Sword & Shield Alt Arts are a Bubble that's about to POP... here's why.



  • @ScriptOCE
    @ScriptOCE 6 місяців тому +13

    Yes they are available but the demand is way too high, pop reports don't mean anything at all because if there are 75k moonbreons there may be millions that want it. There are alot of collectors in this world, theres just not enough to match that demand

    • @georgeallen4007
      @georgeallen4007 6 місяців тому

      Easy to get lol 😂 … my brother and I opened 10 booster boxes of evolving skies trying to pull the umbreon and rayquaza vmax and had no luck … that was over $1000 in packs and still got nothing and even if we did manage to pull either the umbreon or rayquza we still needed to get a PSA 10 …. These cards are expensive for a reason and it’s because they are not easy to PULL and grade … easy to buy if you have the means to to so but definitely not easy to pull and grade on your own .

    • @danleonardoyo3946
      @danleonardoyo3946 6 місяців тому

      @@georgeallen4007I opened 9 boxes aswell and I now have a master set but out of 3 boxes and all the other products I opened I still didn’t pull the Umbreon either I had to trade for it

    • @georgeallen4007
      @georgeallen4007 6 місяців тому

      @@danleonardoyo3946 I bought the umbreon for $1400 and rayquaza Vmax for $640 after soooooo many packs opened with absolutely no luck ….

  • @ians4051
    @ians4051 6 місяців тому +1

    After watching this video, I have a few things I would like to say. It is that, I think people have now started to realize that these cards are going to not be as available since we are currently in the middle of Scarlet and Violet. And in my opinion, and I think many others, people like sword and shield more than scarlet and violet overall. Also, in my biased opinion, I think the sword and shield alt arts are the best looking cards since the gold star era cards. For example, look at how few people want to open scarlet and violet now? People want to open sword and shield now because it is still barely available in stores. I understand your points but the second block of the sword and shield era was special!

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  5 місяців тому

      I definitely agree that these cards are significant, but I’m just thinking they may be a bit overpriced at the moment. Long-term they may even be worth more than they are now, but I do think there are a lot of them out there, so short-term I think the price will correct.

  • @paladin1385
    @paladin1385 6 місяців тому +1

    Great video, Luke. There were so many Alt arts at Card Party, but I didn't pick up many partly due to the price. It was great meeting you there. Patrick

  • @MrPelletty
    @MrPelletty 6 місяців тому

    A good question to ask is "which is there more of, an Alt art of a particular set or sealed booster boxes for that set in circulation". If there are more booster boxes than alt art pops I would say it is reasonable for these cards to be worth over 100 dollars. What do you think? Personally it always cost way more to pull the card then just to buy it, so when pokemon makes actual chase cards, there should be more secondary market movement.

  • @PokemonFinanceGuy
    @PokemonFinanceGuy 6 місяців тому +2

    Good video but disagree here. The pull rates on these sets have been AWFUL for alt arts. Thats why they are called chilling PAIN, EVOLVING LIES, etc. People have always complained about FS pull rates. This is a mix of market manipulation playing on the booster boxes toint oos. Heck, japanese market did this 8 months ago and now its cooled. Call it for what it is.

  • @JediMasterT
    @JediMasterT 6 місяців тому +2

    I just saw a vendor video where he sold a PSA 10 moonbreon (modern) for 1100 cash.
    You simply don't buy a raw card for $900 if you can get a psa 10 copy for 200 more. Ya i'd say it's over valued.
    Usually the PSA 10 cost is about double what the raw cost of the card is. That's what I've found is the "normal" psa 10 premium for modern cards. If it's over double I see that as an opportunity for a play and if it's under it means your better off just selling raw.

    • @moonbreon
      @moonbreon 6 місяців тому

      Unless its easy to grade 10. In Japan there's no difference between a good quality raw and psa10.. except that the slab is hard to put in a binder.

    • @JediMasterT
      @JediMasterT 6 місяців тому

      @@moonbreon If slab mania continues I think we will see a time that the PSA 10 "premium" is so small that there is no point in grading anymore lol.

    • @beezo-f5p
      @beezo-f5p 6 місяців тому

      Psa 10 about 2k

  • @NinjaStroll
    @NinjaStroll 6 місяців тому +1

    This is when japanese and korean card prices will come in play I think. They're significantly less and once people start looking to get them the english sellers will adjust their prices

    • @poke_wounds9175
      @poke_wounds9175 6 місяців тому

      I want to own all of the Tag Team alt arts and I get them in English when I can find and afford to(or make a trade for them) but I've been buying them in South Korean for a fraction of the price and the quality of the card is better than English and very similar to Japanese because they are made in the same place as the Japanese cards. The texture and patterns are superior to English cards so it was an easy decision. They may be worth less but you pay way less for better quality cards.

  • @joshuahperez3117
    @joshuahperez3117 6 місяців тому

    I don’t see them coming down much.
    The amount of people and comments still saying “I’m waiting for them to come down.” Means there are people that still want it.

