TheMonsterDriver yeah but they said " This yacht was the most expensive yacht at a cost of 4.5 million dollars" they never said boat and it's very contradictory when not even 2 mins before that there's one built for $650million
7:18 how is History Supreme the most expensive yacht in the world at 4.5 million dollars when you mentioned earlier that the yacht Azzam costs 650 million dollars...?
@@aimeeammoura7762 lmfao hahahahahahahahahahahahaha okay cool sitting on their asses is earning it while the real People who do deserve alot more than they actually get still live poor lifestyles, shut the fuck up talking about earning it
TheAjKinz because people can be creative? Sorry, you just confused me. Personally I would spend my money on causes that I support, but if I had any left over I honestly would get a tropical themed yacht. 😂 I loose hope in humanity when I see what they do to animals. Okay sorry if this came off as rude, I was honestly just stating my opinion
TheAjKinz It's Discusting..children die of starvation every 30 seconds.....I am losing my faith in man! Not at all affraid, nor will I apologize..greed and power, and our disposable life styles.... at what cost? 😡
I came down here to see if there was a comment about that. I'm 99% it is meant to be 4.5 Billion, especially because of the materials used to make/decorate it.
***** Yea that's true, but still only even a smaller amount of that 1% can even coem close to having these supeyachts... Wealth inequality at its finest when you see these super yachts docked a few blocks away from a homeless center (NYC).
The ultimate dream yacht for me is the Streets of Monaco. If I was the owner of this yacht, I would ensure all the best Go Cart racers race on this yacht while it is sailing during Choppy waters (i.e. at the Bermuda triangle in stormy conditions) to test how good their car handling skills are as well as how good the Captain and this yacht is.
if it doesn't have a 4000 foot solid gold pool and an f18 super hornet on it, it ain't for me....cause I NEED a yacht that can do 200 mph and fight off an aircraft carrier while I take a dump in a platinum toilet
4.5 million dollars, the most expensive one? That's a lie!
that's what I said
I wish i had 1% of 4.5 billion $$
U do realize that's a boat right? The others were huge yachts.
TheMonsterDriver yeah but they said " This yacht was the most expensive yacht at a cost of 4.5 million dollars" they never said boat and it's very contradictory when not even 2 mins before that there's one built for $650million
Devon Pelley different countries have different currencies which means it could be the most expensive due to the currency he used to buy the yacht
'Only The richest can afford'? But that means only you can afford, because your name is "TheRichest"
PinkSprinkleDonut 👏👏👏
Yea that confused me
PinkSprinkleDonut i was telling my friend beside me about it XD
Ikr XDDD that really confused me
Oh thanks a lot captain obvious
Wait so only you guys can afford them?
Geometry Dash Soarin
Geometry Dash Soarin triggered
+TheguywholivesunderYotubechannel if you kill your self how do you delete your channel after?
Geometry Dash Soarin I afford better stuff
I think it was 4.5 BILLION dollars. That's OK, many in Washington DC often get their millions and billions mixed up. ;-)
Hahahahahaha, millions n billions mixed up.
Yeah wish i had the same problem of getting millions confused with billions..pfft! 😂😂
Me to i was like what
Me too 4.5 million is the least expensive out of all the boats lol
It's actually 4.8 billion dollars
If my dad gives me a small loan of 4,5 million dollars i would definitely buy the last yacht and then sell it for 4,5 billion dollars
Arkhalys lol
Arkhalys lol
Small loan :0?
Did they mean 4.5. billion dollars? Because the first yacht on the list was 323 million dollars and to the Richest, not considered the most expensive.
Liam Noble It has to be billion
Liam Noble
Liam Noble yep
Liam Noble fi
Liam Noble million, not billion
I am so poor that i cant even see the whole video...
tomas huynh lol
That is hilarious👽😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
tomas huynh me to
tomas huynh ikr.. my internet sucks
I have a Yacht, it’s toy sized but it’s fun to pretend
Chickin Who Makes Video’s lol
Lol i have to 7 even but a small one
Be happy you got one or as many you got it doesn't matter the size just appreciate because you are capable of having one like this
It's no fun if you don't put your yacht in water!!! Lol
"Only the richest can afford"
**looks at the channel name**
SansandGTfangirl57 ikr
me too
SansandGTfangirl57 ikr
SansandGTfangirl57 I was just about to comment this lmao
SansandGTfangirl57 😂😂
The pun in the title makes me want to jump off wanna these boats and drown myself
Strafe LOL plus I got the pun.
