  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @The15secondsOfame
    @The15secondsOfame 6 років тому +7

    Pastor Jennings could probably quote the entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation, from memory.
    God bless Pastor Jennings and his ministry!

  • @kyletait7321
    @kyletait7321 6 років тому +17

    We are saved by the blood of the lamb!

    • @Rejoran
      @Rejoran 5 років тому

      This is is a conditioned response.
      The blood was His part. Belief, repentance, and baptism is our part.

    • @Weewaa596
      @Weewaa596 4 роки тому +2

      @@Rejoran Salvation is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God. It's about recieving, not giving, hence God's grace.

    • @Rejoran
      @Rejoran 4 роки тому

      @@Weewaa596 These terms are broad and can be broken down in a variety of ways. God's grace is about his undeserved disposition toward us. What do you mean not giving?

    • @gennisparry4352
      @gennisparry4352 Рік тому

      Please explain, there’s more to do. He did his part and instructed us to do our.

    • @Matti_xix
      @Matti_xix 5 місяців тому

      ​@@Weewaa596Exactly. Salvation is also about giving to God( but what does God want? Faith and obedience. For it is written: I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God, that ye represent your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, WHICH IS YOUR RESONABLE SERVICE.) Baptism is a command not what we feel we should do, it's a command for the REMISSION of sins. That's not of ourselves for the flesh is against the spirit. We are saved by grace which is God's mercy which was Christ's death for us and if we come to the MEDIATOR we must believe and after we believe we must do his commandments which is faith. Faith is DOING WHAT JESUS COMMANDED BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE WHAT HE DID FOR YOU ON THE CROSS. He commanded you to repent, is that of ourselves? He commanded you to be baptized, is that of ourselves? Faith without works is dead. But what works should I be doing? The works of the FAITH, not of self, DOING THE WORKS OF THE FAITH IS OBEDIENCE TO GOD (And if you're OBEDIENT TO GOD, do what he COMMANDED). Jesus said REPENTANCE AND REMISSION OF SINS MUST BE PREACHED and Peter obeyed it in Acts 2:38 and we see that Baptism is the remission of sins that Jesus said should be preached and you will see repentance which Jesus said also should be preached. Acts 2:38 shows us the new birth which Jesus spoke to unto Nicodemus, that one must be BORN AGAIN of the WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT. The baptizing is being born of the water and when you receive the Holy Ghost that is being born of the the spirit which is promised to all and the evidence of receiving the holy ghost is in Acts 2:4 and Acts 10:44-48 (And yes you can receive the Holy Ghost before being baptized but you still got to go down in water to complete the new birth). And this is all possible by the mercy of God and the death, resurrection and the shedding of the blood of the lord Jesus christ through FAITH. So again FAITH IS DOING WHAT JESUS COMMANDED BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE WHAT HE DID FOR YOU ON THE CROSS. Faith and obedience(which is the works of the faith/what God commanded you to do concerning salvation) go hand in hand. This is what James spoke about in James 2:14-24. We see Abraham justified by faith and works and we also shall be justified by faith and works (the works we will be justified by is not of self but that which God commanded all believers to do and obey and therefore if you do this you will be JUSTIFIED BY FAITH AND THE WORKS OF THE FAITH) FAITH is important and so is WORKS (not the works of the law for they that are under the law are cursed but Jesus became a curse for us all (Galatians 3:13)). We see that in Galatians 3:14 -That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the spirit THROUGH FAITH. We see that we are justified by faith because of God's promise to Abraham but then another verse says we are justified by faith and works in which both is correct for the works which James speaks about is the works of the faith (what God commanded all believers to do), We see that Abraham our father by faith was justified by faith and obedience to God (works). So in short FAITH and WORKS (NOT THE LAW, BUT THE WORKS OF FAITH(OBEDIENCE TO GOD) is how we are justified. All this is possible because of the promise being fulfilled by the MEDIATOR Jesus Christ therefore we can live by faith freely and not under the law.

  • @88KeysMan
    @88KeysMan 6 років тому +6

    “You cannot join the church. You must be born into the church.” Awesome statement!!!

