• @gregarmstrong2500
    @gregarmstrong2500 6 місяців тому +29

    I already wrote a comment here, then read the comments and felt obliged to write another one. I'm mostly involved in the post-metal/sludge/hardcore scenes, all of which have a history of political involvement and content, usually on the progressive side. As a member of those scenes, I'm genuinely shocked to read these comments and realise how sheltered I am from the worst of the metal world. I'm truly sorry that anyone still has to deal with this shit in 2024. Art is for everyone.

  • @eddominates
    @eddominates 2 місяці тому +6

    I'm 100% down to go see a female Corpsegrinder.

    • @TheDarkXn
      @TheDarkXn Місяць тому +1

      Check out Son Pluimers (she used to be in Cerebral Bore) - kinda average looking girl, so not really on par with Corpse Grinder but her vocals are brutal AF!
      Unfortunately the rest of the band were a bunch of dicks, tho, so she had to leave - she joined another band but not sure if they released any new stuff since

    • @eddominates
      @eddominates Місяць тому

      @@TheDarkXn ty I will check her out

  • @lynxlubbpeeps
    @lynxlubbpeeps 4 місяці тому +8

    Thanks for being brave enough to post a video like this. I see a lot of people saying 'sexism in metal doesn't exist'. But that is always based on personal experiences and perspective. Like, just because someone doesn't see it personally they think it doesn't exist. The fact that a video like this gets so much hate in the first place highlights the problem.

  • @mimiri385
    @mimiri385 6 місяців тому +16

    Love your video!! You choose your words very thoughtful and do not blame specific people but open up a new and wider perspective on the topic. Thank you for that.
    With all that negative comments I can tell that we still have a long way to go until everyone feels save wherever they go, regardless of their gender, sexuality, look or whatever.
    I do not know why so many people feel so attacked by this video and are still trying so say that you play the victim 😂 like wtf
    You seem to be a very nice and respectful person who is well informed and full of empathy. Keep it up❤

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +7

      Thank you for the nice comment, I really appreciate it. I didn't anticipate that the video would get so much hate because I'm not really going into any details or saying anything outrageous in my opinion. But yes, it totally shows that we still have a long way to go. And that I should keep talking about this topic and discuss different aspects of it.

    • @mimiri385
      @mimiri385 6 місяців тому +3

      @@itzanowski I do really hope all this negative comments don't bring you down too bad... Reading these is already exhausting.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +2

      No, gladly it's not. Usually I wouldn't have had the time to respond to so many comments but today we were stuck in the car all day coming back from yesterday's gig so I had plenty of time to read all of that 😅 it just showed me that the people I hang out with are really not representative of the metal scene in general (kind of knew that already)

    • @x8jason8x
      @x8jason8x 6 місяців тому

      Look at you two gassing each other up, acting like anything but a minor percent of mouth breathers are angry, or even care about this take.
      The responses she's getting are from musicians who've been on the road, quite a few of them probably longer than either of you have been alive.
      *_Yes,_* there are some assholes, but the metal scene is the most inclusive of *_any_* genre, mainstream or underground, doesn't matter.
      Perhaps @itzanowski should consider her limited little experience isn't even close to indicative of reality, and everyone that disagrees isn't an "angry misogynist". This PC crap needs to die, we won't allow it to infiltrate our freedom.
      Take it however you want, you and the creator of this low quality ragebait, but nobody cares enough about you enough at a metal show to worry about being 'sexist'. 99.9% of the people at any metal show are there for *MUSIC.*
      Grow up.

  • @AussieMarcel
    @AussieMarcel 6 місяців тому +16

    Every time I go to a Metal or Punk gig the crowds are always friendly, polite, and respectful. Maybe that's just an Aussie thing but I don't see a lot, if any at all, sexism at the gigs I attend in and around Melbourne! Now, on the internet, there's always going to be a lot less respect as the front of anonymity kinda brings out the worst in people, unfortunately.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +5

      I haven't been to Australia but that sounds great. Do you feel like in terms of booking and representation it's also balanced? If so, maybe the scene in and around Melbourne should be seen as a role model.
      And yes, the internet brings out the worst in people 🙃

    • @stuppittyhed
      @stuppittyhed 6 місяців тому

      Maybe look beyond your own experience as a male you dip

    • @mimiri385
      @mimiri385 6 місяців тому +5

      Sounds great and makes me want to live in Melbourne. 😭 But may it be that you don't see the sexism because you are not as affected from it as women are? Maybe woman who experience sexism do not share this experience with you... Also sexism doesn't have to be loud and directly visible to others who are just enjoying the concert 🤷‍♀️ just some thoughts that came to my head

    • @AussieMarcel
      @AussieMarcel 6 місяців тому +3

      @@mimiri385 You're right in saying that sexism doesn't have to be overt but I think Melbourne's a very inclusive place and if someone were acting contrary to that they'd be immediately called out on it. I was recently at a Death Metal gig and it was probably the nicest, best spirited crowd I've been a part of in my man years of attending Metal and Punk gigs! I can only hope that this trend continues!

