Luke 1:37: "For with God nothing will be impossible" Hebrews 6:4-6 "For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who have once been enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away." If this is the case, you have shaken my faith, and my turning away of my former practicing of sin even after receiving the truth is in vain. What hope is there for me? There probably isn't any. That is the message I've gotten from this.
It’s a huge difference if a person WILFULLY sins- VS a person stumbling. You can stumble. YOU WILL STUMBLE. But- you CAN NOT WILLFULLY live in sin and never ever have a desire to change
You sure? Let me be very clear for anyone reading this! YES - if you die living a life of WILLFUL UNREPENTED SIN. You will NOT go to heaven. if you stumble with ANY SIN- ask God for forgiveness- fall- ask for forgiveness- keep pushing- keep trying your very best- WALK IN THE LIGHT: That is how a true Christian stays saved.
@@TheBoldChristian yes it does, the key word was desire, and i keep reminding myself each day that i am new, and that i have different desires, when i went back to my own vomit, it didnt feel the same, it felt like vomit. "woe to those who call bitter sweet and sweet bitter." It was bitter, and I finally am free of it, when I heard Paul said we are free in Christ... I am free. I also do not have a mentor, I am doing this by myself. Iron sharpens Iron, and my blade is getting heavy and dull. It is hard to fight without brothers and sisters around me.
Start little, repent, if you feel tempted go to the word of God. Read a Bible verse everyday. Seek wanting ur relationship to get stronger with the lord.
If you were that kind of person than you wouldn't be looking for forgiveness and feeling bad for it you know if anyone doesn't sin than you would be like jesus (yeshua) which wont happened because hes the only sinless man theres a difference between being righteous and commiting blasphemy agaisnt the holy spirit because jesus (yeshua) said that a righteous servant of God (YHWH) falls 7 times but gets back up again. keep praying for deliverance and forgiveness with your sin repent and follow his word I myself am having problems with reading the bible everyday and stuff so I'm not perfect.
@@gamerthe13th36nobody will ever be perfect. But you can be complete- by obeying God and walking in the Light. God wants you to walk in the light. Meaning- TRY YOUR VERY BEST. You fall- get back up and ask for forgiveness and press on. BUT If you CHOOSE to willfully ignore God, and willfully disobey, and wilfully live in sin. If you die, living a life of WILLFUL sin- if you LIVE IN SIN. You will not make heaven. Living in sin = you know homosexuality is wrong- but you continue to live that way. You don’t care what God said- you keep doing it. WILLFULLY.
you struggles with sin as do I. I am working continually around the clock to broaden thy path with the lord. while it is easy to say it's not so easy to delve within and seek him as many struggle with including myself but it is a battle that must be fought tirelessly and I'm not saying battling sin until you have no energy left is the way for it is not a physical battle but a spiritual one. all I can say to that is seek the lord as you did here and he will provide divine guidance. trust his hand even in difficult times and it will provide sevenfold. you will manifest a new perhaps unrecognizable to your old self but seek him first and all will cometh you.
1 Timothy 1:18-20 Wage the Good warfare and keep a GOOD CONSIENCE, by rejecting this some have made a shipwreck of their faith. I have created shipwreck of my faith and it is so bad, CUT OFF SIN FROM YOUR LIFE AND PRAY FOR DELIVERANCE
I struggle with lust, and it has led me down a dark and dangerous path. Gluttony, laziness, wrath, jealousy, etc...ALL of these sins have stemmed from lust. I have willfully sinned, but I don't want to willfully sin anymore. I'm scared that I've done so much damage (even though I'm only 22) that God stopped loving me by the time I was 12. Is there hope for me? I want God's love and forgiveness, but scared that He doesn't want to give it to me. What do I do?
God is not willing that any should perish. God wants you to repent. God wants you to truthfully obey Him. To please Him, and obey Him- you must do what He said. Obey the truth! Be Baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Be added to Christ one and only church- the church of Christ. Once you become a true Christian- you can pray to God - repent- and ask for forgiveness whenever you fall. You must obey truth and worship according to truth. Can’t get to heaven as a Baptist, nor a Catholic, nor an orthodox, nor a Pentecostal, nor a Muslim. All LIES. If you want to talk and study the Bible with me- send me an email. I would love to talk with you. “”
my friend i struggle with lust too ok, the bible says that a righteous man falls 7 times if you feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit that is good if you still continue to son read 1 john 1:9 it state if a man confess thier son he is faithful and just to forgive him of his iniquity and cleanse him of his unrighteousness just pray and confess your sins you don't need to be a perfect christian just pray to him he will hear you ok he loves and he sent his son to teach you guide and to die for you to be free ok
Thank you Chad so much🙏 One book I recommend everyone to read in 2025 is Your Life Your Game by Keezano… It beautifully shows how embracing faith and nurturing meaningful relationships can lead to spiritual growth and success in both your personal and professional life. This book truly changed my life-a must-read. God bless
Lust, Lack of patients, greed, pride, lack of faith, doubt, trusting the lord, living in the world, it's so much known and unknown but I pray for the forgiveness as I continue to walk in this journey with him. Pray for me bro. It gets heavy sometimes
God can also soften your heart, he is patient because he wants you to change he dose tolerate all sins willfully to but his limit is keeping one saved if they choose to go back to their sinning life and reject Christ.
The text discusses the idea of turning away from one's faith rather than just focusing on sins. For example, someone might say, "Screw God and screw living q holy life." That person is making a mistake because turning back to God involves understanding the full truth. What Paul is trying to convey is that if you commit sins deliberately and without remorse, then that reflects your character. It’s not as simple as many think. If you believe in God and desire to do good, then you should strive to do good. Many people struggle with their sins, falling into them at times, some more than others. You might find yourself battling the same sin daily, but as long as you want to do good and believe in God, that intention matters. Let Jesus take the burden off your shoulders. You may not be able to stop sinning entirely, but you can try to avoid the things you know are wrong.
@@Living_Soul54 Yep! This is what happeneds when you solely rely on interpatation. People like him just go straight to Hebrew without forget everything up till that point starting with acts. We should obey God, because everything he say is good, but the problem now of days people use church traditions and what the church fasther said in totally ignoring scripture.
@@Living_Soul54 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.” 2 Timothy 3:1-8 KJV
@@Living_Soul54 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.” 2 Timothy 3:1-8 KJV
Lord please forgive me for I have sinned. Lust getting drunk being depressed and needing therapy. I repent I sometimes just don't know what to do. I'm alone all day
As someone who struggled with lusts for years, I have acknowledged that on my own effort I fall short. I recently began to rely more on the Holy Spirt to have the strength to flee from lust. We are not able to withstand the wilds of the devil without the Holy Spirit. My encouragement to us is to be more consistent in prayer and reading of the word of God. The Holy Spirit been telling me you gotta do the opposite of how you feel. God knows how to deliver to godly from temptation 2 Peter 2:9
At what point is that? Once your baptized for the forgiveness of sins and added to Christ ONE church. The church of Christ. Act 2:37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" Act 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Act 22:16 And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.' And I know someone will read this and say baptism is a work. BELIEF IS A WORK. Jhn 6:28 Then they said to Him, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" Jhn 6:29 Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." Jas 2:24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. Jas 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
@@TheBoldChristian I know, I wasn't trying to prove a point man, but thank you, since one guy's messaging me saying that salvation can be attained by faith only. I thank you for your concern though, God bless.
