Barakallah fik sheikh. I saw this problem just before 2020, but I was just used watch his videos before, he was charismatic funny but angry towards general muslim scholars of islam so I had surprised that level of arrogance for a muslim person. Then saw while talked some Ayats/hadith also about Isa AS some thing related at that point I said hung on what! Then end of it also this so called eastern church righious thing is ediologocal/political charged thing, not on faith sense in my view. So what wound you say those exposed to his teaching or watched so far? I m fine alhamdulllah I know the basics atleast . People should be warned earlier those who qualified. Thank you sheikh.
Coz you don't study the Qur'an/recite it on the right way ...keep on following the donkeys who mislead many people by chopping the Qur'an into pieces which our beloved Nabi Muhammed S.A.W and His companion never did
Let me remind you a basic phrase in Islam “only Allah is the judge” and you’re thinking of yourself as a rightful judge so first of all that doesn’t qualify you to know the basic. But to say you’re right to judge maybe before concluding he’s anger towards Islamic scholars is “arrogance” you should’ve asked yourself what really causes one to get angery… I know that’s not arrogance that’s more likely getting tired of people like yourself. Unjust to people and unjust to allah and his teachings
@@hich4155bro i almost completed reading his 2 books ,what he says in it is that gog and magog are released but hadith says they will only get released after the descent of Hz.Isa A.S....he even says that the last 4-5 Sultans of Ottoman empire were also the people of Gog And Magog....Even Saddam Hussain,Imran khan of Pak and many more.Can u explain this?
I Met him. I sat in on one of his week long study groups. It was intense and very educational. I’m a convert from Catholicism. I don’t think you re correct about him.
When a Muslim says something that we don't agree with as Muslims, we don't call his name on public nor do we tell people to boycott him, we debate with him and we correct him by preaching what is right and it for people to judge and Allah is our witness and all knowing
@@shumylaahmed4879for real, these people just jump to takfir like they always do, just jasads without minds to think for themselves Look at the materialistic wahabis in Saudi Arabia, how they easily strayed away from Allah as soon as some policies were changed
You cannot correct that imam on the understanding of the crucifixion He has it correct and you Muslims have it wrong. Jesus was crucified. He died(biologically) and resurrected…
Brother you all are happy in keeping the Ummah divided for your own benefits. I dare you all to call for a Boycott against any rich Arab or a mamber from the royal family who doesn't practice Islam.You will not do so.
Imran Hosein is the most knowledgeable Sheikh on explaining present day events by Quran and sunnah I have found that youngs who are seeking real knowledge are following him more and more now. We are fed up Deobondy and Berelvy things who are only eating HALWA AND GOING TO SLEEP.
I want to tell you to gain more information about your religion and the history of jurisprudence before you enclose islam as "Deobandi, Brelvi, Others" because that's really not the case, that's not how islam is split up, that's the current theological landscape in india. And it would not be so if Imam al shaafi' entered india before he died, He wanted to go to egypt, iraq, hejaz, al-hind, and he went everywhere except al hind.. His last words were him regretting not going there, It's allah's will. Allah kills whomever he wills, and if allah had let the imam enter india you would not be in this corrupted situation where your only options are "DEOBANDI" "BRALVI", Which are infact, just 2 deviant sects that ascribe to islam, Open your eyes and look at your history, look at the amazing theological literature that was in dar-ul-islam.. look at the imams and the madahib and the fiqh.. My brother, follow Islam how Allah wants you to follow it, How the prophet (alyh al salat wal salam) ordered us to follow it.. Do not be of the ones that follow their desires, They read the verses of Allah and they do not have any knowledge of it neither do they reflect upon it, actually they just say a meaning and they WISH for this meaning to be true, they are merely assuming. Brother, be a Sunni.. read the books of imam al nawawi.. shaykhul islam ibn taymiyah.. ibn qudamah, ibn rajab, ibn al-qayyim, ibn kathir, abu muhammad jafar al atabari.. shaykhulislam al ansari.. abu hanifa, malik, shaafi, ahmad, ibn khuzaymah.. Learn islam from the scholars of darul islam.. Don't learn it from indian and pakistani corrupters, no insult to the wonderful and beautiful subcontinent, for it is true that MANY scholars were from khurusan, it is not the nationality that matters! much respect from Egypt, but if you really want the full picture you need to open your horizons and return to the place where it was sent from, and to an earlier, more pure time. And thus We have made you a median [i.e., just] community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you. 2:143
You have to be a jahil to think Imean Hosein is knowledgable. Why do you think he comments on political and modern things, it is because he does not have understanding of Islam to talk about Quran
It is you people who are lost in their takfir and their stubborn minds Typical wahabi being materialistic and just a jasad without minds to think for yourselves
Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein is the beacon of light. He is the disciple of the great Sufi Poet Dr. Muhammad Iqbal. We use Iqbal's poetry as a sword to cut the throats of all sectarian movements that emerged as the greatest tests and trials of the Anti-Christ. Sheikh is the only scholar who describes the Anti-Christ more perfectly than anyone else. Where is your comment regarding this universal military dictatorship, killing and slaughter? What are the reasons behind this slaughter of mankind? Do you have heart in your chest? View people in the light of the last ten verses of Surah al-Kahaf of the Quan. You will see those who have eyes yet cannot see and those who have ears yet they cannot hear.
Please give us Daleel & examples of Sheik Imran Hussein? Him being enraged which is all you mentioned about him in this video this does not make him a Kaffir, may Allah swt guide you & guide me, ameen
Absolutely brother couldn’t agree more, we respect the sheikh but he cant simply say stop listening sheikh Imran hossein unless you have a reason andbdaleel
Don't listen to these fake Wahabis. They are disbelievers, they lie all the time and they are supporters of ISIS. ISIS are backed by Israel and they support them secretly. Who the hell he thinks he is calling this scholar a KAFIR!? Maybe he's acting one.
