers see the CEO's getting around $30 million dollars a year and the rest of the upper management getting large pay and the worker's feel that they're getting cheated that the people at the top of the company is sucking up all the money that is why I think an employee owned company is a much better deal. Where I live there was a company called Alumax an aluminum company that was running in the red and had low production so the company closed down then the employee's went together got an attorney and purchased the company and now the company is making all kinds of money and the employee's get fair pay and profiit sharing and it's a much better deal all around.
perhaps it's time for unions to change...i've heard (on autoline) that the starting union wage is lower than walmart/mall stores/etc now and they can't get workers on the line. AFAIK all the non-us companies and tesla are all non-union...hard to compete. My brother in law worked for GM as a manager at Ft Wayne and Lordstowne - GM outsourced everything they could to avoid paying UAW wages (food service, maintenance, janitorial, etc). Why did 14% vote? probably because most don't care about the Union...I assume they are all closed shops, you must join the union to work there.
Im all for tougher absenteeism rules. Lets be real. We all know that there are real slackers. And they hurt their coworkers constantly by not showing up. Not for real reasons, but for frivolous ones. As UAW members we need to face up to this fact. It is a real problem. And the diligent workers shouldnt be paying the price for the behavior of the slackers playing the loophole game. Close the loop holes and hold them accountable. I would vote for that in a heartbeat. You want to be paid the same as the rest of us? Put in the time like the rest of us.
I hate to tell you guys... The auto companies are backing off automation... they automation is expensive and breaks down way more than anyone talks about.. the auto leaders have realized quality and people push the production. So don't under estimate the union worker.
The unions need to get ALL THAT THEY CAN to make up for all they have given back and make up for inflation. The UAW sets the pace for the entire country, if they do not get most of what they want, WE ALL LOUSE!
This is nonsense. 11% of the US workforce is unionized and shrinking! They do not set the pace for the other 88%. Yes, the union can demand $90, $100 or $150 per hour. They will only hasten their demise. Like it or not EVs are the future. Making the Big three uncompetitive is not a recipe for longevity. Unfortunately, the union doesn't understand the economics and dynamics of the current trend in manufacturing. Reap what you sow.
At one time the unions represented about 25% of American workers, at that time a good part of workers were in the middle class, as the percentage of union workers has decreased so has the middle class. At 25% unions drug the other 75% kicking and screaming to MUCH BETTER LIVING STANDARDS. I will shed NO Tears for millionaires! @@melvinholland9656
Profit sharing is already based on attendance the more u work the more u get and of course attendance bad we are working 6 to 7 days a week cant call off cant use vaction days because they blocked them i can go to the er they tell me take 3 days off and ill get a point for each day they work us in to the ground
Why doesn’t the Union demand things that will ensure the long term life and profitability of GM. Along with better wages, etc. Such as: Exec Py linked to profit and loss… Empl profit sharing….
Profit sharing is hit and miss and is taxed like a bonus - HARD! The executives don't care about the company as much as what they can suck up before they move on.
What you guys aren't talking about is the fact that the workers are loosing there jobs every day due to automation, This has been going on for many years. So I think the workers and retiree deserve something. I have been retired for 28yrs without any raise in my retirement. How about that? These greedy corporations will be the end of this country. ITS TIME AMERICAN WORKERS get a fair shake. They have been left behind for many years.
How to reduce the cost of health care. Government hospitals. Require every hospital admin to spend 200 hours a year donating their time. All doctors military doctors that do not need a license or insurance. Charge fair prices based on costs, not for profit hospital markup. Problem solved.
If companies can automate a lot of the work they don't have as many problem's with people not showing up for work because there is no people and the union's need to be aware of that because the more they push the car companies the more the car companies are going to want to automate more job's and reduce the amount of worker's.
The US consumer ALREADY buys many “American” cars made in Mexico and Asia… 4 of the top 5 highest American content vehicles are Teslas… of the remaining top 20, it is hard to find “American” brands. So the American people have already spoken… they really don’t care. If it looks nice and the price is right, they buy.
Will they really? What will make consumers change their outlook and all of a sudden stop buying Tesla's? I would bet most consumers don't think nor care about that issue. The UAW is a dying entity that only represents 300k workers. The UAW believe they are much larger than they really are. UAW worker representation has shrunk from nearly 60 percent in 1983 to under 16 percent in 2022.
Universal Healthcare is not the answer, Congress needs to pass a bill putting caps on Big Pharma, Health Insurers and hospitals on how much they can charge the consumer/patient. Healthcare costs are through the roof, if we don't get it under control our taxes will rise and many people will not be able to afford healthcare. As far as automation and AI taking over manufacturing and other jobs, that will only kill off the middle class and their purchasing power, so in turn that will limit the consumer/ customer base in which buy these products. If you shrink the consumer base, you will shrink the local, State and Federal economy, plus weaken the U.S. dollar. We have to many automotive companies worldwide fighting for market share, meaning if automation and AI kill off jobs in the United States then who will buy these products? So in turn reducing automotive companies across the globe. I would love to be on this show. One thing you did not touch on is that this is a free Capitalist market and these companies are making global profits off the backs of its workers let alone being subsidized on a local, State and Federal level off the backs of the taxpayers/ United States citizens. These companies are whipsawing each countries labor market for the lowest bidder, how is this in the interest of the United States economy, meaning the local, State and Federal economy and infrastructure?