  • @MyJackel13
    @MyJackel13 7 років тому +10

    1st Peter 3:21 and Mark 16:16. Proves it does. I learned this in bible study

  • @jeffreyd700
    @jeffreyd700 6 років тому +3

    Jennings brought that fire 🔥🔥🔥. My goodness

  • @ekpoxavier
    @ekpoxavier 7 років тому +11

    I love this pastors preaching

  • @TheIbemuntu
    @TheIbemuntu 6 років тому +6

    He who has an ear let them hear, thus said the Lord. If you can not see that you should be baptized after this, then do what you please. I'm baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. It was refreshing, and it was free. It also wasn't even hard. Why kick against the prick. If you love God like you say, then submit and obey the Word of God to the letter. Stop living in excuses. God bless.

  • @StoicVikingr
    @StoicVikingr Рік тому +2

    “No baptism, no blood?” Nobody is going to correct this man? We’re saved by grace through faith … wait for it … not by works. Must you “do” baptism? Baptism is like communion. You do it as worship not for salvation.

  • @adamsadorus
    @adamsadorus 5 років тому +2

    Water baptism comes after salvation (baptism of the Holy Ghost):
    Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? (Acts 10:47)

    • @Rejoran
      @Rejoran 5 років тому +1

      Where does it say they were saved before Acts 10:47 or that salvation comes with baptism of the Holy Spirit? In order to make the idea of being baptized after one is saved work, one always has to "add" something to the scripture. It never fails, it happens every time.

    • @gennisparry4352
      @gennisparry4352 Рік тому

      And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. It’s up to you.

  • @davebenz70
    @davebenz70 6 років тому +2

    The Water is the Word of God that washes all SIN away and it became flesh at the appointed time. and dwelled among men,nailed to the cross as a lamb slaughtered for a sacrifice.(LAW) Bore our transgressions of sin. So shall in this name shall you be baptized LORD OUR SAVIOR CHRIST JESUS. Is their not ONE GOD ,ONE LORD ,ONE BAPTISM. Now John the Baptist came as a sign to the Jews. (Water baptism) for the repentance of sins.
    “And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭3:2‬ ‭KJV‬
    “John answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not;”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭1:26‬ ‭KJV‬‬
    Johns baptism of water was a foreshadowing of something better coming.
    “And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭1:33‬ ‭KJV‬‬
    Is it not the WORD (GOD)THAT WASHES
    And the BLOOD (CHRIST)Atonement for our sins
    HOLLY SPIRIT the seal
    Being speared in the side is not a very scriptural fact of baptism. I a part of the body of CHRIST being NOT considering myself a special part but maybe the SMALLEST We must test the Scriptures so we may be approved by GODS WORD.

  • @willjackson9890
    @willjackson9890 6 років тому +1

    Marvellous sir

  • @trobace
    @trobace 6 років тому +2

    Didn't he break it down good?

  • @robertdelane696
    @robertdelane696 7 років тому +2


  • @rosehearn7674
    @rosehearn7674 6 років тому +7

    Anthony Williams you said run people,you right they an you better run to the water before it's to late. Time is running out.

    • @rachaelisrael1723
      @rachaelisrael1723 6 років тому

      Rose Hearn lmbooo

    • @MrTeebaba
      @MrTeebaba 6 років тому

      Rose Hearn faith alone in christ alone is all we need to be saved, baptism don't save. The word must be rightly divided to the right time and people

    • @graceambassador65
      @graceambassador65 6 років тому

      Amen, tolu! *God's Preserved And HOLY Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided!* Amen?:
      Truth 1_7 = *THIRTEEN (13) Scriptural Baptisms*
      GRACE And Peace To ALL Of *God's Diligent Bible students!*
      Caution: This *Bible study* is going to be "lengthy," but not a "book" -
      haven't written one of them, yet! (But, it sure feels like it 😇). Rather,
      this is Mostly *Scripture!,* with some "thought-for-food" questions
      placed at appropriate points, for your prayerful/careful "consideration."
      Because of "the Mainstream "practice"" of "denominational "fragmented And
      Pet" verses supposedly "teaching" "their particular view of ""water"" baptism:
      This *Bible study* attempts, For *The Honor And Glory Of God, to Present ALL Of*
      *HIS Scriptural Evidence For HIS Truth For us TODAY! After ALL, HE Did Exhort:*
      *"ALL SCRIPTURE Is Given By Inspiration Of God, And Is Profitable For*
      *doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:*
      *that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished Unto*
      *ALL good works!" (2 Timothy 3 : 16-17!)*
      We hope And pray that Any And ALL "confused" over the "Division of Many Over
      ""water, "" will be Truly Blessed With This *Solving The Confusion study!*
      If I "happened" to "miss" Anything, please kindly "let me know." God Bless ALL!
      *ALL Glory And Honor To HIM!* Amen?:
      Truth 1_7 OutLine:
      1_7a = *Twelve (12) Scriptural Baptisms*
      *Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2 : 15!)* From:
      1_7b = *ONE (1) Scriptural Baptism*

