I'm not a Muslim but since the first time I listened to Mufti Menk it became a habit.. Have listened 95% of his lectures and if this what Islam is, I want to one day say LailahaillaAllah. May Allah bless you.
say it ASAP ...you don't know if your going to breathe your next breathe..my brother..May Allah give you the wealth of Islam as MUSLIMS we awaite you for welcoming to Islam ..👍👊
I converted to Islam on 2020 January and Alhamdulillah my life has changed alot from a miserable one to a good life May SAW continue blessings me. Mufti Menk has been my mentor all through.
I want to become a Muslim and this video, I found it exactly when I needed to hear this! I'm so happy, this video gave me strength and hope to keep working with stopping my bad habits. Mufti Menk is amazing! I wish everyone who is struggling with bad habits/addiction the strength to quit. Sending you all ❤ love. I hope you all succeed InshAllah 🙏🏼
Six ways to earn even after death 1. Give someone a copy of Qur'an, every time they read it you earn 2. donate a wheelchair to a hospital, every time someone sick sits in it you gain 3. participate in building a masjid 4. place a watercooler in a public space 5. plant a tree, every time a human or animal sits in its shade you gain 6. and the easiest, share this message with others. whenever someone reads it, you gain. May Allah help everyone
If you really want to accept Islam and it makes you sence let's take shahada where you will found more teaching and practice of Jesus's teaching as we Muslim believe and respect Jesus peace be upon him as a messenger of Allah
You can always say the shahada, it is never too late. If you have the smallest hint of eman in your heart and make sincere repentance, Allah will guide you to the right path. Study and learn about Islam, read and understand the Quran and learn about Prophet Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him. It will give you peace and true serenity. May Allah grant us all mercy and forgive our sins🤲
I was converted in Islam May9,2022 I realize a lot of thing and I feel in my heart I want to embrace Islam, then I Talk the daughter of my boss that I want to be a Muslim, madam call me and I reciet SHAHADA infront of madam and after she was cried she's very happy, before I played online casino and online cockfighting even I'm here in Saudi Arabia,that's a bad habitual, after shahada I stop all that bad habits, alhamdullilah now im learning salah, Allahu Akbar☝️
@@abubakarrkamara6113 قضاوت با شما : آیا در ادیان آسمانی دین را خداوند ج برای هدایت بشر نازل میکند؟ یا اینکه نه مردم میتواند دین و مذهبی را برای خود خلق کند و یا اختیار کند؟ که حتما" میگویید نه خود خداوند ج است که حاضر وآیندهء جهان را میداند و دین را برای هدایت بشر نازل میکند. حتی پیامبران خدا بدون امر و دستور خداوند ج در امور دین چیزی از خود نه گفته و نه ساخته اند. و ما ينطق عن الهـوى (3) ان هـو الا وحـى يـوحـى (4) "نجم" .3 - و هرگز از روى هواى نفس سخن نمى گويد. .4 - آنچه مى گويد به جز وحيى كه به وى مى شود نمى باشد. بعد از اینکه الله متعال از رسولش دعوت بازگشت بسوی خود کرد, و رسولش هم لبیک گفت, آیا خداوند ج در مورد آیندهء آخرین دین آسمانی اش هیچ هدایت, امر و دستوری نداد که بعد از رسولش مردم امور دین و دنیای خودرا از کی بگیرند؟ جواب, بلی دستور داد, يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ وَإِن لَّمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ ۚ وَاللَّـهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ اى پيامبر، آنچه را از جانب پروردگارت به تو نازل شده، ابلاغ كن؛ و اگر نكنى رسالتش را به انجام نرساندهاى. و خدا تو را از [گزند] مردم نگاه مىدارد. بی گمان، خدا گروه كافران را هدايت نمىكند. دعوت بازگشت و این دستور الله ج در حج الوداع بود, که پیامبر خدا ص در حجت الوداع یا (خم الغدیر) مردم را دعوت کرد و به مردم گفت ای مردم من از نزد شما میروم ولی نزد شما دو چیز گران بها را میگذارم : "قرآن, و معلم قرآن", همه میدانیم قرآن و سنت, معلم میخواهد, این دستور از جانب خدواند ج بود و توسط رسول گرامی اش به مردم ابلاغ و اتمام حجت شد, و تمام مردم حاضر در آن اجتماع بزرگ, همه به آن امر بیعت دادند, ولی بعد, در اولین ساعات رحلت عدهء بجای شرکت در مراسم عزای بزرگ و دفن و کفن رسول الله ص در "سقیفه بنی ساعده" رفتند و خلاف ابلاغ حجت الوداع را کرند. ؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛ در امر خلافت یا وارث انبیاء, حدیث است: { وارث انبیاء در روی زمین اهل علم است } معروف است که میگویند: (بی علم نتوان خدا را شناخت) برای پیروی بعد از ختم مرتب ص آنچه از جانب الله و رسولش هدایت داده شد فقط حکم حجت الوداع یا (خم الغدیر) است. سقیفه..... که ساخت بشر است. مردمان سقیفه........, مطابق احادیث حتی سواد قرآنی هم نداشتند, ;;;;;;;; آیه: هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ زمر/9 آیا دانایان با نادانان مساویند؟ ؛؛ الحديث "العلماء ورثة الأنبياء" پس خلفا چطور؟: بيهقي در شعب الإيمان، قرطبي در تفسير خود، ابن عساكر در تاريخ مدينه دمشق، ذهبي در تاريخ الإسلام، سيوطي در تنوير الحوالك و الدر المنثور، زرقاني در شرح خود بر موطأ مالك، كتاني در نظام الحكومة و ... نوشته اند: وَأَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الْحُسَيْنِ بْنُ الْفَضْلِ الْقَطَّانُ، ثنا أَبُو عَلِيٍّ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ الْحَسَنِ الصَّوَّافُ، ثنا بِشْرُ بْنُ مُوسَي أَبُو بِلالٍ الأَشْعَرِيُّ، ثنا مَالِكُ بْنُ أَنَسٍ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ، قَالَ: " تَعَلَّمَ عُمَرُ بْنُ الْخَطَّابِ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ الْبَقَرَةَ فِي اثْنَتَيْ عَشْرَةَ سَنَةً، فَلَمَّا أَتَمَّهَا، نَحَرَ جَزُورًا " از عبد الله بن عمر نقل شده است كه گفت: عمر بن خطاب، دوازده سال طول كشيد تا سوره بقره را ياد بگيرد، وقتي تمام كرد، شتري را ذبح نمود. البيهقي، أحمد بن الحسين بن علي بن موسي ابوبكر (متوفاي458هـ)، شعب الإيمان، ج2، ص1954، تحقيق: محمد السعيد بسيوني زغلول، ناشر: دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1410هـ؛ الأنصاري القرطبي، ابوعبد الله محمد بن أحمد (متوفاي671هـ)، الجامع لأحكام القرآن، ج1، ص40، ناشر: دار الشعب - القاهرة؛ ابن عساكر الدمشقي الشافعي، أبي القاسم علي بن الحسن إبن هبة الله بن عبد الله،(متوفاي571هـ)، تاريخ مدينة دمشق وذكر فضلها وتسمية من حلها من الأماثل، ج44، ص286، تحقيق: محب الدين أبي سعيد عمر بن غرامة العمري، ناشر: دار الفكر - بيروت - 1995؛ الذهبي الشافعي، شمس الدين ابوعبد الله محمد بن أحمد بن عثمان (متوفاي 748 هـ)، تاريخ الإسلام ووفيات المشاهير والأعلام، ج3، ص267، تحقيق د. عمر عبد السلام تدمري، ناشر: دار الكتاب العربي - لبنان/ بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1407هـ - 1987م؛ السيوطي، جلال الدين أبو الفضل عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر (متوفاي911هـ)، تنوير الحوالك شرح موطأ مالك، ج1، ص162، ناشر: المكتبة التجارية الكبري ـ مصر، 1389هـ ـ 1969م؛ السيوطي، جلال الدين أبو الفضل عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر (متوفاي911هـ)، الدر المنثور، ج1، ص54، ناشر: دار الفكر - بيروت - 1993؛ الزرقاني، محمد بن عبد الباقي بن يوسف (متوفاي1122هـ) شرح الزرقاني علي موطأ الإمام مالك، ج2، ص27، ناشر: دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1411هـ؛ الكتاني، عبد الحي بن عبد الكبير (متوفاي1383هـ)، نظام الحكومة النبوية المسمي التراتيب الإدراية، ج2، ص280، ناشر: دار الكتاب العربي - بيروت.!!
This is exactly what I needed. I was in tears when he mentioned kids calling him old man, I realised how fast life is going because kids call me uncle and I I'm 23 yrs old. We all should keep trying harder and harder to stay on the right path. Jazakallah khair for this life altering khutbah.
When I was a kid, I used to think that my Quran teacher hated me. He was very strict and He used to correct me often but when I was doing good, he used to let me finish, now I am older , I remember that there was a little smile appearing on his face when I was doing well. As a child, I took it wrong, personal. But now I think he might have actually enjoyed me reading the holy words Allah. I do regret not being consistent with it. I have forgotten many surah's. But I am trying to rebuild my life to make sure Allah is pleased with me.
This advice might help my brothers who struggle with pornography or masturbation. Whenever you get the strong feeling that you need to do it, or whenever you feel like you can't do anything and you're too annoyed or irritated or feel so out of it, do this simple thing: Make wudu', pray 2 raka'at and pray and ask Allah to help you and heal you from this disease If you are too weak to do this yet, you can do pushups or sit ups or jump or run, any physical activity. Thank Allah NOW and me later :)) Inshallah Allah will help us and clean us completely off of this dirt :D
When I was in 5th grade there was boy in my class and he used to read Quran in a BEAUTIFUL voice, everytime the teacher asks him to read Quran I always class my eyes, relax and just listen to his voice it used to calm and relax me every single time
Watch a Christian video and their not teaching people how to be better people. It's more and more about sowing divisions like politics. He's actually teaching how to be better.
I am not a Muslim, but I was inspired by this video so much! Thank you so much, Dr. Mufti Menk!! May Allah empower you more!!! New subscriber here from the Philippines!!!
May Allah guide you sister. Its been a month since I became a Muslim and its really amazing. By just listening to the hadith and fulfilling my prayer builds my iman n brings soo much satisfaction and joy in my heart
This is one of the best lecture's I've heard in a long time. I've asked my son to listen to it because nobody could say it better to a teenager. Thank you
I am already a Muslim but I didn't know much about my religion beside few main pillars like Salah and Ramadan and Hajj. I am blessed by Allah to know about my religion and about sunnah from this mufti. Thanks Allah. I am addicted to his vedios..
My best trick after asking for guidance and making myself aware of the problem, when ever you have the thought of doing or thinking of doing the bad habit say astagfirullah 3 times and spit air on the left side and if you want you can do it to both sides 3 times each. Wallahi I stand by this and it works together with doing more and more good deeds each day. Inshallah may Allah make it easy. This is what Muhammad SAW said you should do when you get distracted during Salah. I use it for everything.
Please if you convert to Islam it would be better Allah will forgive you for all the bad things you done and it will turn all too good things Christianity is not the truth islam is the truth Christianity yeah they eat pork it’s haram and they are drinking alcohol it’s haram and also getting girlfriends is haram cuz Allah said it’s haram you have to listen to your creator but the things is Christianity is a pagan religion Christmas is a pagen holiday as so as Halloween it’s created by the shaytan if you are Christianity you believe that Jesus died and Jesus is the son of god but Allah doesn’t have a son Allah doesn’t need no one no prophets no angels nothing we need him cuz he is the true creator of true happiness don’t follow what Christians do follow what Islam does cuz Islam is the truth Allah will forgive you and you have to pray 5 times a day don’t forget to read the Quran and your guided
And in our religion in islam we give in charity to the poor people we smile in the face of brothers and sisters you can get rewarded for that but it’s not easy to go jannah it’s hard if you wanna make it to jannah then pray do what Allah tells you to do
And some Christians like to mock islam which is not good well allah will mock back at the people that mock islam allah doesn’t like disbelievers allah likes the people who believe in him and that’s islam
Mashallah truly beautiful and inspiring took my shahadah just over 6 weeks ago since then stopped smoking tobacco (75gr a week) and weed (qtr - half ounce a week) all thing are possible when you have Allah SWT on your side Alhamdulillah and those where bad habits of 40 yrs
Mufti Menk is the best. I’m the leader of a new religion called True Religion. It’s a mixture of Islam and Christianity. Every time I listen to him and my favorite Christian Pastor Lonnie Johns amazing things happen in my life.
