Only 1 in 5 California community college students makes it to a university, audit says

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • A new state audit shows that many community college students are not graduating or transferring to a university within four years.
    KPBS North County reporter Alexander Nguyen says the complex transferring process is partly to blame.


  • @williamjongeward8672
    @williamjongeward8672 День тому +12

    I did my CC at Imperial Valley College. It was surprisingly difficult to navigate the system in order to transfer. I really dedicated myself to understanding it. I am sure this is one of the reasons I was one of the few people I knew from CC who successfully transferred. It was very difficult and took much trial and error to find the sole counselor at the CC who knew anything at all about transferring to a 4-year.
    Obviously there is selection bias in these numbers. Many students who attend CC are generally underachievers, some go to CC just to bide time and not disappoint their parents, and rarely some attend to scam financial aid.
    CC was a tremendous benefit for me, that I would never have chosen if it wasn't the only option I had to get ahead. I graduated a UC debt free. Though if my 18 year old self had the choice, he would have picked to go straight in to university and take on debt. I'm glad I had a mediocre hs GPA that forced me to CC first.

  • @somewhereinspace2166
    @somewhereinspace2166 17 годин тому +15

    Community colleges are cheap and accept everyone, many people enroll on impulse and then drop out shortly after. Universities get more committed students because they are pricier and have higher standards for enrollment. I'm in my final year of CC, and within a few weeks into every semester, the parking lots at my school get way emptier from all the people dropping. Sadly, you can't force commitment. Some people just don't have the drive.

    • @CharlieRasch
      @CharlieRasch 3 години тому +1

      Universities are overly expensive. Especially in California.

  • @tommylee4135
    @tommylee4135 Годину тому +1

    I transferred to a CSU after attending a local city college. From what I've seen, most students at the city college had little motivation and most were there because they had nothing else to do. A lot were there because they got paid by FAFSA. The level of commitment did change once you took harder STEM classes. The higher you went, the more serious students and professors you were surrounded by.

    • @zek6452
      @zek6452 Годину тому

      Very true

  • @edschulhof6303
    @edschulhof6303 7 хвилин тому

    Many people attend CC for their own enrichment or a job requirement. You can become a beautician, auto mechanic or nurse, etc. without going on to a four year school. I took several sports medicine classes, in order to coach high school sports. I already had a bachelor's degree.

  • @zek6452
    @zek6452 Годину тому

    And what amount of those 1-5 students actually finish Uni.
    Glad I did both-I’m a statistic

  • @fozzir
    @fozzir День тому +6

    It's not in the colleges financial best interest to be efficient and effective by getting the student through their systems as quickly as possible. That's the elephant in the room here no one wants to talk about.

    • @cj1645
      @cj1645 День тому +3

      Have you ever been around these so-called "students". Half the problem is themselves and their motivation. They're in college because they felt pressured to go not because they want to be there. They're adults now. It isn't the job of other adults to keep pushing them along and ensuring success. It is time for them to take that task upon themselves.

    • @zek6452
      @zek6452 Годину тому

      Yeah ngl in my experience it’s pretty easy and you can go on any webpage to find support for any issue you have.

  • @unsugoi
    @unsugoi 2 години тому

    the reason why it's hard to transfer is because you need specific "UC Units" to apply in time to transfer at the 2 year mark. Remedial math and english, which are the most common classes people are placed in at cc, aren't UC units and you need to clear them as pre reqs until you can take math and english classes for your major/eligible for transfer. Then some students take GE classes that are only articulated to qualify for CSUs and not UCs, and for major requirements some CCs don't offer classes that qualify for articulation with UC equivalent classes. Only a few counselors are ever really helpful and there's no requirement for students to meet with a counselor since people go to CC for a lot of reasons besides university transfer.

  • @Pencil-o1p
    @Pencil-o1p 4 години тому

    College isn’t everything and for everyone. Dropping out isn’t that bad. Try college and when see it not for you, dropping out early would save yourself time, effort and money.

  • @pamelamays4186
    @pamelamays4186 День тому

    At Mesa they're continuously having college transfer workshops.

  • @adamc2378
    @adamc2378 20 годин тому

    Not only do the UC and CSU systems have different requirements, each school and each program has their own requirements and agreements with community colleges on what classes they will accept for credit. The process is so convoluted, you would think you were transferring from one country to another.

  • @zensoundsarah9209
    @zensoundsarah9209 2 години тому

    the only ones that transfer are the ones taking easy classes like basket weaving or gender studies. The requirements are less intensive than community college students majoring in STEM or more rigorous studies but being at CC already means youre economically disadvantaged. STEM majors need a lot of resources. Resources that students don't have.

    • @brandonl7110
      @brandonl7110 Годину тому

      What kind of resources do stem need

  • @NASALunarLight
    @NASALunarLight 2 години тому

    I’m at the University of Georgia, I applied to all 8 UC’s with a NASA Internship + 4.31 GPA as an OOS student. They all rejected me.

    • @JUCIEBOY123
      @JUCIEBOY123 Годину тому

      Go Dawgs!

    • @GO-kg2dw
      @GO-kg2dw Годину тому

      The UC’s have enough Californians with similar GPA’s that have priority. Dont take it to heart

  • @patrickfitzgerald2861
    @patrickfitzgerald2861 День тому +1

    Getting all of your general education credits done at a CA community college is a smart, cost-saving move. Keep your GPA high and you can transfer to a UC or CSU school no problem. Talk to a counselor. They are there to help you.

  • @HealthyLife4Me
    @HealthyLife4Me День тому +2

    They smoke too much weed

  • @mprkg
    @mprkg День тому

    It's not complex to transfer to UC or CSU. If you can't figure it out with a counselor, you don't belong at CSU, and definitely not any UC!