Eu sunt din Israel si am auzit acest cantec de multe ori. Vreau sa spun ca aceasta interpretare este o interpretare ingereasca minunata! Laura Bretan - esti o profesionista excelenta si ai cantat ff frumos, din inima, intr-o Ebraica perfecta. Bravo si felicitari!
It's more than beautiful. 😊 I love word Yerushalayim! Is more more beautiful than all songs because sounds like salvation. Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim... awww. Absolutely beautiful. 😊😊😊😊😊
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze viata ta Laura, am avut ocazia sa te cunosc la Vaslui, sant în asentimentul Ligiei Spiridon. Ești un înger trimis de Dumnezeu pentru aceste vremuri de nesiguranță. Dumnezeu să te păstreze ptr corul din cer, fiinta ta transmite prin Duhul Sfânt pace, bucurie și dragoste ptr semeni
According with some friends that live in Israel for more than 60 years Pronuntia Laurei Bretan is PERFECT in Hebrew language incredible LOVELY with a lot of LOVE from her side. CONGRATULATIONS LAURA BRETAN!
How can such a beautiful sound come so effortlessly? Amazing and it's obviously a gift from the Good Lord. Not just her voice, her humility, her beauty, and her amazing family. God Bless her always..
"Ierusalimul de aur" în interpretarea sopranei, Laurei Bretan! Ești un înger cu o voce sensibilă un timbru deosebit și o tehnică bună! Te-ai îmbrăcat și în alb-albastru! Te iubim!💐❤🤗 ✡Baruch Ha'Shem! ✡🙏🏻🕎🇮🇱
Priviti aceasta fata de inger si voce divina izvorata parca de totusi a fost acolo fara a sti ca trebuia sa ajunga pe unde Isus a trecut ...
שיר שתמיד מרגש ויפה מאוד מחזיר שנים אחורה נוסטלגיה לימים טובים יותר. A song that is always very moving and beautiful, nostalgia, sad and happy together. Sings very well
Beautifully sung… Thank you Laura! When I close my eyes, I am reminded of Ofra Haza, of blessed memory. Laura, your voice is heaven’s kiss on our ears and hearts.
I listened to the rendition by Ofra Haza and frankly, to me it seemed a little cold. This rendition is far superior because it is warm and emotional. But that is just my opinion😂
She's a romanian girl from pentecostal church .To speak hebrew is not easy .Anyway I 'm a pentecostal as her and I live amount the jews they are amazing people 💙..Laura bravo draga
I am not a pentecostal but I attended a few times a pentecostal church when I was in college back in Romania. I am proud that I was educated by jewish professors( majority of them).
when Hollywood gives us a star we get Miley Cyrus or Brittany Spears, but when God sends us a star we get Ms. laura Bretan...Ms. Laura your singing Always brings me to tears...God bless you child
Laura takes my breath. She brings me to tears. Her voice is music so beautiful it will break your heart. It matters not what she will choose to sing I will listen, but I hope she will choose opera as her primary form. Opera is the most highly developed form of vocal music. Laura is good enough for any form of music, but only opera is good enough for Laura.
So young, and she sings like she would suffer all the history of Hebrew people, like feeling all the love they love the saint city. I don't understand a word but the feeling.
Yes, her pronounciation is very impressive! Her voice is superb! We grew up on this song. It became a kind of a national anthem after the unifiacation of Jeriusalem in 1967.
@@s7207127, you are exaggerating! Instead of being proud of a young lady from Romania is singing this song with so much love and transmitted so much emotion, making people cry ….should be enough . Because of her hundred thousands are listening to this beautiful hymn
Скажи, тебе очень важно, чтобы говорил израильтянин на изумительном иврите? А может важнее, что он любит страну, работает на эту страну, иврит- знать должен на уровне почти израильтянина, родившегося в этой стране? Это очень сложно, ты знаешь.Мой сын делает именно так, никогда не успокоится, пока не сможет говорить на иврите свободно. Работает со 2 й недели репатриации. Язык иврит учил ещё в Беларуси, потом бесплатно 6 месяцев, сейчас частные уроки с очень хорошим преподавателем. Сказал,есть большие подвижки. Зная своего сына,никогда не успокоится, пока не будет говорить на иврите если не идеально, то хотя бы сносно. Мои дети:сын и невестка, это то лучшее , что я отдала любимому Израилю. Ам Исраэль хай!
Вот и скажите мне,что это просто вокал от природы!..Девочка понимает,какой дар дал ей Создатель.И честно и осознанно отдает дар свой людям! Счастья ей и всем ,кого она любит! А любит она всех людей,да.
In case you haven't figured this out, it is in Hebrew. We've done it in Synagogue--but never even close to this-even with an operatically trained cantor!
laura bretan ai cintat minunat te-am urmarit si la romanii au talent sa cinti acest cintec in limba ebraica asa de corect si cu o voce divina esti de felicitat mult succes in continuare sint convinsa ca vei ajunge departeeeeee
Superb! Fiinta divina! Cantecul cel mai cel al Israelului! Am stat 7 ani in Israel, am auzit foarte multe variante, cantate de artisti israelieni consacrati. Dar cantata de Laura, suna DIVIN! Intr-o ebraica impecabila! Doamne ajuta! Esti un dar pentru omenire! Te iubesc! Te iubim!
