Nathaly Ortega... Hi😃. Wasn’t that adorable! I love that little guy ! actually I thought he looked just like his big sister Gemma when I watched him talk.🥰. My niece is in labor right now. I’m SO excited for her! Babies are so incredible !!😃🙏🦋
You are loved!!!! THE RAPTURE: THE EVENT THAT WILL SHOCK AND ROCK THE WORLD!! This dispensation of Grace that we live in was revealed to the Apostle Paul. So, what of this mystery known as the Rapture? It’s a mystery because this was never a promise made to Israel! 1 Thessalonians 4:17: "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up... In verse 17, the phrase “Caught Up” is translated from the Greek word “Harpazo” and the Latin “Rapturo.” That is the word from which we get “Rapture.” Upon closer inspection of Harpazo’s definition, we learn it literally means: To snatch away To take away To pluck away To claim for oneself eagerly To seize by force The rapture, as Christians call it, is the Biblical prophecy of Jesus appearing in the sky and calling all the real Christians home to heaven. Those Christians who have passed away since Christ’s resurrection will also be resurrected and acquire their eternal bodies. Those Christians who are alive when the rapture comes will appear, to those left behind on earth, to vanish into thin air, as they are taken up (raptured out) by Christ. The living Christians will also receive their resurrected bodies at this time. It all sounds like a lot, but from finish to end will take the wink of an eye. The two most recognized passages are, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” and 1 Corinthians 15:52, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” The rapture has been portrayed in books and movies, preached about from pulpits, and written about in newspapers. The consensus is the rapture will plunge the world into utter chaos as those left behind deal with this catastrophic event. Hundreds of millions of people vanish. Since the rapture occurs all over the planet in less than a second, some eating lunch; others will be sitting down to relax at the end of a workday. Millions of traffic accidents because of cars left with no drivers. Plane crashes all over the planet because aircraft suddenly become pilotless. Fires break out as planes crash into residential areas - more housefire start when cooking pots are left unattended because homes are void of inhabitants. The ensuing chaos rages out of control as many emergency personnel is no longer with us!! Havoc in the streets, terror in homes as loved ones have vanished, confusion in every corner of the globe as people look for answers. Does a nation have a new superweapon? Have the extraterrestrials decided to start harvesting humanity? Is what is going on man-made or coming from God? Does God even exist? If He does, what is He doing? Why would God do this? When the rapture happens, the whole world will know!! Here are some one liners by some great teachers, preachers and Pastors on the PRE-Tribulation Rapture... 🎤As Chuck Missler said... You have to understand God's program for the church is different from God's program for Israel! 🎤Bro Chad Thomas (Watchman on the wall88) says... It’s the time of Jacob's trouble not the churches trouble! 🎤Pastor J.D Farag The purpose of the tribulation is for the salvation of the Jewish nation! 🎤Jan Markel... It’s the Blessed Hope not the blasted hope! 🎤😃and to conclude I say that... The RAPTURE of the church is where God WRAPS UP the church...literally!! 7 KEY POINTS ON THE PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE🎺☁️: 1.The Church had no part in the first sixty-nine weeks of Daniel and it will have no part in the seventieth week. (Daniel 9:24). 2. The Church is mentioned more than 20 times in the first 3 chapters of Revelation, but there is no mention of the Church between Revelation 4:1 and Revelation 19:1. 3. Jesus comes FOR his Church in the Rapture (1Thessalonians 4:16-17). He comes WITH his Church in the second coming (1Thessalonians 3:13). The Church goes UP from the earth in the rapture and comes DOWN to the earth in the second coming! 4. The Antichrist cannot be revealed until after the rapture (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8) 5. The Church must go to heaven for the marriage of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7) before the second coming at the end of the tribulation period (Revelation 19:11-14). 6. Church is promised an exemption from divine wrath. (1 Thess 1:10; 5:9, Rom 5:9, Rev 3:10; 6:17). 7. From Bro Chad’s (Watchman on the wall 88) article titled... THE RAPTURE: WHY IT'S CALLED THE BLESSED HOPE? Titus 2:13 - “Looking for that blessed hope... Why are we told to look for that ‘Blessed Hope’? What is so ‘blessed,’ and why should our ‘hope’ be in it? I’ll tell you why, because it is an event where the Lord will remove Christians that are truly His before the coming judgement of God on this Christ-rejecting world. 📖1 Thessalonians 5:1-8 5 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7 tell us that the Lord will remove the Holy Spirit’s restraining influence when He takes His church out of the world. This means the rapture must happen before the Lord allows Satan to install his man at the helm of the coming New World Order or what the World Economic Forum refers to as the Great Reset!! The rapture will change everything regarding the current dynamic between the demonic forces of evil seeking to destroy our world and the convicting work of the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of countless millions. Without His restraint, Satan will bring his many to power and wreak much more havoc on the world that we currently see. Key verses on the RAPTURE being PRE Trib: 1.📖 1 Thessalonians 4:17(Then we which are alive...) 2.📖 Titus 2:13(Looking for that blessed hope...) 3.📖 1 Corinthians 15:51-53(Behold, I shew you a mystery;) 4.📖 1 Thessalonians 4:16(For the Lord himself shall descend...) 🎺 5.📖 1 Thessalonians 5:9 (For God hath not appointed us to wrath...) 6.📖 Revelation 3:10(Because thou hast kept the word...) 7.📖 Romans 8:22-23 (For we know that the whole...) 📖1 Corinthians 15:51-53 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So, what of this mystery known as the Rapture? It is a mystery because this was never a promise made to Israel! 