Mandy´s Baby Shower Party (Part 2/2) Scenes / Young Sheldon 6x12

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @wezzlseries
    @wezzlseries  Рік тому +107

    Subscribe to my channel pls! 🙏😊
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    • @wezzlseries
      @wezzlseries  Рік тому +11

      @@1stfire_shadow if u want me to promote anything from you in exchange of money (a product placement)

    • @kaithlynshamel3235
      @kaithlynshamel3235 Рік тому +3

      How can you upload this without copyright?

  • @breeannahfleming8139
    @breeannahfleming8139 Рік тому +3657

    I’m so glad that Mandy realises how hard Georgie is trying and how much commitment he is putting into this. I’m so proud of him, I feel like I’m watching my son grow up.

    • @JustSomeSlavicBoy
      @JustSomeSlavicBoy Рік тому +33

      She knew way before this. She was just angry at him

    • @fantasyland3646
      @fantasyland3646 11 місяців тому +12

      ​@@JustSomeSlavicBoyand have right to be angry

    • @CristopherMorales26
      @CristopherMorales26 11 місяців тому +2

      Boeo marles

    • @lisa_rue
      @lisa_rue 11 місяців тому +2

      @@JustSomeSlavicBoyi mean she had a right to be angry but she got over that

    • @JustSomeSlavicBoy
      @JustSomeSlavicBoy 11 місяців тому +1

      @@lisa_rue Never said she didn't

  • @rosierennie5867
    @rosierennie5867 Рік тому +1272

    "I hate that woman"
    "What? Your Mother? Well she aint gon' live forever" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I live for Connie and George's frenemyship

    • @abelgonzalez1060
      @abelgonzalez1060 Рік тому +43

      And the fact that he died before her kinda sad

    • @celestialreign201
      @celestialreign201 Рік тому

      ​​@@christopherbingham5092e was joking u moron he knew she wasn't talking about her mom

    • @BenAnkenmann
      @BenAnkenmann Рік тому +36

      @Christopher Bingham Well, that is the entire joke. George knows that Mary's talking about Mandy's Mom, he's trying to lighten the mood...just picked the wrong time.

    • @ColonelSanders493
      @ColonelSanders493 Рік тому +8

      @@christopherbingham5092well Mary knows both of them don’t exactly get along,I mean Connie is constantly making fun at George for being big so

    • @yevgeniyaleshchenko849
      @yevgeniyaleshchenko849 Рік тому +6

      @@christopherbingham5092 ...and that's your problem. They constantly make snide remarks about each other to each others' faces and in front of family, it was in character for both of them, and it was a JOKE.

  • @viqarkagzi3922
    @viqarkagzi3922 Рік тому +2306

    I love Mandy
    She was right and right to defend George. How ever Mandy’s mother takes a stab at the cooper family every chance she gets. Connie was right their & the family have been their for Mandy the entire time.

    • @lovinavargas-carriedo2698
      @lovinavargas-carriedo2698 Рік тому +81

      They are Mandy's family now. And meemaw is the freaking best! Just pops her up to storm out. And always supports and checks in on her just like the rest of her kids/grandkids with easy sass and knowing the right thing to do or say.

    • @yevgeniyaleshchenko849
      @yevgeniyaleshchenko849 Рік тому +3

      @@lovinavargas-carriedo2698 Indeed!

    • @CristopherMorales26
      @CristopherMorales26 11 місяців тому +1

      Boeo marles

    • @CristopherMorales26
      @CristopherMorales26 11 місяців тому


    • @Unversed333
      @Unversed333 3 місяці тому +2

      @@lovinavargas-carriedo2698 I also like how she is the one who brings up that the Coopers have been taking care of Mandy this whole time. Needless to say if wasn't for her, Mandy would have to live in the garage with Georgie, and if it hadn't been for him, she would have been living on the street.

  • @karleighrock593
    @karleighrock593 Рік тому +5679

    Mandys mom has kicked her own daughter out of the house and has been telling everyone that Mandy ruined her life . Now she expects Mandy to move back home …?

    • @SashGirl34
      @SashGirl34 Рік тому +463

      Mandy's mother is a HORRIBLE woman. The fact Mandy is a grown adult. And Mandy defending Georgie...saying he's going to be a better father than she would ever be as a mother. It was so perfect. Mandy's mother so had that coming to her.