Eu zic asa. Este ok interpretarea Laurei Bretan dar totusi numărul unu rămâne Ofra Haza...le-am auzit cântând pe amândouă cântecul Ierusalimul de Aur...din pacate vocea de aur a Ofra Hazei o mai putem auzi numai pe discuri sau youtube ea plecând acasa la Dumnezeu in anul 2000 deci Laura este printre noi si-i mulțumim lui Dumnezeu...
Draga Laura, nu am inteles nici macar un cuvint din ce ai cintat tu acolo, dar asta a impiedicat sa mi se umple obrajii de lacrimi la o interpretare atit de fascinanta, cred ca in asta consta frumusetea muzicii tale sa nu intelegi uneori dar sa simti mereu.Felicitari.
E o melodie celebră,evreiască:”Ierusalime,de aur,plin de…vioara mea îți cântă…”-celebra Ofra Haza, parcă nu e așa expresivă….(găsiți pe You tube și “Ierușalaim șel zahav”-cântecul-cât și diferite interpretări…!)
as a proud Jew myself, this video is particularly moving to me, because she is not even Jewish, yet feels connected enough with my people to sing the unofficial national anthem of the Jewish State of Israel. and yes, she is definitely a perfect, sweet, adorable, lovable angel
@@Mad_Cris41 I am not talking about the language since I don't really care about the language. But there's much more about Ofra's voice. It's so haunting. In my opinion.
How can anyone compare Laura with Amira and Jackie the last two have nice voices but nothing like Laura with her beautiful notes and sound to many people she is no1 and will be for a long time 😍😍😍 Australia
jews and christians were the best generations of teachings and lectures actually , so basically i love their choirs and sounds actually , god bless all of them , in the name of father , son , holy spirit , god preserve our angel , amen .
Callas sang with her heart. Combined with her amazing technique she was unique and when she left a light on earth went out. Thank you Laura for bringing her back! God bless you. It is a divine talent you have and I see God's light clearly shining out to the world when you sing.
Apariția D.tale este o continuare a lucrării LUI D.zeu printre oameni... Ma rog ca D.zeu să te țină lîngă el curata,și smerită ca să fii înălțată și să curgă harul Lui in viata ta si peste fam.ta,Ps.Deosebite aprecieri mamei tale pt consultingul echilibrat acordat in drumul tău, cu vocea ta spre nemurire.
Thank you Laura you Angel of music for this majic song!!!Jerusalem the eternal capital of Israel in the legal hands of the legal owners of the city forever and ever!!! Multumim pe tine Laura ingerul muzici pentru acest fermecat cintec!!!Ierusalimul eterna capitala a Israelului in veci vecilor!!!🌹🌹🌹💖💖💖🌷🌷🌷
Laura, Hebrew is what I spoke before coming to USA. You sang in Hebrew like you were born in Israel. I was born in Jerusalem, and you sang about a city I love. Thank you, it was wonderful.
don corbly it is astonishing that she can sing in another language, especially one as difficult as Hebrew. She is truly a unique artist and I wish she would make an album of religious songs. Her singing had its beginning in her family's church. I thank God and her parents for that.
Performanta divina, Laura Bretan si cu atita usurintza greu de imaginat. Depasesti orice superlative in tot ceea ce cintzi si pui tot sufletul. Multumim ca existi!
Numai Dumnezeu locuind într-un om îl poate face așa sensibil și expresiv cum e Laura. Fie că recunoaștem sau nu, ceea ce ne atrage și încântă în vocea ei pură, în infatisarea ei angelică, în emoțiile ce le emană este de fapt o parte din Dumnezeu, locuind in ea! Laura, slavit sa fie Dumnezeu pentru tot ceea ce ești și facă El ca vocea ta să se unească pe vecie cu a îngerilor ce Îi vor cânta veșnic!
Laura bretan fue la estrella que a la edad de 13 años sorprendió en gontalen su gran talento y hoy sigue con éxito que Jehová Dios bendiga a esta cantante además su madre goza de ese privilegio ser la mujer que a luz a Laura bretan hoy una adolescente con buen futuro músical de opera .
Ești o ființa specială cu un glas divin,Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze in viață și in cariera artistică - chiar dacă jurizarea a fost mizerabilă (ca tot ceea ce ține de uman),tu trebuie să-ți urmezi calea!FELICITĂRI!
Minunat copil a primit darul si harul de a canta Cerului si Omului. Daca Cerul o iubește si omul va trebui sa o iubească. Te iubesc Laura. Prin cantul tău trimiți multă energie benefică. Fii binecuvântată. voce cerească!
