In trying to unravel the mystery of the Mary in the New Testament, it is important to note that the Gospels were supposedly a later-recording of an oral history.
Great content again sir’s I have a question are you saying that Sophia and the Holy spirit are the same? I thought in gnosticism Sophia one of the eons is different from the Divine Mother which is the Holy spirit. And sophia is not perfect like the other eons she committed a mistake by creating the Demiurge? Or I’m just missing something. Thanks Glory to the MOST HIGH!
Sophia is Greek and means “wisdom,” It is connected to the different incarnations of the sacred female knowledge. Sophia is one of the central figures of Gnosticism. According to Gnostic beliefs, Christ was conceived of as having two aspects: a male half, identified as the son of God, and a female half, called Sophia, who was venerated as the mother of the universe. According to The Apocryphon of John, one of the main texts of Gnosticism dating to circa 180, Sophia represented divine wisdom and the female spirit.
Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see and all that pierced him shall wail becasue of him even so Amen. To he that hath a ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches to him that overcome will give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God. And to the ANGEL of the church in Philadelphia write these things, he that is holy he that is true he that hath the key of david he that shuteth and no man openeth openeth and no man shutteth. And the firstbbeast like a lion, the second beast like a calf, the third beast had the face of a man and the forth beast was like a flying eagle and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne and when he opened the forth seal. I hear the forth beast say come and see.( Death and hell) Of the tribes of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand, the tribes of Levi where sealed twelve thousand, the tribes of issachar were sealed twelve thousand. ( not everybody gonna make it. Prayerfully ure not one) And the 1st angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, AND THEY were cast upon the earth and a third part of the trees where burnt up and all the grn grass was burnt up. ( First the flood now the fire) And the shapes of locust where prepared unto battle and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold and their faces were as the faces of men. ( He that hath an ear let him hear.) BUT IN THE DAYS OF THE VOICE OF THE 7TH ANGEL, WHEN HE SHALL BEGIN TO SOUND, the mystery of God should be finished as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. And when they have finished their testimony the beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit shall shall make war against them and overcome them and kill them. And their was war in heaven and Michael and his Angels fought against the dragon and the dragon faught against his Angels. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcomethem. And power was given to over all kindreds tounges and nations. SAYING WITH A LOUD VOICE, FEAR GOD AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM, FOR THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT HAS COME: WORSHIP HIM THAT MADE HEAVEN, AND EARTH, AND THE SEA, AND THE FOUNTAINS OF THE WATERS. And one of the 4 beast gave unto the 7 Angels 7 golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever. And I hear another out of the alter say, even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. And the angel said unto me, where for did thou marvel I will tell thee the mystery of the women, and the beast that carrieth her with the 7 heads and ten horns. How much she has glorified herself and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her for she saith I sit a queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the Marriage of the Lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. He that overcometh shall inherent all things; and I will be his God and he shall be my son. BEHOLD I COME QUICKLY BLESSED ARE THOSE THAT KEEP THE SAYINGS OF THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK. Funny how the 1st American quater had lady liberty on it with a eagle on the back.. Rev 12:14 And to the women where given two wings of a great egale, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place where she is nurishedfor a time, and times, and a half a time, from the face of the serpent. ( He that has eyes let him see the Woman Called LIBERTY) Proverbs 7:27 HER HOUSE IS THE WAY TO HELL, GOING DOWN TO THE CHAMBERS OF DEATH
very interesting, i wonder why God hasn't told me she was a co-messiah... i know the Holy Spirit is female of course, but have wondered if Holy Spirit and Sophia are the same being, and have received no answer... informative video, but it confuses me.. honestly, WHO is telling the correct story??
Sophia/ Shekinah/ Christ is the Holy Spirit and has the dove as its symbol. She gave birth on God the Father Christ in heaven and God the Son Jesus on earth. She is by incarnation the Earth Mother Gaia/Geea/Ki/Terra, Queen of Heaven Isis, Isthar/ Semiramis/ Astarte, Magna Mater, Divine Mother in all religions: Isis, Isthar, Diana, Anahita, Devaki, Virgin Mary, Virgin Maya and is the mother of mankind (Bible Galatians 4:26).
Christ and Sophia are twin souls, Divine twins, alpha = masculine, omega = feminine. Jesus means God the Savior. The Savior gives the water of life. Now Jesus who will free us from slavery is in the feminine version, the bride and the Spirit=Sophia/Mother of God (Revelation 22:17)
Μy question to you is very simple: Why? Why did he commit himself to the crucifixion's torture? even knowing that he resurrect again using as my research suggest on the subject quedesh -cannabis in the concoction given to him by the romans when at the cross to quench his thirst? A tincture with vinegar soaked in a sponge at the end of a staff that was given to the soldiers by the three Marys standing by the cross as women of their time had the knowledge of this sacred mixture of the godess tradition that knocks you at a coma state?. Was it his intention to be regarded as dead to escape or to deify himself or to reenact all past dying and resurrecting's gods? to what end? or the whole thing is a judeo -roman scheme for a new world order based on a new religion from start?
cannabis was used throughout the bible for medicine food ropes, clothes its in the anointing oil recipe moses used so Jesus knew about it He didnt want it
Sorry I don't see it Mat 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven. I guess the earthly Jesus could of had a wife but not Barabbas
Why would anyone remain Christian after reading Matthew 22:30? But, I was told differently. Namely marriages are only binding on this earth or at least that how Jesus hung up the Pharisees and the Sadducees with his answer . Jesus understood the Law of Moses and how it protected a son-less widow, and this was by allowing her to ask a brother-in-law to act vicariously instead of his deceased brother. Give her a son to take care of her. They were just trying to trip him up with the 7 brothers question… Both of the terms that Jesus used at this time are verbs meaning that no marriages will be performed for someone and no one will be given to another to be married after their resurrection without actually answering the question.