Hey I was just posting this incase anyone came and read that to mean BELIEF ALONE. I didn’t mean this in any type of way, nor did I take your comment as rebuking me! Just want to clarify for anyone reading
I'm struggling with sexual immorality, fornication, adultery lying and being a hypocrite, not being a good Christian example I need strong prayers for the position of God to work
I also was struggling with willful sin but I am doing my best to stop wilfully sinning and asking for forgiveness, especially doing it after repenting during the new years, yea I am trying my best to repent and to stop sinning or else god will deal with me.
I struggle with my repentance journey and not truly turning from sin and also being ashamed to share God and I truly want to repent and do God’s will, I want to do his will, please comment what to do, I also struggle with thoughts saying that I’m trying to murder someone and I’m not I don’t want that and I need help and I need God, I want to go to Heaven 😢
Lamentations 3:22-23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” This verse highlights God's unwavering love and mercy, which are renewed every day. It reassures us that no matter how many times we fail, God's compassion and faithfulness provide us with a fresh start each day
We do have free will- we all have a choice- that choice better be to CHOOSE to do the will of God. Jos 24:15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
Thank you for this video I love learning about god and what he cares about and so I will try and use this to encourage me to stop with the willful sins, I do not want to be dealt with by god.
Amen to this video sexual immortality is what i struggled with for years. I want to be free of this evil desire. Reading word of God helps. I seek deliverance from this evil desire from sexual sin.
@@TheBoldChristian I have a question, I keep on sinning and asking for forgiveness but i've havent lost faith in him and worshiping him daily but i can't stop sinning
Nothing, but I do have temptations and I hate it. But I love him and He leads me and I will trust in him FULLY. Because if I dont Ill just fall back into sin.
Repent, and do your best to resist. If you fall. Get up ask forgiveness and ask for strength to not fall into that sin. Again. You may not completely escape sin but you can sin less
I'm scared man. I'm panicking because I really don't what to do. I feel like I'm doomed, and I feel stupid for drifting away. This was definitely a sign from God, and I know it. But I really don't what to do. I'm crying and I'm begging for mercy but I really feel like I'm done for.
Brother ive seen 2 videos already named the same as this title, i will have faith and repent, i hope God forgives me, i will stop getting drunk, watching porn, and will work hard at my job instead of laziness, i will stop my anger/wraith, and stop my violence and cursing. Is there any hope? I been trying to repent and turn away, over the years its gotten easier, i needed this message.
Yes it’s hope. If you obey God according to truth. Let’s talk and study the Bible together. I would love to talk and study with you. Email me! “”
I have fallen under such massive judgment from God in this klife for this very thing. I can't say I was sinning and putting my fist up to God but I was continually sinning while not really understanding the greviousness of what I was doing. I am in my 50's and what I have wracked up for my self in terms of judgemnet is probably the most massive of any human ever created. I am mentally wrecked and in a mindset of hell beofre I go there. I grew up in a kind of Christian home that was disfunctional and I clung to believeing in Jesus but I honesty never understood repentance or felt any deep conviction of the Holy Spirit. I was either never ever saved in the forst place or very quickly from young adulthood was given over to a reprobate mind. I was blind and incapable of seeing and lived a secret life of sin that I thought God was ok with and understood.
I also was struggling with willful sin but I'm not saying "Idc what god thinks" but instead I was mindlessly doing it, i am trying my best to stop wilfully sinning and asking for forgiveness, especially doing it twice after repenting during the new years, yea I am trying my best to repent and to stop sinning or else god will deal with me.
As long we are in the world we we will stay sinners.Our only hope is the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ our Savior whom died on the cross for us. WE must repent of our sins constantly and be at the mercy of our Lord.
I often has mistaken God's grace as mercy, but no longer desire to sit idly by and not hold myself accountable for my actions. I don't want to live in Romans 7 but instead Romans 8.
The devil is busy, the world is FULL OF immodesty. As for laziness- you have to have a zeal to better yourself. YOU have to decide that one. YOU have to say “I’m done being lazy!” As for wrath- this is how you deal with wrath: Meditate on the word of God Php 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.
Mostly rage for myself. I do nothing yet i seem to go nowhere, and no matter where i go im surrounded by people telling me to go to casinos and strip clubs, hook up with a prostitute and my life will suddenly improve..i dont do anything like most and i succeed less.
I sometimes feel superior to others because of my talents, i feel pridefull for the talent that the lord (glory to your name), has given me, and i know is wrong. But iam soo used to feel this way that even if i feel is wrong, i still do it. Is like when you try to turn away from swering when you have been doing it all your life. And i hate to think this way, i want to be humble and be transformed. Iam sorry God for all the people that i have treated the wrong way.
I was addicted to pornography from the age of 8 to 25, I was a glutton I found comfort in food still do trying to get better at it because christian shall not live by bread alone, I was extraordinarily docile so I'm learning to be braver/ stand out more and speak the truth, my anger and control is also something I'm learning to surrender and turn that towards a righteous cause, there's probably a bit more that I'm even unaware of and I talk with God about it trying to work through it the best I can daily so alot of things I'm currently dealing with are habitual and I'm trying to break free from those habits so that I can build a better relationship with him
Struggling with lust and masturbation. I've sex with prostitutes twice but I stopped and didn't do it again but still struggling watching porn and making nude AI image. I always pray often and started reading bibles a year ago to grow faith in Jesus but I believe it's still not enough. I only doing it because I have no kids and wife, I'm just a single and l living in a sad life, playing video games, living in fear on what the world has become. I pray that God will not abandon me
Check these two videos! Very helpful!
I deal with loss. I'll find Myself on websites. I shouldn't be on. And then I end up doing it and hating myself horribly afterwards but it's like I can't control myself. I was baptized not that long ago when I feel worthless.
Every sin is forgivable. You can be forgiven. If you obey the truth. And no- people today CAN NOT blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. Watch these two videos.
my struggle would be that I go reading smut fanfictions, repeatedly, and its a habit that i wish to stop. Its feels like it has control over me, but i want to break free from this cycle
I have repented so many times beacuse of lust always convinces me and im fighting it and struggling soo many times and im asking my mom to give me a bible so i can read and im still waiting to get it and want to get close to god but i feel like im far away from him. But god bless me and all of us
Check these two videos! Very helpful!
I can't continue to sin willfully n go against the love n nature of my loving heavenly father... I have been battling sexual sin n lust n all that comes with it.. I always feel unclean n guilty... Please I need prayers n help...