📖Matthew 24:42 "watch" 📖Matthew 24:44 "be ready" 📖Matthew 25:13 "watch" 📖Mark 13:33 “watch and pray " 📖Mark 13:35 "watch" 📖Mark 13:37 "what i say to you i say to all, watch" 🔥THE TRIBULATION IS CASTING ITS SHADOW RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!... Think about COVID-19, the lockdowns, the economic crashes, the mandatory mask wearing, the race riots, ANTIFA, ID2020, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, the Declaration Of Human Fraternity, Chrismal, ponder for a moment on all of it! Everything we have been experiencing, it is all part of the Great Reset, and it is all driving towards the same outcome, that is the resetting of the entire world to prepare the people for the arrival of Antichrist! That's how close he is to stepping out of the shadows and onto the world stage! 📖Luke 21:28 King James Version (KJV) 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. The stage being set right now for what comes next…. which is the Rapture of the Church!! The ultimate domino!! As this dispensation of the church age (The Age Of Grace) draws to an end, it’s time for us to take our stand as Children of the Light(1 Thessalonians) and tell a lost and dying world that it’s time to repent, believe the Gospel, and be converted to a new life in Jesus Christ today! Explain to them with simplicity (Not Religion) the gospel of our salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10)! The A B C's of salvation: A-Admit that you are a sinner Romans 3:10 Romans 3:23 B- Believe that Jesus is Lord, died for your sins and rose from the dead. Romans 5:8 Romans 6:23 C- Call upon his name. Romans 10:9 Romans 10:13 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ... 'Any minute of any DAY The Lord is going to snatch his bride AWAY!!' My pdf on the TOP 20 END TIME SIGNS speaks on the 2 words CONVERGENCE and AGENDA that define the very final moments that we are living in! That trumpet is going to sound any day now! Preach the Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 🙌 God bless you Bro Keegan Watchman in the wilderness🙏
I have autistic twins. When they were little - we went through a YEAR of poop smearing. If you have more problems, google special needs pajamas that zip up the back. They were a life saver!! Bless your hearts! ❤️
Wren just like a teenager, shes calm, cute, happy everytime, always answering their parents, especially when the corn stuck in her toes 😂 omg they are gettin older. love you the chatwin 💙
Omg you guys totally handle everything that life throws at you so well and calmly. Material things can be replaced. Truly is one of the grossest things babies can do. Maybe a cloth diaper with a bunch of buttons once at night would be harder for them to take off with a onesie on top. I know you don’t do cloth diapers but worth a shot once a day. I love thrive hauls if you do get them monthly would love to see them every month or so. Get those immune rollers with theives for after the zoo it’s that season! Thank you for always a great vlog stressful or fun i watch anything of yours it brightens my mood with whatever emotion is in the video.
My twins did the same thing, so I know what you are going through. Hours of cleaning the walls, both cribs, mattresses & sheets. I got to where I ran in there as soon as I heard the 1st peep. The only problem was that they did this very quietly. This was almost 28 years ago when baby monitors were far too expensive. Out of all 6 of my babies, they were the only ones that did this. They were a tag team & got into everything! They definitely kept me on my toes!
I seriously needed to watch you guys today and get some of that calming vibe you both have. I used to be like you guys with my kids, but now they are teens and somehow I get stressed so quickly these days, but never lose my cool. It's just inside me the nerves and anxiety eats me alive..... thank you 😊 beautiful family
Having such sweet babies is AWESOMENESS. But when they are toddlers and little people, it's trial of the soul. I know it's to bring reality in with a thump. You two are so cute about stuff that happens, while still showing patience. Very sweet. Good parenting. Note: At this age, when it's really really quiet, they ARE DEFINITELY UP TO SOMETHING! Bank on it! LOL ❤💜💙💚🧡💛💚
My oldest child use to finger paint herself, her walls & her crib with her #2 as well. She did it so much that it felt like it was a daily occurrence. She was always so proud of her works of art. Standing there covered in it with a huge smile on her face. The look & smell of it was just awful and It took forever to clean up. It’s been 25 yrs, but to this day I can still see it & smell it...... lol......
I follow the Five Two Love family (also a UA-cam vlog) and this same thing happened to them. One of their quints (can't remember which one) got poo all over the crib. After that, diapers and pajamas were put on backwards. Feel bad for you because that had to be a nightmare to clean up. They declined to show a picture as well. So it happens to the best of parents, and you easily fit into a "best parents" category. Love your channel, poo stories and all.
Thanks for sharing those rough times with us! A lot of the time we think UA-cam families have these amazing, perfect lives. Y’all are both amazing parents ❤️
My question for the Q&A: When is the next appointment with the triplets? I wanna know who is the heaviest and tallest at the moment😍 because it really fascinates me how fast they grow
Here’s my questions: being a family on UA-cam, how do you decide what you share to the world and what you keep private? How have you made that balance? I’m mainly asking because I feel like there are some weirdos online and I feel like I would just be paranoid all the time! You guys do great but I just want to know what your thoughts are.
Your videos make me so happy.They reminde me of when my children,and grandchildren were younger. So family oriented. I have five teenage grand children now and still making memories.P.S They still love going to the farm.. love your channel and thanks for sharing.
My son Sam, who is now 33 years old, did like to do art work with a variety of media. Keep the memories alive in your hearts and take pictures galore. i will remember my lipstick that was smeared all over my beautiful,. new bedspread. He was two and was supposed to be asleep! These are the things that make you smile in years to come, Susan Bolton
Our son is deployed right now & our daughter-in-LOVE woke up on Monday to our granddaughter having taken off her sleeper & diaper during the night poop everywhere. She called it the poopscapades.
