MoP PvP won't be missed? If anything, then it's especially MoP that will be damn missed by its amazingness, PvP balance and smooth gameplay. I know there are ofc previous expacs which are "overall" looking better than MoP, perhaps. But MoP was the ultimate PvP expansion and packed with action, excitement and fun, a lot of misterious things and a lot of stuff to do. It was the best kinda "improved" expac without any major losses except the talent trees. Too much this, too much that? Too much cc, too much self heal? Well that's why they gave EVERY SINGLE SPELL a DR then and combined and reduced the max CC duration to 8 secs (to those which are possible to have one). The classes that had amazing self-heal like dps druids and paladins was ridiculuous yea but that's the challenge you know :D, and that's why the full offensive classes like Assassins and Warriors had an amazing dps. Simply said, everything truly depended on your skill and tactics, this xpac demanded of you to really use your brains and have some good confident decisions and reflexes. I joined WoW at the end of TBC and played it since then all till Legion. In pre-Cata xpacs only 50% of all spells cross all classes had a DR and the rest spells hadn't. Ik the Warrior's SW pissed me off too haha but that made me only stronger and better by beating them even with that talent, Warriors had somehow a good armor increase and they had some damn good deff, and that's one of those amazing misterious things about MoP where they don't aknowledge or show it in the spellbook or C-pannel but you somehow feel it which is justified cuz it's logical. You know, so many things pissed me off in MoP when I lose, but that's the point isn't it? Without that hard challenge there wouldn't be that much Fun. You as a Legendary Professional player should know these facts and points and be aware of them, i didn't expect this dissapointment from you :D. Btw you couldn't show us the amazing skills of yours without these big challenges we had in MoP and amazingness. Unlike Legion, take Legion for example: Where nothing matters anymore, NO SKILL, NO GEAR REQUIRED, NO MACROS, NO TACTIX, NOTHING IS REQUIRED ANYMORE, just put those 3 pathetic spells you can find in the spellbook on the "action bar" and spamm them hopefully you'll burst the shit out of your target. Nothing to show, nothing to impress with in Legion, it's fucked up and boring as hell. I already get a headache from only 15 minutes of gameplay in Legion tbh, back when i played it. Currently I'm playing WotLK on Warmane and it's awesome ofc, it's samba. MoP was the last true WoW expansion, it was made with heart and logic like all the previous ones. All expacs after MoP are a WoW Parody. WoD was hilariously ridiculous and Legion isn't even WoW anymore (it more feels like a android game from google store). No wonder why all those good players and youtubers quitted. But nothing to worry about now because FINALLY the Legacy servers are on their way and the fun and memories once again will be alive. Hope to see ya there bro. Peace
i realy like your videos dude , i'm rogue too , but not too good like you hahaha so what race is the best for rogue ? i play humain...maybe undead for the anti-fear ? or humain for 2 pvp trinket ?
I would be able to make an endless list about that, but mainly PvP was too clunky. Too much CC, 10 sec cd on dispell, second wind, RNG and the rogue playstyle.. I could keep going :P
Alex V Ah ok, my main is a mage and I agree that there was too much cc, too strong self healing and second wind of course was the worst thing ever, but I actually liked the bursty gameplay in mop. I think WoD is worse, I canceled my subscription in the pre-patch, because of the major changes in mage gameplay, I didn't even buy WoD.. love your vids btw, wants to make me play a rogue, unfortunately I suck with rogues haha that's u? do u got this rating by playing double rogue again? if not with what are you playing in 2s/3s how do u feel about wod?
'' Cya mop the pvp won't be missed only the memories. ''
Well said my friend.. well said
Well said :D?
I miss the good old times… still awesome footage
9:40- END -----> the best moment in this movie, respect guys (y)
almost 10 years later, my god how time flies, miss both of you and Kry, much love
that rogue at 0:45 was Whaazz!
