When you see a large light blue triangle slowly cross the sky after weeks of seeing smaller white star like craft moving over the hills and changing direction in a very sharp and abrupt manner I think you can say stick your weather balloons and Venus up your jumper!
Naw! It’s obviously the light from Venus bouncing off a weather balloon and being filtered through swamp gas that creates the illusion of a structured metallic craft performing maneuvers that are impossible by any known physics and which have lights that match no known spectrographic analysis. Everyone knows that! 😆
A very intelligently well made show with proper experts in their field, not dreamers and dramatists and thankfully, no abduction and aliens involved. Need more programmes like this, they knew what they were talking about.
Saying that "Ufo's" are most likely "Earth-Lights" is just like saying that the majority of people going to the bathroom is going to take a dump. Cheers from Sweden :)
we can’t see Bed Bugs or hear low frequency sounds which my Tort Erik can . folk wouldn’t believe of microbial life or ultra violet light until it could be seen or detected as with Military equipment which shows objects in infrared Yet some folk still insist on poking fun at anything ufo which surely only demonstrates childish manners at best or ignorance at worst . I think that hard line UAP deniers ( not Sceptics ) are as with Flat Earthers but without a sense of humour because I’m sure half of FEs’ just want a fun argument to test another’s’ rationale . 👽👍❤️🐢🍒from nr Bournemouth SW England
…& i entered many bathrooms probably over a hundred thousand times over 42 years - & only dumped when a job was complete & the client or customer was out for at least half an hour. So your premise in my case is completely correct.
Anyone who thinks Aliens don't exist... just know that we are Aliens to every other planet in the universe THERFOR, Aliens do exist... If it's possible for us to be here, it's possible for them to be there..
Maybe the odd weather balloon, classified aircraft or other explainable sightings these days. But it’s recorded in stone from thousands of years ago that we have been visited, helped and it’s been well documented. Our DNA has been manipulated and there weren’t many stealth fighters and weather balloons 5 to 10,000 years ago
It's a rightful denial. But how many have actually seen what a Weather Balloon looks like? It's important to know when they give the classic line you'll know what the difference really is. Flares give off lots of smoke. I can say to someone instantly, "where's the smoke?" Do you know what an "actual" Weather B looks like in the sky? Could they be right?
Back in 1977 I had Fantail watch on my ship I was stationed on in the sea of japan. 3 silver disks flew right up to me and stopped dead and just hung there making no sound whatsoever. Close enough to hit them with a bottle if i threw one. I reported them to the CIC who told me to quit messing around. They finally sent a messenger who saw them and ran off. Then the ships inteligence officer showed up with a neck full of cameras. After shooting every roll he had we stood the looking at them. Then they shot up we were ordered never to discuss them
@@JJ33438 There were at least 10 other witnesses. I was told to get everyone who was on deck and tell them to go to the Mess hall. There we were told this was a non-event, it never happened and if we talked about it we were threatened with commitment to a Phsyc hospital. We were order not to talk but we never signed a non-disclosure agreement.
In the event I heard about there were NDA signed, threats made and all records taken away. I am sure you were left shaken for years. have you come to conclusion in your own mind about the origin of the things you saw?
I served over a decade in the USAF and I can safely say, we're not alone and as far as secret aircraft from various contractors do exist and have been mistaken as Extraterrestrials. Still, we're not alone and in decades the United States has reversed some off-world technologies.
november 2021 at about 9pm I went outside to put my bins out for the morning collections I saw a police helicopter going flat out its engine screaming chasing a tictac shaped ufo, it flew over my house only about about 40 ft in the air it was a bit larger than the helicoptor. I smile to myself when i hear people say theres no sutch things as ufo.s
Oddly enough, over 90% of 'UFO spotters' back in 1947 did not even own a television set or even knew Hollywood existed.. ..not to mention cable was a biach 200 miles from nowhere..
Math never lies. Compared to our vast universe, our planet is no more the size of one single grain of sand within all the grains of sands within all our oceans on this planet. The likelihood that we’re the ONLY intelligent species out there is not only laughable but next to mathematically impossible. Therefore, I believe. 👽 Love your uploads. Subscribed!✌🏼❤️
There have been some reasonable theories to support the possibility that there may actually not be any other life out there. I lean more toward the positive, but there are some interesting conversations going on. See; Fermi's paradox for one...
You just have to wonder what it is exactly that makes someone such a skeptic, I’m not just talking about individuals who’re seeking more proof because there’s nothing wrong with that approach, I’m talking about the hardcore skeptics who fail to realize just how crazy they come across with their relentless attack on the phenomena.
I agree!! I finally realized that the majority of people through my lifetime mainly believed the lies the government were telling about how UFOs aren't real and they are not even to be taken seriously by them...meanwhile behind the scenes they were taking it VERY seriously....and then began the stigma about even mentioning that you believe in Exterrestrials and UFOs, it was like taboo and most likely people would look at you differently like your a crazy person..... because that's EXACTLY what the government wanted to happened and it worked with their "project blue book" where they were spreading disinformation and discrediting legit honest witnesses sometimes a number of witnesses yet people from blue book like J Allen Highnik who was set out to come up with different excuses on what these people were actually witnessing even discrediting their own military men who had high top clearance on many secret projects but were made to look like a fool by the government and the superior officers in the military who ordered them to hush up and to never speak of it again unless they want to end their career......so I realized you can NEVER truly convince everybody on something that you experienced...even if it was with a number of other witnesses it dosent matter because their minds can't wrap their heads around something so unbelievable so it's easier to just assume they're mistaken so unless every person in the world sees the same exact thing for theirselves then!! Just maybe people would stop ridiculing others on their experiences and realize most of these witnesses are just ordinary people like you or I who was never even into Aliens and UFOs until one day they accidentally or maybe not but they experience something that defies reality but our reality dosent mean we know every single possible thing there is to know about yet the way the scientific community thinks is if it dosent fit inside their little box of what they consider "the truth of reality" instead of being open minded enough to realize humans don't know everything and we're not the smartest most intelligent beings ever so I think they should start understanding that history always gets rewritten because we're not always correct
It's mainly people who know F.A. about the subject. Ask a naysayer what they know about UFOs and it's normally as much as reactionary newspapers have reported.