Who are you to label him can you say such a word to can say kafir to a man who said la Ila ha illallah muhammadur rasullah...YOU ARE A FOOL...MAY ALLAH GUIDE U
@@rosenbaumquartz nothing makes sense in islam,nothing,lol,a 7th century fairy tale written bu muhammad,lol,why do you pray to muhammad,lmfaoyour so dum
Brother stop spreading false information! You could not even debate with Sheikh Israr in a reasonable manner..totally unprofessional from you. Sheikh Imran is very knowledge person and I enjoy his videos. May Allah (swt) guide us all to the right path.
@@BONZITORONTO Have I missed something? Have I missed something- Where this pious looking 👀 scholar or costumed scholar type that has alerted the Muslim Ummah by his or their Condemnation of the SILENCE 🤫 of the so called Muslim leaders of the so called Muslim countries whose number is close to 2 BILLION - With Allah Granted Total wealth second to none in the whole wide world 🌍? Silence 🤫 against the oppression n injustice committed against the Ummah. Has this scholar n his ilk recorded something - ANYTHING condemning the Genocide n rape in Gaza and The Holy Land ? - The rape of Iraq? -The Annihilation of Libya? -The Killing of close to a million Muslim Children by sanctions ? -The Destruction n Looting the wealth of Lebanon? - The Destruction of Millions of Muslim Lives and Livelihood around the globe? - The Condemnation of the Terrorist head choppers like DAESH n AlQaeda? - The Oppression, Corruption and annulment of Justice in the so called Muslim Lands? - Make a stand against Zionists and their enforcers? - The Condemnation of Usage of Usury, Adultery, Sodomy, and the lack of religiosity of Muslims? - The action in Saudi Arabia to roll back practice of Islam in the land by Bin Salman aka Abu Jahl II? Please anyone give me the links 🔗 where this SCHOLAR or ANY like scholar type makes a stand against the above injustices perpetrated against Allah swt, His Prophet pbuh n Thw Prophet of Allah swt's pbuh Ummah! It's in times like these that we must remind ourselves of the warning ‼️ about the latter day scholar types? For clearly listed above are some of the ailments of The Muslim Ummah. And the Silence of the so called Scholars is deafening. Tell me where is the rallying call ☎️ to wake up the ummah from the crime of Abandoning Allah swt and His Deen! - These last century n half? At the end of it all; as PINK FLOYD put it they are just other bricks 🧱 on the wall! May I add - a crooked wall. May this be counted as my reminder to me first and us all - that it's time for us to renew our Shahada reflect deeply and live our Shahadah. To Grab the rope of Allah! May Allah Allah Guide n Give us Strength in this effort each of us be a mirror 🪞 to the other.
You do not have to agree on all political points with sheikh Hosein. But his interpretation and understanding of Islam, Qur'an and hadiths in regards to prophecies IS unprecedented. Muslims who question things he says are blinded and often people who have been oppressed long enough to be incapable to think without a government-appointed imam to tell them how to think. Once you free yourself of the government shackles and start thinking for yourself, then you will understand what sheikh Hosein is saying.
Boycotting isn't the way of reason. Let people listen, and come to their own conclusions. Shiek Imran is justifying his ideas based on evidence and logic, why should we listen to you blindly and boycott him ?
@@masesero2150 Google is a great option!! 👍 For the definitions of these words, just Google them !!! 👍👍👍👍 can't might work for you!! For me , where there's will , there's way!!! 👍🙏
@@Nestln̈nnestle333 - we are living in the age of deception. Things are often NOT what they appeared to be from the outside. Look how they forced all of Kuwait to take the fake medicine - and now millions are suffering. Allah knows best. Surah Anfaal verse 22. The most evil of all creatures in the sight of Allah are those who are deaf and dumb and refuse to use their AQL! (reasoning). Allah did not give reasoning to Animals. Imagine your husband / wife / mother / father saying "you are the most evil" - you would be heart broken! Now imagine Allah says this? Yaaa Arhamar Raahimeen!
He is another hater....At least we know what Sheik Imran Hussain is offering but I am still trying to recoup the 2 minutes wasted listening to his beard😂😂😂😂
Please mention that Masjid Name if you are a real deal Muslim. So we can Boycott that Masjid. I've learned so much from Imran Husein that none of those so called Daral Uloom could convines me. Think about it. The conversion of Cathedral in Turkey. Mr. Husein was the only one that said it was disgraceful to convert someone else's cathedral to Musjid. All other that I respected all this time failed miserably - like Dr. Zakir Naik who was also had no issue converting Cathedral into Masjid.
If you would've done that in front of me. I assure you, you would not have made this video. Can you please mention your address and which Masjid are you from?
How dare you stop him from Masjid? Shame on those who invited him originally and now "back-out on him" SHAME SHAME SHAME. I wish you mentioned the Masjid name so I can stop going there starting now. I may or may not agree for what Sheikh Imran Hussein is saying but shutting him down and convene other to boycott him is very specious. You are acting like a DAJAAL WORRIER against Sheikh Imran Hussein.
Nobody needs to Boycott him or not host him in fear of his opinions. Imran Hosein is a very well versed scholar and he has the right to present his arguments. Its up to us to listen or not
Like everyone that hates on the shiekh say the samething, a whole lot of nothing. They never have the courage to talk about his lectures on RIBA or anything
Please don’t speak for me when you say “ummah “ Isn’t gossiping or namima haram? Do you think people are stupid? We don’t know who is speaking truth or falsehood? You know most people can think critically and will know who is telling the truth and who is lying. Me personally I don’t like people to tell me what to do , I m an adult and I can think for myself.
If you say that he is a kafir. Then you will have to answer on judgment day. You have no knowledge which is close to his. He has many books. Read at least one. And you may change for better. May Allah guide you. Assalam aleykum
Growing beard and wearing kanzu does not give you authority to call someone kufr because you differ with their opinion ! ! you are transgressing!!! May Allah guide you Brother!
O bus ker !! Comment through Quran , Hadith or logic. At least he gives a perspective through Quran and Hadith. It’s ok to differ from him.. but calling him kafir… Indeed you appear to be one calling others kafir…
What kufr? When you suggest such allegations, your obligation is to provide proof. Till then your words are nothing but nonsense. Accept the last words in the video...
