"My First Race in iRacing is a DISASTER!!" - Rookie Class Madness

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @MichaelOswalt
    @MichaelOswalt 9 місяців тому +3

    at 12:40 you cut across the entire track under braking. there was no where for the other guy to go

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      I got a lot to learn down here, thanks for the insight homie.

  • @kevinjbradley
    @kevinjbradley 9 місяців тому

    Hey man, good video. Nice to see your genuine enthusiasm to learn and improve coming through.
    Disclaimer - I'm not an iracer and I'm not a fast guy in the sims that I do run (i'm very, very average at best). But here's my advice for what it's worth.
    Basically I would strongly recommend learning more about racing lines. You are turning in from the middle of the track as your starting point. You need to start right over on the outside of the corner, then as your brake, bring the car into the inside curb at the tightest point of the corner (the apex). Once the corner starts to open up, feed the gas back in again and look for the outside curb on the exit. At the moment your line through the corner is way, way tighter than it needs to be purely because you are creating a tighter turning angle by being too near the inside of the corner on your approach. This in turn is leading you to brake far harder than you need to, meaning that you are also carrying less speed out of the corner and consequently down the next straight.
    This is also partly the reason why you are getting smashed mid - corner. You are simply braking far too early and unpredictability and being too slow through the corner.
    Try and focus on smoothness and increasing your overall speed through corners. Eventually you will start 'linking up' curbs; going from outside to inside and to outside again on corner exit.
    You will also find that you get rear-ended far less by other drivers simply by focusing on this as you will be more predictable on corner entry and corner exit and will just be carrying more speed generally.
    There are loads of video resources on UA-cam for this. I suggest googling some of these and going from there.
    Good luck on your i racing journey and don't lose the enthusiasm. Sim racing is huge fun when you really get going on it! It's very easy to get hooked on!

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      Dude. This is AWESOME advice, thank you so much! As soon as I get back home to my rig I'm gonna practice this non-stop. It makes total sense but until someone critiques your driving it's kinda hard to see it. I appreciate you and hope you'll subscribe!

    • @kevinjbradley
      @kevinjbradley 9 місяців тому

      The above link is a really good, clear explanation of what I described but put a lot better than I managed to get across. Funnily enough it is actually a tutorial video from Iracing's own UA-cam channel. I think it will help you out a lot.
      Yeah, no worries, I'll subscribe to the channel. It'll be interesting to see how you get on. Best of luck with it all 👍

    • @luizarthurbrito
      @luizarthurbrito 9 місяців тому

      ​@@bigboytoysTTR I second his advice. Mate, go and watch a tonne of replays, onboards. basically every incident that happened to you this race was at least partially your fault, if not 100% your fault. And please, learn about blue flags ASAP. I would've been pretty mad, had I encountered you in this race. I didn't say any of this to discourage you. I had zero experience just three years ago and the progress you can make in a year can surprise you. At this point in your progression, though, I'd advice you to practice a little longer before jumping online again. Your racing lines just don't make any sense yet, besides, knowing some racing etiquette (how to defend and attack properly) will do wonders. Once again, don't feel discouraged, I felt like giving up all the time during the first few months of learning. Suddenly everything ''clicked'' for me and my progress skyrocketed. cheers!

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      @luizarthurbrito thank you man I appreciate the kind but firm advice. I think you got me pretty accurately assessed but damn man you think even that first wreck on T1 was on me???

    • @luizarthurbrito
      @luizarthurbrito 9 місяців тому

      @@bigboytoysTTR nah, not that one haha. although it maybe could've been possible to avoid, that one wasn't on you.
      susbscribed, btw. curious about your progress through next year.

  • @saoirsefitzpatrick1123
    @saoirsefitzpatrick1123 9 місяців тому

    - You gotta look into racing lines. I don't want to be like you're all over the place, but your lines are nowhere near what other drivers are expecting, and that is probably contributing to the wrecks. What I'd suggest is getting in a practice and watching the fast guys. See how they position the car on the track, where they're turning in, etc. Learn about apexes and the different lines you wanna take through different kinds of corners.
    - You really wanna be smooth. Smooth off the brakes, smooth with your steering, smooth with your throttle input. Think of it like your real car (except you need less steering angle to turn), you wouldn't throw your car through a turn IRL and because iRacing is a sim, you don't want to throw the Mazda into turns. I have a bad habit of being a bit choppy at times too, but the mantra is Smooth Is Fast for a reason.
    - Wreck avoidance is a skill that comes with time and experience, and some are just unavoidable. That first T1 wreck was pretty much unavoidable, you'd a car on the outside and a moron that didn't hold his brakes when he was coming back onto the racing line.
    - Also, that second wreck is your fault. You're not letting a faster car through, your line is unpredictable, and you lose the car in the mid-corner. He was maybe being a little under-committed to the move, but when you hit his door with your nose, that's on you. The second labelled wreck is just unfortunate tbh.