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  6 місяців тому

      Oh yeah they for sure still want it, but it’s all a matter of what price they’re willing to pay.

  • @keyframeclips
    @keyframeclips 6 місяців тому

    Part of evolution booster box costs, and xy in general, is that quality control was a big issue, particularly with centering. Due to this, getting a 10 for a chase card is quite difficult and the value from raw to a psa 10 is multiplied several times.

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  6 місяців тому +1

      Yeah XY quality is terrible.

  • @jdmills123456789
    @jdmills123456789 6 днів тому

    Still waiting for the bubble to pop 5 months later

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  6 днів тому +1

      It’s semantics but they did retrace a lot like I said. But now, we’re in a boom where literally everything is going up, including the alts.

    • @jdmills123456789
      @jdmills123456789 6 днів тому

      @@LegendofLuke in fairness to you, there were some dips in July. It just seems like if it is a bubble, it’s only growing at this point. I don’t disagree that it will probably “pop,” at least for some of the modern hype sets. But it could also be that the choke point where supply is never going to meet demand is around the Sun/Moon Sword/Shield eras where the increase in printing didn’t come close to the level of global interest that’s been snowballing over the past 5 years.

  • @beezo-f5p
    @beezo-f5p 6 місяців тому

    Some people have the money with no time to wait and buy on impulse for whatever reason

  •  6 місяців тому +1

    Back end of SWSH was really good. Front end of S&V wasnt good. People (lots of pandemic people included) started looking back. SWSH no mo print-o = window closing = people wanting to get some. There ya go.

  • @derickandthedragonites4387
    @derickandthedragonites4387 6 місяців тому

    Hope they come down some. I’ve got a lot of the VMax alts that I still need.😬 Great meeting you at Card Party!

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  6 місяців тому

      Great to meet you too! Such a fun weekend.

  • @nevercold808
    @nevercold808 6 місяців тому

    I think you're 100% on point with your assessment of the alt art situation. These things are stupid high right now. There's absolutely no reason a modern card to be $1K raw, especially when you can still get packs at the retail level. Time has shown us that the market is irrational and people will say almost anything to legitimize these absurd prices. Just look at the few comments left on this vid so far. Bananas, man.
    The fact that Sword and Shield is headed off into the sunset does play a huge factor in what's happening now. I wouldn't buy booster boxes at those inflated prices, tho. For example Lost Origin. The booster boxes are just over $200 right now. Ypu could get 12 of the Walmart 3 packs for $180 or better yet the stacking tins or poke balls (I forget which one) ghat had 2 LO and 1 ST pack in em. Those can be had for like $12~$13 a pop if you look hard enough. Unless your luck is complete trash that day, I'd wager that 36 loose packs will net you results close to what you'd get from a booster box. You're just not paying that premium for the same amount of packs.

    • @crystalgecko7781
      @crystalgecko7781 6 місяців тому +1

      You're not entirely off base here in saying you can just buy loose packs for way cheaper if you're trying to rip for a card. But the thing is, if you're buying a booster box, it's 100% a collectible in itself. That's why the prices are so much higher. And the other reason is that you can EASILY open 36 packs from SWSH Era and pull nothing but some holos or a regular V. A booster box is seeded to some extent to get you hits. Are they guaranteed an alt art? No. But your chances COULD be a bit higher to pull something.
      I'm not too sure the Moon kitty needs to be $1k raw right now, but undoubtedly, it has some crazy history in the hobby. Even people outside the pokemon world are aware of that card and the waves it's made. It will come down in price. For now. But as time goes on, and people who didn't pick it up around this time realize they want it, the price will climb again. And at that time, there genuinely won't be any product in Walmart, nor will there be as many packs ripped because of cost and supply. I don't doubt for a second that Moon kitty will see $1k again, if not more.

    • @nevercold808
      @nevercold808 6 місяців тому

      ​@@crystalgecko7781I hear ya about the sealed BB upcharge. Look at my last sentence in my original comment.
      I just lived through the card boom of the 90s and I totally see history repeating itself here. The prices are unsustainable for shiny pieces of cardboard. That's just my take.

    • @crystalgecko7781
      @crystalgecko7781 6 місяців тому

      I'm not entirely sure it's completely fair to compare vintage to modern in such a way. Pull rates back then weren't what they are now, and there are WAY more people around looking to buy the same cardboard as another. And on top of that, how many times have they reprinted the Charizard in some form or another? I'm not saying $1k on shiny cardboard makes a ton of sense. But people like what they like. SWSH was a big time for a lot of collectors and players, and it'll be nostalgic, just like zard was from back in the day.
      Also, what makes gold or silver valuable? They're just shiny metals. Or the dollar bill having value? That piece of paper. 😁

    • @nevercold808
      @nevercold808 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@crystalgecko7781I'm more comparing the boom of that era and the current era for cardboard. Prices were ridiculous back then and it all came crashing down big time. Who knows, maybe this time will be different.
      And as far as your assessment of precious metals and fiat currency goes, I completely agree that those things have fake values as well. It's all perception and I guess that train of thought can be applied to shiny cardboard.

