Hey black ninja why don't you do like an hour long video on winning the wooly mammoth, several people have won the pack, I'm barely in dominator fighting with level 30 legendaries and level 40 super rates, heck even lvl 20 legendaries. I did just get this game in October because my dad of Samsung couldn't download it. I do have a lvl 30 labrynthasaurus and a lvl 40 alangasaurus. That's it. I would definitely tune in for a livestream or an hour long video.
It's nice to see an underrated rare hybrid like Nundagosaurus stand up to these overused and overrated legendary hybrids.
DinoBrian47 Studios i no
DinoBrian47 Studios iiiiipl
hi Ryan
Indominus is part of the family tetunaerae
faz um vídeo narrando
Hey black ninja why don't you do like an hour long video on winning the wooly mammoth, several people have won the pack, I'm barely in dominator fighting with level 30 legendaries and level 40 super rates, heck even lvl 20 legendaries. I did just get this game in October because my dad of Samsung couldn't download it. I do have a lvl 30 labrynthasaurus and a lvl 40 alangasaurus. That's it. I would definitely tune in for a livestream or an hour long video.
I meant old not dad
Ari Garibaldo i have infominus rex level 30
Ari Garibaldo indominus
Cool my friend
indominus Ryan cool
TheGamingRahim mm,
TheGamingRahim вовшета горгозух сильнее
Gorgasuchus is op
carlos gadriel