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      I really appreciate this man, thank you for taking the time to comment. I see a lot of people talking about my lines, I guess my only question is so basically you can't make your own line because others may not know what you're doing? That kinda sucks, shouldn't they respond to what I'm doing just as I am to them? I pass a lot of people in practice because they stick to the line and I get creative. And that's me asking the universe out loud, not like clapping back at you. I thoroughly enjoyed your assessment and look forward to hearing from you in the future🤘🤘

    • @saoirsefitzpatrick1123
      @saoirsefitzpatrick1123 9 місяців тому

      @@bigboytoysTTR You can and can't create your own lines.
      Can't in the sense that the racing line exists because it's the theoretically fastest way to get the car around the circuit. This is also what people are going to expect you to run, and when you deviate from it in a way that is unexpected (such as the diagonal braking zone you're using in turns 3 and 4) it can, and did lead to incidents. This is something I should probably have been very clear on. In most corners, you want to do the majority of your braking in parallel with the track limits. That is really where the actual danger of your deviations is coming from.
      You *can* alter your lines when you are working from the basis of the traditional racing line. Let's just take turn 4 (tight right-hand hairpin after the back straight) as an example. You can kinda take that in two ways, one where your apex is in the exact centre of the corner, or a later apex abour 2/3rds the way through, or even a little later. Why would you do this? For a few reasons: taking that later apex will give you a much better launch out of the corner, and can help set up for the next corner, but it does necessitate leaving a bit of space on the inside of the corner early on, so it might open you up to attack. The mid-corner apex (or even earlier) could help to ward off attack, while minimising how much you compromise your exit. A lot of corners will have multiple viable lines, and some of them genuinely will only have 1, and you will just have to drive it. Physics is a cruel mistress at times.
      For learning all this, I dislike the suggested line and I kinda hesistate to suggest its use. I'd again suggest watching the faster people in sessions, watching where they turn the car, where they're positioning for corners, when they're braking, etc. If you can, pause when you see they're on the brakes, and click back a few frames. See if there's a landmark you could easily use to note in your head for when you go into that corner and need to brake. Examples of this can be number boards off track, maybe there are cones, or the curbing changes colour. Sometimes it's a tree or a tower in the distance or the tarmac just changed colour. Try and use these at *every* track. You'll find they stick in your head after a couple laps. You can do this for when you need to turn in too!
      This week in Rookie Mazdas you've got VIR North, which is a pretty tough course. Take your time with it, don't worry about being slow. Try find braking markers on the track, and use them.

  • @offdabeatz
    @offdabeatz 9 місяців тому

    Ok lots of pointers. One is fix your POV the closer you come the slower everything flies by. Next is look to set markers for your corners. This will help with entry into the corners. Most of the time you are starting high then shooting in low before the turn is even happening. With making markers for yourself this will help with aiming at apexes. The other is listen to your tires. If they are screaming the whole time you are entering too fast. Also look to gradually turn the wheel when cornering. Jerking the wheel will upset the car. Think of weight transfer like a marble in your trunk. We want the marble to glide side to side smoothly to allow the tires to act as they need to. When we jerk the marble jumps meaning the weigh isn't being transfer properly. The blue and yellow flag means faster cars are approaching and you need to safely allow them by. I recommend joining a race that is already in session. If you click watch you will be entered into the race and you don't have to worry as you essentially are a ghost in the race. They can't see you and you can't wreck them. Then just play follow the leader with real drivers.

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      I LOVE the marble analogy. This is awesome man thank you so much. Do you think by the look of it that the POV should be increased pretty drastically? I have it at 108 so with that being the starting point, what would you recommend? Thanks in advance man 🤘🤘

    • @offdabeatz
      @offdabeatz 9 місяців тому

      @TTRstudios it's best to look up how to configure your POV based on screen/s and dimension away from your rig. I'm using triple monitors and have them somewhat close, and my POV is 118.

