Massive respect to your family and especially the young lad. Some young people these days don’t know how to address an envelope, and you pass the knowledge of the most essential things from one generation to another. Thank you
Oh... i remember when i was children like this lovely boy we make well same way before 35 years ago... now my father can't with me anymore but i have beautiful memories with him,i miss papa a lot i hope God bless your great family as loooooooooong time.. from s.Korea .
My Dad dug our well in the orchard with his friend this way :) When he did it I wasn't even there yet or too young, and have not seen him accomplish this task myself. But this video finally allowed me to see it. Thank You guys!!
Thank you very much. We dug the well three years ago. It was a dry summer and the original old well ran out of water. I am sending greetings from the Czech Republic and I wish you good luck ...
who would imagine watching someone hand digging a well could be so captivating. What i would give to have this hard working youngster as a helper around my property in London. Many thanks for making and sharing this video. Much respect and good luck to your family.
Dievcata a chlapci pekne ste to urobili. Bola to pekna rodinna praca na ktoru budete vzdy radi spominat. A ze to bola makacka o tom radsej ani nepisem. Cest a slava vsetkym co ste tam boli a vydrzali do konca. Urcite mate stale cerstvu a chutnu vodu na splachovanie slivovice. Srdecna vdaka za video.
Děkujeme za moc hezký komentář... :-) Je to tak, na kopání studny občas vzpomínáme, práce nás bavila a máme dostatek kvalitní vody, takže jsme měli i trochu štěstí protože kvalita vody se moc ovlivnit nedá :-) ...zkrátka všechno vyšlo na jedničku :-)
Подробно, наглядно, без ненужной болтавни, без лишних телодвижений!!! И вообще, колодец это дело благое. Радует, что есть в вашей стороне хорошая, работящая молодежь. Значит не всё так в мире плохо. Молодцы! С уважением, из 🇷🇺(рождённый в СССР)
Хороший колодец нужен каждому загородному дому. Здесь у нас есть хорошие условия для его строительства. Мы живем в месте, где достаточна глубина 6 метров и почва, в которой можно копать. У большинства обычных людей все нормально, они могут помочь друг другу, договориться о чем угодно. Политики хотят сверхстандартной жизни, зарабатывать много денег, которые им не обязательно нужны, они хотят чувства значимости и СМИ их в этом поддерживают... Вот откуда берутся плохие вещи, которые мы должны иметь дело с....
Thank you very much. We are very glad that you liked the video about digging a well. The documentary was filmed 3 years ago when we were building a well with our own help...
Pěkná práce, moc chválím a to zvláště v dnešní době. Líbí se mi právě ta ruční práce, ten starý um a ta poctivost, která se dnes již vytratila. Jste pašáci kluci.
Jééé, děkujeme moc :-) Vykopat 5,5 metrovou studnu, po chvilkách, v příznivý zemi, není až taková hrůza. Byla to tak trochu i výzva :-) ...Ze studny máme radost, stabilně je v ní 2 - 2,5 metru vody která obstála i v důkladnějším rozboru...
Každý doopravdy zhnilý není. Mám15 let, rád pracuji se dřevem, mám své zahradní jezírko, pracuji rád na zahradě, ať je to cokoliv např.: zastřihování stromů sekání zahrady, jak sekačkou, tak křovinořezem. Je to hodně comě baví, jen škola zrovna není oblíbená.
@@michaelklesnil8477 To tě samozřejmě šlechtí a jsi světlá vyjímka. Vidím to kolem sebe, kluk 17 let a když by mu dal člověk do ruky krompáč, tak si ho zasekne do hlavy.
We lived on 2 acres in Oregon, USA and in the early fifties my dad dug one just like this with 4 foot pipe, Down 22 feet (7m). Years later I was 8 or 10, I got the job to go down and clear out sand that had come in it over the years. About 2 ft worth. I learned what "as cold as a well digger's destination". great video
Totálně zasypaná studna v 50 letech, v půlce hozený betonový překlad a jako špunt obraceně zaražený pařez s kořeny. Našli jsme ji na pozemku náhodou, když pařez sjel cca o metr. Rok práce o víkendech a konec studně byl ve 30 metrech. Studně je bez skruží a světlost cca 80 cm. Pro kloustrofobiky to nebylo, já dole s kramlí a lopatkou, táta nahoře tahal kýble.
Desde España mi mayor felicitación para esa familia y para esos muchachos joven deseo que su mente y sus brazos siempre estén fuertes y que nunca le falte el agua y para el señor mayor que siempre se sienta orgulloso de esos dos muchachos y si son sus hijos que la felicidad de ver ese pozo dar agua nunca falte .
Muchísimas gracias. El video muestra tres generaciones de hombres, abuelo, padre e hijo. Te mando un saludo a España desde la República Checa. Gracias por el muy lindo comentario sobre el video. También le deseamos todo lo mejor y mucha suerte a toda su familia. Todavía hay mucha agua potable en el pozo, el nivel del agua es de 2,5 metros incluso en la estación seca ...
Thank you for the compliment. I'm very glad you liked the documentary about digging a well. Young people don't mind hard work :-) I also wish you good luck.
Woo, I can't believe it took me almost a half hour to help dig that well. Holy smokes, just kidding but I did watch the entire episode. Great work by a very persistent family.
Thank you very much. I was very pleased that you liked the documentary about digging a well. Our water dried up in the old well 3 years ago, so we quickly dug a new one and this document was created :-)
Thank you. I'm sending greetings from the Czech Republic. We also have wells 20 meters deep, whether it is located in the valley or on a hill. We live in a valley :-)
@@hrouda7 Here in Texas the water is at 200 meters down, feels weird that the water is so close to the surface we're you are. Wonder how long it would take to make this kind of well that deep, if possible.
@@andrewpast1959 Hi, we live in a valley and the groundwater level here is at a relatively small depth. The well is 6 meters deep, but already 3.5 meters from the surface, water began to appear in the well. Water from a depth of 200 meters can be pumped using boreholes and a lot of powerful pumps. With this method, as in the video, only shallow wells can be made, the maximum is around 20 meters, with the fact that the air supply to the well must be ensured from a depth of 8 meters.
@@hrouda7 Fantastic work, thank you for sharing. However, in the UK there is a hand dug well (Woodingdean) dug in 1858 to a depth of 390m!! I have no idea how they got oxygen down there, there must have been a mechanism.
@@sroberts605 Thank you very much, the video shows the digging of an ordinary well. Here in the Middle Ages, when castles were built on hills, very deep wells were also created with the help of simple tools. I don't know how they got oxygen to great depths.
klobuk dolu pred vami rodinka, tak to ma byt...krasne video, pekna praca. Prajem, nech studnicka sluzi aj pravnucatam chalana, ktory v nej umorne pracoval. Pozdravujem z Vychodneho Slovenska !
Děkujeme moc 🤗 studna slouží už 5 let, i v období sucha je v ní přes 2 metry pitné vody. Posílám pozdrav na Východní Slovensko... že středních Čech😊 Díky za komentář, ať se daří...