He can’t have a debate with him … Cheikh Imran always called for debates with this kind of person and I’ve never seen anyone challenging him with proofs.
Sheikh Imran hossain is a great scholar, a deep thinker , he has his own views which is perfectly fine in Islam .. The main reasons majority people label him it’s because he speaks out on Saudi kingdom 💰
I still gonna heard Sheikh Imran hoseein rather than you Who are you Are you brave to talks about monetery system , or about inflation Or about riba from central bank So all of your doing is, scam
Im no a follower of anyone. But it does make you question HARD that once this Quran comment controversy came out somehow at the same time this “alleged” wife is spreading a smear campaign about his private doings as well. Something does not seem right about all this. Im not buying it yet.
Now I can see the truth of Shk Imran Hussain....indeed if you're not being fighted because of your imaan then there's nothing wrong wrong with your imaan
Imran hosein is the most genuine and the most learned scholar of the 21st century. I dont even know u. But i am boycotting you after your first video. You are doing kufr by forcing others to boycott someone who has done his research by using Quran-The Holy Book of Allah.
stop backbiting your brother...if you have differences talk it out in a beautiful way...and dont you call a believer in Allah and his Nabi ( salla lahu alaihi wasalam) a Kufar...that is for Allah to decide...shame on you brother!. May you be guided..
وَٱلَّذِینَ جَاۤءُو مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِمۡ یَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا ٱغۡفِرۡ لَنَا وَلِإِخۡوَ ٰنِنَا ٱلَّذِینَ سَبَقُونَا بِٱلۡإِیمَـٰنِ وَلَا تَجۡعَلۡ فِی قُلُوبِنَا غِلࣰّا لِّلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ رَبَّنَاۤ إِنَّكَ رَءُوفࣱ رَّحِیمٌ﴿ ١٠ ﴾ ۞ أَلَمۡ تَرَ إِلَى ٱلَّذِینَ نَافَقُوا۟ یَقُولُونَ لِإِخۡوَ ٰنِهِمُ ٱلَّذِینَ كَفَرُوا۟ مِنۡ أَهۡلِ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبِ لَىِٕنۡ أُخۡرِجۡتُمۡ لَنَخۡرُجَنَّ مَعَكُمۡ وَلَا نُطِیعُ فِیكُمۡ أَحَدًا أَبَدࣰا وَإِن قُوتِلۡتُمۡ لَنَنصُرَنَّكُمۡ وَٱللَّهُ یَشۡهَدُ إِنَّهُمۡ لَكَـٰذِبُونَ﴿ ١١ ﴾ • Sahih International: And [there is a share for] those who come after them, saying, Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts [any] resentment toward those who have believed. Our Lord, indeed You are Kind and Merciful. Have you not considered those who practice hypocrisy, saying to their brothers [i.e., associates] who have disbelieved among the People of the Scripture, If you are expelled, we will surely leave with you, and we will not obey, in regard to you, anyone - ever; and if you are fought, we will surely aid you. But Allāh testifies that they are liars. Al-Ḥashr, Ayah 10 - Al-Ḥashr, Ayah 11
I see a lot of sheikh imran defending him. I dont want to comment much, you wont believe me anyway. but try to search on youtube or google videos about the sheikhs points disputed by the scholars, compare and make your own judgment. I know the sheikh has been repeating that mainstream scholars are schoolboys and whatnot, but be fair and listen to both sides. Fyi, almost all of the scholars dispute the views of the sheikh and its almost impossible to find a scholar that agrees with him. Of course you will say, “use your brain and think”. I would reply do you wven have enough knowledge to confirm what the sheikh saying is the truth? Besides, what are the chances that all the scholars in the world are wrong and only the sheikh is right?
quand on appele les gens a ne pas ecouter une personne ou a se mefier d une prrsonne comme le cheikh imran hosein alors qu il dit plusieurs fois lui meme pour ce qui le critique "de ramener leur preuve qu il dit faux mais au final personne n a encore oser l affronter.
Imran hossien is followed by millions and he is much more educated then you and you follower ever could be. His influence is much more powerful then yours. People go towards the truth and that’s why they go towards him. There’s a reason why you following is weak.
Fighting is de wrong terminolgy......nowadays it's EXPOSED or REFUTED.....dats how dez so called molanas n channels earn der bread n butter.....look one can easily make out if some one is genuinely tryin 2 correct somebody or doing it 2 ruin his name or criticising him/her outa grudge....
I suggest someone should do proper research on Imran Hosein and expose his believes with logics...with the reference from Quran and Hadith. He has several believes that are contradictory to Islam. He is now powerful fitnah. Please encounter him. May Allah bless you.
He is only our ray of hope..what are u doing some good work rather than raising fingers at others....plz plz high time....get ur self straight...and unite and fight for the right cause
No facts given or any rational reasoning for the accusations!!! Only a rant !! Why not share ur restaurant conversation with the sheikh !!!! Just hooooo haaaaaa
So, on what subjects do you not agree with him? Accusing him of blasphemy on what bases? You are asking people who enjoy using their brains to boycott a person for what reasons? Instead of using debatable subjects to your listeners that enlightened you to your conclusion of boycotting Imran, you just simply ask everyone to do the same just because you say “alhamdolellah” with your beard? Without telling us exactly why should we obey you? I apologize for this comment.. but i gave away minutes of my life waiting for a shocking evidence and i was disappointed.
Imran Hussein is in Derby this weekend by the way 21/22 May 2022...some years ago watching Imran Hussein was something different as he mostly spoke about Dajjal, secret societies, and current events taking place in the Muslim world, (Akhir ul Zaman )...his interpretation of prophecies from the Hadiths taking place, he stated that there were very few scholars who specializesd in this field.. and he was one of them..but what has happened to him ??...I suppose old age has caught up with him...
He said nothing revolutionary. Anyone who understands how politics and economy work can make such predictions. The issue is that muslims lack knowledge and that’s why they fall prey to misguided individuals.