Matthew 22:30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. My understanding there is no Body for the Spirit that accents.
@@twoolddudesproduction420 I didn't mean to say that there ever was a mother goddess in the trinity just hit all other cultures you had a father mother and son like Egyptian Horus raw Isis. And at the Christianity is the only one that doesn't have the mother goddess but does have a holy spirit in a trinity.
My take on this is that few read nor wrote in ancient days so two things were used to teach. One is story or parable and the other was a symbol. So I tried to figure out what the symbol might be. I see the concept of the Unified God as everything that has been, can be, will be or cannot be. In math they call this the Super set of all possibilities and I see this as an ever expanding circle of series of ripples/echos. In the beginning was the Word and it expands to carry on the message infinitely. So the Father being the arbiter of this aspect is represented as a circle. Jesus as described by Jordan Peterson is the representative of the best a person can be. Often this is termed an upright person. Jesus also teaches us to ascend so the addition to the symbol is a vertical line within the circle. Of course the cross is the sign of the Christ so we need the third aspect of the Trinity to be a horizontal line within the circle. This is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. She keeps you level and oriented properly because the Truth brings clarity. So now we have a circle with a horizontal line and a vertical line. If all these are centered for you what appears is the view through a scope with crosshairs that tell you where to aim and how to stay on target. This is your moral compass. You are encircled and assimilated by the Creator, uplifted and rejuvenated by the Christ, and the outstretched arms of the Mother guide you as you learn to walk the narrow path. The whole time the lessons they have taught you come back like whispers in your ears to help keep you from missing the mark. Interestingly in archery in old days missing the mark was termed a sin. Kinda makes you think. 🤔
you give up guessing the riddle? if i bet you i might have got all your money like Samson did Key of the wilderness oasis! Jesus handed me a key of fire said you are My angelfire (messenger of fire) and opened a door to a beautiful jungle teeming with life. We ran through the jungle singing swinging from trees there was a sparkling river a cave full of gifts i had been there before a few times. He said the wilderness i prepared a place for you to take care of you a while. Its the garden of EDEN! Whutttt!? I got the keys! I got the Keys to all of it. How can this be? A whole wad of keys and He showed me how to use them. It looks like He kept every single animal and plant safe and sound none are extinct! One of the resurrection songs says come my people and enter your chambers shut your doors until the indignation is overpast. Could that be the chambers? and it looks like maybe bootcamp army station? He gave me a lot of oasis new names. He said remember i said i was sending the tree of life with Jeremiah and Isaiah in 2 esdras 2. Here it is. He made me a weirdo pet prophet a few years ago singing with me new name seal songs to call the animals then recently showed me Hosea 2:14 to 19 about a singing woman pet prophet and an end times covenant with the animals. Is there a second? There is a mom to you i know. This stuff angels longed to look into now we can see it all. Nothing hidden will not be revealed. ( i was singing this chapter in Isaiah 26 and found myself in an arena in heaven singing with Jeremiah, and Isaiah, and Ezekiel (they actually came to help me ). Later they all sang with me. Heres what the verse says They advised God to sanctify and send twelve trees full of fruit healing for us and all kinds of good things) 2 esdras 2 “For thy help will I send my servants Esay and Jeremy, after whose counsel I have sanctified and prepared for thee twelve trees laden with divers fruits And as many fountains flowing with milk and honey, and seven mighty mountains, whereupon there grow roses and lilies, whereby I will fill thy children with joy.” He gave me other keys too the key of David, worshiping in the Spirit and truth key of life and death, scripture songs sung in faith Key to the storehouse of heaven (its like a huge mall with everything you could possibly need) Key to hell (my foot crushing the head of the snake They key to John little book [Sng 6:13 KJV] 13 Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies. Some of my new names this He said to introduce me The oasis mouth desert spring Alert watchful one the thief in the night did not catch you unaware Orphaned lamb i cover i clothe i protect Lonely barren desolate wasted woman of sorrows acquainted with much grief now made glad Mother with the fire mouth of the south Moon of medicine Anointed one deliverer sent from heaven Double trouble double hope new thing new wave fire and flame of God (i ate the little book and it made my belly on fire and fire comes from my mouth) Lahat hereb flaming sword of the Lord Lahall shalhebet powerful female flame of fire Beautiful burning torch of fire Boishi Doctors Mother and child with haha ( cracks me up wow the holy Spirit is teasing me) The extreme highest humorous sarcastic one Puker of the lukes Lukewarm Alert watchful one the thief in the night did not catch you unaware Orphaned lamb i cover i clothe i protect Lonely barren desolate wasted woman of sorrows acquainted with much grief now made glad Most high most badass baddest ass (donkey) saint of God key of God key to the storehouse of heaven Faith of Abraham, Job, Isaiah, Elijah, and Jeremiah multiplied like i like it. Epistle letter writer like John posting on youtube church Tadeste Revive renew restore in the name of the Lord Mother with the fire mouth of the south Anointed one deliverer sent from heaven One who does greater works than done before sweet new thing with sweet new wine Hidden shining bright star from heaven Beautiful divine healer doctor with gold and silver wings Expander stretcher multiplier divider restrainer looser Judgement and recompense the wasters fire mouth of the south My beloved who was not beloved by my people Reverts life to factory settings Beloved hidden star of destiny and courage Delightful leader of Special forces Different peculiar one of a kind Beacon ensign Key of the dangerous risky place (He says my foot is the key to hell like in Genesis the foot of the woman and her seed) Gift given by God virtual new wine One hidden who is crying and laughing with God The asker seeker finder Existence sacred special agents Climate changers