    • @graceambassador65
      @graceambassador65 6 років тому

      Truth 1_7a *Twelve (12) Scriptural Baptisms*
      *LORD JESUS, Thank you so much for Your LOVE to us. We need*
      *SuperNatural Help today, so, please Forgive us where we have*
      *“misunderstood” Thy Word, and “failed” You. We humbly ask for*
      *The Enlightenment Of Your Wonderful Teacher To us, The Blessed*
      *Holy Spirit, to Grant us Peace as we obey Your Precious Word And*
      *Endeavor For Unity to solve the horrible confusion which has Your*
      *Body, The Church, all divided up. In Your Blessed Name we pray.*
      Does *God Require For us TODAY!* one or more of these?:
      *Twelve (12) baptisms!* in:
      The Prophetic Program of God (For HIS Nation Israel Under LAW):
      1. Noah’s type {figurative} baptism (Genesis 6 : 13; 1 Peter 3 : 20-21)
      Peter, the apostle to the circumcision (Jews), writes to the “elect
      strangers,” (ch 1 vs 1-2) And mentions to them that eight people
      were “saved by water!”
      Did “water” baptism “save” the Jews?
      2. Baptism unto Moses (Exodus 14 : 29; 1 Corinthians 10 : 12)
      Paul presents Israel’s baptism unto Moses “in the cloud and in the sea!”
      Saving “baptism” or spiritual “identification” with God’s leader of HIS people?
      (various *washings! Greek: Baptismos* = Hebrews 9 : 10):
      3. Israel’s ceremonial cleansings (Exodus 19 : 14, 30 : 17-21;
      Leviticus 11 : 25; Numbers 19 : 13) These cleansing rituals were
      required under the Mosaic Law for the cleansing of the people.
      *4. Levitical priesthood baptism (Exodus 29 : 4;*
      *Leviticus 8 : 6; Numbers 8 : 7) This washing was The First*
      *Requirement in order to become a priest under the Law of Moses!*
      *Is this baptism in any way "connected" to # 9?*
      5. Traditional Jewish baptisms (Matthew 15 : 12; Mark 7 : 19; Luke 11 : 38)
      These washings were not mandated under the Law
      but were part of Jewish tradition.
      6. *JESUS’ Baptism* by John (Matthew 3 : 13-17; Mark 1 : 9-10) *JESUS,*
      *Who Knew NO sin, Was Baptized by John to Fulfill All Righteousness!*
      7. *JESUS’ Baptism* With Fire
      (Isaiah 4 : 4; Malachi 3 :23; Matthew 3 : 11; Luke 3 : 16)
      *JESUS Will Baptize the nation of Israel with fire when they are in*
      *Great Tribulation in the Time Of Jacob’s Trouble!* (Is this also for
      the “chaff” when separated from the wheat?)
      8. *JESUS’ Baptism Unto Death!* (Matthew 20 : 22-23;
      Mark 10 : 38-39; Luke 12 : 50)
      *JESUS’ Second Baptism Which HE Accomplished On The Cross, Where*
      *HE Was Identified With the sins of Israel, as well as the rest of the world!*
      9. baptism of repentance that John preached (Before The Cross),
      And Peter continued (After The Cross!), to preach!
      (Mt 3 : 5-6; Mk 1 : 4; Luke 3 : 3; John 1 : 31; *Luke 7 : 29-30;* Acts 10 : 37)
      (Acts 2 : 38; Mk 16 : 16; Mt 28 : 19; Acts 22 : 16; Eze 36 : 25)
      Does this baptism “save” anyone? *(Luke 7 : 29-30?)*
      Is this baptism “for today”?
      *Is this baptism in any way "connected" to # 4? Wasn't John "preparing"*
      *National Israel for God's Promise of a "nation of priests unto God"?*
      *And, What Was The First Requirement for "induction"? Washing, correct?*
      { may require re-review of *baptism #4!* }
      10. Pentecostal Spirit baptism
      This is the baptism *WITH The Holy Spirit By*
      *JESUS CHRIST* from heaven poured out upon the
      believing remnant of Israel with signs and powers following.
      (Isaiah 44 : 3; Matthew 3 : 11; Mark 1 : 8, 16 : 17-18; Luke 24 : 49;
      Acts 2 : 17-18, 38; Acts 8 : 15-17; Acts 11 : 16)
      *And, The Other Requirement For "priesthood induction" = anointing, correct?*
      11. Gentile baptism(s) of Cornelius (Acts 10 : 45-48; 15 : 9-11)
      Cornelius was baptized *WITH The Holy Spirit as a “sign” from*
      *God* to Peter. Peter subsequently baptizes Cornelius and
      the other Spirit-filled Gentiles with water. {"Not" saved by water?)
      12. Baptism for the dead (1 Corinthians 15 : 29)
      No sound “interpretation” (I don’t think) has yet to be offered
      for this! {Mormons are kept in “busy bondage” using this
      connected with *“endless genealogies" #,* to “supposedly”
      SAVE those already passed in death!
      *This "theory" Has NO “Scriptural” Basis, As It Is*
      *“appointed once to die, and after that = Judgment!” ##*
      All sinners need to make the correct decision “in THIS life,
      BEFORE Death Occurs!}
      *(# FORBIDDEN = 1Timothy 1 : 4; ## death/judgment = Hebrews 9 : 27)*
      *End of “The Twelve (12) baptisms” Of God’s Prophetic Program!*
      *Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2 : 15!)* From…
      *God's Revelation Of The Mystery {for Jews And Gentiles, Under GRACE}:*
      *Bible Baptism # 13:* =
      Continued in Next Post = Truth 1_7b *ONE (1) Scriptural Baptism!*