Actually its de haters more den his age.....coz u see no hater of him ever says may 'allah give him hidaya' or 'did he say actually say dat' etc ....some how dey all seem to b well trained or carry some kinda grudge against de sheikh.....
What I know about Islam is that it is haram to call a fellow Muslim a kufar. They can be a munafiq and you can call them that, but not kufar. I can’t take this video seriously when you call a Muslim a kufar. Educate yourself brother.
Can you explain what specifically Shiek Imran Hossien did to deserve your boycott? Is he known for spreading misinformation? Remember, you need to substantiate your accusations as you hold no significance in Shiek's life.
And what basis you are asking people to boycott?? Where is your words and thoughts and why he should be boycotted?? And since when do we boycott? Did our Prophet Muhammad boycott ibn salool or asked people to boycott him??
you haven't said what ideologies he's spreading , second his videos barely has any views , what millions of people , its the main stream scholars we should be more afraid of , they say what people want to hear not what they need to hear, I also disagree with some of the things he says but I agree with other things, he never said that he knows anything, he wants people to come to their own conclusions, while other scholars are still in denial that the world powers are serving Dajjal , he's preparing people , so where is the deviance in this ?
Why misleading Muslim Ummah to boycott a great scholar as Sheikh Imran Nazar Hossein. If you have problem with what he teaches then teach your own in a better perspective that is more superior to his. In the sight of Almighty Allah, it's more kufr and detestable to call another person kafir. Only Almighty Allah judge and you can't take Allah's position on that, whoever follows your appeal has committed a sacrilege punishable by Almighty Allah.
Iv been saying imran hossain has misguided views since 2006, when I first heard him. But now he has taken to another level with the kufr, of changing actual quran verses( not interpretation but actual words that has been preserved to us
Quran has different diacritics(Qirat). The words don’t change, only the pronunciation. That’s the beauty. Meaning also doesn’t change completely, you derive “related”meanings. Lastly inh is just saying be careful and critical on diacritics should be in their appropriate respected translation. Apply the correct application (meaning/definition) for the different ways of reciting. Don’t make a mistake, I.e saying malik is owner, and melik is master. When flipped around they are correct. Allah knows best!
@@zehravesile Bcoz a scholars across different schools of thought have refuted him ..Do u keep ur eyez shut. A muslim doesnt have association with a particular scholar ,rather he associates with the truth . Stop defending this man ,bcox u like listening to his bedtime dystopian stories.
Barakallah fik sheikh. I saw this problem just before 2020, but I was just used watch his videos before, he was charismatic funny but angry towards general muslim scholars of islam so I had surprised that level of arrogance for a muslim person. Then saw while talked some Ayats/hadith also about Isa AS some thing related at that point I said hung on what! Then end of it also this so called eastern church righious thing is ediologocal/political charged thing, not on faith sense in my view. So what wound you say those exposed to his teaching or watched so far? I m fine alhamdulllah I know the basics atleast . People should be warned earlier those who qualified. Thank you sheikh.
Coz you don't study the Qur'an/recite it on the right way ...keep on following the donkeys who mislead many people by chopping the Qur'an into pieces which our beloved Nabi Muhammed S.A.W and His companion never did
Let me remind you a basic phrase in Islam “only Allah is the judge” and you’re thinking of yourself as a rightful judge so first of all that doesn’t qualify you to know the basic. But to say you’re right to judge maybe before concluding he’s anger towards Islamic scholars is “arrogance” you should’ve asked yourself what really causes one to get angery… I know that’s not arrogance that’s more likely getting tired of people like yourself. Unjust to people and unjust to allah and his teachings
Read his books to understand him.. not videos
@@hich4155bro i almost completed reading his 2 books ,what he says in it is that gog and magog are released but hadith says they will only get released after the descent of Hz.Isa A.S....he even says that the last 4-5 Sultans of Ottoman empire were also the people of Gog And Magog....Even Saddam Hussain,Imran khan of Pak and many more.Can u explain this?
I Met him. I sat in on one of his week long study groups. It was intense and very educational. I’m a convert from Catholicism. I don’t think you re correct about him.
When a Muslim says something that we don't agree with as Muslims, we don't call his name on public nor do we tell people to boycott him, we debate with him and we correct him by preaching what is right and it for people to judge and Allah is our witness and all knowing
he didn't mention here once what simple questions he asked him..if that isn't shady asf
This man is not st all qualified to even debate with sheikh imran.
@@shumylaahmed4879for real, these people just jump to takfir like they always do, just jasads without minds to think for themselves
Look at the materialistic wahabis in Saudi Arabia, how they easily strayed away from Allah as soon as some policies were changed
@@shumylaahmed4879 thank you
You cannot correct that imam on the understanding of the crucifixion
He has it correct and you Muslims have it wrong.
Jesus was crucified. He died(biologically) and resurrected…
Brother you all are happy in keeping the Ummah divided for your own benefits.
I dare you all to call for a Boycott against any rich Arab or a mamber from the royal family who doesn't practice Islam.You will not do so.
بالضبط 👌
Imran Hosein is the most knowledgeable Sheikh on explaining present day events by Quran and sunnah I have found that youngs who are seeking real knowledge are following him more and more now. We are fed up Deobondy and Berelvy things who are only eating HALWA AND GOING TO SLEEP.
I want to tell you to gain more information about your religion and the history of jurisprudence before you enclose islam as "Deobandi, Brelvi, Others" because that's really not the case, that's not how islam is split up, that's the current theological landscape in india. And it would not be so if Imam al shaafi' entered india before he died, He wanted to go to egypt, iraq, hejaz, al-hind, and he went everywhere except al hind.. His last words were him regretting not going there, It's allah's will. Allah kills whomever he wills, and if allah had let the imam enter india you would not be in this corrupted situation where your only options are "DEOBANDI" "BRALVI", Which are infact, just 2 deviant sects that ascribe to islam, Open your eyes and look at your history, look at the amazing theological literature that was in dar-ul-islam.. look at the imams and the madahib and the fiqh.. My brother, follow Islam how Allah wants you to follow it, How the prophet (alyh al salat wal salam) ordered us to follow it.. Do not be of the ones that follow their desires, They read the verses of Allah and they do not have any knowledge of it neither do they reflect upon it, actually they just say a meaning and they WISH for this meaning to be true, they are merely assuming.
