Imam Malik Ibn Anas

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Imam Malik ibn Anas was the Imam of all times as more than seventy scholars of Medina testified to his strong hold in religious scholarship. He founded the second school of legal jurisprudence and used to teach jurisprudence and hadith sciences in the mosque of the Prophet in Medina. He was a luminary scholar who was meticulous about the hadiths he transmitted as he used to apply strict measures to validate the authenticity of hadith.


  • @antwan1357
    @antwan1357 9 років тому +7

    This was so good I'm so happy it was translated into English so many books are only in arabic language on hadith it makes a search so much longer I hope I can find the book al muwatta I never considered myself a religious man but I love reading about the prophet and the imams that wrote hadith when I say religious I mean the very very devout

  • @ahmedabdsalam5346
    @ahmedabdsalam5346 6 років тому +1

    Mashaa allaah sheikh jazza kallah khayr

  • @ajr1247
    @ajr1247 5 років тому +1

    What a great Imam and scholar he was. I am so glad I changed my Madhab and became a Maliki a few years ago

    • @ajr1247
      @ajr1247 4 роки тому

      Tajul Haque

    • @ajr1247
      @ajr1247 4 роки тому

      Tajul Haque
      Do you know that Imam Malik lived in Medina and his uncle Na’fi was the Imam of Nabawi mosque for 60 years? Do you know that Imam Malik’s grandfather grew up and was raised in the house of Prophet Mohammad (sas)? Do you know that Imam Malik was the Imam of Nabawi Masjid in Medina for most of his life? The same Masjid where Prophet Mohammad have sermon? Do you know that Imam Abu Hanifa said that among all scholars of Islam, Imam Malik is the shining star??
      The truth is that Imam Abu Hanifa’s madhab is already lost. Hanafis are not true followers of Imam Abu Hanifa. They just follow him by name, but in practice they are followers of Wahabis and Salafis. Even Imam Abu Hanifa’s teachings are adulterated and changed by his student, Abu Yusuf. Therefore, you are at best a follower of Abu Yusuf, not Imam Abu Hanifa. Go educate yourself first, then come and talk.

    • @ajr1247
      @ajr1247 4 роки тому

      Tajul Haque
      Furthermore, majority doesn’t mean anything. Use your brain if you have any. Don’t be a blind crowd follower. Hindus are also a majority, then go ahead and worship cows just like your ancestors did.

  • @aitsilarbiilyas6482
    @aitsilarbiilyas6482 10 років тому +6

    أبو عبد الله مالك بن أنس بن مالك بن أبي عامر الأصبحي الحميري المدني (93-179هـ / 711-795م) فقيه ومحدِّث مسلم، وثاني الأئمة الأربعة عند أهل السنة والجماعة، وصاحب المذهب المالكي في الفقه الإسلامي

  • @farzanak8107
    @farzanak8107 4 роки тому +1

    Malik bin anas a famous student of imam sadiq!

  • @masoodfarooki435
    @masoodfarooki435 3 роки тому

    Alhumdolillah,it is good to know imam Malik was saved from the devious teachings of Ali ibn alhussain and Muhammad ibn Ali albaqir.the imams of rafaza.

  • @ayaaya-oy6vk
    @ayaaya-oy6vk 6 років тому

    رحمه الله حتى فقهه وصل الى الدستور الفرنسي كما يقول شيخي على جمعة