Why Do Evil Men Prosper? | Malachi
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- You have wearied the Lord with your words. But you say, “How have we wearied him?” By saying, “Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delights in them.” Or by asking, “Where is the God of justice?” - Malachi 2:17
Malachi is basically telling the people that God is a little tired of them. And yet again, they don't get it. But God has a legal rebuttal. He presents two exhibits - first, their complaint, and second, their conclusion.
So let's recall this moment in the history of God's people. While they were free to return home from exile to Jerusalem, they were still subject to foreign leaders. And the top of their concern at present is their economic despair because their city and Temple are in ruins. This is a contrast to the prospering countries around them. Therefore they see their situation as unjust. They watch as unrighteous nations are being blessed, and they, the righteous, are not. As a result, they draw at least three conclusions about God. First, God rejoices in evil. Second, God lacks discernment. Third, God is not just. Three wrong conclusions about God.
But let's agree when we are in a state of despair, we are prone to draw some wrong conclusions. I am sure you have done this. So have I. That is because when we are in a state of despair, we want answers. And in seeking answers, we ask questions. But sometimes, these questions get answered by our present feelings or our finite perspective. Therefore, we make assumptions. And that's what God's people have done here. They have made the assumption that they are righteous and others are unrighteous. But that is not the case. All people are unrighteous. Yet God allowed offerings to be made for the unrighteousness of his people. But they brought unacceptable offerings, and God refused them. In addition, they have other issues already listed in chapter two. They worshipped foreign gods and committed adultery with foreign women. So while God's people perceive themselves as righteous, they are just as unrighteous as any other unrighteous person. But because they assume they are righteous, they feel economic blessings are due them. And then, to top it off, they accuse God of lacking judgment. But the ones who lack judgment are them.
I have found when I am in a state of despair, the best thing I can do is fix my mind on the truth about God. Who God has been and always will be. Then next, I reject the assumptions my mind considers arising from my feelings and perspective. And last, I preach the truth about God to my soul. So today, if you are a believer who is in despair, don't make any assumptions. God is just and faithful. Only we are unjust and unfaithful. Bring an acceptable sacrifice to him. And then trust him with the outcome.
ASK THIS: Have you made any wrong assumptions about God?
DO THIS: Preach the truth about God to yourself.
PRAY THIS: God, you are the same as you have always been since the beginning of time. In you, I place my faith. Forgive my wrong assumptions.
PLAY THIS: In Control.
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I think I've been watching for....a year and a half now? Love you
Glory to God for God shows himself to be a God of justice, while I bind no evil will be rewarded but instead will be punished in my life, the lives of my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquitances, opponents and the body of Christ, while binding myself not being unequally yoked and having any common share with those who believe evil will be rewarded, in accordance with this word and malachi 2:17, isaiah 13:11, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah, glory to God!
What are you talking about do you look at the world do we live on the same planet evil wickedness and sin is rewarded and has been rewarded for a loooong time many yrs is that a prayer to the Lord for him to stop the prosperity of the wicked and not reward their evil???if so Im in agreement with that but yeah evil and sin has been rewarded for many yrs on this earth..Many yrs...
Thank you Pastor Vince
Of course brother have a great Sunday
You bet brother Josh have a blessed day
Such notification, so wonderful
Just fresh, friend!!
you are my idol, thank you!!!
Damn I like this a lot. AMEN!
Amen. Thanks!
One of the best!
Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it.
Yessss! This is nice!
job 21 vs 7 to 15
7 "Why do the wicked prosper, growing old and powerful? 8 They live to see their children grow up and settle down, and they enjoy their grandchildren. 9 Their homes are safe from every fear, and God does not punish them. 10 Their bulls never fail to breed. Their cows bear calves and never miscarry. 11 They let their children frisk about like lambs. Their little ones skip and dance. 12 They sing with tambourine and harp. They celebrate to the sound of the flute. 13 They spend their days in prosperity, then go down to the grave in peace. 14 And yet they say to God, 'Go away. We want no part of you and your ways. 15 Who is the Almighty, and why should we obey him? What good will it do us to pray?'
you're one of my favorite content creators, never stop!