Alr what i wanna know is say a person willfully sins for a while after giving their life to Christ and has no remorse doesn't care that there sinning willfully then one day the conviction and regret comes and then they come to God and say God Im done waving my fist at you and believe Jesus Christ die on cross for me, and they truly give their life to Christ and they repent truly changing there mind changing their actions. And they devote the rest of their life to Christ and they no longer willfully sin and even though they did in the past,and they longer did it, are they saved?
When Paul said this, he was warning the people to not fall away from the faith. If you willfully sin, you backslide from God. But you can always come back to God. Remember the parable of the prodigal son. We are the son. And God is the father. God will always accept us back as long as we're alive. Hebrews 6:4 is talking about people that fall away and choose to not come back to God. That will harden people's heart and will make it harder for them to repent. None of these verses say that if you willfully sin and fall away, that you can never come back to God and be forgiven of. God will always forgive you as long as you truly repent.
Please try to pray for me, please help me. I find myself becoming this person. And I need to change, I need help. Prayers are powerful combined with true faith. Please pray for me, I can’t keep living like this, bottom line I am just suffering. In ways the eyes and ears can’t understand unless they know him. But I just constantly, endlessly suffer in my sin, and guilt, and murder of guilt, and repeat, and dive deeper. Just please try to pray for me, plead my case to the angels in heaven, and to the lord
What's keeping me from obeying God is confusion in my family regarding the Sabbath day whether it is Saturday (7th day - where I stand) or Sunday (1st day - where my family stands), confusion about the Levitical Feast Days still being applied today, and the spirit telling me to go the Navy, but out of immense fear, chose not to. Please help me discern on what should I do if I have any hope left. I repent daily of my sins such as lust, pride, anger, and laziness. I truly want to be forgiven and walk in the light with Christ but lost due to stuck between different theologies.
I have problems with addiction to technology and games, as well as laziness.😞 And I don't know what to do, I began to get rid of it, turn away and run to the Heavenly Father. And sometimes I feel despair, because no matter how hard I fight, sometimes I go back to it.😞 This makes me very sick and I just don't know what to do?😢 I don't want to sin on purpose....but if I fall, I will get up and continue to work on myself. Because I don't want to die in my own sin
We will be forgiven if we repent and keep pushing forth in Christ, After all David had Bethshebs husband killed and many other sins an he was forgiven.. The main thing is love Jesus and people and an always do right as much as you possibly can an of course repent for your sins..❤
God actually dose forgive willful sins but god can get fed up with sins and end up dealing with you, But yeah if you decide to live in willful sin and reject Christ then, yea
I struggle with porn Sometimes it overtakes me But last night I cried out to God and prayed to him for nearly 30 minutes about that and the anger and pride sins I was falling back into and also the fact I was hurting from pain from my first breakup and I asked God to give me a sign he was listening and apologized for thinking such a thing about a sign but just I'm in so much pain and despair I need to know he was here with me and I had a dream that I feel was the sign and i have a conviction to be better I've been reading my Bible daily Atleast a few chapters daily and praying more I have faith God will lead me away from my sins but please pray for me :(
Just prayed! You can overcome! You can do it! Fight it! Look to God, He will provide. Obey the truth- love the truth.
@TheBoldChristian i watched the whole video Thank you so much I have to CHOOSE christ Of course it would be hard but that's why the lord promises us strength as said philippians 4 13 "I can do all things through christ who strengths me" Thank you brother in christ for doing the lords work 😊
I believe I have wilfully sinned against God I have since repented but it may be too late for me. It is with lust i went from struggling to wilful to stopping completely which is probably too late
Temptation is a real thing, unfortunately. But so is the power of prayer. So, we should pray for strength to endure temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV [13] No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. Unfortunately we're also human so we're still sinners. So when we do sin we should run back to our savior in repentance. 1 John 1:9 ESV [9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. God bless you all
He has already judged. Jhn 12:48 He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him-the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. Jhn 7:24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."
I asked my mom who is woman of god if GOD forgives willful sin and she said yes, but wait... I used to sin back in 2018 years after I was saved and at that time I didn't know how to repent and I was sinning willfully and hiding it from my mother she found evidence but mistake it for something else but yea years after, my family went to church where the spirit of lust was cast out of me and I was forgiven but instead of staying clean I went back to the lustful website one last time before I decided to turn to god but when I first learn that lusting was sin I immediately started asking god for forgiveness yet still found my self doing sexual stuff... In 2024 I got scared of this Scripture because I remember that I willfully sinned once but when I my mom explained it to me I felt the fear go away but she did say if you sin and ask for forgiveness sin again god will hand you over to devil or if you repent and sin again he will get fed up and deal with you, but yea if you decide to go back to sinning life after you were saved this is your fate Yeah I will stop with the willfully sins and actually repent instead of just simply asking for forgiveness and sinning again... Please reply if you saw my comment
God will forgive any sin. A person WILL NOT have their sins forgiven until they are baptized for the forgiveness of sins and added to Christ ONE church. The church of Christ. You are not SAVED until you are baptized for the forgiveness of sins. You can NOT PRAY to God until you are baptized for the forgiveness of sins. You can be forgiven for ANY sin. But if a person lives a life of WILLFUL sin. That will NOT be forgiven if they die. And they will NOT go to heaven. You must obey the truth, become a Christian according to truth. And walk in the light and live a faithful life to God if you want to get to heaven. Can’t get to heaven as a Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal, Muslim, none of that. They are all lies.
I was born again 8 months ago, my entire life changed and i was on fire for God. I was with God for a very long time, but recently i've dived in the desires of my flesh for a few months before i started asking God to deliver me away from sin. I desire to be changed and returned back unto the love of Jesus i so desire. Is there any hope for me ? Please pray for me.
There is indeed still hope for you. The fact that you feel regret and are worried if you can be forgiven shows this. First thing's first, take comfort in knowing that God knows no one is perfect. So, he knows falling short of His glory is possible. Even people like Job, David, Solomon all did this. So, if you genuinely repent, God will forgive you. And it doesn't end there, God will also FORGET your sins. "For I will be merciful toward their unrighteousness, and I will remember their sins no more." (Hebrews 8:12) This verse is a fulfillment of the promise made in Jeremiah 31:34 which says "I will remember their sins no more." He also says one similar in Isaiah 43:25 "I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins." Do you see that there are three verses that guarantees that you can be forgiven and that your sins will be forgotten? Repent, ask for forgiveness and God will forgive you. Also, another way to know if you can still be forgiven is to see how you respond to the Holy Spirit. Meaning, if you feel regret, guilt or shame after sinning, that's a sign that the Holy Spirit is still in you and still working in you. However, if you sin so much for so long that it passess the point of redemption (if you willingly sin continously to the point where you don't care anymore and don't want to repent) then you will be unforgiven. This is known as the unforgivable sin. And it is sinning against the Holy Spirit. (Mark 3:28) So, there is hope for you. I advise however that you try to do right by God always and avoid falling into sin. Get back with God, repent, follow Him, obey Him and allow His will to be done in your life. As you do this, you will be made strong to the point where you won't have to worry about falling into sin. Be blessed.