@@twoolddudesproduction420 this will bless your soul! the place is the garden of Eden. Key of the wilderness oasis! Jesus handed me a key of fire said you are My angelfire (messenger of fire) and opened a door to a beautiful jungle teeming with life. We ran through the jungle singing there was a sparkling river a cave full of gifts i had been there before a few times. He said the wilderness i prepared a place for you to take care of you a while. Its the garden of EDEN! Whutttt!? I got the keys! I got the Keys to all of it. How can this be? A whole wad of keys and He showed me how to use them. It looks like He kept every single animal and plant safe and sound none are extinct! One of the resurrection songs says come my people and enter your chambers shut your doors until the indignation is overpast. Could that be the chambers? and it looks like maybe bootcamp army station? He gave me a lot of oasis new names. He said remember i said i was sending the tree of life with Jeremiah and Isaiah in 2 esdras 2. Here it is. He made me a weirdo pet prophet a few years ago singing with me new name seal songs to call the animals then recently showed me Hosea 2:14 to 19 about a singing woman pet prophet and an end times covenant with the animals. Is there a second? There is a mom to you i know. This stuff angels longed to look into now we can see it all. Nothing hidden will not be revealed. ( i was singing this chapter in Isaiah 26 and found myself in an arena in heaven singing with Jeremiah, and Isaiah, and Ezekiel (they actually came to help me ). Later they all sang with me. Heres what the verse says They advised God to sanctify and send twelve trees full of fruit healing for us and all kinds of good things) 2 esdras 2 “For thy help will I send my servants Esay and Jeremy, after whose counsel I have sanctified and prepared for thee twelve trees laden with divers fruits And as many fountains flowing with milk and honey, and seven mighty mountains, whereupon there grow roses and lilies, whereby I will fill thy children with joy.” He gave me other keys too the key of David, worshiping in the Spirit and truth key of life and death, scripture songs sung in faith Key to the storehouse of heaven (its like a huge mall with everything you could possibly need) Key to hell (my foot crushing the head of the snake They key to John little book [Sng 6:13 KJV] 13 Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies. Some of my new names this He said to introduce me The oasis mouth desert spring Alert watchful one the thief in the night did not catch you unaware Orphaned lamb i cover i clothe i protect Lonely barren desolate wasted woman of sorrows acquainted with much grief now made glad Mother with the fire mouth of the south Moon of medicine Anointed one deliverer sent from heaven Double trouble double hope new thing new wave fire and flame of God (i ate the little book and it made my belly on fire and fire comes from my mouth) Lahat hereb flaming sword of the Lord Lahall shalhebet powerful female flame of fire Beautiful burning torch of fire Boishi Doctors Mother and child with haha ( cracks me up wow the holy Spirit is teasing me) The extreme highest humorous sarcastic one Puker of the lukes Lukewarm Alert watchful one the thief in the night did not catch you unaware Orphaned lamb i cover i clothe i protect Lonely barren desolate wasted woman of sorrows acquainted with much grief now made glad Most high most badass baddest ass (donkey) saint of God key of God key to the storehouse of heaven Faith of Abraham, Job, Isaiah, Elijah, and Jeremiah multiplied like i like it. Epistle letter writer like John posting on youtube church Tadeste Revive renew restore in the name of the Lord Mother with the fire mouth of the south Anointed one deliverer sent from heaven One who does greater works than done before sweet new thing with sweet new wine Hidden shining bright star from heaven Beautiful divine healer doctor with gold and silver wings Expander stretcher multiplier divider restrainer looser Judgement and recompense the wasters fire mouth of the south My beloved who was not beloved by my people Reverts life to factory settings Beloved hidden star of destiny and courage Delightful leader of Special forces Different peculiar one of a kind Beacon ensign Key of the dangerous risky place (He says my foot is the key to hell like in Genesis the foot of the woman and her seed) Gift given by God virtual new wine One hidden who is crying and laughing with God The asker seeker finder Existence sacred special agents Climate changers
Song i heard from the Bride of Christ. Almighty God sings with me. Its amazing and He will sing with you too. If you sing His songs. He sings back. My people come to Me And turn around Make sure you stand On solid ground So He said to me Look look down there They are runnin round Like they have no care You made me oh Lord And put me down in this crazy zoo Then You called me To seek and follow you Now oh Lord my God What can i do for you? Could i make you smile? Or will you dance with me? Lord let me wipe your tears And sing songs to You Just like you do for me Oh i’m asking You Please come and see What they do to me Yea They make me cry My tears are food Both day and night As i cry to You How can i help? I ask you every day And i wait in faith Then i hear you say For some of these Do not even pray Yet still i cry oh Lord Have Mercy please Come for your own Please come today Will they even know That you are He And Can they even hear Things like you show To me Lord i have tried To follow you And now somehow You have brought me through We are ready Ready To meet you And those who arent Will be ready real soon I hear you call For danger, and toil For almost everyone Who walks on this soil We have a better Place up ahead We wont look back This place is dead Give us strength Help us endure They can kill our body But cant kill our soul Wake up my people Hear the trumpet calling Open up the gates oh Lord And bring us through My people dont go too far To the Right or left Listen for the still And small voice Of the Lamb of God Or hear the loud loud roar Of the Lion of Judah The King of Kings And Lord of Lords Dont add to the Word And dont take away Listen to the Spirit Who lives In you First the dead will rise And then you will too How long that takes? Well it is up to you Get your soul ready Make it squeaky clean Repent of sin Listen and come to me Read the Word All day long And seek the truth Make it your song You were washed In His blood Do not return To the mud Could be today Or tomorrow too I know soon soon soon He will come for you Sing and worship Jesus Sing to welcome Him Call Maranatha! Lord come today! The Spirit and the bride they say! Come now! today! Wow this is a song from the Bride of Christ! Its beautiful. Steamroller by James Taylor is the tune a blues song but you can use other tunes.