Pěkná makačka! Můj děda (se svým otcem, těsně po válce) kdysi kopal 22 m a pak si to zopakoval s mým tátou, když dělali studnu pro náš barák, tam máme 9 m Pěkná drbačka, ale dobrá zemina, u nás máme jíly a štěrkopísek. A rada pro ostatní, nikdy nekopat studnu sami a vždy mít připravené lano pro případ okamžité evakuace. Jeden pán, takhle kopal sám a sežraly ho tekuté písky. Docela hnusná smrt. Takže bacha! A taky bacha na metan. Do studní ať už při revizi, nebo při kopání pracovat se svíčkou. Jinak pěkné dílo!
Děkujeme :-) ...tady se studna kopala celkem dobře, zem byla jakýsi jílovec a posledních 1,5 metru pískovec a hloubka jen 5,5 metru, takže i vzduch ještě v pohodě...
@@Cicada-df5lq Sviečka v studni sa používa na zistenie prítomného kyslíku ale aj jedovatých plynov ak je v studni bezkyslíkaté prostredie sviečka zhasne, v prípade výskytu metanu dôjde k oživeniu/rozhoreniu intenzity plameňa.
@@VratislavZurek jak svíčka zhasne, už je pozdě. Chvíli před tím, než zhasne, kopáč omdlí pro nedostatek kyslíku. Spíš se musí sledovat plamen. Jak se začne zmenšovat, honem ze studny ven. Pokud se zvětšuje a mění zabarvení, taky honem vylézt ze studny. Metan.
Thank you very much, ... this technology has been used since the time when the concrete ring was invented, although nowadays only wells of smaller depth are dug by hand..
Thank you very much. In the past, even deep wells were dug this way, nowadays it is only worthwhile to dig in this old way if the depth is not very great. We only made a 6 meter deep well. Thanks for the nice comment, good luck.
@@hrouda7 I have done three of these wells. When I came of from the Vietnam war I went into the mountains to live with my wife (48 years we are married). The first two wells were about 30 feet. This current well is 35 feet. The first two were in glacial aluvium and the third one is in solid rock (red basalt). Each well had very good water. I used logs to brace the first one but concrete tile like yours on the other two. Proud of your hard working son. He's a good man.
@@rendlovadilna28 Ale jo, tak je to trochu dřina... :o) druhou stranu to byla výzva a budování studny nás celkem i bavilo, ...ještě při tom vzniklo video který trochu baví i lidi :o) studně je 2,5 metru pitný vody, štěstí stálo při nás, všechno vyšlo dobře :o)
Děkujeme moc :o) ...tohle bylo ještě když mlaďas chodil na střední a měl chuť pomáhat, teď je to trochu slabší ale zase bude líp :o) ...taky přejeme ať se daří a vše vychází jak má...
I did the same here in Thailand all by myself, the Thais was running away after they learned the soil is to sandy, they usually digging first about 10m BEFORE they do any concrete rings in :/ i would NEVER go inside without the rings saving the soil from coming down Good job, good you had help
@@gallopingg1 thats the way they are working here, up to 17m was the deepest i see so far without any rings, just with a fan down there for have better air :/ Absolutely crazy...ok, the soil is hard like concrete in dry season...BUT you never know! I am former plumber, i know what i do
Děkujeme moc 🙂 ...byla to taková kombinace, v původní studně došla v suchém roce 2018 voda, tak jsme zkusili vykopat novou o něco hlubší, docela nás to i bavilo, a dobře to dopadlo, vody je stabilně 2 - 2,5 metru, je pitná... takže líp to dopadnout ani nemohlo 🙂
Thank you, I am very glad that you liked the document about digging a well. The video workers are 3 generations of family ... son, father and grandpa + sometimes other relatives ... it was hard work but we enjoyed it, I like to remember and the water from the well is very good :-)
hrouda7 I wondered how good the water was . Here it contains minerals and tastes bad . I can see all your family work very well together. So good to see .
@@Wheelabarraback The water was analyzed in a water laboratory for 13 drinking parameters and all of them were normal. Taste is also fine and minerals are normal.
@@WheelabarrabackIt has never happened that all the water has run out ... in the well is 2.5 meters of water. When digging when we had to drain the water in the morning, it took about 2 hours.
Finally decided they didn’t want to go deaf. Cool process, but I think I’d try to gear up a bit wider chisel for that thing, or at least have two to switch between, depending on the step you’re on. It’s crazy how consistent that ground is, compared to where I live! Great job!
Díky moc 🙂 ...snažili jsme se kopat na pohodu, nelámat rekordy 🙂 někdy třeba i jen odpo po práci 0,5 metřík místo sportování na kole 🙂 + se občas někdo staví, tak pokecáš mezi prací a nějak to moc nehrotíš 🙂 ... zkrátka není to jako když doma něco předěláváš za provozu a chceš to mít co nejdřív hotový 🙂a na videu je i trochu vidět ta atmosféra... 🙂 Ať se Ti daří, díky za komentář 👍😉✌
Jj práce má hlavně těšit a na pohodu je to nejlepší a navíc to víc odsejpa, já studnu už měl hotovou na pozemku , ale stejně jsem se rád podíval ,měj se 👍👍👍
@@lukaskalousek4901 Je to tak, doma když to trochu jde tak se snažím dělat tak aby mě to bavilo a práce byla spíš aktivní odpočinek... Tady je ještě stará studna ze které braly vodu dva domy, jenže když bylo ve 2018 hodně suchý léto tak přestávala stačit a bylo potřeba vykopat novou...
Vielen Dank. Es braucht nicht viel Zeit, um unter günstigen Bedingungen einen flacheren Brunnen zu graben. Ich sende Grüße nach Buntland aus der Tschechischen Republik. 🙂
Meine Hochachtung und Respekt! Einen Brunnen per Hand zu graben ist sehr harte Arbeit! Beim Graben des Brunnens fällt mir die Zeichentrickfigur des kleinen Maulwurf ein, der in einem Film in der Wüste auch einen Brunnen freigeschaufelt hatte! Selbst die Schaufel zum Erdaushub erinnert mich an meine Lieblingsfigur aus Kinderzeiten! Herzliche Grüße aus dem Bayrischen Wald und allseits viel Freude am neuen Brunnen!👍😊
Vielen Dank für die Anerkennung. Wir hatten günstige Bedingungen, um einen Brunnen zu graben. Guter Ton und günstige Tiefe. Es ist schön, ab und zu mal auszuprobieren, wie unsere Vorfahren gearbeitet haben … obwohl wir auch einen Hilti Elektrohammer und eine Elektropumpe hatten. Wir haben gerne am Brunnen gearbeitet, unten war es sehr heiß, sodass das Shirt in wenigen Minuten nass war 🙂Aus Mittelböhmen sende ich Grüße nach Bayern 👍 ✌
These guys are fantastic! Hardworking all focused, great that you finally hit water! Really cool for sharing this great video! The demolition hammer really helped and made the work much easier!
@@stefanogizzler Thank you, the well is only 6 meters deep, I would not go to a depth of more than 8 meters, at greater depths it is necessary to solve the lack of oxygen.
Thank you very much. I'm very glad you liked the documentary about digging a well. It captures what family work looks like with the help of close people and friends.
Thank you so much for sharing this video, because i’m a student at college of engineering department of water resources engineering, that’s easy way to dig a well by human without of using larger equipments, good luck.
Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked the video about digging a well. It is an environmentally friendly way of digging and does not require mechanization. The condition is that the spring of water must be at an available depth, to a depth greater than 8 meters, I would rather not fight in this way, although of course it is not excluded. Good luck.
Great Job! I was glad to understand what you were talking about made this video even better. The girl at the end said what I was thinking. I guess the top will cover. Thanks for Sharing!
Thank you for the compliment. I'm glad you liked the documentary about digging a well. Once upon a time, wells were even built of stone. Only when the rings were invented did this technique begin to be used as in the video. So it depends on when the grandfather built the well. Have a nice day. I am sending greetings to Poland from the Czech Republic :-)
Profíci :) Gratuluji k perfektní práci ! Teď kopu sám studnu ve sklepě a ten štěrkopísek od začátku je prevít , vodu mám až k podlaze .Snad budou stačit 4 metry ...
Děkujeme moc 🙂 ... když se studna rychle doplňuje vodou (do několika hodin na plný stav) tak stačí 1,5 metru vody na běžnou spotřebu... ať se studna podaří 👍
@@danielpospisil1192 Ok 🙂 vypadá to na silný pramen, když bude držet i v létě hladinu 1,5 metru tak je to pro jeden dům dostačující, tady kdysi jeli přes 20 let, na starou studnu, kde bylo v létě 1,3 metry, dva domy a voda začala docházet až v suchém létě 2018, ...kvůli tomu jsme dělali tuhle novou 🙂
Funny comment. "It gets hot down there..." Of course It does. Specially when you work in confined spaces. People have died doing this because they run out of oxigen.
I came across this video while researching about how to construct an open well. I'm buying a piece of farm land and wanted to find out how to dig a well. The attention to detail and planning was phenomenal. Thanks for making and sharing this video! One question - How did you identify a spot for digging the well?
Thank you very much. In softer ground it can be used instead of a jackhammer, a spade and it goes faster. I wish you good luck at work. A local sensitizer searched for water with a willow rod. It was T-shaped and held in both hands. As he began to move his hands, he crossed a spring of groundwater. He also found water for my friends around here. We will mark the place where the spring of water flows and the place where the well will be dug, we have determined ourselves.
If you live in Hill Country Ground water gravitates to lowest spot from higher up. The frozen and unfrozen precipitation sinks to path of least resistance.
@@jamesdeeton4299 does that mean you cannot hope to hit water at a higher plane? The land I'm purchasing is on a sloping/undulating terrain and I have chosen the highest spot to build a farm house. I'd like the well to be next to the house.
Thank you very much, we dug the well in our free time, we enjoyed the work and we wanted the result to be the best possible. We are glad that we managed to build a quality source of drinking water for the house. I send greetings and good luck.
Well Done ! Seriously though, that was very satisfying to watch - a lot of hard work and patience went into it, especially the young lad who did most of the digging.
Hi, thank you very much. This Jawa was originally made in the late 50's. In the early 70's, her uncle converted her to a three-wheeled motorcycle to carry everything around the house. We don't use the motorcycle much anymore, but it helped us a lot when digging the well.
Very nice work! You can enjoy the fruits of your labour every time you turn on a tap :-) 9:00 Does the whole stack of pipe sections just slide down under its weight when you dig out enough soil at the bottom? Do you have to do anything special to make it go down vertically instead of crooked, or does that just take care of itself? 3:39 Good thing you have a good-quality Hilti hammer-drill. I bought a cheap Chinese one and it broke after just a few uses. 2:06 I like your old motorcycle "pickup truck". Too many people throw stuff out just because it's old. Nothing wrong with old equpiment though, as long as you can keep it working. Good luck and prosperity to you!
Thank you very much. We were lucky, there is enough water in the well and it is even of good quality, drinking. The rings should be undermined so that the well was as straight as possible but 100% perpendicular is almost none. :-) Old tools and vehicles can still be put together well. I wish you good luck and success.
@@hrouda7 You're very welcome! Yes, it really is a great achievement to create a well like this! The end result of a lot of work was fantastic! May your day be beautiful and everyone's also in strength, health and peace! I wish you good luck! 👍🍀🇭🇺🌞☝️
Grazie mille, i pozzi sono stati costruiti in questo modo prima. E anche oggi puoi scavare in questo modo quando non hai bisogno di andare in profondità.
🇧🇷 Oh! My. Isso e a mãe da paciência, nunca tinha visto usar furadeira pra terra, só pra metal, madeira e concreto 😁👍👍 Parabéns pro rapaz que trabalha, aqui no Brasil eu não creio que um filho fizesse um buraco desses. 👏👏 Ainda mais se for loiro, não deve nem arrumar a cama que dorme 😁😁
Tak jsem myslel ze takovy mlady kluci ktery takhle umi makat uz neexistujou! Mel jsem u mne v praci par ucedniku. ( autodilna) a nikoho to nebavilo . Muj nazor je ze dobry remeslnik zapar roku bude pan nekdo a lidi ho budou prosit na kolenou.ta jawa je nadherna!
Tolle Arbeit! Ich liebe die Ostblock-Technik (Motorrad). Wie es aussieht, wurde der Brunnenbau familiär genossen! Unglaublich, welche Arbeit sich die ganze Familie gemacht hat! Nicht gut, nicht sehr gut, sondern bombastisch!!! Gratulation!
Vielen Dank. Ich war sehr zufrieden mit einem so schönen Kommentar. Ich bin froh, dass mir das Video gefallen hat. Es war eine Familienveranstaltung, und alle Leute, die zum Beispiel nur für kurze Zeit im Video waren, sind meine Verwandten :-) ... es ist eine Freude, so etwas zu bauen und trotzdem mit engen Leuten zusammen zu sein.
@@hrouda7 Danke für Deine nette Antwort. Ja, es kommt rüber, daß Ihr einen guten Familienzusammenhalt habt. Ich wünsche Euch, daß es so bleibt! Die Arbeit, die Ihr Euch gemacht habt ist wirklich unbeschreiblich und zeigt IHR KÖNNT WAS!
There is an old story of a mule that fell down a well, the villagers tried every way they could to save him but everything failed... the mule cried day and night and the villagers felt bad and fed him but he still cried day and night... after a few weeks they had enough with every rescue attempt failing they decided to end his life by burring him alive, as the dirt poured down bucket by bucket..and the mule not wanting to give up climbed higher and higher until he was free... Thanks for the video.
Jojo, je to drbačka a kór, když je na to potřeba kango na normální zdi a přitom je to "akorát" hlína. Máme štěstí, že studny máme na pozemku 3, celkem 4 ale ta 4 je zasypaná už od "pravěku" , protože je pod sósedovým barákem, pod základama, barák z r. 1840 - 1860. Ty 2 máme z kameňů, stáří odpovídá ulici -> 1850 obě dvě, 5m hluboko a 1,3m na šířku, ta 3. studňa je tak o 100 let mladší, protože je z trámů a pak ze 3 skruží (4m)
This way is safe. Concrete rings in the ground cannot break. There are no gases in the country here. Ventilation must be up to a depth of 8 m. This well is only 6 m deep.
I saw this video last year, I'm already inspired 'well' enough since then..😂 good physical workout. I bet you guys were 2-3X stronger when you completed that well.
