🐟 Buy fish at geni.us/LiveFish from our preferred online retailers with the code aquariumcoop to save 5%. (As an affiliate member, we earn a commission from this link.)
Cory, I have to say this, the thumbnail of your puffer is so cute. Especially coz you both have same front tooth I keep feeling every time I see your videos, so here I said it today . Hahahaha. Cute AF
@@caterinasantini6600 dont listen. Usually this works out if done correctly, ive done it multiple times, just watch skme guides and make sure you do it properly and it works out 90 percent of the time!
@@caterinasantini6600 yes I have a 55 gallon with a few roseline sharks, rainbows, anglefish pleco they be just fine just make sure other fish don’t fin nip on the betta!!
I love my Koi Betta. He is in a tank with Rummy Nose Tetras and Cory cats. I have no problem from them. I set up the tank for my mom, who is shut in at 93 years old. I stay with her to take care of her. I set up the tank for her. She loves the Betta. When she goes to the tank he comes to the front of the tank and displays for her. What a beautiful fish . Thanks for all the help I have gotten from your videos
Same mine lives in my community tank and he loves hanging out with the other fish and shows no aggression but I once had a female betta and had to move her to her own tank because she was super aggressive.
My Betta has very long, silk-like fins, and he’s been living in a community tank with some neon tetras, white skirt tetras, and a pleco. No problem has ever occurred and the Betta is super chill around the others.
My very first tank was a really nicely aquascaped 10-gallon with a male betta raised from fry with about five white clouds. I think raising the male betta WITH a group of small, schooling fish worked really really well for cutting aggression, and I always recommend it to friends just getting into the hobby. Plus, getting to watch a betta grow up and their fins fill out is one of the most delightful things about these fish!
Sarah Travenick I totally agree! I raised up 5 female betta fry in a sorority tank with nine corydoras and a bristlenose pleco in a 29 gallon and they coexist peacefully because it's all they know. They've spent more of their lives in a community tank together than they ever have in a tiny cup at a store or a small fishbowl alone
Betta respond to colorful fish with flowing fins not just any fish. The level of aggression is individualistic but typically overstated. When a breeder gets a new spawn they do not have a tank for each of the 100+ fry. They grow out in tanks. Two males can actually exist in a tank as long as its large enough for them not to be on top of each other all the time and there are things to block line of sight to each other.
How far bettas have come, in my mind, and it seems for others as well. From just a cheap fish in a tiny cup or bowl, to #1 show piece! I'm almost crying right now thinking about it. Clicking this vid, I never expected it would hit me emotionally. But when Cory unveiled the #1 pick.... Yeah I have a betta in my 75 gallon for about a year now. (Not a 29 or under, but same principle.) A tank with Turquoise & Bosemani rainbows, emperer, serpae & neon tetras, lots of beautiful fish. But my betta man, he is just the best. Thank you so much Cory & aquarium co-op! Love watching & learning from your channel- He lives in there because of you! Keep up the great work!
Bettas almost always make me sad to see them in cups and bowls all by themselves. So, as you can imagine it also makes me ecstatic to see them in big community tanks despite all the people that think they can't do that.
My betta has a 40 gallon to himself. Im thinking of puttimg him in my 125g peaceful community tank. I just didnt know how he would do. Its not fully stocked as i set it up in January and planted it. I have 26 fish in it. 14 of those are neon tetras. So no where near fully stocked. I just want to wait for my plants to grow out fuller first. What do yall think? This be ok?
@@1heAnkou I've got 2. One is great in a 20 long, with shrimp, 6 guppies plus 3 fry, and a pleco. He never has aggression. My other betta, no good. 55 gallon with about 12 guppies and 6 cory's. He picked at the cory's and eventually damaged a couple guppy tails over 4 days. I really hoped it would settle in but only got worse. Depends on the particular fish really.
I have a sorority of four female Bettas with a school of neon tetras and I think that this is my favourite set up in over 30 years. My females all have long flowing fins almost equaling that of a male. Stunning.
Great list, I'd also say Betta number 1. Its the centrepiece for my planted 10 gallon. I'm recently starting a 20 gallon coldwater freshwater tank, and I'm thinking paradise fish for centrepiece.
Fish For Thought If your going for a paradise fish I would have it as the only thing in the tank. All paradise fish I have kept have been highly aggressive and territorial.
Gamer Lady Jules thanks for sharing your experience! I have yet to do all the lovely research for freshwater fish, but that's definitely very helpful to know.
Finally someone who pronounces Betta correctly. I hear so many pronounce and people will correct me with the Greek letter pronunciation Beta (Bay-tah). A local fish hobbyist vendor at an outdoor market in Thailand on a TV show years ago said Bet Tah like it was two words. Friends and a local pet store had Bettas in with goldfish and the goldfish ate the Betta fins completely off. I had one female Silver Veil Angel in with guppies and various catfish for years and she laid eggs every year. I've had many different Apistogrammas and they are great fish. I kept species separate in two 50's and two 29's but I eventually gave them and the babies away. I'm getting more because of this vid. Thanks for the inspiration. Where were fish expert owners like you when I was young and starting out? I had to deal with old crabby pet store owners who acted like they needed to quit that day. Thanks for doing a great job.
I'm very very late but I love that this guy keeps his bettas in big community tanks! I see far to often bettas in like a cup of water with algae with no heater or filter
You should do a largest fish to keep by itself in a certain size tank without tank mates. For example, Betta for 10 gallon, 29 gallon for a goldfish, etc.
