Yes, people flame them in the comments but forget that these players want to get coached for a reason and without them beeing "bad", there wouldn´t be this content for us other bad people to learn from.
@Ano Nymous that's not how human beings work though. Whenever people hate us or cast us out (which people on the internet do all the time) it deeply cuts us. Human beings evolved in a time when being cast out of the group meant certain death. As silly as it might sound, people being mean over the internet hits us the same way (or it can, it obviously doesn't always) You'll notice that in past videos people come into the comments saying "that was me" or whatever. And they're definitely reading the comments because we're all in a small tribe right now. We all watch Neace's content and big portion of us probably play LOL and want to get better
@Ano Nymous Ok sir. Are you telling me you feel absolutely nothing from the internet? If you don’t why are you on here? If you say you do feel something on the internet, then how can you possibly control whether or not you feel good or bad?
Games fun, but I enjoy it so much more after watching stuff like this, especially neace, and trying to focus on decision making while I game. I am absolute digshite btw, would probably have a hard time if it were turnbased lol, but it's 5 on 5 speed chess with alternating pieces, such a fun little pos game. Least it's free
You know how some people have tried to make schools aimed to teach how to become a pro in games, i always picture Neace being the best teacher in those schools, this man is good for tutoring
And if you also had a penny for every time he should add ‚and place your wards‘ you could buy a happy meal :P (he didn‘t place one after 26:50 igt, vid timer 29:45 during the first game xD) NOt trying to be toxic, just something the client should get used to :)
"How's that for macro brother?" "UhH... yEeAh." -iLaughed All in all, this was pretty good! I love the coaching and how NEACE affects the players being coached and allows us to see the effect in the same game. As a Vi main, I've been curious to see Jax game play. He's my number one ban so it's obvious as to why I won't get to vs. I will continue to ban, especially now after this video. lol
He dont really know his champ tgats why.. dont know the damage, his mechanic are pretty bad (not flaming), he always sit in his ward, pot and ability. He was like robot just did what neace told him to do. I hope he'll get better now 200$ is a big commitement and i respect that
Hey Neace, I have been watching all your content for the last 2 weeks non stop. And I have went from okay mechanics and confused what to do macro wise. To smurfing top lane and flying through ranks in silver towards gold. I also just won a Clash tournament yesterday. And hope to continue this climb into season 11. Thanks for all the hours you put in. And I hope when and if I plateau to get a coaching session with you. Keep it up king of macros!
I can't express how much helpful I am with this video. I used the short trade method you showed and ulti timings to hold and push the lane. I am way more than happy to feel how much my first match after this match improved. Thank you very much for boosting my confidence with jax play
Just wanted to say. I'm a Gold- Silver Support/ADC. Your videos are always on point make sense and are pretty barney proof instructions. I have never played jax before today. The first game we won so hard they FF'd in 15, That was into a Mordekaiser, The second game was into swain.. which was a longer game.. the team was just running amok and the enemy bot lane was fed. I remembered what you said about fleet.. and using the map ... I would cross map to put pressure.. securing herald, baron and or drakes as they chased into oblivion.. when the enemy showed on one side of the map as 5.. I would take towers, then not over stay.. I would bait them to commit.. and they would chase.. only to base and then when I was farm fed.. I feasted.. 1 v 9 12/6/9, 5 towers a baron, a herald and a drake.. .. Your instruction in this video really clicked and I heard your voice in the back of my head... Thanks
I mean even if he's an hour late, if he improves off that and plays the match up right EVERY time he vs alkali. Who cares, he learned a match up in 1 hour, thats very good
@BasedGoof idk im a camille otp, i guess you could climb to dia with purely just mechanics? maybe focus on your mechanics and understand your champs strength and weakness. Confidence is a great factor for me too, I always think that im better than the one Im facing and I never doubt my decisions haha and of course just enjoy the game.
@BasedGoof I’m a c1 player and I smurf in lower elo just to help my friends with their mistakes and how they can improve . And a lot of mistakes I see from silver to gold is that they lack game knowledge and matchup knowledge and heavily rely on brute forcing ways to open up the game . I recommend to focus on maiming 3 champs and understanding the matchups well and also to play around ur carry potential . I recommend heavy carry champs as they are less punished in lower elo unless ur playing against a smurf and also master the art of farming . Lower elo tend to have 5cs per min to maybe 8cs per min max but if u can farm well like 9cs per min or even 10 .... u reach heavier item spikes than her and also can carry fights harder . 1. Focus on macro and I really like neace content and coaching about it . And as a fill lamer , I really can understand and learn a lot still and s11 preseason is really a limit test place for me 2. Focus on farming while trading with ur opponents .... this way you get to expand ur lead in lane 3. Main 3 champs in mid as u said that u are a mid lane player and understand matchups and also ban champs that counter ur champs hard but also try to play against the champ that ur champ struggle on so that u are more versatile and can adapt 4. Know ur matchups and also know how to use ur lead to help ur team as silver players never realise how big roams are as a mid laner 5. Play heavy carry champions with good scaling because lower elo have no idea to punish them 6. Understand to item optimally . Sometimes you will need to change ur item build so know how to change the items so that you won’t explode in team fights 7. Side lane when ur necessary to have pressure and also to generate more gold and also objectives but don’t rage split ... you have to know when to tactically split 8. Try to not always ward on bushes . Although bushes give u good vision , river side vision on the middle usually give more information but the pixel brush also is useful but depending on jungle matchups , you will have to ward properly to not get gank That’s all I have that I can give u right now .... the higher elo you are the more tips I would give u . Have fun climbing in s11 . See you guys in s12 I guess LOLLL
Your intensity can come off really strong and aggressive at first but I've grown to understand that you're just being direct and efficient with the feedback and information you're giving. It's incredibly helpful and I really enjoy watching these coaching sessions. Keep it up.