    • @AussieMarcel
      @AussieMarcel 6 місяців тому +2

      @@itzanowski The Death Metal gig I was most recently at had a band (Algor Mortis) fronted by a female vocalist so I would say the representation is good! They put on a hell of a show! As for Melbourne itself, nowhere's perfect, but I'd like to think that it's definitely one of the better places for a wide variety of bands to play in.

  • @christopherking6063
    @christopherking6063 6 місяців тому +9

    If I like your music, I couldn't care less, what the band looks like.

  • @jammanastic
    @jammanastic 2 місяці тому +3

    Not a musician but a metal fan.
    I remember one time at the record store I bought a Brutus record.
    A random fellow customer saw it and had to comment "Oh I heard their lead singer is super hot"
    I am very both introverted and a pacifist so I did not say anything back, but comments like that is holding us back as a genre.
    I feel metal is already very looked down on for various reasons and we really should not give people more reasons to look down on our genre. But instead embrace new fans, help everyone understand how awesome metal is and its more than just nonsense pig squeels.

  • @Smoke.stardust
    @Smoke.stardust 6 місяців тому +8

    i cant say. the black metal scene is pretty saturated with female artist such as hulder. but i dont know much about the mainstream scene, im typically into the underground and havent experienced much sexism in the black metal and doom metal scene.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +5

      I find that it's much better in the underground scene than in the more mainstream scene. My local scene is pretty great. But every time I go to a bigger metal festival it's a completely different story.

    • @brqh3gre
      @brqh3gre Місяць тому

      I helps that so many black metal 'bands' are actually solo projects done by people who never play live show or publicly show their face at all. Completely takes being 'hot enough' out of the equation

  • @SorceressWitch
    @SorceressWitch 17 днів тому +1

    Good to see a metal channel that's more accepting to other identities.
    I have no doubt that there are many close minded guys who saw the title and made negative comments in response.
    As there are some people who are too close minded to be reasoned with.

  • @Pedro-S1lva
    @Pedro-S1lva 6 місяців тому +18

    Great video! I think it's unavoidable that a scene that's mostly male doesn't have at least a trace of sexism in it,same thing happens in the gaming community where the reactionaries think the size of a woman's breast is somehow the most relevant thing about a specific game,rather than all the other aspects of it.
    Currently one of the biggest Female-only metal bands (Crypta) is here from my country (Brazil) and they get a lot of support from local fans,but when they get criticized its a storm of mysogynistic comments which have nothing to do with the situation at all,also some dudes have a weird Envy/rejection when they see women have their own bands and participating in the metal community in any way,like that phrase that kids often say "this game is only for boys/girls,no girls/boys allowed!!".
    You deserve to have much more subscribers than you have right now,hope to see more content from you in the future!

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much for the nice comment! :) Yes, unfortunately it's the same/very similar in all kinds of groups and interests and it needs to be called out. I saw Crypta two years ago and they were awesome! If female musicians are successful it's no big deal but if there's any (valid) criticism people are quick to comment all kinds of misogynistic stuff and be like "see? I knew women couldn't do this!". Oh well, someday it will change!

    • @Pedro-S1lva
      @Pedro-S1lva 6 місяців тому +1

      @@itzanowski i hope so!

    • @Metaldude1945
      @Metaldude1945 2 місяці тому +1

      Great defending Pedro! Now all the women will want to have you, for thou art the white knight coming to the aid of defenseless damsels in distress!

  • @1minutebass
    @1minutebass 6 місяців тому +14

    I was going to comment on how sexism and any ism is mostly from people making it bigger than it is BUT... then I read a few of the comments on this video and... well, you are absolutely onto something here lol.

  • @liquifex
    @liquifex 6 місяців тому +8

    I mean, I agree completely. But corpsegrinder isn’t the mainstream. Most metal male singers, especially when everyone is young and hot, are usually attractive too. It goes both ways.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +5

      Sure, Corpsegrinder is kind of an "extreme" example. But I think the point still stands that even when younger, the men tend to look a little more average than super above average if you know what I mean. The standards just are a bit lower as to what counts as attractive I think.

    • @tehweh8202
      @tehweh8202 6 місяців тому +5

      Really depends on the genre. Hansi Kirsch literally looks like he just ended a day working as an accountant.

    • @TheDarkXn
      @TheDarkXn Місяць тому

      ​@@itzanowskiBeing a [good] musician or vocalist automatically makes you hot[ter] 😂😂😂

  • @lynxlubbpeeps
    @lynxlubbpeeps 4 місяці тому +5

    LOL at the guy who said you can't headbang bcoz you need to look hot. If you don't headbang at a concert they'll call you a poser there for the guys. Hah. Thrre is no winning. Glad you dropped him.

  • @hubert485
    @hubert485 6 місяців тому +18

    Did not expect so many cringe, sexist comments here, disappointing. Great video, I loved it

    • @CycoSven69
      @CycoSven69 6 місяців тому +5

      I'm sure you loved it.