Normal doar spre slava lui Isus si in orice limba.Nu melodii lumesti ca D-zeu nu vrea asta.Amestecaturile nu tin.Si lumea te trage jos in primul rand prin mandrie.
don corbly I am continually amazed how talented this young lady is! She has the finest soprano voice of any current classical artist. Thank God for bringing her to us.
The beauty of this song due to the talent and beauty of Laura's voice surpassed the beauty of this Israeli song! All in all: a fantastic effect! Bravo Laura!!!
לורה ברטאן - יוצא מן הכלל!!!!!! ללמוד שיר כל כך קשה בשפה כל כך קשה - לא יאמן. אני יושבת בבית עם דמעות. השיר הזה נחשב לשיר הכי הכי אחרי ההמנון של ישראל. נתת ביצוע מרגש מאוד. Laura Bretan - You are unbelievable. You sang so beautifuly. It is a very hard sond to sing and on top of all in a language that is not familiar. You made my eyes tear. I have no words!!!!!
Praise The Lord for this most joyous and majestic rending of How Great Thou Art and the high notes at the end by Laura and Ato are some of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard and the joy on Laura's face is straight from heaven. Hallelujah!
When God gives He just pours out without holding anything back...look at this beautiful singer who is stunningly beautiful with the most adorable voice!
As clear as wine, the wind is flying Among the dreamy pines As evening light is slowly dying And a lonely bell still chimes, So many songs, so many stories The stony hills recall ... Around her heart my city carries A lonely ancient wall. Yerushalaim all of gold Yerushalaim, bronze and light Within my heart I shall treasure Your song and sight. Alas, the dry wells and fountains, Forgotten market-day The sound of horn from Temple's mountain No longer calls to pray, The rocky caves at night are haunted By sounds of long ago When we were going to the Jordan By way of Jericho. Yerushalaim all of gold Yerushalaim, bronze and light Within my heart I shall treasure Your song and sight. But when I come to count your praises And sing Hallel to you With pretty rhymes I dare not crown you As other poets do, Upon my lips is always burning Your name, so dear, so old: If I forget Yerushalaim Of bronze and light and gold ... Yerushalaim all of gold Yerushalaim, bronze and light Within my heart I shall treasure Your song and sight. Back to the wells and to the fountains Within the ancient walls The sound of horn from Temple's mountain Again so loudly calls, From rocky caves, this very morning A thousand suns will glow And we shall go down to the Jordan By way of Jericho. Yerushalaim all of gold Yerushalaim, bronze and light Within my heart I shall treasure Your song and sight.
Elm Lightworker thank you for the lyrics in English. Beautiful song, very hard to interpret correctly. I keep playing this video because I love the music and Laura's interpretation.
I love the voice of LAURA BRETAN, and this song ! WHAT A BLESSING to have such a voice, and to remain so humble & sweet as she does! Te iubesc, draga LAURA! ❤️🌹😇 🙏🏻 GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS ! DOAMNE AJUTA!
The little girl from americas got talent has grown up,, She has refined her talent and now knows how to use her voice sometimes in powerful ways and other times soft and mellow. Will always be an incredible talent
Hi Guys. I can not help it, sorry. I would like to talk about the vocal technique of Laura. When she sings, the sounds come free from her, she does not press, she lets her flow and therefore she can spare her voice. For very high notes such as "Nessum Dorma", the last recording, she does not push the sound out, but puts it on top, so it sounds better and more stable. She sings liberated, you can tell by the fact that she can concentrate completely on the phrasing and in the crescendo she can sing without any effort. I admire her for that, because there are singers who are much older than her and they are not. And that is why you can observe with her that she sometimes can not understand how good she is and that is a divine gift!
Well she has those ranges, it’s not necessarily all technique. If you find a soprano who doesn’t have those inborn high notes, they will sound “forced”
@@danvision5086 ea este perfectă, dar păcat că țara e condusa de prostie și nu sunt în stare sa o voteze. Dacă ar fi fost aleasă, România câștiga Eurovision'ul cu siguranță.
@@iamsupermaaan 70% din voturi au fost pentru Laura ,pentru romani ea este adevarata castigatoare , pacat ca publicul nu a avut puterea sa-si trimita favorita.Pacat !
You can tell the song was not performed in Israel, if it had been everyone would be singing along quietly, I think they are solemn out of respect, it's absolutely beautiful 🙂
Eu sunt din Israel si am auzit acest cantec de multe ori. Vreau sa spun ca aceasta interpretare este o interpretare ingereasca minunata! Laura Bretan - esti o profesionista excelenta si ai cantat ff frumos, din inima, intr-o Ebraica perfecta. Bravo si felicitari!