Brother Mufti...Your teachings are amazing....I'm not a Muslim but I hear and apprehend your teachings so well...Keep doing what you are doing....You are saving a lot lives out here!!!!💯✊🏾
The more i listen to you the more my faith towards your preaching increases.... I find peace and calmness .... Thanks for all the beautiful words of healing ...
Please pray for my mum she has a surgery. May Allah give everyone’s parents a long life with health Ameen. JazakaAllah for all your duas May Allah give you all happiness
The way mufti menk delivered his lacture is just exceptional, his lacture is not just for Muslims anyone can watch his lacture for motivation & for knowledge, he is the most knowledgeable person 😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️💯🤗
It has always been difficult to change from my bad habits which I know very well are bad.Thanks for this message Mufti my mentor because it has given me a great strength to do away with those habits
MarshAllah...I feel like Mufti Menk is speaking to me directly because I am determine to leave all my bad habits and friends behind and start living a happier lifestyle. MarshAllah make Allah continue to bless you Mufti Menk.
Yes ! I am addicted too! Great addition ! May Allah reward our brother Ismael Menk! May Allah reward us who are watching his videos and May Allah helps apply all these good deeds in our lives and increase our Imaan ! Asalamualeikum to all of you and Jummah Mubarak !
We miss Islamic scholars like you in India who can convey the message of Islam in the most appropriate way. I truly admire your role in conveying us Islam, the right way. May Allah give us Hidayah. Aamin
Sir, whenever I listen up to you I start feeling deep down to my guilts and faults that I have committed yesterday and ask for my forgiveness 🙏 to the almighty, I don't know whether you are reading this comment right now or not but I hope that whenever you read it by accidentally it may put a smile on your face🙏
My Home Attendant suggested that I listen to him and I have learned alot about Islam and being constant with my decision on being a Grateful Muslimah. Thank you for being a part of my life.
Divination at its best. Easily the best person to listen to i.e Mufti Menk ,in times of need, happiness, anxiety, health or grief you always uplift my spirit🙏
Algamdullilah I work in a factory after losing my office job. Was very unhappy at first but realised that Allah SWT granted me this job bcz I can work with ear phones in, an I download all the audio versions of Mufti Menk as well as Yaqeen institute. This is renewing my desire to learn my Deen agn Algamdullilah. Now I enjoy my quiet time listening to the life of our beloved prophet Muhammad PBUH an all the lectures I can get. Algamdullilah
May Allah grant you Jannatul firdaus Mufti you completely encourage a lot of us to perfect ourselves for the sake of Allah.... I hope we meet in jannah mufti 🙏🏻
Since 1 year i was thinking about converting to islam, now after i watched the video i am 100 pro Sure about it. I know that it will change my life completly and thats what i need. I always wanted to help people, thats what i want to do for a living and after i watched the video i know that my Dreams will become true! I also bought myself the quoran it will be shipped by thursday and i cannot wait until it arrives!❤
Recently I've had this pull and great interest in Islamic teachings. I grew up religious and fell away. But I've had this pull and happy feeling about learning and wanting to know about Islam.
best lecture to fall upon. Accidentally left this on auto play. And now i am going to change my routine and therfore my self. Up before the sun tomorrow Inshallah
Such a unbelievably, beautiful language. Once I went to a ramadam festival and when it finished on the exact hour it rained so lightly it gave me the most loving feeling..Hardtimes for me in those days but I will never forget that.
May Allah subhanahu bless you, give you the ability to stay steadfast in your prayers and to guide you and forgive you when you do fall and forget🤲Ameen and May Allah bless and grant us Grace to stay steadfast in faith 🤲
Telling the truth, this khutbah delivered me a realization of how we should lead our lives as muslims. I really enjoyed, May Allah grant us all Jannat ul Firdavs and guide us to the right path.
I love mufti menk you always give me motivation to do stuff that I’m supposed to do may Allah grant you jannah and all of our Muslim brothers and sisters ❤️
Assalamualaikum I really love Mufti Menk's dawa because whenever I get a chance to see his videos I learn something new . I pray that Allah bless him with a long life so that I can learn more from his useful advice . Amiin
Man every-time I watch you I feel so much good and better because I’m a sinner like all of us and you actually help me, may Allah send you blessings, Mahsallah man 🙏
I'm a hindu ...on namah shivay , subhanallah ,halliluah ,mufti sahab .... Almighty is the alternative as u told ...I'm a drunk ...but I see almighty is calling me to his side 🥺....let almighty bless you ,me and more people like me ❤️
Listen from 25:20 til 25:30 this men makes from weed "tajweed".. just excellent mind. Way of bringing words to action. somthing practical like learning tajweed. May allah bless and proteced you and us en the rest of the moslimeen and mumineen.
I impressed of your teachings in the last two weeks............. this is a clear message for both Christians and Muslims ............ Please keep it up always and may Allah Most Merciful protect you and give u more wisdom to teach his words to the rest of the world
I am a muslim, I sin at times but I want to fulfill my obligations during this holy month. I pray that I give up mybad habits to become a better muslim. In shaa Allah
Dr Mufti you are a true servant of Allah, I love the way you keep on using yourself as an example, " me included " this is so encouraging. Some preachers think they are so holy that they can't sin.