Thank you. Jesus would have been a wonderful husband for Mary. He accepted and loved her because she loved everything about him. Even when he had conversations with an invisible Satan she knew he was fighting evil. She also fought battles dealing in a man's world. She was strong and supported him in every way. She was smart and Jesus accepted he didn't have to control her because she was his equal. He trusted her and they discussed their future spreading the gospel. Jesus and Mary were the Messianic bloodline. The Dove or 2 Doves represented their angelic spiritual connection as they became one spirit in heaven. Jesus watched over the people, as God does in heaven. He didn't marry them. After all, we are all God's children. Fathers look over their children. He told men to watch over their wives as Christ. Back then and even some places today women were killed for bring less then a man. Jesus was here ahead of his time for sure.
1 Corinthians 7.... something is missing in the video because it is specifically expressed that it's BETTER to not touch a woman! I'm a woman with 5 boys (22yrs to 4yrs) and I couldn't agree more that it is better they touch none! Don't get me wrong, I've longed for grandbabies but not at the expense incurred. Jesus was bound to NO wife. On purpose!!! Had no offspring! On purpose!!! When we spawn (at the sake of sounding psychotic) we are perpetuating yahweh's plan. That one is only seeking to keep the human race in bondage!
the bride of Christ is not a man or a women ,its a city (New Jerusalem ). Scripture clearly reveals this in several scriptures. HERE IS ONE Revelation 21.9 9And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. 10And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;
Mary M was close. she would have been the bride of Christ if Jesus wouldn't have died so soon on the cross. The bride of Christ name is Shekinah. She is the Glory of God.
I disagree….Shekhinah is the English transliteration of a Hebrew word meaning "dwelling" or "settling" and denotes the presence of God in a place. It is not a personal name for any particular deity. Consider Mary Magdalene, they marry, but she's not simply "Mrs. Jesus." She is a partner in redemption referred to as the "Daughter of God" and "The Bride of God."
Riddle for you this is amazing! From Samson of praise,Hayah wassa Jesus gave me a key of fire and said this is the key to the wilderness area already prepared for you and showed me around. It is fantastic. Maybe the base camp for the army of useful asses who come singing when God calls. Can you Guess what the place is? And its definitely a woman leader [Sng 6:13 KJV] 13 Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies. Word from Daniel He deciphers Revelation 12 sign. He came by and said Duh thats this and blew me away. Its the sign in the heavens of the two witnesses like Jesus had a sign. The wisemen saw it and wondered and got it together for Him. the rest of them tried to kill Him and the new thing and they did it. Who drinks the same cup as Jesus does? Remember He had a sign in the heavens. People saw it and knew something was about to change So the sign of change now is the revelation 12 sign. The same things happen to them as happen to Jesus. They needed a bigger sign because they are dumb donkeys chosen for their weak vessel so nobody can boast. They do not boast they rejoice in the Holy Double glory of God. a new name i gave them. Jesus knew He was born for something and He found out who He was when He was 12 years old. They were kept hidden even from themselves. They had no idea what this was all about. Until now when Johns little book was opened. Daniel said I met them at the river in a vision and talked to them with God there like i do now. A lot more happened some more mind blowing than this one of the two witnesses is the Bride of Christ
I’m shocked at how many people believe we all are the bride. I’ve always felt he has one bride and we are the body. Thank you for your insight
It is one Bride! She gathers the people that make the church!
We’ll put ! The circle is the Monad, most of the time seen with a dot in the middle.
Good comment and analogy.
Great video
Great content again sir’s I have a question are you saying that Sophia and the Holy spirit are the same? I thought in gnosticism Sophia one of the eons is different from the Divine Mother which is the Holy spirit. And sophia is not perfect like the other eons she committed a mistake by creating the Demiurge? Or I’m just missing something. Thanks
Glory to the MOST HIGH!
@@lidiyalupashku8030no they are not.
Sophia is Greek and means “wisdom,”
It is connected to the different incarnations of the sacred female knowledge.
Sophia is one of the central figures of Gnosticism.
According to Gnostic beliefs, Christ was conceived of as having two aspects: a male half, identified as the son of God, and a female half, called Sophia, who was venerated as the mother of the universe.
According to The Apocryphon of John, one of the main texts of Gnosticism dating to circa 180, Sophia represented divine wisdom and the female spirit.
@@twoolddudesproduction420 I am co nfused so Sophia is Jesus? So does the most high have a female half? Does this mean both have a female half?
I explained a Gnostic idea. Jesus is Jesus and delivered a message of love that could very well have come from a mother. It’s all metaphorical…
@@lidiyalupashku8030 Chapter and verse so...I can book mark it...😊
Hi 2 Dudes had to watch it again luv u
I love all of these videos.😂😊 man life is great.
Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see and all that pierced him shall wail becasue of him even so Amen. To he that hath a ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches to him that overcome will give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God. And to the ANGEL of the church in Philadelphia write these things, he that is holy he that is true he that hath the key of david he that shuteth and no man openeth openeth and no man shutteth. And the firstbbeast like a lion, the second beast like a calf, the third beast had the face of a man and the forth beast was like a flying eagle and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne and when he opened the forth seal. I hear the forth beast say come and see.( Death and hell) Of the tribes of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand, the tribes of Levi where sealed twelve thousand, the tribes of issachar were sealed twelve thousand. ( not everybody gonna make it. Prayerfully ure not one) And the 1st angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, AND THEY were cast upon the earth and a third part of the trees where burnt up and all the grn grass was burnt up. ( First the flood now the fire) And the shapes of locust where prepared unto battle and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold and their faces were as the faces of men. ( He that hath an ear let him hear.) BUT IN THE DAYS OF THE VOICE OF THE 7TH ANGEL, WHEN HE SHALL BEGIN TO SOUND, the mystery of God should be finished as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
And when they have finished their testimony the beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit shall shall make war against them and overcome them and kill them. And their was war in heaven and Michael and his Angels fought against the dragon and the dragon faught against his Angels. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcomethem. And power was given to over all kindreds tounges and nations. SAYING WITH A LOUD VOICE, FEAR GOD AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM, FOR THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT HAS COME: WORSHIP HIM THAT MADE HEAVEN, AND EARTH, AND THE SEA, AND THE FOUNTAINS OF THE WATERS. And one of the 4 beast gave unto the 7 Angels 7 golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever. And I hear another out of the alter say, even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. And the angel said unto me, where for did thou marvel I will tell thee the mystery of the women, and the beast that carrieth her with the 7 heads and ten horns. How much she has glorified herself and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her for she saith I sit a queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the Marriage of the Lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. He that overcometh shall inherent all things; and I will be his God and he shall be my son. BEHOLD I COME QUICKLY BLESSED ARE THOSE THAT KEEP THE SAYINGS OF THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK.
Funny how the 1st American quater had lady liberty on it with a eagle on the back..
Rev 12:14 And to the women where given two wings of a great egale, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place where she is nurishedfor a time, and times, and a half a time, from the face of the serpent. ( He that has eyes let him see the Woman Called LIBERTY)
You believe all that revelation stuff as literal?
Amen the returning of lord jesus christ 🙏🏼🌠☀️🕊❤🐑
please provide documentation and site sources for the information shared in this video.
I'm bad at citing... One is
There's some speculation here as well.
i cant wait to marry my bride in christ before i leave this world husband and wife amen 🙏
love you
very interesting, i wonder why God hasn't told me she was a co-messiah... i know the Holy Spirit is female of course, but have wondered if Holy Spirit and Sophia are the same being, and have received no answer... informative video, but it confuses me.. honestly, WHO is telling the correct story??
Sophia/ Shekinah/ Christ is the Holy Spirit and has the dove as its symbol. She gave birth on God the Father Christ
in heaven and God the Son Jesus on earth. She is by incarnation the Earth Mother Gaia/Geea/Ki/Terra, Queen of Heaven
Isis, Isthar/ Semiramis/ Astarte, Magna Mater, Divine Mother in all religions: Isis, Isthar, Diana, Anahita, Devaki, Virgin Mary,
Virgin Maya and is the mother of mankind (Bible Galatians 4:26).
Christ and Sophia are twin souls, Divine twins, alpha = masculine, omega = feminine.
Jesus means God the Savior. The Savior gives the water of life. Now Jesus who will free us from slavery is
in the feminine version, the bride and the Spirit=Sophia/Mother of God (Revelation 22:17)
Jesus of 2000 years ago is the incarnation of God the Father Christ.
And the Catholics say the Mother of God is Mary… deceived much?
@@twoolddudesproduction420 The Virgin Mary is the incarnation of the Holy Spirit/Sophia.
Μy question to you is very simple: Why? Why did he commit himself to the crucifixion's torture? even knowing that he resurrect again using as my research suggest on the subject quedesh -cannabis in the concoction given to him by the romans when at the cross to quench his thirst? A tincture with vinegar soaked in a sponge at the end of a staff that was given to the soldiers by the three Marys standing by the cross as women of their time had the knowledge of this sacred mixture of the godess tradition that knocks you at a coma state?. Was it his intention to be regarded as dead to escape or to deify himself or to reenact all past dying and resurrecting's gods? to what end? or the whole thing is a judeo -roman scheme for a new world order based on a new religion from start?
cannabis was used throughout the bible for medicine food ropes, clothes its in the anointing oil recipe moses used so Jesus knew about it He didnt want it
Sorry I don't see it Mat 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven.
I guess the earthly Jesus could of had a wife but not Barabbas
Why would anyone remain Christian after reading Matthew 22:30?
But, I was told differently.
Namely marriages are only binding on this earth or at least that how Jesus hung up the Pharisees and the Sadducees with his answer .
Jesus understood the Law of Moses and how it protected a son-less widow, and this was by allowing her to ask a brother-in-law to act vicariously instead of his deceased brother. Give her a son to take care of her.
They were just trying to trip him up with the 7 brothers question…
Both of the terms that Jesus used at this time are verbs meaning that no marriages will be performed for someone and no one will be given to another to be married after their resurrection without actually answering the question.
Matthew 22:30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
My understanding there is no Body for the Spirit that accents.