Strafe lol
Strafe Ikr
Aneesh Subramanian read the title then read the name of the UA-cam Chanel
Aneesh Subramanian the channel is called 'The Richest' in the title it talks about the boats that only 'The Richest' could afford
I can afford a toy boat
I can only afford a rubber ducky...
Willy's Toys I barely can afford food on the table
+dead silence how can u afford internet and a compuer or laptop or phkne
+Lord Blobion it's a joke idiot
Lord Blobion I eat data 4 the time being
The most priceless boat that has ever built is made up of paper by a child. That child is me.
One of the most happiest moment of my life.
Now put it in a bowl and out some ice cubes in there
And there you go its the titanic all over again
KingTato XD
Nice one~
Will demo it soon. Hahaha
So only you can afford them
Clorox Bleach i think they mean the richest people in the world can afford
*face palm*
Clorox Bleach damnit I was gonna make that joke
I don't think youtube money can help you buy those yacht
AppleJuice it's a joke fam
I think youtube can maybe give those boats though
+Smerlin Nah
Samuel Reyes if UA-camrs but million dollar houses with only 1 mil subs they can prob buy some of these boats
Raeffon Ruskin It's not the subs that gives them money btw
If your wife kicks you outta the bedroom just go to other bedrooms 😂
Kudo Shinichi or get fuckin lost on the ship lol.
James Boonie true lol 😂
+James Boonie or kick your wife of the boat if she does that
or wait till she dives in the pool and quickly transform it into a dance floor....
the kids won't mind....
If you kicks you out of the ship swim to a jetski and hijack the boat lmao the whole boat to your self
Video should be named Top 10 Yachts that can't find a project funder.
Lol you put "The Richest" in the title. Was that possibly on purpose?
Zach Schade lol, I noticed that also
im sure they got all of em
Zach Schade I also noticed that
star love
Zach Schade true lol
So Only you (The Richest) Can buy that No1 else on The Richest?
that's what I thought lmao
Rekty_Dude I thought that too
Rekty_Dude i was thinking about that when i first saw the title
Rekty_Dude stole my comment
Only The Richest UA-cam channel can buy these boats
ha ha very funny
MR. GAMEZ yeah
MR. GAMEZ Only the richest and celebrities can afford it.
MR. GAMEZ so you mean only puetypie can afford eny of the boats
MR. GAMEZ 7179330671793306
why am I watching this, im so broke my wallet ran away.
Same mate
Yes 10 boats only this UA-cam channel can afford👍👍
Zachary Windover
at first i thought the channel but no LOL😎
Zachary Windover OMG that's what I was thinking!!
Zachary Windover I know...
Zachary Windover ikr
I think you meant "10 Unbelievable Boats Only TheRichest Can Afford".
Yamamoto Riku Louis Ullman lol that's what I thought when I saw the total
Yamamoto Riku Louis Ullman it's actually "the richest people"
Yamamoto Riku Louis Ullman that's what it said
Well DUUUUHHHHH!!!!!! lol
Dang I was about to say that
I only came to see what people thought of the title
It's a title. Kinda self explanatory. Nothing more nothing less. It's served it's purpose and isn't really the subject of some kind of debate.
Llama Farmer LMAO!
Llama Farmer me to
Llama Farmer a
The only boat I need is a 9'x9' wood board, two canoes, a long pvc pipe, an old rag, & some duct tape.
Rikto Draper
NoW tHaTs A lOtTa DaMaGe
Rikto Draper DeAr mE, hOw CoUlD ℹ️ FoRgEt?
Yes indeed my brother, for southern russia
Mr. Igauna I'm actually a Midwestern American, but thanks brother!
Only "The Richest" hmmmm i guess they are rich
Kelvin Martinez was
Memecentral do You want me to cut it off and sell it for 1 billion dollars????
Kelvin Martinez only if you give it a good _Blow_ if you know what I mean...
DJ_Kevin147 such puns much cringe
When you come to make a pun about the pun in the title, but everyone beat you to it
+Petalstar125 "XD"
Dank Dab420 🌚🌚🌚
Leilani Romero
I can imagine bill gates whipping out his credit card and buying all of these
Tim Montoya ikr the title is only "the richest" can buy So the richest can only buy these
"Hmm, I'll take one of those, and maybe even that one. Hahahaha, ooohh who am I kidding? Just give me them all!"
Tim Montoya he sometimes rents up to 5 million a week sometimes.
I used to watch this channel all the time when I was younger 🤧
Soo only u can afford it?
by buying it
Ahaaasa I see what you did thereee
@@BoyWithLongBlackHair yeeeeeee
Hahhahaha Nice one ayeee
"The Richest"
Yes really
This yacht is the most expensive in the world, with a price tag of 4.5 million dollars. Such expensive..