Sorry I must be a bad person for thinking that the wicked don't deserve the wealth etc that alot of them have on this earth..May the Lord deal with me.. SMH
We have all felt this frustration before, here is my advice: 1. See Psalm 73. 2. Maybe it's a blessing to you to NOT have wealth! It's very easy to fall away from the LORD and into the things of this world when you have it all. Is it not suffering that makes us seek him? 3. Can any of us see the eternal picture like the LORD can? 'For what does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?' We can both surmise where many who are prosperous now will end up on judgement day unfortunately (Still pray for them 🙏). Hope this helps ✝ ✝ ✝
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard me having more money is not gonna make me more ungodly or forget God or Jesus Christ and isnt gonna effect my salvation I know all those scriptures I've read them and do t need to read them anymore...It's probably more fair for God to let sinners be rich instead of more godly and obedient people huh SMH.. Remember God is a consuming fire its a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God repent or perish..But this sinners is still alive been doing abominable sins for yrs and God hasn't done anything to them yet..it's ridiculous some of these sinners don't deserve to be alive but somehow God is giving them passes in their wickedness they are prolonging their lives in their wickedness when really according to the judgement of God and word of God they should be destroyed but whatever..God has done plenty things that were not fair like letting the whore of Babylon the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth sinners in Babylon letting them become rich weren't they suppose to be destroyed you think the saints in the Bible that struggled deserved to struggle and sinners like the whore of Babylon etc be more prosperous and richer than Gods people..??? I don't think so.. Jesus called a lot of the Pharisees and sadducees lovers of money and children of the devil.out of his own mouth do you think the devils people deserved more money and to be more prosperous on earth than Gods people of course not but a lot of them were when God shouldn't have allowed the devils people to have anything he shouldnt have let them prosper period..
Those are 3 correct conclusions. God has proven to encourage sin and if you repent on your deathbed, God will bring you into heaven. He loves that.
Exactly what I needed today. Depression hit heavy Friday. I wallowed there through yesterday. Only through prayer and giving it all over to our Heavenly Father was I able to come out it.
Praise only to the Lord of Hope. Seek refuge in Him, as I pray for you!
So awesome brother praise the Lord
You are more fun than anyone
The truth is we are righteous through Jesus and have acknowledged our sin and him as lord. The unrighteous are those who havent acknowledged they are sinners and not just commit sin but glorify it. They also dont believe or acknowledge Jesus or what he did on the cross. We often wonder why the unrighteous ones (as ive described) seem to always win and succeed in life but my guess is they accepted the offer Jesus turned down in the desert.
all wicked will prosper and then 1 day before rapture will repent and be forgiven and be in heaven, i pray by that hour im in hell
When do you post? Once a week?
Whatever sin some of the people fell into i think they were still more righteous or obedient than the other nations..Why didn't God just choose another nation to teach his salvation plan and righteousness and things like that to i remember the lord always reminding the isrelities that he didnt want them to learn or follow the abominations of those other nations...So the other nations are in sin abominable sins are worse but some how are more prosoerous than Gods people...God is the one who started the i will reward you and bless you for doing whats right and all these types of promises...They are obedient at times and struggle then every commandment of God other nations breaking them escaping judgement for their sins and become rich...Its not right..So eventually they started murmuring and complaing about it and they had a legitamite complaint....
Didn't help at all.
I don't think wicked people wicked sinners are more worthy than righteous people to receive blessings and help from God..I don't care what testament you want to point to the old or the new..The wicked should not more blessed than the righteous on earth an unbeliever should not be more blessed than a believer..The righteous gave more excellent sacrifices than the wicked accepted by God in the old testament and in the new so why would it be okay for wicked people who reject the truth don't have faith are willfully disobedient to be more prosperous than some believers on earth now the sacrafice and resurrection of Jesus is the end of all sacrafices so faith in his name is what is accepted by God right the offering of himself one sacrafices for sins forever than he sat down at the right hand of God Jesus shed blood on that cross so why would someone who believes John 316 abd every other bible verse and be accepted by the Lord be poor and a person who doesn't believe that or even rejects Christ abd the word of God the bible altogether be rich have millions and billions of dollars abd live in mansions on earth when in all actuality they don't deserve any of it..any blessings from The lord..that's just my opinion
I agree
even though you should be righteous God rewarding people on earth has nothing to do with how Godly you are you believing in a better sacrifice or any of that stuff...The people in error and wicked sinners who live against the word of God are some of the wealthiest people on earth have all the money...some on the forbes list wealthy and they have a million or billions times more money than more godly people more righteous people and people that are more obedient to God..I can give you at least 1000 examples at the very least the sinners are winning as far as money and riches of the world are concerned...even though they dont deserve it...
Tell that to people that have witnessed the stuff of nightmares and horror movies. Innocent people slaughtered and tortured in ways i cant even list here. With thete last breath crying out to God. The god that would never come. He's either non-existent or a miserable cruel disgusting disgrace.
I think I've been watching for....a year and a half now? Love you