Not a first aid supply or equipment, but I always carry a GPS when I hike or backpack and a communication device. With the GPS you can give responders coordinates to assist them to locate the victim quickly and if necessary give to air evacuation crews. Some GPS systems also assist in communications via satellite, useful if cell phone towers are not accessible.
100%. No matter how much gear or education you have there will always be the potential for situations that can't be handled within the group - being able to call for help is lifesaving in many cases. Communicating where you are is an essential part of this.
Great video. Thanks for making this. Very helpful.
This is great. Thank you for making this video. A lot of good techniques we can learn from actually seeing how it’s done 👍
Amazing video, but i think may be she could have rolled him to other side ( Not on the side of Injured arm)?
Not a first aid supply or equipment, but I always carry a GPS when I hike or backpack and a communication device. With the GPS you can give responders coordinates to assist them to locate the victim quickly and if necessary give to air evacuation crews. Some GPS systems also assist in communications via satellite, useful if cell phone towers are not accessible.
100%. No matter how much gear or education you have there will always be the potential for situations that can't be handled within the group - being able to call for help is lifesaving in many cases. Communicating where you are is an essential part of this.
Missed a mass hemorrhage on the blood sweep due to black gloves ;)
agree lighter color gloves can make it easier to appreciate blood, supply chains are a little challenged these days.
This is great. Thank you for making this video. A lot of good techniques we can learn from actually seeing how it’s done 👍