You are not addressing what CEO and management gets for raises given generously to themselves on the backs of workers. If profit drops their wages stay the same. Sharing of profits is he right thing to do so all can have a reasonable living.🤔 Two tier wages on the job makes it hard for employees to work together I harmony.
They do, and they're going to take full advantage of it. They know if there was a long term strike, oems will not be able to hire anywhere near enough temp help. Shut downs are coming.
It's funny how you talk about absenteeism try working a mandatory six days a week ten and a half hours a day on second shift I see my family maybe four or five hours on a Sunday , I got moved to a plant an hour away from my home so to get to work on time I have to give myself two hours due to construction that never seems to end the up side is it's only an hour going home at three thirty in the morning when I get off work so basically eighteen hours of my week is just going back and forth to work than there's the one hundred and fourty dollars a week in gas , we have PAA days for sickness five days a year but you now have to pre schedule a sickness because they now have to be pre approved so there's a work life balance for you , as far as health care goes we need to stop supporting major insurance companies fourty percent of what goes into health care are all administrative, you talk about companies having finite resources as far as capital goes but they sure don't have an issue when it comes to CEO compensation , its all a race to the bottom once everyone is down to ten dollars an hour there will be no one to buy these seventy thousand dollar trucks the big money guys buy Mercedes BMW Range Rover and the folks in China building cars can barely afford to eat so good luck with that , I'm willing to bet the guys and gals working at Tesla can't afford to buy the product they make , now let's talk electrical grids when you have the state of California which is the EV capital of the country telling people not to charge there cars that says it all I'm tired of all these academics that live in a bubble laying out how they think the world is going to be maybe try going to an automotive and see how things really are instead of speculating on how things should be .
Both, Mary Barra & Chris Farley's cousin, have failed since they were hired, yet they are still paid multi millions. The workers build the vehicles, while they both sit in their highrise offices twiddling their thumbs😂. Go UAW!😊
The UAW will fast forward the big three to bankruptcy… what the big 3 needs now is staff that go above and beyond to get their employers to survive. They are biting the hand that feeds them.
Uaw workers don't make $65 an hour. That's bs the legacy employees only make $31 per hour you need to look at how much they have profited. 12. Years without any raise until the Las contract 4 years ago
Re GM wages… we must remember that They already get VASTLY more than the VAST majority of factory workers in America… they complain about the ‘08 crisis but forget that the shareholders (including many people’s pension funds) were decimated and the government used taxpayer money to protect their jobs and pensions while everyone else lost their jobs and pensions… I remember the conversations then… “why them and not us?” The statements of the current US president made it obvious the administration at the time owed the union for their victory in the elections. However, the deal has always been that once president, you become EVERYONE’s president. You either protect everyone or no one. Especially not those already privileged.
They should have let both GM and Chrysler go bankrupt then without any bailouts, and then all their dealerships would have gone now bankrupt, which would have ended the US autodealership monopoly. That's never discussed in these types of discussions. That US legacy automanufaturers are forced to sell their vehicles to "flippers" called dealers, (at roughly 25% below MSRP) who then sell the vehicles at any price they want, not directly to their customers. Imagine doing all the work to make a product and then being forced to sell it to a middlemen who takes 25% of your profits.
Hey, auto worker, don't like the deal you getting? Quit and go apply somewhere else. But don't expect to get more than half your present $135K in wages and benefits. You are a low skill grunt, not a PhD. You should be happy and amazed with your good fortune.
Roots Group and Simca(sad) ! Interesting that Marick says of the large Socialist/Communist influence in the UAW. As an old security service member in AUS , we had a very great penetration of our unions, both Russian influenced and, after Hungary invasion, locally generated. But we knew all of it!
The real issue is going to be automobile assembly in Mexico by Chinese companies. The people of the UAW are going to price themselves out of the labor market.
I retired from GM after 30 years in skilled trades in Oct.’99. I put in many 12 hr days 7 day weeks to cover production demands and maintenance requirements. During my last year at Delphi I worked a full year of hours (2080 hours) inside of 6 months in order to retire as a GM employee as Delphi didn’t have a retirement plan, GM was “spinning off” Delphi from the Corporate umbrella, so I had to have a year credited service in order to retire under the GM retirement plan. I was tired by the time my “year” of credited service was complete.
Just curious
If GM goes bankrupt and is not bailed out, do you still get your pension (retirement)?
@@whodatcattGM has gone bk in the 2000’s i think, should be lots of articles
So I will say this as a Stellantis Jeep TNAP employee and how we have been sold out over the years then looking at record sales and profits we as a Union appreciate our New Union leadership and what they are standing for.
If we have to we the Union are ready to walk the line and tow the rope.
We want what is owed to us!!!
As you should and deserve
They need to have a UAW representative on this panel to hear their voice!