I have two blue angels in a 4 foot 60 gallon tank currently. I recently saw Boesmani Rainbows for the first time (in person) and I really want some. Before this I was planning on buying a 2ft*2ft*18" tank (roughly 40 gallons, 162 litres) and I was wondering if it will be safe to move my angels to this tank so that I can get some rainbows?
What you have done for the hobby cory is top class..... from years ago to date......all the work the video's now I'd say top of your game... and highly respected in the hobby all over the world... from a hobbiest id like to thank you for you incredible infomation... I've gained a massive amount of knowledge.. now passing on what I've learnt thanks and keep tanking
I have TWO Angelfish in my 29 gallon community tank and everyone seems to get along beautifully and no fighting. It's all about the temperament of the fish like you said Cory. Thanks for the list of fish.🐟🐟🐠🐠👍👍
Other benefits of bettas in community tanks: If you keep livebearers and you need help with population control, bettas are GREAT. Unless you have my boy (in my avatar) who adopts fry.
I love bettas!! I have two females and they're so awesome to just watch! They're so interested in everything and you can tell when they are inspecting something, they even follow me when I walk across the room, I just love 'em.
Glad to see Betta as #1. I have a male paradise delta tail with 4 cory, 1 siamese algae eater, 5 black tetra, 3 narite snais and 2 apple snails. There is very little chasing and no fins nipped. Funny thing is when I went to get my cory cats, I went by Petsmart, the sales people asked what size tank and fish I had, then told me "No, we can't sell you anything if you are going to put it in with a betta". My response was, "Fine, I'll take my business and money elsewhere". Since then Petsmart will never have me as a customer for anything.
I love all your apisto's When i was 15 i got 2 Ramirezi's. They were beautiful and liked the tank and each other so much they had babies. Made me very happy.
I have a beautiful Male Betta with long flowing fins with 8 Neons in a 29 gallon they all get along perfect. I have seen the neons chase each other but never the beta. He is always calm.
Cory, i love you for the Berta Suggestion!!! Thank you so much. Bettas in community tanks show the whole personality of these species. Never in solitary confinement. Betta rubra is my absolute favourite centrepiece for 1m tanks. Beautiful fish.
I’ve been wanting something unique for my heavily planted community tank, and after this video I made the hour-long drive out to the “good” fish store last weekend. They had around a dozen types of Apistogramma. I picked up a female Nejsseni. Neat looking yellow fish with 3 big black spots on each side. For the first day and a half she was timidly staying down in the grasses, checking things out. Then she got comfortable. Then she killed all my horned nerites. Then she decided the much larger German Ram needed to be chases at least 3 laps around the aquarium whenever eye contact was made. Then the cories all needed to be chased out of any hiding hole. Then she feasted on about a dozen mollie fry before I could scoop them out. So yeah. Apistogramma - pretty, but maybe not the best peaceful community fish. :)
I have 2 roseline sharks in my 29 gallon and they're real show stoppers. Very docile with the cardinals and playfully chase each other on occasion. Love those guys.
I've got a gorgeous aqua blue veil tailed betta in my 10 gallon community, and he is my most active fish! Plus he has never shown aggression. He is my showpiece fish.
I'm so happy bettas are your favourite centerpiece fish! When people come over to my home they are always surprised to see my betta in a 20 gallon with my guppies. And they do great together!
That is so awesome that you keep your bettas in those nice big community tanks! I feel so sorry for the ones I see living in tiny cups at Petco and the like. Even crueler is they give people the idea that bettas don't need any space and sell little 1 gallon aquariums or little fish bowls.
yes they do go well. Finally heard someone say it. I have one betta fish with my other schooling fish and couple other small fish as well as my shrimps, they always go well together! ! He feels like he is the king in the tank, and others just don’t even give a .. about him. Perfect.
Those Japanese Fire Red apistos are *gorgeous* 😍 Are they rare in the trade or easily obtained? A pair with a school of lemon tetras would be stunning.
Awesome that you showed your betta in a tank with black phantoms. I've been hearing mixed reviews around that mix. They seemed pretty chill together. I have black phantoms and was debating whether to add a betta.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge Cory. You're a genuine asset to the tropical fish enthusiast community. I got a kick out of that awesome giant puffer in the big tank in the back......Steve
Fantastic video! You've actually answered my question because I've been trying to find just that 'one' fish that will go with my Cory's and Cherry Barbs. I think I'm going for either Apistogramma or Bolivian Ram.
Thanks for the tips! I got a 10 gallon with guppies and a koi plakat betta. Everything’s going smooth and I’m really happy with the presentation of my tank!
Perfect video! I loved it! I had my betta in my 38 gallon community tank, and even though there were some beautifully colored fish, my betta always stopped people and made them look.
nice video, for some reason I feel like the resolution or something was a bit different today but still great video, and great fish, also great editing😀
Bettas and Gouramis are my favorites! :) My male betta loves his community tank. He is in a 10 gallon with a couple snails and 2 ADF. My large tank has a few types of Gouramies. They are such gorgeous fish. :)
My male dwarf gouramis (Salami and Jim) are so funny to watch, they're a very active and entertaining species. They'll pull off any dying leaves and bits of the plants, swim over to the filter vents and poke them through :) Although it does clog the filter, I can't get mad at them when they're trying to help :)
I bought my mum a betta for mothers day. Hes such a cool dude. I also put ember tetra a dwarf frog and a glass shrimp in there. They are coexist very peacefully. The betta ever makes bubble nest which is a sign of a happy betta.
yigs That's normal, it's the males who are more likely to be aggressive. Particularly if you keep more than one, even if they are different types of gouramis.