Digging a well is hard work, but if it is laid out correctly, even a physically fit person can do it. We are used to physically working, playing sports, going to the gym, so digging a well was not such a problem for us. The worst thing was the great heat that builds up in the well after a few minutes of work. ...Good luck.
ingenious idea with the rings , my grandfather told me that when they were digging a very deep well , when you looked up from the bottom you could see the stars during the day
@John Smith This well is only 5.5 meters deep, so the normal sky can be seen from below, but it is possible that from the deep wells, stars can be seen during the day ....
Klobouček PÁNOVÉ !!!!! Hlavně respekt před mladým klučinou, který se jak je vidno práce nebojí, což se v dnešní době nevidí.
Moc děkujeme 🤗
😂❤😅 ближе к 30 годам, этот парень превратится в инвалида...😢
Massive respect to your family and especially the young lad. Some young people these days don’t know how to address an envelope, and you pass the knowledge of the most essential things from one generation to another. Thank you
Thank you very much, it was a family event of three generations. Everyone needed to attend :-)
Oh... i remember when i was children like this lovely boy we make well same way before 35 years ago... now my father can't with me anymore but i have beautiful memories with him,i miss papa a lot i hope God bless your great family as loooooooooong time.. from s.Korea .
Thank you, we also wish you good luck
May his grace remain with you every moment.
My Dad dug our well in the orchard with his friend this way :) When he did it I wasn't even there yet or too young, and have not seen him accomplish this task myself. But this video finally allowed me to see it. Thank You guys!!
Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked the video and it helped clarify how your dad built the well. Thanks for the nice comment. 🙂
Amazing. There was a day when men were men...clever, ingenious, and not afraid to work hard for their families. Bravo!
Thank you very much. We dug the well three years ago. It was a dry summer and the original old well ran out of water. I am sending greetings from the Czech Republic and I wish you good luck ...
Yup, the men were men and the sheep were scared lol.
@@hrouda7 Thank you. Greetings from the US in Washington State.
@@hrouda7 we salute you for your ingenuity and efforts....great job.
@@cinaoprojects Thank you very much. I also send greetings. We are very happy for the compliment.
Kluci jste borci .... a ten mladej je v dnešní době zázrak. Gratuluji vám k němu.
Díky moc :-)
who would imagine watching someone hand digging a well could be so captivating.
What i would give to have this hard working youngster as a helper around my property in London.
Many thanks for making and sharing this video.
Much respect and good luck to your family.
Thank you very much for the beautiful commentary on the video. I also wish good luck and much success.
@@rashidrao8293 Thank you very much :-)
the boy would certainly thrive here with a work ethic like that... come on over lad!
I just immigrated to england if you need any hard work done i am here
Mladý šikovný borec fakt se vidí dnes míň a míň takových lidí jako jsi ty.Ať se ti daří v životě.
Díky... taky přeju hodně štěstí...
@@hrouda7 Děkuji Ti😉
Dievcata a chlapci pekne ste to urobili. Bola to pekna rodinna praca na ktoru budete vzdy radi spominat. A ze to bola makacka o tom radsej ani nepisem. Cest a slava vsetkym co ste tam boli a vydrzali do konca. Urcite mate stale cerstvu a chutnu vodu na splachovanie slivovice. Srdecna vdaka za video.
Děkujeme za moc hezký komentář... :-) Je to tak, na kopání studny občas vzpomínáme, práce nás bavila a máme dostatek kvalitní vody, takže jsme měli i trochu štěstí protože kvalita vody se moc ovlivnit nedá :-) ...zkrátka všechno vyšlo na jedničku :-)
Подробно, наглядно, без ненужной болтавни, без лишних телодвижений!!!
И вообще, колодец это дело благое.
Радует, что есть в вашей стороне хорошая, работящая молодежь. Значит не всё так в мире плохо. Молодцы! С уважением, из 🇷🇺(рождённый в СССР)
Хороший колодец нужен каждому загородному дому. Здесь у нас есть хорошие условия для его строительства. Мы живем в месте, где достаточна глубина 6 метров и почва, в которой можно копать. У большинства обычных людей все нормально, они могут помочь друг другу, договориться о чем угодно. Политики хотят сверхстандартной жизни, зарабатывать много денег, которые им не обязательно нужны, они хотят чувства значимости и СМИ их в этом поддерживают... Вот откуда берутся плохие вещи, которые мы должны иметь дело с....
@@hrouda7 🤝
@@Сергей-ф6у2щ 🤝
@@hrouda7 👋🙂
@@Сергей-ф6у2щ ✌🙂
Great job by all. Your family should be proud of yourselves for such a fantastic job. May your well always be full and the water cool.
This is the only video of a "real" well being built I can find. Fantastic. Thank you.
Thank you very much. We are very glad that you liked the video about digging a well. The documentary was filmed 3 years ago when we were building a well with our own help...
Pěkná práce, moc chválím a to zvláště v dnešní době. Líbí se mi právě ta ruční práce, ten starý um a ta poctivost, která se dnes již vytratila. Jste pašáci kluci.
Jééé, děkujeme moc :-) Vykopat 5,5 metrovou studnu, po chvilkách, v příznivý zemi, není až taková hrůza. Byla to tak trochu i výzva :-) ...Ze studny máme radost, stabilně je v ní 2 - 2,5 metru vody která obstála i v důkladnějším rozboru...
Dobrá práce borci, posílám velkou pochvalu ! Borec si pěkně mákl ve studni, prostě je frajer ! Tohle v dnešní době tak někdo nedá ...
Děkujeme moc 🤗
Каждый день копаю 500+колодцев
Bravo vredni i dobri ljudi 💪💪💪
Pozdrav iz Srbije!!
Hvala vam puno, srdačno pozdravljam Srbiju iz Češke 🤝✌️👍💪
Cenim mladyho, jak si maknul. Vetsina v jeho věku zevli v parku s cigarem u huby. Typek celkem osvalenej takze těží z práce i benefity 🙂 super video
Děkujeme, kondičku si udržujeme i s činkama a při podobný práci se to celkem hodí :-)
Taktéž hodnotím, mladí jsou dnes většinou zhnilý jak sviňa. Kvalitní vyjímka!!
Díky :-)
Každý doopravdy zhnilý není. Mám15 let, rád pracuji se dřevem, mám své zahradní jezírko, pracuji rád na zahradě, ať je to cokoliv např.: zastřihování stromů sekání zahrady, jak sekačkou, tak křovinořezem. Je to hodně comě baví, jen škola zrovna není oblíbená.
@@michaelklesnil8477 To tě samozřejmě šlechtí a jsi světlá vyjímka. Vidím to kolem sebe, kluk 17 let a když by mu dal člověk do ruky krompáč, tak si ho zasekne do hlavy.
We lived on 2 acres in Oregon, USA and in the early fifties my dad dug one just like this with 4 foot pipe, Down 22 feet (7m). Years later I was 8 or 10, I got the job to go down and clear out sand that had come in it over the years. About 2 ft worth. I learned what "as cold as a well digger's destination". great video
Thank you
Bomba práce kluci, obdivuji takové makáče, sám nejsem lenoch, ale do tohoto se pustit tak to smekám. Děkuji za video 👍
Děkujeme :-) ...není to až taková hrůza, když je dobrá zem a studna není moc hluboká tak se dá za pár dní vykopat.