They don’t want that😂
If you want to add a UAW representative.... You will need an OEM representation as well. And at this stage it may be a shouting match.
Undoubtedly the most interesting “after hours” in a while.
One thing didn’t mention when mentioned Tesla hourly rates. Those employees can receive and participate in stock awards or purchase programs. They retire multimillionaires and have incentive to improve performance.
Well go to work for Tesla if you are not satisfied. There are plenty of immigrants looking for work.
The ONLY multi millionaires as you put it are the ones with 1000's and 1000's of shares. The line workers get peanuts compared to upper management stock options and make a huge generous $20 an hour on average. Barely above fast food hourly wages. They don't just give line workers at Tesla thousands of shares of stock. Show me one line worker who is now a multimillionaire with the Tesla stock program.
Every worker I could find an article on that became a millionaire because of Telsa stock were VP's, Senior Vp's and typical top tier management. If anyone has any info about a regular line worker becoming filthy rich off of Telsas enormous generosity please post link here.
@@thesimulations8900 the articles mention line employees get between $20,000 and $40,000 in restricted stock options. Tesla stock has gone up 20,000% since going public in 2010.
So yes, if you joined Tesla during the 2008 great recession, you probably have a nice pot of gold. Even more if you started buying company stock in 2010.
I just had my shoulder rebuilt from 28 yrs in the transmission plant in Kokomo IN. Stellantis treats employees like trash when your broke down threatened. Intimated. Insulted. I’m glad to finally see some real Union action.
Great discussion,
The new UAW is part of a broader labor revolution that is happening in the United States. Workers are increasingly organizing and demanding better wages and working conditions. The new UAW is at the forefront of this labor revolution, and it is playing a major role in shaping the future of work.
The UAW is also working to address the issue of income inequality. The union has launched a campaign called "Make America Work" that is calling for higher wages and better benefits for all workers.
A lot of the old guard are extremely resistant to labor progress.
You can see the hosts trying to to connect to it but also being staunchly entrenched in a proindustry procorporation perspective not seeing the fact that the industry, corporations and stock market would not pay the workers a single dime if they could get away with it.
It still baffles me how so many of the comments are quick to criticize working people who belong to labor unions for asking for “too much” and defend or fail to even mention the multi-million dollar salaries that CEO’s get to run these companies into the ground get. Until you’ve “walked a mile in another person’s shoes” you know nothing.
A lot of people either drank the corporate kool aid or want the workers to drink it so they can be exploited, used and spat out after they have been bled dry of any productive capacity. All of this would be at pennies on the dollar or less of total corporate revenue if they could get away with it...
Because their not working themselves to death on a assembly line. No clue until it’s you
If he knows "nothing" (which is 0) then you also know nothing, 10 times 0 is 0.
@@paddle_shift so you are denying the last 50 years of anti labor and antiworker processes on the part of both the government and the leaders of the private sector?
That is whats required to deny the basic sentiment expressed by our current strike heavy labor environment.
The only prolabor laws of any real note passed on a national scale have been antidiscriminatory (when we all know that people are fired for being black / gay women / pregnant every day but it is just couched in the language of "failed to complete assigned tasks to an acceptable level" or "right to work state. No reason required or given" hence meaning those antidiscriminatory laws have no teeth or their teeth have been severely blunted by the the words"plausible debiability").
Are you also denying the extreme rise in wealth inequality as the middle class has slowly but surely been eroded while the requirement for a college degree has all but eliminated careers straight out of high school (excluding the trades whose decline is a different conversation) while also saddling generations with debt which inhibits their actual earning potential?
This was the most interesting and potentially significant Autoline I've watched. Very interesting times ahead. Thanks for this!
100% support from this Union Member!!!
As Kalea says 'folks didn't know he was there' that says heaps that the bosses hardly ever engage with the 'troops on the ground' ! Generals who do that, engage with the men, earn great respect, especially if they keep the troops informed about the battle(s). It really is all about military leadership, but how many CEO's know that ? (Thankyou Lt. Cato)
That's why Rommel was so loved by his soldiers!
The big3 is not the military.
I'm just adding perspective and passing along facts that can be found on line and in old contract books.
My pay per hour as skilled trades in 2006 was at $34 per hour. Adjusted for inflation that would be $52 per hour today. At my current rate of $37 per hour I have taken a 30% pay cut.
In 2006 GM CEO Rick Wagoner was paid $2.2M, adjusted for inflation that is $3.4M.
Mary Barra makes $29M. 8.5 times more than the amount adjusted for inflation.
My hourly pay would be $600 per hour if it was adjusted at the same rate as Barra's.
@johnmcelroy - Excellent interview. You are never afraid to ask the tough questions, make someone answer a tough question, and provide common sense in the interview and getting people to consider a different perspective. In this recent interview I don't think I've ever seen you accomplish the above better. It seemed that questions that would cross my mind, like why does Honda have such a low AWOL rate, etc. , a minute later you would be asking that same question.
Thank you and excellent job!
The reason is because Stellantis includes vacation days and PA days( contractual personal days which is 5 a year) as absenteeism which is misleading at best.....
I like how Marick calls them Communist. People like him is why the Union should get everything they ask for.
