Okay, I'm a bit confused - I know from comments made here that this is Tori, one of Vicki's alters, but why does she want to destroy The Banner, run by Clint and aid The Sun, which (I think) was one of the newspapers Victor Lord started (once The Intruder)?? Or do I have that backwards?? Am loving the Todd story - my perfect sort of anti-hero! :) Thanks for posting!
Cant believe how addie freajed out over todd like he was a monster. Where does she gets his mean & like asa. Blair went on & on to addie how todd was her good friend. Plus i hate how they used addie to pick who was worthy of blair. Funny years later addie loved todd ! It was cute when blair was pregnant w/ jack how todd visited her bringing a present from little starr & she bear hugged todd over & over & told a nun " todd & i always have the best time together " she also told blair todd was her soul mate & should tell him.about jack & she figured out todd got her off for shooting max by saying she was temp insane
Even Cord can see that "Blair wants to be with Todd". Too bad Blair can't see it yet.
Blair and Kelly should have been sisters they look so much alike
OMG I can't wait to watch Vicki's DID story thing again.
How does Clint NOT realize that this is Niki Smith???
Okay, I'm a bit confused - I know from comments made here that this is Tori, one of Vicki's alters, but why does she want to destroy The Banner, run by Clint and aid The Sun, which (I think) was one of the newspapers Victor Lord started (once The Intruder)?? Or do I have that backwards?? Am loving the Todd story - my perfect sort of anti-hero! :) Thanks for posting!
6:58..poor Todd.
Dorian was married to David back then. I didn't remember that.
Cant believe how addie freajed out over todd like he was a monster. Where does she gets his mean & like asa. Blair went on & on to addie how todd was her good friend. Plus i hate how they used addie to pick who was worthy of blair. Funny years later addie loved todd ! It was cute when blair was pregnant w/ jack how todd visited her bringing a present from little starr & she bear hugged todd over & over & told a nun " todd & i always have the best time together " she also told blair todd was her soul mate & should tell him.about jack & she figured out todd got her off for shooting max by saying she was temp insane
Oh yeah.......you may have a point.
@jondrake1977 That's because she's Tori, not Niki. If that was Niki, she'd be in Atlantic City.