Dar f hedonista
Ar fi bine dacă am sti si versurile chintari Doamne ce frumos😪
Amén c'è binecuvintare ca ești acolo eu doresc sa ajung curind sa lucrez și sa pot sluji pe Dumnezeu pe acel pamint Doamne ajutamà 🙏
@@anyane4360 poți găsi pe UA-cam cintarea în toate limbile tradusă Doamne ajută-ne 🙏
@@anyane4360I hope I helped you... this song, performed by this singer, touches my heart....follow the transliterated lyrics music... enjoy...❤:
Yerushalayim shel zahav
Avir harim tsalul k'yayin
Vereiyach oranim
Nissah beru'ach ha'arbayim
Im kol pa'amonim
U'vtardemat ilan va'even
Shvuyah bachalomah
Ha'ir asher badad yoshevet
Uvelibah - chomah
Chazarnu el borot hamayim
Lashuk velakikar
Shofar koreh behar habayit
Ba'ir ha'atikah
Uvme'arot asher baselah
Alfei shmashot zorchot
Neshuv nered el Yam Hamelach
B'derech Yericho
Yerushalayim shel zahav
Veshel nechoshet veshel or
Halo lechol shirayich Ani kinor
Yerushalayim shel zahav
Veshel nechoshet veshel or
Halo lechol shirayich Ani kinor
Ach bevo'i hayom lashir lach
Velach likshor k'tarim
Katonti mitse'ir bana'ich
Ume achron ham'shorerim
Ki shmech tsorev et hasfatayim
Keneshikat saraf
Im eshkachech Yerushalayim
Asher kulah zahav
Yerushalayim shel zahav
Veshel nechoshet veshel or
Halo lechol shirayich Ani kinor
Halo lechol shirayich Ani kinor
Yerushalayim shel zahav
Veshel nechoshet veshel or
Halo lechol shirayich Ani kinor
Halo lechol shirayich Ani kinor
I'm from Israel and I am on tears . Thanks , it's beautiful.
Is she is singing in Hebrew language. I am from India observe Sabbath
It's more than beautiful. 😊
I love word Yerushalayim! Is more more beautiful than all songs because sounds like salvation. Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim... awww. Absolutely beautiful. 😊😊😊😊😊
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze viata ta Laura, am avut ocazia sa te cunosc la Vaslui, sant în asentimentul Ligiei Spiridon. Ești un înger trimis de Dumnezeu pentru aceste vremuri de nesiguranță. Dumnezeu să te păstreze ptr corul din cer, fiinta ta transmite prin Duhul Sfânt pace, bucurie și dragoste ptr semeni
According with some friends that live in Israel for more than 60 years Pronuntia Laurei Bretan is PERFECT in Hebrew language incredible LOVELY with a lot of LOVE from her side. CONGRATULATIONS LAURA BRETAN!
How can such a beautiful sound come so effortlessly? Amazing and it's obviously a gift from the Good Lord. Not just her voice, her humility, her beauty, and her amazing family. God Bless her always..
"Ierusalimul de aur" în interpretarea sopranei, Laurei Bretan!
Ești un înger cu o voce sensibilă un timbru deosebit și o tehnică bună!
Te-ai îmbrăcat și în alb-albastru!
Te iubim!💐❤🤗
✡Baruch Ha'Shem! ✡🙏🏻🕎🇮🇱
Priviti aceasta fata de inger si voce divina izvorata parca de totusi a fost acolo fara a sti ca trebuia sa ajunga pe unde Isus a trecut ...
שיר שתמיד מרגש ויפה מאוד מחזיר שנים אחורה נוסטלגיה לימים טובים יותר. A song that is always very moving and beautiful, nostalgia, sad and happy together. Sings very well
Beautifully sung… Thank you Laura! When I close my eyes, I am reminded of Ofra Haza, of blessed memory. Laura, your voice is heaven’s kiss on our ears and hearts.
I listened to the rendition by Ofra Haza and frankly, to me it seemed a little cold. This rendition is far superior because it is warm and emotional. But that is just my opinion😂
She's a romanian girl from pentecostal church .To speak hebrew is not easy .Anyway I 'm a pentecostal as her and I live amount the jews they are amazing people 💙..Laura bravo draga
I am not a pentecostal but I attended a few times a pentecostal church when I was in college back in Romania. I am proud that I was educated by jewish professors( majority of them).
My soul my soul ❤my Dauther go through Jusus all Jerusalem into the name of Jesus my Father God Jesus Christ always with u
when Hollywood gives us a star we get Miley Cyrus or Brittany Spears, but when God sends us a star we get Ms. laura Bretan...Ms. Laura your singing Always brings me to tears...God bless you child
God bless Yisrael
Dont forget her sister,Esterela bretan..
Laura takes my breath. She brings me to tears. Her voice is music so beautiful it will break your heart. It matters not what she will choose to sing I will listen, but I hope she will choose opera as her primary form. Opera is the most highly developed form of vocal music. Laura is good enough for any form of music, but only opera is good enough for Laura.
In fact, whatever she sings, she makes it opera.
I don’t know what the heck she just sang or said, but ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!!
Here is the same song with the
I doubt that there is anyone in all the world who could have sung this more beautifully.
Ofra Haza
Shulem is also very good
So young, and she sings like she would suffer all the history of Hebrew people, like feeling all the love they love the saint city. I don't understand a word but the feeling.