    • @NH-tb2sm
      @NH-tb2sm Рік тому +250

      And she has the nerve to insult the people who have been there for and helping her daughter.

    • @SashGirl34
      @SashGirl34 Рік тому +140

      @@NH-tb2sm Even Mandy said Georgie is the best part of her life. And he's proven despite 17 (almost 18) that he can be a great dad. She saw how he helped Sheldon so he can eat. And have a second. He traded in his car to have a safer one for their child.

    • @SashGirl34
      @SashGirl34 Рік тому +97

      @@NH-tb2sm All Mandy's mother do is criticize and judge. Georgie made a mistake. but he is doing everything he can to make up for it. Despite his age. And getting a level of maturity at least. Even with his immature moments still.

    • @ryanforgo3500
      @ryanforgo3500 Рік тому +52

      that's not the problem in this situation. what you might have missed is that if mandy moves in her mom will still say the same shit like "you ruined your life" and ruin mandy's mentality even more.
      it is typical parents behavior

  • @Unversed333
    @Unversed333 Рік тому +1242

    I love how Mary slyly takes a sip from her drink when Mandy mentions the store bought castle cake.

    • @julkap4190
      @julkap4190 Рік тому +79

      A cake made with love overthrones everything. Mandy knows what's good 😉

    • @LovelyLies16
      @LovelyLies16 Рік тому +41

      Maybe it was just my generation (I'm a 90s baby) but in my town/family the cake for a baby shower is always homemade by the best woman for the job. Not sure why, but wedding/grad party cakes are always store-bought. I think it's just easier since it's a bigger party with more to worry about. 😂 But even then it HAD to be the good stuff that actually tastes good. But baby shower cakes were always homemade.

    • @Blackdragon99omfg
      @Blackdragon99omfg 11 місяців тому +8

      It perfectly compliments the "who wants cake"

    • @StormMatt448
      @StormMatt448 10 місяців тому +16

      To me, Mary is trying to hide her smile as Mandy yells at her mom for not only the store bought cake, but also how Mandy is defending Georgie.

    • @zombiejlt1
      @zombiejlt1 7 місяців тому +1


  • @kitsune4058
    @kitsune4058 Рік тому +299

    1. LOVE that Mandy stood up to her mother because she sees that despite his age, Georgie is stepping up as a dad
    2. It made me so happy that she pointed out the fact that the cake was store bought because it shows how little thought and care her mom put into thing and that Mandy sees it

    • @Level1gyatt2789
      @Level1gyatt2789 4 місяці тому

      Wdym on number 2

    • @Unversed333
      @Unversed333 3 місяці тому +4

      @@Level1gyatt2789 Well, Mary suggested making a cake herself, putting all of effort and support for Mandy. Meanwhile, Audrey overruled everyone by making a prejudice comment about Germans, and buying a castle cake that she thinks Mandy wants, when in reality it's what she wants.

    • @Level1gyatt2789
      @Level1gyatt2789 2 місяці тому

      @@Unversed333 what does she want

  • @yaang9258
    @yaang9258 Рік тому +2534

    Mandy's mom is the reason i believe parents need a special license to have a kid

    • @humansperson3404
      @humansperson3404 Рік тому +61

      i laughed but thinking of that actually happening is horrifying... the government would have total control over whether or not you could have kids 😨

    • @yaang9258
      @yaang9258 Рік тому +28

      @@humansperson3404 which is why I believe parents need a special license to have a kid.

    • @humansperson3404
      @humansperson3404 Рік тому +23

      @@yaang9258 ...
      Let's agree to disagree

    • @yaang9258
      @yaang9258 Рік тому +44

      @@humansperson3404 you can disagree you want, my experiences have shown me that there should be courses that potential parents must take and receive certification for child development. We have to many children being abandoned or neglected or abused because the parents are irresponsible.

    • @yaang9258
      @yaang9258 Рік тому +15

      @@humansperson3404 also, Mandy is the other reason i feel this way. Truth is, i think Mandy needs to be locked up for sleeping with Georgie, who is a minor! If Georgie had been female and Mandy a Male, I'm pretty sure the family would be calling the police.

  • @mariafox9226
    @mariafox9226 Рік тому +938

    Good on Mandy for standing up for herself. Her mom DOES NOT deserve to be in that kid’s life.