@@truthboom no it wont Allah never said that And Allah never that we will never die if he blesses us Instead it helps become better in this deen And dont ever say that a blessing is small, because i dont and even YOU dont know its size. So shut ur trap
Thank you very much for this insightful lessons. I love your conscience, clarity, knowledge, honesty and truthfulness. I've been constantly watching your videos since 2014 and I'm still watching you, learnt a lot and making positive change in my personal and professional life. You are the gem Sir, great Islamic scholar, my ideal personality. Inshallah I'll meet you one day. ❤️ - Samir Sayyad, from India
Allah would never do that. your religion dulls the human mind. I don't want to be that guy who doesn't care about the world and not doing anything about it
Allah guide us and give those peoples that connect us to our islam more and I wish who read this who get rid of there difficulties as soon as possible. Turn to Allah before It’s too late
I'm not a Muslim but since the first time I listened to Mufti Menk it became a habit.. Have listened 95% of his lectures and if this what Islam is, I want to one day say LailahaillaAllah. May Allah bless you.
U just said it 😭
@@aliman1818 Subhanallah 🙏
welcome brother
Mashalllah ❤️
say it ASAP ...you don't know if your going to breathe your next breathe..my brother..May Allah give you the wealth of Islam as MUSLIMS we awaite you for welcoming to Islam ..👍👊
I am becoming a Muslim by the end of today. And for some strange reason I am super proud to say that.
Masha’allah ♥️ I hope you are proud of yourself x
Manshallah welcome
May Allah give you everything you ask for, Ameen
You should & deserve to be proud, Brother!!! Islam is beautiful. May Allah bless you with good in your journey
Masha'Allah, welcome brother!
I converted to Islam on 2020 January and Alhamdulillah my life has changed alot from a miserable one to a good life May SAW continue blessings me. Mufti Menk has been my mentor all through.
Aameen summa Aamee
Very luck one in 7 billion
I’m not Muslim but I’m thinking of converting, it speaks to my heart!
Have you converted yet?
Go to your local mosque brother
@@Rudie88 ha ha 😊
I want to become a Muslim and this video, I found it exactly when I needed to hear this!
I'm so happy, this video gave me strength and hope to keep working with stopping my bad habits.
Mufti Menk is amazing!
I wish everyone who is struggling with bad habits/addiction the strength to quit.
Sending you all ❤ love.
I hope you all succeed InshAllah 🙏🏼
Did u converted???
My Allah give you the strength and courage to revert! May he make it easy for you 🤲♥️
insa allah
inshaallah ... hope you are now
For a non Muslim this is better than a motivational video. Full of divine purpose, conviction and discipline fueling. God bless
may you always have the mercy of the divine
Jzk Sheihk!
I’m Muslim Alhamdulilah and sometimes I find myself listening to Christian motivational speeches. It’s all about being a better human being.
@@marymesk577 the same way
Ngl motivational vids be like: *when I was 5 I was 5 turning 6 *
Six ways to earn even after death
1. Give someone a copy of Qur'an, every time they read it you earn
2. donate a wheelchair to a hospital, every time someone sick sits in it you gain
3. participate in building a masjid
4. place a watercooler in a public space
5. plant a tree, every time a human or animal sits in its shade you gain
6. and the easiest, share this message with others. whenever someone reads it, you gain. May Allah help everyone
That is truthfully and beautifully said. Alhamdulillah
I am a Christian but the time I listen to Mufti Menk it really touches my heart that I would like to be a mislim
If you really want to accept Islam and it makes you sence let's take shahada where you will found more teaching and practice of Jesus's teaching as we Muslim believe and respect Jesus peace be upon him as a messenger of Allah
In sha allah, ♥️♥️♥️
You can always say the shahada, it is never too late. If you have the smallest hint of eman in your heart and make sincere repentance, Allah will guide you to the right path. Study and learn about Islam, read and understand the Quran and learn about Prophet Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him. It will give you peace and true serenity. May Allah grant us all mercy and forgive our sins🤲
I was converted in Islam May9,2022
I realize a lot of thing and I feel in my heart I want to embrace Islam, then I Talk the daughter of my boss that I want to be a Muslim, madam call me and I reciet SHAHADA infront of madam and after she was cried she's very happy, before I played online casino and online cockfighting even I'm here in Saudi Arabia,that's a bad habitual, after shahada I stop all that bad habits, alhamdullilah now im learning salah, Allahu Akbar☝️
Mashallah aleiki sis May Allah give u strength to excelle deep in Islam and easen all your and our burden as Muslims
I love this man..he’s become part of my morning devotion. Muslim or non Muslim, a message with the truth will always touch your heart
R u an Indian?
*The ETERNAL GOD would do anything for you!! Even out of love for you he went to the cross as a human!!* Philippians 2:5-8
The 30 minutes passed so quickly, SubhanAllah, I can never get tired of listening to this man❤
yes true
@@abubakarrkamara6113 قضاوت با شما :
آیا در ادیان آسمانی دین را خداوند ج برای هدایت بشر نازل میکند؟ یا اینکه نه مردم میتواند دین و مذهبی را برای خود خلق کند و یا اختیار کند؟ که حتما" میگویید نه خود خداوند ج است که حاضر وآیندهء جهان را میداند و دین را برای هدایت بشر نازل میکند. حتی پیامبران خدا بدون امر و دستور خداوند ج در امور دین چیزی از خود نه گفته و نه ساخته اند.
و ما ينطق عن الهـوى (3)
ان هـو الا وحـى يـوحـى (4) "نجم"
.3 - و هرگز از روى هواى نفس سخن نمى گويد.
.4 - آنچه مى گويد به جز وحيى كه به وى مى شود نمى باشد.
بعد از اینکه الله متعال از رسولش دعوت بازگشت بسوی خود کرد, و رسولش هم لبیک گفت, آیا خداوند ج در مورد آیندهء آخرین دین آسمانی اش هیچ هدایت, امر و دستوری نداد که بعد از رسولش مردم امور دین و دنیای خودرا از کی بگیرند؟ جواب, بلی دستور داد,
يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ وَإِن لَّمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ ۚ وَاللَّـهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ
اى پيامبر، آنچه را از جانب پروردگارت به تو نازل شده، ابلاغ كن؛ و اگر نكنى رسالتش را به انجام نرساندهاى. و خدا تو را از [گزند] مردم نگاه مىدارد. بی گمان، خدا گروه كافران را هدايت نمىكند.