Main take aways from this: -Remember to actually use your Q -Fleet for safest lane/poke/short trade lanes -Remember that Jax R isn't Tryndamere R, use it early to mitigate the most amount of damage Questions I have: -When to take Grasp over Conq or Fleet? -Thougts on Zonyas Jax. I think it's potentially sleeper. It boosts short trades and Armguard gives fantastic armor early. Gives MR with Ult, Ability Haste and 10% AS with Tri Mythic plus it's insane active works well with Jax low ability CD.
My PC has been broke for a year or so now, so can't play & I'm still watching, maybe one day I'll part with my money to buy a new one 😂 Keep at it brother love it
Your coachings are always fluid and methodical, and I really enjoy that because it’s easier to see a pattern of things to improve on. Keep up the entertaining content brother
Ye I’ll push back even though I’m probably going to lose as I’m not willing to be bullied even though I’m basically back to square one after not playing for over 2 years.
Well i learned many things but the most valued one was playing offensive or defensive based on lane waves. I used to , if i were ahead , to playing offensively all the time. Helped me so much
Agreed in a sense, but later on when it comes to when hes playing on his own he’ll know these things and be more confident in what he can and cant do. It will become muscle memory more than anything.
When your getting coached like that u feel a lot of pressure on yourself to do good that you are playing much more defensive then you usually do. That's why he was getting bullied by akali under turret and not trading back
well the general problem is that this guy is kinda playing "too" safe. I mean its good that he played safe and dont really int in early but he missed some opportunities cause he played too safe and under rated jax...
@@corgenjwhite3033 i mean if youre losing lane thats what you should do.. if youre winning you should deny farm and put pressure on the map early game to set enemy top behind and open opportunities for your team to have a numbers advantage bot, take drakes and it also sets up tp ganks
@@filskm518 well yeah. I wasnt saying he was wrong~ just mentioning that usually as long as you dont die top and stay with farm on jax you can win in lower mmr
Great series man , love to watch these types of videos , might even book a lesson soon ( best line in the video "we're just going to farm up then oonga boonga her)
I've become an instant sub I saw your video. Question why do holds seem more fun to fight against than bronze which is where I'm currently placed. Difficultly wise they seem hard but through watching your players just seem to be able to punish so much more than a bronze player. Bronze players are unpredictable compared to gold. Why is that?
Hey NEACE love the content you make its very informal, I watched a video on mundo jungle from you and after only 3 days or so I was able to climb from silver 3 to gold 3 50lp keeping around a 75%-80% wr with mundo. Keep doing you!
This makes me feel like I could do well with Jax. I've only played a few champs really and I really like the kit and with the advice neace gave it gives me feel more confident about it
That baron call at 25:34 was very interesting.. At first, I didnt get it and thought it was weird since it seemed to me like a reckless call that we simply dont have enough info to justify it.. but after rewatching it a few times I now have a better understanding of it. This is what I got out of it and just for reference I'm sitting in platinum so take this with a grain of salt. So if we back a few seconds(25:20) we see Panth and Twisted fate are in our jungle bot(brand died which is bad but at least we got some value out of it, namely Twisted fate's ulti and the enemies whereabouts), Akali is mid and Singed bot, Lee is missing but we can make a good guess(I'll explain). So while we shove top time passes, Twisted fate and Panth probably recalled when their fight at our botside jungle finished, Lee recalled before all that as he was in our topside jungle before(25:05 look minimap) after killing Kayle and was with low hp(24:35). Now(25:33), we pushed in top, Jhin pushes mid which will make the mid wave equal, ideally we want mid pushed in, more so even than we want top pushed in but we are jax and we like to splitpush so we are lucky someone cleared mid wave at least, kha is in our topside jungle and drake is about to spawn soon so people will probably think to go for that. We have everything we need to make the call. Luckily they both rush to help us. We are about to start it(25:48), we see Twisted fate taking Lee's botside jungle camps which means Lee will have no option but to take his topside camps meaning he is closer to baron. SInce Twisted fate is there and Akali is topside we can assume they initially dont have baron vision, Jhin also used vision plant to make sure. We are trying to be sneaky about all this since we are only 3 people, the enemy team had enough time to regroup and we are not ahead enough, if any, to "rightfully" claim this. Lee's position although unfortunate doesnt change much as long as they dont spot us, when they do spot us though it is important to back away cause Lee can easily steal it, thankfully luck is on our side and kha takes the baron. This play is possible because of jax's build at that time since he can melt and also sustain baron's power, the state of the minion waves which is not ideal but decent and the fact that drake will spawn soon so most people will think to prepare for that and not baron. If they didnt spot us and prepared for drake instead we would be willing to trade drake for baron since it's not soul for either team and wind drake(and soul) is not that strong anyway. So even if we traded it would be worth it. TL;DL With Jax's build we kinda melt baron with 1 or 2 more people, enemy team shouldn't expect this unless they understand jax's power, especially since drake is almost up and most people will think to go for that, also baron is not warded, finally although ideally midwave would be pushed in, it is at least even and topwave is pushed(which is optional but helpfull, and also the most we can do as we are playing a champion that likes to splitpush since we were top to begin with as we were splitting opposite of the next objective which would be drake normally). It was also a good call to abandon baron when enemy figured us out since we were trying to be sneaky about it and lee has a very high chance of stealing it. Fortrunately luck was on our side and kha won the smite battle. All in all it amazes me how someone can do all that thinking in real time in game, it took me many rewatches to get it to this point. I think I learned a lot writing this, if someone else learnes something as well that would be great, and if anyone has a better idea or something to add/correct that would be great also.
