How to Pray at a Prayer Meeting - Tim Conway

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024


  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  4 роки тому +5

    Note: Some of the comments indicate some confusion on the idea of order and argument in prayer, for a full sermon on this go here: or you can read the sermon Charles Spurgeon did on this topic that so influenced Tim many years ago:

    • @andrewblakes1697
      @andrewblakes1697 4 роки тому

      Do you even Understand what Blasphemy is.
      You have received that baby bottle mental debate nonsense from man. No one who has and continues to walk with the Lord healing the Sick, Raising the Dead, going on Intense life or death assignments or for that matter to just Minister Unto the Lord. Waste their time over mental debates like we are in a University. You know NOT what spirit you operate in. You are doing exactly what Pagans do that pretend to be Christians and sow contentions and disunity when they are given assignments from their little friends.
      A Fool is known by their many words and out of the mouth comes the overflow of the heart.
      The Scriptures tell us to Know what Season we should be in. Your bearing the wrong fruit for this season and our Lord Cursed a Fig Tree for the same.
      Ya might wanna get away from the Comfortible chains of protection,
      Whoops I mean Religion.
      Cause that's all your partaking of and the rate of growth is proven correct for a person that forsake the Oil when making Fresh Bread that the Lord should make not man as your obviously trying.
      I Believe the Scriptural Word is:
      Don't come to a Holy Spirit party and have not the ability to go outside and litetly prove it by Deed.
      By the Power you know that I am there!
      You need to know this season and get out of the past.
      He Freely gives it to anyone who asks. The Holy Spirit.
      Because the LORD gave you not liberty to even utter a word when you typed that. And if truly yielded And a slave to Him you've given up your right to even speak until He says to or gives liberty. And the 2nd does not mean He desires us to. And EVERYTHING we type is recorded as Spoken in The Courts of Heaven.
      And I Love You.
      But I love Him More.

  • @Richie016
    @Richie016 4 роки тому +1

    God's words spoken with boldness, discharge us from emptiness.

  • @theqconcept
    @theqconcept 4 роки тому +3

    Waw this is powerfull, and I just came from a prayer meeting, thank you for so much teachings about prayer in very few minutes.

  • @AllChemystery
    @AllChemystery 4 роки тому +5

    Brilliant Message! one of the most annoying things about prayer meetings is the ones who drone on and on seemingly repeating and seemingly no real point- they try to hit every prayer point of the session in one prayer... i should not be critical of the way others pray but its often contrary to how we are instructed to conduct our prayers in the bible.we are instructed to keep it short where possible, not act all righteous for the viewing of others and Especially to remember that The Father knows what we need even before we begin to pray!!
    i seldom spend longer than maybe 2 mins per prayer- i can eloquently say whatever the point ,giving praises and thanks in that time. its clearer , more compact and if you know the point you wont get lost in Uuummms&Ahhhhs or worse -A lingering silence.prayer meetings have plenty of time to pray several times for different things. it takes much practice to keep that focus in forethought without the enemy creeping in and distracting us....As long as u spend is as long as the enemy has to infiltrate

    • @Peaka01
      @Peaka01 4 роки тому

      Thank you for this insight :)

    • @onefoundationministries1988
      @onefoundationministries1988 4 роки тому +2

      AllChemystery Yes praying with others we don’t need to show off the length of our prayers, it’s ok to be eloquent but not necessary in any kind of prayer, the Lord knows what we need and what we mean when we pray. In private prayer is a better time and place to pray longer and deeper if we desire. That being said, it is not for me or anyone to dictate how long or short anyone’s corporate or private prayers should be. Just my opinion. God bless. 😇

  • @Peaka01
    @Peaka01 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you Pastor Tim, this is very timely for me, praise God. No more passive prayers! God bless you brother.

  • @Асяня-я1р
    @Асяня-я1р 4 роки тому

    Agree about the boldness in where we know God's will like salvation of the lost. Some other things we don't know His will and it's ok to pray "may Your will, not mine, be done". In this - we surrender to Him.

  • @varuduhero606
    @varuduhero606 4 роки тому

    great thought Pastor Tim,this thought can change the way of praying in prayer meetings especially in our country(India); here guys totally prayer for all diseased people for their healing but not about preaching of gospel😪

  • @shiqinglu606
    @shiqinglu606 Рік тому +1

    I am afraid of prayer meetings. To me, prayer is communicating with God, that means 1) a lot of silence as I try to hear God and know what I pray is correct or not 2) I pray for things succinctly as I think God already knows what is happening, and he knows the best way to proceed, not I should dictate how God works, and 3) I have private things that I do not need to involve other people. I do not like other people’s long prayers either and I feel they are either babbling or dictating God’s hands. Any suggestions?

