LANE DOMINATOR? - Predecessor Ranked Gameplay

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @benty1955
    @benty1955 День тому +3

    Boi said only storm breaker on grim, yet here we are.

  • @AnimalCookies2
    @AnimalCookies2 День тому +8

    I rewinded the countess encounter 5 times and still have no idea where she came from. Even the Shinbi didn't see her. Is he hacking?

    • @brennograssi4976
      @brennograssi4976 День тому

      she came from the teleporter probably

    • @mrchew5326
      @mrchew5326 День тому

      I think she ran from her jungle then down between the step and the wall on green buff making it so shinbi couldn’t see her

    • @Dr.FeelBad
      @Dr.FeelBad День тому +1

      ​@@mrchew5326Minion wave was in her path, there was no way she could've have snuck from jungle to where she was without being in vision range. Also teleporter didn't go off you'd see her traveling across the map. I'm calling BS on her play

    • @codycooper-borges776
      @codycooper-borges776 День тому +1

      She was behind minion wave so didn’t get vision on her. Not hacking just good pathing

    • @codycooper-borges776
      @codycooper-borges776 День тому

      Probably more just luck than anything but maybe they are just that good. It’s this his Smurf too ? Probably mid diamond jungler but idk 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @0gsquid240
    @0gsquid240 День тому +1

    11:22 how did he just take the enemy red buff?

  • @GladimirGladimirovich
    @GladimirGladimirovich День тому +1

    A Pinzo face logo spray would be kinda epic

  • @FrogOnAHorse
    @FrogOnAHorse День тому

    The biggest reason to at the very least put one point into the right click is for basic attack cancels.
    Basic attack, right click, basic attack, just like with Serath man.

  • @hershy1594
    @hershy1594 20 годин тому

    9:00 That countess had to be hiding between the pillars and did a really good job at hiding. She didn't show when you were returning to lane and must've dropped down from the ledge after you went back to lane

  • @degen7278
    @degen7278 11 годин тому

    It was fun looking at this gameplay. Wish I could play but this game ultimately fried my 14900k and it hasnt been working right since lmao.

  • @hershy1594
    @hershy1594 19 годин тому

    The out of mana situation is why I think they should've never removed the good game chat. If the mute button muted pings, that would fix so much. Playing with negative ping spam is worse than no communication because it takes me out of my zone and into a toxic mental state

  • @Jessie-JamesHughes-Dowd
    @Jessie-JamesHughes-Dowd 2 дні тому +21

    Day 15 of asking for terra offlane ❤ hopefully he notices these soon😂

    • @TheVandeverRR
      @TheVandeverRR День тому

      Dude. A guy responded to you yesterday. Read your replies. He’s already done it.

    • @sprintxr9339
      @sprintxr9339 День тому +2

      lol i tried doing this a while ago and got zero interaction from pinzo kind of annoying. i would think as a small but growing creator you would atleast engage with your community. i dont expect him to do everything everyone asks for but would be nice to see more interaction

    • @bullockm1826
      @bullockm1826 День тому

      @@sprintxr9339 just give his cute ass a kiss and he will interact

    • @NobleVagabond2552
      @NobleVagabond2552 День тому +4

      Day 1 of asking him to not do this bcuz it sounds kinda boring fr

    • @Jessie-JamesHughes-Dowd
      @Jessie-JamesHughes-Dowd День тому +2

      @ thank you for your opinion but I’m not stopping for one person

  • @RadOFtheGon
    @RadOFtheGon День тому

    Rank is sucks right now . A lot of people don't know how to play and don't know what's to build

  • @Caidenwhitmore
    @Caidenwhitmore 2 дні тому

    My king will reply to this

  • @RD-uf6gw
    @RD-uf6gw 2 дні тому +4

    I genuinely hate Yin.

  • @bullockm1826
    @bullockm1826 2 дні тому +4

    Hi Pinzo. Do you know who I am and what I do? I’m the one whose gon kiss you until you kiss me back, *MWAH!*

  • @hugeculo
    @hugeculo День тому +2

    7:20 (I think) execution should be removed altogether to give a higher skill cap IMO

    • @thesmallraptor4316
      @thesmallraptor4316 День тому +1

      seems tedious for the sake of being tedious, how does removing minion execution make the game have a higher skill cap, it takes a couple seconds longer to rotate?

    • @hugeculo
      @hugeculo 18 годин тому

      @thesmallraptor4316 nope. It's much harder to know that if your auto kills a minion when they have 100 hp, you won't kill them if they have 101 and then you lost the last hit. This would reward grate players, since last hitting is not that important in this game due to passive gold gains