Vaporwaves did they mean billion?
George Boyd Yes
George Boyd yes
its actually 4.5 billion dollars or 3 billion euros.. check this out
ankit patra 4.1 billion euros* do the google
4:39 600 Million 7:19 But this one is the most expensive.
THE ZOMBIE TRAINER They meant billion
She meant billion, I think
No she said million
Pha Pha But she meant billion.
2,500 square feet? That’s bigger than my house. No joke.
Rich pple are too slfies
7:18 how is History Supreme the most expensive yacht in the world at 4.5 million dollars when you mentioned earlier that the yacht Azzam costs 650 million dollars...?
Dylan Madsen yea that is what I thought too
Dylan Madsen true
Dylan Madsen becouse its Way more small
Dylan Madsen that is a yacht, not a super yacht...might wanna pay attention next time buddy
Only this UA-cam channel can afford these
Cache Back thats what i was thinking 😂😂
Cache Back b
on the last yacht did they mean $4.5 billion not $4.5 million?
Ewen E U responded to your own that's just sad
Ewen E 😂😂😂😂 U deleted the comment lmao 😂😂😂
Ewen E I'm busy, can I ignore you some other time?
Cry Baby
You are a professional roaster 👏🏼👏🏼😂
Some people just have too much money. How about sharing?
Debbie they earned it
Debbie you can never have too much cash -.-
What would you do with the money?
The multitudes of poor hungry souls can be fed.Soooo much of money,n I'm sure they not on the yachts always.Need to make more to maintain.
@@aimeeammoura7762 lmfao hahahahahahahahahahahahaha okay cool sitting on their asses is earning it while the real People who do deserve alot more than they actually get still live poor lifestyles, shut the fuck up talking about earning it
anyone else understand the cheeky pun???
Essence 😂😂😂😂😂
I'll laugh if the owners yachts get destroyed by the sea
frrr haha
Lol that would be halariouse
Numan Uddin that is so funny I'll laugh too 😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆😹😹😹👍👍👍🌊🌊🌊🛳🛳🛳🌊🌊🌊⛴⛴⛴
Numan Uddin...there's something called INSURANCE
Numan Uddin don't be bitter lol
Omg Kim kardashian can't buy the first one because she only makes 51 million a year!
My nigga you just got roasted
Clorox bleach waddup fam
i see you everywhere espicially on lance stewart vlogs comments
april, thats because there are numerous ppl on YT with that picture, user name and variations of it. one of them lives in fresno.
Hashtag LiveLife she makes more they 1000 average payed people
Only The Richest can afford, bruh wtf did this channel call us poor for 7 minutes and 45 seconds
Don't you mean 4.5 billion for the last one
yea 4.5 million is actually really cheap lol
SeanFifaHD my dad can afford that type of yacht
powerxp_mx sure he can.
YOLO KOALA if his dad earns about 9,000 dollars a month and works for 40 years and doesn't spend a penny then he can buy one ;)
im starting to lose faith in humanity
TheAjKinz because people can be creative? Sorry, you just confused me. Personally I would spend my money on causes that I support, but if I had any left over I honestly would get a tropical themed yacht. 😂 I loose hope in humanity when I see what they do to animals. Okay sorry if this came off as rude, I was honestly just stating my opinion
Athena Hayfall its okay i just find it absolutely outrages
TheAjKinz It's Discusting..children die of starvation every 30 seconds.....I am losing my faith in man! Not at all affraid, nor will I apologize..greed and power, and our disposable life styles.... at what cost? 😡
TheAjKinz I've lost faith in humanity a long time ago
kkkk gg
Aren't you the richest tho?
don't you get the joke though
They're "TheRichest"
No space, and I knew somebody would make that idiotic pun.
Stop being a smartass
Its Jakeduck stop being mean
Greg Shay I just had to
1:13 "I'm the one I should Loveee u woah..In this world," ARMYs out here
We are everywhere!! I literally sang that 😹
Most expensive at 4.5 million dollars? Typo?
I came down here to see if there was a comment about that. I'm 99% it is meant to be 4.5 Billion, especially because of the materials used to make/decorate it.
Yea its 4.5 billion, I googled it.
Not only is it a typo on the video, the lady reading the script also says million :/
Kirigaya Kazuto ikr I thought I was the only one that heard that
to make the people who see this video easy to say for them i can afford this boat.