I love Kribensis in a 20g (or preferably larger). They're hardy, stay pretty small, and a pair brings a lot of color/interesting behavior. They're a little rough around the edges for a community tank, but not more so than an Angelfish (which can get quite large).
I agree on the Betta! I have a Veiltail Betta Male, 3 Neon Tetras & 2 Cory Catfish in a 5.5 gallon tank🥰 They get along well together and have room to thrive & strive!😆👍🏽
I have a picot dumbo eared betta in blue in with my 29 gallon, and my guppies.. this way when they have babies, he hunts them and the tank doesn't get over crowed!
Toguro My guppies leave him alone, his fins are short and he is fast enough that he doesn't get too bothered from them. He had a little bit of interest in them at first but he's got such a big tank that he leaves them alone now.
hi Cory, generally good advice-- apart from fish 1 the Angel! why oh why did you suggest them, even one? I have had trop and marine tanks the last 40yrs, and one thing i can promise anyone that in any tank an Angel will GROW and being tough often outgrow your tank in time. And second an Angel will EAT anything in the tank that has fancy tails or fins, from guppies and mollies upwards, and most definately anything smaller than it, which within a few months can include much larger and even aggressive fish.
Love my Betta in the community tank. But you have choose them wisely. I usually pick up the cup and check them out before I buy. If they are chill and turn around and look at you, then it will probably be a good tank mate. If they are zipping around the cup, I pass. I had to take back one brilliantly RED Delta because he immediately started chasing the other fish and flaring at his reflection. He was very active in the cup and that’s what originally attracted me to him.
Personally, I prefer German Blue Rams to the Bolivians. They're just a touch smaller, and are absolutely gorgeous when they develop all their iridescent scales and the orange and yellow on their faces gets bright
I found a pair did fine in my 29 community until I had to shut it down, even tried to spawn unsuccessfully once or twice. Just gotta make sure you have your tank scaped for it. :)
LezChap Normally I'd agree, but I've heard of at least three incidents where pairs decided to destroy everyone else in the tank. In one case, the male even killed his own mate. Single, I haven't heard of a single issue.
I have a pair of Bolivians (male/female) in my gallon, and they are GORGEOUS. Their colors are amazing, so much nicer than they were in the store, although they were both quite attractive there too.
My fish betta who was a blue and red crown tail was calm in a 10g community tank. I upgrade his tank and when introduced to some new fish he was scared of my peppered corydoras, when they swam towards him he swam like he thought they were chasing him. He spend his last year of his in a 4ft community tank where he picked a bunch of floating plants as his territory and he would lazily chase the tetras that got to close to his plants for about half afoot then would turn around and go back to resting under the plants/bubble nest.
As I understood it, it is best if the Betta or similar fish, is added Last to a tank. So he/she doesn't get to establish a territory across the tank. Another thing to do, is to isolate him temporarily in the tank using one of those Fry boxes or similar. Just to see how he behaves toward the other fish and shrimp. Generally, Territorial fish (Which Betta, to my knowledge is.) tend to become fairly aggressive at trespassers but if they are added last, they just have to deal with it.
Chris Wilson I have a sorority and 1 crown tail did nothing but fight. I put it in my wife's tank with barbs, black skirt tetras, and a double red apisto. Now they are all happy
I have a beautiful betta in my 29 gallon community tank, and even though he's small, he's fantastic. I lost my big roseline shark last week due to old age. He was over 7 years old!
I really want a gourami for my 20 tall but I'm working on breeding my guppies in that tank. I'm worried about the gourami eating all of the fry. Should I get one??
Frany in my experience 'most' fish (exception of corys, plecos etc) will go for fry as they see them as a easy meal. Most of the time when i have kept gouramis they have been quite docile and kept to the top of the tank. If you provide the fry with lots of cover (moss, live plants etc) they will do fine.
I'll add; when they were first added a gourami chased them but once they ran away the interest was lost. I think a newborn would have been doomed. This fry was abt a week old
It you feed your qourami with floating food and proved lots of cover for your fry they should be okay. Remember that the adult guppies themselves are likely to eat their babies if they get the chance, so hiding places are a must for the fry to survive (particularly in their first few weeks of life).
Our betta was the centerpiece of our 75g... until we added dwarf puffers to control a snail outbreak. Now he has is own 29g and his fins are growing back nicely.
Oh wow, I just got one. Fell in love with the color on my 1st trip to Petsmart...I NEVER shop there. Went in to grab filters. My other 3 honey dwarf gourami were fine, in two days one was dead, in four days ...another meanwhile he is swimming around like he owns the place. I have two female blue japan long sword guppies and about 12 fry that one gave birth to, he doesn't bother any of them. I can say that confidently after a daily fry count lol. It's so friggin majestic in color though. The one surviving gourami was my alpha in the tank and he is holding his own. We shall see.
I have a pair of Honey Gourami's in my 15 gallon and they are the best fish I have ever had. No joke. So colourful, display great mating behaviour. Leave all the other fish alone. Will come up to the glass and look at me when im hanging out near the tank. They're the friendliest little guys.