  • @Boomer_Schooner_24
    @Boomer_Schooner_24 Рік тому +843

    I love how mandy defense georgie, and realize she may still not be on board with his age but she knows how committed and caring georgie is to mandy and the baby

  • @geethunair1600
    @geethunair1600 Рік тому +207

    Marry reaction when mandy said " you come in at last minute with a store bought castel cake " was personal 😂😂

    • @Unversed333
      @Unversed333 9 місяців тому +8

      That was a "Told you so" reaction.

    • @mailbox9859
      @mailbox9859 6 місяців тому

      Lol fr

  • @志瑜杨
    @志瑜杨 Рік тому +1040

    Memaw’s one liners are always entertaining 😆

    • @ipdharwad
      @ipdharwad Рік тому +15

      Ha ha! I was thinking the same thing!

    • @keriddunk1520
      @keriddunk1520 Рік тому +14

      "so who wants cake ?" Savage 😂😂😂

  • @buttercupthetortoise7806
    @buttercupthetortoise7806 Рік тому +472

    Brenda’s reaction when Mandy said “he’s gonna be a better parent then you ever were” 😂😂

  • @kennyrama
    @kennyrama Рік тому +1329

    The actress for Brenda hit that “damnnn” too well. You know that girl listens to all the gossip at the salons lmao

    • @sirtrently77
      @sirtrently77 Рік тому +40

      She also played Barbara Jean in the sitcom Reba. She was Reba’s ex-husband’s lover turned wife who could be a bit air-headed but was still big hearted. I think she also played a school counselor with about a dozen different personalities on an episode of Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide.

    • @tonyduncan7608
      @tonyduncan7608 Рік тому +14

      She ended up being rebas best friend

    • @sirtrently77
      @sirtrently77 Рік тому +4

      @@tonyduncan7608 I forgot about that! Thank you!

    • @tonyduncan7608
      @tonyduncan7608 Рік тому +3

      Me to tell I watched it. At the end episode. She takes pic of em all said wear survivors

    • @viqarkagzi3922
      @viqarkagzi3922 Рік тому +5

      I like Brenda she is always willing to help & assist in any way possible.

  • @GautamMH15
    @GautamMH15 Рік тому +109

    "He is going to be a better parent than you ever were." Thats deep, says a lot !!

  • @steblair
    @steblair Рік тому +436

    I am so impressed how Mandy stood up for her baby, and her Babies Daddy. Who has been there the entire time. Some parents are just toxic when they have circumstances they can’t CONTROL.

    • @HasufelyArod
      @HasufelyArod Рік тому +2

      I wouldn't use the word "toxic", maybe "rude" "entitled" or even "hypocrite", but not toxic

    • @brideofcthulhu347
      @brideofcthulhu347 9 місяців тому +6

      ​@@HasufelyArod She's been going around telling everybody how Mandy "ruined her life" and threw her out only to invite her back last minute, then immediately tried to control her life when she returned to the picture. All the while badmouthing the family that has been caring for her daughter the entire time she was gone. I'd call that toxic.

  • @blurdreamer
    @blurdreamer Рік тому +396

    I love Sheldon mom and meemaw just let thing flow into mess, the sneaky smile of Sheldon mom in the end is priceless.

    • @StormMatt448
      @StormMatt448 Рік тому +11

      If Sheldon’s mom could, I bet she’d pump her fist and shout ‘Yeah!’.

  • @ms.blooddiamond3857
    @ms.blooddiamond3857 Рік тому +153

    George: "She ain't gonna live forever."
    Connie: * proceeds to live past 100 *

  • @Meanie74
    @Meanie74 Рік тому +61

    “At some point you stop caring how they got here” is actually so legit a pov of grandparents 😂

  • @doublem6884
    @doublem6884 Рік тому +487

    You know an actor's good when you reaallllly hate her.
    I've only been watching the clips, so I don't know the exact progression of each character, but I'm so happy Brenda is being more friendly with the Coopers.

    • @williamdragon1023
      @williamdragon1023 Рік тому +9

      Her name is Rachel Bay Jones, and she stared in the play Dear Evan Hansen which she won a tony award for.

    • @Kayr_ah
      @Kayr_ah Рік тому +21

      Sis, you don't know the half of it, she's being a little too friendly with Mary's husband!

    • @coconut2184
      @coconut2184 Рік тому +2

      Watch her in modern family and the good doctor, you’ll also hate her there. It’s like that’s the only way she can act.