Trying to tell people that the Holy Spirit took the place of the mother goddess of the trinity.
Better watch it again…the Christian Trinity doesn’t contain a mother goddess.
I think it could with an open mind.
What is the "mother goddess of the trinity"?
@@twoolddudesproduction420 I didn't mean to say that there ever was a mother goddess in the trinity just hit all other cultures you had a father mother and son like Egyptian Horus raw Isis. And at the Christianity is the only one that doesn't have the mother goddess but does have a holy spirit in a trinity.
My take on this is that few read nor wrote in ancient days so two things were used to teach. One is story or parable and the other was a symbol. So I tried to figure out what the symbol might be.
I see the concept of the Unified God as everything that has been, can be, will be or cannot be. In math they call this the Super set of all possibilities and I see this as an ever expanding circle of series of ripples/echos. In the beginning was the Word and it expands to carry on the message infinitely. So the Father being the arbiter of this aspect is represented as a circle.
Jesus as described by Jordan Peterson is the representative of the best a person can be. Often this is termed an upright person. Jesus also teaches us to ascend so the addition to the symbol is a vertical line within the circle.
Of course the cross is the sign of the Christ so we need the third aspect of the Trinity to be a horizontal line within the circle. This is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. She keeps you level and oriented properly because the Truth brings clarity.
So now we have a circle with a horizontal line and a vertical line. If all these are centered for you what appears is the view through a scope with crosshairs that tell you where to aim and how to stay on target. This is your moral compass.
You are encircled and assimilated by the Creator, uplifted and rejuvenated by the Christ, and the outstretched arms of the Mother guide you as you learn to walk the narrow path. The whole time the lessons they have taught you come back like whispers in your ears to help keep you from missing the mark. Interestingly in archery in old days missing the mark was termed a sin. Kinda makes you think. 🤔
Hey 2 old dudes I am his messenger Jesus needed a Christ proof proof proof luv you 2 old dudes
you give up guessing the riddle? if i bet you i might have got all your money like Samson did
Key of the wilderness oasis!
Jesus handed me a key of fire said you are My angelfire (messenger of fire) and opened a door to a beautiful jungle teeming with life. We ran through the jungle singing swinging from trees there was a sparkling river a cave full of gifts i had been there before a few times.
He said the wilderness i prepared a place for you to take care of you a while. Its the garden of EDEN! Whutttt!? I got the keys! I got the Keys to all of it. How can this be? A whole wad of keys and He showed me how to use them.
It looks like He kept every single animal and plant safe and sound none are extinct!
One of the resurrection songs says come my people and enter your chambers shut your doors until the indignation is overpast. Could that be the chambers? and it looks like maybe bootcamp army station?
He gave me a lot of oasis new names.
He said remember i said i was sending the tree of life with Jeremiah and Isaiah in 2 esdras 2. Here it is.
He made me a weirdo pet prophet a few years ago singing with me new name seal songs to call the animals then recently showed me Hosea 2:14 to 19 about a singing woman pet prophet and an end times covenant with the animals.
Is there a second? There is a mom to you i know.
This stuff angels longed to look into now we can see it all. Nothing hidden will not be revealed.
( i was singing this chapter in Isaiah 26 and found myself in an arena in heaven singing with Jeremiah, and Isaiah, and Ezekiel (they actually came to help me ). Later they all sang with me.
Heres what the verse says
They advised God to sanctify and send twelve trees full of fruit healing for us and all kinds of good things)
2 esdras 2
“For thy help will I send my servants Esay and Jeremy, after whose counsel I have sanctified and prepared for thee twelve trees laden with divers fruits
And as many fountains flowing with milk and honey, and seven mighty mountains, whereupon there grow roses and lilies, whereby I will fill thy children with joy.”
He gave me other keys too
the key of David, worshiping in the Spirit and truth
key of life and death, scripture songs sung in faith
Key to the storehouse of heaven (its like a huge mall with everything you could possibly need)
Key to hell (my foot crushing the head of the snake
They key to John little book
[Sng 6:13 KJV] 13 Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies.
Some of my new names this He said to introduce me
The oasis mouth desert spring
Alert watchful one the thief in the night did not catch you unaware
Orphaned lamb i cover i clothe i protect
Lonely barren desolate wasted woman of sorrows acquainted with much grief
now made glad
Mother with the fire mouth of the south
Moon of medicine
Anointed one deliverer sent from heaven
Double trouble double hope
new thing new wave
fire and flame of God (i ate the little book and it made my belly on fire and fire comes from my mouth)
Lahat hereb flaming sword of the Lord
Lahall shalhebet powerful female flame of fire
Beautiful burning torch of fire
Boishi Doctors Mother and child with haha ( cracks me up wow the holy Spirit is teasing me)
The extreme highest humorous sarcastic one
Puker of the lukes Lukewarm
Alert watchful one the thief in the night did not catch you unaware
Orphaned lamb i cover i clothe i protect
Lonely barren desolate wasted woman of sorrows acquainted with much grief
now made glad
Most high most badass baddest ass (donkey) saint of God
key of God key to the storehouse of heaven
Faith of Abraham, Job, Isaiah, Elijah, and Jeremiah multiplied like i like it.