She mix...???
valde Gomez naw she Romanian
@@dennistoma4122 Romanian...ok
she is jewish herself.
She made me cry
As a native hebrew speaker I say that she is actually pronauncing Hebrew much more correctly than native speskers nowadays❤️
Yes, her pronounciation is very impressive! Her voice is superb! We grew up on this song. It became a kind of a national anthem after the unifiacation of Jeriusalem in 1967.
@@urilon איך כל זה קשור לזה שאכן יש לה מבטא חזק
@@s7207127, you are exaggerating! Instead of being proud of a young lady from Romania is singing this song with so much love and transmitted so much emotion, making people cry ….should be enough .
Because of her hundred thousands are listening to this beautiful hymn
Скажи, тебе очень важно, чтобы говорил израильтянин на изумительном иврите? А может важнее, что он любит страну, работает на эту страну, иврит- знать должен на уровне почти израильтянина, родившегося в этой стране? Это очень сложно, ты знаешь.Мой сын делает именно так, никогда не успокоится, пока не сможет говорить на иврите свободно. Работает со 2 й недели репатриации. Язык иврит учил ещё в Беларуси, потом бесплатно 6 месяцев, сейчас частные уроки с очень хорошим преподавателем. Сказал,есть большие подвижки. Зная своего сына,никогда не успокоится, пока не будет говорить на иврите если не идеально, то хотя бы сносно. Мои дети:сын и невестка, это то лучшее , что я отдала любимому Израилю. Ам Исраэль хай!
Вот и скажите мне,что это просто вокал от природы!..Девочка понимает,какой дар дал ей Создатель.И честно и осознанно отдает дар свой людям! Счастья ей и всем ,кого она любит! А любит она всех людей,да.
Это годы тренировок.
С дуба рухнул? Это вокальная школа высшего класса и годы практики.
Огромный дар, плюс, колосальное количество тренировок и любви к делу🙌
God certainly kissed her throat. I didn't understand a single word but she made me cry just from the beauty of it.
Subscribe please 😉😉
Me too
describes how every jewish heart goes to the motherland yerushalayim....shalom and love from india...
In case you haven't figured this out, it is in Hebrew. We've done it in Synagogue--but never even close to this-even with an operatically trained cantor!
Me too
Cu vocea orice melodie in orice limba devine divina ! Love you Laura from ROMANIA !
laura bretan ai cintat minunat te-am urmarit si la romanii au talent sa cinti acest cintec in limba ebraica asa de corect si cu o voce divina esti de felicitat mult succes in continuare sint convinsa ca vei ajunge departeeeeee
Domnul să.te ajute să rămâi tot așa pură și curată
Translate the song to spanish
Superb! Fiinta divina! Cantecul cel mai cel al Israelului! Am stat 7 ani in Israel, am auzit foarte multe variante, cantate de artisti israelieni consacrati. Dar cantata de Laura, suna DIVIN! Intr-o ebraica impecabila! Doamne ajuta! Esti un dar pentru omenire! Te iubesc! Te iubim!
Laura. Interprets every song. So well she is just a delight to listen to 😍❤️❤️ Australia
Emozione pura !
Eu zic asa. Este ok interpretarea Laurei Bretan dar totusi numărul unu rămâne Ofra Haza...le-am auzit cântând pe amândouă cântecul Ierusalimul de Aur...din pacate vocea de aur a Ofra Hazei o mai putem auzi numai pe discuri sau youtube ea plecând acasa la Dumnezeu in anul 2000 deci Laura este printre noi si-i mulțumim lui Dumnezeu...
Sublim !Dumnezeu sa te binecuvinteze ! Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze ISRAELUL!❤❤❤
Can you not see the smile of pleasure on her face as she sings...she was born to bring us music...
Laura sings like a native hebrew lady. Thanks for this beautiful performance.
I don't understand any words she's singing, but she got me crying.
Draga Laura, nu am inteles nici macar un cuvint din ce ai cintat tu acolo, dar asta a impiedicat sa mi se umple obrajii de lacrimi la o interpretare atit de fascinanta, cred ca in asta consta frumusetea muzicii tale sa nu intelegi uneori dar sa simti mereu.Felicitari.
E o melodie celebră,evreiască:”Ierusalime,de aur,plin de…vioara mea îți cântă…”-celebra Ofra Haza, parcă nu e așa expresivă….(găsiți pe You tube și “Ierușalaim șel zahav”-cântecul-cât și diferite interpretări…!)
Găsești pe UA-cam cintarea tradusă in toate limbile Dumnezeu sà te càlàuzeascà
Magistrala interpretare. Esti superba Laura. Talent formidabil si sensibilitate angelica. Multumesc pentru aceasta interpretare superba!
Dios Todopoderoso bendice y protege a tu pueblo El Estado dé Israel desde la República de El Salvador los bendecimos amen y amen y amen 🇸🇻
O interpretare dumnezeiasca !!! Felicitari,Laura ! Iti doresc o cariera stralucitoare !