I have a5 year old and a newly 4 year old... We've been trying for our last baby since February and it's just not happening.. I must say watching you guys seriously cheers me up a ton. Been a subscriber since the triplets were born and I just love keeping up with you guys. Makes hard weeks so much better! So thanks for that
This Vlog made my day! Royal has such a chill vibe- I love his personality and they are almost as big as Gemma! I love your family & love that you guys continue to share your family with us! I couldn’t imagine holding a camera and taking care of 4 kids and you guys balance it all so well- I want to come hang out and be best friends.
I laughed at that to. Pajama' on backwards works great. It happens to alot of us, lol been there cleaned that and that......... lol love those kiddoes they r growing up so fast, talking so much, n running all over saying nooooo to everything. Lol
When I saw the title and thought what kind of night could you possible have had!! Wow! That was a wild one. What a mess.....literally. The day was a fun one though. You take the children to such fun places to explore and learn so much.
I have to apologize because I can't quit laughing 😂 my babies are all grown up but I still remember days like that. I love the connection you guys have with your kids. It's sweet to watch. 💖
Hahaha that is so tough. I have to confess...I did the same thing when I was a toddler. Painted my whole room brown. Poor mom..Dad was away on travels for work.
The Chatfam is the vlog I look forward to most each week to watch, there's no fast forwards during your video. I really look forward to the triplets and what they get up to next 💗💗💙💗
Oh bless you guys, I was very lucky as my three were like Gemma and Reese I never had to worry about them taking their clothes off or nappy. The trip to the farm was lovely Wren really loves animals doesnt she. xx
I love seeing kids with animals and not being afraid. My son was born afraid of animals. Fortunately he got over it. :) Your wild night of "stuff" and noodles and markers - kids get on a roll like that sometimes. Warning: what follows is long but I promise you it's worth the read. Darik, I am sure your parents can relate to this string of events. Two of my nieces had boys born six days apart. They were together a lot because both couples needed a lot of help with the kids, with school and work, so often my sister or I had both boys at once. They are now nearly 29 years old and best buds still, but oh, the trials they'd give us! Two very bright, busy, curious, fearless boys! In a two week period, under various people's care, they went on a tear. First, at a family Sunday dinner at my sister's house, which has two kitchens - one on the main floor and the other on the lower level family room, each of the boys' grandmothers had made a big pot of soup. One was ham and bean, the other was chili. After lunch, these two pots of soup were on the stove and the adults went upstairs and outside for walks, etc. The boys, who were nearly 4 at the time, wanted a tent so my niece put a blanket over one of the tables to make a tent, gave them each an apple and some bits of other food and a plastic knife and they were "camping." So the mommys took turn checking on them and they were just adorable little boys having fun. Then, of course, it had to change. They heard them making a lot of gleeful noises, just shouting and laughing so one of the mommys went down to check and suddenly screamed for her husband. He came to her, took one look, started laughing like a fool, then went up to tell my sister that it was ok, they'd take care of it, but the boys had made themselves a soup slip and slide and were having a ball. They had soup everywhere - up the walls, aaaallll over the family room, packed into their ears, their hair, their clothes were just sagging with soup. Took more than an hour to clean up the mess, then they got the boys into the tub after they helped to clean up. Then, they both had to apologize to grandma. Her grandson was hugging her and he'd had a spanking and she said, "Well, bud, was it worth a spanking?" He says, "Oh, Gram, it was so much fun!" The very next Sunday, we'd had a special speaker all weekend at church and after lunch on Sunday a bunch of us stayed to put the facility back to normal. One niece, who had a baby girl as well as the nearly 4 year old, took all three kids the block up the street to her mom's house to put the baby for a nap and the boys just to get them out of everyone's hair. So she went inside (same house, btw) and left the boys playing in the yard. When she came out, they were not to be seen. After a walk around the whole yard, she finally heard them screaming, but couldn't figure out where they were. Turns out, they'd gotten into the other mom's car and popped the trunk open, crawled inside and SHUT IT! So there's my niece, who panics and can't figure out how to get the silly trunk open - her cousin was still at the church with her keys. Finally the boys stop screaming enough to tell her to pop the trunk with the button on the floor. So, now they're out and both are climbing up her body, screaming and crying and the other little guy says, "It was my idea *sob* *s0b*. But it was a BAD idea!" Just a few short days later, I have all three kids at my house. I'm putting the baby to sleep and the boys want to go outside. They'd never left the yard so I trusted them. And they didn't leave the yard. So I'm rocking the baby and I hear the boys knocking on the side of the house, and I reach over and knock back. There's not a thing they can get into trouble with (!!) at that part of the yard, so I'll play this game. Fifteen minutes later, my niece comes to pick up her little boy and she comes to me - still rocking this stubborn 5 month old - and says, "Do you know where the boys are?" I told her I did, that'd we'd been playing knock knock. "Yep, that's where they are. Do you know what they've been doing?" Playing knock knock. Not quite. It was Spring, and we'd had a lot of rain and our gravel driveway had not yet been re-graded after the winter snowplowing. Puddles, you see, with black mud. The boys had hand prints on the side of our white house the entire length of the house, as high as their 4 year old hands could reach. Black hand prints. So yeah, kids get on a roll. Oh, yeah. I'm Cindy Lou.
