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🎊 A HUGE Thanks to ALL of you 1K+ subscribers! (Really appreciate it!)🔥 Subscribe & like for more of these awesome only in BF moments!🔥🔥Thanks to everyone in the video for their permissions, Credits:Zebidiah - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@Zebidiah , Zebidiah27 - Twitch www.twitch.tv/zebidiah27Gogeeeter Mostly Games - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@gogeeeterluckyGreek - Reddit , LuckyyyGreek - gamer tagUhhmuse - Gamer Tag , Original-Hyena5570 - Reddit TapYoCoofie - Gamer Tag , chill_kams - (u/chill_kams) Reddit , Chef_Bladams - Gamer Tagjayperez01 - Reddit , SploogeGodz - Gamer Tag Ummmmmlol - Gamer Tag , Cold-Perspective7198 - RedditDedzigs - UA-cam, Reddit & Discord www.youtube.com/@Dedzigs StitchNZ - UA-cam & Gamer Tag www.youtube.com/@StitchNZCharlie298 - Reddit , charlieI_XTX Gamer Tag D3AD - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@D3ad273PBnJMasta024 - Gamer Tag , abc987x654 - RedditNCHNTMNT - Gamer Tag , Icy_Cartographer5466 - RedditThe_Lamb_Slayer - Gamer Tag , Centurion_of_one - RedditTrooper_021 - Gamer Tag , VH_21 - RedditUhhmuse - Gamer Tag , Original-Hyena5570 - Reddit Shwarmaaa - Gamer Tag , shwarmaa_naman - RedditIG_LaTHOTH (Gamer Tag) , LaTHOTH - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@lathoth , @lathooth.bf (Instagram) , lathooth.bf - Tiktokmarry me miley - Gamer Tag , fanciestmango - RedditTheStory - @TheStoryIsOK (UA-cam)Cabal2040 - UA-cam @Cabal-ms3kb & Reddit www.youtube.com/@Cabal-ms3kb/videosTullzter - Gamer Tag , Tullzterr - Redditwackstory - PSN account , @wackstory - Instagramits4deltaone - Gamer Tag & RedditAtomicPigeon424 - Gamer Tag , Biotoxins - RedditConclusion89 - Reddit , lorenz19991999 - PSN gamer tag K-Nardz - Gamer TagLush Poetics - Gamer Tag , Anthony_bespammin - RedditThomass_____ (Reddit) , Waffle Stomper - UA-cam @Waffle_Stomper__ www.youtube.com/@waffle_Stomper__Jowkm - Jowkm - UA-cam & Origin Account www.youtube.com/@jowkm7596lxWoodstockxl - Gamer Tag , Prince_Sabu - Redditcurious._.echo (Instagram) , Curious2Echo - Gamer Tag , Curious-_-Echo - Redditemeraldnext - Gamer Tag , Videogamer321 - Redditjeanclaude00 - Gamer Tagthe_krumpus - Gamer Tag (PSN)Icaro Almeida - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@icaroalmeida1044DaddyThiccThighz - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@gunkro2 , Gamer Tag , RedditNCHNTMNT - Gamer tag , Icy_Cartographer5466 - RedditDineshlancerevo - Gamer Tag & Reddit kamikazesniperx - Gamer Tag & Redditsniperhearty - Gamer Tag , PerspectiveCloud - RedditGAMES TEYLOR - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@GAMESTEYLORxennified - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@xenifiedxShadowFoxx - Reddit , xTICEz - Gamer TagEpicAura99 - Gamer Tag & Reddit
You took the Rendezook to a whole nutha level. Amazing clips, keep em comin!
Thanks a lot! :D 🤝
best video on youtube🤩
Best commenter in history ⏳
Epic stuff!
Thanks! 🤝
The last clip of that condor pilot we don't need more of him😅
hahaha I agree!
Aw thanks man! Always a pleasure :)
Much appreciated! 🤝
Amazing clips and editing
Really appreciate it! 🤝
Now I’m interested in the cross bow lol
It's so satisfying to use haha
How did McCay switch to Sundance🤔
where in the video? :)
@@onlyinbattlefield 0:54
@@Byrne74 ohh that's a valid question actually lol!
It was a ltm where everybody was given grapple. I saw you could pair it up with the Sundance wing suit and went for the shot for like 2 hours!
Word of advice , please don't sped up clips anymore as they look wacky and take you out of the feel. I can see you are going for a AKA ART type compilation with the music but that sped up really throws you off.
Thanks for the feedback! 🤝
🎊 A HUGE Thanks to ALL of you 1K+ subscribers! (Really appreciate it!)