Hey is this sin blasphemy against The Holy Spirit, as in wilfully hardening your heart against God? Because this is my number one worst nightmare, commuting this sin accidentally or being corrupted and committing it…. Pls help.
You MUST repent. You CAN still repent as long as you are still living. Truly repent, change. I talked about how to repent here: Also, you can’t blaspheme against the Holy Spirit today. Here is a great video that talks about that.
I struggle with submitting fully to God like lately i find myself easily submitting the wrong things...also my second time coming across this video does this mean God is mad? 😢💔
Im just in a Situation where actually should be somewhere Else but i decided not to Go there because i know that it doesnt make any Sense for me to be there since i could do other things instead however i know that my Family will definitly Talk with me about it and ask stuff like how was it how many people were there and then be Propably pretty disappointed knowing i wasnt ever there even though i Said that i would Go and i really dont wanna lie to them about it but i also know that they Propably dont understand why i didnt Go there either
I committed the unpardonable sin and attributed the works of the Holy Spirit to something demonic. I sought God’s face and used my imagination to attribute his face with a demon. God sent lightning at my flat one night and it humbled me immediately, I knew God was speaking to me. I’m terrified because I keep remembering the past sin
You CAN NOT commit an unpardonable sin. That’s impossible to do today. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an impossible thing to do today. Go back and read that section. Check pinned comment
Have you become a Christian according to scripture? Have you heard the gospel on how Jesus hung, bled, and died. How He was crucified. Murdered. Best, spat on, had nails in His hands and feet. Died, was buried, and was raised on the 3rd day to never die again. Did you believe? Did you repent? Did you confess? Were you baptized for the forgiveness of sins? Baptism saves you (1 Peter 3:21) Baptism is for the forgiveness of sins(acts2:38) Baptism adds you to Christ one and only church- the church of Christ. After you do those steps, you must live faithfully until you die. Only a true Christian can pray to God and ask for forgiveness. Were you taught that? Did you obey that? Do you worship at a church that worships according to the scripture? You can’t get to heaven as a Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Muslim, Pentecostal, orthodox, etc. All of those are lies. God only has one church.
I do believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I repent daily but struggle with remembering the past sin. I confess my sins daily. I have not been baptised.
If you want to be saved you must be baptized. If you want to be In Christ one church- the church of Christ- you must be baptized. If you want to have access to pray to God- you must be baptized. If you need help finding a biblical church near you- let me know and I’ll love to help.
I am struggling with Lust it hurts me because ik it’s wrong the holt spirit convicts me i wouldn’t put my fist up at Jesus I’ve been through a lot of trauma and lust have been hurting every since I was young I just want to be free from this sin😞
I’m going to make a new video on LUST. It seems like literally MANY people deal with this. I’m going to record this and have it ready for next week. Lord willing.
God blessed me with creativity, but my temptations abuse this blessing, because they tempt me to use AI to commit lustful acts, and I feel embarrassed (with myself) after doing those lustful acts. God will always forgive me, but I abuse his grace, almost everday with anger and curse words. And I feel extremely bad when I sin, because He loves me, and gives me too many blessings. I love God... please have mercy of me, a sinner...
I struggle with the sin of betting( because I think this is a sin). I am no longer betting from some time ,but I suffer a little for this. I was enjoying my time with soccer , but now is a little boring.
So am I just automatically fated to go to Hell? Because I chose to sin even though I knew it was wrong I struggle with lust, yes, as you mentioned at the end of the video. I know it's wrong but I just can't stop myself - it's a decade old addiction, the seed of which was planted since my preteen years by some guy sending me nudes in DMs. I try to connect with God more by reading the Bible more, thanking Him every time I wake up, praying and going to Church on Sundays but the temptations just keep getting stronger. Am I doomed to Hell?
Check the pinned comment! Read through that conversation! It answers that! As long as your living- you still have time to repent. Let’s study the Bible together. Send me an email! “”
Luke 1:37: "For with God nothing will be impossible"
Hebrews 6:4-6 "For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who have once been enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away."
If this is the case, you have shaken my faith, and my turning away of my former practicing of sin even after receiving the truth is in vain. What hope is there for me? There probably isn't any. That is the message I've gotten from this.
It’s a huge difference if a person WILFULLY sins-
VS a person stumbling.
You can stumble. YOU WILL STUMBLE.
But- you CAN NOT WILLFULLY live in sin and never ever have a desire to change
@@TheBoldChristian i understand, i apologize
You sure? Let me be very clear for anyone reading this!
YES - if you die living a life of WILLFUL UNREPENTED SIN. You will NOT go to heaven.
if you stumble with ANY SIN- ask God for forgiveness- fall- ask for forgiveness- keep pushing- keep trying your very best- WALK IN THE LIGHT:
That is how a true Christian stays saved.
Let me know if that makes sense. If so, I’m going to pin this comment.
@@TheBoldChristian yes it does, the key word was desire, and i keep reminding myself each day that i am new, and that i have different desires, when i went back to my own vomit, it didnt feel the same, it felt like vomit. "woe to those who call bitter sweet and sweet bitter." It was bitter, and I finally am free of it, when I heard Paul said we are free in Christ... I am free.
I also do not have a mentor, I am doing this by myself. Iron sharpens Iron, and my blade is getting heavy and dull. It is hard to fight without brothers and sisters around me.
I struggle with lust and masturbation and Im trying my best to repent. Oh, Lord.
Start little, repent, if you feel tempted go to the word of God. Read a Bible verse everyday. Seek wanting ur relationship to get stronger with the lord.
I'm in the same situation brother and I'm married I just ask Jesus to take the Lust away and it works praise the Lord
I'm in the same situation as well, struggling with masturbation
@@itsmrkevinthecube1568 🙏🏾
I struggle a lot too and I admit it
I don't shake my fist at God but I am struggling with sin an Im asking God for deliverance and forgiveness
If you were that kind of person than you wouldn't be looking for forgiveness and feeling bad for it you know if anyone doesn't sin than you would be like jesus (yeshua) which wont happened because hes the only sinless man theres a difference between being righteous and commiting blasphemy agaisnt the holy spirit because jesus (yeshua) said that a righteous servant of God (YHWH) falls 7 times but gets back up again. keep praying for deliverance and forgiveness with your sin repent and follow his word I myself am having problems with reading the bible everyday and stuff so I'm not perfect.
@@gamerthe13th36nobody will ever be perfect. But you can be complete- by obeying God and walking in the Light.
God wants you to walk in the light. Meaning- TRY YOUR VERY BEST. You fall- get back up and ask for forgiveness and press on.
If you CHOOSE to willfully ignore God, and willfully disobey, and wilfully live in sin. If you die, living a life of WILLFUL sin- if you LIVE IN SIN. You will not make heaven.