I hope all is well with your family! Just wanted to let you know that you guys have been the highlights of my week and I'm always looking forward to seeing new videos. You've made online schooling a little easier to handle!
This is the first time royal has talked so muchhh ❤️❤️ It's so sweet... His voice is a lot like wren's .. a little hoarse... Beautiful💞💞 Oh my god is royal ok? It was scary...(when he fell)
I remember those crazy times and I never had multiples. You guys are so amazing and your beautiful children are so smart. Thanks for letting me know about Thrive. Take care and be safe.
Awwwww! ...”and I PIT it out!” I LOVE YOUR BABIES!!!! Gemma??? How are you sooooo adorable??? Laughing.... Derik, I couldn’t stop laughing when you put the rubber band in Wren’s hair!! .... then it fell on the floor and Wren looked 🤔. Too cute!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰
Thankfully none of my girls ever did this but my nephew used to do it all the time when he was little, even even climbed out of the cot and rubbed it into the carpet. He did grow out of it thou. I love watching Wren she has so many words, she is definitely going to go up being very independent. Love from my family to yours xx
Feel so bad for you guys, which little ones it’s one thing after another, and it sounds like your evening wasn’t too great, sorry 😐 you two are such a cute couple and such great parents ❤️
Yes! Duct tape those diapers for nap time--it worked for us, we also have triplets, 2 boys & a girl. We learned how quickly multiples develop that magical ability to put their little heads together to come up with feats no singleton would dream of attempting. We have made it to the college years healthy & happy. Still catching up on our sleep, but well worth it. Keep up the great work! Baby #5 will be a breeze for you!
My oldest daughter did that with her. Poo when she was that little too. I love watching your videos. You have such adorable children. I can't wait to see this new baby when he arrives.
My heart stopped when Royal fell off the swing, I'm glad he was ok. He is all boy!!!
Same. I had a mini heart attack.
The same. My heart stopped 🙈
Even though I expected it same
@@sims4_simmer.095 I expected it too
Same here... glad he's ok... boys!!
I just adore Wren! She is so fearless I love it!🥰
Loved Roro “talking” to his dad on the swing!!🤣❤️
Nathaly Ortega... Hi😃. Wasn’t that adorable! I love that little guy ! actually I thought he looked just like his big sister Gemma when I watched him talk.🥰. My niece is in labor right now. I’m SO excited for her! Babies are so incredible !!😃🙏🦋
Sharon Hamilton Yes!! Definitely adorable!!❤️
Aunnnn! Sooo cute! I love this little boy! 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love Wren's personality so much 🥰🥰
Me too! She's the cutest😍
This cute deep voice gets me everytime 🥰
How Old are the triplets? And Gemma? I’m new here 😂
@@Himynameisfeee the triplets are almost 2 and gemma is almost 4 (their birthdays are in November)
You are loved!!!!
This dispensation of Grace that we live in was revealed to the Apostle Paul.
So, what of this mystery known as the Rapture?
It’s a mystery because this was never a promise made to Israel!
1 Thessalonians 4:17: "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up...
In verse 17, the phrase “Caught Up” is translated from the Greek word “Harpazo” and the Latin “Rapturo.” That is the word from which we get “Rapture.”
Upon closer inspection of Harpazo’s definition, we learn it literally means:
To snatch away
To take away
To pluck away
To claim for oneself eagerly
To seize by force
The rapture, as Christians call it, is the Biblical prophecy of Jesus appearing in the sky and calling all the real Christians home to heaven. Those Christians who have passed away since Christ’s resurrection will also be resurrected and acquire their eternal bodies. Those Christians who are alive when the rapture comes will appear, to those left behind on earth, to vanish into thin air, as they are taken up (raptured out) by Christ. The living Christians will also receive their resurrected bodies at this time. It all sounds like a lot, but from finish to end will take the wink of an eye.
The two most recognized passages are, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” and 1 Corinthians 15:52, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
The rapture has been portrayed in books and movies, preached about from pulpits, and written about in newspapers.
The consensus is the rapture will plunge the world into utter chaos as those left behind deal with this catastrophic event. Hundreds of millions of people vanish. Since the rapture occurs all over the planet in less than a second, some eating lunch; others will be sitting down to relax at the end of a workday. Millions of traffic accidents because of cars left with no drivers. Plane crashes all over the planet because aircraft suddenly become pilotless. Fires break out as planes crash into residential areas - more housefire start when cooking pots are left unattended because homes are void of inhabitants. The ensuing chaos rages out of control as many emergency personnel is no longer with us!!
Havoc in the streets, terror in homes as loved ones have vanished, confusion in every corner of the globe as people look for answers. Does a nation have a new superweapon? Have the extraterrestrials decided to start harvesting humanity? Is what is going on man-made or coming from God? Does God even exist? If He does, what is He doing? Why would God do this? When the rapture happens, the whole world will know!!
Here are some one liners by some great teachers, preachers and Pastors on the PRE-Tribulation Rapture...
🎤As Chuck Missler said...
You have to understand God's program for the church is different from God's program for Israel!
🎤Bro Chad Thomas (Watchman on the wall88) says...
It’s the time of Jacob's trouble not the churches trouble!
🎤Pastor J.D Farag
The purpose of the tribulation is for the salvation of the Jewish nation!
🎤Jan Markel...
It’s the Blessed Hope not the blasted hope!
🎤😃and to conclude I say that...
The RAPTURE of the church is where God WRAPS UP the church...literally!!
1.The Church had no part in the first sixty-nine weeks of Daniel and it will have no part in the seventieth week. (Daniel 9:24).