    • @hubert485
      @hubert485 6 місяців тому

      @@AgentBeans there sure was haha

  • @nickwilliams794
    @nickwilliams794 5 місяців тому +7

    I wish. Maybe then we wouldn't have to endure this leftist tripe.

    • @markusv.4094
      @markusv.4094 Місяць тому +1

      It seems, to some people (like you) everything that has to do with respecting (and taking care of) people who don't fit into certain stereotypes is called "leftist". I'm a man and I totally agree with her, especially, because she is not generalizing and makes a really differentiated statement, unlike you!

    • @nickwilliams794
      @nickwilliams794 Місяць тому +1

      @@markusv.4094 ok simp

  • @glo2068
    @glo2068 6 місяців тому +7

    plenty of female rock and metal bands in Japan

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +1

      Just replied this to a similar comment, so copying it:
      Have you watched the video? I know many people who comment here don't actually watch it and state something that is not the point of the video.
      In case you've watched it and you did not understand, let me explain again. It is not about whether there are female members somewhere in rock bands. I've never disputed that. The point is that there might be different expectations and not the same opportunities because of prejudice and negative stereotypes. Hope this helps.

    • @bernardoesperanto3194
      @bernardoesperanto3194 6 місяців тому +1

      @@itzanowski -- Because of your ignorance of the Japanese metal scene, you still talk BS (see my earlier detailed comment). If 80 or more percent of metal bands are all-female, this is the "normal" situation. All-male bands are the exception (a good example is Ningen Isu). The female musicians fill the huge halls, earn the big money and have success also abroad. There are female-only festivals (most famous is the annual Naon-Yaon), which give women better opportunities. There are little to no negative prejudices against female bands, because everybody knows many of them are top-notch.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +2

      @@bernardoesperanto3194 I'm not disputing that it might be like this in Japan. But what about other parts of the world? You're mentioning Japan as an example but concluding that the metal scene as a whole cannot be sexist because of Japan doesn't make sense.

    • @bernardoesperanto3194
      @bernardoesperanto3194 6 місяців тому

      @@itzanowski -- Unsinn. Du behauptest, dass die Metallszene weltweit sexistisch sei. Wie das Bsp. Japan zeigt, ist das nicht der Fall. Also musst Du Deine Behauptung einschränken, z.B. "die metal scene in Europa und den USA" o.ä. Aber Du bist so ideologisch verbohrt und vorurteilsbeladen mit dem Sexismus-Quatsch, dass Du dazu nicht in der Lage bist.

  • @Mr.Serious72
    @Mr.Serious72 6 місяців тому +7

    Sorry, but Metal is the only genre, where a woman can be a weightlifter and a great singer. Some women are awesome singers and like to dress up. By the way these women become attractive because they performe so good. Stop blaming men, practise.

  • @EncoreASMR
    @EncoreASMR 5 місяців тому +2

    You have created this video based on a rhetorical question.

  • @fredsfreshbeats
    @fredsfreshbeats 2 місяці тому +2

    From a male's perspective, I will listen to any new band and take their music at face value. I like female fronted bands and, admittedly, appearances take a role in it, but if they don't sound very good, I won't stick around for very long. I think that part of it is that women, in general, pressure each other to look as good as possible, but I don't think that's unique to metal. Also, looking at how you define sexism, it can benefit women because there can be a very technical player who works hard at refining his craft and tries to play the most complex riffs with tonalities that require a deep understanding of music theory to understand and truly appreciate that is usually a standard among male artists, where women can get away with, "Here's my song, hope you like it," where it's just some noodling around the pentatonic scale and calling it a day, and the latter is getting more attention because she's a woman and the former is much more obscure because he's a man. I'm a bit confused about why you are so quick to throw out the word "misogynistic" while at the same time feeling safe around other metalheads for over a decade. How can you call metalheads haters of women that actively try to pull them down and make them subservient while at the same time saying, "Yeah, I've been at metal concerts before, and everyone's super friendly, people have always been pretty kind to me." Sure, there's the occasional dickhead who thinks that every single woman has to be eye candy for him, and I disavow myself from them, they don't represent my views or values. I find it interesting that you bring up Manowar to make a point, because it takes a lot of work for a man to build that kind of physique. You can't really grow abs by drinking until 3 AM every weekend.

  • @AbuseAwarenessCoach
    @AbuseAwarenessCoach 6 місяців тому +15

    Dudes in the comments section really be like: „There is no s3xism in the metal scene, you little [insert s3xist slur here].“ 🤡

  • @SeussMD
    @SeussMD 6 місяців тому +3

    Funny thing about music scenes and other fan bases is that they really just reflect the overall attitudes and outlooks of the area you're looking at. Cultures in different countries, provinces, states, cities and towns are going to differ and whatever scene you're looking at is only able to draw their crowd from that population. Also, metal is a VERY broad category and breaks down into a plethora of subgenres and combinations. Each one of those has it's own fanbase. This is like asking if snacks are bad for you, but not singling out fast food, candy, baked sweets etc., while including them in with fruit, vegetables and other healthy foods. The overall judgement is going to be misleading, no matter what it is.