Kirigaya Kazuto exactly
"This yacht is the most expensive yacht in the world, with a price tag of 4.5 million dollars" When you just listed 9 yachts much more expensive
I think they meant billion*
Typo. it's 4.5 *billion.*
1% of the earth's population is 70 million people. I doubt there's 70 million billionaires out there. You mean .001%?
***** Yea that's true, but still only even a smaller amount of that 1% can even coem close to having these supeyachts... Wealth inequality at its finest when you see these super yachts docked a few blocks away from a homeless center (NYC).
I ve been on one of those things
ARVIN bilionaire could be someone with only 2 billion
2 billion = 2,000 million. Doesn't seem so little after all?
10 Ridiculously Expensive boats only this channel can afford.
Great title
I didn't think TheRichest didn't earn enough money from UA-cam to buy a yacht!
Elite Gravity Gaming Ikr. I thought that.
Elite Gravity Gaming I was about to say that!
ɷɷɷɷ Heeyy Frienddsss I Havee Justttt Wonnn Branddd New Samsung Galaxy s7 From visittt : -
Fruit Platter 😂😂
So? Take that Samsung and see how it fits up your ass
So only you guys can afford them?
FoxyGirl ThePirate triggered
FoxyGirl ThePirate I'm sure you can get them with your black pearl 😉😉
FoxyGirl ThePirate a
Bill Gates can easily have these
Aaron Glisson
Aaron Glisson I think Bill gate can buy all of these!!
faria Gaming sure he can with the kind of moolah he has!!
Aaron Glisson yeah
Aaron Glisson you said it
My Favs:
1:50 Shaddai
3:10 Streets of Monaco
6:03 Tropical Island Paradise
What??!! the most expensive yacht is only 4.5 million dollars???
ikr i was thinking DAD LETS BUY IT he only has 6 million dou
aryaman agarwal Yacht, not super yacht
ohhhh ok
ONLY 4.5 MIL??? You tripping
You kidding me? I have a couple of those yachts in my garage. This is nothing.
Alex Curtis Yeah right liar I bet you live in a dumpster
are you speaking for yourself?
coz that is a good advice for you
Before I forget, I have to get that Maserati back to you....
The ultimate dream yacht for me is the Streets of Monaco. If I was the owner of this yacht, I would ensure all the best Go Cart racers race on this yacht while it is sailing during Choppy waters (i.e. at the Bermuda triangle in stormy conditions) to test how good their car handling skills are as well as how good the Captain and this yacht is.
Who is it going?
For a very low low low price $400,000 me sitting here with 4 cents
... sad life
from the street cousin, you know the the drill. i'm 999 thou short of a mil.
4.5 million? I can afford that if I sold my car, my house..but I'm keeping my dog
Nicky Chan
You have a pretty nice house and car then huh?
Nicky Chan Don't lie
You better be a 70 year old doctor with a lambo and a big ass house then.
NoahTheGamer HEY IN MY CURRENCY ITS TRUE...i really cant afford it in dollars
If u press the dance floor button while some1 is under the pool, what would happen?? 😂😂😂😂
good question
HenryCraft they die from drowning or will be cut in half
Star Commander what I think is that it goes vertically
HenryCraft XD nice
I don't get it. Please, give me some common sense!
Your the richest, you can afford it!
Raz3rGaming hey! I also tuought of that!
Mackerx Maker I thought it too
Raz3rGaming I though that was what they ment
Raz3rGaming I thought it
Ok am I the only confused about how “The streets of Monaco” is still floating
O K it’s not real, it’s just a concept they didn’t build it yet.
For the last one did they mean to say 4.5 billion instead of 4.5 million?
they meant billion
RMaclin bhbibhjbhjbhijihhhhbvhhhhijvovbibivjjvivbivbbvjvbvbjbbvbjvvvbjvbjvbjbvvvbvbjbvvbjbjvvvbvbjvjbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
No, they meant million. That ship is the most expensive Yacht, the others were Super Yachts.
no they actually meant 4.5 billion. and its not 220,00 lbs of precious metals/stones. think about that for a second... its 220 lbs.
wrongo. do some research first for christs sake
So only you can afford these boats?
Kayla Hatten Lol
Kayla Hatten good joke
Kayla Hatten. EXACTLY what i was thinking. lol
Kayla Hatten hey, I was going to say that!
4.5 million is not the most expensive yacht
Azaleia they better have meant billion or I'm gonna tickle their hopefully until their ♠ falll
Obviously they meant billion genius.
Some designers have way too much time on there hands.