Mystical Trebleclef I was just picking on Cory. I'm well aware of the probability of having a hyper aggressive male splenden and the success rate of non-aggressive community housing.
@@cameronsinclair6138 They get along if thats what your asking. The blue ram may get a little agressive when feeding but other than that they are fine with tetras.
🐟 Buy fish at geni.us/LiveFish from our preferred online retailers with the code aquariumcoop to save 5%. (As an affiliate member, we earn a commission from this link.)
Aquarium Co-Op your just a great guy thank you for these vids and I think you’re such a nice person once again thank you
Cory, I have to say this, the thumbnail of your puffer is so cute. Especially coz you both have same front tooth I keep feeling every time I see your videos, so here I said it today . Hahahaha. Cute AF
Are you going to do one of these for a centerpiece fish for a 55 gallon? 🤞🤞🤞
This guy has a great personality; enthusiastic but not overly.
It's Cory from aquarium co-op haha. He's THE guy when it comes to fish.
He is a genuine legend just for putting time stamps and video chapters on his older videos 👈👌❤️
you having your bettas in big tanks,, major major effin respect sir.
soo if i'm gonna have a 32 gallons comunity acquarium, can i put a betta?
@@caterinasantini6600 probably not sure because sometimes they can be peaceful with other fish and sometimes absolutely not
@@caterinasantini6600 dont listen. Usually this works out if done correctly, ive done it multiple times, just watch skme guides and make sure you do it properly and it works out 90 percent of the time!
@@asmrvise3219 what is skme tho? :O
@@caterinasantini6600 yes I have a 55 gallon with a few roseline sharks, rainbows, anglefish pleco they be just fine just make sure other fish don’t fin nip on the betta!!
I love my Koi Betta. He is in a tank with Rummy Nose Tetras and Cory cats. I have no problem from them. I set up the tank for my mom, who is shut in at 93 years old. I stay with her to take care of her. I set up the tank for her. She loves the Betta. When she goes to the tank he comes to the front of the tank and displays for her. What a beautiful fish . Thanks for all the help I have gotten from your videos
My betta is so tame that he schools with my tetras 🤦🏽♂️ they follow him around... he’s like their king
All hail!
mine where the same a few years ago lol, was pretty cool
Same mine lives in my community tank and he loves hanging out with the other fish and shows no aggression but I once had a female betta and had to move her to her own tank because she was super aggressive.
I have some male endlers that follow a female Bolivian ram around
My silver dollars used to school with my Barramundi.
My Betta has very long, silk-like fins, and he’s been living in a community tank with some neon tetras, white skirt tetras, and a pleco. No problem has ever occurred and the Betta is super chill around the others.
Centerpiece fish for 29 gallon and smaller.
5. Angelfish. 0:33
4. Gourami. 1:07
3. Apistogramma. 1:57
2. Bolivian Ram. 3:06
1. Betta. 3:45
Lyndon Durgan you doing gods work my boy
Should have showed blue rams instead
You're so impatient you can't watch a 6 minute video?
Lyndon Durgan thank you. I took a screen shot. I want to buy these fish and show the aquarium store, so it helps to know what the name of them are.
My very first tank was a really nicely aquascaped 10-gallon with a male betta raised from fry with about five white clouds. I think raising the male betta WITH a group of small, schooling fish worked really really well for cutting aggression, and I always recommend it to friends just getting into the hobby. Plus, getting to watch a betta grow up and their fins fill out is one of the most delightful things about these fish!
Sarah Travenick I totally agree! I raised up 5 female betta fry in a sorority tank with nine corydoras and a bristlenose pleco in a 29 gallon and they coexist peacefully because it's all they know. They've spent more of their lives in a community tank together than they ever have in a tiny cup at a store or a small fishbowl alone
Betta respond to colorful fish with flowing fins not just any fish. The level of aggression is individualistic but typically overstated. When a breeder gets a new spawn they do not have a tank for each of the 100+ fry. They grow out in tanks. Two males can actually exist in a tank as long as its large enough for them not to be on top of each other all the time and there are things to block line of sight to each other.
Out of nowhere I’ve wanted to set up a 5 gallon betta. Winning my heart those guys are
How far bettas have come, in my mind, and it seems for others as well. From just a cheap fish in a tiny cup or bowl, to #1 show piece! I'm almost crying right now thinking about it. Clicking this vid, I never expected it would hit me emotionally. But when Cory unveiled the #1 pick....
Yeah I have a betta in my 75 gallon for about a year now. (Not a 29 or under, but same principle.) A tank with Turquoise & Bosemani rainbows, emperer, serpae & neon tetras, lots of beautiful fish. But my betta man, he is just the best.
Thank you so much Cory & aquarium co-op! Love watching & learning from your channel- He lives in there because of you! Keep up the great work!
Bettas almost always make me sad to see them in cups and bowls all by themselves. So, as you can imagine it also makes me ecstatic to see them in big community tanks despite all the people that think they can't do that.
You are pretty crazy
My betta has a 40 gallon to himself. Im thinking of puttimg him in my 125g peaceful community tank. I just didnt know how he would do. Its not fully stocked as i set it up in January and planted it. I have 26 fish in it. 14 of those are neon tetras. So no where near fully stocked. I just want to wait for my plants to grow out fuller first. What do yall think? This be ok?