دعوت بازگشت و این دستور الله ج در حج الوداع بود, که پیامبر خدا ص در حجت الوداع یا (خم الغدیر) مردم را دعوت کرد و به مردم گفت ای مردم من از نزد شما میروم ولی نزد شما دو چیز گران بها را میگذارم : "قرآن, و معلم قرآن", همه میدانیم قرآن و سنت, معلم میخواهد,
این دستور از جانب خدواند ج بود و توسط رسول گرامی اش به مردم ابلاغ و اتمام حجت شد, و تمام مردم حاضر در آن اجتماع بزرگ, همه به آن امر بیعت دادند,
ولی بعد, در اولین ساعات رحلت عدهء بجای شرکت در مراسم عزای بزرگ و دفن و کفن رسول الله ص در "سقیفه بنی ساعده" رفتند و خلاف ابلاغ حجت الوداع را کرند.
در امر خلافت یا وارث انبیاء, حدیث است:
{ وارث انبیاء در روی زمین اهل علم است }
معروف است که میگویند: (بی علم نتوان خدا را شناخت)
برای پیروی بعد از ختم مرتب ص آنچه از جانب الله و رسولش هدایت داده شد فقط حکم حجت الوداع یا (خم الغدیر) است. سقیفه..... که ساخت بشر است.
مردمان سقیفه........, مطابق احادیث حتی سواد قرآنی هم نداشتند,
آیه: هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ زمر/9
آیا دانایان با نادانان مساویند؟
الحديث "العلماء ورثة الأنبياء"
پس خلفا چطور؟:
بيهقي در شعب الإيمان، قرطبي در تفسير خود، ابن عساكر در تاريخ مدينه دمشق، ذهبي در تاريخ الإسلام، سيوطي در تنوير الحوالك و الدر المنثور، زرقاني در شرح خود بر موطأ مالك، كتاني در نظام الحكومة و ... نوشته اند:
وَأَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الْحُسَيْنِ بْنُ الْفَضْلِ الْقَطَّانُ، ثنا أَبُو عَلِيٍّ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ الْحَسَنِ الصَّوَّافُ، ثنا بِشْرُ بْنُ مُوسَي أَبُو بِلالٍ الأَشْعَرِيُّ، ثنا مَالِكُ بْنُ أَنَسٍ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ، قَالَ: " تَعَلَّمَ عُمَرُ بْنُ الْخَطَّابِ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ الْبَقَرَةَ فِي اثْنَتَيْ عَشْرَةَ سَنَةً، فَلَمَّا أَتَمَّهَا، نَحَرَ جَزُورًا "
از عبد الله بن عمر نقل شده است كه گفت: عمر بن خطاب، دوازده سال طول كشيد تا سوره بقره را ياد بگيرد، وقتي تمام كرد، شتري را ذبح نمود.
البيهقي، أحمد بن الحسين بن علي بن موسي ابوبكر (متوفاي458هـ)، شعب الإيمان، ج2، ص1954، تحقيق: محمد السعيد بسيوني زغلول، ناشر: دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1410هـ؛
الأنصاري القرطبي، ابوعبد الله محمد بن أحمد (متوفاي671هـ)، الجامع لأحكام القرآن، ج1، ص40، ناشر: دار الشعب - القاهرة؛
ابن عساكر الدمشقي الشافعي، أبي القاسم علي بن الحسن إبن هبة الله بن عبد الله،(متوفاي571هـ)، تاريخ مدينة دمشق وذكر فضلها وتسمية من حلها من الأماثل، ج44، ص286، تحقيق: محب الدين أبي سعيد عمر بن غرامة العمري، ناشر: دار الفكر - بيروت - 1995؛
الذهبي الشافعي، شمس الدين ابوعبد الله محمد بن أحمد بن عثمان (متوفاي 748 هـ)، تاريخ الإسلام ووفيات المشاهير والأعلام، ج3، ص267، تحقيق د. عمر عبد السلام تدمري، ناشر: دار الكتاب العربي - لبنان/ بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1407هـ - 1987م؛
السيوطي، جلال الدين أبو الفضل عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر (متوفاي911هـ)، تنوير الحوالك شرح موطأ مالك، ج1، ص162، ناشر: المكتبة التجارية الكبري ـ مصر، 1389هـ ـ 1969م؛
السيوطي، جلال الدين أبو الفضل عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر (متوفاي911هـ)، الدر المنثور، ج1، ص54، ناشر: دار الفكر - بيروت - 1993؛
الزرقاني، محمد بن عبد الباقي بن يوسف (متوفاي1122هـ) شرح الزرقاني علي موطأ الإمام مالك، ج2، ص27، ناشر: دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1411هـ؛
الكتاني، عبد الحي بن عبد الكبير (متوفاي1383هـ)، نظام الحكومة النبوية المسمي التراتيب الإدراية، ج2، ص280، ناشر: دار الكتاب العربي - بيروت.!!
so true
usually 30 min videos are so long to watch
"Lover is with beloved." - Mohammad Prophet (S.A.V.)
This is exactly what I needed. I was in tears when he mentioned kids calling him old man, I realised how fast life is going because kids call me uncle and I I'm 23 yrs old. We all should keep trying harder and harder to stay on the right path. Jazakallah khair for this life altering khutbah.
Where are this mosque situated? Please say me
You have to be proud bro your young and you make your own tree fammilly say Alhamdoulillah for that and the good things you still younger
She said stop SWT to call sheas even sss
@@ummsalma7615 ?????
23 is a young age.
I’m not a Muslim and would love to learn more about Islam. This is such a beautiful message.
I would love to learn more about Islam from mufti menk sir. His sweet words
@@kalimsheik5520you can actually check videos on explanation on it or you download and english Quran then you read and learn
This is a fake account. Check it out
*Ya Allah, grant us the strength and protection to overcome difficulties. Alhamdulillah for the blessings of faith*
When I was a kid, I used to think that my Quran teacher hated me. He was very strict and He used to correct me often but when I was doing good, he used to let me finish, now I am older , I remember that there was a little smile appearing on his face when I was doing well. As a child, I took it wrong, personal. But now I think he might have actually enjoyed me reading the holy words Allah. I do regret not being consistent with it. I have forgotten many surah's. But I am trying to rebuild my life to make sure Allah is pleased with me.