  • @loreleidalynurse6541
    @loreleidalynurse6541 Рік тому

    Repent & go down in water in the name of Jesus Christ & seek the Holy Ghost & speaking in tongue’s!!! BIBLE!! ACTS 2/38????

  • @josephsimmons11
    @josephsimmons11 6 років тому +2

    Awesome instruction and correction!

  • @inyahuahitrustmd9114
    @inyahuahitrustmd9114 6 років тому +3

    You who argue against this, well don't get Baptized,we all shall see who actually gets into Heaven and who does not.

  • @theunction220
    @theunction220 6 років тому +6

    Wow. He just killed the baptism salvation argument. How did we receive the blood? By the Spirit. So, how do we receive the water? By the Spirit. Blood and water came out of Jesus, so we are saved by the water and the blood that came out of Jesus. Not the blood and water that our Pastor dips us in.
    Not being baptized is a sin, but not the unpardonable sin.

    • @Rejoran
      @Rejoran 5 років тому

      How does one receive the Spirit? Though faith, repentance, and water baptism Acts 2:38-39.

    • @stevespears8193
      @stevespears8193 4 роки тому +1

      Well said gino is way off on this one

    • @HTSontherun
      @HTSontherun 2 роки тому +1

      @@Rejoran so Peter dunked 3000 people in water? Or by baptized they meant once they preached and the ones that believed they were baptized water baptism is of man stop adding to the bible you can follow man I'll follow God

    • @Rejoran
      @Rejoran 2 роки тому

      @@HTSontherun, That was a mighty incoherent, fragmented post. It seems like half thoughts put together. You can punctuate it better or delete and repost if you wish.
      To answer the one question I think I understood, yes Peter was talking about baptism in water in Jesus's name. Acts 10:47-48 establishes that baptism in Jesus name for the forgiveness of sins, as stated in Acts 2:38-39, is in water.