Living in sin = you know homosexuality is wrong- but you continue to live that way. You don’t care what God said- you keep doing it. WILLFULLY.
you struggles with sin as do I. I am working continually around the clock to broaden thy path with the lord. while it is easy to say it's not so easy to delve within and seek him as many struggle with including myself but it is a battle that must be fought tirelessly and I'm not saying battling sin until you have no energy left is the way for it is not a physical battle but a spiritual one.
all I can say to that is seek the lord as you did here and he will provide divine guidance. trust his hand even in difficult times and it will provide sevenfold. you will manifest a new perhaps unrecognizable to your old self but seek him first and all will cometh you.
Please pray that i lose my addiction in Video games and watching tv and gluttony.
Just cut it out jesus said himself whatever causes you to sin cut it off
1 Timothy 1:18-20
Wage the Good warfare and keep a GOOD CONSIENCE, by rejecting this some have made a shipwreck of their faith. I have created shipwreck of my faith and it is so bad, CUT OFF SIN FROM YOUR LIFE AND PRAY FOR DELIVERANCE
I struggle with lust, and it has led me down a dark and dangerous path. Gluttony, laziness, wrath, jealousy, etc...ALL of these sins have stemmed from lust. I have willfully sinned, but I don't want to willfully sin anymore. I'm scared that I've done so much damage (even though I'm only 22) that God stopped loving me by the time I was 12. Is there hope for me? I want God's love and forgiveness, but scared that He doesn't want to give it to me. What do I do?
God is not willing that any should perish. God wants you to repent. God wants you to truthfully obey Him.
To please Him, and obey Him- you must do what He said.
Obey the truth!
Be Baptized for the forgiveness of sins.
Be added to Christ one and only church- the church of Christ.
Once you become a true Christian- you can pray to God - repent- and ask for forgiveness whenever you fall.
You must obey truth and worship according to truth.
Can’t get to heaven as a Baptist, nor a Catholic, nor an orthodox, nor a Pentecostal, nor a Muslim. All LIES.
If you want to talk and study the Bible with me- send me an email. I would love to talk with you.
my friend i struggle with lust too ok, the bible says that a righteous man falls 7 times if you feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit that is good if you still continue to son read 1 john 1:9 it state if a man confess thier son he is faithful and just to forgive him of his iniquity and cleanse him of his unrighteousness just pray and confess your sins you don't need to be a perfect christian just pray to him he will hear you ok he loves and he sent his son to teach you guide and to die for you to be free ok
Thank you Chad so much🙏 One book I recommend everyone to read in 2025 is Your Life Your Game by Keezano… It beautifully shows how embracing faith and nurturing meaningful relationships can lead to spiritual growth and success in both your personal and professional life. This book truly changed my life-a must-read. God bless
Amazing book i agree
Lust, Lack of patients, greed, pride, lack of faith, doubt, trusting the lord, living in the world, it's so much known and unknown but I pray for the forgiveness as I continue to walk in this journey with him. Pray for me bro. It gets heavy sometimes
God can also soften your heart, he is patient because he wants you to change he dose tolerate all sins willfully to but his limit is keeping one saved if they choose to go back to their sinning life and reject Christ.
The text discusses the idea of turning away from one's faith rather than just focusing on sins. For example, someone might say, "Screw God and screw living q holy life." That person is making a mistake because turning back to God involves understanding the full truth.
What Paul is trying to convey is that if you commit sins deliberately and without remorse, then that reflects your character. It’s not as simple as many think. If you believe in God and desire to do good, then you should strive to do good.
Many people struggle with their sins, falling into them at times, some more than others. You might find yourself battling the same sin daily, but as long as you want to do good and believe in God, that intention matters.
Let Jesus take the burden off your shoulders. You may not be able to stop sinning entirely, but you can try to avoid the things you know are wrong.
All it is, is "obey, obey, obey" not a damn dog. Pisses me the hell off, how you people defend that.
@@Living_Soul54 Yep! This is what happeneds when you solely rely on interpatation. People like him just go straight to Hebrew without forget everything up till that point starting with acts. We should obey God, because everything he say is good, but the problem now of days people use church traditions and what the church fasther said in totally ignoring scripture.
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.”
2 Timothy 3:1-8 KJV
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.”
2 Timothy 3:1-8 KJV
I'm a coward I'm afraid to go full in with God please for me think you ❤
What do you struggle with? What do you mean full in?
Lord please forgive me for I have sinned. Lust getting drunk being depressed and needing therapy. I repent I sometimes just don't know what to do. I'm alone all day
As someone who struggled with lusts for years, I have acknowledged that on my own effort I fall short. I recently began to rely more on the Holy Spirt to have the strength to flee from lust. We are not able to withstand the wilds of the devil without the Holy Spirit. My encouragement to us is to be more consistent in prayer and reading of the word of God. The Holy Spirit been telling me you gotta do the opposite of how you feel. God knows how to deliver to godly from temptation 2 Peter 2:9
Acts 2:21 "And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the Name of The LORD shall be saved."
At what point is that? Once your baptized for the forgiveness of sins and added to Christ ONE church. The church of Christ.
Act 2:37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?"
Act 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Act 22:16 And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.'
And I know someone will read this and say baptism is a work.
Jhn 6:28 Then they said to Him, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?"
Jhn 6:29 Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent."
Jas 2:24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
Jas 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
@@TheBoldChristian I know, I wasn't trying to prove a point man, but thank you, since one guy's messaging me saying that salvation can be attained by faith only. I thank you for your concern though, God bless.
@@TheBoldChristian I was just trying to spread a message though, not trying to rebuke you.
Hey I was just posting this incase anyone came and read that to mean BELIEF ALONE.
I didn’t mean this in any type of way, nor did I take your comment as rebuking me! Just want to clarify for anyone reading
@@TheBoldChristian 👍✝
I'm struggling with sexual immorality, fornication, adultery lying and being a hypocrite, not being a good Christian example I need strong prayers for the position of God to work
@@TarahScott-k5p 🙏🏾
I struggle with pride and addiction to the things of this world mainly my phone and TV shows please pray for me. 🙏 Have mercy on us Lord 🙏
Thank you for the video man.I'll really try to repent and leave my lust behind at once.
You can do it! Take drastic measures to get rid of the lust. We sadly live in a world full of of IMMODESTY
I also was struggling with willful sin but I am doing my best to stop wilfully sinning and asking for forgiveness, especially doing it after repenting during the new years, yea I am trying my best to repent and to stop sinning or else god will deal with me.
I struggle with my repentance journey and not truly turning from sin and also being ashamed to share God and I truly want to repent and do God’s will, I want to do his will, please comment what to do, I also struggle with thoughts saying that I’m trying to murder someone and I’m not I don’t want that and I need help and I need God, I want to go to Heaven 😢
Repent and ask God for forgiveness and walk away from sin when you do
Lamentations 3:22-23
Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” This verse highlights God's unwavering love and mercy, which are renewed every day. It reassures us that no matter how many times we fail, God's compassion and faithfulness provide us with a fresh start each day
Watch this here:
Amen. Thank you for sharing this message. This is why we shouldn't abuse God's mercy 🙏🏻❤️🕊️✝️
Willfully…. After receiving the knowledge of truth we learn that we don’t have free will ….our lives are in The Lord’s will
We do have free will- we all have a choice- that choice better be to CHOOSE to do the will of God.