  • @lorindapeeris4352
    @lorindapeeris4352 4 роки тому +4

    Please pray for me for a financial miracle

  • @curtissiebold4460
    @curtissiebold4460 Рік тому


  • @emilymejia7180
    @emilymejia7180 Рік тому

    this is REALLY good

  • @KevinFaith1
    @KevinFaith1 27 днів тому

    Romans 10:13 for whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
    Call on his name as many times as you want throughout your prayer.

  • @michealferrell1677
    @michealferrell1677 2 роки тому

    I am like yourself, a reformed Baptist. I am absolutely terrified that I will be called on to publicly pray , especially after all of those requests and concerns have been announced.
    I do prey and as the lord teaches , I take note that he said to go into your inner room and pray in secret. I know there are biblical examples of public prayer but I’m not sure that I am supposed to be doing it it feels wrong to me for some reason . I’m open to some pushback from my brothers in this , it’s bothered me for a long time . The lord saved me around 16/17 years old and am now 44 .
    Hardly anyone will address this specific question but I think that many if not most are asking this question, just not out loud.

    • @godsgirl0019
      @godsgirl0019 2 роки тому +1

      I struggle with this!!! My hear yearns fervently to pray for various people that need it on the streets or in nobly study but i blank out. But I can go to my prayer closet and pray with zeal, tears and trembling for that person in my war closet.

  • @andrewblakes1697
    @andrewblakes1697 4 роки тому +2

    We Speak Little when we Minister unto the Lord.
    Day and Night 24/7.
    The Priesthood.
    The Fear of the Lord
    I know nothing about everything until the Lord Speaks concerning.
    We Fast so we can Hear
    We Hear so we can get Instruction
    We get Instruction so we can Obey
    We Obey so we can Please the Father
    Jesus said those that actually do the will of the Father are His Kin.
    I aint talking about the Gifts.
    Hearing His Voice with clarity for others is great but Hearing His Voice all day long with total clarity is the Pearl of Great Value.
    Moses had that established.
    So he protected it and stated outside the Camp.
    99 percent of Prayer is with with our teeth together just Sitting with the Lord.
    Prostitution in my town.
    I sit and wait until He tells me what to do or what to pray.
    We can operate in the Flesh or in and with His Spirit.
    When He speaks we listen to the Teacher then Submit and Obey.
    In so doing we learn His Ways.
    We are so focused on being His arms and feet serving others the 1st Commandment is Neglected and now only a Few do it.
    Very Few.
    Lord says to change all the trash bags 30 min before Service even tho you notice they have been changed out.
    You only have one thing to do.
    He tests his beloved children and by the deeds of our Obedience to His Instruction when He Speaks we are Measured.
    You wanna see The Lord Literally show up we must serve Him before man.
    Why do Churches need Revivals once a year...
    We Sold the Truth in our Whoredoms.
    It's called Dysfunction and a Curse/Cycle.
    Peter said to pay close attention to what the Prophets Wrote. For it is like a Light shining in a dark place.
    Why does the Lord let our Heathen Country shut down Gatherings of His Assembly to Worthip Him...
    Eat the Scroll Beloved.
    Especially the Old Testiment. Over and over for it is His Language.
    Seperate the Common from the Holy at home especoslly. If His Clear Spoken Words are Worth anything to you.
    Count the Cost
    Buy the Truth and Sell it NOT!
    Intamacy with the Bridegroom with Wisdom.
    The Anointing Oil differs from the Oil for the Lamp.
    Holy Spirit + Wisdom =Oil for the Lamps of the Prepared Virgins.
    Eat the Scroll and Harken to the Voice of the Lord.
    1st Samuel 15:22
    Sitting and Waiting upon the Lord is just that.
    It is the hardest place to stay as Muricans.
    Mary chose the "Good Thing" said our Lord.
    Not busy serving others..
    Fasting and Prayer is not optional and fasting this Culture is not easy.
    It's Time American Church to Mature into Being a Peculiar People.
    Not American Christians.