  • @thebanished87
    @thebanished87 6 місяців тому +3

    Metal still means danger!

  • @darkgoth69
    @darkgoth69 6 місяців тому +1

    Corpsegrinder looks like a big beast. Maybe you should ask one of these female singers?

  • @metalcricket9070
    @metalcricket9070 6 місяців тому +3

    What would a video on the most attractive male metal musicians look like? Who would be on your list?
    I would say I'm not sexist against women in metal based on it being about how they sound not how they look. Been quite a few groups I liked before knowing they were female fronted, like Meg Myers and Emilie Autumn. There're some others that scare me a bit more than turn me on, but I still like their music. But, if I see a metal music video with a really attractive woman on it, I'm definitely more likely to click on the video. I think that's an everybody thing though.
    With classic rock, it took me a long time to realize Heart had women in the band at all. I grew up listening to them, had no idea what they looked like. At the same time, I was sure that Journey must've had a female singer.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому

      Good question. To be honest there's not really anyone I can think of immediately. Not saying the guys are ugly, I just didn't think about them in that way. Many just look like regular metal dudes and that's in general a good look I think :D
      I loved Emilie Autumn when I was young! I recently listened to her stuff again and still knew all of the lyrics. But yeah I think it's not a problem if you see a woman on a thumbnail and are more inclined to click on it. Clicking on something because we like how it looks is normal. I mean there's a reason UA-camrs spend so much time designing eye-catching thumbnails. It would be an issue if you'd think the music sucks because she's a woman although you'd probably like it if the musician was male.

  • @TheDarkXn
    @TheDarkXn Місяць тому +1

    Ignore the incels; metal needs MORE women!

  • @PlasticBomb-CyberBomb
    @PlasticBomb-CyberBomb 4 місяці тому +3

    I hope Alexander Prinz (aka the dark parableknight) doesn't see this here and feels an insult to majesty how you talk about metal ;-)

  • @mikesmith6594
    @mikesmith6594 6 місяців тому +4

    Don't see Metal Music as sexist there are many female metal & rock bands in America & Europe and Brazil .

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +1

      Have you watched the video? I know many people who comment here don't actually watch it and state something that is not the point of the video.
      In case you've watched it and you did not understand, let me explain again. It is not about whether there are female members somewhere in rock bands. I've never disputed that. The point is that there might be different expectations and not the same opportunities because of prejudice and negative stereotypes. Hope this helps.

  • @joesiemoneit2787
    @joesiemoneit2787 2 місяці тому +3

    Metal isnt really the kind of music one would suffer through just for the guys lol

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 2 місяці тому +1

      Thanks, this made me laugh.

  • @Navarothravenheart2688
    @Navarothravenheart2688 5 місяців тому +2

    Nothing should be done.
    Personally, I don't care about looks, sex etc. of artists I like (I am more studio album guy and it is not important at all) I'm into oldschool bands so some of my fav female vocalists are probably around 60, so their apperance is last factor that cand drive me toward threir music. But if the genre is sexist, so be it. This is also a traditional part of it and one of the features that discourages the mainstream and makes gatekeeping even easier (and in the underground there is still a large selection of great bands with both male and female vocals. When it comes to instrumentalists, you don't listen to the differences in terms of sex anyway, so the question of sex doesn't matter at all).

  • @brqh3gre
    @brqh3gre Місяць тому

    Another way that sexism comes up, especially in UA-cam comments, is the way that fusion genres like deathcore and metalcore get dismissed as being 'gay'. Like I know thaat it's also homophobic, but in that context it's used to mean lesser and feminine

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski Місяць тому

      Absolutely. Just assholes trying to offend two groups at once with their implication that this would be a bad thing and using the word as an insult.

  • @DarkEagle-
    @DarkEagle- Місяць тому +1

    A few things I'd like to say:
    - I agree that women are to be expected to look good when performing on stage, however that's not exclusive for the metal scene but something that applies to every music scene. Furthermore it also applies to men as men also have a higher chance of succes if they look the part.
    - A woman who growls always sounds worse than a man doing the same (Yes, this also applies to bands such as Arch Enemy)
    - Why are women almost always the singer but almost never play the instruments? Evil tongues could say you are cherry-picking for what gives you the most fame.
    - "Cis male", "patriarchy"? Please stop being woke and stop trying to turn the metal scene into your CSD.

  • @TheSteveBoyd
    @TheSteveBoyd 2 місяці тому +2

    This is a very un-metal question.

  • @brandonharris9160
    @brandonharris9160 6 місяців тому +12

    This video has no structure and is too speculative and based on stereotyping to even have a real point

  • @UntoteLady
    @UntoteLady 6 місяців тому +7

    Love love love your content, keep it up!❤🔥

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +2

      Thank you 🥰

  • @TheHollomap
    @TheHollomap 6 місяців тому +2

    The larger the group sampled, the higher the likelihood of encountering a diverse range of individuals, including those with various characteristics or beliefs. Therefore, one could argue for diverse traits within any group, such as metal being associated with characteristics like racism, anarchy, cuteness, sexism, Satanism, evil, or kindness. Understanding there are good actors and bad actors in every group is what makes us human is absolutely important. Can things be worked on..... Of course. Are some things more common than others yes. The sad thing is no matter how much we try to socially engineer things out of a group the less of a collection of differentiating human experiences the group becomes.