@@1heAnkou I've got 2. One is great in a 20 long, with shrimp, 6 guppies plus 3 fry, and a pleco. He never has aggression. My other betta, no good. 55 gallon with about 12 guppies and 6 cory's. He picked at the cory's and eventually damaged a couple guppy tails over 4 days. I really hoped it would settle in but only got worse. Depends on the particular fish really.
so if i have a 32 gallons comunity acquarium, can i put a betta? with glass catfishes?
I have a sorority of four female Bettas with a school of neon tetras and I think that this is my favourite set up in over 30 years. My females all have long flowing fins almost equaling that of a male. Stunning.
Great list, I'd also say Betta number 1. Its the centrepiece for my planted 10 gallon.
I'm recently starting a 20 gallon coldwater freshwater tank, and I'm thinking paradise fish for centrepiece.
Fish For Thought If your going for a paradise fish I would have it as the only thing in the tank. All paradise fish I have kept have been highly aggressive and territorial.
Gamer Lady Jules thanks for sharing your experience! I have yet to do all the lovely research for freshwater fish, but that's definitely very helpful to know.
Betta may fight but I had a dwarf gourami
There's a dwarf cichlid that cold water and stay small
Fish For Thought I
Finally someone who pronounces Betta correctly. I hear so many pronounce and people will correct me with the Greek letter pronunciation Beta (Bay-tah). A local fish hobbyist vendor at an outdoor market in Thailand on a TV show years ago said Bet Tah like it was two words. Friends and a local pet store had Bettas in with goldfish and the goldfish ate the Betta fins completely off. I had one female Silver Veil Angel in with guppies and various catfish for years and she laid eggs every year. I've had many different Apistogrammas and they are great fish. I kept species separate in two 50's and two 29's but I eventually gave them and the babies away. I'm getting more because of this vid. Thanks for the inspiration. Where were fish expert owners like you when I was young and starting out? I had to deal with old crabby pet store owners who acted like they needed to quit that day. Thanks for doing a great job.
*Do yourself a favor and subscribe so you get more videos like this from us.* bit.ly/2Yez7yl
I'm very very late but I love that this guy keeps his bettas in big community tanks! I see far to often bettas in like a cup of water with algae with no heater or filter
My top 7 fish for a 20 gallon aquarium: ua-cam.com/video/nXDe9QF-Gu8/v-deo.html
Aquarium Co-Op I'm doing a 55 gallon tall tank I'm looking at what fish u would recommend for this
You should do a largest fish to keep by itself in a certain size tank without tank mates. For example, Betta for 10 gallon, 29 gallon for a goldfish, etc.
Hi there :D I have had Fish
I have two blue angels in a 4 foot 60 gallon tank currently. I recently saw Boesmani Rainbows for the first time (in person) and I really want some.
Before this I was planning on buying a 2ft*2ft*18" tank (roughly 40 gallons, 162 litres) and I was wondering if it will be safe to move my angels to this tank so that I can get some rainbows?
What you have done for the hobby cory is top class..... from years ago to date......all the work the video's now I'd say top of your game... and highly respected in the hobby all over the world... from a hobbiest id like to thank you for you incredible infomation... I've gained a massive amount of knowledge.. now passing on what I've learnt thanks and keep tanking
5:31 The auto generated subs reads "I can't find pizza grandmas" instead of "I can't find Apistogrammas" - I love it.
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Could u do a show fish for a 60g tank please 😊😊
Aquarium Co-Op can i have a dumbo ear betta with a danios ans tiger barb?
Ahh, I have a 125 gallon, and I don’t know what to put in it!
I have TWO Angelfish in my 29 gallon community tank and everyone seems to get along beautifully and no fighting. It's all about the temperament of the fish like you said Cory. Thanks for the list of fish.🐟🐟🐠🐠👍👍
Other benefits of bettas in community tanks: If you keep livebearers and you need help with population control, bettas are GREAT. Unless you have my boy (in my avatar) who adopts fry.
Mimiheart9 yes! My friends have a passle of platies, and one very fat betta. 💕
Mimiheart9 My bettas never eat fry. Maybe they're spoiled with bloodworms lol!
lol! One of mine does. But my crimson boy seriously adopts them. He protects them from my ADFs even. All of my fish are spoiled.
Mimiheart9 I've got a Betta in with my live bearers and he never bothers anyone or eats them, (he's like the nicest betta I've ever seen)
Mimiheart9 my male betta is a wuss damn. He doesn't bite or attack for his life
I love bettas!! I have two females and they're so awesome to just watch! They're so interested in everything and you can tell when they are inspecting something, they even follow me when I walk across the room, I just love 'em.
Glad to see Betta as #1. I have a male paradise delta tail with 4 cory, 1 siamese algae eater, 5 black tetra, 3 narite snais and 2 apple snails. There is very little chasing and no fins nipped. Funny thing is when I went to get my cory cats, I went by Petsmart, the sales people asked what size tank and fish I had, then told me "No, we can't sell you anything if you are going to put it in with a betta". My response was, "Fine, I'll take my business and money elsewhere". Since then Petsmart will never have me as a customer for anything.
I love all your apisto's
When i was 15 i got 2 Ramirezi's.
They were beautiful and liked the tank and each other so much they had babies.
Made me very happy.