    • @glennrobinson7193
      @glennrobinson7193 4 роки тому

      Andrew. As a relatively advanced believer but at times not fully mature! having known the Lord since 1961 I stedfastly reject the idea, the man made method of mysticism sitting quietly and passively before the Lord. God says in the bible to lift up your voice. In Psalms over and over and over again King David cried unto the Lord. I know this idea of passivity taken from the verse let all the earth be silent before the Lord sounds very humble and spiritual, but I believe it is wrong. I do however believe it has its place at times, but not for heaven's sake 99% of time with God. We can wait upon God for His mind as we read the bible. That's how I do it, with a joyful reverent expectancy. I know there's a woeful lacking of reverence and waiting upon God for HIS mind in the church which overrall is in babyhood stage, but I'm convinced this idea of long periods of almost dead silence is not God's way. Prayer should be a joyful thing, tho at times solemn, and something where our whole mind & heart & desire is operational and actively - actively involved. Sorry but I beg to differ.
      As an aside though I do wholeheartedly agree with your truth statement that we are so focused on being his arms & feet we neglect the first commandment. Well spoken.

    • @andrewblakes1697
      @andrewblakes1697 4 роки тому

      Just take my Words before the Lord.
      And do with them what He says to.
      Chew the Meat and Spit out the Bones.
      It's mostly Meat.
      Jesus said my Sheep know My Voice.
      That's it.
      Mysticism I understand not.
      I have met many x Satanists and have done Remodels for Current Practicing Satanists.
      They are in our Protestant Churches to be trained how to operate in their ways without any fear of being exposed. They are not afraid of singing worship songs and doing what it is we do in Church along with us. They know the Scriptures better then most Church Leaders.
      They Believe Jesus is the Son of God. That He is God. They Believe He died upon the Cross and rose 3 days later. They Believe He ascended to the Right Hand of the Father and makes Intercession for us.
      So They Believe and do Church Activities.
      The one thing they do not do is Obey the Instructions, Commands, Directions etc that the Lord Utters.
      That's it.
      And that is how we Do Spiritual Warfare.
      Submission and Obedience.
      The Lord says to turn on some Prophetic Soaking Music while a Satanist High Priest and his lovely wife stare at the front door in the foyer waiting on getting instructions from their little friends .
      You do it.
      He says to take your Oil and drip one drop on the top of the Radio on their Cabinet in their redidence.
      It's best to not worry that these two Adults are staring directly at the door for 15min and Obey exactly as He Instructed.
      Then when you see that Drop of Oil fall onto the Radio, that the LORD told you to turn on and instantly the two grown very wealthy influential adults snap to attention in total Fear. Turning around and high tailing it across two rooms praying in demonic tongues on the way out to the rear deck.
      Where they stayed for 45 min making phone calls and continuing in their demonic prayer language.
      I say that because I do not know what Mysticism is. I was athiest until 24 then became a Dispensationalist attending a Church in Eastport L.I.
      Now I am just a Child of God. Who needs His Rhema words all day long. For the rest is rubbish.
      I havd been in many situations like that and i never go or have went looking for it. Never read a book on it. I read 1 Book.
      All i do and know to do it Listen and Obey. And that is what ALL the Prophets did. To the World it seems foolish. But it is Ministering Unto the Lord and Decreasing so that He may Increase.
      Unlike the Priests if old who worked a schedule we do not have that privelages if we truly have become the Temple of Yahweh. The Living God.
      Jesus said I only say what I hear my Father saying and I only do what I see my Father doing.
      He is our Example.
      Thats how we do everything.
      The largest Christian Country with all our Doctrine and Theology is leading the way to everything spoken against in Red.
      Now this land of Materialsm and Imorallity worse then Sodom will prove we are just like Israel in the time if the Prophets.
      They were sent off to captivity for the sins of their Leaders.
      Much Blood was on their hands and ours are worse.
      Those inside the Church spend their time and money living like those outside here in America. Proving we have tastsd and seen but.......
      MLB and TV shows we will not lay aside for more of Him.
      Jesus said Do as they Say but not as they Do.
      I fully did not grasp that until 4 yrs ago when in the middle of worship, which i was enjoying, it felt like an NFL Linebacker punched me in the stomach and I caught a stomach bug at the same time. I hunched over and then the Lord said "I reject this Worship! They say they love me with their Lips, but their Hearts are far from Me!"
      I just wepted like I never have wanted before and started to walk hunched over back and for forth 80ft across that room of Worshippers bitterly weeping because it was the Fathers Heart that I felt. I did not care or concern myself with people being in my way. I was heartbroken that what i thought was pleasing to my Lord actually Offended Him. I Offended Him. For 20 min or so I pleaded with Him to tell me if He rejected my Worship also. Not until I did what He Instructed then and there did He answer me.
      But since then;
      And only because He saw fit to-
      I can distinguish between The Holy Spirit and the Counterfeit holy spirit.
      Not talking about foul spirits.
      It is very difficult to distinguish.
      No a TV , No more being the Stud of the Softball League, no more studying history.
      Useless and Common.
      ONLY the Lord Literally being involved with and in makes anything Holy.
      What He says When
      And He does not even need to tell us Why.
      And that is Scritpural.
      But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions, and saying:
      ‘We played the flute for you,
      And you did not dance;
      We mourned to you,
      And you did not lament.’
      For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ But wisdom is justified by her children.”
      Few very Few Desire Milk(Understanding) and Honey(Revelation)
      Intense People are created for Intense Times
      I love you
      But I Love Him More