  • @mambojambo4717
    @mambojambo4717 6 місяців тому +5

    I was very sexist but Varg did help me mature as a person.

  • @gregarmstrong2500
    @gregarmstrong2500 6 місяців тому +2

    Loads of interesting points in this video! As a male metal (mostly post-metal which, thankfully tends do be a slightly more progressive scene than some other subgenres) musician who isn't a mysoginist, it's been great to see more women coming to shows and being involved in the scene over the last 10 years. More artistic viewpoints being represented and more people coming to shows is always a good thing. I do also have some complicated thoughts around booking, the industry, etc as well though. I hope I can try to express those concerns with the understanding that I am always supportive of more women being in the scene...
    Something I have noticed lately is a massive "overrepresentation" of bands with women members at festivals/booking agents/record labels. I don't want this to come across as a put down at all towards bands with women members and I'd love to see more women in bands in general, but it does feel like there's an element of positive discrimination going on. I'm aware that (at least in part) this is probably done with best intentions of increasing representation, but it's a double-edged sword. At one of the metal festivals I attend, often 40%-50% of the bands have women members. That's just not representative of the scene in general and, while the increased representation of women musicians and increased visibility of women musician role-models is absolutely welcome, what it does mean is that A) if your band doesn't have a woman member, you're less likely to get booked and B) there's an element of "tokenizing" women in metal. Both of those are dangerous precedents to set. I don't want to see talented bands getting ignored or pushed down the booking list, just because of the gender of their members (in either direction) and I certainly don't want to see talented women being given the "You're only successful because you're a woman" or the "You only got booked to fill a quota" treatment from assholes. All of this stuff can lead to bitterness and resentment, which is the last thing we want to see.
    Obviously this is all purely anecdotal and I don't have a solution in mind (I'm not even sure that it's a problem that needs solved, to be honest), but it is something that pops into my mind every time I see another "female fronted" band get a massive push. At the end of the day, having a woman (especially an attractive woman, as you mentioned) in your band is marketable and there are plenty of people in the music scene who will jump on that marketing opportunity. I don't want to see women in metal being commoditised as a marketing exercise.
    Again, I hope that comes across in the spirit in which it is intended. Fundamentally, I believe that the more viewpoints that are represented in music, the better the art and the scene becomes. The metal scene has traditionally massively overrepresented straight, cis, white, male viewpoints and I believe that increased diversity in the scene will only result in an better, wider range of art for us all to appreciate. I'm also absolutely aware of all the other shit that women have to go through in the scene that men don't have to deal with. I'm not trying to minimise or discount that experience whatsoever and I'm aware that, by comparison, my above concerns aren't really a big deal. Just wanted to hear other people's thoughts on the matter.
    P.S I'm also aware that a lot of this may well be an example of the point you made towards the end of the video. Some of this may just be some piece of unjustified, leftover cultural gut feeling that I need to address. I genuinely don't know. It would be closed minded to presume I could grow up in our current society and not have some base instincts of sexism left over. Again, just interested to have the conversation.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +3

      Thank you for your comment! I understand what you mean and I cannot tell you whether it's because of any internal biases. But I think it's great that you even consider it and reflect your own thoughts. That should be normal but unfortunately, looking at the scene in parts and many comments here, it's not. So thank you for this thoughtful comment.
      Regarding the "overrepresentation" I want to say that there surely are bookers who book more diverse bands because they think it's "trendy". While that benefits the bands it's because of the wrong reasons and women in metal should not just be a marketing trick. There are bookers, myself included who often don't book bands that don't have women or trans people in them. I am a woman and want to give these people a stage. For every booker like me, there are 5 who don't really like to book women at all, so I'm not feeling "guilty" because I know there are enough opportunities for men around me. Just yesterday night I played at an event that had women in every band. But this event was also marketed to women and trans folks as a safer space. You could absolutely go there as a guy and in the end, there were more men on stage than women. It's just that every band had at least a non cis male member. So in general it's not fair to say men are disadvantaged here. But long story short, I think in the underground scene booking bands with women happens for the "right" reasons while with big, commercial festivals it sometimes can very well be just for marketing. But then in the end this exposes more people to their music and fosters change for the future because representation does matter.