2. The Church is mentioned more than 20 times in the first 3 chapters of Revelation, but there is no mention of the Church between Revelation 4:1 and Revelation 19:1.
3. Jesus comes FOR his Church in the Rapture (1Thessalonians 4:16-17). He comes WITH his Church in the second coming (1Thessalonians 3:13). The Church goes UP from the earth in the rapture and comes DOWN to the earth in the second coming!
4. The Antichrist cannot be revealed until after the rapture (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8)
5. The Church must go to heaven for the marriage of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7) before the second coming at the end of the tribulation period (Revelation 19:11-14).
6. Church is promised an exemption from divine wrath. (1 Thess 1:10; 5:9, Rom 5:9, Rev 3:10; 6:17).
7. From Bro Chad’s (Watchman on the wall 88) article titled...
Titus 2:13 - “Looking for that blessed hope...
Why are we told to look for that ‘Blessed Hope’? What is so ‘blessed,’ and why should our ‘hope’ be in it? I’ll tell you why, because it is an event where the Lord will remove Christians that are truly His before the coming judgement of God on this Christ-rejecting world.
📖1 Thessalonians 5:1-8
5 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7 tell us that the Lord will remove the Holy Spirit’s restraining influence when He takes His church out of the world. This means the rapture must happen before the Lord allows Satan to install his man at the helm of the coming New World Order or what the World Economic Forum refers to as the Great Reset!!
The rapture will change everything regarding the current dynamic between the demonic forces of evil seeking to destroy our world and the convicting work of the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of countless millions. Without His restraint, Satan will bring his many to power and wreak much more havoc on the world that we currently see.
Key verses on the RAPTURE being PRE Trib:
1.📖 1 Thessalonians 4:17(Then we which are alive...)
2.📖 Titus 2:13(Looking for that blessed hope...)
3.📖 1 Corinthians 15:51-53(Behold, I shew you a mystery;)
4.📖 1 Thessalonians 4:16(For the Lord himself shall descend...) 🎺
5.📖 1 Thessalonians 5:9 (For God hath not appointed us to wrath...)
6.📖 Revelation 3:10(Because thou hast kept the word...)
7.📖 Romans 8:22-23 (For we know that the whole...)
📖1 Corinthians 15:51-53
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So, what of this mystery known as the Rapture?
It is a mystery because this was never a promise made to Israel!
📖Matthew 24:42 "watch"
📖Matthew 24:44 "be ready"
📖Matthew 25:13 "watch"
📖Mark 13:33 “watch and pray "
📖Mark 13:35 "watch"
📖Mark 13:37 "what i say to you i say to all, watch"
Think about COVID-19, the lockdowns, the economic crashes, the mandatory mask wearing, the race riots, ANTIFA, ID2020, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, the Declaration Of Human Fraternity, Chrismal, ponder for a moment on all of it!
Everything we have been experiencing, it is all part of the Great Reset, and it is all driving towards the same outcome, that is the resetting of the entire world to prepare the people for the arrival of Antichrist! That's how close he is to stepping out of the shadows and onto the world stage!
📖Luke 21:28 King James Version (KJV)
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
The stage being set right now for what comes next…. which is the Rapture of the Church!! The ultimate domino!!
As this dispensation of the church age (The Age Of Grace) draws to an end, it’s time for us to take our stand as Children of the Light(1 Thessalonians) and tell a lost and dying world that it’s time to repent, believe the Gospel, and be converted to a new life in Jesus Christ today! Explain to them with simplicity (Not Religion) the gospel of our salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10)!
The A B C's of salvation:
A-Admit that you are a sinner
Romans 3:10
Romans 3:23
B- Believe that Jesus is Lord, died for your sins and rose from the dead.
Romans 5:8
Romans 6:23
C- Call upon his name.
Romans 10:9
Romans 10:13
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ...
'Any minute of any DAY
The Lord is going to snatch his bride AWAY!!'
My pdf on the TOP 20 END TIME SIGNS speaks on the 2 words CONVERGENCE and AGENDA that define the very final moments that we are living in!
That trumpet is going to sound any day now!
Preach the Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 🙌
God bless you
Watchman in the wilderness🙏
I have autistic twins. When they were little - we went through a YEAR of poop smearing. If you have more problems, google special needs pajamas that zip up the back. They were a life saver!! Bless your hearts! ❤️
Are there triplets autistic ?
Gemma by the bee tube saying “I am happy!!” With a huge smile on her face 🥺 I love her ❤️
Yes that was so adorable!🐝🥰
caitlin marie Remember when Gemma used to say “beeths”!!..Lol so cute!
Baby Firefly yess!! She’s growing up so fast!
I hope your family is okay given all of the fires happening in the west, especially Oregon 🙏
Wren just like a teenager, shes calm, cute, happy everytime, always answering their parents, especially when the corn stuck in her toes 😂 omg they are gettin older. love you the chatwin 💙
Wow you guys are so chilled with everything love watching your videos xx
Omg you guys totally handle everything that life throws at you so well and calmly. Material things can be replaced. Truly is one of the grossest things babies can do. Maybe a cloth diaper with a bunch of buttons once at night would be harder for them to take off with a onesie on top. I know you don’t do cloth diapers but worth a shot once a day. I love thrive hauls if you do get them monthly would love to see them every month or so. Get those immune rollers with theives for after the zoo it’s that season! Thank you for always a great vlog stressful or fun i watch anything of yours it brightens my mood with whatever emotion is in the video.
