Kyoto Temples + Food = AMAZING!!
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
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The fact that every one treats Isaac as there own child shows the beautiful relationship they all have together and it makes me a happy man :)
Since JK changed their format & stopped doing skits etc I kinda felt Casey's skills where being wasted. So I'm really glad that him & Tiff now have their own channel where he can show off his mad videography/editing skills again.
Yea i miss the skits and how well it was put together, atleast we got these amazing vlogs
+Jake R They're going to shoot a movie so Casey is ready to show it off to the world
I'm also hoping, with there new work studio things will look more visually pleasing when they do ask the feels, jk news and jk party
Towards the end I started to cry. Casey creates the mood where it feels like you should live life to the fullest. To be honest the way he edited the ending is incredible and it creates a deep meaning of friends and family.
Good job Casey!
+CindyyyXD Good Job Casey!
One day isaac will realize how lucky he is to have hella nice people raise him.
+marcotoni231 tbh i think he already has :)
So true, well said👍🏽
he wont realize until there dead or gone
he'll definitely realise this when he is older and compares his awesone childhood to others not so awesome ones
I just hope when he goes through his tween years he doesn't fall into that whole I'm too cool for everybody phase and feel like hanging out with the crew is "lame" type of stuff
Watching this makes me want to get into filming and photography. Everyone from jk inspires me to do something different..
Bart & Geo: work hard
Joe & Jess: dont forget inner child and always have fun
Tiff & Case: try new things
Julia & Tommy: its okay to be awkward and theirs nothing wrong with that
Thanks for everything jk fam
+Wasime “Shwazee” Shawish lol thats low key fucked up what you said about Julia and Tommy
Julia and Tommy broke up
+Nawal Elnaghi what? when? how?
+Nawal Elnaghi dont be a mudda liar. I need proof
+rhink af check his Instagram its true but at least they are all still friends
why did i feel like i wanted to cry at the end?? LOL
I get you, I felt the same.
+Elle P I did cry lol
Because it's so beautiful and happy
+Elle P Yeah, me too! I felt pretty emotional.
Ikr? I did cry! haha
Every vlog on this channel is like a movie, so well edited and shot! keep it up Case! 😊
the ending tho
I was going to say the same thing! Super top notch!
In a couple years he'll be even better! :)
+Gisselle Joy i agree i could watch every video cuz of music and cut scenes wedout getting borred
Bart going be a great dad!
+Quang Tran oh hai... again. LOL!
Ikr 😂
+Quang Tran So this is where i found you lol
For some reason, my mind skipped great and I read "Bart is going to be a dad!" and I started freaking out and was like, "Geo's pregnant?! When did they announce this?!" And I got so hyped but then I reread the sentence and was like oh.
Its so sad knowing that one day Isaac gonna have to go on his own journey of life... Cherish every moment you have with these awesome people, Isaac !
The bit near the end was so beautiful 💕
I'm fairly new to the whole JK I've been watching all the vlogs and all JK the channels, getting to know everyone. Everyone is so dope in their own right, but what has really stood out to me is the undeniable love you have for Tiff and Isaac. It's so genuine and it really shines through. For someone so young, you're doing an amazing job growing into a dedicated family man. Keep up the impressive work on the vlogs and all things JK related.
Welcome to the JKFam :)
welcome to the jk family! :)
Beautiful editing and cinematography. Gorgeous and heart warming shots!
the end had me crying, watching everyone like a family, and the love that Casey has for Tiff and Issac makes my heart warm. the end was also BEAUTIFULLY edited, making it even more heart warming!!
I can watch from 9:00 to the end all day. Editing, cinematography, music, just everything is amazing!
Isaac is lucky to be surrounded by so many people that love him. Great vlog !!!
Good job, Case, with the editing 👍👍
Ikr, he's a talented editor:)
+Don't touch ma soup I bet your a talented editor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
OMG! 😍 ..keeep VLogging.. I love these kind of VLogs..not too short.. not too long..with fun content and even funnier/on point editing!... just great for study breaks 😂..refreshes me
The "Bart and Geo's Babies Cracked me up!! 😂😂😂😂
+mrchinony hi5 😉
The amount of time and effort put into this vlog shows you how much Casey admires film and cinema. Everything little thing directed his way. Always look forward to it. There's such a raw feel to his work.
hands down the best vlog channel on youtube
YAY finally! perfect end to the week 👍👍👍
It's so beautiful and i just fell in love with the editing skills.
One day Casey, you will look back at this video when you are older and will fill up a river. Precious little moments like those will never be forgotten. This family JK has brought to us is amazing, thank you for that editing this will never leave my heart ❤️❤️❤️
I always love these vlogs because Casey has the best editing!
Isaac is so lucky that he'll have all this footage to look back at. Its like his own personal time travel machine. . .
The way that Tiff said "That's my child." makes my heart melt omg I love this family
Hands down, the editing towards the end of the video was so beautiful. Perfectly matched with the music. Your trip in Kyoto must of definetly been a special one!
David holding Isaac, toooo cute!
+MDhunni08 Isaac holding Bart! I love this kid!
This is by far my favorite channel love your artistry. Thanks for sharing and you have a beautiful family...
Love the ending. I pretty much love it anytime you do the slow motion with everyone laughing and having fun
slow and steady clips and the music to go with each clip. so much feels
Those last couple of minutes with the slow shots and music
0:00 to 10:41...just beautiful, keep it up guys
Awesome vlog! Totally cried at the end - scenery and love amongst friends and beautiful
Man really watching all of you guys work, hang out together, and travel together is such an amazing experience. Amazing vid
Always love your edits and shots. I also love that everyone treats Isaac like as if he was their child and he's comfortable around them too. The ending was just heart warming, I don't know why. Looking forward to more vlogs from you guys!
casey and tiff dominating the vlog game
These vlogs makes my jaw drop every time, the editing is beyond perfect! You had my spines shivering throughout the video, great job!
