Spending, sovereign debt, "debates"

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • also check me out on / peterschiff and / peterschiff


  • @ChancetheCanine
    @ChancetheCanine 14 років тому

    Peter, thanks for going on Phil Grande's show, he like yourself have been doing a great job of calling what's been going on over the last 4 years. Look forward to hearing you there again. Thank s again!

  • @longtrader546
    @longtrader546 14 років тому

    Peter Just had one of the best closing remarks I ever heard in any debate tonight. I dont live in CT, but if i did he would get my vote!

  • @davincij15
    @davincij15 14 років тому

    I can listen to this guy all day! Peter is the man!
    But then again for me he is man tell the truth when I lived with lies all my life, thus he is like water fall to a man living in desert all his life.

  • @mjhonsun
    @mjhonsun 14 років тому

    Thanks! I just found it and was about to post it too! I really appreciate it.

  • @hellavadeal
    @hellavadeal 14 років тому

    They are buying thing to prepare for the SHTF .

  • @yushaos
    @yushaos 14 років тому

    Peter Schiff for senate!

  • @pntrain5
    @pntrain5 14 років тому

    Yeah, I leaving my engineering job to enter the entertainment biz... yippee I'm a clown, look at me.

  • @IWashMyOwnBrain
    @IWashMyOwnBrain 14 років тому

    as long as there is tarp money....freddie ,fannie and aig will find reasons to get some more......As far as the dollar is concerned...the fed is making all the right moves....yes creditors are nervous in europe....that is why money is flowing into the US market ,gold and dollar.....regardless of whether the economy is recovering or not....

  • @DSBac
    @DSBac 14 років тому

    Am I the only person unable to view this video? I keep seeing the message "An error occured, please try again later" -- all other videos are working...

  • @HysteriaDLX
    @HysteriaDLX 14 років тому

    Does anyone know if this debate will be available to see for those of us who don't live in Connecticut? I would love to see it!

  • @IWashMyOwnBrain
    @IWashMyOwnBrain 14 років тому

    I think the dollar and gold can both go up together now ....since the fed signaled they will not allow inflation....gold will get new buyers from europ and asia fleeing their markets but not wanting the dollar or U S stocks...the IMF is willing to sell it to the non beleivers....

  • @lastpoet1
    @lastpoet1 14 років тому

    sorry i was in a rush was doin a lot of stuff at the time i was listin to this

  • @cbr6864
    @cbr6864 14 років тому

    a lot of people are spending because of the ship is sinking anyways idea. if you know your going to lose everything why not max out the CCs on the way out?

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 років тому

    she's spending 50 million - Peter can't even come close to that - nor would he anyway
    and Kentucky is not Connecticut

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 років тому

    and using it to write off taxes - it's not that much
    oh and you're paying for it

  • @Talodus
    @Talodus 14 років тому

    @cjh7111 just looked at the debate poll...internets, I am proud of you! :)

  • @elieakaMrextreme
    @elieakaMrextreme 14 років тому

    were is the debate video

  • @borisbmx
    @borisbmx 14 років тому

    another 10 minutes of yikkity yaka.

  • @Dubsackjack
    @Dubsackjack 14 років тому

    233 ratings and 304 views, gratz on being censored my friend. Now you can be sure of the validity of your message.

  • @Ellipsis10
    @Ellipsis10 14 років тому

    refresh the page

  • @rich232399
    @rich232399 14 років тому

    304 views 293 ratings 5 stars

  • @pcuimac
    @pcuimac 14 років тому

    Peter is wrong on education. What America needs desperately is EDUCATION!
    You Americans esp. Tea Party members need more education on natural sciences. (climate change deniers, evolution deniers etc.)
    I am with Peter on much of his economics talk but here he fails. If the GOP makes Palin (CREATIONIST) a candidate America will go down the drain. She is even worse than Ronald Reagan.
    wkr from europe.

  • @LJLDispatch
    @LJLDispatch 14 років тому

    Is it me or does Peter Schiff sound like a fucking broken record? LMAO

  • @YumClubChannel
    @YumClubChannel 14 років тому

    Peter is the man ,, I have a new movie thaT JUST came out ,,Hope Peter will approve it for video respond.Thanks

  • @LisaMurphy
    @LisaMurphy 14 років тому

    Peter their jaws are going to drop when they get a load of what you have to say!
    I can't wait to see this!