Beautiful song, beautiful voice! God bless Israel, its people, its soldiers! Long lived Jerusalem and Israel!!!🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 ❤❤❤
Isus//Joshua is the Messiah of the Chosen People of Israel from the tribe of Judah David the King
Laura frumos cânți talent de la Dumnezeu să te folosească spre zidirea tuturor care asculta...ești o mare binecuvântare pt omenire...🤗🤗🤗😚😚😚
sa te zideasca pe tine, noua sa ne dea sanatate! :))
Tara Necunoscutul ,😂😂😂😂😂!
Dzeu,ii suparat foarte tare, in ce stare s-a ajuns, voi sinteti ortodoxi?
@@taranecunoscutul3648 Sănătate ca să puteți scuipa otravă.
@@rodipg3487 Ți sa destăinuit ție Dumnezeu?
as a proud Jew myself, this video is particularly moving to me, because she is not even Jewish, yet feels connected enough with my people to sing the unofficial national anthem of the Jewish State of Israel. and yes, she is definitely a perfect, sweet, adorable, lovable angel
She sings it the best I have ever heard!
No doubt this is the most beautiful rendition of this song ever. A tribute to Jerusalem and sung by an angel.
Ofra Haza's is just better. The instruments, Ofra's voice, everything about it is better.
@@eurech Hebrew is not her native language give her a break.
@@Mad_Cris41 I am not talking about the language since I don't really care about the language. But there's much more about Ofra's voice. It's so haunting. In my opinion.
Wonderfully sung in the most inspiring voice of this century! Thank you, LORD, for such talent
How can anyone compare Laura with Amira and Jackie the last two have nice voices but nothing like Laura with her beautiful notes and sound to many people she is no1 and will be for a long time 😍😍😍 Australia
wow I had to remind myself to breath.I live in Israel and I have never heard it sang so well.
She will participate in eurovision 2019 in Israel if she wins in romanian selection.
@Mag Me too
this is my daily hymn
God bless Laura, Jerusalem and Hebrews
Hauntingly beautiful! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!
Doamne, copil divin! Ești o binecuvântare pentru întreaga lume!!! ❤️
Brilliant in any language. WHAT AN OUT POURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!
jews and christians were the best generations of teachings and lectures actually , so basically i love their choirs and sounds actually , god bless all of them , in the name of father , son , holy spirit , god preserve our angel , amen .
Callas sang with her heart. Combined with her amazing technique she was unique and when she left a light on earth went out. Thank you Laura for bringing her back! God bless you. It is a divine talent you have and I see God's light clearly shining out to the world when you sing.
Apariția D.tale este o continuare a lucrării LUI D.zeu printre oameni... Ma rog ca D.zeu să te țină lîngă el curata,și smerită ca să fii înălțată și să curgă harul Lui in viata ta si peste fam.ta,Ps.Deosebite aprecieri mamei tale pt consultingul echilibrat acordat in drumul tău, cu vocea ta spre nemurire.
@@danandreinicoara1872 Subscriu comentariului dvs.
Laura has the perfect voice for this kind of music, you have to love this.
Thank you Laura you Angel of music for this majic song!!!Jerusalem the eternal capital of Israel in the legal hands of the legal owners of the city forever and ever!!!
Multumim pe tine Laura ingerul muzici pentru acest fermecat cintec!!!Ierusalimul eterna capitala a Israelului in veci vecilor!!!🌹🌹🌹💖💖💖🌷🌷🌷
Am Israel Chai❤💙
wow! she can sing in many languages.
She has a voice of an angel God Bless her
Subscribe please 🤗🤗
Nu om6
Dumnezeu ți-a dat în dar o voce îngerească. Continuă să-i mulțumești și să-l lauzi tot mereu .
ce voce dumnezeiasca! Nu ma mai satur sa o ascult.
She is from another dimension..another planet..pure talent..Arata-le adevarata maestrie Laura..Te iubesc!
Tief und volle Liebe aus Romania!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura, Hebrew is what I spoke before coming to USA. You sang in Hebrew like you were born in Israel. I was born in Jerusalem, and you sang about a city I love. Thank you, it was wonderful.
don corbly
it is astonishing that she can sing in another language, especially one as difficult as Hebrew. She is truly a unique artist and I wish she would make an album of religious songs. Her singing had its beginning in her family's church. I thank God and her parents for that.
😂😂😂 she dont sount native at All
@@mta3813 Go home.
Because she is American native and Romanian by her parents.
Frumos & respectuos , superb , bravo draga mea ,
bravo Laura Bretan . Domnul sa te aiba in paza sa.
Her grandfather would be so proud of her ! She has be come a beautiful young woman! ❤️
linda krivosheyff HE IS...LOVE NEVER DYES
Her grandfather is proud of her.
Is he hebrew ?
Ana Pecora she is born in chicago .
@@anapecora4540 Grandfather was Romanian,performed in Romanian got talent in his honer!
