Because that's his life. He's a walking disaster with endless material to fuel his music. He's one of the, if not THEE most troubled, tormented souls in all of modern music.
Well, the album is gone... I don't know that it was an 'official' album, or if it was a bootleg collection, and who posted it to the platforms or why it was removed, but it was not an official studio album, I can say that much.
No man can fathom the depth of this song. R.I.P Peter Huber +12.31.2021. Miss you dad.
This world will never appreciate talent of people like Travis Meeks..........he is one in a million.......Hope I get to see him live someday...
Reminds me of a breakup I went through not to long ago. Love this song, man.
Dude… this song cuts all the way down to my soul. How can this man deliver an entire lifetime of pain, anguish, and nostalgia in a single guitar riff?
Because that's his life.
He's a walking disaster with endless material to fuel his music.
He's one of the, if not THEE most troubled, tormented souls in all of modern music.
Amazing voice.
Travis 🌹🖤
I don’t see the same
I hate that they took it off Apple Music. This is one of my favorite songs of all time
So deep...
Someone could have mentioned that he put out a new album. No one ever played a guitar like Travis. No one ever will.
Well, the album is gone... I don't know that it was an 'official' album, or if it was a bootleg collection, and who posted it to the platforms or why it was removed, but it was not an official studio album, I can say that much.
Whatttt blamooosquad bandetto
I have PokerDog black curtains;)