Hey Neace! I don’t think he’ll see this comment but I’ll share anyway. I’m 18 and he pointed out in one of his videos “this is how old I am, Eat at Ralph’s, it’s a game where you literally feed Ralph until he throws up and that’s the game” I laughed so hard at this that I asked my mom if she knew of the game. She is born in 77’, she did not know of it. But there’s a game for us younglings that was almost the same! I want to know if anyone else remembers. It’s called “pop the pig” where you feed him hamburgers and his belly gets bigger until his belt buckle pops open and THATS THE GAME. I laughed so hard because of how stupid and similar these games were, who tf makes these games and why were they so fun yet so stupid?!?!😂 I loved it when we got it.
One trick jax here, i actually wanted to main shen because of his great early game, constant map pressure and ability to take ignite, but jax's ability to 1v9 spoiled me tbh lmao.
Well, can I just say thanks Neace! You inspired me to play other lanes besides bot. I started playing this game as adc (Miss Fortune ex main 🤣) and because i kept getting shitass supports i switch roles, and I became support player 🤣 Like u can name any support champion and I can play it perfectly (well, Thresh not really 🤷♀️), and I started playing this game right when kayles and morganas rework dropped on live servers (season 9 i think) and since from that failed start being an adc main, from now on, watching you teach and play i started playing and understanding macro more (with other roles), and last night i got filled in toplane somehow and i carried out and win a game with playing full tank malphite against all ad comp, and I kept saying this in my head, Well what would Neace do 🤣 and i played it perfectly, so thanks again my dude ❤😊
I played darius yesterday for the "first" time on normal and I noticed my top lane opponent's (singed) farming.... I mean he was just trying to farm every single minion he never froze or did anything ...maybe because i was getting violent and stuff so I played another one with garen vs a riven... She wasnt a good riven but she didnt understand how to control the minions at all or how much they dmg her... thanks for all these teaching videos man you are helping a lot .
It always baffles me when people buy these coachings then either don’t listen to what Neace is saying or say things like “I think imma do this” when he is instructing otherwise. 😂😂😂 like why pay him if youre not gonna listen
I think they're taking their own skill into account when it comes to actually outplaying the opponent in certain situations which they're probably not used to. Also, when you're put in the spot like the guy in the video, knowing that NEACE is gonna post the vid on YT later, might make you nervous.
In the first game he ruined his chances of an early game lead because he didn't listen to you. It felt like every time you told him to do something he didn't do it. He had to stop and think about it when you already explained why and when to do it. He needs to act on what he is learning and stop questioning the actions. He can learn a lot more if he can see he succeeds or fails from the action. He can see right in front of him where he went wrong. You're giving him the best guidance and I can't tell why he is stuttering on his actions. But other than that I can tell he learned a lot in the end and so did we. Maybe it was good to see that because I know the consequences of not trading back accordingly. I dabble in a bit of Jax and now I feel like I learned a lot myself. Excited to try it out.
I've been spamming Ahri mid a ton lately, do you have any vods where you coach an ahri main? I actually main Twisted Fate, but want Ahri in my champ pool, and she is really fun to play. But I'm Iron 1, soon to be bronze with my recent cs numbers (which I have worked on a lot)
Could you explain something for me? You mentioned it several times, and I see pros do it at worlds and stuff, and I've never understood. Why use survivability skills like dashes and aoe stuns for such minor gains? At least one time, he used his E to save 2 autos on a wave, then got collapsed and didn't have the cooldown. And it seems like the value of Qing back before you recall is worth far less than the value of having Q available just in case.
I think this coaching session is strong , i mained jax alot s9-s10 altho i think u should emphasise his r usage more he had atleast 3 fights he couldve won with r
I mostly dislike challengers as most of them are cocky af and a thing like they knew everything. This guy does it sometimes but is also funny and he keeps good chemistry with Jax main. Enjoyed whole 1h 19 mins, cool vid dude 🙈
I have no clue how people play with locked camera - literally when I was a noob in the tutorial years ago it was the first thing I found out how to do. You just cant see anything with it active and it just takes so much away from the whole gameplay experience. Like, surely there's a neace video of him teaching camera movement right?