  • @spoogeeee
    @spoogeeee 6 місяців тому

    You know its 26 minutes in the drain when the first reference is to "pokerev inflates the everloving fuck out of shiny cardboard because people are morons"

  • @eunit599
    @eunit599 6 місяців тому

    Your marketplace looks great!

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  6 місяців тому

      Thanks man. Good seeing you this weekend!

  • @dskravitz112
    @dskravitz112 6 місяців тому

    Does this mean that I should get my Giratina graded and sell it now before the market crashes or should I keep it for the Long Haul

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  6 місяців тому

      It’s a tough call. I think you may do well if you sell at this point - again I’d wager you’ll get another chance to pick it up cheaper. But also if you don’t want to take that bet and you want it in your collection anyway, you may decide to just keep it.
      I’m having the same debate about my Rayquaza. I’ve already sold 2 of them, but I still have one, and the price is like $500…

    • @miguelcepeda3768
      @miguelcepeda3768 6 місяців тому

      Long haul bro people said the moonbreon was at its peak and look at it now but if you sell rn it'll be a good chunk of cash id personally hold tho

  • @ryansosna3432
    @ryansosna3432 6 місяців тому

    Weird that SV has so much negativity, it's so much better than SwSh. Can't wait for the Team Rocket set!

  • @supermiguelYT
    @supermiguelYT 6 місяців тому

    This is a great topic, I never buy a cards more than $100 That’s my max and I’ve only done it twice, I own a moonbreon and the only reason I have it is because I pulled it out of a Korean box. I do believe the moonbreon will settle around the 7 to 800$

  • @michaelvanloock1296
    @michaelvanloock1296 6 місяців тому

    A correction yes.. a crash? Nope.. look back to sun en moon

  • @moonbreon
    @moonbreon 6 місяців тому

    A bubble is when a card goes 5x-10x in a short period, moonbreon should be $3000-$6000 to be called a bubble. Mario pikachu, poncho pikachu did 10x , nobody is talking about it or call it a bubble 😂

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  6 місяців тому

      Japanese exclusive promos are a different animal. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure they’re a lot more limited than these set cards. But the prices on those are crazy - maybe they are a bit overinflated atm.

  • @CasperTheFriendlyGhost777
    @CasperTheFriendlyGhost777 6 місяців тому

    Sorry to burst your bubble but it popped already 😂

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  6 місяців тому

      There has been a small retrace for some of them, but I believe there will be bigger drop eventually.

  • @aqnguyen08
    @aqnguyen08 6 місяців тому

    You have one LO BB is a 🧢

  • @StarmanDX4
    @StarmanDX4 6 місяців тому

    I gotta sell all my alts at this point 😂

    • @crystalgecko7781
      @crystalgecko7781 6 місяців тому +2

      And then that's how the price goes down. Every person that decides they need to sell their alt arts will try to undercut the next guy, which drops and drops price until the market decides its a good time to start picking stuff up because the price is so low. And thus, the cycle continues 😂 if you overpaid for your alts, just hold em for a few years. They'll still grow over time.

    • @StarmanDX4
      @StarmanDX4 6 місяців тому

      @@crystalgecko7781 I pulled all of mine (except like 2) I don't actually plan on selling hahah

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  6 місяців тому +2

      I definitely find it hard to sell the ones I’ve pulled myself. If you want it in your collection anyway, then there’s really no need to sell. I just personally wouldn’t be buying them for the PC right now.

  • @5415vega
    @5415vega 6 місяців тому

    How crazy would it be if they reprinted the Umbreon Vmax in a specialty set, like how they have reprinted the base set charizard in multiple sets. It could happen

    • @LegendofLuke
      @LegendofLuke  6 місяців тому

      For a 50th anniversary set, I think would be a no-brainer.

  • @johnkim9086
    @johnkim9086 6 місяців тому

    No one calculates the amount of people born every year and new collectors every year. 100k pop is the new 100 pop because population changed from 90s to 2000s.

  • @davidanonymous4234
    @davidanonymous4234 6 місяців тому

    I can't stand pokerev.. Worst pokemon UA-camr. Alts have the best art work in the set, most will hold their value unless pokemon makes better alts of the same pokemon

  • @SoonerSquatch
    @SoonerSquatch 6 місяців тому

    Incorrect, they are flatlining because it's summer!!!!!!! EVERY YEAR SAAN! Dumb take! by the way POKE REV's (ON PURPOSE) take was 3 months ago! And of course he was messing with the market!

    • @moonbreon
      @moonbreon 6 місяців тому +1

      As if pokerev will risk his reputation for a couple of thousands profit... people are out of mind.

    • @TheGoorru
      @TheGoorru 6 місяців тому

      😂 ridiculous "on purpose" 😂