Taylor LaVerdiere I used to put their onesies on backwards it’s much more difficult to takeoff.♥️💚💙
Lori Creed Diaper on backwards too! Lol
My son did that once and oh my goodness it was so barf worthy. Gag!!! 💩💩💩
The way Wren says daddy 🥺🥺🥺
Melts my heart❤❤❤❤
My twins did the same thing, so I know what you are going through. Hours of cleaning the walls, both cribs, mattresses & sheets. I got to where I ran in there as soon as I heard the 1st peep. The only problem was that they did this very quietly. This was almost 28 years ago when baby monitors were far too expensive. Out of all 6 of my babies, they were the only ones that did this. They were a tag team & got into everything! They definitely kept me on my toes!
Wren saying the goat was a puppy is soo cute
My wren she is sooo lovely n her voice magical bless her
thank you for showing the side that is harder to show, but its real, relatable and just makes us love you more
Royal living his best life swinging while Reese is crying her eyes out 😂😂😂 it's so funny
I seriously needed to watch you guys today and get some of that calming vibe you both have. I used to be like you guys with my kids, but now they are teens and somehow I get stressed so quickly these days, but never lose my cool. It's just inside me the nerves and anxiety eats me alive..... thank you 😊 beautiful family
I am dying to see that picture of Ro, lol!! One day this story will bring you all countless laughs.
You two are beyond incredible! You keep your sense of humor and are so calm and patient! Your children are sooo lucky!
Wren is my favorite!! Love her personality!!😅❤️
Having such sweet babies is AWESOMENESS. But when they are toddlers and little people, it's trial of the soul. I know it's to bring reality in with a thump. You two are so cute about stuff that happens, while still showing patience. Very sweet. Good parenting. Note: At this age, when it's really really quiet, they ARE DEFINITELY UP TO SOMETHING! Bank on it! LOL ❤💜💙💚🧡💛💚
My oldest child use to finger paint herself, her walls & her crib with her #2 as well. She did it so much that it felt like it was a daily occurrence. She was always so proud of her works of art. Standing there covered in it with a huge smile on her face. The look & smell of it was just awful and It took forever to clean up. It’s been 25 yrs, but to this day I can still see it & smell it...... lol......
It’s a smell and sight you’ll never forget it stays with you for life doesn’t
I follow the Five Two Love family (also a UA-cam vlog) and this same thing happened to them. One of their quints (can't remember which one) got poo all over the crib. After that, diapers and pajamas were put on backwards. Feel bad for you because that had to be a nightmare to clean up. They declined to show a picture as well. So it happens to the best of parents, and you easily fit into a "best parents" category. Love your channel, poo stories and all.
For the Q & A, could you guys give some relationship advice? Especially on trust. Love you guys!!
I think everyone needs to have a gemma attitude in life
Yes especially when Derek says Gemma bee Happy and she giggles and says I am happy!! So freaking adorable..🐝🐝🥰
Wren so brave little girl
so sweet of her
She is fearless, strong girl 👊, what a temper though 🙋 😘 🇮🇹
Love the bouquet! Dahlias are my favorite flower! I love hearing Royal and Wren talking its so sweet!!!
Wrenny and Roro got Darik's genes. Same Olive-ish skin tone, brown eyes. Adventurous and mischievous 😂❤️😍
And then Reece and Gemma have features in common more than the other 2 triplets 😂😁
I think Reese looks just like Cara! Most beautiful fair skin 😍💖
Do you guys ever stop and think of all these beautiful memories you will have when you are older and the kids are all grown? How beautiful!❤️
Wren is much more mature for her age!!! Love you all ❤❤❤
So sorry you had so much to clean up. You guys handled it so well. Love the farm video so much
I’m a nanny for two kids and the two year old does that, we put his diaper and pj’s on backwards for naps and bedtime.
Wow! Great plan!
Great idea!
Thanks for sharing those rough times with us! A lot of the time we think UA-cam families have these amazing, perfect lives. Y’all are both amazing parents ❤️
My question for the Q&A:
When is the next appointment with the triplets? I wanna know who is the heaviest and tallest at the moment😍 because it really fascinates me how fast they grow
The cutest little boy. You are so blessed.
I had to zip one of my boys pajamas in the back. He was Houdini. God bless you!
I love seeing their different personalities! Wren seems sassy! Love it!
Here’s my questions: being a family on UA-cam, how do you decide what you share to the world and what you keep private? How have you made that balance?
I’m mainly asking because I feel like there are some weirdos online and I feel like I would just be paranoid all the time! You guys do great but I just want to know what your thoughts are.
They show and share the things that aren‘t too private so that it can‘t be dangerous🥰
And even if they show in a video where they are they aren‘t currently there because the video was filmed before and they just uploaded it now so yeah
Your videos make me so happy.They reminde me of when my children,and grandchildren were younger. So family oriented. I have five teenage grand children now and still making memories.P.S They still love going to the farm.. love your channel and thanks for sharing.
when royal talked on his own language at the swing was so cute
My son Sam, who is now 33 years old, did like to do art work with a variety of media. Keep the memories alive in your hearts and take pictures galore. i will remember my lipstick that was smeared all over my beautiful,. new bedspread. He was two and was supposed to be asleep! These are the things that make you smile in years to come, Susan Bolton
When it comes to Chatwins! I've never press fast forward button , but the replay button❤️
The Chatwins keepin’ it real with the ChatFam!! Y’all are the sweetest for sharing some of the crazy days along with all the sweetness! ❤️
Our son is deployed right now & our daughter-in-LOVE woke up on Monday to our granddaughter having taken off her sleeper & diaper during the night poop everywhere. She called it the poopscapades.