I should probably point out his e negates minion damage so her zoning him under tower like that is super int (in the Jax VS Akali matchup) and it will even do more damage if you soak damage with it so it's all around positive.
Also when you have a going you can get an extra proc by autoing a minion, and you can get a proc with your e as well, if you are really safe might as well go fast right? (Spellblade procs)
Good vid, but i would like to see some actually hard matchups with jax. Those Akali and Camille opponents are very easy for Jax, hes just outscales, outrades them. What about a Jax vs Illaoi or Mordekaiser or even Teemo? I think he would be busted against those.
Holy fuck thank god I've been waiting for a jax game. Although I realize for us low elo players a lot of the advice is applicable regardless of champ. I'd still love to see more though.
Is Jax this guys main? Because he feels so reluctant to all in on a lot of plays where there are openings. It is impressive this guy is gold though a slight improvement on those ideas and he will shoot up the ranks.
The thing is.. from nov 2020 to feb 2021... Still gold 3 after this coaching. I'm not saying that you're a bad coach at all.. But is coaching really helpful if not having 30-40 hours of someone coaching you and GUIDING you every day? i've had 3 coaching hours. i sure climbed a bit but was it really for the coaching? or could i have done it myself?
Wow that brand at 33:05, first he decides to not help with baron and instead farms wolfs and the minions and when he finally comes, he attacks baron to the point where lee could steal it, gj brand he lost that baron singlehandly. What's worse, you knew lee was there and he even had his q on it already. At 33:06 lee had his q on baron and baron was at ~ 3000hp, if brand didn't troll, lee had no way of stealing it.
Props to these guys for having the balls to showcase their mistakes to the world so they can grow as players.
Yes, people flame them in the comments but forget that these players want to get coached for a reason and without them beeing "bad", there wouldn´t be this content for us other bad people to learn from.
Hard agree
@Ano Nymous that's not how human beings work though. Whenever people hate us or cast us out (which people on the internet do all the time) it deeply cuts us.
Human beings evolved in a time when being cast out of the group meant certain death. As silly as it might sound, people being mean over the internet hits us the same way (or it can, it obviously doesn't always)
You'll notice that in past videos people come into the comments saying "that was me" or whatever. And they're definitely reading the comments because we're all in a small tribe right now. We all watch Neace's content and big portion of us probably play LOL and want to get better
@Ano Nymous Ok sir. Are you telling me you feel absolutely nothing from the internet? If you don’t why are you on here? If you say you do feel something on the internet, then how can you possibly control whether or not you feel good or bad?
i enjoy watching these more than playing the game myself
Keep it up big dik
I change cheesesteaks videos for lol videos... and then this channel. Much better than streamers screaming and complaining about shit
Games fun, but I enjoy it so much more after watching stuff like this, especially neace, and trying to focus on decision making while I game. I am absolute digshite btw, would probably have a hard time if it were turnbased lol, but it's 5 on 5 speed chess with alternating pieces, such a fun little pos game. Least it's free
For reall
I really love how humble you are when your client has a good idea. It really shows how genuine you are as a coach. No nonsense, no ego. It's great.
This student needs to level up his spam pinging abilities
Smh putted all his points in laning not split it into toxicity and laning s m H
@@devkird6069 и ьщ то щьь
You know how some people have tried to make schools aimed to teach how to become a pro in games, i always picture Neace being the best teacher in those schools, this man is good for tutoring
I'm loving these videos! I'm starting to hear "Whoa whoa don't overplay, back off... Just press B, press B!" in my head during my games
"why are you face checking?" "just push top"
If I had a penny for every time you say "spam corrupting pot" I'd have like 20 pennies and yes it is strange that it happened 20 times
And if you also had a penny for every time he should add ‚and place your wards‘ you could buy a happy meal :P (he didn‘t place one after 26:50 igt, vid timer 29:45 during the first game xD) NOt trying to be toxic, just something the client should get used to :)
I legit made it a habit as soon as I start a fight I pop my pot. Saves me a shit ton.
He repeats spam corrupting pot as much as Trump missed votes
"How's that for macro brother?"
"UhH... yEeAh."
All in all, this was pretty good! I love the coaching and how NEACE affects the players being coached and allows us to see the effect in the same game. As a Vi main, I've been curious to see Jax game play. He's my number one ban so it's obvious as to why I won't get to vs. I will continue to ban, especially now after this video. lol
"E what the fuck she's smoking crack!" These kind of lines get me Everytime lol
Love watching these. Great balance of jokes, tips, aggressive plays, passive plays, super cool content.
Damn watching that jax not Killing her hurts badly. He had like 80 Chances to just outtrade or just kill her.
Yea it hurts watching him just letting himself get hit
He dont really know his champ tgats why.. dont know the damage, his mechanic are pretty bad (not flaming), he always sit in his ward, pot and ability.
He was like robot just did what neace told him to do.
I hope he'll get better now 200$ is a big commitement and i respect that
Gentle creature Jax skin, just for players like this. Do it riot.
People get coached for a reason. He progressed over the game and started trading her much more. I think jax did a good job.
Hey Neace, I have been watching all your content for the last 2 weeks non stop. And I have went from okay mechanics and confused what to do macro wise. To smurfing top lane and flying through ranks in silver towards gold. I also just won a Clash tournament yesterday. And hope to continue this climb into season 11. Thanks for all the hours you put in. And I hope when and if I plateau to get a coaching session with you. Keep it up king of macros!