Mashallah. May allah help you
Dont worry about it go pray salah everyday and have faith in allah
How to save young age . Aye zeena, watching blue film and scene whatever
Allah doesn't care about you. Your life value amounts to helping the nearby districts. Animals life value is the same as yours
You should change your name into 'the King of trolls! That fits you a lot better!
This advice might help my brothers who struggle with pornography or masturbation.
Whenever you get the strong feeling that you need to do it, or whenever you feel like you can't do anything and you're too annoyed or irritated or feel so out of it, do this simple thing:
Make wudu', pray 2 raka'at and pray and ask Allah to help you and heal you from this disease
If you are too weak to do this yet, you can do pushups or sit ups or jump or run, any physical activity.
Thank Allah NOW and me later :))
Inshallah Allah will help us and clean us completely off of this dirt :D
1.Alxamdulilaah 2.Thank you brother
Help alot
May Allah guide whole India on straight path!
Salam ma'am did anything bad happened in India. I am Indian.
@@Its___archit17 wake up and see what is happening in India
I'm also from India
Masha Allah
When I was in 5th grade there was boy in my class and he used to read Quran in a BEAUTIFUL voice, everytime the teacher asks him to read Quran I always class my eyes, relax and just listen to his voice it used to calm and relax me every single time
I am a Cristian but when I hear his speech it's nice and very useful for everyone specially now we are facing pandemic Allah bless us
Do You mind if I share a brief overview of Islam? My friend
Watch a Christian video and their not teaching people how to be better people. It's more and more about sowing divisions like politics. He's actually teaching how to be better.
I'm really encouraged by your teachings, I hope for that day when I become a full Muslim ☪️ May Allah help me. 🙏
amine ! may Allah help you
Ameen inshaAllah brother are you muslim now!?
Uche, bro i can assist you if you don’t mind… I could share you some videos to learn more about it… May God make it easy for you on your quest
I am not a Muslim, but I was inspired by this video so much! Thank you so much, Dr. Mufti Menk!! May Allah empower you more!!! New subscriber here from the Philippines!!!
And you won’t regret subscribing.
WATCH dr zakir NAIK debates too
Wow so amazing
May Allah reward u too
May Allah also empower you to the faith IN SHA ALLAH read the Quran my dear brother and you will IN SHA ALLAH become Muslim
mufti menk saheb todays khutba is life changing experience...i cried n u talked everything i wanted to b guided
Mashallah 💕
Where are this mosque situated?
Masjidul Quds in Rylands Cape Town
Assalamualikum sir....i regularly follow ur bayan. .. This was truly life converting....may Allah swt..jeep us away from bad habbits..
@@parveenmursal3321 aameen
I’m Baptist and this is my 4th “sermon” I’ve hear in 2 days . He is amazing! 🙏🏽
May Almighty Allah guide you sister, indeed he sent all the Prophets including Jesus Christ (pbuh)
keep listening as I grew up Baptist, then Pentecostal before converting to Islam...
What is Baptist??
May Allah guide you sister. Its been a month since I became a Muslim and its really amazing. By just listening to the hadith and fulfilling my prayer builds my iman n brings soo much satisfaction and joy in my heart
I am muslim from Ethiopia ,very excited with your teaching every day.Masha,Allah !Allah bless you Mufti🤲
This is one of the best lecture's I've heard in a long time. I've asked my son to listen to it because nobody could say it better to a teenager. Thank you
I see why my mom is addicted to your speeches now, u made my day
How is she now
She is very good and pure person
I am on non-Muslim, but I am a human & therefore flawed. I really appreciate the wisdom! Very helpful, thank you & God bless you 🙏🏼
I feel really happy when non muslim brothers and sisters takes the effort to comment. 🤗 I pray that Allah guide you and bless you brother 💟
May Allah bless you with all goodness
Very nice comment!
May Allah help and guide you onto the right path 🤲♥
May Allah bless you and guide you to the right path
I am already a Muslim but I didn't know much about my religion beside few main pillars like Salah and Ramadan and Hajj. I am blessed by Allah to know about my religion and about sunnah from this mufti. Thanks Allah. I am addicted to his vedios..
Am still trying to quit a bad habit which is following me for more than 22 years.May Allah guide me and forgive me
My best trick after asking for guidance and making myself aware of the problem, when ever you have the thought of doing or thinking of doing the bad habit say astagfirullah 3 times and spit air on the left side and if you want you can do it to both sides 3 times each. Wallahi I stand by this and it works together with doing more and more good deeds each day. Inshallah may Allah make it easy. This is what Muhammad SAW said you should do when you get distracted during Salah. I use it for everything.
Jazzakallah bro it's so useful
To say auzubillah = I seek refuge from Allah
I'm christian and I know the truth when I hear it.This man speaks only truth.✨
Please if you convert to Islam it would be better Allah will forgive you for all the bad things you done and it will turn all too good things Christianity is not the truth islam is the truth Christianity yeah they eat pork it’s haram and they are drinking alcohol it’s haram and also getting girlfriends is haram cuz Allah said it’s haram you have to listen to your creator but the things is Christianity is a pagan religion Christmas is a pagen holiday as so as Halloween it’s created by the shaytan if you are Christianity you believe that Jesus died and Jesus is the son of god but Allah doesn’t have a son Allah doesn’t need no one no prophets no angels nothing we need him cuz he is the true creator of true happiness don’t follow what Christians do follow what Islam does cuz Islam is the truth Allah will forgive you and you have to pray 5 times a day don’t forget to read the Quran and your guided
And in our religion in islam we give in charity to the poor people we smile in the face of brothers and sisters you can get rewarded for that but it’s not easy to go jannah it’s hard if you wanna make it to jannah then pray do what Allah tells you to do
The disbeliever of allah will get punished if your a believer then pray and read the Quran everything will be right for you
And some Christians like to mock islam which is not good well allah will mock back at the people that mock islam allah doesn’t like disbelievers allah likes the people who believe in him and that’s islam
Welcome to Islam deen
I was so depressed after listening to you I’m Alhamdullilah calm now thank you so much
Yes me too.. verry depression even i think about our death im verry scared so much but I listen him
Mashallah truly beautiful and inspiring took my shahadah just over 6 weeks ago since then stopped smoking tobacco (75gr a week) and weed (qtr - half ounce a week) all thing are possible when you have Allah SWT on your side Alhamdulillah and those where bad habits of 40 yrs
Congratulations to you for able to deal with it masallah
Congratulations to you for able to deal with it masallah
@Tigerbear Monkeyman jazakallahu khairan brother
Mufti Menk is the best. I’m the leader of a new religion called True Religion. It’s a mixture of Islam and Christianity. Every time I listen to him and my favorite Christian Pastor Lonnie Johns amazing things happen in my life.
