As far as saving I wish I had done that when I was younger... regretting that now... I use survey apps on my phone to supplement my grocery bill and and pay for my Uber rides to and from work and I live like I am making 1/5 of what I make... I don't go out I just work and go that being said I am trying to bpay off my debts so I can buy a nice sized plot of land and start a produce and dairy yeah ya girl broke as hell...but for a good cause
Nerd Girl Adventures it’s hard to hold onto money when it’s so slippery!! I get you hun, n I hear you. Keep pushing, I wanna get my dairy ingredients for my cakes form you one day!!
You guys did such a cute job! And such a hard to talk about issue can't wait to see what you do next ❤️❤️❤️
Erin Mulloy Thank you, 🥰we wanted to share our brief experiences, but also get the word out. We felt it was extremely important to share this 😊
Great video!!
zzzCUPcake 123 Thanx my dear, Knowledge is the key, lol I’m truly glad you liked it!
As far as saving I wish I had done that when I was younger... regretting that now... I use survey apps on my phone to supplement my grocery bill and and pay for my Uber rides to and from work and I live like I am making 1/5 of what I make... I don't go out I just work and go that being said I am trying to bpay off my debts so I can buy a nice sized plot of land and start a produce and dairy yeah ya girl broke as hell...but for a good cause
Nerd Girl Adventures it’s hard to hold onto money when it’s so slippery!! I get you hun, n I hear you. Keep pushing, I wanna get my dairy ingredients for my cakes form you one day!!