    • @gregarmstrong2500
      @gregarmstrong2500 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@itzanowski Thanks for the response! To start with, I totally agree with all the pros of "diversity centric booking" you mentioned. It absolutely benefits the scene in the long run, by making sure everyone feels included and welcome. I'm all for that. It also increases the amouint of people who want to make music, which means more and better art for everyone. For what it's worth, my argument only really applies to the rare "big opportunities". Big festivals, record label bookings etc. I have nothing whatsoever against "diversity centric booking" in small local gigs as there's plenty shows to go around for everyone. On the larger scale, however, I still can't help but feel that the negatives of this approach (at a festival/label/professional booking agency level) are kind of being written off as unimportant as they only impact men.
      Even if it's done "for the right reasons", if a festival that I desperately want to play has already allocated 50% of it's slots to "bands with women in them", in a scene where 90% of bands don't have women in them, we (an all male band) are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to getting booked. Lets say you run a festival with 100 slots. You have a music scene with 1000 bands in it, 100 of which have women in them. Using this "quota" style booking system, the bands with women in them have a 50% chance of getting a slot. Then you have the 900 remaining bands fighting it out for the remaining 50 slots. That's a 5% chance of getting booked. Does that sound fair?
      So what are we supposed to do? In that scenario, we could literally 10x our chances of getting on that festival by firing a band member for no reason and taking on a woman instead. Does that sound fair? Is that the sort of behaviour we want to encourage in our inclusive, equal scene?
      Of course this is a fairly extreme example, but I hope it illustrates my point that "affirmative action" or "positive discrimination" can easily just lead to more resentment and division.
      Honestly, I've spent most of my life dreaming of playing big festivals and going on big tours. It won't stop me making music or anything, but I hope you can see how it might be a little bittersweet to see positive discrimination being put in place that actively makes it harder for me to realise my dreams because of my gender.
      I am totally aware that being disadvantaged by their gender is the exact situation that women have had to deal with forever in almost every field, by the way. I'm not for a second saying that life is harder as a male or anything like that. I'm just saying that we should be looking to remove unequal opportunities altogether. Not just move them onto someone else temporarily as a way to course correct.
      I think it's all too easy, at a scene level, to just accept this as "a neccesary sacrifice that needs to happen to help the scene progress", but I'm sure you can understand that it's a pretty hard pill to swallow when that sacrifice explicitly targets you...
      Again, I hope this doesn't come across as any sort of argument against women being in the scene or undermining the talent of so many talented musicians who work hard absolutely earn their places on these festivals/agencies/etc and also just happen to be women. I just want to have a fair chance to play some cool shows. Just like every other musician, regardless of gender.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +2

      Thanks again for the thoughtful response. I get your point. It's hard for you to accept that you might have a disadvantage so that women, who have been disadvantaged for a long time, can have an advantage now because women being disadvantaged in the past has nothing to do with you personally. I think you already thought this through quite well and I agree that in an ideal world there wouldn't be the need for any quotas or any need for this to matter at all because everyone is truly equal. Unfortunately, I don't know if we'll ever get there. I think with time there will naturally be more bands with women so that it just becomes "normal" and there's no need to specifically have quotas or similar measures. But we're not there at the moment. Again, I understand your feelings about this but I don't really have a good suggestion here. But do the bigger festivals really all have quotas for their booking? I feel like in Central Europe the lineups are still very, very male dominated. But of course that might be different where you live.

    • @jute_
      @jute_ 6 місяців тому +2

      I think a solution could be „don’t book/host shitty bands“.
      It depends on the concept of a festival or show. You can get bands with female representation who aren’t shitty. But booking only for a female quote isn’t helping here…
      I personally don’t like being asked only because I am female and not because they like our music!

    • @gregarmstrong2500
      @gregarmstrong2500 6 місяців тому +1

      @@itzanowski I think we are both on the same side here anyway and just want what's best and fairest for everyone. Like I said, I don't have any solutions or anything and I'm not sure it's even much of a problem. Certainly not compared to so many of the other issues in the music scene anyway. It's just something that pops into my head from time to time, so thanks for letting me bounce some thoughts around anyway. I appreciate the respectful conversation. Thank you for the thoughtful video!

  • @HeavyMetalDetectingPassion
    @HeavyMetalDetectingPassion 6 місяців тому +2

    hey friend! Yes.. metal scene exist, but in some other form + big orientation in USA and Japan..
    Ok..and some of old 80' s band that are reunited, and out on the tour!
    Bih cheers from your new friends and followers !

  • @richmom
    @richmom 5 місяців тому +2

    fantastic video!!

  • @gasfrommyanusi0i594
    @gasfrommyanusi0i594 6 місяців тому

    "is the scene metal sexist" ?

  • @Startafnwar
    @Startafnwar 6 місяців тому +6

    Short answer is no. Moving on.

  • @franciscosaldivar9737
    @franciscosaldivar9737 6 місяців тому +10

    The fact that you use words like cis-male already shows me you're out to play victim just because social media tells you too.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +10

      Sounds like you think that just because social media tells you to.

    • @franciscosaldivar9737
      @franciscosaldivar9737 6 місяців тому +4

      @@itzanowski w.e helps you cope at night.

    • @horrifyingcat
      @horrifyingcat 6 місяців тому +5

      ​@@itzanowskiliterally "no u" 😹
      how much money do you make on ad revenue for this stuff

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +6

      Answering stupid comments with equally stupid comments.
      I guess you don't know how UA-cam works - I have 60 subscribers so I don't make any money with this. I want to entertain people and make them think about this topic hoping they will reflect some of their beliefs and behaviour.