@@hrouda7 já mám 15 metrů hlubokou studnu
@@Vojtasekd 15 metrů už je docela dost, dole by se měl případně řešit přísun vzduchu...
Totálně zasypaná studna v 50 letech, v půlce hozený betonový překlad a jako špunt obraceně zaražený pařez s kořeny. Našli jsme ji na pozemku náhodou, když pařez sjel cca o metr. Rok práce o víkendech a konec studně byl ve 30 metrech. Studně je bez skruží a světlost cca 80 cm. Pro kloustrofobiky to nebylo, já dole s kramlí a lopatkou, táta nahoře tahal kýble.
Desde España mi mayor felicitación para esa familia y para esos muchachos joven deseo que su mente y sus brazos siempre estén fuertes y que nunca le falte el agua y para el señor mayor que siempre se sienta orgulloso de esos dos muchachos y si son sus hijos que la felicidad de ver ese pozo dar agua nunca falte .
Muchísimas gracias. El video muestra tres generaciones de hombres, abuelo, padre e hijo. Te mando un saludo a España desde la República Checa. Gracias por el muy lindo comentario sobre el video. También le deseamos todo lo mejor y mucha suerte a toda su familia. Todavía hay mucha agua potable en el pozo, el nivel del agua es de 2,5 metros incluso en la estación seca ...
WOW, I have to say that was amazing to watch and those young en don't mind hard work. Thanks for posting this, and wishing you all the best...
Thank you for the compliment. I'm very glad you liked the documentary about digging a well. Young people don't mind hard work :-) I also wish you good luck.
Woo, I can't believe it took me almost a half hour to help dig that well. Holy smokes, just kidding but I did watch the entire episode. Great work by a very persistent family.
Thank you very much. I was very pleased that you liked the documentary about digging a well. Our water dried up in the old well 3 years ago, so we quickly dug a new one and this document was created :-)
I' m watching this video another time, but I still love this. Greetings from your Polish neighbour
Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it. I send my greeting to my neighbor in Poland from the Czech Republic. :-)
I really enjoyed this video. So, all of you found water within 5 meters, what a wonderful land!
We found water within 20 meters. Greetings!
Thank you. I'm sending greetings from the Czech Republic. We also have wells 20 meters deep, whether it is located in the valley or on a hill. We live in a valley :-)
@@hrouda7 Here in Texas the water is at 200 meters down, feels weird that the water is so close to the surface we're you are. Wonder how long it would take to make this kind of well that deep, if possible.
@@andrewpast1959 Hi, we live in a valley and the groundwater level here is at a relatively small depth. The well is 6 meters deep, but already 3.5 meters from the surface, water began to appear in the well. Water from a depth of 200 meters can be pumped using boreholes and a lot of powerful pumps. With this method, as in the video, only shallow wells can be made, the maximum is around 20 meters, with the fact that the air supply to the well must be ensured from a depth of 8 meters.
@@hrouda7 Fantastic work, thank you for sharing. However, in the UK there is a hand dug well (Woodingdean) dug in 1858 to a depth of 390m!! I have no idea how they got oxygen down there, there must have been a mechanism.
@@sroberts605 Thank you very much, the video shows the digging of an ordinary well. Here in the Middle Ages, when castles were built on hills, very deep wells were also created with the help of simple tools. I don't know how they got oxygen to great depths.
Молодцы 🔥🤝🤝
Большое спасибо 🤗🤝👍
klobuk dolu pred vami rodinka, tak to ma byt...krasne video, pekna praca. Prajem, nech studnicka sluzi aj pravnucatam chalana, ktory v nej umorne pracoval. Pozdravujem z Vychodneho Slovenska !
Děkujeme moc 🤗 studna slouží už 5 let, i v období sucha je v ní přes 2 metry pitné vody. Posílám pozdrav na Východní Slovensko... že středních Čech😊 Díky za komentář, ať se daří...
I really love the spirit that is present in this project. Great attention to detail and superb execution! Greetings from Germany
Thank you very much, it was a really relaxed family project with a good result :-) ...I am sending greetings to Germany from the Czech Republic.
Pěkná makačka! Můj děda (se svým otcem, těsně po válce) kdysi kopal 22 m a pak si to zopakoval s mým tátou, když dělali studnu pro náš barák, tam máme 9 m
Pěkná drbačka, ale dobrá zemina, u nás máme jíly a štěrkopísek.
A rada pro ostatní, nikdy nekopat studnu sami a vždy mít připravené lano pro případ okamžité evakuace. Jeden pán, takhle kopal sám a sežraly ho tekuté písky. Docela hnusná smrt. Takže bacha! A taky bacha na metan. Do studní ať už při revizi, nebo při kopání pracovat se svíčkou.
Jinak pěkné dílo!
Děkujeme :-) ...tady se studna kopala celkem dobře, zem byla jakýsi jílovec a posledních 1,5 metru pískovec a hloubka jen 5,5 metru, takže i vzduch ještě v pohodě...
Proč pracovat se svíčkou ?
@@Cicada-df5lq Sviečka v studni sa používa na zistenie prítomného kyslíku ale aj jedovatých plynov ak je v studni bezkyslíkaté prostredie sviečka zhasne, v prípade výskytu metanu dôjde k oživeniu/rozhoreniu intenzity plameňa.
@@Cicada-df5lq - asi aby lepe videl ne ? :-)
@@VratislavZurek jak svíčka zhasne, už je pozdě. Chvíli před tím, než zhasne, kopáč omdlí pro nedostatek kyslíku. Spíš se musí sledovat plamen. Jak se začne zmenšovat, honem ze studny ven. Pokud se zvětšuje a mění zabarvení, taky honem vylézt ze studny. Metan.
I like the idea of the cylinders going down on their own weight, and stopping the earth from falling in.
Very good job. 👏👏👏👍
Thank you very much, ... this technology has been used since the time when the concrete ring was invented, although nowadays only wells of smaller depth are dug by hand..
Awesome. Did one of these here in the USA back in the 1980's. You folks did a great job.
Thank you very much. In the past, even deep wells were dug this way, nowadays it is only worthwhile to dig in this old way if the depth is not very great. We only made a 6 meter deep well. Thanks for the nice comment, good luck.
@@hrouda7 I have done three of these wells. When I came of from the Vietnam war I went into the mountains to live with my wife (48 years we are married). The first two wells were about 30 feet. This current well is 35 feet. The first two were in glacial aluvium and the third one is in solid rock (red basalt). Each well had very good water. I used logs to brace the first one but concrete tile like yours on the other two. Proud of your hard working son. He's a good man.
Toto je těžká frajeřina! Jste borci! :) video se mi moc líbilo
Díky moc :o) ....jsme rádi že se video líbilo, vykopat 6 m studnu v příznivý zemi se při troše štěstí dá zvládnout :o)
@@hrouda7 to určitě dá ale líbí se mi že se dnes taky někdo nebojí vzít nářadí do teplejch a pěkně si máknout! :)
@@rendlovadilna28 Ale jo, tak je to trochu dřina... :o) druhou stranu to byla výzva a budování studny nás celkem i bavilo, ...ještě při tom vzniklo video který trochu baví i lidi :o) studně je 2,5 metru pitný vody, štěstí stálo při nás, všechno vyšlo dobře :o)
It can't be any better than this. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you very much for the recognition and kind comment. Good luck.