The impact of a protracted strike to the economy would be devastating.
Excellent show. Thanks. You really covered it.
This is the most logical discussion I’ve seen in a long time.
Great guests. Very interesting. Marick was great but I would have liked to hear more from Kalea. But that would mean the moderators would have had to better balance their questions so that some would have been best addressed to Kalea and others to Marick. Instead it seemed like 80+ percent of the questions were apparently best addressed to Marick. So I would call this EPIC MODERATOR FAILURE. And if you couldn't form questions best addressed to Kalea (which surprises me) then you should have found another guest or had Marick by himself. The moderators are clearly very experienced but I hope they do better in the future.
There will be a lot more of this. US wages have gone backwards since the 70s as corporate influence became overly influential. Tesla would not exist nor would it's workers be so far ahead if the US auto sector was healthy.
Enjoyed the insights and show. Dr. Data. Keep bringing it.
#Local685 They say I cost $65/hr with my benefits.... I have a deal I'll gladly vote yes to, pay me $65/hr and I'll get my benefits on my own in the free market.
I mean c'mon, they get out of raising the cost of labor that way. I'd be tickled because I know I can get comparable health insurance for what would equate to $3.50/hr. ($550/month) I don't see the company ever giving me that deal because I don't think it really costs them that much for my benefits but maybe I'm wrong.
I have been saying this for years. We should call their bluff. But we never do. I might add that there is no reason the companies cannot afford much of what we are asking. There are only a fraction of employees still working for these companies.
It not just benefits, it is payroll tax, disability, workmans comp, ect. Costs to the company you don't see. It adds up fast.
It’s your union that is fighting that.
Fabulously informative show
Great guests.
Why don't you let Kalea talk more. Marick is a great information source and probably should have been the only guest..
Maybe she had nothing to say.
Exactly. She had every opportunity to speak.
That's what happens when you get an old man that loves the sound of his voice vs an actual reporter that knows things without preconceptions.
Im sticking with AAH,s Im 58, been there, done that.!!
What a well balanced, informative discussion....thank you!
Did they discuss executive pay?
We work 10hr shifts 6 days a week we are exhausted we need at least 2 days off and we don’t get it
I work 40 hours in aerospace manufacturing. Optional OT always available. I think it's a great work life balance. I feel for you guys.
I hear ya! We don’t work 6 days at Chicago Assembly BUT we work 10.7 Hrs a day now( 6am-5:12pm ) that’s a long day
Great show as always . Somebody’s mic was echoing back into the call for much of the show. Really wish you guys would spend a moments before the show starts to tune everyone’s audio to create a pleasant experience.
Excellent conversation I appreciate this!
If they strike hope they take in to consideration what they loose during it, if not done properly it could take the life of the contract to gain it back???
Quality guest
Lee Iacocca European deal.... brought Chrysler the omni and horizon, the 1.6 motors for both cars. I think Chrysler did fantastic with its European brands after making good use of their engineering
As a retired GM union member the company took 100.00 away from our Dental Insurance love 2 get that back
We don’t even have time to spend time with our family’s and friends
There is only one solution to healthcare cost single payer until everybody pays the same price for everything and that price is negotiated we all get screwed
By the way, you get to blame Kaiser shipbuilding for this in World War II when they were not allowed to add wages, added healthcare coverage that’s how companies ended up covering your healthcare and leaves us all tied to our companies. Healthcare needs to be completely portable until it is we all pay too much.
It has always blown my mind that US Employers are not staunch advocates of single payer....
A monopoly in healthcare would be the worst choice. Reforms certainly. But not that.
Everyone's entitled to their opinions we're not here to argue about that. one major issue the starting pay is very close to the starting pay of fast food workers . In the past there has always been a 7-2 $10 gap between Auto workers starting pay in the pay of fast food workers . Auto workers have been left behind since inflation hit .
Where's FOrd and GM building new plants? There's one reason for it.
Great discussion
Merick's discussion of health care @41:00 is THE argument for the U.S.A. The citizens of this country pay the highest in the world for health care & have some of the worst results in the developed world. That affects nearly every other cost each citizen deals with. We pay more for drugs than anyone, anywhere for example. Our system stands alone in its poor outcomes. It is far past time that the be addressed. John's idea doesn't solve anything, btw.
Wait till you find out that 90% of the Healthcare industry's profits comes from our tax money and then we still have to pay out of pocket
USA has the best healthcare IF you have a good plan. And UAW has one of the best plans of all.
Certainly need reform but let’s get the facts straight
@@gordtulkAnd the cost???
@@michaeloreilly657 outside the US Canada has the most expensive and restrictive universal system in the developed world and it is a mess - far lower quality in many respects in the US and severe wait times.
Johns idea solves a lot for the companies and nothung for the workers. They will never pass along the actual reduced cost to the employees. They would pass that cost reduction to the stock holders and screw the workers once more.
Do all the big three have identical uaw contracts?
Yes, All three are pretty much the same just little differences here and there. For example, GM workers only have to use one week of their vacation time for shut down and Ford has to use two.
If UAW wants to share profit, than they need to share losses too.