I won a Clash tourney yesterday utilizing the macro on Dr. Mundo jungle. Really appreciate your content Neace keep it up!
Hey interested in free coaching
@@ggkphilosophy what do you mean?
I can't express how much helpful I am with this video. I used the short trade method you showed and ulti timings to hold and push the lane. I am way more than happy to feel how much my first match after this match improved. Thank you very much for boosting my confidence with jax play
Just wanted to say. I'm a Gold- Silver Support/ADC. Your videos are always on point make sense and are pretty barney proof instructions. I have never played jax before today. The first game we won so hard they FF'd in 15, That was into a Mordekaiser, The second game was into swain.. which was a longer game.. the team was just running amok and the enemy bot lane was fed. I remembered what you said about fleet.. and using the map ... I would cross map to put pressure.. securing herald, baron and or drakes as they chased into oblivion.. when the enemy showed on one side of the map as 5.. I would take towers, then not over stay.. I would bait them to commit.. and they would chase.. only to base and then when I was farm fed.. I feasted.. 1 v 9 12/6/9, 5 towers a baron, a herald and a drake.. .. Your instruction in this video really clicked and I heard your voice in the back of my head... Thanks
The amounts of times he was told to Q away and he never Q'd away until 1 hour and 2 minutes in, is fucking mind blowing.
He didnt always have a ward to hop to, I usually carry some control wards early in the game just to hop to.
Also, when he got hit by alkali q, he never used his e to block the empowered auto when it was up which was weird
He sucks that is why plays like silver
@@chickenricesteak541 yeah thats the point of the coaching
I mean even if he's an hour late, if he improves off that and plays the match up right EVERY time he vs alkali. Who cares, he learned a match up in 1 hour, thats very good
Naw neace with the amount of shit I’ve learned from your videos in such a short time is robbery. I literally should be paying xD
Been learning a lot lately from your vids, i finished the season in D2 thanks to your macro guides.
@BasedGoof idk im a camille otp, i guess you could climb to dia with purely just mechanics? maybe focus on your mechanics and understand your champs strength and weakness. Confidence is a great factor for me too, I always think that im better than the one Im facing and I never doubt my decisions haha and of course just enjoy the game.
@BasedGoof I’m a c1 player and I smurf in lower elo just to help my friends with their mistakes and how they can improve . And a lot of mistakes I see from silver to gold is that they lack game knowledge and matchup knowledge and heavily rely on brute forcing ways to open up the game . I recommend to focus on maiming 3 champs and understanding the matchups well and also to play around ur carry potential . I recommend heavy carry champs as they are less punished in lower elo unless ur playing against a smurf and also master the art of farming . Lower elo tend to have 5cs per min to maybe 8cs per min max but if u can farm well like 9cs per min or even 10 .... u reach heavier item spikes than her and also can carry fights harder .
1. Focus on macro and I really like neace content and coaching about it . And as a fill lamer , I really can understand and learn a lot still and s11 preseason is really a limit test place for me
2. Focus on farming while trading with ur opponents .... this way you get to expand ur lead in lane
3. Main 3 champs in mid as u said that u are a mid lane player and understand matchups and also ban champs that counter ur champs hard but also try to play against the champ that ur champ struggle on so that u are more versatile and can adapt
4. Know ur matchups and also know how to use ur lead to help ur team as silver players never realise how big roams are as a mid laner
5. Play heavy carry champions with good scaling because lower elo have no idea to punish them
6. Understand to item optimally . Sometimes you will need to change ur item build so know how to change the items so that you won’t explode in team fights
7. Side lane when ur necessary to have pressure and also to generate more gold and also objectives but don’t rage split ... you have to know when to tactically split
8. Try to not always ward on bushes . Although bushes give u good vision , river side vision on the middle usually give more information but the pixel brush also is useful but depending on jungle matchups , you will have to ward properly to not get gank
That’s all I have that I can give u right now .... the higher elo you are the more tips I would give u . Have fun climbing in s11 . See you guys in s12 I guess LOLLL
That kayle build deals 75% of her ap on hit it's crazy.
Your intensity can come off really strong and aggressive at first but I've grown to understand that you're just being direct and efficient with the feedback and information you're giving. It's incredibly helpful and I really enjoy watching these coaching sessions. Keep it up.
Main take aways from this:
-Remember to actually use your Q
-Fleet for safest lane/poke/short trade lanes
-Remember that Jax R isn't Tryndamere R, use it early to mitigate the most amount of damage
Questions I have:
-When to take Grasp over Conq or Fleet?
-Thougts on Zonyas Jax. I think it's potentially sleeper. It boosts short trades and Armguard gives fantastic armor early. Gives MR with Ult, Ability Haste and 10% AS with Tri Mythic plus it's insane active works well with Jax low ability CD.
Was searching earlier for new season Jax guide, then this video got recommended. Learned a lot for free.