The problem with being a sceptic is that you're always looking for how things can be bullshit, especially things that don't match your worldview. It's ok to be _sceptical_ sometimes, but being a sceptic generally is just dumb.
I saw a green looking craft too far away to make out a shape but a greenish ball. I saw it first, stopped and grabbed my Cuz and told him to look up and we both saw the UFO/UAP shoot from sitting still out of sight in less thena a sec. Middleville, Michigan
This back and forth deliberate indifference has caused a big rift in the scientific community The research is there to show that they do exist. It is ludicrous to say we are not alone. I am pro UFO. Dr Charles D. Slaughter.
Even if our satellites did capture images of extraterrestrial craft, are we really to believe our government would allow that information to become public?
I'd be scared if they did... like when the USA military came out of nowhere with their "disclosure" last year. Why? A cover up for something the government was doing and did not want the people to know?
like so many other things they would keep very very secret. 1, free energy. 2, being able to live forever. 3, that they lie to us for our own good is an excuse to keep them in control. 3, they create a devide in the masses to divert attention.
The problem with the government's so called explanations for UFO incidents is that their reasons for rationalizing the siting are not just implausible but downright silly. For example, does anyone really believe that an entire soccer field of fans who say that they saw UFOs were all looking at weather balloons, microburst clouds, birds, etc.? The truth is that these silly excuses for their dismissal make the so-called experts look stupid or at least guilty of subterfuge.
44:34 "Newton had to invent the law of gravity first " umm, no. The law of gravity existed regardless. Newton, just discovered certain properties of the law of gravity. The way that was thrown together with the other claims, made it basically sound like gravity never existed before Newton, and that heads towards flat earth logic, where it's all just bouyancy. I still haven't found anyone yet to get back to me, after jumping of a bridge, then telling me about how that bouyancy, worked out for them.
20:38, Francois Bourbeau did a great job of explaining reflections and lens flares. I still know that there's UFOs that are genuine, but I've seen videos of reflections that some people believe to be unexplained phenomena. 😎🤙😊
Lens flares doesn't even factor into what our fighter pilots saw every day for 2 years. Or the Tic Tac, seen by 2 fighter jets from a 6,000 ft height difference. The 2 pilots and their 2 WO saw the same thing. It was later filmed by a third fighter plane and previously tracked for almost 2 weeks by the Princeton which had the most advanced radar system in the world. Backed up by military satellites entering our atmosphere, coming into the Princeton's radar field at 80,000 ft which recorded them hitting the deck in seconds at speeds up to Mach 17. Then tracked by the nuclear submarine that was part of the carrier battle group.
there are pictures of metal ships! they are not reflections or lens flares! Airline pilots are not seeing "lens flares"....ships on the ocean are not faked by "reflections".
Do you want the truth? Us humans are the aliens of earth. We came here a long long time ago and the technology in which we came has been lost over the millenniums
I wonder what all these ppl, who put so much effort into trying to debunk or classify UFO's as something else, what did they think now?! Now that the Pentagon has come out and verified the existence of UFOs! It always amazes me how some of these debunker would go way out of the realm of reasonable possibility to classify a UFO as anything but a UFO. To all those debunkers I simply say, in the Spirit of Nelson on The Simpsons, "Ha, ha!"
Like ive been telling everyone. You know its real when the skeptics start sounding crazy .cant blame them, i was one my entire life until my best friend and i saw one at the Cape Fear River, Fayetteville NC . I don't know what they are but i know for a fact they are real
The "skeptics" - they are not really skeptics but ardent followers of a faith - are _still_ arguing that trained people do not know what they are doing. This particular show makes the mistake of defining scientists as people who produce facts in laboratories. Any field scientist would choke at that. Many of us spend most of our careers in the field "observing nature" so to speak. The number of reported sightings has grown exponentially since 1950. But, the number of people witnessing an event of this type is still a very, very small fraction of the planetary population. The vast majority of "skeptics" are scientifically incompetent. They make arguments based on cherry-picked bits of an account, untested assumptions about procedures by the military for example, and then proceed to affirm their expectation bias.
@@theeddorian yes ,i totally agree with everything you have wrote, it's like the most powerful people in Washington refusing to look into the subject of ufos ,and it all comes down to the fact that there all bible bashers
@@sachasacha5930 It might be less about power and more about the slightly frightening aspect of "doubt." If you look back to the late 18th and early 19th centuries you see the "scientists" of the time waving off the idea that rocks (meteorites) could fall out of the sky. The grounds offered were that there "no rocks in the sky" which could fall. But there are, and they do. When you look at UFOs (or even ball lightening) you will find that the "scientific skepticism" is not based on facts per se. Instead the reasoning is precisely the same as the "scientific" reasoning regarding the impossibility of meteorites. The UFO skeptic always insists that "you can't have seen what you think you did." It is basically intellectual incompetenece. What the skeptic should say is that "what you say you saw (or videoed) is not something we can explain given the lack of any further information." UFOs are "real" enough that they have as long an historical record as meteorties. But much of the associated "lore" is really baffling.
Because the USA military and world's government are sooooo trustful. One has to wonder why they decided to tell it NOW when they spent decades saying it was not true. I don't doubt the phenomena, but what is the proof we have these aren't man-made spaceships and abductions considering the shadow secret services world we know nothing about?
l recommend watcing Taken. It was very popular when it came out and l have watched it a couple of times. Hi and thanx from Australia. Does anyone have any recommendations for rme pls would be grateful indeed😁
Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !" Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam." Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!" Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?..." Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!" Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky." Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction." Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment?
Well the orb I saw came through the woods towards me went right up and over me maybe 15 foot away. It seemed alive. I live in SC and no earthquake back then in 1987. I was up a tree dear hunting. It changed my life. I was terrified and had a 44 mag and 30-06 on me.