Brother Mufti...Your teachings are amazing....I'm not a Muslim but I hear and apprehend your teachings so well...Keep doing what you are doing....You are saving a lot lives out here!!!!💯✊🏾
Brother, read more about Islam. I am sure you will find interesting stuff.
And I pray that Allah guides you through him, and blesses you the gift of Islam
@@swaimahcerlyx5076 Thanks a lot...He will surely do👊..
The more i listen to you the more my faith towards your preaching increases.... I find peace and calmness .... Thanks for all the beautiful words of healing ...
Please pray for my mum she has a surgery. May Allah give everyone’s parents a long life with health Ameen.
JazakaAllah for all your duas May Allah give you all happiness
May Allah swt bless your mother good health! Don't worry just pray for her I will give sadaqah inshaallah!
🙏Aameen 🙏🙏🙏
May Allah grant your beautiful mother shufah and relief and back to good health ameen xx
Inchallah the surgery wil go well and your mother wil be healty and have a healty life with you ameen!
alhamdulillah,wallahi your teaching is removing every problem of this life, masha allah dr mufti
I am not a Muslim but I like to apply Islams theology to my life, and Mufti Menk helps me make sense of things. Thank you.
I welcome and encourage everyone to read and listen to the Holy Quran. Subhan Allah!
Yes indeed ! Mashallah
Do u think ahteist can be encouraged
@@fabuma Yes absolutely Subhan Allah.
Mashallah sir. Your lecture really gave me hope to leave behind my bad habit.
May Allah grant you long life. Ameen
Rather than hope, make it into strong will and never break it :)
@@ShinsekaiAcademy yes!!!!
Amen 👆🙏🙏
The way mufti menk delivered his lacture is just exceptional, his lacture is not just for Muslims anyone can watch his lacture for motivation & for knowledge,
he is the most knowledgeable person 😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️💯🤗
It's 'Lecture' ya sheikh🙏🏻
Thank you, it helps everyone
You come as a blessing
Alhamdolillah thankyou thankyou thankyou sir may Allah bless you and me and the whole umma of SAW..AAMEEN.
Wallahi , your speech -(qudbaah) is so true and convincing.
It has always been difficult to change from my bad habits which I know very well are bad.Thanks for this message Mufti my mentor because it has given me a great strength to do away with those habits
MarshAllah...I feel like Mufti Menk is speaking to me directly because I am determine to leave all my bad habits and friends behind and start living a happier lifestyle. MarshAllah make Allah continue to bless you Mufti Menk.
Since I started listening to u're message ,I have changed and am doing good .may Allah bless you
ya allah grant this man bessings for teaching us everything we didn't know about Islam
I am graced by your clarity. I am reading Quran… peace to my soul.
Ilov to liesing u my brther cose your hoof too fair my god that Allah good bless u🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Your videos are getting more and more addicting fr ngl
“Fr ngl” 😂
Yes ! I am addicted too! Great addition ! May Allah reward our brother Ismael Menk! May Allah reward us who are watching his videos and May Allah helps apply all these good deeds in our lives and increase our Imaan !
Asalamualeikum to all of you and Jummah Mubarak !
Yea for me too 😆
@Isatu Bah forreal not gonna lie
That's good because you are getting good deed while listening Islamic lessons
i love our mufti menk he states facts in the most sweetest ways.
The change the habit of weed to tajweed was what I needed to hear Allahuma Barik Mufti Menk.
Iam ready to make the Change ‼️
Man you Helping me So much with your teaching brother , I’m catholic but I like Quran idk why 😫
I too am Catholic, and I am drawn to Quran. This is the best 30 minutes watching this teaching that I've ever spent
We miss Islamic scholars like you in India who can convey the message of Islam in the most appropriate way. I truly admire your role in conveying us Islam, the right way. May Allah give us Hidayah. Aamin
Sir, whenever I listen up to you I start feeling deep down to my guilts and faults that I have committed yesterday and ask for my forgiveness 🙏 to the almighty, I don't know whether you are reading this comment right now or not but I hope that whenever you read it by accidentally it may put a smile on your face🙏
Will surely one day ; Inshallah
Allah says just turn to me and I will forgive oll your sins..
Get a copy of quran translation and start reading it
You are good and pure person
May ALLAH set Continue to Guide, Bless and Educate this Brother, Ameen.
My Home Attendant suggested that I listen to him and I have learned alot about Islam and being constant with my decision on being a Grateful Muslimah. Thank you for being a part of my life.
Divination at its best. Easily the best person to listen to i.e Mufti Menk ,in times of need, happiness, anxiety, health or grief you always uplift my spirit🙏
Algamdullilah I work in a factory after losing my office job. Was very unhappy at first but realised that Allah SWT granted me this job bcz I can work with ear phones in, an I download all the audio versions of Mufti Menk as well as Yaqeen institute. This is renewing my desire to learn my Deen agn Algamdullilah. Now I enjoy my quiet time listening to the life of our beloved prophet Muhammad PBUH an all the lectures I can get. Algamdullilah
May Allah grant you Jannatul firdaus Mufti you completely encourage a lot of us to perfect ourselves for the sake of Allah.... I hope we meet in jannah mufti 🙏🏻
you speak to my soul more than any pastor or any church ever has. I've never been religious but I believe I'm on the path to becoming a revert.