🔥 Subscribe & like for more of these awesome only in BF moments!
🔥🔥Thanks to everyone in the video for their permissions, Credits:
Zebidiah - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@Zebidiah , Zebidiah27 - Twitch www.twitch.tv/zebidiah27
Gogeeeter Mostly Games - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@gogeeeter
luckyGreek - Reddit , LuckyyyGreek - gamer tag
Uhhmuse - Gamer Tag , Original-Hyena5570 - Reddit
TapYoCoofie - Gamer Tag ,
chill_kams - (u/chill_kams) Reddit , Chef_Bladams - Gamer Tag
jayperez01 - Reddit , SploogeGodz - Gamer Tag
Ummmmmlol - Gamer Tag , Cold-Perspective7198 - Reddit
Dedzigs - UA-cam, Reddit & Discord www.youtube.com/@Dedzigs
StitchNZ - UA-cam & Gamer Tag www.youtube.com/@StitchNZ
Charlie298 - Reddit , charlieI_XTX Gamer Tag
D3AD - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@D3ad273
PBnJMasta024 - Gamer Tag , abc987x654 - Reddit
NCHNTMNT - Gamer Tag , Icy_Cartographer5466 - Reddit
The_Lamb_Slayer - Gamer Tag , Centurion_of_one - Reddit
Trooper_021 - Gamer Tag , VH_21 - Reddit
Uhhmuse - Gamer Tag , Original-Hyena5570 - Reddit
Shwarmaaa - Gamer Tag , shwarmaa_naman - Reddit
IG_LaTHOTH (Gamer Tag) , LaTHOTH - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@lathoth , @lathooth.bf (Instagram) , lathooth.bf - Tiktok
marry me miley - Gamer Tag , fanciestmango - Reddit
TheStory - @TheStoryIsOK (UA-cam)
Cabal2040 - UA-cam @Cabal-ms3kb & Reddit www.youtube.com/@Cabal-ms3kb/videos
Tullzter - Gamer Tag , Tullzterr - Reddit
wackstory - PSN account , @wackstory - Instagram
its4deltaone - Gamer Tag & Reddit
AtomicPigeon424 - Gamer Tag , Biotoxins - Reddit
Conclusion89 - Reddit , lorenz19991999 - PSN gamer tag
K-Nardz - Gamer Tag
Lush Poetics - Gamer Tag , Anthony_bespammin - Reddit
Thomass_____ (Reddit) , Waffle Stomper - UA-cam @Waffle_Stomper__ www.youtube.com/@waffle_Stomper__
Jowkm - Jowkm - UA-cam & Origin Account www.youtube.com/@jowkm7596
lxWoodstockxl - Gamer Tag , Prince_Sabu - Reddit
curious._.echo (Instagram) , Curious2Echo - Gamer Tag , Curious-_-Echo - Reddit
emeraldnext - Gamer Tag , Videogamer321 - Reddit
jeanclaude00 - Gamer Tag
the_krumpus - Gamer Tag (PSN)
Icaro Almeida - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@icaroalmeida1044
DaddyThiccThighz - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@gunkro2 , Gamer Tag , Reddit
NCHNTMNT - Gamer tag , Icy_Cartographer5466 - Reddit
Dineshlancerevo - Gamer Tag & Reddit
kamikazesniperx - Gamer Tag & Reddit
sniperhearty - Gamer Tag , PerspectiveCloud - Reddit
GAMES TEYLOR - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@GAMESTEYLOR
xennified - UA-cam www.youtube.com/@xenified
xShadowFoxx - Reddit , xTICEz - Gamer Tag
EpicAura99 - Gamer Tag & Reddit
You took the Rendezook to a whole nutha level. Amazing clips, keep em comin!
Thanks a lot! :D 🤝
best video on youtube🤩
Best commenter in history ⏳
Epic stuff!
Thanks! 🤝
The last clip of that condor pilot we don't need more of him😅
hahaha I agree!
Aw thanks man! Always a pleasure :)
Much appreciated! 🤝
Amazing clips and editing
Really appreciate it! 🤝
Now I’m interested in the cross bow lol
It's so satisfying to use haha
How did McCay switch to Sundance🤔
where in the video? :)
@@onlyinbattlefield 0:54
@@Byrne74 ohh that's a valid question actually lol!
It was a ltm where everybody was given grapple. I saw you could pair it up with the Sundance wing suit and went for the shot for like 2 hours!
Word of advice , please don't sped up clips anymore as they look wacky and take you out of the feel. I can see you are going for a AKA ART type compilation with the music but that sped up really throws you off.
Thanks for the feedback! 🤝