    • @HTSontherun
      @HTSontherun 2 роки тому

      @@Rejoran not gonna debate you do things your way I understand what the bible say

  • @emmanuellifeauthentic
    @emmanuellifeauthentic 6 років тому +1

    Why i can't find this in the bible

  • @nellyparidise
    @nellyparidise 7 років тому +2

    . Jesus bled water and blood. And John saw this happen. Jesus came in Spirit ,Blood and water. They all witnessed Jesus on earth and are 1. So if we have Jesus we automaticly recieve the witness of blood Water and The spirit!❤❤🙏

  • @cliftonmontgomery3709
    @cliftonmontgomery3709 6 років тому +2

    You must be water baptized. It’s obedience. But if it’s the washing away of sins, why did Cornelius receive the Holy Spirit evidenced with speaking in tongues BEFORE baptism? Acts 10:1-48

    • @davetenney5800
      @davetenney5800 6 років тому +1

      The Holy Spirit fell on those in attendance as proof that the Gentiles were able to become Christians. This was to confirm the vision that Peter had earlier about the clean and unclean animals. Holy Spirit baptism was promised to the apostles in Acts Chapter 1, and was received by the Gentiles on one special occasion in Acts 10.

    • @cliftonmontgomery3709
      @cliftonmontgomery3709 6 років тому +2

      Dave Tenney Cornelius was saved before water baptism. That’s why he received the Holy Ghost.

    • @davetenney5800
      @davetenney5800 6 років тому

      Where do you see that? I know of no place in the bible where salvation preceded baptism.

    • @cliftonmontgomery3709
      @cliftonmontgomery3709 6 років тому +2

      Dave Tenney read the story of Peter and Cornelius again.

    • @davetenney5800
      @davetenney5800 6 років тому +1

      @@cliftonmontgomery3709 I read It again...It doesn't say that their forgiveness of sins was connected with the gift of speaking different languages. Rather this was a confirmation that the gentiles could be baptized into Christ. This seems to me to be the context of the acts chapter 10, to show Peter that the gentiles were able to become Christians. First by Peter's vision, then by the gift of tounges.

  • @mustardseedist
    @mustardseedist 7 років тому

    Mathew 3:11...1 Corinthians 1:17

    • @Rejoran
      @Rejoran 5 років тому

      It's only the commentary on these verses that support their position, not the verses themselves.

  • @blackcloud4862
    @blackcloud4862 6 років тому +4

    his talking nonsense we saved by grace

    • @Rejoran
      @Rejoran 5 років тому

      Grace is not like pixie dust that is sprinkled on us and we're saved. Grace is an attribute of God. We are saved because He is gracious. It contradicts in no way with being saved when we believe and are baptzed in Jesus's name. God is being gracious.

    • @dr.unitylove8121
      @dr.unitylove8121 3 роки тому

      @@Rejoran Read the scriptures. We are saved by grace through faith Ephesians 2:8,9. Let that water baptism go.

    • @Rejoran
      @Rejoran 3 роки тому

      @@dr.unitylove8121, Ephesians 2:8-9 is often cited with little to no thought due to conditioning.
      In what way does saved by grace through faith (since it doesn't say only) conflict with baptism in water in Jesus's name's role in being saved?
      Why didn't Paul ever use Ephesians 2:8-9 against baptism like is used today?

  • @gmusgrove2888
    @gmusgrove2888 6 років тому

    Soooooo good

  • @miguelacosta9036
    @miguelacosta9036 6 років тому

    may all glory go to Father God, Jesus(Yeshua Hamashiach),and the Ruach Kadesh(Holy Spirit), amen.

  • @betglo8151
    @betglo8151 Рік тому

    Prophey Lovy

  • @Spiritboyfancy
    @Spiritboyfancy 6 років тому +2

    He is telling you to carry a heavy rock that has no purpose. I rather carry Grace which is free and light and all it takes is BELIEVE.

    • @davetenney5800
      @davetenney5800 6 років тому +1

      James 2:24
      You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.

    • @Spiritboyfancy
      @Spiritboyfancy 6 років тому

      It is written:
      For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    • @davetenney5800
      @davetenney5800 6 років тому

      I absolutely agree with both verses - The only way to reconcile these verses is that they must be talking about two kinds of works - Those of merit which do not save, and those of faith, which do save. Read James 1 and 2 and you'll see what I'm talking about.
      What does the Bible say about how men are saved? Here are a few of many verses...
      Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
      Faith Must be part of it
      2 Corinthians 7:10 For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.
      Repentance must be part of it
      Romans 10:9-10 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
      Confessing Christ must be part of it
      Galatians 3:27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
      Baptism must be part of it
      1 Corinthians 9:27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.
      Living a faithful life must be part of it.
      One thing alone is never said to save man from his sins.