$4.5 million, and its the most expensive? WtFudge
Glad I was not the only one who noticed that.
saw dat to
You are him ikdr
You are him ikr
I bet they meant billion
On the last one it said the most expensive taught is 4.5 million I think they meant billion lol
Oh thx 😂
GDwithEthan not really
GDwithEthan the most expensive one made the others haven't been made yet
wait so only u can afford this necause your name ks the richest and it says only the richest can afford
You are the only smart person in the comment section 😂😂 I realized that too 😂
"Only The Richest"
**looks at channel name**
"The Richest"
Wow didn't know you could afford all that
I would be lucky if I owned a row boat.
Me too
How about some sticks forming cannoe shape then wrapped in Saran Wrap. Lol
If they have not been built yet, they should not be included in this post. That's cheating.
John Gesselberty Totally agree. Anybody can create a concept and put a price on it. It means nothing until it is built.
The last yacht was 4.5 million?!?! Did they mess up? Was it supposed to be 4.5 billion?
I think they messed up. 4.5 million is nothing now days
yeah i looked it up it is 4.5 billion
who tf have 4.5 billion dollar in malaysia
robert kuok
the sultan of johor
On super yacht A you did not mention the helipad!
I never knew a 4.5 million$ hatch is the most expensive in the world.SMH
so only this channel can have these boats?
John Perez III yep true
John Perez III wait no their name is TheRichest without a space
only THE REICHEST can afford LMAO
Itz Elite lol
Itz Elite only TheRichest (channel) can afford it
Itz Elite *RICHEST
yeh srry
I was trying to find my cousins UA-cam channel and ended up here Lmfao
People with AirPods are too poor too afford the cords
N people with iPhone x’s are too poor to afford the home button 😌
Dorito Monkey come on man I have them 😂
Loren Gray I have that to and your right I am broke 😂
the title tho only TheRichest can afford it 😂
Those yachts are amazing! You should do a private jet review.
Lord do a miracle in my life
from Saudi Arabia watching
I have literally been binge watching sooooo many videos like this
I’m so broke there’s no point of me having a wallet
Well im so broke i cant even pay for 1 single seed
Bill gates can afford these yachts easily
if it doesn't have a 4000 foot solid gold pool and an f18 super hornet on it, it ain't for me....cause I NEED a yacht that can do 200 mph and fight off an aircraft carrier while I take a dump in a platinum toilet
Abida Babida lol that really made me laugh
Abida Babida :
r u from Méxican mafia???
Alien 51 haha not funny but I am haha
Sounds reasonable. It's a necessity for mankind.
Taby Abril eiybq
$4.5 million is 100th of the cost of “expensive yachts”
But... you're "The Richest"
Are all these concepts even possible? Even the city one?
Visiokepper - AQyy
if Donald Trump is gonna buy any of these boats...Hes gonna say ,,lets make boats great again,,
ESTgamer4life lol that's true xD
GalaxyBee 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁😂😁😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😃😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😲😂😂😲😂😂😂😂😲😂😂😂😲😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😇😂😂😂😂😂😂😇😇😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
the last yacht triggers me lol
how is history supreme at 4.5 million the most expensive yacht in the world when you mentioned Azzam costs 650 million, wtf
Voide and the streets of monaco was 1.1 billion
Daniela Valdes yea I saw that one too but that hasn't been built yet
Voide oh
How are people so slow they can't figure out that the comment was supposed to say billion instead of million is a better question.
Daniela Valdes s
the streets of monaco is not a yacht.......ITS A CITY!!!
lambo tron You knob.
no i'm a human
lambo tron You knuman
Tropical island paradise
I can easily afford all of these yatchs in a twinkle of my eye
7:23 i dont think it's the most expensive yacht with it's 4,5 mil price point if the azzam is worth 650mil xD
They meant billion*
i saw that too.
Jone S they meant billion
Monaco and tropical island yachts would be insane. I'd love to see that actually be produced
those 2 are my favorite
Fist of Common Sense gfbxbfhfbf
Fist of Common Sense wtf is that picture
I just need a billion dollars!!!
I’m watching on my neighbors WiFi 😂😂
The island one though DAMN
Andrew Moreno they cannot afford to go to Maldives?
why don't people make luxury submarines? I would totally buy one, if you know, I had money...
they would be sooo cool
not cool
there are alot wtf are you talking about
Fuck, I agree.. There is only 60 billion $ Burried in sunken treasure. And IRS can never catch us.. :)
Dion Kay hey lets get a sub i will only take 1%
am gonna honest,when it said superyacht A, my brain just though of the rest of the other boats would be superyacht B,C,D,E
Reymart De Vera yass me to
If only the richest can afford it, maybe you should go on it.