3:34 that pleco is going to work 😃
Thought those where pictus catfish
I have a beautiful Male Betta with long flowing fins with 8 Neons in a 29 gallon they all get along perfect. I have seen the neons chase each other but never the beta. He is always calm.
Why so little fish in that big aquarium
I loved breeding Betta's. So interesting with the bubble nest and watching the fry grow up
Cory, i love you for the Berta Suggestion!!! Thank you so much. Bettas in community tanks show the whole personality of these species. Never in solitary confinement. Betta rubra is my absolute favourite centrepiece for 1m tanks. Beautiful fish.
I’ve been wanting something unique for my heavily planted community tank, and after this video I made the hour-long drive out to the “good” fish store last weekend. They had around a dozen types of Apistogramma. I picked up a female Nejsseni. Neat looking yellow fish with 3 big black spots on each side. For the first day and a half she was timidly staying down in the grasses, checking things out. Then she got comfortable. Then she killed all my horned nerites. Then she decided the much larger German Ram needed to be chases at least 3 laps around the aquarium whenever eye contact was made. Then the cories all needed to be chased out of any hiding hole. Then she feasted on about a dozen mollie fry before I could scoop them out.
So yeah. Apistogramma - pretty, but maybe not the best peaceful community fish. :)
Yeah, I don't believe this guy knows his fish as well as he says he does ! You don't put Angel fish in Community tanks with smaller fish !
I have never had a lone angel or apisto in a community tank that didn't turn psychotic. Im sure others have had more luck...not me though....
I have 2 roseline sharks in my 29 gallon and they're real show stoppers. Very docile with the cardinals and playfully chase each other on occasion. Love those guys.
I suggest 2 more sharks, their gonna need more
I really like your store! So much variety of fish 🐠 Too bad that your store is so far away from me... got to deal with PetSmart and Petco 🙄
I've got a gorgeous aqua blue veil tailed betta in my 10 gallon community, and he is my most active fish! Plus he has never shown aggression. He is my showpiece fish.
thank you for answering this question, it is asked all the time in live streams! Definitely some great recommendations!
I'm so happy bettas are your favourite centerpiece fish! When people come over to my home they are always surprised to see my betta in a 20 gallon with my guppies. And they do great together!
That is so awesome that you keep your bettas in those nice big community tanks! I feel so sorry for the ones I see living in tiny cups at Petco and the like. Even crueler is they give people the idea that bettas don't need any space and sell little 1 gallon aquariums or little fish bowls.
horsepanther I had a petco employee tell me she would not sell fish to me because I had a Betta in my tank (lucky I was not there to buy fish)
horsepanther sovalgal
In nature the fish spends long periods of time in tiny puddles between floods which is why they are housed like that
j rich those “puddles” are linked and go for miles
Haylieghmarie Nail artist you're wrong
yes they do go well. Finally heard someone say it. I have one betta fish with my other schooling fish and couple other small fish as well as my shrimps, they always go well together! ! He feels like he is the king in the tank, and others just don’t even give a .. about him. Perfect.
Those Japanese Fire Red apistos are *gorgeous* 😍 Are they rare in the trade or easily obtained? A pair with a school of lemon tetras would be stunning.
Awesome that you showed your betta in a tank with black phantoms. I've been hearing mixed reviews around that mix. They seemed pretty chill together. I have black phantoms and was debating whether to add a betta.
"I can't find pizza grandmas!"
Thanks for sharing your knowledge Cory. You're a genuine asset to the tropical fish enthusiast community. I got a kick out of that awesome giant puffer in the big tank in the back......Steve
Fantastic video! You've actually answered my question because I've been trying to find just that 'one' fish that will go with my Cory's and Cherry Barbs. I think I'm going for either Apistogramma or Bolivian Ram.
Thanks for the tips!
I got a 10 gallon with guppies and a koi plakat betta.
Everything’s going smooth and I’m really happy with the presentation of my tank!
Always a betta...I have males in community tanks now. 1 with cherry barbs and neons, 1 with CPDs and rainbows, and 1 with an endler.
Kala C TheNanoChick yup, have one in my 0.1 gallon tank. On my third betta this month (ps:does bettas need food or do they just photosynthesise?)
Hitler is actually a cat bettas need AT LEAST 2.5 gallons but 5 is recommended, and of course they need food (pellets are probably the best).
Max Leistman whoosh
lena the meme god that’s wayyyyy to small for an Oscar.
Excellent information. Exactly what I was looking for.
My top 5 small/medium centerpiece fish:
Bolivian ram
Electric blue acara
Pearl gourami
Red Pencilfish
Paradise fish
Gouramis are so much fun - everyone species I have ever had no only eats out of my hand, but picks at my hand whenever I put it in the tank.
~Long Pause~
And number one is...
Wait intensifies
#1 = Nerite Snail
lost it
No it's not there nice to other fish bot not other betas
ben speedy r/wooosh
Totally agree with your list, especially bettas being number 1. My favorite by far for a community tank.
I love the info- I sometimes keep a regular fish tank in or around the giant turtle setups I have/have had! Always looking for advise!🙂
Perfect video! I loved it! I had my betta in my 38 gallon community tank, and even though there were some beautifully colored fish, my betta always stopped people and made them look.
Rummynose tetras 2:01 just so everyone knows. 😂😂😂. Rummys 4 Life!
i love that you keep all your bettas in community tanks! I do too!
I've never considered angel fish and now I'm interested! Thanks for the great ideas! :-)
I have 1 in a 40 gallon community tank for 5 months now. No issues, not aggressive what so ever.