    • @Spiritboyfancy
      @Spiritboyfancy 6 років тому

      I am going to ask you this, then tell me, why did Apostel Paul said "I thank God I baptized none of you" and also why did he said "Christ sent me not to baptized but to preach the gospel".
      Now tell me, were they saved or not the people Paul did not baptized? According to "I baptized none of you."

    • @davetenney5800
      @davetenney5800 6 років тому +1

      @@Spiritboyfancy 1 Corinthians 1:14-17...lets look at that in its context.
      Verses 14: First off, the purpose of baptism is not under discussion here. Paul is glad that he didn't baptize many people in Corinth because the people were claiming allegiance to the one that baptized them.
      Verse 15: Paul didn't die for anyone. Christ did.A person needs to be baptized into Christ to be of Christ.
      Verse 16: Paul baptized the household of Stephanas, and possibly some others he forgot about.
      Verse 17: Whatever we say about this verse, we must remember that baptism was part of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-16), that every case of conversion in the bible the person, or people were baptized, and that Paul baptized Crispis, Gaius, and Stephanus. I don't believe that Paul is depreciating the importance of being baptized here, rather that others could baptize those who believed and his role was to preach. They certainly didn't have the written word of God at this time and Paul was orally revealing it as he spoke.

  • @melissabrown4941
    @melissabrown4941 7 років тому

    Sorry I know this isn't what talking about but got different question it's about games magic , games and things that look so innocent kids play on all these games and they talk about magic they may not teach it but they talk about it and it's just like is this still Pure Evil its against the word of God , teaching kindness and caring , magical horses balla Sarah my screws Monster Galaxy all of this they all talk about magical potions strong monster Pokemon things it's just game right , twilight Harry Potter I asking because that's all hear everyone else say that I takeing it to far too serious!!!!!!!

  • @IshtarLinqu
    @IshtarLinqu 6 років тому

    Nupuqi Om Re Khonectics
    Chamber 45 plus degree
    Re Zten Idren Ishai Elkhikhi Sidom
    Observe Ta khiKhios ( Sabb Aton)
    Praise Nwali
    Honor Ma ether and Phi ether
    Refrain from eating pig and other beasts forbidden by the The oxidation of ra's creation (torah)
    Practice ritual animal slaughter and ritual preparation of meat for consumption
    Practice male circumcision
    Discouraged from marrying non-Re Zten
    Practice Baptism in honor of Nu.

  • @anthonywilliams8448
    @anthonywilliams8448 7 років тому +11

    The writer of the letter is correct, water baptism does not save you.You are save by Spirit baptism when Christ baptize you into the body of Christ.This man does not know how to rightly divide the Word. Run people.

    • @kjasmooth
      @kjasmooth 7 років тому +5

      Anthony Williams He gave scripture in the word of God that verifies what he is saying. Do you cling to the traditions taught by men?

    • @rossdaboss1959
      @rossdaboss1959 7 років тому +5

      I take it you never experienced the supernatural birth like those in Acts. The very scriptures show you and you still don't see it? So somebody is lying and it's not God and his word, or the apostles who baptized people in WATER. Eternity is too long to be wrong.

    • @nellyparidise
      @nellyparidise 7 років тому

      Anthony Williams. Your right brother🙏🙏❤

    • @joshuadonez3388
      @joshuadonez3388 6 років тому +3

      John 3:-5 You have to be Born Of Water (Baptism) and of The Spirit(Holy Ghost).

    • @nellyparidise
      @nellyparidise 6 років тому

      Joshua Donez there are 3 witnesses in heaven :the Father,son and the Holy Spirit and those 3 witnesses are 1. And there are also 3 witnesses on earth which are the water, blood and the spirit. Those 3 witnesses are also 1. And Jesus came by water,blood and the Holy Spirit. Therefore if we believe in Him, the witnesses are already in us🙏🙏🙏amen❤🙏

  • @stevespears8193
    @stevespears8193 4 роки тому +2

    Baptism of the holy spirit saves not the water lol this is just a symbol of the death burial and resurrection,;SMH

    • @stevespears8193
      @stevespears8193 4 роки тому

      @Truth Made Easy that what it symbolizes death burial and Resurrection1 Corinthian 15;4