  • @freedom4kaz
    @freedom4kaz 14 років тому

    Hey Pete, My cuz is buying a home and he's getting a sub-prime loan!! Like a dummy he's gonig to mortgage 110% of his house. I told him he will regret that because the market will never turn around. He's going to lose his butt!!

  • @ytgv3fc7
    @ytgv3fc7 14 років тому

    @drummer4life534 You've never seen socialism before, most Americans look at fascism and call it socialism. When a group of people keep helping each other with equally high priority than individual benefits (capitalism) that's socialism. When all the wealth goes to just one person, organization & their buddies, that's not socialism. Never has been or can be. Ever. Corporate-middlemen makes that action become de facto Mussolini Fascism as per his blueprints.

  • @elboertjie
    @elboertjie 14 років тому

    If someone who has never seen Peter before hear his views might think that Peter is a nutter, because his views are so far from the average viewpoint.
    If, however, that same person sees Peter and hear him refer to his previous accurate predictions, that person is more likely to investigate Peter's previous predictions, claims and viewpoints.
    So, by reminding folk of his success, he is not only increasing the chances of his arguments to be heard, but making it more serious in time.

  • @DirtyVegas7
    @DirtyVegas7 14 років тому

    I love you Pete...but but Linda won that debate buddy but you did do very well and that didn't surprise me. Some of your responses seemed to long and drawn out.
    You must remember Peter most people in this country are short and narrow minded and you have to keep those answers short and sweet.
    But I wish you well in the race. NICE POST I enjoyed it as usual.

  • @ytgv3fc7
    @ytgv3fc7 14 років тому

    @nmreich By favouring business over people, this causes poverty in most situations (not all) so more people are encouraged to be unhelpful, to use their skills to help those who are equally poor, rather than be in a larger innovative capitalistic market.

  • @boylebongo
    @boylebongo 14 років тому

    1:11 I hope that by this you're not implying that Americans alone are at fault for purchasing homes they could not afford. I think that is a half-truth. The other half is that this was enabled due to the technicalities of banking/government relationships.

  • @HowToChangeTheWorld
    @HowToChangeTheWorld 14 років тому

    @SupraSovereign Have faith in the future of man. There is no money other then commodity money! Commercial paper ain’t shit, it’s just paper. I’d prefer a pile of manure as opposed to fancy bank notes issued by slave trafficking banks. It’s funny, slaves are one of the oldest forms of currency.
    Self-governance requires that we all be reasonable and have knowledge of agriculture, law and traffic. I believe these are the three pillars of civilization.

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 років тому

    I want to remind people that in rural areas of China workers make about $750 a year - no running water no electricity & that's only 2 hours from Beijing. In the urban area it's $2500 a year - No health care no labor or pollution protections - if you get busted for bad business you're executed
    Even if you are a CEO in China you live in a crappy cheaply built house owned by the state as well as your car & clothes. Most of the buildings you saw during the Olympics are empty - it's all show!

  • @jokertim777
    @jokertim777 14 років тому

    It's easy to believe that Americans have been irresponsible if you listen to the MSM, but have they? To say that they have would imply that a majority of them, or at least a significant percentage are in financial difficulty.
    If 8 out of 10 Americans aren't in financial difficulty with their housing, auto, and credit cards, wouldn't you need to qualify that statement with, "a small minority of" or "a few irresponsible?"
    My research shows its just not true.

  • @HowToChangeTheWorld
    @HowToChangeTheWorld 14 років тому

    @britishjohn04 Saving bank notes only causes those interest bearing contracts to perpetuate the outstanding debt. Money (commercial paper) is made to be spent. If you want to hold capital, do so with commodities that are easy to traffic in the future. WATER is a great commodity, and talk about liquidity, everybody needs water.

  • @MisterKeitel
    @MisterKeitel 14 років тому

    Good Luck Peter. I'm actually more of a progressive, but I like listening to you. It's frightening to think that you might be right. We're in uncharted waters and I don't know what way events will unfold. If all goes as you predict, maybe we'll be forced to do the right thing. But maybe even then people will refuse to see.