Did you experience any physical or psychological effects, at the time or after? I have heard that science has established ball lightning is real, but i do think all examples are not the same.
I knew you were from the south when you said “15 foot” and not feet. Or better yet, METERS!!! Y’all think the metric system is from Satan down there don’t ya😅
I don't know why people think this series is good. it's supposed to be about ufos, but it constantly goes off on tangents that have nothing to do with the topic. eg. earthquake light, the Aurora, Avrocar etc. See Preston Dennett's videos on UA-cam if you want ufo videos that deal with ufos.
Yes these critters are here & I’ve stoped voting because every government denies it in one way or another. I’m sick of these political statements defying all I’ve seen.
scientific evidence is highly susceptible to selective reading and misinterpretation. a large number of psychological studies have shown that people respond to scientific or technical evidence in ways that justify their preexisting beliefs. people twist or selectively read scientific evidence to support their preexisting views.
Confirmation bias exists in science just as much as in any other situation. Science is designed as a methodology to avoid that to some degree, but it’s not completely possible.
Unsubstantiated Rumors usually dies out. For sixty years this topic isn't loosing interest among the public but rather gaining momentum. Every reason possible is given to disprove the phenomenon but what if ?
60? years. Probably at least 6,000 as prehistoric cave paintings and indigenous peoples aroun the world have recorded similar craft and various crews from BCE period to present, even before modern science and even modern countries
The advice given here is to debunk yourself completely, if you still think you saw or have captured something, then call the pro's and they'll beat the idea out of your head proper like. 😃
I thought of various rational explanations, including laser lights etc. Unfortunately, if it was all just hoaxes, what of numerous sightings,hundreds of people at the same time. I would like to see a laser light show that can do the things that many people claim to have seen at the same time, 100s of sightings at the same time. I have no idea what it is but only ' non observers' could explain away this phenomena as a hoax. That is obviously too far-fetched to bother considering. I find it hard to believe that some government organisations or other people can co-ordinate such widespread sightings. Do you seriously believe that all sightings are faked? Time see will tell, I hope.
Okay so that that answers the one I saw in September of 1976 in Tucson that I reported to the airport at 1:30 in the morning it was a helicopter that had a light from a sale at a store mounted to it and when it was above me it turns its engines off simple it was a helicopter. Damn why didn't I think of that or a weather balloon with a searchlight from a store sale that must have had one hell of a long extension cord
The only one with an open mind is Nick Pope in this episode, The others just try to explain the unexplained. Just like Pope said, 95% of cases are misunderstood phenomena, and people who are not trained to observe objects in the sky. But 5% of cases are unexplainable, and most of these experts in this series rush and try to explain or dismiss things without solid evidence. Ufo doesn't necessarily mean objects from other planets. But pilots and people in aviation know how conventional aircrafts are made.
You can't explain this away , the Bible has warned us and we call it an old outdated book .the Bible has knowledge in it Jesus said my people perish for lack of knowledge. Get knowledge and live.
They are and have been here for thousands of years I believe they’re Dimensional beings traveling from one dimension to another they’ve unlocked the secret on how to do that call me crazy but that’s what I think
Read your Bible. You don't want to know the truth. But you better . Read the Bible and the Book of Enoch. Of you don't learn now you'll pray you did, when it's to late. Oh laught at me if you want to but you want be laughter soon. Just wait till your Spirit eyes open what's around us and up their you out will die. I pray for all of us.let us all pray before all knees are forced to yes you want really be forced but your knee's will go down and you will pray to God..
what blows my mind is that still many people do not believe the aliens does not exist and we are the only ones, do you know how big is the galaxy? it´s huuuuge dude :-P
What about the people who say they've been abducted in all kind of debauchery done to them it only takes one or two witnesses to get a man in the electric chair but it takes hundreds of thousands to convince you that the spirits of the air are real what about the people who sing these things on the ground who sing people in The Craft how do you explain that
Well, I got through EP. 1, 2 & only 8:51 of this one of this video series & it is clear that the single goal of them is to is to force upon believers that they are truly mentally disturbed for believing in UFOs in the first place.
There are google Earth satellite photos of the Tic Tac coming out of the ocean. Pretty good ones too. Even the size matches what the fighter pilots estimated the length too be. Have to find the link and post it.
Eric Weinstein thinks a 'weather report' for the laws and constants in physics could be considered because e.g. the gravity constant might not be a constant at all but a field equation within quantum physics, and thus manipulable and/or variable. Who can say with and degree of certainty thst the physics of somewhere a 1000 light years away is the same as here? It's very presumptuous and more likely wrong (needing adjustment) than right. The current understanding of gravity is an approximation like Newton , although very useful, it not accurate nor does it explain anything.
@@The_CrackedPot_Christian I thought of that. Palo Alto is where Stanford University is located. San Jose just down the road is the location of a public university with relatively open admissions. I went to San Jose State. I was a liberal arts majors, but I did have first-year physics. If there are infinitesimal differences in the physical constants from one place to another, it probably has nothing to do with what human beings think about these places. Probably.
People underestimate how special this planet is in this big universe. That is to say human consciousness being the most complex system in the known universe find it very hard to believe that intelligent life can exist anywhere else and that is how special we really are. 👁 . Here's a interesting fact. The universe sees me seeing it.
I hate to break this to that one guy, but venus doesn't zig zag all over the sky making instantaneous 90 degree turns or hover 6 feet over your car making you pull over in a state of paralysis and burn your skin and make you 3 yours late for your destination. Kind of surprised that he doesn't know that. Why do people like this bother to speak on the subject at all?