Brother, be a Sunni.. read the books of imam al nawawi.. shaykhul islam ibn taymiyah.. ibn qudamah, ibn rajab, ibn al-qayyim, ibn kathir, abu muhammad jafar al atabari.. shaykhulislam al ansari.. abu hanifa, malik, shaafi, ahmad, ibn khuzaymah.. Learn islam from the scholars of darul islam.. Don't learn it from indian and pakistani corrupters, no insult to the wonderful and beautiful subcontinent, for it is true that MANY scholars were from khurusan, it is not the nationality that matters! much respect from Egypt, but if you really want the full picture you need to open your horizons and return to the place where it was sent from, and to an earlier, more pure time.
And thus We have made you a median [i.e., just] community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you. 2:143
U kids are lost
You have to be a jahil to think Imean Hosein is knowledgable. Why do you think he comments on political and modern things, it is because he does not have understanding of Islam to talk about Quran
It is you people who are lost in their takfir and their stubborn minds
Typical wahabi being materialistic and just a jasad without minds to think for yourselves
Well Said bro...
Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein is the beacon of light. He is the disciple of the great Sufi Poet Dr. Muhammad Iqbal. We use Iqbal's poetry as a sword to cut the throats of all sectarian movements that emerged as the greatest tests and trials of the Anti-Christ. Sheikh is the only scholar who describes the Anti-Christ more perfectly than anyone else. Where is your comment regarding this universal military dictatorship, killing and slaughter? What are the reasons behind this slaughter of mankind? Do you have heart in your chest? View people in the light of the last ten verses of Surah al-Kahaf of the Quan. You will see those who have eyes yet cannot see and those who have ears yet they cannot hear.
Allama Iqbal wasnt Sufi Poet firstly He was a Very Big man But not sufi
Please give us Daleel & examples of Sheik Imran Hussein? Him being enraged which is all you mentioned about him in this video this does not make him a Kaffir, may Allah swt guide you & guide me, ameen
Absolutely brother couldn’t agree more, we respect the sheikh but he cant simply say stop listening sheikh Imran hossein unless you have a reason andbdaleel
Well brother the wahhabi followers consider every kaffir if he/she did not follow them ...shaik imran is the Top shaik on earth
No matter how many time they bark , no one willl believe them
@@abdirisakjama2409 he said jesus died on the cross,he told the truth,allah never saved him,jesus died as he was to for our sins
@@donhue4546He never said Jesus died.
True Faces of wahabi is already known by muslim world..
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 wahbi is a garbage
Waabi school boy
Just woke up...and didnt know ive been blind following the wahhabu
Don't listen to these fake Wahabis. They are disbelievers, they lie all the time and they are supporters of ISIS. ISIS are backed by Israel and they support them secretly. Who the hell he thinks he is calling this scholar a KAFIR!? Maybe he's acting one.
Who are you to label him can you say such a word to can say kafir to a man who said la Ila ha illallah muhammadur rasullah...YOU ARE A FOOL...MAY ALLAH GUIDE U
May Allah bless Imran hosseyn forever
Amen Yaaarab ,i like n follow shaik imran hossein may Allah swt bless him 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
@@Nestln̈nnestle333 hes a good muslim who said jesus died on the cross,lord jesus will take him unto him in heaven...
@@donhue4546duh you dummy he never said that
@@donhue4546 I love Christian fanaticism in believing in such fairy-tales ❤
@@rosenbaumquartz nothing makes sense in islam,nothing,lol,a 7th century fairy tale written bu muhammad,lol,why do you pray to muhammad,lmfaoyour so dum
Brother stop spreading false information! You could not even debate with Sheikh Israr in a reasonable manner..totally unprofessional from you. Sheikh Imran is very knowledge person and I enjoy his videos. May Allah (swt) guide us all to the right path.
You don't have to listen to this false information. It's simpler for you to carry on living in ignorance. Kind regards
He is Stupid young boy
Imran hosein is better than you I know you are suffering from loneliness of the life you wanna be under light to recognize by other
@@abdiblake8096 who said I’m better than Imran Hosein? Think loneliness has got to you..May Allah guide you away from a loneliness life..
You're just being a pain bro
Who are you brother to state a kuffr against a person like him
Must be a Madhkhali
We love Shk and we pray to Allah to grant him more life and to blessed his students with the knowledge
This video creator has peanuts in his brain😂
@@BONZITORONTO Have I missed something?
Have I missed something- Where this pious looking 👀 scholar or costumed scholar type that has alerted the Muslim Ummah by his or their Condemnation of the SILENCE 🤫 of the so called Muslim leaders of the so called Muslim countries whose number is close to 2 BILLION - With Allah Granted Total wealth second to none in the whole wide world 🌍? Silence 🤫 against the oppression n injustice committed against the Ummah.
Has this scholar n his ilk recorded something - ANYTHING condemning the Genocide n rape in Gaza and The Holy Land ?
- The rape of Iraq?
-The Annihilation of Libya?
-The Killing of close to a million Muslim Children by sanctions ?
-The Destruction n Looting the wealth of Lebanon?
- The Destruction of Millions of Muslim Lives and Livelihood around the globe?
- The Condemnation of the Terrorist head choppers like DAESH n AlQaeda?
- The Oppression, Corruption and annulment of Justice in the so called Muslim Lands?
- Make a stand against Zionists and their enforcers?
- The Condemnation of Usage of Usury, Adultery, Sodomy, and the lack of religiosity of Muslims?
- The action in Saudi Arabia to roll back practice of Islam in the land by Bin Salman aka Abu Jahl II?
Please anyone give me the links 🔗 where this SCHOLAR or ANY like scholar type makes a stand against the above injustices perpetrated against Allah swt, His Prophet pbuh n Thw Prophet of Allah swt's pbuh Ummah!
It's in times like these that we must remind ourselves of the warning ‼️ about the latter day scholar types?