I have a5 year old and a newly 4 year old... We've been trying for our last baby since February and it's just not happening.. I must say watching you guys seriously cheers me up a ton. Been a subscriber since the triplets were born and I just love keeping up with you guys. Makes hard weeks so much better! So thanks for that
Wren is just the cutest child on earth!!!!!!!!!!
This Vlog made my day! Royal has such a chill vibe- I love his personality and they are almost as big as Gemma! I love your family & love that you guys continue to share your family with us! I couldn’t imagine holding a camera and taking care of 4 kids and you guys balance it all so well- I want to come hang out and be best friends.
The moment you said about the Ostrich gave me a good laugh, its an Australian Emu 🤣🤣🤣
I laughed at that to. Pajama' on backwards works great. It happens to alot of us, lol been there cleaned that and that......... lol love those kiddoes they r growing up so fast, talking so much, n running all over saying nooooo to everything. Lol
Hahaha I laughed also. Its a emu!!! Lol 🥰
Resee is so sweet and as always Wren the fearless and Royal the little rebel
Also I have you two was able to have a good night sleep after all that work
Perfect timing! I have just enough time to watch just before my next class starts !!!😁
The best family!!! Thanks for making our days so much better❤️ You guys are the best!!! Let’s go to 1 million🤞
"Cindy lu lu and Cindy ro ro" this made my day! You guys are the source of my dopamine! Continue to Bee Happy Chatwins and ChatFam!
My son did the playing in poop thing too! He's now 21 years old and a germ freak. Kudos to y'all for being so calm and handling parenting so well!!!
I havent seen the video but I hope everything is okayy🥺if not I'll pray for y'all🙏🏽❤✨
When I saw the title and thought what kind of night could you possible have had!! Wow! That was a wild one. What a mess.....literally. The day was a fun one though. You take the children to such fun places to explore and learn so much.
Why is such a picture perfect family so underrated🥺💕❤️
Royal climbing the fence to join the goats. 😆
Reese opened up a little more with the animals.
Wren has zero fear.
Gemma is so happy, all the time. ❤️
“Wren got her protein!” Bwahahaha!!
Reese, so dear, so sweet, such exquisite coloring. Love your family.
Hello and can I just say how adorable they all are it seems like a week ago they where crawling 🥰🥰🥰 love you guys
I don’t have a question, I just wanted to say I love watching you guys 💗💗💗💗💗
I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful day.
I have to apologize because I can't quit laughing 😂 my babies are all grown up but I still remember days like that. I love the connection you guys have with your kids. It's sweet to watch. 💖
Are you sure that Wren is 1 year old, 😍 she’s like 7or 8 so cute 💕
Cara, you are GLOWING! Can't wait for baby boy!
Hahaha that is so tough. I have to confess...I did the same thing when I was a toddler. Painted my whole room brown. Poor mom..Dad was away on travels for work.
@cloudzinmyize My kids never did that either.
All babies are cute but dont know why wrenn is just in my heart i love her ☺
wren is so cool ,she is amazing ❤ and For the first time Roro says something long infront of camera 😆 sweet , cute boy❤.
The Chatfam is the vlog I look forward to most each week to watch, there's no fast forwards during your video. I really look forward to the triplets and what they get up to next 💗💗💙💗
Diaper on backwards, with packing tape over the closures, and the onesie on backwards. Had to do that for a while!
Soooo worth the extra trouble to dress them this way for a nap =)
Oh bless you guys, I was very lucky as my three were like Gemma and Reese I never had to worry about them taking their clothes off or nappy. The trip to the farm was lovely Wren really loves animals doesnt she. xx
I love seeing kids with animals and not being afraid. My son was born afraid of animals. Fortunately he got over it. :)
Your wild night of "stuff" and noodles and markers - kids get on a roll like that sometimes. Warning: what follows is long but I promise you it's worth the read. Darik, I am sure your parents can relate to this string of events.
Two of my nieces had boys born six days apart. They were together a lot because both couples needed a lot of help with the kids, with school and work, so often my sister or I had both boys at once. They are now nearly 29 years old and best buds still, but oh, the trials they'd give us! Two very bright, busy, curious, fearless boys! In a two week period, under various people's care, they went on a tear. First, at a family Sunday dinner at my sister's house, which has two kitchens - one on the main floor and the other on the lower level family room, each of the boys' grandmothers had made a big pot of soup. One was ham and bean, the other was chili. After lunch, these two pots of soup were on the stove and the adults went upstairs and outside for walks, etc. The boys, who were nearly 4 at the time, wanted a tent so my niece put a blanket over one of the tables to make a tent, gave them each an apple and some bits of other food and a plastic knife and they were "camping." So the mommys took turn checking on them and they were just adorable little boys having fun. Then, of course, it had to change. They heard them making a lot of gleeful noises, just shouting and laughing so one of the mommys went down to check and suddenly screamed for her husband. He came to her, took one look, started laughing like a fool, then went up to tell my sister that it was ok, they'd take care of it, but the boys had made themselves a soup slip and slide and were having a ball. They had soup everywhere - up the walls, aaaallll over the family room, packed into their ears, their hair, their clothes were just sagging with soup. Took more than an hour to clean up the mess, then they got the boys into the tub after they helped to clean up. Then, they both had to apologize to grandma. Her grandson was hugging her and he'd had a spanking and she said, "Well, bud, was it worth a spanking?" He says, "Oh, Gram, it was so much fun!"