Performanta divina, Laura Bretan si cu atita usurintza greu de imaginat. Depasesti orice superlative in tot ceea ce cintzi si pui tot sufletul. Multumim ca existi!
Numai Dumnezeu locuind într-un om îl poate face așa sensibil și expresiv cum e Laura. Fie că recunoaștem sau nu, ceea ce ne atrage și încântă în vocea ei pură, în infatisarea ei angelică, în emoțiile ce le emană este de fapt o parte din Dumnezeu, locuind in ea! Laura, slavit sa fie Dumnezeu pentru tot ceea ce ești și facă El ca vocea ta să se unească pe vecie cu a îngerilor ce Îi vor cânta veșnic!
@Maricel Roman 😪
Absolument magnifique. Sensibilité, ferveur, humilité
Atâta sensibilitatea, finețe muzicala, atâta cultură cu o așa voce, va fi curând Nr 1 în lume God Bless you. Îngeraș!!! gaby
God sent her to us.......I am not a believer ..., not Cristian, no Muslim no Hindu, No no Budhisth, , but Inshalah lt us love each other
Domnul sa te binecuvinteze lăudați pe Domnul slava slava lui amin lăudați numele domnului
Laura bretan fue la estrella que a la edad de 13 años sorprendió en gontalen su gran talento
y hoy sigue con éxito que Jehová Dios bendiga a esta cantante además su madre goza de ese privilegio ser la mujer que a luz a Laura bretan hoy una adolescente con buen futuro músical de opera .
Ești o ființa specială cu un glas divin,Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze in viață și in cariera artistică - chiar dacă jurizarea a fost mizerabilă (ca tot ceea ce ține de uman),tu trebuie să-ți urmezi calea!FELICITĂRI!
Hands down, her vocal produce an emotion that many singers seek to achieve. She just has it . Pure and simple. Angelic.
Je ne me lasse pas de l'écouter. Tout ce qu'elle touche devient encore plus beau... Merci pour ce partage!
Это когда когда можно сказать - Божественно 🤷♀️🥰👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
she/s utterly splendid - tone, diction, power, depth, sensibility, lyricism, overpowering charm, SHEER BEAUTY
Dramatic too
Minunat copil a primit darul si harul de a canta Cerului si Omului. Daca Cerul o iubește si omul va trebui sa o iubească. Te iubesc Laura. Prin cantul tău trimiți multă energie benefică. Fii binecuvântată. voce cerească!
Domnul Isus să te binecuvânteze pe tine și intreaga ta famile,să îți binecuvânteze darul pe care ți la dat și să cânți doar spre slava Lui!
Foarte frumos! ❤🤗❤
Normal doar spre slava lui Isus si in orice limba.Nu melodii lumesti ca D-zeu nu vrea asta.Amestecaturile nu tin.Si lumea te trage jos in primul rand prin mandrie.
Oameni batrini stau si asculta o egoista,biserici intregi spre iad
don corbly
I am continually amazed how talented this young lady is! She has the finest soprano voice of any current classical artist. Thank God for bringing her to us.
Amazing that this beautiful prodigy could perform this song with such exceptional beauty.
The beauty of this song due to the talent and beauty of Laura's voice surpassed the beauty of this Israeli song! All in all: a fantastic effect! Bravo Laura!!!
לורה ברטאן - יוצא מן הכלל!!!!!! ללמוד שיר כל כך קשה בשפה כל כך קשה - לא יאמן. אני יושבת בבית עם דמעות. השיר הזה נחשב לשיר הכי הכי אחרי ההמנון של ישראל. נתת ביצוע מרגש מאוד. Laura Bretan - You are unbelievable. You sang so beautifuly. It is a very hard sond to sing and on top of all in a language that is not familiar. You made my eyes tear. I have no words!!!!!
לא יאמן
אני יושב פה בדמעות
I think Laura has the probably greatest voice for s girl of her age in the world
Sorry, but that is the weirdest language i ever saw. But looks cool a little.Just like some runics letters.
Ryukarin It’s Hebrew, the language of this song.
A W E S O M E! ! !
Te iubesc din toată INIMA, Laura Bretan ești balsam ptr orice suflet, fii binecuvântată împreună cu cei dragi ❤
Praise The Lord for this most joyous and majestic rending of How Great Thou Art and the high notes at the end by Laura and Ato are some of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard and the joy on Laura's face is straight from heaven. Hallelujah!
Wonderful and emotional for me, my blood and soul! My beloved City, my beloved People, my beloved Eretz Ysrael! Shalom from a brazilian jew!!!
This song has never sounded better. WOW! PERFECTION is so easy for Laura.
When God gives He just pours out without holding anything back...look at this beautiful singer who is stunningly beautiful with the most adorable voice!
She has the voice of an angel. I follow her videos, just incredible voice. Laura can make you cry with her beautiful voice!
As clear as wine, the wind is flying
Among the dreamy pines
As evening light is slowly dying
And a lonely bell still chimes,
So many songs, so many stories
The stony hills recall ...