For clearly listed above are some of the ailments of The Muslim Ummah. And the Silence of the so called Scholars is deafening.
Tell me where is the rallying call ☎️ to wake up the ummah from the crime of Abandoning Allah swt and His Deen! - These last century n half?
At the end of it all; as PINK FLOYD put it they are just other bricks 🧱 on the wall! May I add - a crooked wall.
May this be counted as my reminder to me first and us all - that it's time for us to renew our Shahada reflect deeply and live our Shahadah. To Grab the rope of Allah!
May Allah Allah Guide n Give us Strength in this effort each of us be a mirror 🪞 to the other.
I disagree... its more likely to be empty , peanuts is too much for him
Cousin marriage
You do not have to agree on all political points with sheikh Hosein. But his interpretation and understanding of Islam, Qur'an and hadiths in regards to prophecies IS unprecedented. Muslims who question things he says are blinded and often people who have been oppressed long enough to be incapable to think without a government-appointed imam to tell them how to think. Once you free yourself of the government shackles and start thinking for yourself, then you will understand what sheikh Hosein is saying.
You are not on same league as legendary sk imran Hossein .!!
i feel as if shaitaan has made this video! sheikh imran is one of the best muslim scholars we have alhamdulillah today!
Bro u will be lifted with them whom you praise don't you fear Allah
This guy has huge problems in aqeedah
watch yourself @@yahyaalmehdar8199
He supports china genocide of Uyghurs. Are you mad.
💯 aggree @mdibrahimkhan1638
Boycotting isn't the way of reason. Let people listen, and come to their own conclusions. Shiek Imran is justifying his ideas based on evidence and logic, why should we listen to you blindly and boycott him ?
God bless Mr Sheikh Imran Hosein!!!! He is a absolutely wonderful Godly Gentleman and a joy to listen too!!!! 🙏🙏🙏
Godly? are Muslim? You can't say Godly about a human.
@@masesero2150 Google is a great option!! 👍 For the definitions of these words, just Google them !!! 👍👍👍👍 can't might work for you!! For me , where there's will , there's way!!! 👍🙏
On what Basis do you accuse the Sheikh Imran Hussain 😂
on the basis of Hawaa (air of desires)
@@tayebntamam1625Ah wallah you are correct ,,he did not follow their wahhabi path that is why they hated him
@@Nestln̈nnestle333 - we are living in the age of deception. Things are often NOT what they appeared to be from the outside. Look how they forced all of Kuwait to take the fake medicine - and now millions are suffering. Allah knows best. Surah Anfaal verse 22. The most evil of all creatures in the sight of Allah are those who are deaf and dumb and refuse to use their AQL! (reasoning). Allah did not give reasoning to Animals. Imagine your husband / wife / mother / father saying "you are the most evil" - you would be heart broken! Now imagine Allah says this? Yaaa Arhamar Raahimeen!
@@Nestln̈nnestle333Allah literally said in multiple ayahs that Isa (aleyhi selam) was not killed nor crucified, but imran hosein still talks
He is another hater....At least we know what Sheik Imran Hussain is offering but I am still trying to recoup the 2 minutes wasted listening to his beard😂😂😂😂
you have to be a wahabi to boycott sheikh imran hosein full stop i think you got my message .
Imran Hussein is the real scholar in this era
Please mention that Masjid Name if you are a real deal Muslim. So we can Boycott that Masjid. I've learned so much from Imran Husein that none of those so called Daral Uloom could convines me. Think about it. The conversion of Cathedral in Turkey. Mr. Husein was the only one that said it was disgraceful to convert someone else's cathedral to Musjid.
All other that I respected all this time failed miserably - like Dr. Zakir Naik who was also had no issue converting Cathedral into Masjid.
New World Order
If you would've done that in front of me. I assure you, you would not have made this video. Can you please mention your address and which Masjid are you from?
What will you say on judgement day to Allah if you find out his on the right path? Cuz you just say his kufr but you don’t bring any proof
Every time i want to lugh i watch this video 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
How dare you stop him from Masjid? Shame on those who invited him originally and now "back-out on him" SHAME SHAME SHAME. I wish you mentioned the Masjid name so I can stop going there starting now. I may or may not agree for what Sheikh Imran Hussein is saying but shutting him down and convene other to boycott him is very specious.
You are acting like a DAJAAL WORRIER against Sheikh Imran Hussein.
Nobody needs to Boycott him or not host him in fear of his opinions. Imran Hosein is a very well versed scholar and he has the right to present his arguments. Its up to us to listen or not
Please specify the reason of your appeal clearly
Like everyone that hates on the shiekh say the samething, a whole lot of nothing. They never have the courage to talk about his lectures on RIBA or anything
Please don’t speak for me when you say “ummah “
Isn’t gossiping or namima haram?
Do you think people are stupid? We don’t know who is speaking truth or falsehood? You know most people can think critically and will know who is telling the truth and who is lying.
Me personally I don’t like people to tell me what to do , I m an adult and I can think for myself.
The Most Blessed Teacher of my life.
Blessed Sheikh Imran Hussain ❤❤
Allah bless Sheikh Imran Hossein
If you say that he is a kafir. Then you will have to answer on judgment day. You have no knowledge which is close to his. He has many books. Read at least one. And you may change for better. May Allah guide you. Assalam aleykum
Imran hosseyn is a true scholar of God guiding prople on the right path. All those rejecting him are wahabi and chiit. You belong to their group
Cheikh imran hussein est très bien comme théologien... c est vous qu il faut boycotter
What? Bradford? Which restaurant I wish I met him
Growing beard and wearing kanzu does not give you authority to call someone kufr because you differ with their opinion ! !
you are transgressing!!!
May Allah guide you Brother!
May Allah bless shiekh imran hussain with gud health and more knowldge ameen ameen ameen...❤❤❤
That is what is called perspective. Be careful when calling other people infidels.
Could you please give reasons instead of slandering the person randomly,??? Why was he enraged?
What did u ask? Did u record it...
People will listen to him and will decide Allah will help us.