  • @joshmg25
    @joshmg25 Рік тому +115

    I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this, but I never get tired of it! I’m glad she’s starting to show her appreciation for the effort Georgie’s been making. And I thought it was cute when she said, “if someone would help me up, I’d like to storm out.”

  • @leah6820-y9v
    @leah6820-y9v Рік тому +325

    I love Meemaw and Mandy's relationship.

  • @KittyKat-ky5us
    @KittyKat-ky5us Рік тому +153

    When she said the punch was non alcoholic you could just tell instantly that this was going to be a long day

  • @TheHManShow
    @TheHManShow Рік тому +288

    Mandy’s right!! Georgie really did step up and support Mandy in any and every way he can. He may still be kinda stupid but he’s ready for a new start. I’m with Mary though, I HATE Mandy’s mother but I LOVE how Rachel Bay Jones played her

  • @soldierof239
    @soldierof239 Рік тому +116

    4:22 oh the SHADE in that eyebrow raise by Mary 😂😂😂

  • @sisu411
    @sisu411 Рік тому +65

    "Well.... good Job..." I love Mary 🤣

  • @ElizabethT45
    @ElizabethT45 Рік тому +36

    As a very short person who had a big first baby, I appreciated the levity of "Now if someone would help me up, I would like to storm out" 😁😁

  • @mulqueen2023
    @mulqueen2023 Рік тому +22

    Mandy and Georgie have such a nice relationship progression. Him stepping up as a dad despite still being a kid himself, and Mandy not trying to control or limit him in any way, while also learning how much he really cares and tries. Her standing up for him against her own mother solidified Mandy as a great character.

  • @stormwatcher59
    @stormwatcher59 Рік тому +61

    Brenda: I'm gonna get some punch
    Connie: It's non-alcoholic
    .....I felt Brenda's pain!!! 😂🍷

  • @arielbujnowski3340
    @arielbujnowski3340 Рік тому +210

    Not to mention that she was upset that Mandy and Georgie name the baby Constance and not her. My thought was:
    "Lady, Meemaw and Georgie has there for Mandy since day one and Meemaw has been more of a mother to Mandy thoughout the whole pregnancy. You kicked her out of the house as soon as you find out that she was pregnant."

    • @mrjuanki23
      @mrjuanki23 Рік тому +12

      she even had the audacity to ask if the baby had a middle name

  • @craftingmama4514
    @craftingmama4514 Рік тому +37

    I love how meemaw quickly helps mandy up so she can storm out

  • @hayddencosplays
    @hayddencosplays Рік тому +316

    I don’t get why Mandy’s mom is trying to start shit and who is she to judge Mandy and trying to get her to come home when clearly she’s the one that kicked her out And at least she found people that are willing help her out ,Mandys mom never wanted to help her out in the first place and I know Georgie is gonna be a good dad

    • @hayddencosplays
      @hayddencosplays Рік тому +16

      @@christopherbingham5092I don’t get why she kicked her out of the house but then wants her and the baby to live with her when in the first place she didn’t want to help her, she’s already fine where she is ,if I had a baby shower and my mom was like that I wouldn’t invite her if she’s going to say shit that she doesn’t understand

    • @arm279145
      @arm279145 Рік тому +1

      Ah see, but you’re forgetting that Mandy’s mom is a judgemental bitch, and judge mental bitches are raging hypocrites.

    • @turtlemama888
      @turtlemama888 Рік тому +10

      Because some moms are like that, unfortunately.

    • @kcawks8585
      @kcawks8585 Рік тому +13

      To put it simply she’s a narcissist that has viewed her kids not as their own person but as reflections of herself. They have to live life her way or no way at all.

    • @osielatrujillo82
      @osielatrujillo82 Рік тому

      look at 8 passenger

  • @viqarkagzi3922
    @viqarkagzi3922 Рік тому +23

    Mandy clearly has feelings for George jr she realized he had allot to offer. George jr has the qualities she wanted in a person.
    So he maybe a little younger. How ever they are smitten with each other. He has the abilities she wants & wanted in her life. Person full of love kindness, compassion & integrity.

  • @bassandbucks4282
    @bassandbucks4282 Рік тому +53

    Brenda’s “damn” had me dead😂

  • @HasufelyArod
    @HasufelyArod Рік тому +33

    4:50 another justified dagger would have been
    "See that? She helped. They all helped. You *never* did."