    • @horrifyingcat
      @horrifyingcat 6 місяців тому +2

      @itzanowski lol so you paid to promote this so it shows up on my list, that's even funnier

  • @jamesmacoisdealbhaigh9904
    @jamesmacoisdealbhaigh9904 6 місяців тому +3

    It's always been and always will be Male orientated.. Sorry about that.

  • @WratchetDeth10mm
    @WratchetDeth10mm 6 місяців тому +28

    Who cares?

    • @johnmear
      @johnmear 6 місяців тому +21

      me, always happy to help 👍

    • @franciscosaldivar9737
      @franciscosaldivar9737 6 місяців тому +12

      Women that are told to play victim by social media will 100% love this video

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +8

      Do you think women do not experience these things or why are you commenting again that this is because of social media? Women can think for themselves and maybe you should try that too.

    • @anubs1786
      @anubs1786 6 місяців тому +1

      ​​@@franciscosaldivar9737i do not think women are being told to play victim my guy.. but ok-
      (am a guy btw in case you need some precision idk mane)

    • @horrifyingcat
      @horrifyingcat 6 місяців тому +2

      bot reply ​@@itzanowski

  • @mortuarymax
    @mortuarymax 6 місяців тому +6

    no the metal scene is not sexist. if anything this video is extremely sexist. the main reason why men are skeptical about women in metal is because men were shamed by women for listening to this music but then you have women that try to insert themselves in the metal scene when they dont know anything about the music at all. the singer for darkened nocturn is a woman and extremely respected because she is good at what she does and fits the bill unlike all of the posers like spirit box and all the newer woman singers in metal

    • @saevus1164
      @saevus1164 6 місяців тому +6

      "posers like spirit box and all the newer woman singers in metal"
      Sorry, to hear that you got shamed for listening to metal but this comment is just wrong. I´m not a fan of spirit box, but Courtney Laplante - the singer of spirit box - has been singing in metal bands since at least 2008. And the two bands she´s been singing on before spirit box (unicron and iwrestledabearonce), were pretty niche and complex, that´s probably why you don´t know about them. Telling factually wrong stuff and projecting anger on a woman who got successfull with her current project - even if she has been making music way longer and wasn´t successfull back then - doesn´t help anyone.

    • @BellaSamuel5398
      @BellaSamuel5398 6 місяців тому +6

      BRUH who hurt you??? that's some real incel rethoric right there. Sorry you experienced that... but that's a very subjective generalized perspective

  • @seankane1036
    @seankane1036 6 місяців тому +8

    I stopped listening at patriarchy

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +10

      Well maybe you shouldn't have 🙃

    • @seankane1036
      @seankane1036 6 місяців тому +7

      @@itzanowski maybe you’re right I’ll finish and stop being admittedly ignorant

  • @xandror
    @xandror 6 місяців тому +6

    Sexism just means living in reality. Women and men are different. Men are more likely to enjoy metal music. Men like to see beautiful women. A band with beautiful women on display is going to be more popular than one without.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +10

      Maybe the reality that you prefer for yourself. I'm not saying women and men are the same, but they should be equal. Saying men are more likely to enjoy metal music is again a sexist stereotype. What prevents women from liking metal music just as much? Do I have some kind of music filter in my vagina? Or is it maybe because the scene can be unwelcoming at times?

    • @gregarmstrong2500
      @gregarmstrong2500 6 місяців тому +7

      "Reality" is informed by culture. "Men are more likely to enjoy metal music" is not a biological reality. It's a cultural one. A culture that we would like to see change for the better. That's what this video is about. Taking a bad situation (a genre of music being needlessly culturally restricted to half the population) and turning it into a better one (everyone being welcome and able to make and enjoy art without people questioning their sincerity based on their chromosomes).

    • @datenschutzification
      @datenschutzification 6 місяців тому +2

      Say hi to the 1950s from me

    • @xandror
      @xandror 6 місяців тому

      @@gregarmstrong2500 Just absolutely stunning how people can ignore basic facts about the world around them. Boys like legos, girls like dolls, not because we thrust it upon them, it's evolutionary biology. Men go out and hunt, women take care of the children.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +5

      What century are you living in? What have you hunted today?

  • @cirenotsluor9999
    @cirenotsluor9999 6 місяців тому +1

    Sis Male....turning it off!

  • @anchorpoint3631
    @anchorpoint3631 6 місяців тому +1

    What do you care if it's sexist?

  • @craigory87
    @craigory87 6 місяців тому +5

    This is why punk rock is superior. We invite EVERYONE

    • @Draftspike
      @Draftspike 6 місяців тому +10

      Nnnnno, it’s not better at all

  • @NickTheHick
    @NickTheHick 6 місяців тому +3

    Nope 🙄

  • @kosmokramer5420
    @kosmokramer5420 6 місяців тому +10

    I would prefer if the metal scene was more racist

    • @johnmear
      @johnmear 6 місяців тому +8

      move to europe 👍

    • @tehweh8202
      @tehweh8202 6 місяців тому +1

      I hope you are joking. Otherwise why don't you go and shove a base guitar where the sun don't shine.