I seen an object once it was when the space station was coming back to earth Spacelab but I live on the east coast of Australia so it shouldn’t have been anywhere near us. This thing was shaped in a teardrop about the size of my car. I’de been into Nowra to pick my husband up on the 11 o’clock train but he wasn’t on it so I travelled back home which was 70k’s. As I turned on to one of the sidestreets coming into Huskisson along the Woolamai Road I could see this beautiful blue lavender object coming towards me there was no street lights on so I stopped the car and turned my headlights. I was thinking to myself what the Is that? I stop my car in the middle of the road there was no one else around by this time it was after midnight and it came hurtling past me it was shaped in a teardrop it was blue and lavender it was making a fizzing noise, as it came past the lights on the car came on then the electricals came on as I turned around to see it go it followed the dam road which had a pretty sharp bend in it and then it was gone. Now if it was a meteorite or Part of space lab It should’ve been coming in a straight line not following the dam road like it was driving a car. It was the size of my car which was an LJ Torana. Believe it or not you know that ad with the frog on a bike and it goes ring ding ding and he’s got crazy eyes I swore that there was something in that teardrop driving it. After that I started to have episodes of waking up and feeling like I was screaming out to my husband but I wasn’t moving and I wasn’t making a sound that happened to me three times last time it happened to me I just got out of the shower at 9 o’clock in the morning Laid back down on the bed upstairs and I couldn’t move instead of being freaked out like I was in all the other times I just prayed to Jesus and told myself that I wasn’t going to be scared and I totally relaxed and it stopped and it was last time it ever happened to me. Where I live we’ve had fireballs come into a pub Friday night came in through the back window went out into the front bar went around the busy pool tables and went out the front doors it bounced on the road and then hit the roof of the dive shop and exploded. True story I swear on my kids every think I’m telling you is true.
Jason not knowing the place sits he hashes up stupidity, no way has he to view the geometry, so he hashes up the past to confuse you and me. No way has he in the place inside entropy, dull his mind, even more dull the minds that wander the maze of reality.
So what Nick Pope is saying (or not saying) is that individuals who have real sightings of these phenomena are not worth studying or even talking to because thwy are not military or police. They are somehow more credible based on their careers. I have taught and trained many police officers and military personnel as a civilian Martial Arts and self-defense instructor and although to the layman they are considered trained observers in most cases they are not when it comes to recognizing and understanding certain stimuli. Not saying they arent excellent at their jobs because they are but theyre are civilians who are also capable of being considered trained observers as well. So don't discriminate against civilians' very real sightings and encounters just because they have different JOB TITLES.
I always scoff when military, pilots and police are cited as among the most reliable witnesses. They to lie whenever ordered to do so, and are scared to loose their cushy pensions. Also, cops and soldiers are generally thick skulled bullies.
One of the better documentaries on this topic.
When you see a large light blue triangle slowly cross the sky after weeks of seeing smaller white star like craft moving over the hills and changing direction in a very sharp and abrupt manner I think you can say stick your weather balloons and Venus up your jumper!
Ah Ha!
You didn't mention Swamp Gas!
Naw! It’s obviously the light from Venus bouncing off a weather balloon and being filtered through swamp gas that creates the illusion of a structured metallic craft performing maneuvers that are impossible by any known physics and which have lights that match no known spectrographic analysis. Everyone knows that! 😆
Lol 😂 true
Yep. Having a sighting yourself changes everything.
You can check with United States Air Force and if you don't believe that you might believe Bigfoot was driving one of them UFOs
A very intelligently well made show with proper experts in their field, not dreamers and dramatists and thankfully, no abduction and aliens involved. Need more programmes like this, they knew what they were talking about.
Really enjoying this series, thank you for posting them!
This whole series is great.
I wouldn't have seen the earlier ones if you weren't still posting them.
Excellent stuff.
LP love pl
“Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first understood.” ― Leonardo da Vinci.
Saying that "Ufo's" are most likely "Earth-Lights" is just like saying that the majority of people going to the bathroom is going to take a dump. Cheers from Sweden :)
we can’t see Bed Bugs or hear low frequency sounds which my Tort Erik can . folk wouldn’t believe of microbial life or ultra violet light until it could be seen or detected as with Military equipment which shows objects in infrared Yet some folk still insist on poking fun at anything ufo which surely only demonstrates childish manners at best or ignorance at worst .
I think that hard line UAP deniers ( not Sceptics ) are as with Flat Earthers but without a sense of humour because I’m sure half of FEs’ just want a fun argument to test another’s’ rationale .
👽👍❤️🐢🍒from nr Bournemouth SW England
…& i entered many bathrooms probably over a hundred thousand times over 42 years - & only dumped when a job was complete & the client or customer was out for at least half an hour. So your premise in my case is completely correct.
Anyone who thinks Aliens don't exist... just know that we are Aliens to every other planet in the universe THERFOR, Aliens do exist... If it's possible for us to be here, it's possible for them to be there..
Some life forms on this planet could be aliens.
I believe we are the aliens here.
Give a monkey a brain and he'll think he's the center of the universe
@@EEVENEEVEN-vb5qy - I like the way you think. Logic!
Maybe the odd weather balloon, classified aircraft or other explainable sightings these days. But it’s recorded in stone from thousands of years ago that we have been visited, helped and it’s been well documented. Our DNA has been manipulated and there weren’t many stealth fighters and weather balloons 5 to 10,000 years ago
It's a rightful denial. But how many have actually seen what a Weather Balloon looks like? It's important to know when they give the classic line you'll know what the difference really is. Flares give off lots of smoke. I can say to someone instantly, "where's the smoke?" Do you know what an "actual" Weather B looks like in the sky? Could they be right?
Back in 1977 I had Fantail watch on my ship I was stationed on in the sea of japan. 3 silver disks flew right up to me and stopped dead and just hung there making no sound whatsoever. Close enough to hit them with a bottle if i threw one. I reported them to the CIC who told me to quit messing around. They finally sent a messenger who saw them and ran off. Then the ships inteligence officer showed up with a neck full of cameras. After shooting every roll he had we stood the looking at them. Then they shot up we were ordered never to discuss them
Cool shit man
I believe you. I heard a similar story
@@JJ33438 There were at least 10 other witnesses. I was told to get everyone who was on deck and tell them to go to the Mess hall. There we were told this was a non-event, it never happened and if we talked about it we were threatened with commitment to a Phsyc hospital. We were order not to talk but we never signed a non-disclosure agreement.