The very next Sunday, we'd had a special speaker all weekend at church and after lunch on Sunday a bunch of us stayed to put the facility back to normal. One niece, who had a baby girl as well as the nearly 4 year old, took all three kids the block up the street to her mom's house to put the baby for a nap and the boys just to get them out of everyone's hair. So she went inside (same house, btw) and left the boys playing in the yard. When she came out, they were not to be seen. After a walk around the whole yard, she finally heard them screaming, but couldn't figure out where they were. Turns out, they'd gotten into the other mom's car and popped the trunk open, crawled inside and SHUT IT! So there's my niece, who panics and can't figure out how to get the silly trunk open - her cousin was still at the church with her keys. Finally the boys stop screaming enough to tell her to pop the trunk with the button on the floor. So, now they're out and both are climbing up her body, screaming and crying and the other little guy says, "It was my idea *sob* *s0b*. But it was a BAD idea!"
Just a few short days later, I have all three kids at my house. I'm putting the baby to sleep and the boys want to go outside. They'd never left the yard so I trusted them. And they didn't leave the yard. So I'm rocking the baby and I hear the boys knocking on the side of the house, and I reach over and knock back. There's not a thing they can get into trouble with (!!) at that part of the yard, so I'll play this game. Fifteen minutes later, my niece comes to pick up her little boy and she comes to me - still rocking this stubborn 5 month old - and says, "Do you know where the boys are?" I told her I did, that'd we'd been playing knock knock. "Yep, that's where they are. Do you know what they've been doing?" Playing knock knock. Not quite. It was Spring, and we'd had a lot of rain and our gravel driveway had not yet been re-graded after the winter snowplowing. Puddles, you see, with black mud. The boys had hand prints on the side of our white house the entire length of the house, as high as their 4 year old hands could reach. Black hand prints.
So yeah, kids get on a roll. Oh, yeah. I'm Cindy Lou.
I love Reese. She is so cute and innocent. I just love her. 🥰😘
Who else couldn't click fast enough for this title?! Love you guys, whoever is reading this have an awesome day!
The Jordan Fam you also!! Very nice of you to spread kindness 💜
@@gabrielle1210 Aw thank you, we are trying our best :)
@@TommyJordanRE I love you guys too
🥰 you too!
I subscribed to ya'll
Darik.... the poo artist is my favorite apfter Gemma!! Your babies are so awesome! Wren is the brave and defiant girl!! Royal is amazing!!!♥️
You literally have the cutest kids!
I hope all is well with your family! Just wanted to let you know that you guys have been the highlights of my week and I'm always looking forward to seeing new videos. You've made online schooling a little easier to handle!
The way wren escaped her apple from Darik was hilarious 😂😂😂 gbu 😇
This is the first time royal has talked so muchhh ❤️❤️ It's so sweet... His voice is a lot like wren's .. a little hoarse... Beautiful💞💞
Oh my god is royal ok? It was scary...(when he fell)
hey ...........we love your sits up and talkkk!!! we love to know more about you guys everyday!! we feel like we are part of your familyyy!!
My heart dropped when RoRo fell from the swing!!!!
I remember those crazy times and I never had multiples. You guys are so amazing and your beautiful children are so smart. Thanks for letting me know about Thrive. Take care and be safe.
Wren is so cute🥰✨
Awwwww! ...”and I PIT it out!” I LOVE YOUR BABIES!!!! Gemma??? How are you sooooo adorable??? Laughing.... Derik, I couldn’t stop laughing when you put the rubber band in Wren’s hair!! .... then it fell on the floor and Wren looked 🤔. Too cute!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰
I love those yeaaaahhh high fives 🙏😘😻🥰❤️❤️❤️
Thankfully none of my girls ever did this but my nephew used to do it all the time when he was little, even even climbed out of the cot and rubbed it into the carpet. He did grow out of it thou. I love watching Wren she has so many words, she is definitely going to go up being very independent. Love from my family to yours xx
I had one who actually pulled his whole crib apart, piece by piece.
My 3 siblings and I each had a goat
We loved them and I even took mine to pet day at school as well as a parade at the local fair.
Greatest memory!!
Let's do it #1 million😍😘
OMG when Royal fell off of the swing my heart stopped beating!!!!! I love your lovely family!!
Feel so bad for you guys, which little ones it’s one thing after another, and it sounds like your evening wasn’t too great, sorry 😐 you two are such a cute couple and such great parents ❤️
Put the zipper onesie on backwards so that it will be harder to take off
Works like a charm!
Yes! Duct tape those diapers for nap time--it worked for us, we also have triplets, 2 boys & a girl. We learned how quickly multiples develop that magical ability to put their little heads together to come up with feats no singleton would dream of attempting. We have made it to the college years healthy & happy. Still catching up on our sleep, but well worth it. Keep up the great work! Baby #5 will be a breeze for you!
I like how he cut the camera right before ro ro fell off the swing
Me 2
It definitely showed him falling haha then was cut... because he was helping him ♥️
Finally a REAL family who's vlog is enjoyable to watch!
Derek just left our boy Royal out there to fall 😂🤦🏽♀️! He’s a big boy though so I’m sure he was ok.
All your videos relaxes me so much!
Oh my lord😳 I don‘t Know, my Kid Never Did, what Royal did. I would be so Shocked, but After all, Babies.... they don‘t know better.
My oldest daughter did that with her. Poo when she was that little too. I love watching your videos. You have such adorable children. I can't wait to see this new baby when he arrives.