Jak jednoduše to vypadá. Přitom je to všechno domyšlené a rukama odpracované. Šikovný!!
Pánové to je nádherná práce....mlaďas je pašák!!!! Jste borci a moc dík za super video!!! Ať se Vám moc moc daří!!!!
Děkujeme moc :o) ...tohle bylo ještě když mlaďas chodil na střední a měl chuť pomáhat, teď je to trochu slabší ale zase bude líp :o) ...taky přejeme ať se daří a vše vychází jak má...
Compliments from England.
Thank you very much, greetings from the Czech Republic.
This project is at the pinnacle of magnificence, and you've mastered it well.
Thank you very much :-)
@@hrouda7 Thank you, brother.
Good job hard work and determination and teamwork and at the end water for the family I enjoyed watching this video thanks for posting
Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked the documentary about digging a well...
I did the same here in Thailand all by myself, the Thais was running away after they learned the soil is to sandy, they usually digging first about 10m BEFORE they do any concrete rings in :/ i would NEVER go inside without the rings saving the soil from coming down
Good job, good you had help
Thank you :-)
@@gallopingg1 thats the way they are working here, up to 17m was the deepest i see so far without any rings, just with a fan down there for have better air :/
Absolutely crazy...ok, the soil is hard like concrete in dry season...BUT you never know!
I am former plumber, i know what i do
@@gallopingg1 Thank you :-)
Nice... yes..ofcourse helpful
Teda kluci...klobouk dolů.... skvělá práce 👏😉
Děkujeme moc 🙂 ...byla to taková kombinace, v původní studně došla v suchém roce 2018 voda, tak jsme zkusili vykopat novou o něco hlubší, docela nás to i bavilo, a dobře to dopadlo, vody je stabilně 2 - 2,5 metru, je pitná... takže líp to dopadnout ani nemohlo 🙂
Dobrá, poctivá a tvrdá práce. Pěkné...
I really enjoyed watching your family dig that well . You should be so proud to have them help.
Thank you, I am very glad that you liked the document about digging a well. The video workers are 3 generations of family ... son, father and grandpa + sometimes other relatives ... it was hard work but we enjoyed it, I like to remember and the water from the well is very good :-)
hrouda7 I wondered how good the water was . Here it contains minerals and tastes bad .
I can see all your family work very well together. So good to see .
@@Wheelabarraback The water was analyzed in a water laboratory for 13 drinking parameters and all of them were normal. Taste is also fine and minerals are normal.
That’s good to hear . How long can you pump from it before it runs low ?
@@WheelabarrabackIt has never happened that all the water has run out ... in the well is 2.5 meters of water. When digging when we had to drain the water in the morning, it took about 2 hours.
Finally decided they didn’t want to go deaf. Cool process, but I think I’d try to gear up a bit wider chisel for that thing, or at least have two to switch between, depending on the step you’re on. It’s crazy how consistent that ground is, compared to where I live! Great job!
The ground could also be loosened even with a narrower chisel. Thank you for the compliment.
Krásná práce a to video máš fakt výborně natočený a sestříhaný 👍✌️👍
Díky moc 🙂 ...snažili jsme se kopat na pohodu, nelámat rekordy 🙂 někdy třeba i jen odpo po práci 0,5 metřík místo sportování na kole 🙂 + se občas někdo staví, tak pokecáš mezi prací a nějak to moc nehrotíš 🙂 ... zkrátka není to jako když doma něco předěláváš za provozu a chceš to mít co nejdřív hotový 🙂a na videu je i trochu vidět ta atmosféra... 🙂 Ať se Ti daří, díky za komentář 👍😉✌
Jj práce má hlavně těšit a na pohodu je to nejlepší a navíc to víc odsejpa, já studnu už měl hotovou na pozemku , ale stejně jsem se rád podíval ,měj se 👍👍👍
@@lukaskalousek4901 Je to tak, doma když to trochu jde tak se snažím dělat tak aby mě to bavilo a práce byla spíš aktivní odpočinek... Tady je ještě stará studna ze které braly vodu dva domy, jenže když bylo ve 2018 hodně suchý léto tak přestávala stačit a bylo potřeba vykopat novou...
Wow , your home is a paradise , very beautiful 👍
Thank you very much 🤗
Dafür hätte ich mein ganzes Leben gebraucht. 👍🏻 Grüße aus Buntland
Vielen Dank. Es braucht nicht viel Zeit, um unter günstigen Bedingungen einen flacheren Brunnen zu graben. Ich sende Grüße nach Buntland aus der Tschechischen Republik. 🙂
Excellent video, good work... and the boy... he gives me hope for humanity...he is actually working... only once he checked the phone...
Thank you. The boy is not exceptional. He also spends a lot of time with the phone :-)
Neuvěřitelný výkon... Jste borci!
Děkujeme :o)
Mistrz, lubię ludzi z pasją i pojęciem na temat tego co robić, pozdrawiam z Polski.
Dziękuję bardzo, bardzo się cieszę, że spodobał Ci się film o kopaniu studni, pozdrawiam z Czech.
Могу выкопать в Польше или Чехии, может нужно кому
Meine Hochachtung und Respekt! Einen Brunnen per Hand zu graben ist sehr harte Arbeit! Beim Graben des Brunnens fällt mir die Zeichentrickfigur des kleinen Maulwurf ein, der in einem Film in der Wüste auch einen Brunnen freigeschaufelt hatte! Selbst die Schaufel zum Erdaushub erinnert mich an meine Lieblingsfigur aus Kinderzeiten! Herzliche Grüße aus dem Bayrischen Wald und allseits viel Freude am neuen Brunnen!👍😊
Vielen Dank für die Anerkennung. Wir hatten günstige Bedingungen, um einen Brunnen zu graben. Guter Ton und günstige Tiefe. Es ist schön, ab und zu mal auszuprobieren, wie unsere Vorfahren gearbeitet haben … obwohl wir auch einen Hilti Elektrohammer und eine Elektropumpe hatten. Wir haben gerne am Brunnen gearbeitet, unten war es sehr heiß, sodass das Shirt in wenigen Minuten nass war 🙂Aus Mittelböhmen sende ich Grüße nach Bayern 👍 ✌
Inspiring content on UA-cam. Real action. Real skill. Real purpose. Quality tools!
Thank you, that's right, the video shows a real digging of a well.
@@nugzaratugriashvili8 yyyyyyy :-)
@@hrouda7 pppppppppppp} PLL pppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
@@frantisekcaslavsky306 ? :-)
Krásná práce chlapi !!!!
Děkujeme :-)
These guys are fantastic! Hardworking all focused, great that you finally hit water! Really cool for sharing this great video! The demolition hammer really helped and made the work much easier!
Thank you very much, I'm very glad that you liked the documentary about digging a well ...
@@hrouda7 really cool! What is the deepest you can go?? Can you get a 20" screw auger bucket??
@@stefanogizzler Thank you, the well is only 6 meters deep, I would not go to a depth of more than 8 meters, at greater depths it is necessary to solve the lack of oxygen.