In the event I heard about there were NDA signed, threats made and all records taken away. I am sure you were left shaken for years. have you come to conclusion in your own mind about the origin of the things you saw?
@@JJ33438 Without a doubt the three craft were not of this world.
I served over a decade in the USAF and I can safely say, we're not alone and as far as secret aircraft from various contractors do exist and have been mistaken as Extraterrestrials. Still, we're not alone and in decades the United States has reversed some off-world technologies.
november 2021 at about 9pm I went outside to put my bins out for the morning collections I saw a police helicopter going flat out its engine screaming chasing a tictac shaped ufo, it flew over my house only about about 40 ft in the air it was a bit larger than the helicoptor. I smile to myself when i hear people say theres no sutch things as ufo.s
You can look at the grainy FLIR camera footage , but the 4K stuff and bodies is classified
Oddly enough, over 90% of 'UFO spotters' back in 1947 did not even own a television set or even knew Hollywood existed..
..not to mention cable was a biach 200 miles from nowhere..
I met nick pope years ago when i was working at a southbank office, hes a gentleman comes over very honest and sincere
Math never lies. Compared to our vast universe, our planet is no more the size of one single grain of sand within all the grains of sands within all our oceans on this planet. The likelihood that we’re the ONLY intelligent species out there is not only laughable but next to mathematically impossible. Therefore, I believe. 👽
Love your uploads. Subscribed!✌🏼❤️
very true
And those are like grains of sand to the other galaxies that we can’t even see
@@illusionalfilms3792 Touché - Well stated and so true. Gotta love it - the many unknowns out there.
Too many questions. Not enough answers it does my head in
There have been some reasonable theories to support the possibility that there may actually not be any other life out there. I lean more toward the positive, but there are some interesting conversations going on. See; Fermi's paradox for one...
You just have to wonder what it is exactly that makes someone such a skeptic, I’m not just talking about individuals who’re seeking more proof because there’s nothing wrong with that approach, I’m talking about the hardcore skeptics who fail to realize just how crazy they come across with their relentless attack on the phenomena.
I agree!! I finally realized that the majority of people through my lifetime mainly believed the lies the government were telling about how UFOs aren't real and they are not even to be taken seriously by them...meanwhile behind the scenes they were taking it VERY seriously....and then began the stigma about even mentioning that you believe in Exterrestrials and UFOs, it was like taboo and most likely people would look at you differently like your a crazy person..... because that's EXACTLY what the government wanted to happened and it worked with their "project blue book" where they were spreading disinformation and discrediting legit honest witnesses sometimes a number of witnesses yet people from blue book like J Allen Highnik who was set out to come up with different excuses on what these people were actually witnessing even discrediting their own military men who had high top clearance on many secret projects but were made to look like a fool by the government and the superior officers in the military who ordered them to hush up and to never speak of it again unless they want to end their career......so I realized you can NEVER truly convince everybody on something that you experienced...even if it was with a number of other witnesses it dosent matter because their minds can't wrap their heads around something so unbelievable so it's easier to just assume they're mistaken so unless every person in the world sees the same exact thing for theirselves then!! Just maybe people would stop ridiculing others on their experiences and realize most of these witnesses are just ordinary people like you or I who was never even into Aliens and UFOs until one day they accidentally or maybe not but they experience something that defies reality but our reality dosent mean we know every single possible thing there is to know about yet the way the scientific community thinks is if it dosent fit inside their little box of what they consider "the truth of reality" instead of being open minded enough to realize humans don't know everything and we're not the smartest most intelligent beings ever so I think they should start understanding that history always gets rewritten because we're not always correct
It's mainly people who know F.A. about the subject. Ask a naysayer what they know about UFOs and it's normally as much as reactionary newspapers have reported.
I can't say something is not real or doesnt exsist if i dont know. I am open to pretty much anything.
The problem with being a sceptic is that you're always looking for how things can be bullshit, especially things that don't match your worldview. It's ok to be _sceptical_ sometimes, but being a sceptic generally is just dumb.
I think you're all confusing sceptics with debunkers.
i came here for some solid UFO talk, but i also unexpectedly came here for the solid FAT Jams in the transition scenes. ex: 9:30
Exciting. We are not alone!
To many people have seen and filmed them , it's strange that some people still deny there presence, maybe they are sacred.
I never seen anything like that even if people pointed it out to me. People see that they want to see
I think I’m pretty sacred.
(Too) many ppl / deny (their) presence. Am meaning to be helpfull these kind of mistakes can cost grades and scores in tests
I’m an astronomer, and I’ve seen two different types of ufos
Please explain
Now I can sleep tight. Nothing but weather balloons, Venus and planes. Good night.
Sweet dreams
No new " secret" anti-gravity technology exists,, good night, back to sleep. 😴
You aren't supposed to know. We decide when to let it come out. Haha...
But it's when you're sleeping that they come for you...👽🛸
I saw a green looking craft too far away to make out a shape but a greenish ball. I saw it first, stopped and grabbed my Cuz and told him to look up and we both saw the UFO/UAP shoot from sitting still out of sight in less thena a sec. Middleville, Michigan
This back and forth deliberate indifference
has caused a big rift in the scientific community
The research is there to show that they do exist. It is ludicrous to say we are not alone. I am pro UFO. Dr Charles D. Slaughter.
Depending on altitude, a balloon can travel in different directions. Balloon hobbyists know this and use altitude to travel in a different direction.
feed the algorirthm
Nom Nom nom
Mmm 😋
Nom nom nom
Peck peck peck
I'm all up in my other dimension n ish dot dot dot
Even if our satellites did capture images of extraterrestrial craft, are we really to believe our government would allow that information to become public?