Around her heart my city carries
A lonely ancient wall.
Yerushalaim all of gold
Yerushalaim, bronze and light
Within my heart I shall treasure
Your song and sight.
Alas, the dry wells and fountains,
Forgotten market-day
The sound of horn from Temple's mountain
No longer calls to pray,
The rocky caves at night are haunted
By sounds of long ago
When we were going to the Jordan
By way of Jericho.
Yerushalaim all of gold
Yerushalaim, bronze and light
Within my heart I shall treasure
Your song and sight.
But when I come to count your praises
And sing Hallel to you
With pretty rhymes I dare not crown you
As other poets do,
Upon my lips is always burning
Your name, so dear, so old:
If I forget Yerushalaim
Of bronze and light and gold ...
Yerushalaim all of gold
Yerushalaim, bronze and light
Within my heart I shall treasure
Your song and sight.
Back to the wells and to the fountains
Within the ancient walls
The sound of horn from Temple's mountain
Again so loudly calls,
From rocky caves, this very morning
A thousand suns will glow
And we shall go down to the Jordan
By way of Jericho.
Yerushalaim all of gold
Yerushalaim, bronze and light
Within my heart I shall treasure
Your song and sight.
Elm Lightworker thank you for the lyrics in English. Beautiful song, very hard to interpret correctly.
I keep playing this video because I love the music and Laura's interpretation.
Thank you, I was very moved, blessed. But only felt the emotion, not knowing the language. Hebrew is a beautiful language.
I love the voice of LAURA BRETAN, and this song !
WHAT A BLESSING to have such a voice, and to remain so humble & sweet as she does! Te iubesc, draga LAURA! ❤️🌹😇
DOAMNE AJUTA! encuentro otra palabra..Maravillosa Laura
The little girl from americas got talent has grown up,, She has refined her talent and now knows how to use her voice sometimes in powerful ways and other times soft and mellow. Will always be an incredible talent
jerry penny she win romania got talnet before going to agt
And in Germany " It´s Showtime! "
Bored4 EvEr Laura won Romania Got Talent MONTHS AFTER her auditions at AGT, not before.
And she is romanian!
Este româncă!
From Romania!❤
Felicitări, Laura!
Congratulations...make Romania proud,we love you!😘😘
Hi Guys. I can not help it, sorry. I would like to talk about the vocal technique of Laura. When she sings, the sounds come free from her, she does not press, she lets her flow and therefore she can spare her voice. For very high notes such as "Nessum Dorma", the last recording, she does not push the sound out, but puts it on top, so it sounds better and more stable. She sings liberated, you can tell by the fact that she can concentrate completely on the phrasing and in the crescendo she can sing without any effort. I admire her for that, because there are singers who are much older than her and they are not. And that is why you can observe with her that she sometimes can not understand how good she is and that is a divine gift!
I agree laura is phenomenal!
Well she has those ranges, it’s not necessarily all technique. If you find a soprano who doesn’t have those inborn high notes, they will sound “forced”
i wonder if she takes/took vocal lessons in the past??
Bianca Hotca yes, she had a personal coach in the states.
@@luceafarul579 Yea but an hour for a week Only ?
Mulțumim lui Dumnezeu a pus toate calitățile in tine
Felicitari Laura si parintilor! ❤️Iti doresc sa ne reprezinti tara, Romania, la Eurovision 2019 Succes!!!
Laura este perfecta pentru Eusovision in Israel. Sa nu uitam ca mama Laurei se numeste Rahela Bretan. Shalom
dan vision 👍 shalom
@@danvision5086 ea este perfectă, dar păcat că țara e condusa de prostie și nu sunt în stare sa o voteze. Dacă ar fi fost aleasă, România câștiga Eurovision'ul cu siguranță.
dan vision pacat ca ca nu sa calificat
@@iamsupermaaan 70% din voturi au fost pentru Laura ,pentru romani ea este adevarata castigatoare , pacat ca publicul nu a avut puterea sa-si trimita favorita.Pacat !
Laura IS a true Gift from God! Utterly Outstanding!!!
Hardly a single smile from the audience.......unbelievable performance from Laura.....we loved it anyway! Love from England xxx
You can tell the song was not performed in Israel, if it had been everyone would be singing along quietly, I think they are solemn out of respect, it's absolutely beautiful 🙂
Laura is perfect, and she has an angelic voice. She is
the Lord creation./ God bless you!
Heavenly voice with out any doubt !
De toute beauté....Bravo Laura Bretan votre voix et le chant est chavirant
Listening to Laura is so soothing, Sitting with my eyes closed and listening and absorbing her perfect notes and presentation of the song
laura bretan es la mejor soprano en la actualidad aparte de ser una joven muy carismaticay hermosa.
Jerusalém,Jerusalém tu és de bronze ouro e luz ......😭 lindo LOUVOR escuto desde da minha infância. 😌😌😌
Your too Pure and Inocent Laura Your incredible
שלום אדונאי
Grazie mille per questa bellissima voce e canzone.