That Timeless Isle troll at the end. Very nice xD
Last part with distract is so awesome!. Overall, really nice movie, keep up the good work :)
Love your videos, sick content. Can't wait for more. :)
MoP PvP won't be missed? If anything, then it's especially MoP that will be damn missed by its amazingness, PvP balance and smooth gameplay. I know there are ofc previous expacs which are "overall" looking better than MoP, perhaps. But MoP was the ultimate PvP expansion and packed with action, excitement and fun, a lot of misterious things and a lot of stuff to do. It was the best kinda "improved" expac without any major losses except the talent trees. Too much this, too much that? Too much cc, too much self heal? Well that's why they gave EVERY SINGLE SPELL a DR then and combined and reduced the max CC duration to 8 secs (to those which are possible to have one). The classes that had amazing self-heal like dps druids and paladins was ridiculuous yea but that's the challenge you know :D, and that's why the full offensive classes like Assassins and Warriors had an amazing dps. Simply said, everything truly depended on your skill and tactics, this xpac demanded of you to really use your brains and have some good confident decisions and reflexes. I joined WoW at the end of TBC and played it since then all till Legion. In pre-Cata xpacs only 50% of all spells cross all classes had a DR and the rest spells hadn't. Ik the Warrior's SW pissed me off too haha but that made me only stronger and better by beating them even with that talent, Warriors had somehow a good armor increase and they had some damn good deff, and that's one of those amazing misterious things about MoP where they don't aknowledge or show it in the spellbook or C-pannel but you somehow feel it which is justified cuz it's logical. You know, so many things pissed me off in MoP when I lose, but that's the point isn't it? Without that hard challenge there wouldn't be that much Fun. You as a Legendary Professional player should know these facts and points and be aware of them, i didn't expect this dissapointment from you :D. Btw you couldn't show us the amazing skills of yours without these big challenges we had in MoP and amazingness. Unlike Legion, take Legion for example: Where nothing matters anymore, NO SKILL, NO GEAR REQUIRED, NO MACROS, NO TACTIX, NOTHING IS REQUIRED ANYMORE, just put those 3 pathetic spells you can find in the spellbook on the "action bar" and spamm them hopefully you'll burst the shit out of your target. Nothing to show, nothing to impress with in Legion, it's fucked up and boring as hell. I already get a headache from only 15 minutes of gameplay in Legion tbh, back when i played it. Currently I'm playing WotLK on Warmane and it's awesome ofc, it's samba. MoP was the last true WoW expansion, it was made with heart and logic like all the previous ones. All expacs after MoP are a WoW Parody. WoD was hilariously ridiculous and Legion isn't even WoW anymore (it more feels like a android game from google store). No wonder why all those good players and youtubers quitted. But nothing to worry about now because FINALLY the Legacy servers are on their way and the fun and memories once again will be alive. Hope to see ya there bro. Peace
I agree
you re so right
Yes MOP has been missed greatly since wod, but I still prefered the game before mop.
The dk in the end haha pure gold :D
BigBawz:> Thumbs up!
Can't wait to watch this after work!
5:45 is that hydra? :d
Nice! :)
waiting for more dude!:)
Did you try to step eachother at the end? :D Awesome video lad :))
FUCK i miss this
What is the addon you use to see cd on next to the enemy frame ?nice videos man i love them
verry good
best rogue for me hope you will do vidéos on wod GJ dude
the gems for subtlety rogue?
i miss the mop pvp
What are your addons?
Are you guys brothers? Alex and Kry?
I would of loved to do arenas with you but you went Gnome...
i realy like your videos dude , i'm rogue too , but not too good like you hahaha
so what race is the best for rogue ? i play humain...maybe undead for the anti-fear ? or humain for 2 pvp trinket ?
+Ben othman Med Amine human is still the best :(
veri epec
Whats the addon that shows drs?
Alex V are you really a gnome now? XD
Pandatueur3 YES SON
u make me wana boost a rogue, btw how in the hell you deal that tons of damage?!
why didn't you like the pvp in MOP?
I would be able to make an endless list about that, but mainly PvP was too clunky. Too much CC, 10 sec cd on dispell, second wind, RNG and the rogue playstyle.. I could keep going :P
Alex V Ah ok, my main is a mage and I agree that there was too much cc, too strong self healing and second wind of course was the worst thing ever, but I actually liked the bursty gameplay in mop. I think WoD is worse, I canceled my subscription in the pre-patch, because of the major changes in mage gameplay, I didn't even buy WoD.. love your vids btw, wants to make me play a rogue, unfortunately I suck with rogues haha
Do you still dislike mop pvp?
@@user-zj6fh9cd3y ex dee didnt know wow would end up sucking so much. Mop was better than anything since then, its been close to unplayable since wod
8:17 dude what this flage??
Flag of Ownership
Thx bro,love you
1 song pls
Song list added to description :)
Russia puts like :)
10/10 -IGN kry = rekted #dazox that's u? do u got this rating by playing double rogue again? if not with what are you playing in 2s/3s how do u feel about wod?
Playing subrogue bm hunter in 2s and 3s and I don't really like the current state of pvp :)
@Alex V
Make more videos you ff. Love your shit
I know wod sucks but Pls keep it up
Mop Rogue was 10x better that WoD so much burst,WoD rogue sux so hard...
bring mop again please blizzard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!