    • @stevespears8193
      @stevespears8193 4 роки тому

      The water don't save you confession does

    • @stevespears8193
      @stevespears8193 4 роки тому

      @Truth Made Easy there no verse when you die you are buried just like being baptism when you rise you become new just like baptism when u rise out the water the old is washed away you become a new creature in Christ when the dead and Christ rise you be with God when u rise out the pool its a symbol of the death burial and resurrected; its a picture in your mind not a verse;

    • @stevespears8193
      @stevespears8193 4 роки тому

      @Truth Made Easy so tell me you have to be baptized by water to be saved? So where moses Noah's David people in the old testament they not saved; you have to be baptize in the holy spirit water can't save you;

    • @stevespears8193
      @stevespears8193 4 роки тому

      @Truth Made Easy OK brother I'm going to make it simple sound like you maybe Methodist or whatever; Jesus went to the cross and yes blood and water did come out but the water from him within everyone is saved through who believed him the baptism didn't happened until new testament so where is Mose s where is Noah's where is Abraham Issac and Jacob and Isaiah: etc because they was in the old testament they couldn't been baptism by water but Jesus paid the price to save them also with us;Jesus died and rose on the Third day but he conquered Satan bound until his return;and saved the old testament people as well; water do not save us 1peter 3 21 its a symbol of the baptism of washing off the dirt;we are baptized in the holy spirit old things which is dirt full of dirty sin are washed away why because Jesus paid the price he washed away our sins but Romans 10-8 says confess with your mouth you shall be saved; so if you never been baptised and u on you're death bed how can the water save you? But if you confess your sins there you are baptized in the holy spirit; its only one unforgivable sin that's quenching of the holy spirit; Not knowing Christ our Savior;

  • @Bigdaddy13568
    @Bigdaddy13568 6 років тому

    But you are a Jew by blood pastor Gino.

  • @bearnurse1
    @bearnurse1 6 років тому

    The bible is hopelessly vague. Some verses agree with what this man says other verses don't such as first Peter 3:21

  • @yellowmustardministries
    @yellowmustardministries Рік тому

    The flooding of the earth was Gods baptism of sin from the earth. It cleaned the earth. Then God told Noah he would use water to clean the earth. That’s the token of the rainbow 🌈. Which the homosexual community flaunts. Jesus said cleanse the in side first and the outside will clean it’s self. 🗡 how then did the believers revive the Holy Ghost just from believing on Peters Preaching in Acts 10:44. Then Peter said baptism in water? After the receiving the Holy Ghost. 1st John 5:9. Peter had his revelation about water baptism in Acts 11:14-16. He referring to the baptism Jesus gave them in John 20:22. You can be submerged in in water 50 times if you don’t believe. You don’t revive the true baptism of Christ. Remember the people Peter was preaching to revived it by believing. Not by water. And as far as Noah and that baptism of the earth. He didn’t revive the baptism of water. Because believed God. Gino is the type of preacher Jude is referring to in book of Jude Went after the way of Cain. Greedy A cloud ☁️ without water. Gino llc co. Inc. lol. Don’t forget the devil quoted scripture also with Jesus. But he used it arguably and arrogantly. So you telling me if I’m locked down in prison 24hrs Aday and I God converts a Muslim brother to Christ and he truly repents and believes. And dies the next day. He famed because Gino wasn’t there to properly submerge him in exactly the rite amount of water. Lol get real. Faith trumps all. 100% Faith negates any earth work. “ the heavy laden. “. Laden is a Greek word “fortidzo” waning any burden that creates spiritual anxiety from a religious ceremony or rituals. Like wearing a hat 👒. Or. … Don’t get me wrong I would never tell anyone not to do it- But it’s not a requirement. To get Clean with God through our Lord and savior Jesus The Christ from nazerith that’s why he said it’s finished on the cross. Because the works of the flesh were complete. Must have Faith now. Not Laden Hope this helped - God bless all of you. Fruits of the Spirit ? Haven’t seen any dispatch from Gino. Read you scriptures.

  • @stevekim4162
    @stevekim4162 7 років тому +3

    This pastor is so right yet so wrong

  • @alienrebelnoiz3422
    @alienrebelnoiz3422 Рік тому