  • @N2oMusic
    @N2oMusic 9 місяців тому +1

    You asked for some advice - first of all, the blue flag is to let you know that youre being lapped. You're supposed to move off the racing line and slow down before the next corner to let the lapping car pass easily - don't compromise their race. I'm sorry, but you can't call other people idiots when you were all over the place, hogging the track driving slowly whilst being lapped; that's why people kept hitting you. Secondly, I suggest turning the 'suggested line' on which should help you understand racing lines better. There's a setting for it in the options menu. Lastly, you are braking waaaayyyy too hard. Try braking earlier and having a light touch on the pedal until you get a feel for it.

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      Alright I have to say, this comment kicked me in the butt and I needed it. Thanks for taking the time to help man, I have a feeling you did so without really wanting to but I took it to heart and realize I have a ton to learn. And you're right, they're not the idiots, we all are down here in rookies and I'm certainly no better than any other driver down here. I changed the thumbnail to accurately reflect that and appreciate you calling me on it. I'm gonna turn on the racing line like you said but I do think there's something for finding your own line, or what feels right to you. I hope you'll subscribe, I have a feeling you'll like what I have coming up and we could all learn from your insight in this community I'm building. I just love racing, and am grateful for the motivation to get better that you just gave me, good Sir!

    • @mattm6865
      @mattm6865 9 місяців тому

      I'd say don't use the line. You learn to drive the line and never learn the track. The line creates bad habits.
      Think about it like this. You're not learning how to drive a lap of the track, instead you're mimicing the inputs over and over again. You're actually looking away from the things you should be watching and learning.
      Again..... The line is terrible. Don't use it.

    • @mattm6865
      @mattm6865 9 місяців тому

      As for the driving - you're turning in to the corner way too early everywhere. Open up the corner entrances.
      For now, don't focus on absolute late braking, focus on smooth braking and carrying speed into and all the way through the corners. Then refine braking once you've gotten consistent at corner speed.

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      @mattm6865 this is great advice, thank you man! I'm at a conference for a week and now all I wanna do is get back in the seat and work on this. I appreciate you for this, hope you'll subscribe dude I got a lot more coming 🤙🤙

    • @N2oMusic
      @N2oMusic 9 місяців тому +2

      @@mattm6865 I do agree about the suggested line - i've never used it personally for the reasons you mentioned. But watching this video, it's clear he doesn't understand where the racing line is. My logic was, with it on he can at least see where the car is supposed to be on track

  • @grandmasterthai
    @grandmasterthai 9 місяців тому

    My advice is don't tow if you can limp to the pits. It is almost always faster than towing.

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      Oh that's smart I hadn't thought of that. Thanks man!

  • @mikaelpettersson7912
    @mikaelpettersson7912 9 місяців тому

    No racing in VR? :)

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      It's coming!! I tried it and the POV is all off it's like I'm 2 feet too low in the seat my eyes were basically at pedal height and I can't figure out how to fix that in iRacing. Any ideas?

    • @heinerhein2875
      @heinerhein2875 9 місяців тому

      Try pressing F9 while sitting in your car, there are some options you can check out. For example the fov, drivers height, force feedback etc.
      As for your driving, try to maximize the track width. You can carry way more speed into most of the corners when using the whole track. Also play around with trail braking and acceleration points as this can gain you a lot of time. But at the end of the day it's most important to have fun while racing, you'll get better eventually :) also in my opinion the "real" racing only starts when getting out of rookies so make sure to increase your safety rating asap to be able to level up to class D.

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      @@heinerhein2875 dude THANK you!! I knew there had to be an easy fix, can't wait to try this out when I get back to my rig

    • @mattm6865
      @mattm6865 9 місяців тому

      Also there's a button in the control called "Recentre HMD". That will Recentre you're view any time it goes wonky.
      Also, based on your comments, read the sporting code. There's a lot in there you need to be aware of.

    • @bigboytoysTTR
      @bigboytoysTTR  9 місяців тому

      @mattm6865 exactly what I was looking for. That "control" menu isdown in the options with like graphic and audio when you're waiting to get in your car prerace right?