    • @hubert485
      @hubert485 6 місяців тому +5


    • @DarkEagle-
      @DarkEagle- Місяць тому +1

      Ngl, apart from the music, being surrounded almost exclusively by white people is what I like about the metal scene here in Europe.

  • @ImnotgoingSideways
    @ImnotgoingSideways 6 місяців тому +2

    From my perspective, yes, and intentionally so. Metal spawned from a desire to regress to more primal desires. When folksy hippies and Disco took claim of mainstream culture, metal subverted the progressive norms and cranked guitars into rusty chainsaws. Metal responded to melodic vocals by roaring like monsters and screaming like banshees. Metal released rhythm from smooth funky danceable grooves to blast beats and feature-length psychotic drum solos. Metal took the collective unified dance floor and filled it with a chaotic pit of aggression. Metal saw people finding god, clapping to the 1s and 2s, and burned the church.
    Metal is a preservation of the old ways. Gatekeeping is no accident. The scene was collectively formed by a rejection of the friendly, moral, just, polite, politically correct, and bright. Is this a bad thing? Yes... for people who are attempting to convert the scene to fit into their own fundamental bias. You have your scene. Metalheads have their scene. And, in the end, girls can't cum blood.

  • @LethalBubbles
    @LethalBubbles 6 місяців тому +11

    no it isn't. sorry this colonization trick is over

    • @debbiegilmour6171
      @debbiegilmour6171 6 місяців тому +10

      *Sticks fingers in ears and shouts lalalalalalalalalala*

    • @horrifyingcat
      @horrifyingcat 6 місяців тому +4

      wow debbie you look pretty metal 🤘

    • @laszlo9420
      @laszlo9420 6 місяців тому +2

      ​@@horrifyingcatdid you just prove the point of the video?

    • @horrifyingcat
      @horrifyingcat 6 місяців тому +2

      @@laszlo9420 did you just prove you're a silly billy

  • @sdnfclknwsdfnesvfnsd
    @sdnfclknwsdfnesvfnsd 6 місяців тому +13

    Cringe video

  • @honeycomb3895
    @honeycomb3895 6 місяців тому +5

    05:50 no its not expected. women like attention. thats why they do it. also why you put makeup on when you make a video. for the attention. nobody expects from you to have instagram or youtube channel, yet you do it for attention.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +9

      Why do men have Instagram accounts or UA-cam channels?

    • @CycoSven69
      @CycoSven69 6 місяців тому

      @@itzanowski Men don't wear makeup in their videos I hope.

    • @honeycomb3895
      @honeycomb3895 6 місяців тому

      @@itzanowskiWe dont bitch about it. You post half naked pictures of you on your IG, and then make videos like this. You can go to a concert and dress modestly. You probably dont do it.

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +2

      @@CycoSven69 lol have you ever heard of make up artists? But I guess for you these men don't count as real men for some strange reason

    • @CycoSven69
      @CycoSven69 6 місяців тому +1

      @@itzanowski Why would a guy wear makeup on his UA-cam channel when talking about metal?

  • @__belial__
    @__belial__ 6 місяців тому +6

    Mmmyes it tis. Better off so.
    Mannnn all this left super democrat vocabulary and scenes of “abuse”
    I gotta get my dictionary/philosohy of pol pat out

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +6

      I don't know why Americans have to make everything about your two parties. Giving space to others doesn't hurt you. Don't be so afraid to share a space with women. Doesn't make you less manly or anything.

    • @blondie6507
      @blondie6507 6 місяців тому +5

      @@itzanowski You talk like you live your life on reddit.

    • @__belial__
      @__belial__ 5 місяців тому +1

      @@blondie6507 wowoweewa! Zing

    • @markusv.4094
      @markusv.4094 Місяць тому

      You may not know it, but there's a whole world outside the USA!

  • @xendraven
    @xendraven 6 місяців тому +1

    It's sexy!

  • @cain1314
    @cain1314 6 місяців тому +6

    For the love of Pete, can't men have anything to themselves?

    • @itzanowski
      @itzanowski 6 місяців тому +12


    • @1minutebass
      @1minutebass 6 місяців тому +13

      You just proved how the metal scene is sexist. Fuckin hell dude...

    • @cain1314
      @cain1314 6 місяців тому +7

      @@itzanowski Your answer is so revealing.

    • @horrifyingcat
      @horrifyingcat 6 місяців тому

      ​@@cain1314"fuck it, mask off"

  • @XCenturionX
    @XCenturionX 6 місяців тому +3

    Wear a helmet

  • @CycoSven69
    @CycoSven69 6 місяців тому +2

    I hope so.

  • @backtothebeatproductions
    @backtothebeatproductions 6 місяців тому +1


  • @RezSkel
    @RezSkel 2 місяці тому
