Homeboy - Minevik ft. Gätlyn Mägi (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @johannatarkus3828
    @johannatarkus3828 Місяць тому +1

    Tekitab nostalgiat ❤

  • @irinaveronika3356
    @irinaveronika3356 2 роки тому +3


  • @tinoronaldo23
    @tinoronaldo23 11 років тому +2

    Classic "love this song" thumbs up

  • @minasina7986
    @minasina7986 Рік тому +1


  • @enelijarve5193
    @enelijarve5193 11 років тому +5

    Super hea!! :) Kust nii head sõnad tulevad, ei tea..

  • @kermoevertsoo1220
    @kermoevertsoo1220 8 років тому +5

    Kuulan seda tihti :) vaga hea laul, lase edasi.

  • @24Mairis
    @24Mairis 11 років тому +2

    fänan sajaga, video on parim - parimale loole!! sul tulemas suur-suuuur tulevik :) EDU!!!

  • @sinine1
    @sinine1 5 місяців тому +1

    2024 ja ikka kerib

  •  11 років тому +2

    täiega hea lugu täna telos avastasin :D sitaks hea lugu, reff on parim (y)

  • @Pesadeloz
    @Pesadeloz 6 років тому +6

    See on kuradima aegumatu ja võimas sest siin on kuradima raudsed sõnad mida ei kääna ega vääna i fucking love this song because it's real and deep i don't have a fucking word's to reach this its fucking fantastic suur suur respect minu poolt Home boy ja Kätlin see on fucking jumalik

  • @ktmpoi1
    @ktmpoi1 11 років тому +2

    väga hea :)

  • @HBREC.
    @HBREC.  11 років тому +1

    tnx ILL:)

  • @johnnymaardu
    @johnnymaardu 7 років тому +1

    minu lemmik aaah !

  • @river318
    @river318 11 років тому

    laul oli muidu yli hea aga nyyd videoga veel parem!

  • @killxparis5367
    @killxparis5367 6 років тому +2


  • @irinaveronika3356
    @irinaveronika3356 2 роки тому +1

    Ime lugu

  • @veikkorosenberg840
    @veikkorosenberg840 10 років тому +1

    Kõva lugu kui sõnade vahelt lugeda oskad???

  • @intsu-onu
    @intsu-onu 3 роки тому

    Noorena olin suli:).

  • @aaronryytel2470
    @aaronryytel2470 8 років тому

    hea mu uus laul

  • @amf1382
    @amf1382 9 років тому +1

    Hea Muss :D Kuulan Seda Iga Päev :D

    • @HBREC.
      @HBREC.  9 років тому +1

      +YokerGT Gaming cool:)

    • @amf1382
      @amf1382 9 років тому +1

      +HBREC. Aga Mdu See Snu Tehtud ? :D

    • @HBREC.
      @HBREC.  9 років тому +1

      +YokerGT Gaming a kelle siis veel, kui mitte minu, kui lugu mõtled.

  • @LiisMusiiii119
    @LiisMusiiii119 11 років тому +2

    armastan seda lugu(L)

  • @FRONTurlauBAER
    @FRONTurlauBAER 10 років тому

    what does minevik mean?

    • @HBREC.
      @HBREC.  10 років тому


    • @river318
      @river318 6 років тому

      google translate, not the best but still nothing. :)
      now i try
      forget about all that bad
      and also believe that everything can be done now
      and again in the future again
      then recall these old times
      There are many survivors but memories do not end there
      really everybody remembers me
      where did I come from? I do not forget so much that I was under my age
      The donkey and the villain are also included
      my life was then composed by the customs at the moment bad
      I was young and stupid who did not have my opinion
      did not know what anyone thought of black
      So I went with the flow with me
      worse, then every time I catch the cover again
      I could not stop at the right time
      I've never done the wrong thing to everybody
      I sincerely hurt everything
      which was and I am still wondering
      how ever so blue-eyed at all I was
      and so far I'm wondering how sometimes I was so blue-eyed at all
      now i try
      forget it bad
      and also believe that everything can be done now
      and again in the future again
      I do not even know why all this turned out so badly
      do not keep in mind
      though time has already passed so much
      can not praise what it was
      can not fool because of too bad memories
      and now you finally realize how big a mistake I made
      all now i have become i've been able to be out of a long time
      I do not know exactly how
      but I know that I have changed
      I did not hear the other black ones
      but now swear that this old man is finally dead
      I want more positive and less sad in my life
      my life was like a testament he left me something
      she left me a memory that is not worth a shit
      it's just like a tag that hangs in the neck
      I am now and forever remain with me for my own fault
      now i try
      forget it bad
      and also believe that everything can be done now
      and again in the future again
      Coming together so I'll talk so here
      I've done wrong sometimes, I know it already
      but I'm just a human being not a robot
      Every one has made mistakes in life like me
      I have a lot of bad luck
      I do not know now whether it was a teaching for me
      or there was something else
      but luckily it's all over
      now I try to forget all this bad
      and also believe that everything can be done now
      and will be restored again in the future
      all that has been the past for me
      Now I hope it will not come back
      now i try
      forget it bad
      and also believe that everything can be done now
      and again in the future again

  • @raidokollina1576
    @raidokollina1576 11 років тому

    Homeboy - Minevik (OFFICAL VIDEO)

  • @egert2832
    @egert2832 11 років тому +11

    Mõttega lugu. Häbi neile dislaikijatele.

  • @imanumber1yea
    @imanumber1yea 11 років тому

    video on hästi tehtud, laul on hea aga videos puudub mõte...

  • @erichojasalu8154
    @erichojasalu8154 7 років тому

    Hea laul mulle meltib

  • @maxoldschoolrap
    @maxoldschoolrap 11 років тому +1

    unrated :(

  • @schneelosdibelos1875
    @schneelosdibelos1875 8 років тому

    noch wer wegen schlechtes vorbild hier?