The UAW already did that! We took huge cuts during the recession to save these companies from their own poor decisions. It wasn’t union pay and benefits that was killing them, it was bad investments, poor market share and poor quality just to name a few. These companies agreed to give us those concessions back when they were profitable again. Well they’ve been profitable since, the workers haven’t seen squat besides stagnant wages and job loss.
@dieselford9184 No, the UAW did not lose anything. The tax payers bail out the car companies. The auto workers are lucky to still have a job. If you guys think you are worth higher pay, go get a job somewhere else that would pay more.
@@dieselford9184 Working in an auto assembly line is basically an entry level job. Anyone with a few minutes of training can do it. Don't act like it takes specially skill. It ain't no brain surgery.
@@Carguytcttypical bootlicker. If everyone did that there would be no cars made. You’d have to walk to lick those boots
@@Carguytctyou forgot the auto workers are tax payers as well. Pay them what they are worth! Solidarity 💯
What do y’all think is “reasonable “ deal? Have any of you worked in the labor force?
I think that most of the folks commenting haven't.
I myself have not worked in a union either, however I spent 20 years in K-12 public schools (I was not management, I was one of a handful of "specialists" that negotiated their salary/benefits individually with HR & Administration... positions that the unions in place had no interest in representing... the only reason it worked was because there were so few of us... but I was an "in-house" employee). Over time, I grew to respect what the teacher and support staff unions were trying to do, and that was : Get a sustainable contract for their membership. Teacher unions are another huge punching bag (like the UAW), and I really believe a lot of the B.S. is well-placed propaganda from the opposing side, which is then parroted by the public to conceal it's true source (which is nothing new). When I was in said K-12 world, you know whose healthcare package I automatically got? Yup, the same plan as a teacher's union member (the administration got that same plan too... funny how that works, eh?)
Another thing *many* people forget : There's a reason why the labor force in the auto industry was unionized to begin with : It was because the management and leadership was literally putting employee's lives in danger and justifying it over maintaining high stock prices for their shareholders. This is why safety is such a huge deal in just about every union that exists in the industrial manufacturing space. So yea, the leadership of the automotive industry have themselves to thank for the labor unions they now negotiate with.
I personally think that GM, Ford, and Stellantis are probably $h1tt1ng themselves over what the Teamsters were just able to negotiate with UPS. Private sector unions have been taking in the chin for a while now (regardless of what John thinks), and the UAW is probably in a decent position to accomplish something similar. As anybody that's been in/around a labor union knows : A good pool of talent lives and dies by that "contract". I don't know how many times I heard co-workers say "I've got one more contract in me, then I'm done!" If the "Big Three" expect to stay competitive, then they need their labor force to want the company to succeed just as much as they want those performance bonuses!
Also for those don't know but see this comment : There are sourcing requirements for *very large* government and private fleet purchases and *a lot* of government regulation friendly to U.S. Manufacturing that will force GM, Ford, and Stellantis to stay on U.S. soil to make these vehicles. So yea, any threat of pulling up roots and leaving the U.S. over sour grapes of a labor contractor agreement are hollow threats.
@@pdegnan4852 Well thought out answer. I do want these companies to thrive. What makes me think we deserve more is the treatment in these plants. They demand so much of their employees. Working through arthritis, trigger finger, sore bodies so that they can meet these record profits is reasonable for what we are asking for. Even tho I feel they can afford all of the demands I’m also realistic in thinking we won’t get it all at one swing
In France workers work 4 days a week with full health coverage and at least 30 days vacation per year! Peugeot (French Car Maker) is still making benefit that is why it has the power of acquiring other companies! If he big picture is what it is why managers and leaders are paid 10 to 1000 times more?
Short term question: Is there going to be a strike? Long term question" Are Unions adding value for the working class in the 21st Century? General question: How much wealth and productivity is siphoned out due to labor unions? PS. I'm pro working class, yet see unions like the UAW as toxic and at times nefarious.
i don't understand, if the workers strike for weeks, do they get there money when they go back to work???
Union negotiated profit payment largely going to non-union work force (all big three companies paid more profit sharing check to non-union workers than unionized worker). There need to be truth talking to public.
When you cheapen an industry with cheap labor you get what you pay for. It's unreal to think you will attract and retain quality workers when you won't pay fair wages and most auto workers are working 2 and 3 jobs. Stallantis has the most temp workers out of all of the auto makers. These temp works do not get any profit sharing, dental, vision, and bonuses. With the transition to EV and incorporation of automation they better get everything they can now because their will never be another opportunity. The auto industry is going to lose jobs no matter what.
My biggest concern with union is that it is hard to fire incompetent people. If you are competent yourself, it becomes hard to work with them.
Incompetent managers are the ones to blame if a bad employee isn't held accountable.
Management are the ones that make decisions that make the jobs harder to do efficiently or effectively.
I also have to say aslong as auto start pay is 16.00 minimum wage will stall
Profit sharing is already tied to hours work. Those who miss get a smaller profit sharing. Those who do the required amount that is reported in the news is 2080 hours.
People like myself that work 3000 hours a year almost double their profit sharing.