Instead of all the hoo haa!! Why not debate the man? 🤔🤷
They will never do.....
Agreed let this guys give us his view of eschatology
O bus ker !! Comment through Quran , Hadith or logic.
At least he gives a perspective through Quran and Hadith.
It’s ok to differ from him.. but calling him kafir…
Indeed you appear to be one calling others kafir…
What kufr? When you suggest such allegations, your obligation is to provide proof. Till then your words are nothing but nonsense. Accept the last words in the video...
These guys and their scholars are PhD in takfir.
Please share your meeting video with him Also. please challenge him and make a public debate on the TV or public area.
He can’t have a debate with him … Cheikh Imran always called for debates with this kind of person and I’ve never seen anyone challenging him with proofs.
surely this joker is paid by Zionist
قال الله تعالى: يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَن تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَىٰ مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ.
Sheikh Imran hossain is a great scholar, a deep thinker , he has his own views which is perfectly fine in Islam ..
The main reasons majority people label him it’s because he speaks out on Saudi kingdom 💰
There is a video titled: This was all predicted back in 2003 by Imran Hosein . Can you give us your input on it?
Do your work and let the Sheikh do his work.
People who follow him are educated ket them decide what is good or bad for them.
I still gonna heard Sheikh Imran hoseein rather than you
Who are you
Are you brave to talks about monetery system , or about inflation
Or about riba from central bank
So all of your doing is, scam
Im no a follower of anyone. But it does make you question HARD that once this Quran comment controversy came out somehow at the same time this “alleged” wife is spreading a smear campaign about his private doings as well. Something does not seem right about all this. Im not buying it yet.
U r not buying it but m understanding it n his haters as well.....
No explanation apart from boycott message. 😮
@@zehravesile Assalamualaikum Api...kya hal chal?? Sab khairiyat?pehchana mujhe?😂😂
Dont say that brother
How do we measure 'How firm we are with our deen' Genuine question.
Now I can see the truth of Shk Imran Hussain....indeed if you're not being fighted because of your imaan then there's nothing wrong wrong with your imaan
Please read the quran and compare it to this imran words, he is straying away from Islam
Well, you have a brass neck. How can you do takfeer and then sleep at night? Shame on you.
Their faith is based on takfir. It's their bread and butter.
Imran hosein is good, everything he said became true. Everything he said 20 years ago is happening now
Imran hosein is the most genuine and the most learned scholar of the 21st century. I dont even know u. But i am boycotting you after your first video. You are doing kufr by forcing others to boycott someone who has done his research by using Quran-The Holy Book of Allah.
stop backbiting your brother...if you have differences talk it out in a beautiful way...and dont you call a believer in Allah and his Nabi ( salla lahu alaihi wasalam) a Kufar...that is for Allah to decide...shame on you brother!. May you be guided..
He is khidher of Our times.
They cant get him.
Its 18k followers , another publicity stunt
He is senior with years of knowledge how can you say things like this explain
I would rather believe a brave muslim like sheikh Imran.
What is see in this video is the true face of KUFUR. Nothing else
New World Order
Funny you.
What is your point of Sheikh Imran being a kufr/disbelief? Proof? May Allah guide you.
وَٱلَّذِینَ جَاۤءُو مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِمۡ یَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا ٱغۡفِرۡ لَنَا وَلِإِخۡوَ ٰنِنَا ٱلَّذِینَ سَبَقُونَا بِٱلۡإِیمَـٰنِ وَلَا تَجۡعَلۡ فِی قُلُوبِنَا غِلࣰّا لِّلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ رَبَّنَاۤ إِنَّكَ رَءُوفࣱ رَّحِیمٌ﴿ ١٠ ﴾ ۞ أَلَمۡ تَرَ إِلَى ٱلَّذِینَ نَافَقُوا۟ یَقُولُونَ لِإِخۡوَ ٰنِهِمُ ٱلَّذِینَ كَفَرُوا۟ مِنۡ أَهۡلِ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبِ لَىِٕنۡ أُخۡرِجۡتُمۡ لَنَخۡرُجَنَّ مَعَكُمۡ وَلَا نُطِیعُ فِیكُمۡ أَحَدًا أَبَدࣰا وَإِن قُوتِلۡتُمۡ لَنَنصُرَنَّكُمۡ وَٱللَّهُ یَشۡهَدُ إِنَّهُمۡ لَكَـٰذِبُونَ﴿ ١١ ﴾
• Sahih International:
And [there is a share for] those who come after them, saying, Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts [any] resentment toward those who have believed. Our Lord, indeed You are Kind and Merciful.
Have you not considered those who practice hypocrisy, saying to their brothers [i.e., associates] who have disbelieved among the People of the Scripture, If you are expelled, we will surely leave with you, and we will not obey, in regard to you, anyone - ever; and if you are fought, we will surely aid you. But Allāh testifies that they are liars.
Al-Ḥashr, Ayah 10 - Al-Ḥashr, Ayah 11
I see a lot of sheikh imran defending him. I dont want to comment much, you wont believe me anyway. but try to search on youtube or google videos about the sheikhs points disputed by the scholars, compare and make your own judgment. I know the sheikh has been repeating that mainstream scholars are schoolboys and whatnot, but be fair and listen to both sides.
Fyi, almost all of the scholars dispute the views of the sheikh and its almost impossible to find a scholar that agrees with him.
Of course you will say, “use your brain and think”. I would reply do you wven have enough knowledge to confirm what the sheikh saying is the truth?
Besides, what are the chances that all the scholars in the world are wrong and only the sheikh is right?
Brother , if you think he is a kuffar and misguided people, kindly give a few examples so that we can judge for ourselves 1:44
quand on appele les gens a ne pas ecouter une personne ou a se mefier
d une prrsonne comme le cheikh imran hosein alors qu il dit plusieurs fois lui meme pour ce qui le critique "de ramener leur preuve qu il dit faux
mais au final personne n a encore oser l affronter.
Go watch One way to paradise ,abu musabs video on him . He will overwhelm u with proofs against imran hossein.