  • @gabriellemcintosh1516
    @gabriellemcintosh1516 Рік тому +72

    The amount of restraint Mandy has to not physically attack her mom is amazing. I know I would have

    • @krishnasrinivasan2361
      @krishnasrinivasan2361 11 місяців тому +2

      There's no need for a physical attack... A mere "get out" to Mandy's mom would have sufficed...

    • @gabriellemcintosh1516
      @gabriellemcintosh1516 11 місяців тому +2

      @krishnasrinivasan2361 Not if you're in the south, you do something like that. We ladies will throw hands.

    • @krishnasrinivasan2361
      @krishnasrinivasan2361 11 місяців тому +3

      @@gabriellemcintosh1516 At your mother???.... That's just totally disrespectful... You cannot justify a wrong by doing something else that is wrong...

    • @KingPicoFNF
      @KingPicoFNF 10 місяців тому +1

      @@krishnasrinivasan2361I had a friend who threw hands with her lol and throw pots and pans at each other

  • @nub2418
    @nub2418 Рік тому +49

    “So who wants cake?” I have never heard MeeMaw’s voice that high before and I find that little detail hilarious, and relatable

  • @ceejay3054
    @ceejay3054 Рік тому +16

    I have got such a soft spot for Georgie. He has such a good heart, and all the compassion and wisdom we wish Sheldon had.

  • @RII_RII-k9m
    @RII_RII-k9m Рік тому +10

    4:43 the way she said damn kills me

  • @francois-mariearouet
    @francois-mariearouet Рік тому +53

    Meemaw's single lines are the best

  • @albeetta5490
    @albeetta5490 Рік тому +13

    That "damn" tell us everything 🤣lol

  • @ircooked2261
    @ircooked2261 Рік тому +30

    Ain’t Mandy a 29 year old WOMAN who made her own decisions and he mum still sitting there like she 9. She’s also bad mouthing Georgie when he’s been there for HER daughter more than her.

  • @StrangerThingsS5SeriesCreator
    @StrangerThingsS5SeriesCreator Рік тому +11

    "so who wants cake" IM DYING I CAN'T ITS TOO FUNNY

  • @Rae-crazysoftball
    @Rae-crazysoftball 9 місяців тому +5

    I love how Mandy stuck up for Georgie and said “ your NOT gonna bad mouth Georgie”

  • @Helloforeverseungberry33
    @Helloforeverseungberry33 Рік тому +18

    “Now would someone help me up. I would like to STORM OUT.”

  • @mynyun3133
    @mynyun3133 Рік тому +15

    Mandy giving her mom the hard truth and Brenda over there "Damn".
    Brenda's gotta be thinking that punch maybe non-alcoholic but this tea sure is delicious. 🍵👀

  • @ope4r540
    @ope4r540 Рік тому +49

    Georgie is a keeper!💛

  • @Ankochan200
    @Ankochan200 Рік тому +18

    You tell her girl. I love that she told her that she doesn’t have the right to bad mouth Georgie🎉

  • @gremlin_bcl
    @gremlin_bcl Рік тому +6

    It's the "who wants cake" that killed me. 😂

  • @Thebirthdaylibrarian
    @Thebirthdaylibrarian Рік тому +25

    Personally I agree that a couple should be married before having kids because I am a Christian and it’s a much more stable environment for a child to grow up in, but that being said, Mandy’s mom is a jerk. That’s not how you treat your child when they are going through something as complicated as motherhood. You stand by them and help them and do whatever you can to make it easier, instead of yelling at them, kicking them out, talking bad about them, ignoring them, and than getting offended when they don’t want to move back in or have you in their life.

    • @pianofry1138
      @pianofry1138 Рік тому +4

      Getting married beforehand is ideal but in this situation I hardly think it would be a great idea. If two parents are going to be fighting constantly and they are unhappy that isn't good for the child. I'm really hoping they do get married though.

  • @umabanavara3500
    @umabanavara3500 Рік тому +7

    Mary sipping her drink enjoying the drama 🤣

  • @MusikCassette
    @MusikCassette Рік тому +53

    What is the hole ruined her live thing? Mandy's downturn in live had nothing to do with the pregnancy.
    If anything getting George's Baby kind of gave her a support network she did not have before.