For jax once he hits 6 have him auto a minion twice q on to them auto w auto with sheen watch them melt and repeat
This... And if you can build your passive stacks up to 8 slowly. Then bonk
My PC has been broke for a year or so now, so can't play & I'm still watching, maybe one day I'll part with my money to buy a new one 😂 Keep at it brother love it
It's been 2 to 3 years for my PC and labtop.. :( stuck with a phone e
Your Jax guide works miracles. I'm impressed!
When you watch so much NEACE you start using terms like oonga boonga, and jamming it, in your daily life.
Your coachings are always fluid and methodical, and I really enjoy that because it’s easier to see a pattern of things to improve on. Keep up the entertaining content brother
Amazing Content! Finally Elos explained in the jungle! Waited for that one ;) Love it, Honor NEACE. Love this man!
the way he doesn´t trade back her on early got me anxious af
Ye I’ll push back even though I’m probably going to lose as I’m not willing to be bullied even though I’m basically back to square one after not playing for over 2 years.
It's like a silver Jax, I doubt you'll learn anything unless you're lower rank.
I am really enjoying this coaching videos they helped me improve my game little by little.
My team fights and overall gameplay has improved so much since I found your channel thanks for all the content
That TF tp into akali shroud was sick
Well i learned many things but the most valued one was playing offensive or defensive based on lane waves. I used to , if i were ahead , to playing offensively all the time. Helped me so much
This dude was too reliant on NEACE telling him what to do rather than just playing normally and then hearing feedback from him.
I agree.
Agreed in a sense, but later on when it comes to when hes playing on his own he’ll know these things and be more confident in what he can and cant do. It will become muscle memory more than anything.
That's what he's paying for
When your getting coached like that u feel a lot of pressure on yourself to do good that you are playing much more defensive then you usually do. That's why he was getting bullied by akali under turret and not trading back
well the general problem is that this guy is kinda playing "too" safe. I mean its good that he played safe and dont really int in early but he missed some opportunities cause he played too safe and under rated jax...
Yeah. I'd think they got carried to gold just by playing super safe in top and contributing nothing.
Not inting in lane and farming, is good enough to win most games in Plat and below though.
but i will say, he was learning trading patterns.
@@corgenjwhite3033 i mean if youre losing lane thats what you should do.. if youre winning you should deny farm and put pressure on the map early game to set enemy top behind and open opportunities for your team to have a numbers advantage bot, take drakes and it also sets up tp ganks
@@filskm518 well yeah. I wasnt saying he was wrong~ just mentioning that usually as long as you dont die top and stay with farm on jax you can win in lower mmr
Great series man , love to watch these types of videos , might even book a lesson soon ( best line in the video "we're just going to farm up then oonga boonga her)
"Even this short distance makes the distance" Amen 🙏
To reinforce the early R usage, you can point out how long (short) the fights last on the deathbar across the top.
I've become an instant sub I saw your video. Question why do holds seem more fun to fight against than bronze which is where I'm currently placed. Difficultly wise they seem hard but through watching your players just seem to be able to punish so much more than a bronze player. Bronze players are unpredictable compared to gold. Why is that?
No disrespect to gold players. I even fear silver players. It's just like I says more in tune with proper laneing and such.
Hey NEACE love the content you make its very informal, I watched a video on mundo jungle from you and after only 3 days or so I was able to climb from silver 3 to gold 3 50lp keeping around a 75%-80% wr with mundo. Keep doing you!
Exactly same! I got from bronze to silver and still climbing! O:
Hey interested in free coaching?
@@ggkphilosophy yes
@@ggkphilosophy Discord: Untala#1586
i really need this guide. thanks for the great upload
15:32 "she's smokin crack" get's me every time.
These videos are great no disrespect to the players getting coached but seeing there ranks in relation to their skill fill me with hope
love the way this guy coaches and learned alot went from iron to silver in a week
10:27 "Attend menute j'fais une attaque" YESSIR MON TABARNAK
This makes me feel like I could do well with Jax. I've only played a few champs really and I really like the kit and with the advice neace gave it gives me feel more confident about it
Be aware that a lot is outdated. Just as some exemples, you always want Lethal Tempo and Divine Sunderer now
@Souli Yes, in pretty much all cases.
That baron call at 25:34 was very interesting.. At first, I didnt get it and thought it was weird since it seemed to me like a reckless call that we simply dont have enough info to justify it.. but after rewatching it a few times I now have a better understanding of it. This is what I got out of it and just for reference I'm sitting in platinum so take this with a grain of salt.
So if we back a few seconds(25:20) we see Panth and Twisted fate are in our jungle bot(brand died which is bad but at least we got some value out of it, namely Twisted fate's ulti and the enemies whereabouts), Akali is mid and Singed bot, Lee is missing but we can make a good guess(I'll explain). So while we shove top time passes, Twisted fate and Panth probably recalled when their fight at our botside jungle finished, Lee recalled before all that as he was in our topside jungle before(25:05 look minimap) after killing Kayle and was with low hp(24:35). Now(25:33), we pushed in top, Jhin pushes mid which will make the mid wave equal, ideally we want mid pushed in, more so even than we want top pushed in but we are jax and we like to splitpush so we are lucky someone cleared mid wave at least, kha is in our topside jungle and drake is about to spawn soon so people will probably think to go for that. We have everything we need to make the call. Luckily they both rush to help us. We are about to start it(25:48), we see Twisted fate taking Lee's botside jungle camps which means Lee will have no option but to take his topside camps meaning he is closer to baron. SInce Twisted fate is there and Akali is topside we can assume they initially dont have baron vision, Jhin also used vision plant to make sure. We are trying to be sneaky about all this since we are only 3 people, the enemy team had enough time to regroup and we are not ahead enough, if any, to "rightfully" claim this. Lee's position although unfortunate doesnt change much as long as they dont spot us, when they do spot us though it is important to back away cause Lee can easily steal it, thankfully luck is on our side and kha takes the baron. This play is possible because of jax's build at that time since he can melt and also sustain baron's power, the state of the minion waves which is not ideal but decent and the fact that drake will spawn soon so most people will think to prepare for that and not baron. If they didnt spot us and prepared for drake instead we would be willing to trade drake for baron since it's not soul for either team and wind drake(and soul) is not that strong anyway. So even if we traded it would be worth it.