Since 1 year i was thinking about converting to islam, now after i watched the video i am 100 pro Sure about it. I know that it will change my life completly and thats what i need. I always wanted to help people, thats what i want to do for a living and after i watched the video i know that my Dreams will become true! I also bought myself the quoran it will be shipped by thursday and i cannot wait until it arrives!❤
Have you converted yet my friend?
Recently I've had this pull and great interest in Islamic teachings. I grew up religious and fell away. But I've had this pull and happy feeling about learning and wanting to know about Islam.
May Allah guide Us all to Seerat e Moustqeem Ameen
Forgive us all
Islam is the best deen
Ameen, Always listen quran
Ameen, we should learn and understand Islam properly ...I love all videos on your channel💕
May Allah forgive our sins and guide us to the straight path. Ameen! 🤲🏾
best lecture to fall upon. Accidentally left this on auto play. And now i am going to change my routine and therfore my self. Up before the sun tomorrow Inshallah
Such a unbelievably, beautiful language. Once I went to a ramadam festival and when it finished on the exact hour it rained so lightly it gave me the most loving feeling..Hardtimes for me in those days but I will never forget that.
Love to every Muslim from Bangladesh ❤️
Anyone wants to make dua that I do my 5x prayers, I would appreciate it.
May Allah subhanahu bless you, give you the ability to stay steadfast in your prayers and to guide you and forgive you when you do fall and forget🤲Ameen and May Allah bless and grant us Grace to stay steadfast in faith 🤲
I love everybody in this world good/evil. I will start praising everybody in this beautiful world
You don't to. Just praise your creator that is enough
Telling the truth, this khutbah delivered me a realization of how we should lead our lives as muslims. I really enjoyed, May Allah grant us all Jannat ul Firdavs and guide us to the right path.
May Allah protect you at all costs. Your reminders always soften the heart 🤍
اللهم ارحمني من كل المشاعر السلبية والبغضاء والغضب واجعلني انسانا طيبا
أنت إنسان طيب ، لأنك تسعى لذلك
I love mufti menk you always give me motivation to do stuff that I’m supposed to do may Allah grant you jannah and all of our Muslim brothers and sisters ❤️
May Allah reward with Jannah🤲, Mufti Menk. Indeed, you have changed my life and many more other lives.
Iam on my journey to gain knowledge of Islam & I find these videos inspiring & insightful
I quit a bad habit after 10 years I am so happy for my self Alhamdullalah
Allah guides those whom He loves. May Allah guide us in this world and make us successful in the world hereafter.
Aameen summa ameen
May Allah swt accept your duaa
🙏Aameen 🙏🙏🙏
Aamiin ya Rabb
🤲 may Allah grant us ease 🙏
Please keep reminding us about our bad language, I am still struggling with that, Thanks very much, sir
Assalamualaikum I really love Mufti Menk's dawa because whenever I get a chance to see his videos I learn something new . I pray that Allah bless him with a long life so that I can learn more from his useful advice . Amiin
I am so ENCOURAGED by Mufti Menk. Thank you so much.
I'm not Muslim, but I truly appreciate and grateful for this video.
This teaching is inspirational! Thank You!
My friend, Do You mind if I share a brief overview of Islam?
Man every-time I watch you I feel so much good and better because I’m a sinner like all of us and you actually help me, may Allah send you blessings, Mahsallah man 🙏
I'm a hindu ...on namah shivay , subhanallah ,halliluah ,mufti sahab .... Almighty is the alternative as u told ...I'm a drunk ...but I see almighty is calling me to his side 🥺....let almighty bless you ,me and more people like me ❤️
My friend, Do You mind if I share a brief overview of Islam?
@@rihanulkarim3997may Allah bless you as you are willing to assist the brother ❤
Listen from 25:20 til 25:30 this men makes from weed "tajweed".. just excellent mind. Way of bringing words to action. somthing practical like learning tajweed. May allah bless and proteced you and us en the rest of the moslimeen and mumineen.
Am a new Muslim and I love your guidance 🙏
I'm leaving my bad habits
May Allah forgive my past bad habits ( Ameen )
I impressed of your teachings in the last two weeks............. this is a clear message for both Christians and Muslims ............ Please keep it up always and may Allah Most Merciful protect you and give u more wisdom to teach his words to the rest of the world
Do You mind if I share a brief overview of Islam? My friend
I am a muslim, I sin at times but I want to fulfill my obligations during this holy month. I pray that I give up mybad habits to become a better muslim. In shaa Allah
InshaAllah Ameen
inshallah ameen
I reverted to Islam because of nice preaching of Mufti Menk
Dr Mufti you are a true servant of Allah, I love the way you keep on using yourself as an example, " me included " this is so encouraging. Some preachers think they are so holy that they can't sin.
Masha Allah. May Allah SWT bless everyone of us
A tiny blessing won't save you from the end of the world
@@truthboom no it wont
Allah never said that
And Allah never that we will never die if he blesses us
Instead it helps become better in this deen
And dont ever say that a blessing is small, because i dont and even YOU dont know its size.
So shut ur trap
Thank you very much for this insightful lessons. I love your conscience, clarity, knowledge, honesty and truthfulness. I've been constantly watching your videos since 2014 and I'm still watching you, learnt a lot and making positive change in my personal and professional life. You are the gem Sir, great Islamic scholar, my ideal personality. Inshallah I'll meet you one day. ❤️
- Samir Sayyad, from India
I enjoy these teaching.. You always say exactly what I'm going through at the time I pray to Allah God for help
You have changed my life sheikh with your teachings,God bless you
Alhamdulillah Sir , May Allah Help Us All To Stop Our Bad Habits.
May Allah Gift everyone with our beautiful religion. Aameen🤲🕋🤍☝
Allah would never do that. your religion dulls the human mind. I don't want to be that guy who doesn't care about the world and not doing anything about it
Allah guide us and give those peoples that connect us to our islam more and I wish who read this who get rid of there difficulties as soon as possible. Turn to Allah before It’s too late