Bring in your argument on the present world situation where muslims are being oppressed instead of criticising
Imran hossien is followed by millions and he is much more educated then you and you follower ever could be. His influence is much more powerful then yours. People go towards the truth and that’s why they go towards him. There’s a reason why you following is weak.
Everyone (inkluding me)Please dont spread fitna...we all should unite as one Ummah
Continue fighting among Muslims. You guys will never help to unite the ummah.
Fighting is de wrong terminolgy......nowadays it's EXPOSED or REFUTED.....dats how dez so called molanas n channels earn der bread n butter.....look one can easily make out if some one is genuinely tryin 2 correct somebody or doing it 2 ruin his name or criticising him/her outa grudge....
I find the flavour of conspiracy in your speech.
I thinkit is not right to call the brother kafir, he believes in Allah and his messanger.
I suggest someone should do proper research on Imran Hosein and expose his believes with logics...with the reference from Quran and Hadith. He has several believes that are contradictory to Islam. He is now powerful fitnah. Please encounter him. May Allah bless you.
You are yourself a fitnah
He is only our ray of hope..what are u doing some good work rather than raising fingers at others....plz plz high time....get ur self straight...and unite and fight for the right cause
Assalamu Alaikum we need more explanation really
I Think i boycot you
You need to start reading in between the lines. Sheik imran is very enlightened. May Allah guide you. You have no explanation but just condemnation
Why boycott
Im boycotting you
No facts given or any rational reasoning for the accusations!!! Only a rant !! Why not share ur restaurant conversation with the sheikh !!!! Just hooooo haaaaaa
May Allah curse his enemies, dajjal followers and defenders
So, on what subjects do you not agree with him? Accusing him of blasphemy on what bases? You are asking people who enjoy using their brains to boycott a person for what reasons?
Instead of using debatable subjects to your listeners that enlightened you to your conclusion of boycotting Imran, you just simply ask everyone to do the same just because you say “alhamdolellah” with your beard? Without telling us exactly why should we obey you?
I apologize for this comment.. but i gave away minutes of my life waiting for a shocking evidence and i was disappointed.
may i ask which group does this speaker follows(sufi,salafi,madani,etc?
& what are your views on phir saqib shami?
The one in the video is a deobandi or the shaykh is a deobandi?
@@I-Want-The-Truth the shaykh
@@muhammadyusufhassim5758 shaykh imran hosein is deobandi? 🤔
@@I-Want-The-Truth not him,the moulana from Al islam productions
Allah almighty knows best
Imran Hussein is in Derby this weekend by the way 21/22 May 2022...some years ago watching Imran Hussein was something different as he mostly spoke about Dajjal, secret societies, and current events taking place in the Muslim world, (Akhir ul Zaman )...his interpretation of prophecies from the Hadiths taking place, he stated that there were very few scholars who specializesd in this field.. and he was one of them..but what has happened to him ??...I suppose old age has caught up with him...
No check his channel.
He said nothing revolutionary. Anyone who understands how politics and economy work can make such predictions. The issue is that muslims lack knowledge and that’s why they fall prey to misguided individuals.
Actually its de haters more den his age.....coz u see no hater of him ever says may 'allah give him hidaya' or 'did he say actually say dat' etc ....some how dey all seem to b well trained or carry some kinda grudge against de sheikh.....
What I know about Islam is that it is haram to call a fellow Muslim a kufar. They can be a munafiq and you can call them that, but not kufar. I can’t take this video seriously when you call a Muslim a kufar. Educate yourself brother.
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
Can you explain what specifically Shiek Imran Hossien did to deserve your boycott? Is he known for spreading misinformation? Remember, you need to substantiate your accusations as you hold no significance in Shiek's life.
And what basis you are asking people to boycott??
Where is your words and thoughts and why he should be boycotted??
And since when do we boycott?
Did our Prophet Muhammad boycott ibn salool or asked people to boycott him??
Give us your view on islamic eschatology .explain to us the unfolding events in Palestine or better still whats gonna happen to madjeedul Aqsa .
Russia with Sheikh Imran! And haters go a hell!
خوارج جاهل 😂
you haven't said what ideologies he's spreading , second his videos barely has any views , what millions of people , its the main stream scholars we should be more afraid of , they say what people want to hear not what they need to hear, I also disagree with some of the things he says but I agree with other things, he never said that he knows anything, he wants people to come to their own conclusions, while other scholars are still in denial that the world powers are serving Dajjal , he's preparing people , so where is the deviance in this ?
Why misleading Muslim Ummah to boycott a great scholar as Sheikh Imran Nazar Hossein.
If you have problem with what he teaches then teach your own in a better perspective that is more superior to his.
In the sight of Almighty Allah, it's more kufr and detestable to call another person kafir.
Only Almighty Allah judge and you can't take Allah's position on that, whoever follows your appeal has committed a sacrilege punishable by Almighty Allah.
Thanks brother for not providing any evidence and just doing blatant takfir. Why don’t you explain yourself?
Iv been saying imran hossain has misguided views since 2006, when I first heard him.
But now he has taken to another level with the kufr, of changing actual quran verses( not interpretation but actual words that has been preserved to us
Could you give me the video where he does that?
Are u a scholar?just wanna do u know he's been misguided?
Quran has different diacritics(Qirat). The words don’t change, only the pronunciation. That’s the beauty. Meaning also doesn’t change completely, you derive “related”meanings. Lastly inh is just saying be careful and critical on diacritics should be in their appropriate respected translation. Apply the correct application
(meaning/definition) for the different ways of reciting. Don’t make a mistake, I.e saying malik is owner, and melik is master. When flipped around they are correct. Allah knows best!
@@toecollector475 Watch Abu mussab one way to paradise video on imran hossien.. U will get ur proof
@@zehravesile Bcoz a scholars across different schools of thought have refuted him ..Do u keep ur eyez shut. A muslim doesnt have association with a particular scholar ,rather he associates with the truth . Stop defending this man ,bcox u like listening to his bedtime dystopian stories.
imposteur que dieu protege et benisse le cheikh imran hosein
grand savant de l islam escatologie de notre epoque