TL;DL With Jax's build we kinda melt baron with 1 or 2 more people, enemy team shouldn't expect this unless they understand jax's power, especially since drake is almost up and most people will think to go for that, also baron is not warded, finally although ideally midwave would be pushed in, it is at least even and topwave is pushed(which is optional but helpfull, and also the most we can do as we are playing a champion that likes to splitpush since we were top to begin with as we were splitting opposite of the next objective which would be drake normally). It was also a good call to abandon baron when enemy figured us out since we were trying to be sneaky about it and lee has a very high chance of stealing it. Fortrunately luck was on our side and kha won the smite battle.
All in all it amazes me how someone can do all that thinking in real time in game, it took me many rewatches to get it to this point. I think I learned a lot writing this, if someone else learnes something as well that would be great, and if anyone has a better idea or something to add/correct that would be great also.
Ngl, i reached grandmaster by simply watching your coaching videos, thx man keep doing your thing!
Hey Neace! I don’t think he’ll see this comment but I’ll share anyway. I’m 18 and he pointed out in one of his videos “this is how old I am, Eat at Ralph’s, it’s a game where you literally feed Ralph until he throws up and that’s the game” I laughed so hard at this that I asked my mom if she knew of the game. She is born in 77’, she did not know of it. But there’s a game for us younglings that was almost the same! I want to know if anyone else remembers. It’s called “pop the pig” where you feed him hamburgers and his belly gets bigger until his belt buckle pops open and THATS THE GAME. I laughed so hard because of how stupid and similar these games were, who tf makes these games and why were they so fun yet so stupid?!?!😂 I loved it when we got it.
This is some GOLD content for people who can't afford coaching. Thanks man!
Hey if you can't afford coaching you migth aswell got some for free. If your interested in testing some rookie coaches
@@ggkphilosophy where can i get free coaching
Could you do a commentary like this on some of my mid diamond gameplay? I play top as well
Been trying to main jax, but Shen has spoiled me in the laning phase.
Jax is stronger than shen Imo
@@DeoSiege I believe he means just the safety that Shen provides. Lots of shielding
@@DeoSiege Shen wins lane against Jax, but Jax wins later in the game.
One trick jax here, i actually wanted to main shen because of his great early game, constant map pressure and ability to take ignite, but jax's ability to 1v9 spoiled me tbh lmao.
@@terrorclawful It's the exact reason I want to main Jax :D
Gz on 150k!
It would be cool if you revisited these peoples accounts a few months down the road, to see what Elo they are after sessions with you
Lol watchin the second half of this a year later👍🏾. Did I forget something.....can anyone tell me how he got the ward @46:21? Am I trippin?
I learn more from these sessions than playing by myself for weeks.
Well, can I just say thanks Neace!
You inspired me to play other lanes besides bot. I started playing this game as adc (Miss Fortune ex main 🤣) and because i kept getting shitass supports i switch roles, and I became support player 🤣 Like u can name any support champion and I can play it perfectly (well, Thresh not really 🤷♀️), and I started playing this game right when kayles and morganas rework dropped on live servers (season 9 i think) and since from that failed start being an adc main, from now on, watching you teach and play i started playing and understanding macro more (with other roles), and last night i got filled in toplane somehow and i carried out and win a game with playing full tank malphite against all ad comp, and I kept saying this in my head, Well what would Neace do 🤣 and i played it perfectly, so thanks again my dude ❤😊
np :)
I played darius yesterday for the "first" time on normal and I noticed my top lane opponent's (singed) farming.... I mean he was just trying to farm every single minion he never froze or did anything ...maybe because i was getting violent and stuff so I played another one with garen vs a riven... She wasnt a good riven but she didnt understand how to control the minions at all or how much they dmg her... thanks for all these teaching videos man you are helping a lot .
I like that neace looks just as satisfied that his client won a game as if he was the one playing and won.
neace is the finest coach around guys applause him and take in all he teaches
@Neace looks like Dickey Ward from The Fighter.
It always baffles me when people buy these coachings then either don’t listen to what Neace is saying or say things like “I think imma do this” when he is instructing otherwise. 😂😂😂 like why pay him if youre not gonna listen
I think they're taking their own skill into account when it comes to actually outplaying the opponent in certain situations which they're probably not used to. Also, when you're put in the spot like the guy in the video, knowing that NEACE is gonna post the vid on YT later, might make you nervous.