I cant get them because I have a 20 gallon long
Fair play to you dude you really know ur stuff about literally all things fish tank
"Hi everyone, Cory from aCoryum co-op"
Nice video... All the fish mentioned here are great fish to have.
Very pretty and easy to care for.
nice video, for some reason I feel like the resolution or something was a bit different today but still great video, and great fish, also great editing😀
Bettas and Gouramis are my favorites! :) My male betta loves his community tank. He is in a 10 gallon with a couple snails and 2 ADF. My large tank has a few types of Gouramies. They are such gorgeous fish. :)
Love your videos! I'm thinking about adding a betta into a 35 gallon bow front with guppies shrimp and snails. What do you think?
Nice shop!! I love your selection of fish man.
Your double reds looked so good in the shot!
Very good summary. I wish all fish vids were like this!
I think I need a gourami for my tank now :)
MyHecticLifePets they are awesome!! I have a male powder blue and I taught him to spit at my fingers 🐟💙
That is so cool :)
My male dwarf gouramis (Salami and Jim) are so funny to watch, they're a very active and entertaining species. They'll pull off any dying leaves and bits of the plants, swim over to the filter vents and poke them through :) Although it does clog the filter, I can't get mad at them when they're trying to help :)
Veronica D.B. Yess!!! Personally pearls are my favorite
I have 4 of them, 2 blue gourami,1 gold gourami and 1 blue and red dwarf gourami. I love them they are definitely one of my favorite kinds of fish.
I bought my mum a betta for mothers day. Hes such a cool dude. I also put ember tetra a dwarf frog and a glass shrimp in there. They are coexist very peacefully. The betta ever makes bubble nest which is a sign of a happy betta.
I have 2 female blue gouramis in my 30 gallon and have no aggression issues at all. In fact theyre my most shy fish in the tank
Are the females as colorful as the males? From what I know female guoramis are usually not as colorful, are powder blues the exception?
He showed them in the video at 1:35 they are blue
yigs That's normal, it's the males who are more likely to be aggressive. Particularly if you keep more than one, even if they are different types of gouramis.
Do note, he said Some Gouramis. Like Midnight said, different types.
I love Kribensis in a 20g (or preferably larger). They're hardy, stay pretty small, and a pair brings a lot of color/interesting behavior. They're a little rough around the edges for a community tank, but not more so than an Angelfish (which can get quite large).
Wait till they pair up and breed !!;
Going on 4 day without power! Running out of D batteries!! Poor fish hope they make it! #floridastrong
Clay Hodges shit good luck and stay safe xx
A little late, but did you and your fish survive?
I once climbed into my 10 gallon so the fish could survive off my body temperature. I died but The fish are ok.
Most awaited fish video ... Thank you from India
I’m gonna get a honey gourami tomorrow😊 IM SOO EXCITED🤪
Thank you for these ideas I will recommend these to my friends for their aquariums, the video was on 🔥
is this over stocked
3 corydora
1 dwarf gourmi
10 neon tetras
what size tank?
Hopefully a 20 gallon
I agree on the Betta! I have a Veiltail Betta Male, 3 Neon Tetras & 2 Cory Catfish in a 5.5 gallon tank🥰 They get along well together and have room to thrive & strive!😆👍🏽
I have a picot dumbo eared betta in blue in with my 29 gallon, and my guppies.. this way when they have babies, he hunts them and the tank doesn't get over crowed!
Toguro My guppies leave him alone, his fins are short and he is fast enough that he doesn't get too bothered from them. He had a little bit of interest in them at first but he's got such a big tank that he leaves them alone now.
My betta is for sure 100% a male.
My betta dont bother fry.
Yes, I totally agree withe the drawf cichlids and bettas. Beautiful fish and perfect centerpieces for the 20 gallon tank.
I have a male half moon betta with 3 male endless in a 10 gallon. Everyone gets along well!
Me too! Except I have some pond snails and ghost shrimp also
hi Cory, generally good advice-- apart from fish 1 the Angel! why oh why did you suggest them, even one? I have had trop and marine tanks the last 40yrs, and one thing i can promise anyone that in any tank an Angel will GROW and being tough often outgrow your tank in time. And second an Angel will EAT anything in the tank that has fancy tails or fins, from guppies and mollies upwards, and most definately anything smaller than it, which within a few months can include much larger and even aggressive fish.
Yeah, that threw me a curve too
I used to have a betta who thought he was a neon. He would always swim with that school, got spooked when they got spooked, ate where they ate, ect
Love my Betta in the community tank. But you have choose them wisely. I usually pick up the cup and check them out before I buy. If they are chill and turn around and look at you, then it will probably be a good tank mate. If they are zipping around the cup, I pass. I had to take back one brilliantly RED Delta because he immediately started chasing the other fish and flaring at his reflection. He was very active in the cup and that’s what originally attracted me to him.
Good list but I thought for sure German blue Rams were going to be at the top of your list
German blue rams are suitable for most community aquariums due to temperature requirements.
That Fire Red Apisto looks gorgeous.
Personally, I prefer German Blue Rams to the Bolivians. They're just a touch smaller, and are absolutely gorgeous when they develop all their iridescent scales and the orange and yellow on their faces gets bright
I found a pair did fine in my 29 community until I had to shut it down, even tried to spawn unsuccessfully once or twice. Just gotta make sure you have your tank scaped for it. :)
LezChap Normally I'd agree, but I've heard of at least three incidents where pairs decided to destroy everyone else in the tank. In one case, the male even killed his own mate. Single, I haven't heard of a single issue.