Epistle letter writer like John posting on youtube church
Tadeste Revive renew restore in the name of the Lord
Mother with the fire mouth of the south
Anointed one deliverer sent from heaven
One who does greater works than done before
sweet new thing with sweet new wine
Hidden shining bright star from heaven
Beautiful divine healer doctor with gold and silver wings
Expander stretcher multiplier divider restrainer looser
Judgement and recompense the wasters fire mouth of the south
My beloved who was not beloved by my people
Reverts life to factory settings
Beloved hidden star of destiny and courage
Delightful leader of Special forces
Different peculiar one of a kind
Beacon ensign
Key of the dangerous risky place (He says my foot is the key to hell like in Genesis the foot of the woman and her seed)
Gift given by God virtual new wine
One hidden who is crying and laughing with God
The asker seeker finder
Existence sacred special agents
Climate changers
I haven’t guessed yet, I’m still reading your dissertation…
@@twoolddudesproduction420 this will bless your soul! the place is the garden of Eden.
Key of the wilderness oasis!
Jesus handed me a key of fire said you are My angelfire (messenger of fire) and opened a door to a beautiful jungle teeming with life. We ran through the jungle singing there was a sparkling river a cave full of gifts i had been there before a few times.
He said the wilderness i prepared a place for you to take care of you a while. Its the garden of EDEN! Whutttt!? I got the keys! I got the Keys to all of it. How can this be? A whole wad of keys and He showed me how to use them.
It looks like He kept every single animal and plant safe and sound none are extinct!
One of the resurrection songs says come my people and enter your chambers shut your doors until the indignation is overpast. Could that be the chambers? and it looks like maybe bootcamp army station?
He gave me a lot of oasis new names.
He said remember i said i was sending the tree of life with Jeremiah and Isaiah in 2 esdras 2. Here it is.
He made me a weirdo pet prophet a few years ago singing with me new name seal songs to call the animals then recently showed me Hosea 2:14 to 19 about a singing woman pet prophet and an end times covenant with the animals.
Is there a second? There is a mom to you i know.
This stuff angels longed to look into now we can see it all. Nothing hidden will not be revealed.
( i was singing this chapter in Isaiah 26 and found myself in an arena in heaven singing with Jeremiah, and Isaiah, and Ezekiel (they actually came to help me ). Later they all sang with me.
Heres what the verse says
They advised God to sanctify and send twelve trees full of fruit healing for us and all kinds of good things)
2 esdras 2
“For thy help will I send my servants Esay and Jeremy, after whose counsel I have sanctified and prepared for thee twelve trees laden with divers fruits
And as many fountains flowing with milk and honey, and seven mighty mountains, whereupon there grow roses and lilies, whereby I will fill thy children with joy.”
He gave me other keys too
the key of David, worshiping in the Spirit and truth
key of life and death, scripture songs sung in faith
Key to the storehouse of heaven (its like a huge mall with everything you could possibly need)
Key to hell (my foot crushing the head of the snake
They key to John little book
[Sng 6:13 KJV] 13 Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies.
Some of my new names this He said to introduce me
The oasis mouth desert spring
Alert watchful one the thief in the night did not catch you unaware
Orphaned lamb i cover i clothe i protect
Lonely barren desolate wasted woman of sorrows acquainted with much grief
now made glad
Mother with the fire mouth of the south
Moon of medicine
Anointed one deliverer sent from heaven
Double trouble double hope
new thing new wave
fire and flame of God (i ate the little book and it made my belly on fire and fire comes from my mouth)
Lahat hereb flaming sword of the Lord
Lahall shalhebet powerful female flame of fire
Beautiful burning torch of fire
Boishi Doctors Mother and child with haha ( cracks me up wow the holy Spirit is teasing me)
The extreme highest humorous sarcastic one
Puker of the lukes Lukewarm
Alert watchful one the thief in the night did not catch you unaware
Orphaned lamb i cover i clothe i protect
Lonely barren desolate wasted woman of sorrows acquainted with much grief
now made glad
Most high most badass baddest ass (donkey) saint of God
key of God key to the storehouse of heaven
Faith of Abraham, Job, Isaiah, Elijah, and Jeremiah multiplied like i like it.
Epistle letter writer like John posting on youtube church
Tadeste Revive renew restore in the name of the Lord
Mother with the fire mouth of the south
Anointed one deliverer sent from heaven
One who does greater works than done before
sweet new thing with sweet new wine
Hidden shining bright star from heaven
Beautiful divine healer doctor with gold and silver wings
Expander stretcher multiplier divider restrainer looser
Judgement and recompense the wasters fire mouth of the south
My beloved who was not beloved by my people
Reverts life to factory settings
Beloved hidden star of destiny and courage
Delightful leader of Special forces
Different peculiar one of a kind
Beacon ensign
Key of the dangerous risky place (He says my foot is the key to hell like in Genesis the foot of the woman and her seed)
Gift given by God virtual new wine
One hidden who is crying and laughing with God
The asker seeker finder
Existence sacred special agents
Climate changers
Thank you Lord Jesus Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🩶🩶🩶
Song i heard from the Bride of Christ. Almighty God sings with me. Its amazing and He will sing with you too. If you sing His songs. He sings back.
My people come to Me
And turn around
Make sure you stand
On solid ground
So He said to me
Look look down there
They are runnin round
Like they have no care
You made me oh Lord
And put me down in this crazy zoo
Then You called me
To seek and follow you
Now oh Lord my God
What can i do for you?
Could i make you smile?
Or will you dance with me?
Lord let me wipe your tears
And sing songs to You
Just like you do for me
Oh i’m asking You
Please come and see
What they do to me
Yea They make me cry
My tears are food
Both day and night
As i cry to You
How can i help?