    • @joshmg25
      @joshmg25 Рік тому +4

      Plus the fact that she’s 29! I would have thought her parents would be relieved she finally DID get pregnant! My mom was 29(well almost 28 3/4 to be exact) when I was born and I’m the youngest!

    • @MusikCassette
      @MusikCassette Рік тому

      @@mojojojo3212 that is a story, that can happen. But it is not the story of Mandy.

  • @Robert_EO_Beanzwagon
    @Robert_EO_Beanzwagon Рік тому +4

    Meemaw 🤝 TFS Vegeta
    *hilariously delivering one liners*

  • @littlecritters8371
    @littlecritters8371 11 місяців тому +1

    “He’s going to be a better parent then you ever were.”

  • @hulkslayer626
    @hulkslayer626 Рік тому +6

    Honestly, I have never seen the show, but Georgie seems like the best part of it by far! About time Mandy stuck up for him!

  • @StephanieMT
    @StephanieMT Рік тому +41

    Damn mandys mom was like my mom. When i got pregnant with my oldest kid she told people her life was over

  • @savvyc175
    @savvyc175 Рік тому +8

    "It's non-alcoholic"

  • @c.barrett5114
    @c.barrett5114 10 місяців тому +1

    This scene is so emotional for me. The writers and actors did a great job. I love how she stand suo for Georgie and I love how supportive his whole family is.

  • @UndeadShadowHunter
    @UndeadShadowHunter Рік тому +95

    Mary at 4:26 you know she's like damn straight

  • @jirivera1999
    @jirivera1999 6 місяців тому +1

    Brenda’s Damn gets me every time. 😂

  • @selfridgesforever4399
    @selfridgesforever4399 9 днів тому +1

    4:23 Mary's face when she talked about the cake lol

  • @AV5212
    @AV5212 Рік тому +8

    Love how Mandy defended Georgie :)

  • @ajb7530
    @ajb7530 Рік тому +5

    Im very proud of georgie. He's acting like a real man.

  • @SoccKicks
    @SoccKicks Рік тому +4

    That was the most bri'ish sentence: could somebody help me up, I want to storm out......thank you 😂

  • @tmendez31
    @tmendez31 9 місяців тому +2

    I cheered when Mandy defended Georgie. He may have only been 17 but he accepted his responsibility like a man and did his best to be there for Mandy and the baby.

  • @keriddunk1520
    @keriddunk1520 Рік тому +2

    "so who wants cake ?" Savage meemaw 😂😂😂

  • @jacobmiller8153
    @jacobmiller8153 Рік тому +1

    "She walked like a cowboy for a month "

  • @ericastones1052
    @ericastones1052 Рік тому +60

    Sounds like Mandy’s mum likes all the attention not Mandy.

  • @sairamr6886
    @sairamr6886 Рік тому +12

    It's good to see Mandy Step up for her man

  • @Unversed333
    @Unversed333 3 місяці тому +2

    0:26 I feel like Mandy's mom is projecting her own thoughts of not experiencing those things because she had kids.

  • @Mnjara7
    @Mnjara7 7 місяців тому +1

    Mary sipping when mandy mentions store bought cake🤣

  • @dennisoleary2838
    @dennisoleary2838 Рік тому +14

    I never watched this show when it was on but I enjoy watching it on UA-cam 😊

    • @culkion
      @culkion 2 місяці тому

      Do you not have Netflix?

  • @sageseeker9197
    @sageseeker9197 Рік тому +7

    Even tho Georgie has his own issue (lying about being a not minor being a BIG one), he does make up for it somewhat in that he didn't just try to ditch any responsibility as a father like many do.

  • @Gamerafighter76
    @Gamerafighter76 11 місяців тому +1

    Mandy telling her mom off was much needed.

  • @alexiciamoore5642
    @alexiciamoore5642 8 місяців тому +1

    YEEEESSSSS BIIIISSSSHHHH!!! She put her momma in her place!!! I really felt that. The nerve- the audacity of that woman kills me.

    @DAGREATBOOG Рік тому +1

    😂😂😂 "it's non alcoholic" "oh"

  • @user-pi3hd2bt3f
    @user-pi3hd2bt3f 6 місяців тому +1

    4:39 Man I wish Georgie was there to hear Mandy say that. After how mean she's been to him the entire pregnancy he deserved to hear her defend him

  • @MsBluebot
    @MsBluebot Рік тому +24

    I see no point in mandys mom being smug and flexing that her children were normal weight like?? Ok? You have no control over that

    • @fandomking8939
      @fandomking8939 Рік тому

      Its typical narcissist behavior, they try to make everything a competition.