Mlady špecialisti mama z tatu možu byt hrdy taky nezabludia v dnešnom šialenom svete ( PALEC👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍)
Děkujeme moc 🙂👍🤝✌️
Ребята дай Бог вам здоровья за ваш труд.
To musela být neskutečná makačka👍👍👍
Tak jako dřina to trochu je 🙂 ale když se práce rozumně rozvrhne tak se to dá 😉💪díky za komentář 👍ať se daří
Wow! Great job. I don't know you, but I'm proud of your work ethic. Thanks for sharing the video.
Thank you very much. I'm very glad you liked the documentary about digging a well. It captures what family work looks like with the help of close people and friends.
Thank you so much for sharing this video, because i’m a student at college of engineering department of water resources engineering, that’s easy way to dig a well by human without of using larger equipments, good luck.
Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked the video about digging a well. It is an environmentally friendly way of digging and does not require mechanization. The condition is that the spring of water must be at an available depth, to a depth greater than 8 meters, I would rather not fight in this way, although of course it is not excluded. Good luck.
Legend has it he’s still digging and past 350ft now. Well done guys, especially the young’uns down the hole
:-) Thank you very much :-)
Parádní práce pánové, hlavně ten mladej, klobouk dolů, čest tvojí práci.
@@oldrichkane7886 Děkujeme moc 🤗 ...jsem moc rád že se video líbilo, díky za komentář 👍
Молодцы... настоящая работа настоящих мужчин.úctu jak respekt
большое тебе спасибо
Chlapi,k tomu není co dodat,snad jen:smekám před váma.
Děkujeme moc :o)
Great Job! I was glad to understand what you were talking about made this video even better. The girl at the end said what I was thinking. I guess the top will cover. Thanks for Sharing!
Thank you :-)
Well done to all of you, I really enjoyed watching your video, thank you very much...
Thank you very much, I am very pleased that you liked the documentary about digging a well.
Super video. Je vidět, že mladýho učí táta k práci... V dnešní době se to jen tak nevidí.
Děkujeme moc 👍🤝✌️🙂
Really cool project!
Thank you very much 🤗
That's some back breaking labor right there! Great job!
Thank you very much 🙂
Piękna dziura :) Podziwiam, dużo pracy, a na dole mało tlenu... Ale woda jest zdarma. Parada!
Dziękuję :-)
Mam taką, 45 kręgów z 1936 roku, ktoś się napracował :) woda do dziasiaj jak ze źródełka :)
Na dole zimno i zimna woda w chuj. Byłem na dnie to wiem.😉
I watched every minute of this video. Absolutely loved it, I wish I can do this soon.
Thank you. I wish you much success at work.
Thanks for sharing, now I understand how my grandfather did it, minus the power tools. Respect from Polska 🇵🇱 ✊
Thank you for the compliment. I'm glad you liked the documentary about digging a well. Once upon a time, wells were even built of stone. Only when the rings were invented did this technique begin to be used as in the video. So it depends on when the grandfather built the well. Have a nice day. I am sending greetings to Poland from the Czech Republic :-)
Profíci :) Gratuluji k perfektní práci ! Teď kopu sám studnu ve sklepě a ten štěrkopísek od začátku je prevít , vodu mám až k podlaze .Snad budou stačit 4 metry ...
Děkujeme moc 🙂 ... když se studna rychle doplňuje vodou (do několika hodin na plný stav) tak stačí 1,5 metru vody na běžnou spotřebu... ať se studna podaří 👍
@@hrouda7 díky za radu , voda se doplní po odčerpání asi za půl hoďky a to jsem v metru 😊
@@danielpospisil1192 Ok 🙂 vypadá to na silný pramen, když bude držet i v létě hladinu 1,5 metru tak je to pro jeden dům dostačující, tady kdysi jeli přes 20 let, na starou studnu, kde bylo v létě 1,3 metry, dva domy a voda začala docházet až v suchém létě 2018, ...kvůli tomu jsme dělali tuhle novou 🙂
Gets hot when your down there working. Great job. Done similar here. Best bit of kit was that bike you have. Awesome.
Thank you very much. That's right, after a few minutes of work, it's so hot down in the well that the shirt sweats :-)
Funny comment. "It gets hot down there..." Of course It does. Specially when you work in confined spaces. People have died doing this because they run out of oxigen.
@@danielzunigagutierrez6300 yep bud. Never work alone when doing this stuff..
I came across this video while researching about how to construct an open well. I'm buying a piece of farm land and wanted to find out how to dig a well. The attention to detail and planning was phenomenal. Thanks for making and sharing this video! One question - How did you identify a spot for digging the well?
Thank you very much. In softer ground it can be used instead of a jackhammer, a spade and it goes faster. I wish you good luck at work. A local sensitizer searched for water with a willow rod. It was T-shaped and held in both hands. As he began to move his hands, he crossed a spring of groundwater. He also found water for my friends around here. We will mark the place where the spring of water flows and the place where the well will be dug, we have determined ourselves.
If you live in Hill Country Ground water gravitates to lowest spot from higher up. The frozen and unfrozen precipitation sinks to path of least resistance.
@@jamesdeeton4299 does that mean you cannot hope to hit water at a higher plane? The land I'm purchasing is on a sloping/undulating terrain and I have chosen the highest spot to build a farm house. I'd like the well to be next to the house.
@@jamesdeeton4299 That's right, every groundwater was initially surface that soaked into the ground.
@@realjackofall sounds like alot of digging
Impressive indeed. Looks safe to dig this way. Thanks for the share
Thank you very much. Digging a well this way is safe.
Neuveriteľné ..že vidím mladého chalana takto makať 👍👍👍👍
Děkujeme 😊 ...už je to 6 let, teď mu je 24 ...a pořád pomáhá 😊✌👍
@@hrouda7 to sa žiaľ už teraz ani nevidí...gratulujem vám😃👍👍
@@jaroslavpecik1444 díky moc 🤗
Молодцы 👍
Those boys are awesome, love their spirit..❤
Thank you very much. Good luck.
great respect for the enormous amount of work, I admire your calmness and determination, best regards
Thank you very much, we dug the well in our free time, we enjoyed the work and we wanted the result to be the best possible. We are glad that we managed to build a quality source of drinking water for the house. I send greetings and good luck.
Parla italiano...?
@@ralphferrazsilva7224 Não, eu só estive de férias na Itália uma vez, foi há 20 anos ...
Well Done ! Seriously though, that was very satisfying to watch - a lot of hard work and patience went into it, especially the young lad who did most of the digging.
Thank you very much, we are glad that you liked the video about digging a well.
Congratulations on a job very well done. Those young men deserve lots of respect for sticking to their job.
Thank you very much for your appreciation and for your very kind comment. Good luck.
Love the bike of the most demanding bike of 70s... beautiful video ❤️👍🏼😊
Hi, thank you very much. This Jawa was originally made in the late 50's. In the early 70's, her uncle converted her to a three-wheeled motorcycle to carry everything around the house. We don't use the motorcycle much anymore, but it helped us a lot when digging the well.