I ask you every day
And i wait in faith
Then i hear you say
For some of these
Do not even pray
Yet still i cry oh Lord
Have Mercy please
Come for your own
Please come today
Will they even know
That you are He
And Can they even hear
Things like you show
To me
Lord i have tried
To follow you
And now somehow
You have brought me through
We are ready
Ready To meet you
And those who arent
Will be ready real soon
I hear you call
For danger, and toil
For almost everyone
Who walks on this soil
We have a better
Place up ahead
We wont look back
This place is dead
Give us strength
Help us endure
They can kill our body
But cant kill our soul
Wake up my people
Hear the trumpet calling
Open up the gates oh Lord
And bring us through
My people dont go too far
To the Right or left
Listen for the still
And small
Of the Lamb of God
Or hear the loud loud roar
Of the Lion of Judah
The King of Kings
And Lord of Lords
Dont add to the Word
And dont take away
Listen to the Spirit
Who lives
In you
First the dead will rise
And then you will too
How long that takes?
Well it is up to you
Get your soul ready
Make it squeaky clean
Repent of sin
Listen and come to me
Read the Word
All day long
And seek the truth
Make it your song
You were washed
In His blood
Do not return
To the mud
Could be today
Or tomorrow too
I know soon soon soon
He will come for you
Sing and worship Jesus
Sing to welcome Him
Call Maranatha!
Lord come today!
The Spirit and the bride they say! Come now! today!
Wow this is a song from the Bride of Christ! Its beautiful.
Steamroller by James Taylor is the tune a blues song but you can use other tunes.
Thank you. Jesus would have been a wonderful husband for Mary. He accepted and loved her because she loved everything about him. Even when he had conversations with an invisible Satan she knew he was fighting evil. She also fought battles dealing in a man's world. She was strong and supported him in every way. She was smart and Jesus accepted he didn't have to control her because she was his equal. He trusted her and they discussed their future spreading the gospel. Jesus and Mary were the Messianic bloodline. The Dove or 2 Doves represented their angelic spiritual connection as they became one spirit in heaven. Jesus watched over the people, as God does in heaven. He didn't marry them. After all, we are all God's children. Fathers look over their children. He told men to watch over their wives as Christ. Back then and even some places today women were killed for bring less then a man. Jesus was here ahead of his time for sure.
???....Our flesh is of the Earth and our Spirits don't have sex...THANK YOUUUU 💞 ♥️
Don’t require it. It’s only a desire.
Egyptian Osiris Revelation 22 16 ijesus
1 Corinthians 7.... something is missing in the video because it is specifically expressed that it's BETTER to not touch a woman!
I'm a woman with 5 boys (22yrs to 4yrs)
and I couldn't agree more that it is better they touch none!
Don't get me wrong, I've longed for grandbabies but not at the expense incurred.
Jesus was bound to NO wife. On purpose!!!
Had no offspring! On purpose!!!
When we spawn (at the sake of sounding psychotic) we are perpetuating yahweh's plan. That one is only seeking to keep the human race in bondage!
Christ crucified is the end of the torah. That is all. Liberty in Love.
oh by the way end is near but great for ppl like us Christ believers
the bride of Christ is not a man or a women ,its a city (New Jerusalem ). Scripture clearly reveals this in several scriptures. HERE IS ONE
Revelation 21.9
9And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. 10And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;
Fake scriptures. Evil changed bibles to benefit them . They are jealous of God's family.
I came out of Heaven
7 angels that enter me
Jesus Barabbas is the Son of the Father
Jesus The Christ is James the Just aka Isreal the Righteous
2 Jesus was on that stage they chose Jesus Christ not J.B
replaced,don't trust roman dictronie
How God loves his bride his people? Or we are made His?
King of.kings iam
Mary M was close. she would have been the bride of Christ if Jesus wouldn't have died so soon on the cross. The bride of Christ name is Shekinah. She is the Glory of God.
I disagree….Shekhinah is the English transliteration of a Hebrew word meaning "dwelling" or "settling" and denotes the presence of God in a place.
It is not a personal name for any particular deity.
Consider Mary Magdalene, they marry, but she's not simply "Mrs. Jesus." She is a partner in redemption referred to as the "Daughter of God" and "The Bride of God."
Riddle for you this is amazing!
From Samson of praise,Hayah wassa Jesus gave me a key of fire and said this is the key to the wilderness area already prepared for you and showed me around. It is fantastic. Maybe the base camp for the army of useful asses who come singing when God calls.
Can you Guess what the place is?
And its definitely a woman leader
[Sng 6:13 KJV] 13 Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies.
Word from Daniel
He deciphers Revelation 12 sign. He came by and said Duh thats this and blew me away. Its the sign in the heavens of the two witnesses like Jesus had a sign. The wisemen saw it and wondered and got it together for Him. the rest of them tried to kill Him and the new thing and they did it.
Who drinks the same cup as Jesus does? Remember He had a sign in the heavens. People saw it and knew something was about to change
So the sign of change now is the revelation 12 sign.
The same things happen to them as happen to Jesus. They needed a bigger sign because they are dumb donkeys chosen for their weak vessel so nobody can boast. They do not boast they rejoice in the Holy Double glory of God. a new name i gave them.
Jesus knew He was born for something and He found out who He was when He was 12 years old.
They were kept hidden even from themselves. They had no idea what this was all about.
Until now when Johns little book was opened.
Daniel said I met them at the river in a vision and talked to them with God there like i do now.
A lot more happened some more mind blowing than this
one of the two witnesses is the Bride of Christ
Goodbye y'all
host of host bride of christ Jesus is 1 w wife already