It only took 48min to get to the bloody point!
When u only get 3/4 days off a month people don’t want to work.
They are counting PA days( personal days) and vacation days as unscheduled absenteeism, which is misleading at best, and gives an incorrect impression on purpose...plus they are making people work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day for up to 90 days at a time....
Why don't I hear jack about the CEO's cutting their bloated salaries ? Do they really deserve 29m a year.. come on now
CEO compensation should (maybe) be wholly dependent on company performance?
Anyone know of a CEO in the industry for who that's true?
@@sillystuff6247Tesla in Toyota workers deserve the same! That is a great example of why there should be more unions because without them the middle class is getting even less than they should!
R.E. the 15:40 question, namely "could the UAW workers be replaced?", paraphrasing. I think yes, absolutely. SPECIALLY at a time when the industry is transitioning to BEV's, and old skills are becoming obsolete. Most current workers will probably be replaced in the next 5 years even if they collectively were to agree to a salary *reduction,* methinks, let alone in a climate of greed and hostility. And if they are NOT replaced, they will lose their jobs anyway, as the company then will file ch.11. Heck, one looks even at promotional videos of the assembly lines of legacy autos and they show overweight workers walking or moving slooowwly, like _"management have all the power, and I'm a nobody, so why should I care?"_ -type mental paradigm (just with a fake smile for the camera). Which is true, as I can attest most management is made up of the types of guys that were school yard bullies when they were kids, and then go for administrative careers just to continue bullying into adulthood, and deeply enjoy making people feel powerless; but I can't imagine how any company can exist with that kind of ethos on the parts of both workers and management. It's no wonder cancer-like organizations like unions spontaneously arise in such sick environments. The most important thing for legacies to learn from Elon is in fact management, or even above that, Philosophy. They think it is all about motors and electronics and software; but all that is secondary. A company where people are smart, enthusiastic AND free, where their ideas are not just recognized verbally but actually get used immediately, and where management does not exist, and where jerks get fired upon discovery, and where honesty abounds ... THAT is a company that everybody and their dogs want to work for; not one where there's a rigid organizational chart, with arrows indicating expected deference, reporting, or whose brown has to be on your nose, which you'd better care to know, or else. Of course they will get unions. Don't blame diabetes; blame your bad eating habits, which led to it. Even as an engineer I found myself in situtations where some stupid management jerk had all the power, and when I complained about it I was shown the organizational chart and told that according to it I had better put up with it or get fired. It is much worse for workers. So, as much as I hate unions, most of the time it is the traditional corporate reign of evil that often causes unionization.
ford made profits in the billions. this is after their spending needed to continue operating. ford can sacrifice 1 billion to help their workers and still be super set.
Ford's margins are crap, around 4.5%. GM about the same. That's less than half the other major auto makers. The union is for the union, not it's members. Fain is there to keep his cushy job and feather his next and those of his allies.
@sailorbob74133 fains job is in the hands of the memebership now. We finally get to vote them out if they dont satisfy the membership. Uaw also has government intervention looming if they dont do well this contract.
Ford is very poorly run and without the huge contacts for work trucks they would certainly go out of business. Noone buys our lowest quality garbage but idiots. Noone is gonna want the evs they are crying about making. Ford cant make a good gas powered car with 100 years of experience. So i still stand by give the employees enough to stop needing a second job in cities, and fire the entire board of ford.
Yes absentee is a big issue around all industries. I love what Toyota and Honda stand for.
Absenteeism a shit because we work our butts off and get injuries! I’m just curious if you were working auto assembly line
Forced 6 days a week 10 hours a day for years and people wonder why you need a break. Uh for your body, for your family, for your sanity. Weak keyboard warriors. Line work would absolutely tear you up.
Hey John don’t forget on absentee figure that was for the last 3 years which was through the COVID pandemic??? He never mentioned that
How many hours does it take Ford to make the Mach E? VW takes 30 hrs to build a ID4, Tesla builds a Model Y in 10 hrs.
Does that include all outsourced parts?
Teslas scale of production crushes the big 3. They are already 10-15 years behind the last years production metrics from a tesla plant and teslas announced manufacturing plans will put the big 3 20 years behind.
I am not a tesla fanboy but they are a modern company with highly moderized production methods.
You folk sure didn’t give Ms Hall much opportunity to participate.
John McElroy the other companies have almost double the employees
The problem as I see it is the workers see the CEO's getting around $30 million dollars a year and the rest of the upper management getting large pay and the worker's feel that they're getting cheated that the people at the top of the company is sucking up all the money that is why I think an employee owned company is a much better deal. Where I live there was a company called Alumax an aluminum company that was running in the red and had low production so the company closed down then the employee's went together got an attorney and purchased the company and now the company is making all kinds of money and the employee's get fair pay and profiit sharing and it's a much better deal all around.
It’s always the Little Guy that gets screwed.
perhaps it's time for unions to change...i've heard (on autoline) that the starting union wage is lower than walmart/mall stores/etc now and they can't get workers on the line.
AFAIK all the non-us companies and tesla are all non-union...hard to compete.