  • @freedomride
    @freedomride 14 років тому

    Peter, steer the answers to the stale questions into ways of politely refuting your opponents' indulgences in economic fallacy.
    Launch a "Schiff Spring Break" campaign, like YAL is doing for Rand.
    Good luck, Peter! Can't wait to see the video of the debate. You will no doubt devastate them with your wit and veracity.

  • @lvecsey
    @lvecsey 14 років тому

    Peter, having a job to go to is one thing but think how much harder it is to have a set of jobs people are actually happy with!
    We live in a highly technical age and yet the tasks assigned are fairly brain dead, to put it lightly. The entire system needs a rethink.

  • @MikePresents2
    @MikePresents2 14 років тому

    Try opting out of the society known as the corporation called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Get back to being an american. I'm tired of corporations trying to allocate their debt to me in order to improve their credit.

  • @residentzombie
    @residentzombie 14 років тому

    Like Peter says: If a teacher hands out Pixie Sticks and soda pop to a group of kindergardeners and the teachers leaves the room, but when the teachers comes back and the students destroyed the place, who do you blame?

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 років тому

    all the big companies take credit for your donation
    your ignorance on how business works today is stiffing - it's true and you prove it - a sucker born every minute - enjoy your new inflation tax

  • @whereispg
    @whereispg 14 років тому

    Peter thanks for your videos..You dont have to do them. But you choose to. Very well appreciated. Thank your dad for me while your at it..Very sad his situation but somehow very interesting...thanks again

  • @girard1973
    @girard1973 14 років тому

    Ok, I believe you. Now what do individuals do. Save (yes), stop buying crap (yes). But what about our homes, should we dump them? Saving money seems useless if inflation is going to eat it up.

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 років тому

    you are nuts
    how can you even separate people and business?
    they need each other.
    What we have in the US, outside the ignorance of your comment, is a mental disorder called greed.

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 років тому

    what we need is to take it all from the wealthy crooks - spread it around - give everyone the basics and THEN have a fair shake
    until justice is done we are slaves

  • @Frumibandersnatch
    @Frumibandersnatch 14 років тому

    I've heard it said that we are "Buying stuff that we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't like" I sorta like that phrase, it captures it well.

  • @colliegirl27
    @colliegirl27 14 років тому

    Boylebongo, Peter has often commented on the banking/government follies. As you say both are to blame.
    Encouraging that some people can see the wood for the trees.

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 років тому

    he never really stands up against Wall Street and only mentions Government Sachs in passing
    he favors business over people - Least Ron Paul take exception

  • @Talodus
    @Talodus 14 років тому

    By the way, McMahon's people are trying to run up the debate poll on the Courant, what do you say we give them a run for their money and keep Peter at the top? :)

  • @RAMKING61
    @RAMKING61 14 років тому

    It's utterly outrageous that Barney 'The Mumbling Pig' Frank STILL has a powerful position...instead of being in prison(or a trough) where he belongs.

  • @lovethepirk
    @lovethepirk 14 років тому

    Peter won the debate by 30% points last night according to a Conn poll
    Yes sir!!!!!!!!!!

  • @IWashMyOwnBrain
    @IWashMyOwnBrain 14 років тому

    The fed signaling they would stop inflation is a game changer for me....seems like europe is whats on fire at the moment.....

  • @TMartinus
    @TMartinus 14 років тому

    Peter, You need to change the battery in the clock above your right shoulder, it never moves in this 10 min. Vlog!!!!

  • @sabrinacle
    @sabrinacle 14 років тому

    @MrRuigni I was having the same problem with the last three he has posted. Wonder if he is getting cyber attacked

  • @nmreich
    @nmreich 14 років тому

    What we need is SOUND MONEY.
    Give us SOUND MONEY and soon enough all of their gold will be in our pockets.

  • @fiapop
    @fiapop 14 років тому

    he had 1 min intervals.. and somewhat specific questions.
    at least he mentions it in his video logs every week.

  • @Talodus
    @Talodus 14 років тому

    Go to the Courant and vote for Peter Schiff in the debates if you think he won, which I certainly did.

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 років тому

    I want states to secede
    1. Peters not going to win
    2. even is he did, it's too late to change dc

  • @elboertjie
    @elboertjie 14 років тому

    What do you mean by 'self-centred'?
    Isn't he simply arguing his view?