    • @MsBluebot
      @MsBluebot Рік тому

      @Nathan Morgan idk maybe 5-8 pounds?

  • @Dragongamer1001
    @Dragongamer1001 2 місяці тому +1

    "You do not get to bad mouth Georgie! He's gonna be a better parent than you ever were!"
    Boy, can you imagine Georgie's reaction if he had somehow overheard that. He probably would have been really touched, and perhaps humbled.

  • @laylajeunesorayajeune2017
    @laylajeunesorayajeune2017 12 днів тому

    2:45 The way everyone started laughing when she said 18

  • @Sittininthesun
    @Sittininthesun 6 місяців тому +3

    Says a lot when the underage father and his poor-ish family provide more support than the disowning mother.
    Talk about a low bar.

  • @s_shaddows.4939
    @s_shaddows.4939 Рік тому +9

    Her mother was a monster poor Mandy.

  • @abhipatel4595
    @abhipatel4595 5 місяців тому

    I like how mandy shows like she doesnt like georgie a lot but in this scene we see how much she loves and cares about him

  • @paolaaa6
    @paolaaa6 6 місяців тому

    "so who wants cake?" 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @yarafreiremartins6396
    @yarafreiremartins6396 Рік тому

    Brenda’s “damn” was everything

  • @shanoriya
    @shanoriya Рік тому +4

    I said damn the same time Brenda did😂😂😂😂😂

  • @salazarmandragora
    @salazarmandragora 9 місяців тому

    Now that go right into my list of favorite come-up-ends in tv history

  • @Naomiiiish
    @Naomiiiish 9 місяців тому +2

    "Here's a key to the house we kicked you out of. So you can move away from these people who took care of you and supported you while I've been badmouthing all day. You're so welcome!"
    My god....the nerve of that woman......

  • @Ejduxh
    @Ejduxh 9 місяців тому +2

    Mandy has a point, the cooper family (Georgie and memaw specifically) have been there for her and Mandy’s mom thinks that she just has to get a castle cake and a key and thinks it’s all fine

  • @leia.kamanu
    @leia.kamanu 6 місяців тому

    “Dam…” got me😭😆

  • @Gowidafloman
    @Gowidafloman 8 місяців тому

    The "who wants cake" at the end was a much deserved knife twist after the stab for Mandy's mom!

  • @aouboomsail
    @aouboomsail 6 місяців тому +1

    Mandy's mom definitely got hurt by her daughter's words , well deserved.

  • @aquitaineq
    @aquitaineq Рік тому +20

    typical toxic mom who wants to make everything about them.

  • @cathygretch7824
    @cathygretch7824 Рік тому +4

    Just the kind of mother I wouldn't ever want to have or be. If my daughters had gotten pregnant in high school I would have never kicked them out or acted like the baby was a disease. I sat them down when they were about 10, and without specifying pregnancy, told them they could come to us with anything and we wouldn't ever kick them out or stop loving them. I hate when kids are afraid to tell their parents about something. One of my daughter's friends got pregnant when she was 15, and her parents kicked her out. She died in childbirth, and I've wondered if they ever regret throwing her out, not being there for her those nine months, or letting her die alone. I don't know how they live with themselves.

  • @thevampirecielphantomhive2342
    @thevampirecielphantomhive2342 Рік тому +4

    Meemaw is my spirit animal

  • @osbaldohernandez9174
    @osbaldohernandez9174 6 місяців тому +1

    Mandy’s mom really is a pain she just likes to mention how better she is than others

  • @gabrielpacheco5365
    @gabrielpacheco5365 9 місяців тому +1

    I love this entertainment of a pregnant woman chatting with her mother

  • @NicoIino
    @NicoIino Рік тому +1


  • @emilyfuentes9114
    @emilyfuentes9114 Рік тому +3

    That would so be me "so who wants cake?" 😂

  • @jakobyhubbard5530
    @jakobyhubbard5530 Рік тому +3

    This doesn’t feel Sheldon’s spin-off anymore.feels like it’s the”the cooper family” than young sheldon