My brother in law worked for GM as a manager at Ft Wayne and Lordstowne - GM outsourced everything they could to avoid paying UAW wages (food service, maintenance, janitorial, etc).
Why did 14% vote? probably because most don't care about the Union...I assume they are all closed shops, you must join the union to work there.
Im all for tougher absenteeism rules. Lets be real. We all know that there are real slackers. And they hurt their coworkers constantly by not showing up. Not for real reasons, but for frivolous ones. As UAW members we need to face up to this fact. It is a real problem. And the diligent workers shouldnt be paying the price for the behavior of the slackers playing the loophole game. Close the loop holes and hold them accountable. I would vote for that in a heartbeat. You want to be paid the same as the rest of us? Put in the time like the rest of us.
Major FMLA abuse at my plant. Sorry, it needs a big rework.
You guys did a great job Kalea out of the discussion. I wanted to hear more from her, but John and Gary did a poor job of including her.
I am a UAW worker i gave up concession n2007 2008 now retired Cola shoul b recoactiv 2 the ones who went without 2 save our jobs
Same thing we asked for in 1958 we asking for in 2023!
I hate to tell you guys... The auto companies are backing off automation... they automation is expensive and breaks down way more than anyone talks about.. the auto leaders have realized quality and people push the production. So don't under estimate the union worker.
The unions need to get ALL THAT THEY CAN to make up for all they have given back and make up for inflation.
The UAW sets the pace for the entire country, if they do not get most of what they want, WE ALL LOUSE!
Why do we all loose? Nutty union contracts wiill make a shaky US car industry even less competative.
This is nonsense. 11% of the US workforce is unionized and shrinking! They do not set the pace for the other 88%. Yes, the union can demand $90, $100 or $150 per hour. They will only hasten their demise. Like it or not EVs are the future. Making the Big three uncompetitive is not a recipe for longevity. Unfortunately, the union doesn't understand the economics and dynamics of the current trend in manufacturing. Reap what you sow.
At one time the unions represented about 25% of American workers, at that
time a good part of workers were in the middle class, as the percentage of
union workers has decreased so has the middle class. At 25% unions
drug the other 75% kicking and screaming to MUCH BETTER LIVING STANDARDS. I will shed NO Tears for millionaires! @@melvinholland9656
NOT NUTTY, just regaining LOST GROUND AND GIVE BACKS. @@craighermle7727
UPS Drivers are making now over 100k!!
A very fair discussion!!
Profit sharing is already based on attendance the more u work the more u get and of course attendance bad we are working 6 to 7 days a week cant call off cant use vaction days because they blocked them i can go to the er they tell me take 3 days off and ill get a point for each day they work us in to the ground
Why doesn’t the Union demand things that will ensure the long term life and profitability of GM. Along with better wages, etc.
Such as: Exec Py linked to profit and loss… Empl profit sharing….
Profit sharing is hit and miss and is taxed like a bonus - HARD! The executives don't care about the company as much as what they can suck up before they move on.
They are called, ‘ghosts.’ Workers who clock in and disappear in the plant instead of being on the production line at their station working.
What you guys aren't talking about is the fact that the workers are loosing there jobs every day due to automation, This has been going on for many years. So I think the workers and retiree deserve something. I have been retired for 28yrs without any raise in my retirement. How about that? These greedy corporations will be the end of this country. ITS TIME AMERICAN WORKERS get a fair shake. They have been left behind for many years.
if nobody is paid a decent wage..who will there be to buy these products. After housing costs people can barely afford food
How to reduce the cost of health care. Government hospitals. Require every hospital admin to spend 200 hours a year donating their time. All doctors military doctors that do not need a license or insurance. Charge fair prices based on costs, not for profit hospital markup. Problem solved.
Yea, I rember 78 - 82 ,,also,thats why I went into US nuc Sub Service!!
You guys are clearly on this side of the corporate world 😒😒
If companies can automate a lot of the work they don't have as many problem's with people not showing up for work because there is no people and the union's need to be aware of that because the more they push the car companies the more the car companies are going to want to automate more job's and reduce the amount of worker's.
US consumer will question whether they want to buy a UAW built car v Tesla.
The US consumer ALREADY buys many “American” cars made in Mexico and Asia…
4 of the top 5 highest American content vehicles are Teslas… of the remaining top 20, it is hard to find “American” brands.
So the American people have already spoken… they really don’t care. If it looks nice and the price is right, they buy.
Will they really? What will make consumers change their outlook and all of a sudden stop buying Tesla's? I would bet most consumers don't think nor care about that issue. The UAW is a dying entity that only represents 300k workers. The UAW believe they are much larger than they really are. UAW worker representation has shrunk from nearly 60 percent in 1983 to under 16 percent in 2022.
