What is going on with the level of knowledge of the 1st male commentator? Does he understand Newsom had resisted during his reign? And, to our Californians, may we ask why you voted for Newsom, when he does not care about you? The only point this commentator made sense was about the wind. Overall, if you don't understand the history of our California politics, study before you comment in public, so to help gear the public to a solution. I did not finish the video; the show needs to improve on substance and facts.
种下好种子,就会结出好果子。种瓜得瓜 种豆得豆, 善有善报 恶有恶报,!各人有各人的業因果報,一切都是自己的业力,人生無常,珍惜眼前的人事物。一個人一生有多少財庫,老天爺都安排好了,多行善多佈施。多積德行善素食, 諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,吃素戒殺,,心裏許多天災人禍會消退, 每个人的贡献都会为整个世界带来和平与健康的生活。。
請大家一起念佛, 南無阿弥陀佛.
消防员:反正烧的都是年薪百万千万的富人区 我一个月才几千块玩什么命啊
What is going on with the level of knowledge of the 1st male commentator?
Does he understand Newsom had resisted during his reign?
And, to our Californians, may we ask why you voted for Newsom, when he does not care about you?
The only point this commentator made sense was about the wind.
Overall, if you don't understand the history of our California politics, study before you comment in public, so to help gear the public to a solution.
I did not finish the video; the show needs to improve on substance and facts.
大火make America great again。🤣🤣🤣
他没毛病 只是秩序倒反了,他应该先报告好消息 然后才报告坏消息 那就不会被骂了 😂