The cinematography towards the end was amazing. I FRICKIN LOVED IT
The editing is on point!
And I love how sweet everybody is to Isaac
The last couple minutes made me cry you guys are so cute❤️
That montage at the end was perfect.
So beautifully done.
The editing on this is phenomenal! The video gives me so much feeling.
I don't know anything about filming but from the way that he captures the moment to his edits, I feel like Casey really cares about his friends and family. :D
Case, your editing and filming skill is so on point!!!!! i re-watched the last 2 min of the vlog over and over again, it is so amazing. You have truely captured the moment.
I will watch any JK video regardless but seeing such a on point production with amazing editing really enhances the whole viewing experience. Great job Casey
I always find the videos to short, no matter how long they are. I just want more awesomeness
am I the only one who got emotional? Casey's editing is on point. so sweet 💕
Amazing editing Casey as always and on point too. Tiff you gorgeous lady and Issac you lil cutie. Lots of love shared amongst everyone.
out of everybodys vlogs from the Tokyo vaction , this is by far the best . Casey you are so good at what you do, you can capture so much with just a few moments of film, your edits and music choices are perfect , Thank you for sharing
I absolutely love Autumn, and seeing the beautiful scenery in japan with the gorgeous trees and leaves and the sun and happy people made me all warm and fuzzy inside :)
I love... Super love the way you edit your videos... and the things that you capture are amazing.
Isaac is precious
This editing gets me feeling some type of way. I love it!!
So beautiful and serene!
Watching these vlogs makes me feel like im watching an extended family members travel adventures
Casey literally has the best editing on UA-cam, he should teach a class
Lol love the "wow" edits of Tiff! Also, great ending to this vlog! AMAZING! Keep it up! Loving your work!
This is so beautiful!!!!!!!' Great job editing and capturing these beautiful moments
This has to be the most beautiful video you guys have made on your channel this far.
It was very heart touching, keep it up,
love your videos quality and content always on point🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
The way you orchestrate your filming is amazing!!!! BEST VLOGS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Wow the last 5mins of this vlog is absolutely stunning, those shots on the trees are beautiful! Keep it up guys!!
this is such a cute vlog, Casey knows how to get your feels with the edits
Damn Casey! The editing made the footage even more serene. Needed this in my life!
I'm loving this channel more with each uploads. keep it coming. ♡♡♡♡
I started crying tbh, such a beautiful family
Love how happy they are.
Friends That Become Family💓
Amazing , beautiful video. I almost cried. Casey is very talented. Best video so far.
this video was next level. editing & shots keeps getting better and better!
damn Casey! these Japan vlogs are edited so beautifully yet still kept short so that it's easier to make time to watch time, unlike some of the other JK half hour vlogs. really appreciate it!
Casey you are amazing at what you do! Amazing video, great editing, love you guys! I can't wait to see you do your thing in greater projects.
love and family, you have it all Tiff, Casey, and Isaac.
IDK why, but towards the end I got emotional. Cute family.
The last two minutes is my favorite :)!!
One of my fave videos, flawless editing!! Keep it up guys!!
Y'all got some amazing footage and the editing is amazing! Love it!
Flawless editing. Like always.
At the end I cried, don't know why but the music and the shots seemed like I'll never see you guys again
Always amazing quality!!
Thank you tiff and case for the love that you guys but in making the most beautiful vlogs
Squad/Family goals. Casey you did an amazing job man.
Simply put. These vlogs are AMAZING!
The cinematography in this video was amazing, I really enjoy how you shoot and edit your videos, I just wished you guys uploaded more!
That sumo fight with David was hilarious! Thanks for recording it and sharing it! LMAO
I love your edits!!! I can really see the passion and love that you put in your work! 👌🏼🙌🏼
Beautiful shots, Casey! Makes me miss Japan so much, can't wait to go back next year!
Beatifull video... Great work on the editing
The filming and editing on this channel is so on point holy cow. I'm loving it :p Isaac is sooooo cute!
holy shit, the last few minutes of this video with all the clips and just the back ground music... fucking so many feels. This video made my day
cinematography is on POINT!!!
that ending was so cute!! hahaha i love their vlogs! awesome editing skills from Casey! keep em coming!
Wow! The video after 8:10 took such an unexpected turn!! It gave me chills on how well it was edited and the song that came with it made it that much more heartwarming. It felt like a happy conclusion to a favorite tv show with mixed feelings of happiness and sadness. Damn:)
This video was the definition of beauty
The editing got me crying, it's so good
casey's editing is always on point! Like I get its obvious, but the dude has bucket load of skill and talent on that
These are such High Quality Vlogs! Awesome job Case. Its like I'm watching a short film. Good work.
Yooo the editing and the filming techniques are amazing better yet combined together they create emotions Great work Casey
I truly loved the sense of family that you guys have here. This was such a beautiful video and I am only 20 but I know I would like to have what you guys at JK have because I couldn't stop smiling while watching this. Isaac is truly lucky to have everyone here and I know I'm watching this pretty late, but that doesn't affect the love and sincerity of this vlog. I cannot wait for little Kwans to start walking around either :)
I've never seen vlogs filmed this cool. They're epic.
I loved this vlog!!! What an amazing family & group of friends😊
Casey! You did a wonderful job with the whole editing ! I think Isaac brings out the best in you and tiff