Universal Healthcare is not the answer, Congress needs to pass a bill putting caps on Big Pharma, Health Insurers and hospitals on how much they can charge the consumer/patient. Healthcare costs are through the roof, if we don't get it under control our taxes will rise and many people will not be able to afford healthcare. As far as automation and AI taking over manufacturing and other jobs, that will only kill off the middle class and their purchasing power, so in turn that will limit the consumer/ customer base in which buy these products. If you shrink the consumer base, you will shrink the local, State and Federal economy, plus weaken the U.S. dollar. We have to many automotive companies worldwide fighting for market share, meaning if automation and AI kill off jobs in the United States then who will buy these products? So in turn reducing automotive companies across the globe. I would love to be on this show. One thing you did not touch on is that this is a free Capitalist market and these companies are making global profits off the backs of its workers let alone being subsidized on a local, State and Federal level off the backs of the taxpayers/ United States citizens. These companies are whipsawing each countries labor market for the lowest bidder, how is this in the interest of the United States economy, meaning the local, State and Federal economy and infrastructure?
I just want a pension. I was in the initial group of tier 2 employees without a pension.
The UAW is going to have to take ONE for the Biden Team
You are not addressing what CEO and management gets for raises given generously to themselves on the backs of workers. If profit drops their wages stay the same. Sharing of profits is he right thing to do so all can have a reasonable living.🤔 Two tier wages on the job makes it hard for employees to work together I harmony.
the thirty two hour work week isn't there to benefit members but to artificially drive up union membership
Do the Unions realize no one can find workers?
They do, and they're going to take full advantage of it. They know if there was a long term strike, oems will not be able to hire anywhere near enough temp help. Shut downs are coming.
@@derrick9497 If there is a long-term strike, they may not have a company to come back to.
I voted for Sean
It's funny how you talk about absenteeism try working a mandatory six days a week ten and a half hours a day on second shift I see my family maybe four or five hours on a Sunday , I got moved to a plant an hour away from my home so to get to work on time I have to give myself two hours due to construction that never seems to end the up side is it's only an hour going home at three thirty in the morning when I get off work so basically eighteen hours of my week is just going back and forth to work than there's the one hundred and fourty dollars a week in gas , we have PAA days for sickness five days a year but you now have to pre schedule a sickness because they now have to be pre approved so there's a work life balance for you , as far as health care goes we need to stop supporting major insurance companies fourty percent of what goes into health care are all administrative, you talk about companies having finite resources as far as capital goes but they sure don't have an issue when it comes to CEO compensation , its all a race to the bottom once everyone is down to ten dollars an hour there will be no one to buy these seventy thousand dollar trucks the big money guys buy Mercedes BMW Range Rover and the folks in China building cars can barely afford to eat so good luck with that , I'm willing to bet the guys and gals working at Tesla can't afford to buy the product they make , now let's talk electrical grids when you have the state of California which is the EV capital of the country telling people not to charge there cars that says it all I'm tired of all these academics that live in a bubble laying out how they think the world is going to be maybe try going to an automotive and see how things really are instead of speculating on how things should be .
I imagine that Kalea Hall was invited to this for a reason, too bad we never found out why. VERY bad look on John & Gary!
Both, Mary Barra & Chris Farley's cousin, have failed since they were hired, yet they are still paid multi millions. The workers build the vehicles, while they both sit in their highrise offices twiddling their thumbs😂. Go UAW!😊
Marick gets it. Gary, not so much.
The UAW will fast forward the big three to bankruptcy… what the big 3 needs now is staff that go above and beyond to get their employers to survive. They are biting the hand that feeds them.
spot on
US works longer per week and less annual holidays than Europe. Time to rebalance?
Yea, the new brede or mobile robots.
Uaw workers don't make $65 an hour. That's bs the legacy employees only make $31 per hour you need to look at how much they have profited. 12. Years without any raise until the Las contract 4 years ago
Re GM wages… we must remember that They already get VASTLY more than the VAST majority of factory workers in America… they complain about the ‘08 crisis but forget that the shareholders (including many people’s pension funds) were decimated and the government used taxpayer money to protect their jobs and pensions while everyone else lost their jobs and pensions… I remember the conversations then… “why them and not us?”
The statements of the current US president made it obvious the administration at the time owed the union for their victory in the elections.
However, the deal has always been that once president, you become EVERYONE’s president. You either protect everyone or no one. Especially not those already privileged.
They should have let both GM and Chrysler go bankrupt then without any bailouts, and then all their dealerships would have gone now bankrupt, which would have ended the US autodealership monopoly. That's never discussed in these types of discussions. That US legacy automanufaturers are forced to sell their vehicles to "flippers" called dealers, (at roughly 25% below MSRP) who then sell the vehicles at any price they want, not directly to their customers. Imagine doing all the work to make a product and then being forced to sell it to a middlemen who takes 25% of your profits.
CEOs make way too much money period!!!!!
Hey, auto worker, don't like the deal you getting? Quit and go apply somewhere else.
But don't expect to get more than half your present $135K in wages and benefits.
You are a low skill grunt, not a PhD. You should be happy and amazed with your good fortune.
Roots Group and Simca(sad) ! Interesting that Marick says of the large Socialist/Communist influence in the UAW. As an old security service member in AUS , we had a very great penetration of our unions, both Russian influenced and, after Hungary invasion, locally generated. But we knew all of it!
The real issue is going to be automobile assembly in Mexico by Chinese companies. The people of the UAW are going to price themselves out of the labor market.
How ?