@@hrouda7 yaa this motorcycle will be having lots of yung memories of your uncle and your family...may same gud memories carry on🙏🏼👍🏼😊
Very nice work! You can enjoy the fruits of your labour every time you turn on a tap :-) 9:00 Does the whole stack of pipe sections just slide down under its weight when you dig out enough soil at the bottom? Do you have to do anything special to make it go down vertically instead of crooked, or does that just take care of itself? 3:39 Good thing you have a good-quality Hilti hammer-drill. I bought a cheap Chinese one and it broke after just a few uses. 2:06 I like your old motorcycle "pickup truck". Too many people throw stuff out just because it's old. Nothing wrong with old equpiment though, as long as you can keep it working. Good luck and prosperity to you!
Thank you very much. We were lucky, there is enough water in the well and it is even of good quality, drinking. The rings should be undermined so that the well was as straight as possible but 100% perpendicular is almost none. :-) Old tools and vehicles can still be put together well. I wish you good luck and success.
Amazing .my respect for this family and his work
Thank you very much for the recognition, I really like my family.
Thank you very much, sending greetings from the Czech Republic. :-)
Super! Thanks you so much for sharing! Good day!
Thank you very much. I am very glad that you liked the video about digging a well. Good luck.
You're very welcome! Yes, it really is a great achievement to create a well like this! The end result of a lot of work was fantastic! May your day be beautiful and everyone's also in strength, health and peace! I wish you good luck!
@@wenepzoli Once again, thank you very much. I also wish you good health and happiness. Have a nice day.
Thank you very much too! I wish you good luck!
fantastico, non avevo mai visto costruire un pozzo a mano, avete avuto una manualita incredibile, davvero perfetta!
Grazie mille, i pozzi sono stati costruiti in questo modo prima. E anche oggi puoi scavare in questo modo quando non hai bisogno di andare in profondità.
🇧🇷 Oh! My. Isso e a mãe da paciência, nunca tinha visto usar furadeira pra terra, só pra metal, madeira e concreto 😁👍👍 Parabéns pro rapaz que trabalha, aqui no Brasil eu não creio que um filho fizesse um buraco desses. 👏👏 Ainda mais se for loiro, não deve nem arrumar a cama que dorme 😁😁
Muito obrigado Envio uma saudação ao Brasil da República Tcheca. (Europa) :-)
Tak jsem myslel ze takovy mlady kluci ktery takhle umi makat uz neexistujou! Mel jsem u mne v praci par ucedniku. ( autodilna) a nikoho to nebavilo . Muj nazor je ze dobry remeslnik zapar roku bude pan nekdo a lidi ho budou prosit na kolenou.ta jawa je nadherna!
Jeste jsem zapomnel dodat ze mam 2.5 l syna a ten me obcas pomaha. Umi zasroubovat srouby do kola na aute. Je hrozne sikovnej a pracovitej.
Děkujeme :-)
Bravo, svaka Vam čast momci! :)
Hvala. Također želim sreću. :-)
Grandfather looking at his grandson like, you are a man! Teaching the youth!
It is so in the well worked three generations of men. Grandfather, father and son: o) ... thanks for the nice comment.
Tolle Arbeit! Ich liebe die Ostblock-Technik (Motorrad). Wie es aussieht, wurde der Brunnenbau familiär genossen! Unglaublich, welche Arbeit sich die ganze Familie gemacht hat! Nicht gut, nicht sehr gut, sondern bombastisch!!! Gratulation!
Vielen Dank. Ich war sehr zufrieden mit einem so schönen Kommentar. Ich bin froh, dass mir das Video gefallen hat. Es war eine Familienveranstaltung, und alle Leute, die zum Beispiel nur für kurze Zeit im Video waren, sind meine Verwandten :-) ... es ist eine Freude, so etwas zu bauen und trotzdem mit engen Leuten zusammen zu sein.
@@hrouda7 Danke für Deine nette Antwort. Ja, es kommt rüber, daß Ihr einen guten Familienzusammenhalt habt. Ich wünsche Euch, daß es so bleibt! Die Arbeit, die Ihr Euch gemacht habt ist wirklich unbeschreiblich und zeigt IHR KÖNNT WAS!
Vraiment du très bon travail, félicitations pour ce puits.
Merci beaucoup. Je vous souhaite un beau Noël.
There is an old story of a mule that fell down a well, the villagers tried every way they could to save him but everything failed... the mule cried day and night and the villagers felt bad and fed him but he still cried day and night... after a few weeks they had enough with every rescue attempt failing they decided to end his life by burring him alive, as the dirt poured down bucket by bucket..and the mule not wanting to give up climbed higher and higher until he was free... Thanks for the video.
Thank you, very nice story.
nechápu proč tu davají lidi dislajky sami by ani pulka z nich nezvladla tak skvěle odvedenou praci
Díky 🙂 ...skoro u všech videí na UA-cam jsou kromě palců nahoru i palce dolů🙂 ale je dobrý když převládají ty nahoru, když ne tak je něco špatně 🙂👍✌️
Skvělá práce i video Díky
Díky :-)
شكرا بالتوفيق والنجاح والمزيد من
شكرا جزيلا لكم ، كما أتمنى لكم حظا سعيدا
Ta kejvačka to je brutalita 😁 jinak perfektní video..
Díky :-) ...kejvačku předělával kdysi strýc, cca 1971, v tý době se podobný stroje doma vyráběly :-)
@@hrouda7 my jí máme taky, děda jí předělával někdy v roce 92
Ok, dříve se vyráběly různý prostředky na přepravu všeho možnýho :-)
Jojo, je to drbačka a kór, když je na to potřeba kango na normální zdi a přitom je to "akorát" hlína.
Máme štěstí, že studny máme na pozemku 3, celkem 4 ale ta 4 je zasypaná už od "pravěku" , protože je pod sósedovým barákem, pod základama, barák z r. 1840 - 1860. Ty 2 máme z kameňů, stáří odpovídá ulici -> 1850 obě dvě, 5m hluboko a 1,3m na šířku, ta 3. studňa je tak o 100 let mladší, protože je z trámů a pak ze 3 skruží (4m)
Theres a safe way that can be done them concrete rings should have steel stapes also as you dig you need air ventilation incase of gass etc
This way is safe. Concrete rings in the ground cannot break. There are no gases in the country here. Ventilation must be up to a depth of 8 m. This well is only 6 m deep.
@@hrouda7 6m i see makes sense, i was talking 15 20 meters
OK :-)
I saw this video last year, I'm already inspired 'well' enough since then..😂 good physical workout. I bet you guys were 2-3X stronger when you completed that well.
Digging a well is hard work, but if it is laid out correctly, even a physically fit person can do it. We are used to physically working, playing sports, going to the gym, so digging a well was not such a problem for us. The worst thing was the great heat that builds up in the well after a few minutes of work. ...Good luck.
Very well done, super clean work.👍
Thank you very much 🤗👍🤝✌
ingenious idea with the rings , my grandfather told me that when they were digging a very deep well , when you looked up from the bottom you could see the stars during the day
Thank you, it is possible, once upon a time they dug by hand even very deep wells.
@John Smith This well is only 5.5 meters deep, so the normal sky can be seen from below, but it is possible that from the deep wells, stars can be seen during the day ....
@John Smith I really don't know, I have no experience with this phenomenon.
@@hrouda7 The only "star" that would be easily seen is Venus - and that planet is fairly easy when not close to the Sun.
@@buggsy5 It is possible, but none of us noticed this phenomenon at work, next time we will focus on it.