Jos 24:15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
I need prayers for the power of God to deliver me from the chains of sin
Thank you for this video I love learning about god and what he cares about and so I will try and use this to encourage me to stop with the willful sins, I do not want to be dealt with by god.
1 John 1:9 if we confess our sins to him he is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
Amen to this video
sexual immortality is what i struggled with for years.
I want to be free of this evil desire. Reading word of God helps. I seek deliverance from this evil desire from sexual sin.
I struggle with being a coward
1Co 16:13 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.
My struggle is lust
It’s the sad, SAD world we live in today. Everything and everyone is immodest.
Ask God for forgiveness and repent
@@TheBoldChristian I have a question, I keep on sinning and asking for forgiveness but i've havent lost faith in him and worshiping him daily but i can't stop sinning
Nothing, but I do have temptations and I hate it. But I love him and He leads me and I will trust in him FULLY. Because if I dont Ill just fall back into sin.
Honestly with all the corruption in the church, I never knew what being saved even looks like.
Watch this video!
I don't want to sin anymore.
Repent, and do your best to resist. If you fall. Get up ask forgiveness and ask for strength to not fall into that sin. Again. You may not completely escape sin but you can sin less
I'm scared man. I'm panicking because I really don't what to do. I feel like I'm doomed, and I feel stupid for drifting away. This was definitely a sign from God, and I know it. But I really don't what to do. I'm crying and I'm begging for mercy but I really feel like I'm done for.
Watch this video I just uploaded yesterday talking about this
The enemy want u to think god is mad at u God concern is your heart are u wanting to change from the heart
Brother ive seen 2 videos already named the same as this title, i will have faith and repent, i hope God forgives me, i will stop getting drunk, watching porn, and will work hard at my job instead of laziness, i will stop my anger/wraith, and stop my violence and cursing. Is there any hope? I been trying to repent and turn away, over the years its gotten easier, i needed this message.
Yes it’s hope. If you obey God according to truth. Let’s talk and study the Bible together. I would love to talk and study with you. Email me!
Lamentations 3:22-23
I love God and I am a true Christian and I feel the Holy Spirit with me too I feel so happy and I feel Gods love❤🙏
I have fallen under such massive judgment from God in this klife for this very thing. I can't say I was sinning and putting my fist up to God but I was continually sinning while not really understanding the greviousness of what I was doing. I am in my 50's and what I have wracked up for my self in terms of judgemnet is probably the most massive of any human ever created. I am mentally wrecked and in a mindset of hell beofre I go there. I grew up in a kind of Christian home that was disfunctional and I clung to believeing in Jesus but I honesty never understood repentance or felt any deep conviction of the Holy Spirit. I was either never ever saved in the forst place or very quickly from young adulthood was given over to a reprobate mind. I was blind and incapable of seeing and lived a secret life of sin that I thought God was ok with and understood.
We all have sinned and still do walk in the sprit and don't forfill the lust of the flesh I pray I can destroy old man and walk in the new life
I also was struggling with willful sin but I'm not saying "Idc what god thinks" but instead I was mindlessly doing it, i am trying my best to stop wilfully sinning and asking for forgiveness, especially doing it twice after repenting during the new years, yea I am trying my best to repent and to stop sinning or else god will deal with me.
Jesus is King. Holy Spirit, we welcome you ✝️✝️✨⭐️👑😊💕🕊️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️⭐️✝️✝️✝️ Jesus is Lord 👑👑👑
Im struggling with vaping please pray for me
As long we are in the world we we will stay sinners.Our only hope is the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ our Savior whom died on the cross for us.
WE must repent of our sins constantly and be at the mercy of our Lord.
Please pray for me. I am struggling to stop sinning willfully and I really want to stop. I will actually be baptized this year, so thank you Lord ❤.
Let’s study the Bible together. Send me an email and we can set some time up to talk and study!
Thank you god and i wish obedience and Righteousness upon all
I struggle with lust anger and being patient
I kind of struggle with everything really, Lord help me.
I often has mistaken God's grace as mercy, but no longer desire to sit idly by and not hold myself accountable for my actions. I don't want to live in Romans 7 but instead Romans 8.
my biggest struggles are laziness and wrath, i also struggled a lot with lust back then but i managed to overcome it
The devil is busy, the world is FULL OF immodesty.
As for laziness- you have to have a zeal to better yourself. YOU have to decide that one. YOU have to say “I’m done being lazy!”
As for wrath- this is how you deal with wrath:
Meditate on the word of God
Php 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.
@TheBoldChristian thanks!
Mostly rage for myself. I do nothing yet i seem to go nowhere, and no matter where i go im surrounded by people telling me to go to casinos and strip clubs, hook up with a prostitute and my life will suddenly improve..i dont do anything like most and i succeed less.
I sometimes feel superior to others because of my talents, i feel pridefull for the talent that the lord (glory to your name), has given me, and i know is wrong. But iam soo used to feel this way that even if i feel is wrong, i still do it. Is like when you try to turn away from swering when you have been doing it all your life. And i hate to think this way, i want to be humble and be transformed. Iam sorry God for all the people that i have treated the wrong way.
I was addicted to pornography from the age of 8 to 25, I was a glutton I found comfort in food still do trying to get better at it because christian shall not live by bread alone, I was extraordinarily docile so I'm learning to be braver/ stand out more and speak the truth, my anger and control is also something I'm learning to surrender and turn that towards a righteous cause, there's probably a bit more that I'm even unaware of and I talk with God about it trying to work through it the best I can daily so alot of things I'm currently dealing with are habitual and I'm trying to break free from those habits so that I can build a better relationship with him
You can do it! I just made a video that goes along with this-
Struggling with lust and masturbation. I've sex with prostitutes twice but I stopped and didn't do it again but still struggling watching porn and making nude AI image. I always pray often and started reading bibles a year ago to grow faith in Jesus but I believe it's still not enough.
I only doing it because I have no kids and wife, I'm just a single and l living in a sad life, playing video games, living in fear on what the world has become.
I pray that God will not abandon me
Check these two videos! Very helpful!
I love you all. God bless and help you guys ❤❤
I deal with loss. I'll find Myself on websites. I shouldn't be on. And then I end up doing it and hating myself horribly afterwards but it's like I can't control myself. I was baptized not that long ago when I feel worthless.
Hopefully this video i created yesterday helps!
The Bible says only two sins are unforgivable. No one is without sin
Every sin is forgivable. You can be forgiven. If you obey the truth. And no- people today CAN NOT blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. Watch these two videos.
my struggle would be that I go reading smut fanfictions, repeatedly, and its a habit that i wish to stop. Its feels like it has control over me, but i want to break free from this cycle
I have repented so many times beacuse of lust always convinces me and im fighting it and struggling soo many times and im asking my mom to give me a bible so i can read and im still waiting to get it and want to get close to god but i feel like im far away from him. But god bless me and all of us
Check these two videos! Very helpful!