  • @cankorgbr
    @cankorgbr 14 років тому

    go vote for Peter Shiff's performance in his debate this evening at courant (dot) com!!

  • @cankorgbr
    @cankorgbr 14 років тому

    go vote for Peter Shiff's performance in his debate this evening at courant (dot) com!!

  • @fiapop
    @fiapop 14 років тому

    lol still, it should be second nature to put in some commas.. some periods... hehe

  • @MRSketch09
    @MRSketch09 14 років тому

    I'll be glad when you have some actual great news to pass along to us. : )

  • @NovusChaoMundi
    @NovusChaoMundi 14 років тому

    If I could find work? I could afford my house, but thats not the case anymore.

  • @mikef8080
    @mikef8080 14 років тому

    robertmike57,... just curious who you think would make a good US senator?

  • @mjhonsun
    @mjhonsun 14 років тому

    Anyone have a URL to the live stream of the CT GOP Senate debate please?

  • @otakudojo
    @otakudojo 14 років тому

    YAY Capitalism and the Free Market.
    Thanks Peter! You give me hope.

  • @_gptbot
    @_gptbot 14 років тому

    @HysteriaDLX it will be available online at courant com/news/politics/

  • @curtatlanta
    @curtatlanta 14 років тому

    Good luck tonite, take no prisoners, you're gonna do great!

  • @BobbyW3363
    @BobbyW3363 14 років тому

    "An error occurred. Please try again later." Why can't I watch it?

  • @fiapop
    @fiapop 14 років тому

    @lastpoet1 use punctuation next time. hard to read when you don't.

  • @monageasmear
    @monageasmear 14 років тому

    hey folks go the courant websight and vote for peter schiff please

  • @mbdint
    @mbdint 13 років тому

    Peter Schiff for President!
    Everything he says makes sense.

  • @EdgeNicx
    @EdgeNicx 14 років тому

    The NOK is expected to stay stronger than silver and gold?

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 років тому

    if only that were true - guess who is now buying it up?

  • @lisajason111
    @lisajason111 14 років тому

    Peter tell us when to sell gold if you become a senator

  • @undekegamisou
    @undekegamisou 14 років тому

    thank god for
    peter schiff

  • @vinny1010
    @vinny1010 14 років тому

    @serfdomthwart - Haha, HELL YEAH!!

  • @IWashMyOwnBrain
    @IWashMyOwnBrain 14 років тому

    Not if you can print more money........

  • @_gptbot
    @_gptbot 14 років тому

    Debate is here: ctnow com/news/senate/

  • @credible2
    @credible2 14 років тому

    the closing on your debate was epic!

  • @siasina
    @siasina 14 років тому

    Thank you!! Peter is kicking ass!!

  • @dontdispie
    @dontdispie 14 років тому

    good luck Peter, kick their asses!

  • @snarbywrx
    @snarbywrx 14 років тому

    Good luck Peter! Your fan in NY!

  • @vivaloriflamme
    @vivaloriflamme 14 років тому

    @pcuimac Palin is not electable.

  • @IWashMyOwnBrain
    @IWashMyOwnBrain 14 років тому

    Paranoia will distroy ya.....

  • @RyRyVids
    @RyRyVids 14 років тому

    Best of luck to you Peter.

  • @TheLegalImmigrant05
    @TheLegalImmigrant05 14 років тому

    Good luck tonight

  • @siasina
    @siasina 14 років тому

    What time is the debate?

  • @elieakaMrextreme
    @elieakaMrextreme 14 років тому

    אתה & אבא שלך להשראה שלי

  • @Jozobrindie
    @Jozobrindie 14 років тому

    Peter 4 president

  • @mja2035
    @mja2035 14 років тому

    Pete's the man!

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 років тому

    secede then

  • @rumco
    @rumco 14 років тому

    Godspeed! :)

  • @forestloves
    @forestloves 14 років тому

    Me too! :O

  • @robertmike57
    @robertmike57 14 років тому

    Alan Grayson

  • @McDohnuts
    @McDohnuts 14 років тому

    Thx Pete.
    And good luck on your runnning for the kandidate seat.