I can attest to this. We were traversing through a dark mirror world, when through a random encounter roll, a bunch of demonic clowns on unicycles started speeding towards us. And this is the music that played. The fight wasn't very long, but I don't think I've ever seen the group so quickly & unanimously give a "Fuck it, THAT NEEDS TO DIE RIGHT NOW."
Something great to use for a boss battle in D&D or something, love this song
I can attest to this.
We were traversing through a dark mirror world, when through a random encounter roll, a bunch of demonic clowns on unicycles started speeding towards us. And this is the music that played.
The fight wasn't very long, but I don't think I've ever seen the group so quickly & unanimously give a "Fuck it, THAT NEEDS TO DIE RIGHT NOW."
Lyrics if anyone needs the
Imagine a bar fight with this playing in the background.
The GOBLIN HUMPPA!!!!! hahahaha! Best song title ever!
its mad as a bag of spiders AND I LOVE IT :D
calling it now, first 17 block and 200+ bpm pass
I want this to be in a video game.
Not dead !!.. no !!. Espectaclar!!
This sounds very similar to Alamaailman Vasarat : Lentävä mato
Also Ars Moriendi by Mr Bungle.