I'd be scared if they did... like when the USA military came out of nowhere with their "disclosure" last year. Why? A cover up for something the government was doing and did not want the people to know?
like so many other things they would keep very very secret.
1, free energy. 2, being able to live forever. 3, that they lie to us for our own good is an excuse to keep them in control. 3, they create a devide in the masses to divert attention.
It's not just 1 person. It's many
I served this country and believe me we are not alone
totoo po ba? nakakita ka na ba sir?
@@benglaban9428 makoko bobosa upu ma
Tim McVea served. WTF does that prove?
@@Randomguy-ep7zl wakoko wakoko...
Yeah Youre Not Alone, Theres Europe Africa Japan China Etc.
The problem with the government's so called explanations for UFO incidents is that their reasons for rationalizing the siting are not just implausible but downright silly. For example, does anyone really believe that an entire soccer field of fans who say that they saw UFOs were all looking at weather balloons, microburst clouds, birds, etc.? The truth is that these silly excuses for their dismissal make the so-called experts look stupid or at least guilty of subterfuge.
Crazy to see this documentary still using the weather balloon theory. I'd think a pilot would be able to distinguish a UFO from a balloon.
You can spell subterfuge but not sighting lol
Thank you, highly interesting
44:34 "Newton had to invent the law of gravity first " umm, no. The law of gravity existed regardless.
Newton, just discovered certain properties of the law of gravity.
The way that was thrown together with the other claims, made it basically sound like gravity never existed before Newton, and that heads towards flat earth logic, where it's all just bouyancy.
I still haven't found anyone yet to get back to me, after jumping of a bridge, then telling me about how that bouyancy, worked out for them.
Newton invented calculus, to explain gravity, forces of motion etc
Newton invented calculus to explain gravity, forces of motion etc
Here we go with the weather balloons again......it's funny how they can hover and change direction on a whim
At Mach 27..
20:38, Francois Bourbeau did a great job of explaining reflections and lens flares. I still know that there's UFOs that are genuine, but I've seen videos of reflections that some people believe to be unexplained phenomena. 😎🤙😊
I have some videos of them.....
Lens flares doesn't even factor into what our fighter pilots saw every day for 2 years.
Or the Tic Tac, seen by 2 fighter jets from a 6,000 ft height difference.
The 2 pilots and their 2 WO saw the same thing. It was later filmed by a third fighter plane and previously tracked for almost 2 weeks by the Princeton which had the most advanced radar system in the world.
Backed up by military satellites entering our atmosphere, coming into the Princeton's radar field at 80,000 ft which recorded them hitting the deck in seconds at speeds up to Mach 17.
Then tracked by the nuclear submarine that was part of the carrier battle group.
there are pictures of metal ships! they are not reflections or lens flares! Airline pilots are not seeing "lens flares"....ships on the ocean are not faked by "reflections".
@@SkyLightsUFOs please share
The funky dance music is back oh please stop, it's too funny 😆 dude on a bus getting down with the sound when he's meant to be researching UFOs lol
Do you want the truth? Us humans are the aliens of earth. We came here a long long time ago and the technology in which we came has been lost over the millenniums
But yes, it was just hunter-gatherers who built Göbekli Tepe right after an ice age because they had nothing better to do.. 😉
Some of us…
I wonder what all these ppl, who put so much effort into trying to debunk or classify UFO's as something else, what did they think now?! Now that the Pentagon has come out and verified the existence of UFOs! It always amazes me how some of these debunker would go way out of the realm of reasonable possibility to classify a UFO as anything but a UFO. To all those debunkers I simply say, in the Spirit of Nelson on The Simpsons, "Ha, ha!"
Like ive been telling everyone. You know its real when the skeptics start sounding crazy
.cant blame them, i was one my entire life until my best friend and i saw one at the Cape Fear River, Fayetteville NC
. I don't know what they are but i know for a fact they are real
The "skeptics" - they are not really skeptics but ardent followers of a faith - are _still_ arguing that trained people do not know what they are doing. This particular show makes the mistake of defining scientists as people who produce facts in laboratories. Any field scientist would choke at that. Many of us spend most of our careers in the field "observing nature" so to speak. The number of reported sightings has grown exponentially since 1950. But, the number of people witnessing an event of this type is still a very, very small fraction of the planetary population. The vast majority of "skeptics" are scientifically incompetent. They make arguments based on cherry-picked bits of an account, untested assumptions about procedures by the military for example, and then proceed to affirm their expectation bias.
@@theeddorian yes ,i totally agree with everything you have wrote, it's like the most powerful people in Washington refusing to look into the subject of ufos ,and it all comes down to the fact that there all bible bashers
@@sachasacha5930 It might be less about power and more about the slightly frightening aspect of "doubt." If you look back to the late 18th and early 19th centuries you see the "scientists" of the time waving off the idea that rocks (meteorites) could fall out of the sky. The grounds offered were that there "no rocks in the sky" which could fall. But there are, and they do. When you look at UFOs (or even ball lightening) you will find that the "scientific skepticism" is not based on facts per se. Instead the reasoning is precisely the same as the "scientific" reasoning regarding the impossibility of meteorites. The UFO skeptic always insists that "you can't have seen what you think you did." It is basically intellectual incompetenece. What the skeptic should say is that "what you say you saw (or videoed) is not something we can explain given the lack of any further information." UFOs are "real" enough that they have as long an historical record as meteorties. But much of the associated "lore" is really baffling.
Because the USA military and world's government are sooooo trustful. One has to wonder why they decided to tell it NOW when they spent decades saying it was not true. I don't doubt the phenomena, but what is the proof we have these aren't man-made spaceships and abductions considering the shadow secret services world we know nothing about?
Earthlings always feel threatened but they create fear amongst themselves for selfish reasons. We are not alone for sure 😊
This sounds more like video to give the UFO sightings an untrue explanation in my opinion?
The classics are the best
l recommend watcing Taken. It was very popular when it came out and l have watched it a couple of times. Hi and thanx from Australia. Does anyone have any recommendations for rme pls would be grateful indeed😁
Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !"
Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam."
Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!"
Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?..."
Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!"
Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky."
Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction."
Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment?
Great passage from Basil Fawlty here, the funniest show ever on UK TV
Its the forensic files narrator. He could read off his grocery list and I would be so interested.
Well the orb I saw came through the woods towards me went right up and over me maybe 15 foot away. It seemed alive. I live in SC and no earthquake back then in 1987.
I was up a tree dear hunting. It changed my life. I was terrified and had a 44 mag and 30-06 on me.
..it was swamp gas, or gun powder fumes.. 😏🤔
Did you experience any physical or psychological effects, at the time or after? I have heard that science has established ball lightning is real, but i do think all examples are not the same.
I knew you were from the south when you said “15 foot” and not feet. Or better yet, METERS!!! Y’all think the metric system is from Satan down there don’t ya😅
If you stick to Cartesian doubt then everything is either possible or impossible depending on how you apply it.
I don't know why people think this series is good. it's supposed to be about ufos, but it constantly goes off on tangents that have nothing to do with the topic. eg. earthquake light, the Aurora, Avrocar etc. See Preston Dennett's videos on UA-cam if you want ufo videos that deal with ufos.
My question ; are ALL alians bad or are there good allians too??
If all you do is wage war, you won't get off a planet soon to colonize your own solar system.. So if aliens did, they probably didn't like war..
It’s not the military’s place to reveal all of the information. That is for the politicians to do.
Who’s in charge of the music?
This could be a case for moulder and scully👽👽👽
Betty and Barney Hill, Travis Walton and Lonnie Zamora interacted with Earth lights, weather balloons, Venus and swamp gas.
Yes these critters are here & I’ve stoped voting because every government denies it in one way or another.
I’m sick of these political statements defying all I’ve seen.
Anyone seen videos on the Baltic sea anomaly?
scientific evidence is highly susceptible to selective reading and misinterpretation. a large number of psychological studies have shown that people respond to scientific or technical evidence in ways that justify their preexisting beliefs. people twist or selectively read scientific evidence to support their preexisting views.
Confirmation bias exists in science just as much as in any other situation. Science is designed as a methodology to avoid that to some degree, but it’s not completely possible.
Unsubstantiated Rumors usually dies out. For sixty years this topic isn't loosing interest among the public but rather gaining momentum. Every reason possible is given to disprove the phenomenon but what if ?
Let's hope they come and we get our do over " falling sky's "
60? years. Probably at least 6,000
as prehistoric cave paintings and
indigenous peoples aroun the world have recorded similar craft
and various crews from BCE period
to present, even before modern
science and even modern countries
Seen a huge disk once in sky with dotted lines of lights on the sides was huge made me stop in my tracks.
The advice given here is to debunk yourself completely, if you still think you saw or have captured something, then call the pro's and they'll beat the idea out of your head proper like. 😃
damnnn 😔
Also there are also other explanations that would baffle the mind such as other extra- dimensional as opposed to extr-terreatrial phenomenon.
Could it be us from the future?
i feel like disco dancing with the background musical score
John Mcafee did not commit suicide
We know
I thought of various rational explanations, including laser lights etc. Unfortunately, if it was all just hoaxes, what of numerous sightings,hundreds of people at the same time. I would like to see a laser light show that can do the things that many people claim to have seen at the same time, 100s of sightings at the same time. I have no idea what it is but only ' non observers' could explain away this phenomena as a hoax. That is obviously too far-fetched to bother considering. I find it hard to believe that some government organisations or other people can co-ordinate such widespread sightings. Do you seriously believe that all sightings are faked? Time see will tell, I hope.
If you see a true ufo you will know
You won't just see it you will feel it
That's good that's you view it's in a good place with science. Look at the evidence not the hype. Thanks
Okay so that that answers the one I saw in September of 1976 in Tucson that I reported to the airport at 1:30 in the morning it was a helicopter that had a light from a sale at a store mounted to it and when it was above me it turns its engines off simple it was a helicopter. Damn why didn't I think of that or a weather balloon with a searchlight from a store sale that must have had one hell of a long extension cord
sherlock said " Remove all possibilities and whatever remains no matter how improbable must be the truth"
aliens are us..on a different level.
The cheesy easy-listening music really adds to the mystery: WHY?
Cos Harry Styles & One Erection weren't available at the time.
This is so old it is obsolete compared to what we are seeing in the skies now
The only one with an open mind is Nick Pope in this episode,
The others just try to explain the unexplained. Just like Pope said,
95% of cases are misunderstood phenomena, and people who are not trained to observe objects in the sky. But 5% of cases are unexplainable, and most of these experts in this series rush and try to explain or dismiss things without solid evidence. Ufo doesn't necessarily mean objects from other planets. But pilots and people in aviation know how conventional aircrafts are made.
I do like the "over inclusive" comment, very perceptive.
You can't explain this away , the Bible has warned us and we call it an old outdated book .the Bible has knowledge in it Jesus said my people perish for lack of knowledge. Get knowledge and live.
seems like the more knowledge i obtain it only leads me to Christ more
A real spacecraft in Montreal sky
was in November 1990 , 3 hours
over downtown, jet fighter was sent many witnesses , including
police and military.
They are among us.....
They are and have been here for thousands of years I believe they’re Dimensional beings traveling from one dimension to another they’ve unlocked the secret on how to do that call me crazy but that’s what I think
Yes we are here we have always been here we gave you the internet for 300 cows and 5000 human abductions....
@@johnmartin3735 lol
@@nickneeley1559 I agree.
Sherlock Holmes would say, it's all human anti-gravity technology!!!
We are getting nipped!!
I want my flying car!!!!
Do Aliens have Chronic Flatulence 🐄🐖🦨
Bring back moulder. Give him new office and electric car. 😂
best reply yet.