    • @glennrobinson7193
      @glennrobinson7193 4 роки тому

      @@andrewblakes1697 IHOP. I have heard some nasty reports about you ppl.. sorry friend, but I understand that IHOP is bordering on becoming a dangerous cult if not already. Will YOU take this matter to the Lord, for your precious soul's sake? And..Bones?? So by your own admission you are a death cult. Jesus never gave out "bones" so neither should we

    • @andrewblakes1697
      @andrewblakes1697 4 роки тому

      Fear Not the more I lay aside the less those inside Church like me.
      Not sure why He allowed me to share but He did.
      The Body of Christ is not ready for what's coming.
      I have Worshipped with and gathered with very important Intecessors in the US and have seen The Fear of Man becoming taking the place of The Fear of the Lord.
      Saul lost his kingdom because of it.
      Endless Prophetic Words and Games I have seen. And many of them were from the Lord but never came to pass because of our Whoredoms with smiling faces and the Lord is Just.
      Most Prophetic Words are conditional if we do not Sell Out. Oh they will come to pass if not from a Vain Imagination. But the Lord will use whom He can.
      intercession is needed right now more than any other.
      But it is Vital we pray out of a Place of the Fathers Heart.
      And only He can allow us to have it so we pray as one with Him.
      The Battle is the Lords
      The Victory is Ours

  • @glennrobinson7193
    @glennrobinson7193 4 роки тому +1

    You start by a prayer of committal to God asking him to put upon your heart what HE wants you to pray about. Then pray in other tongues quietly to enter into his thoughts, until his mind is revealed and the right words well up into YOUR mind & lips. That's MY experience. So, TIM, DON'T COMPLICATE MATTERS. COME AS A CHILD WITH SIMPLE CHILDLIKE FAITH. EXCEPT YOU HUMBLE YOURSELVES AND BECOME AS LITTLE CHILDREN YE SHALL IN NO WISE ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. IN NO WISE..NO OTHER WAY.

  • @teodramirosavljev4720
    @teodramirosavljev4720 3 роки тому

    pray for my grandmother damiana she is sick and has lost the taste of her tounge

  • @glennrobinson7193
    @glennrobinson7193 4 роки тому

    Bryan S.. I fully agree with you we're on the same page here. It does say somewhere in the bible to bring forth your strong reasons. Not sure though if this ties in with the idea of bringing your "arguments" to God. I TOO HAVE UNSUBSCRIBED TODAY FROM THIS CHANNEL.

  • @MrsPPNC
    @MrsPPNC 4 роки тому


  • @bryanstark324
    @bryanstark324 4 роки тому +3

    Why no Bible verse to back up your premise on how to pray? Some of what you say might be true. Where in the Bible does it say that you should come to the Lord with your argument? If there is a very that supports this, why not tell us what it is? I don't know who "brother Bob" is but all you said was that he prayed by saying "Oh God" and suddenly he's a hypocrit. I don't know you or your church but I'm unsubscribing from this channel it's probably lost.

    • @illbehonest
      @illbehonest  4 роки тому

      At the beginning of the clip Tim makes references to how Moses prayed. As far as "brother Bob" it is a made up person for the example. But for a full sermon full of much Scripture on ordering and arguing in your prayers, hear this: which is Tim re-preaching Charles Spurgeon's sermon that the Lord used in Tim's own life, Spurgeon's sermon is here:

    • @ryanfranklin7159
      @ryanfranklin7159 4 роки тому

      Bryan Stark job23:4

    • @shiqinglu606
      @shiqinglu606 Рік тому

      @@ryanfranklin7159I think based upon the book, that verse is not a role model behavior.