Longrange blog 257: Capercailles stalked on skis



  • @Redevil667
    @Redevil667 6 років тому +1

    A combination of two of my favorite things. Great video Thomas, thanks for sharing this.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Thanks for taking the time Richard!

  • @RondaneLongRangeRLR
    @RondaneLongRangeRLR 6 років тому +1

    Nice film! Looks like a fantastic hunting trip!

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому +1

      Rondane LongRange I don't have the words to describe the experience

  • @LeftThumbBreak
    @LeftThumbBreak 6 років тому

    Beautiful and silent. Thanks for the video.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      LeftThumbBreak Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  • @thomashansson3236
    @thomashansson3236 6 років тому

    Hatten av för er ny fin film Thomas. Top kvalitet som vanligt!

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому +1

      Mange takk for det Thomas, en generøs kommentar!

  • @SanDragoon
    @SanDragoon 6 років тому

    Hi Thomas ! Excellent Video.Regards from South

    • @SanDragoon
      @SanDragoon 6 років тому

      Yeaa ! i love your blaser carabin and the results u offer to us :-)
      Come on drink a Pastis and Olives too ;-)

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Pastis? I have never tasted that. Sounds like an apertif?

  • @Josefselvadek
    @Josefselvadek 6 років тому

    Super video ! Thanks

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Glad you liked it!

  • @NorbertsHunting
    @NorbertsHunting 6 років тому

    Very nice! I think I'll move to Norway...

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      It can be nice for sure!

  • @micfasto8700
    @micfasto8700 6 років тому

    Looks like quite the adventure. You had to work hard for the hunt.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Thank you. Yes, it is a very nice experience being out on skiis. Very much recommend it!

  • @agskytter8977
    @agskytter8977 6 років тому

    Excellent video!
    May I suggest a barrel in 223Rem and a Gopro on the rifle?
    I know you are going 6xc but with 223 and 69gr matchammo the camera is stable and in focus at 100m+ ranges when the bullet impacts. ( I won't mention the 8000+ rounds barrellife.. :-) )

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      I wouldn't mind! The 6XC project clocks in at close to 20K with barrel/dies/ammo/bullets/powder so I'm not in a position do spend any more Money on rifles this year. I am however trying to find good solutions to film through the riflescope.

    • @mattis537
      @mattis537 6 років тому

      kanskje tnvc sin gopro adapter for pvs-14 funker på et sikte?

  • @BushcraftJones
    @BushcraftJones 6 років тому

    Ulf(regner med det er han) har valgt riktig når det kommer til sko, er komfortabel på fjellski under -30 grader med alfa polar. Ellers en fin video som alltid. Hadde vært gøy å sett viltbehandlingen og eventuelt noen oppskrifter.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Google "stekt and". Hverken jeg eller Ulf er noen stjernekokker. Viltbehandlingen er enkel nok for meg, jeg flår og fileterer fuglen før tilberedning. Ja Alfa skoene er visstnok gode, Ulf har vært plaget med kulde og forfrysning tidligere. Jeg har ikke investert så tungt i vinterjakten og bruker ordinære Alfa fjellstøvler.

    • @BushcraftJones
      @BushcraftJones 6 років тому

      Da har vel kanskje jeg mer erfaring med viltmiddager. Definitivt dyrt utstyr, sendte mail til alfa fordi jeg ønsket hvite og da ga de meg 30 % avslag(veldig greit hvis man er tilknyttet HV). Jeg bruker 1 cm kartanker i skoene og har 2 størrelser større enn normalt. Koster vell nærmere 20 lapper for skoene og dressen han har, det er grovt.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому +1

      Ja det er dyrt og derfor har jeg også holdt igjen. Men dette sammen med fjellrype er også den jakten som finnes tilgjengelig for meg i nærområdet, så jeg ser at jeg må bite i eplet og pusle sammen utstyr. Per nå har jeg bare snappet overskuddsmateriel og ting på salg siden jeg gjør dette så lite, men ihvertfall en skikkelig skijakke er det på tide å skaffe seg nå.

  • @cimirna
    @cimirna 6 років тому

    Bravii...vi invidio molto.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Many thanks!

  • @hugoakerlund5114
    @hugoakerlund5114 5 років тому

    What brand is Ulf's clothes?