34:09 Pump water into an area to bury hazardous fluids? 😳🤔
Intense intro
Read your Bible. You don't want to know the truth. But you better . Read the Bible and the Book of Enoch. Of you don't learn now you'll pray you did, when it's to late. Oh laught at me if you want to but you want be laughter soon. Just wait till your Spirit eyes open what's around us and up their you out will die. I pray for all of us.let us all pray before all knees are forced to yes you want really be forced but your knee's will go down and you will pray to God..
what blows my mind is that still many people do not believe the aliens does not exist and we are the only ones, do you know how big is the galaxy? it´s huuuuge dude :-P
What about the people who say they've been abducted in all kind of debauchery done to them it only takes one or two witnesses to get a man in the electric chair but it takes hundreds of thousands to convince you that the spirits of the air are real what about the people who sing these things on the ground who sing people in The Craft how do you explain that
Well, I got through EP. 1, 2 & only 8:51 of this one of this video series & it is clear that the single goal of them is to is to force upon believers that they are truly mentally disturbed for believing in UFOs in the first place.
Thanks...I know what you mean, one minute in, read ur post, switching off
There are google Earth satellite photos of the Tic Tac coming out of the ocean. Pretty good ones too. Even the size matches what the fighter pilots estimated the length too be.
Have to find the link and post it.
Please do.
Finally. Proof of what I always imagined. The laws of physics are the same in downtown San Jose as they are in Palo Alto.
Eric Weinstein thinks a 'weather report' for the laws and constants in physics could be considered because e.g. the gravity constant might not be a constant at all but a field equation within quantum physics, and thus manipulable and/or variable.
Who can say with and degree of certainty thst the physics of somewhere a 1000 light years away is the same as here? It's very presumptuous and more likely wrong (needing adjustment) than right. The current understanding of gravity is an approximation like Newton , although very useful, it not accurate nor does it explain anything.
@@The_CrackedPot_Christian I thought of that. Palo Alto is where Stanford University is located. San Jose just down the road is the location of a public university with relatively open admissions. I went to San Jose State.
I was a liberal arts majors, but I did have first-year physics.
If there are infinitesimal differences in the physical constants from one place to another, it probably has nothing to do with what human beings think about these places. Probably.
People underestimate how special this planet is in this big universe. That is to say human consciousness being the most complex system in the known universe find it very hard to believe that intelligent life can exist anywhere else and that is how special we really are. 👁 . Here's a interesting fact. The universe sees me seeing it.
Funny to put that "ufo" as the cover photo.
They know you and your behavior most work for our creators
12:50. Boy holms is really selling a weather balloon
37:54 "Charge carriers?" Is she describing piezoelectricity? It's not exactly a new discovery 😄
I hate to break this to that one guy, but venus doesn't zig zag all over the sky making instantaneous 90 degree turns or hover 6 feet over your car making you pull over in a state of paralysis and burn your skin and make you 3 yours late for your destination. Kind of surprised that he doesn't know that. Why do people like this bother to speak on the subject at all?
They have u looking at the sky when u should be looking towards the Antartica
For WW2 those were Mach 6+ Barrage balloons
Rule number #1 don’t call the police they can’t help you. Get yourself a very good camera and a shotgun, just in case.
I seen an object once it was when the space station was coming back to earth Spacelab but I live on the east coast of Australia so it shouldn’t have been anywhere near us. This thing was shaped in a teardrop about the size of my car. I’de been into Nowra to pick my husband up on the 11 o’clock train but he wasn’t on it so I travelled back home which was 70k’s. As I turned on to one of the sidestreets coming into Huskisson along the Woolamai Road I could see this beautiful blue lavender object coming towards me there was no street lights on so I stopped the car and turned my headlights. I was thinking to myself what the Is that? I stop my car in the middle of the road there was no one else around by this time it was after midnight and it came hurtling past me it was shaped in a teardrop it was blue and lavender it was making a fizzing noise, as it came past the lights on the car came on then the electricals came on as I turned around to see it go it followed the dam road which had a pretty sharp bend in it and then it was gone. Now if it was a meteorite or Part of space lab It should’ve been coming in a straight line not following the dam road like it was driving a car. It was the size of my car which was an LJ Torana. Believe it or not you know that ad with the frog on a bike and it goes ring ding ding and he’s got crazy eyes I swore that there was something in that teardrop driving it. After that I started to have episodes of waking up and feeling like I was screaming out to my husband but I wasn’t moving and I wasn’t making a sound that happened to me three times last time it happened to me I just got out of the shower at 9 o’clock in the morning Laid back down on the bed upstairs and I couldn’t move instead of being freaked out like I was in all the other times I just prayed to Jesus and told myself that I wasn’t going to be scared and I totally relaxed and it stopped and it was last time it ever happened to me. Where I live we’ve had fireballs come into a pub Friday night came in through the back window went out into the front bar went around the busy pool tables and went out the front doors it bounced on the road and then hit the roof of the dive shop and exploded. True story I swear on my kids every think I’m telling you is true.
nick pope is very young here. so very old speach
Jason not knowing the place sits he hashes up stupidity, no way has he to view the geometry, so he hashes up the past to confuse you and me. No way has he in the place inside entropy, dull his mind, even more dull the minds that wander the maze of reality.
So what Nick Pope is saying (or not saying) is that individuals who have real sightings of these phenomena are not worth studying or even talking to because thwy are not military or police. They are somehow more credible based on their careers. I have taught and trained many police officers and military personnel as a civilian Martial Arts and self-defense instructor and although to the layman they are considered trained observers in most cases they are not when it comes to recognizing and understanding certain stimuli. Not saying they arent excellent at their jobs because they are but theyre are civilians who are also capable of being considered trained observers as well. So don't discriminate against civilians' very real sightings and encounters just because they have different JOB TITLES.
You can bet its either weather balloons or Venus reflection on gas swamp. Pick that or have your name taken out of payroll list.
I always scoff when military, pilots and police are cited as among the most reliable witnesses. They to lie whenever ordered to do so, and are scared to loose their cushy pensions. Also, cops and soldiers are generally thick skulled bullies.