I struggle with gluttony please pray for me!!
My lust has ruined me, as well as my wraith. It’s made life so much worse and my relationship with God has been getting worse from it as well.
I am sorry GOD in JESUS name forever amen and amen 😔 I struggle with everything.
I can't continue to sin willfully n go against the love n nature of my loving heavenly father... I have been battling sexual sin n lust n all that comes with it.. I always feel unclean n guilty... Please I need prayers n help...
Alr what i wanna know is say a person willfully sins for a while after giving their life to Christ and has no remorse doesn't care that there sinning willfully then one day the conviction and regret comes and then they come to God and say God Im done waving my fist at you and believe Jesus Christ die on cross for me, and they truly give their life to Christ and they repent truly changing there mind changing their actions. And they devote the rest of their life to Christ and they no longer willfully sin and even though they did in the past,and they longer did it, are they saved?
This is how you are saved
Cowardice. I am a coward. I don't want to be. Forgive me, O'GOD, LORD, GOD.
People understand this is a spiritual battle u are not just going to change over night some sins only god can deliver u from
Talked about that here:
When Paul said this, he was warning the people to not fall away from the faith. If you willfully sin, you backslide from God. But you can always come back to God. Remember the parable of the prodigal son. We are the son. And God is the father. God will always accept us back as long as we're alive. Hebrews 6:4 is talking about people that fall away and choose to not come back to God. That will harden people's heart and will make it harder for them to repent. None of these verses say that if you willfully sin and fall away, that you can never come back to God and be forgiven of. God will always forgive you as long as you truly repent.
Thats exactly what I said in the video… you can come back as long as you truly repent… check pinned comment.
My struggle is my addiction to my phone and electronics overall
Please try to pray for me, please help me. I find myself becoming this person. And I need to change, I need help. Prayers are powerful combined with true faith. Please pray for me, I can’t keep living like this, bottom line I am just suffering. In ways the eyes and ears can’t understand unless they know him. But I just constantly, endlessly suffer in my sin, and guilt, and murder of guilt, and repeat, and dive deeper. Just please try to pray for me, plead my case to the angels in heaven, and to the lord
Just prayed! If you ever want to talk and study the Bible together, send me an email!
thank you, this video was importent to me.
If you struggle with sin can he forgive me 😢
Yes if you obey Him and repent
What's keeping me from obeying God is confusion in my family regarding the Sabbath day whether it is Saturday (7th day - where I stand) or Sunday (1st day - where my family stands), confusion about the Levitical Feast Days still being applied today, and the spirit telling me to go the Navy, but out of immense fear, chose not to.
Please help me discern on what should I do if I have any hope left.
I repent daily of my sins such as lust, pride, anger, and laziness. I truly want to be forgiven and walk in the light with Christ but lost due to stuck between different theologies.
This is a great video here about the sabbath
Doesn’t God say he will never leave nor forsake you? I’m trying my best to not willfully sin, and God forgives all sins, did Jesus die for that?
I have problems with addiction to technology and games, as well as laziness.😞 And I don't know what to do, I began to get rid of it, turn away and run to the Heavenly Father. And sometimes I feel despair, because no matter how hard I fight, sometimes I go back to it.😞 This makes me very sick and I just don't know what to do?😢 I don't want to sin on purpose....but if I fall, I will get up and continue to work on myself. Because I don't want to die in my own sin
We will be forgiven if we repent and keep pushing forth in Christ, After all David had Bethshebs husband killed and many other sins an he was forgiven.. The main thing is love Jesus and people and an always do right as much as you possibly can an of course repent for your sins..❤
Exactly what I said in the pinned comment! ALL MUST REPENT
@TheBoldChristian 💯🔥
God actually dose forgive willful sins but god can get fed up with sins and end up dealing with you, But yeah if you decide to live in willful sin and reject Christ then, yea
i struggle with lust and wrath
But yea god forgives to certain extent
I struggle with porn
Sometimes it overtakes me
But last night I cried out to God and prayed to him for nearly 30 minutes about that and the anger and pride sins I was falling back into and also the fact I was hurting from pain from my first breakup and I asked God to give me a sign he was listening and apologized for thinking such a thing about a sign but just I'm in so much pain and despair I need to know he was here with me and I had a dream that I feel was the sign and i have a conviction to be better
I've been reading my Bible daily
Atleast a few chapters daily and praying more
I have faith God will lead me away from my sins but please pray for me :(
I will, always remember that Jesus loves you 🙏🫶
@@Lunarsms thank you! 🖤🖤
Just prayed! You can overcome! You can do it! Fight it! Look to God, He will provide.
Obey the truth- love the truth.
@@TheBoldChristian thank you so much🖤🖤
@TheBoldChristian i watched the whole video
Thank you so much
I have to CHOOSE christ
Of course it would be hard but that's why the lord promises us strength as said philippians 4 13 "I can do all things through christ who strengths me"
Thank you brother in christ for doing the lords work 😊
Jesus saves
I believe I have wilfully sinned against God I have since repented but it may be too late for me. It is with lust i went from struggling to wilful to stopping completely which is probably too late
It is never, never ever to late, read Philippians 1:6 and Henrews 12:5-11 and Revelatiom 3:19
Temptation is a real thing, unfortunately. But so is the power of prayer. So, we should pray for strength to endure temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
[13] No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
Unfortunately we're also human so we're still sinners. So when we do sin we should run back to our savior in repentance. 1 John 1:9 ESV
[9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
God bless you all
All have SINNED! But all do not LIVE IN SIN!
LIVING in sin= living a WILLFUL life of sin.
Only God can judge
He has already judged.
Jhn 12:48 He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him-the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.
Jhn 7:24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."
I asked my mom who is woman of god if GOD forgives willful sin and she said yes, but wait... I used to sin back in 2018 years after I was saved and at that time I didn't know how to repent and I was sinning willfully and hiding it from my mother she found evidence but mistake it for something else but yea years after, my family went to church where the spirit of lust was cast out of me and I was forgiven but instead of staying clean I went back to the lustful website one last time before I decided to turn to god but when I first learn that lusting was sin I immediately started asking god for forgiveness yet still found my self doing sexual stuff...
In 2024 I got scared of this Scripture because I remember that I willfully sinned once but when I my mom explained it to me I felt the fear go away but she did say if you sin and ask for forgiveness sin again god will hand you over to devil or if you repent and sin again he will get fed up and deal with you, but yea if you decide to go back to sinning life after you were saved this is your fate
Yeah I will stop with the willfully sins and actually repent instead of just simply asking for forgiveness and sinning again... Please reply if you saw my comment
God will forgive any sin. A person WILL NOT have their sins forgiven until they are baptized for the forgiveness of sins and added to Christ ONE church. The church of Christ.
You are not SAVED until you are baptized for the forgiveness of sins.
You can NOT PRAY to God until you are baptized for the forgiveness of sins.