    • @THLR
      @THLR  5 років тому

      Taiga. You'll find them at coldskills.com. High quality stuff!

    • @hugoakerlund5114
      @hugoakerlund5114 5 років тому

      @@THLR thanks! Always nice to see you answering your comments!

  • @Darkhalfcustoms
    @Darkhalfcustoms 6 років тому

    You can for sure tell the skies made a difference when he walked out for his shot. Kansas is a lot like that, large open prairie, high shots not that big of a deal

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      darkhalfcustoms The Swedish skis are fantastic. 4" down when on the skiis, brushing the balls when on foot. Had an epic fall where my head was under the snow, backpack pushed me down and my feet was anchored to the skis above surface.

    • @adamnye5656
      @adamnye5656 6 років тому

      Good fun out on the "Sweat Planks"

  • @jock465
    @jock465 6 років тому

    What pack are you using to transport rifle and kit?

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      It's an Eberlestock gunslinger. I am not happy about that pack at all, but not so many options available here. It is heavy for size and of mediocre build quality.

    • @jock465
      @jock465 6 років тому

      THLR.NO thanks for the reply. Big fan of the videos. Have you ever used or seen the vorn packs? Would be interested to hear what you think of them if you have.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Yes I've seen the Vorn, but not intimately familiar with it. It is a little heavy for size, but my friends that own them seems very happy about them. Personally, I don't use them as I need the gun scabbard for carrying my tripods. Despite the significant drawbacks of the Eberlestock, I have had a saddler modify my pack so it's 1,5 kgs (!) lighter and more suited for carrying photo gear. Stone Glacier backpacks seems to be gaining some popularity here, well made and carry comfort.

  • @SLG1911
    @SLG1911 6 років тому

    I understand that the area is very underpopulated, but if you are out there, others are too. How is shooting upward with no backstop safe? Just a roll of the dice, no? Am I missing something?

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому +3

      It is as safe as any shot in a forest where the hill behind the tree is used as a backstop, it is just farther back. Shooting accidents simply doesn't happen with this hunting, they happen with deer/moose hunting. I'll copy/paste part of the reply in the previous movie: In this [ep 256] and the next film this one] there is two routines that can be very difficult to convey in a "clean" way; one is shooting birds that is sitting up in trees and having the backstop very far back, you'd be nuts to do that in most European countries. The second is the need to inspect the muzzle and verify the barrel isn't blocked by snow, and pointing the barrel at your head is not exactly best practice. Filming and showing this creates a number of cringeworthy scenes if you don't understand the background/ setting so for these winter episodes at least I found it prudent to underline the safety aspect of these scenes.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому +4

      "Others are too." Missed that one on first read. Yes, there are 5 of us in this area. Two on the other side of the lake with the hill between us and one behind us and we are shooting opposite directions. We set out at first light from an access point so far behind the gate that other skiers must have kept at it through the night to get into this valley/moor system. It is of course theoretically possible (highly so) that someone could be skiing our backstop, but I don't think that has happened in the history of capercaille hunting (I'm sure I'll be proven wrong on that one). It is impossible to rule out an accident, our statistics show 1 per every 2 years with approximately 500.000 hunters participating (mostly shotgun/moose/deer hunting). Same way, it is impossible for me to guarantee I will not be involved in a traffic accident when I start my car and the comparable number is 831 persons per year/average the last 5 years.

    • @evrorion58
      @evrorion58 6 років тому +3

      this is an important question. But remember, Northern Sweeden are almost unhabitated. Also, when shooting uppwards as they are doing in this movie, the bullet drops quite fast and steep. The time it will be in torso-height 2km downrange, is quite short.
      You dont do this kind of hunting close to a city/village.

    • @SLG1911
      @SLG1911 3 роки тому

      @@THLR I'm really sorry, I somehow missed your reply 2 years ago! Just happened to rewatch the video and found my question again. I may not have been clear enough originally, I was not trying to throw stones at you, I was really looking for more clarification. Poorly worded on my part. The hill in the distance makes perfect sense, and as you explained, there is a route in and out so you would know if people other than your party were there.
      I recently bought a nice PCP Pellet gun so I can shoot squirrels out of the trees without worrying about even a .22 missing and hitting a neighbors house a mile away. We live out in the country but even here we cannot take advantage fo the type of hunting you are doing. Looks fantastic, and learning about the largest Grouse was also fascinating. Thanks again for your videos and your polite reply!