But yeah, doesn't make it any less frustrating to watch lol.
Damn Neace makes these games so much more interesting 😍
Keep it up Neace, great content! :)
I've been using fleet for EVERY lane with any AD champ for the past season. Glad to see im not stupid!
"whack whack brother." --- truer words have never been spoken
1:06:10 "Even that short amount of distance, you never know could make the distance" xD
In the first game he ruined his chances of an early game lead because he didn't listen to you. It felt like every time you told him to do something he didn't do it. He had to stop and think about it when you already explained why and when to do it. He needs to act on what he is learning and stop questioning the actions. He can learn a lot more if he can see he succeeds or fails from the action. He can see right in front of him where he went wrong. You're giving him the best guidance and I can't tell why he is stuttering on his actions. But other than that I can tell he learned a lot in the end and so did we. Maybe it was good to see that because I know the consequences of not trading back accordingly.
I dabble in a bit of Jax and now I feel like I learned a lot myself. Excited to try it out.
Love you videos. LOL is too horrible atm. i hope everyone enjoys the testing phase of S11. resubbing in December after the dust settles.
Neace out here doing the lords work.
I feel like i owe Neace money from watching all this coaching lmao
ahhhhhh hes playing so safe its hurting my brain
its not even safe since he just eats up every q
"sometimes spooky because they will actually do it"
then comes THAT game of urgot coaching LOL
Neace really nice channel, I really enjoy ur content keep it up :D
I've been spamming Ahri mid a ton lately, do you have any vods where you coach an ahri main? I actually main Twisted Fate, but want Ahri in my champ pool, and she is really fun to play. But I'm Iron 1, soon to be bronze with my recent cs numbers (which I have worked on a lot)
What mmr is this? This Jax is a monster, good job to both of you!
This comment could be bot or really ecstatic 😂
Could you explain something for me? You mentioned it several times, and I see pros do it at worlds and stuff, and I've never understood. Why use survivability skills like dashes and aoe stuns for such minor gains? At least one time, he used his E to save 2 autos on a wave, then got collapsed and didn't have the cooldown. And it seems like the value of Qing back before you recall is worth far less than the value of having Q available just in case.
I think this coaching session is strong , i mained jax alot s9-s10 altho i think u should emphasise his r usage more he had atleast 3 fights he couldve won with r
Love your guides one of the best guides o YT tysm for the videos🔥🔥🔥
what makes me wondering is the non use of vision in river at all!
I mostly dislike challengers as most of them are cocky af and a thing like they knew everything. This guy does it sometimes but is also funny and he keeps good chemistry with Jax main. Enjoyed whole 1h 19 mins, cool vid dude 🙈
Is FF really the move to ensure the survival? I don't see anyone on OPGG using FF. Wondering when would you choose to get Conq
I'd love to know the factors that went into the Baron decision around 25:30
Great vid as usual NEACE
Nease: How's that for macro, brother
Student: yeah yeah yeah...
Me: Sweet mother of God
I have no clue how people play with locked camera - literally when I was a noob in the tutorial years ago it was the first thing I found out how to do. You just cant see anything with it active and it just takes so much away from the whole gameplay experience. Like, surely there's a neace video of him teaching camera movement right?
Thank you for posting this video.
I should probably point out his e negates minion damage so her zoning him under tower like that is super int (in the Jax VS Akali matchup) and it will even do more damage if you soak damage with it so it's all around positive.
Also when you have a going you can get an extra proc by autoing a minion, and you can get a proc with your e as well, if you are really safe might as well go fast right? (Spellblade procs)
Good vid, but i would like to see some actually hard matchups with jax. Those Akali and Camille opponents are very easy for Jax, hes just outscales, outrades them. What about a Jax vs Illaoi or Mordekaiser or even Teemo? I think he would be busted against those.
This dude cancels so many autos with W and it's driving me insane
Holy fuck thank god I've been waiting for a jax game. Although I realize for us low elo players a lot of the advice is applicable regardless of champ. I'd still love to see more though.
Me: *enjoying the strat*
Also me: *wanting this guy to teach me too*
Would you suggest fleet for things like yasuo and yone or is conqueror still better for them
@49:29 he says "hashinshin tp" whats that?
Underrated coach
Is Jax this guys main? Because he feels so reluctant to all in on a lot of plays where there are openings. It is impressive this guy is gold though a slight improvement on those ideas and he will shoot up the ranks.
13:42 all this noise n it's just left-click w.. how?
The thing is.. from nov 2020 to feb 2021... Still gold 3 after this coaching. I'm not saying that you're a bad coach at all.. But is coaching really helpful if not having 30-40 hours of someone coaching you and GUIDING you every day? i've had 3 coaching hours. i sure climbed a bit but was it really for the coaching? or could i have done it myself?
Wow that brand at 33:05, first he decides to not help with baron and instead farms wolfs and the minions and when he finally comes, he attacks baron to the point where lee could steal it, gj brand he lost that baron singlehandly. What's worse, you knew lee was there and he even had his q on it already. At 33:06 lee had his q on baron and baron was at ~ 3000hp, if brand didn't troll, lee had no way of stealing it.
26:55 you can buy while tping :)