You can be forgiven for ANY sin. But if a person lives a life of WILLFUL sin. That will NOT be forgiven if they die.
And they will NOT go to heaven.
You must obey the truth, become a Christian according to truth. And walk in the light and live a faithful life to God if you want to get to heaven.
Can’t get to heaven as a Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal, Muslim, none of that. They are all lies.
@@TheBoldChristian the thief on the cross wasnt baptized? why did Jesus tell him he'd be in paradise? 🤨
Made a video on that here:
I was born again 8 months ago, my entire life changed and i was on fire for God. I was with God for a very long time, but recently i've dived in the desires of my flesh for a few months before i started asking God to deliver me away from sin. I desire to be changed and returned back unto the love of Jesus i so desire. Is there any hope for me ? Please pray for me.
There is indeed still hope for you. The fact that you feel regret and are worried if you can be forgiven shows this.
First thing's first, take comfort in knowing that God knows no one is perfect. So, he knows falling short of His glory is possible. Even people like Job, David, Solomon all did this. So, if you genuinely repent, God will forgive you. And it doesn't end there, God will also FORGET your sins.
"For I will be merciful toward their unrighteousness, and I will remember their sins no more." (Hebrews 8:12)
This verse is a fulfillment of the promise made in Jeremiah 31:34 which says "I will remember their sins no more." He also says one similar in Isaiah 43:25 "I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins."
Do you see that there are three verses that guarantees that you can be forgiven and that your sins will be forgotten? Repent, ask for forgiveness and God will forgive you.
Also, another way to know if you can still be forgiven is to see how you respond to the Holy Spirit. Meaning, if you feel regret, guilt or shame after sinning, that's a sign that the Holy Spirit is still in you and still working in you. However, if you sin so much for so long that it passess the point of redemption (if you willingly sin continously to the point where you don't care anymore and don't want to repent) then you will be unforgiven. This is known as the unforgivable sin. And it is sinning against the Holy Spirit. (Mark 3:28)
So, there is hope for you. I advise however that you try to do right by God always and avoid falling into sin. Get back with God, repent, follow Him, obey Him and allow His will to be done in your life. As you do this, you will be made strong to the point where you won't have to worry about falling into sin. Be blessed.
@@RoliMutale Thank you brother.
My sins:
Not reading bible
Not praying
Disobeying parents
I struggle with Lust, Pornography, masturbation and Laziness. Please I ask for prayer 🙏
It’s not good to abuse Gods grace don’t listen to the voice of satan “just do it and then ask God for forgiveness”
Hey is this sin blasphemy against The Holy Spirit, as in wilfully hardening your heart against God? Because this is my number one worst nightmare, commuting this sin accidentally or being corrupted and committing it…. Pls help.
You MUST repent.
You CAN still repent as long as you are still living.
Truly repent, change. I talked about how to repent here:
Also, you can’t blaspheme against the Holy Spirit today. Here is a great video that talks about that.
Wow, thank you so much mate! I love your works, keep doing God’s work brother! All the best! Will check those vids and once again, thanks!
If this is me? Can I redeem myself again? Or not....?
i keep falling in lust and it's been nearly a year since it started.
Blessed Video 🤝
I struggle with submitting fully to God like lately i find myself easily submitting the wrong things...also my second time coming across this video does this mean God is mad? 😢💔
Watch this video here!
I m not taking my fist at god but I struggle with willful thoughts against the Holy Spirit. Shame on me
What if you're addicted to something you're struggling to stop it but you can't manage to
Im just in a Situation where actually should be somewhere Else but i decided not to Go there because i know that it doesnt make any Sense for me to be there since i could do other things instead however i know that my Family will definitly Talk with me about it and ask stuff like how was it how many people were there and then be Propably pretty disappointed knowing i wasnt ever there even though i Said that i would Go and i really dont wanna lie to them about it but i also know that they Propably dont understand why i didnt Go there either
I committed the unpardonable sin and attributed the works of the Holy Spirit to something demonic. I sought God’s face and used my imagination to attribute his face with a demon. God sent lightning at my flat one night and it humbled me immediately, I knew God was speaking to me. I’m terrified because I keep remembering the past sin
You CAN NOT commit an unpardonable sin.
That’s impossible to do today. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an impossible thing to do today. Go back and read that section.
Check pinned comment
Thanks for your reply, I did believe in God when I committed it. Can I still repent and forget it completely.
Have you become a Christian according to scripture?
Have you heard the gospel on how Jesus hung, bled, and died. How He was crucified. Murdered. Best, spat on, had nails in His hands and feet. Died, was buried, and was raised on the 3rd day to never die again.
Did you believe?
Did you repent?
Did you confess?
Were you baptized for the forgiveness of sins?
Baptism saves you (1 Peter 3:21)
Baptism is for the forgiveness of sins(acts2:38)
Baptism adds you to Christ one and only church- the church of Christ.
After you do those steps, you must live faithfully until you die.
Only a true Christian can pray to God and ask for forgiveness.
Were you taught that? Did you obey that? Do you worship at a church that worships according to the scripture?
You can’t get to heaven as a Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Muslim, Pentecostal, orthodox, etc. All of those are lies. God only has one church.
I do believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I repent daily but struggle with remembering the past sin. I confess my sins daily. I have not been baptised.
If you want to be saved you must be baptized.
If you want to be In Christ one church- the church of Christ- you must be baptized.
If you want to have access to pray to God- you must be baptized.
If you need help finding a biblical church near you- let me know and I’ll love to help.
I am struggling with Lust it hurts me because ik it’s wrong the holt spirit convicts me i wouldn’t put my fist up at Jesus I’ve been through a lot of trauma and lust have been hurting every since I was young I just want to be free from this sin😞
I’m going to make a new video on LUST. It seems like literally MANY people deal with this.
I’m going to record this and have it ready for next week. Lord willing.
I struggle with smoking weed
God blessed me with creativity, but my temptations abuse this blessing, because they tempt me to use AI to commit lustful acts, and I feel embarrassed (with myself) after doing those lustful acts.
God will always forgive me, but I abuse his grace, almost everday with anger and curse words.
And I feel extremely bad when I sin, because He loves me, and gives me too many blessings.
I love God... please have mercy of me, a sinner...
i needed this.
I struggle with the sin of betting( because I think this is a sin). I am no longer betting from some time ,but I suffer a little for this. I was enjoying my time with soccer , but now is a little boring.
I'm loving and hating it at the same time 😥
So am I just automatically fated to go to Hell? Because I chose to sin even though I knew it was wrong
I struggle with lust, yes, as you mentioned at the end of the video. I know it's wrong but I just can't stop myself - it's a decade old addiction, the seed of which was planted since my preteen years by some guy sending me nudes in DMs. I try to connect with God more by reading the Bible more, thanking Him every time I wake up, praying and going to Church on Sundays but the temptations just keep getting stronger.
Am I doomed to Hell?
Check the pinned comment! Read through that conversation! It answers that!
As long as your living- you still have time to repent.
Let’s study the Bible together. Send me an email!