  • @JI-ql9jk
    @JI-ql9jk 6 років тому


    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      J I Thank you, appreciate you taking the time.

    • @JI-ql9jk
      @JI-ql9jk 6 років тому +1

      Thats quite all right. I will be proud when You visit our longest civil 1000m range now building up in Litauen.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      That will be good!

  • @whomagoose6897
    @whomagoose6897 6 років тому

    Capercaillie is a variety of game bird that is not in America or Canada. Thought the capercaillie might be related to turkey, but not. More related to the wood grouse. May be in the same family and genius. Possibly a large wood grouse.
    All turkeys have no feathers on the head. And are much larger. Turkeys can fly for short distances. I guess the capercaillie is more of a very large grouse. And having feathers on the head.
    How does the capercaillie meat taste? Do you have to soak the bird in salt water or marinate the meat before eating? Had wild turkey meat once. That turkey must have eaten only pine tree nuts for its entire life. The meat actually tasted like turpentine. The only animal that would eat that meat was a skunk. Was glad I got rid of that turkey meat.
    Those capercaillies that you hunted looked like they have better tasting meat.
    Happy for your successful hunt.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Yes I believe they are on the same family tree as the grouse. As for taste, I am finding the birds exceedingly difficult to cook well. Very, very easy to overcook it and be left with a disagreeable lump of meat. I give it a quick fry on the pan and use a digital thermometer and cook them in an oven on a bed of vegetables and sliced apples. The bird is removed from the oven when temperature is approximately 4 degrees under desired and it will rest for a few minutes before cut. When I get the timing of that correct, it is quite nice, if I am a few minutes late it will nowhere near the same.

  • @cratxn1
    @cratxn1 6 років тому

    You two will outlive the couch potatoes...but you may freeze your toes off in doing so. Breerrrr I bet on an overcast day you could get turned around in those trees and have to follow your tracks back out rather than going direct or do you use GPS ?

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      CR Rains No. In a slow moving world like skis are, I have never been close to disoriented. A warm summer fullmof mosquitoes though....

  • @JavierDeLaRosa007
    @JavierDeLaRosa007 6 років тому

    300 Norma?

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Sixgunner No, 6.5x55

  • @greatsportb5376
    @greatsportb5376 6 років тому

    May I ask what caliber do you use to shot the bird?

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      great sport B Of course! It's a 6,5x55 with 130gr bullets. My friend uses 120gr.

  • @nanukbigwithe
    @nanukbigwithe 6 років тому +2


    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому +1

      nanukbigwithe Waidmannsdank!

  • @miqqy7-08
    @miqqy7-08 Рік тому

    wow big bird

    • @THLR
      @THLR  Рік тому

      Yes this is a fantastic hunt. Big spaces, plenty of work.

    • @miqqy7-08
      @miqqy7-08 Рік тому

      @@THLR that camera shot of bird on tree was amazing

  • @evrorion58
    @evrorion58 6 років тому

    Er kamo viktig på slik jakt?

    • @THLR
      @THLR  5 років тому

      Kamo synes jeg ikke er viktig, men du må opptre skjult og smelte inn. Storfugl har godt syn og kan være sensitive på bevegelse, men naturfargede klær duger bra. Sorry for the late reply, today has seen a rush of comments that UA-cam hasn't displayed to me earlier.

  • @jamesaferryman
    @jamesaferryman 6 років тому

    Do these birds make good eating?

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Properly cooked they are, but they can be difficult to get right. I use recepies for ducks and monitor the temperature via a thermometer.

  • @mehmetkaya7154
    @mehmetkaya7154 6 років тому


    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому +1

      Mehmet Kaya Thank you!

  • @robertmagnstrom6088
    @robertmagnstrom6088 6 років тому

    F1 hunting👌

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      Absolute! Love it.

  • @PontusSs82
    @PontusSs82 6 років тому

    Vacker miljö!

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      PontusSs82 Sverige var flinke til å tegne Riksgrensen. Shit = Norway. Nice = Sweden .

  • @mercom152
    @mercom152 6 років тому +2

    You never show preping your game. Coocking then.

    • @THLR
      @THLR  6 років тому

      No, never will either as that is something I don't know how to do. I read other people's recepies and follow their instructions to the letter.