I have a pair of Bolivians (male/female) in my gallon, and they are GORGEOUS. Their colors are amazing, so much nicer than they were in the store, although they were both quite attractive there too.
had a beta for 3.5 year ! added guppy, tetras and danios. guppy lastest about a month...! tetras and danios out live the beta
I'd put money on my betta killing everything in my 15g in a day; but like you said, every fish is different.
Chris Wilson mine will too....I call him king the killer crown tail ....he's in a 10g all to his bad ass self lol
My fish betta who was a blue and red crown tail was calm in a 10g community tank. I upgrade his tank and when introduced to some new fish he was scared of my peppered corydoras, when they swam towards him he swam like he thought they were chasing him. He spend his last year of his in a 4ft community tank where he picked a bunch of floating plants as his territory and he would lazily chase the tetras that got to close to his plants for about half afoot then would turn around and go back to resting under the plants/bubble nest.
Never had a betta that couldn't be in a community tank. Even my huge 3 inch king plakat lives peacefully with African dwarf frogs and snails
As I understood it, it is best if the Betta or similar fish, is added Last to a tank. So he/she doesn't get to establish a territory across the tank. Another thing to do, is to isolate him temporarily in the tank using one of those Fry boxes or similar. Just to see how he behaves toward the other fish and shrimp.
Generally, Territorial fish (Which Betta, to my knowledge is.) tend to become fairly aggressive at trespassers but if they are added last, they just have to deal with it.
Chris Wilson I have a sorority and 1 crown tail did nothing but fight. I put it in my wife's tank with barbs, black skirt tetras, and a double red apisto. Now they are all happy
Finally, a video I've been looking for for awhile
Are Black Phantoms ok with the longer finned Betta's or just the short?
I also have a Bristlenose and some Kitty Tetra's
black phantoms are usually not too nippy :)
Tetras are generally less nippy if you have a large group, BTW.
I have a beautiful betta in my 29 gallon community tank, and even though he's small, he's fantastic. I lost my big roseline shark last week due to old age. He was over 7 years old!
I really want a gourami for my 20 tall but I'm working on breeding my guppies in that tank. I'm worried about the gourami eating all of the fry. Should I get one??
Frany in my experience 'most' fish (exception of corys, plecos etc) will go for fry as they see them as a easy meal. Most of the time when i have kept gouramis they have been quite docile and kept to the top of the tank. If you provide the fry with lots of cover (moss, live plants etc) they will do fine.
Frany i accidentally got some fry when purchasing some tetras, and they went into my 20g with 4 gourami and they're still well alive.
I'll add; when they were first added a gourami chased them but once they ran away the interest was lost. I think a newborn would have been doomed. This fry was abt a week old
It you feed your qourami with floating food and proved lots of cover for your fry they should be okay. Remember that the adult guppies themselves are likely to eat their babies if they get the chance, so hiding places are a must for the fry to survive (particularly in their first few weeks of life).
Our betta was the centerpiece of our 75g... until we added dwarf puffers to control a snail outbreak. Now he has is own 29g and his fins are growing back nicely.
I recommend German rams instead
peacock gudgeons! I love them as centerpiece fish!
I had a pwder blue gourami and it was mean to my guppies
Mine is nice to my guppies.
Oh wow, I just got one. Fell in love with the color on my 1st trip to Petsmart...I NEVER shop there. Went in to grab filters. My other 3 honey dwarf gourami were fine, in two days one was dead, in four days ...another meanwhile he is swimming around like he owns the place. I have two female blue japan long sword guppies and about 12 fry that one gave birth to, he doesn't bother any of them. I can say that confidently after a daily fry count lol. It's so friggin majestic in color though. The one surviving gourami was my alpha in the tank and he is holding his own. We shall see.
I have a pair of Honey Gourami's in my 15 gallon and they are the best fish I have ever had. No joke. So colourful, display great mating behaviour. Leave all the other fish alone. Will come up to the glass and look at me when im hanging out near the tank. They're the friendliest little guys.
One angelfish? It`s a schooling fish who needs an aquarium height of at least 50 cm.!
For those who are wondering, the pleco(whiptail) at 1:16 is a rineloricaria parva.
A few months back didn't you have a betta that was a notorious fish killer? lol
Big City Bettas
1 out of 100 are pretty good odds to me.
Mystical Trebleclef I was just picking on Cory. I'm well aware of the probability of having a hyper aggressive male splenden and the success rate of non-aggressive community housing.
I got a double fin female betta, a male swordtail and a male silver sailfin molly in my community tank. so far, they are all getting along :)
German blue rams!
Christopher Valenhaven would it go with terras?
@@cameronsinclair6138 They get along if thats what your asking. The blue ram may get a little agressive when feeding but other than that they are fine with tetras.
can a betta go with rams and can i mix rams like grman blue and elwctric blue?
HECK YES!! Bettas are a show stopper for sure!!!!
Hey Cory. "I can't find a Giant Betta!"
Petco or pet smart
Petco has them . They are big and healthy too. The one that I bought was royal blue he was called a Placket Betta and was about $18 .
Love the tanks. Awesome video and content. Thanks for sharing